To the vest but drumming. A lot of anticipation around who it will be. We are told that both have been invited to town for this announcement tonight and that only a handful of people here at the white house actually know who it is. Meeting with Cyber Security experts at the white house, President Trump teased tonights big announcement on the voursup court. Well be announcing a Supreme Court justice who i think everybody is going to be very, very impressed with. Reporter but washington is reacting to the firing of acting attorney general sally yates. Yates refused to defend mr. Trumps temporary travel ban and questioned whether restricting travel from majority muslim countries is legal. For the attorney general to turn around and say im not going to uphold this lawful executive order is clearly a dereliction of duty and she should have been removed and she was. Reporter democrats applaud yates for standing up to the president. She said she would and she i admire her. He needs to be able to say no to the president. I have no confidence that senator sessions will do that. Reporter democrats delayed action on sessions today. Republicans will try again tomorrow. The question is, is he qualified. We know that he will uphold and enforce all laws equally. Reporter Homeland Security today asked if the agency got a full briefing before the travel ban went into effect. Secretary kelly says he read two drafts. We knew it was coming. It wasnt a surprise. Reporter still coming from the white house tonight, President Trump expected to nominate one of these two appeals judges as the next justice on the u. S. Supreme court. Top democrats have been invited here along with republicans within the hour to meet the nominee. We know that some wont be here. Speaking ryan says he has a conflict but he will be here an hour later for the announcement. Top they are not coming because they think its inappropriate. Nbc news will offer a special report tonight at 8 00 when the president announces his Supreme Court nominee. After that we are shifting our prime time lineup. The wall will air at 9 00. This is us will air at 10 00 followed by news4 at 11 00. Our cameras were rolling on capitol hill as Police Arrested several protesters inside the Senate Office building. This afternoon demonstrators filled the halls to confront republican lawmakers about repealing the Affordable Care act. The senate had to postpone that vote when democrats staged a boycott. Virginias attorney general is the latest to sue the Trump Administration over the immigration order. About an hour ago mark herring laid out his case. He says the order violates hampers the ability of legal residents to leave and reenter the country. This is not an action i take lightly. But it is one that i take with confidence in our legal analysis and in the necessity of intervening to both protect the commonwealths own sovereign interests and vindicate its residents civil rights. The case will be heard in the Eastern District of virginia. On a local College Campus Muslim Students are speaking out against President Trumps immigration order, saying they feel tafrrgeted and afraid, thi as supporters say they see it as a way to protect americans. Bureau chief julie carey reports from George Mason University. Reporter Muslim Students at George Mason University joined by students of other fat Trump Administrations travel restriction policy and the halt to refugee admissions. Were going to be the generation that breaks walls and builds bridges. Reporter todays rally organized by students but on sunday night the universitys president weighed in with a letter sharply critical of the travel restriction policy. He writes, make no mistake, other nations with kpeticompeti systems of Higher Education alice butler short is an immigrant herself. She once lived in somalia, one of the seven countries targeted by the restrictions. I view it as President Trump keeping his promise to protect this country, to protect the people in this country. Muslims, buddhists, christians, whoever. Thats what he promised. Thats what he is doing. Somewhere. Reporter but for these muslim women at george mason the policy has produced fear. Theyre u. S. Citizens now but say the travel restriction wills prevent them from even considering a visit back to iraq. I just feel like going there would be a risk. What if i go there and a new decision comes in and im not going to be able to come back . Reporter the women say they are also heartened by the rallies that began at dozens of airports and now their campus. We thank everyone from the bottom of our heart. Now some new evidence that Republican Leaders were kept out of the loop as President Trump drafted that controversial order. Politico reports senior staffers in the hughes Judiciary Committee helped draft the order but they never committ committees chairman. President trumps transition. Operation forced its own staff to sign those agreements. But it would be unusual to extend that requirement to congressional employees. Nbc news has learned that Judiciary Committee chairman do goodlatte says his staffers volunteered to work on policies. He also said he was not aware of that immigration order. He did not specify whether his staff signed some of those nondisclosure agreements. The search for a suspect after a double shooting in bowe. Chopper 4 was over the scene. Now investigators are trying to figure out just what happened here and why. Jackie bensen is live at urbana place and church road. Reporter a search is for this brazen crime. Police were called here to the intersection of urbana lane and church road around 3 00 this afternoon. They found a disturbing scene. Two people who had been shot and an suv riddled with bullet holes. The victims are described by police as an adult and a juvenile. We believe thats a teenager. And their injuries are described thankfully as nonlife threatening. Right now it is not clear whether the shooting took place at this intersection or whether the victims may have driven some short distance after being shot. Busy annapolis road is not far away. But again a search under way in bowe after a brazen shooting just at the time school buses were getting out and many of them come up and down this street. Police are reviewing some Surveillance Footage to track down a killer. Someone shot and killed a young station with a history of violence. Pat collins is live on the scene. Whats happening there . Reporter chris, 25, 22, 20, the ages of the young men killed at this gas station. Its become a homicide hot spot. The penn forest bp on walters lane, the door leading to the inside store chained shut. Its an unusual way to do business. But then again, this is an unusual gas station. Murder is no stranger here. And yesterday it happened again, all captured by security cameras. The victim, a 20yearold man. They say it happened around 4 30 in the afternoon. Carrington daye came to the station, went into the store, got into some sort of argument. It had what took place next happened very quickly. We know there were words exchanged. Then the suspect pulls out a gun and starts firing. Our victim is shot dead inside the gas station. Our suspect escaped. Reporter two other young men have been gunned down at this gas station. In 201325yearold delante jackson. In 2015 it was 22yearold christopher elly. Both of those cases have been solved. Neighbors say this is a crime hot spot, a dangerous place to be. People sell drugs around here and kill, shoot, you know . Thats what happens. Reporter back to yesterdays murder, police say they dont have a name of the shooting suspect, but they have his picture. And thats a start. Doreen, back to you. Thank you, pat. Unexpected fallout. Executive orders could affect his new hotel in d. C. Reporter the first openly gay eagle scout talks about the role he played getting scouting to change its gender identity policy. The search for a bobcat that escaped the national zoo. Well tell you where ollie was spotted and why it kept some folks indoors. Temperatures into the 50s across the area, 56 degrees the l High Temperature in d. C. , 60 in richmond. Another century old policy broken by the boy scouts of america. In013 openly gay scouts were allowed to join the organization. Two years later, openly gay adult leaders were welcomed. And now a new move to allow transgender boys to join the boy scouts. News4s chris gordon has been following the developments and takes a look at what this means for the future of scouts. Reporter two years ago we brought you the story of the first openly gay eagle scout, pascal tessier. He says his older brother was also an eagle scout, but at the t sexuality a secret. I think it is an absolutelily amazing accomplishment that the boy scouts have concluded to include transgender members into the boy scouts. Reporter the boy scouts of america posted this announcement on their website, explaining the change. We accept ridegistration in r scouting programs based on the gender identity provides on an individuals application. Well also continue to work with families to find scouting units that are the best fit for their children. Reporter dylan is a former girl scout who quit, wanting to join the boy scouts instead. If you had the opportunity, would you join the boy scouts . Absolutely. Its a great thing they do. They help the environment. They do all of those eco friendly things. What theyre doing is helping the world as well. You know, just includeve thats all were looking for. Reporter the National Capital area council of the boy scouts of america tells me they see this gender identity policy change as an expansion of their mission, to serve all young people. In bethesda, chris gordon news4. President trump has made his first call to a gold star family. Over the weekend a navy seal was killed during a raid on an al qaeda camp in yemen. Chief petty officer ryan owens was killed in the fire fight. 14 militants and numerous civilians also died. One of those civilians is an 8yearold daughter of al qaeda leader leader. A passionate debate about donald trump is the British Government invited President Trump for a state visit. But the executive order that curbs travel for people from seven predominantly muslim countries has sparked protests in several british cities. More than a million and a half people have signed a petition asking them to rescind or downgrade the visit to the u. K. To meet the queen. The British Parliament is expected to debate the issue in february. State Department Officials say the u. S. Is deeply concerned with a dramatic increase in violence in the eastern ukraine. The fighting there has killed dozens of crukrainian soldiers d civilians. The violence violated a cease fire agreement between Ukrainian Forces and russian backed separatists. Both sides are blaming each other. Hill today trying to block House Republican efforts to kill the districts new death with dignity bill. Tom sherwood reports, this fight is far from over. Reporter the death with dignity bill, it passed the d. C. Council last year but only after a long and contentious battle. Now city leaders are on capitol hill hoping to stave off a republican move to kill the bill without even hearing from city officials. The bottom line is this. The 13 members of the council are elected by the people. Congress should not swoop in and pick a piece and say no. Does any other member have an amendment . Reporter utah congressman Jason Chaffetz says he will vote to kill the bill. Democrats admit they dont have the house votes but are planning to lobby the senate to house efforts. D. C. Council member mary cheh wrote the bill. President obama probably saved the district from several over attempts to kill local bills in the past. Where is President Trump . Thats one of the big questions. We dont really know. He hasnt shown much interest in the city beyond his hotel and the crime stats. Some tell me they think hell leave it to the congress to do what they want with the city. Chaffetz suggested people in d. C. Should join up with maryland if they want to vote in congress. That drives most d. C. Citizens crazy. First of all, they want their own government. Secondly, no one in maryland, republican or democrat, has ever shown any interest in taking over the district. Imagine youre an Eastern Shore republican, or western person, or baltimore democrat, do you want 400,000 new democrats to change the dynamics of your entire state yes, maam no, they dont. Nobody wants d. C. In maryland. D. C. Wants to be its own state. That was not a very good thing for chaffetz to bring up. I imagine he wouldnt take too kindly to somebody suggests that utah join up with another state. The city is now facing a very conservative Republican Congress and we just dont quite know where all of that is going to shake out. Political reality. Its a problem thats gotten a lot of attention from metro leaders in recent months. Tonight we know it happened again, raising concerns about safety. More on the impact and how long it will take to complete. Plus, an emotional reunion between a firefighter and the chilen hedr creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner Energy Sources like solar, wind and natural gas. Weve reduced Carbon Emissions by nearly 25 , which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. Cleaner air and cleaner water. Its good for all of us. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. I can never tell if youre in the up or down part of this roller koes ecosta ea ea ear day to day. The amazing thing about it was we had snow in parts of the region earlier this morning, well to the north of d. C. Boy did it warm up nicely. Great day to get out and about. Do you could see whats happening as you look across towards roslyn there. Theres the marriott right there. I had prom dinner at that marriott. That was a long time ago. Anyway, out there right now looking pretty good across the area temperature wise. Were on the mild side. 53 in the city. Temperatures drop into the 40s. Cool, cool and cool. But not cold. Were not going to see any cold temperatures for the next 24 hours or so. 46 gaite gaithersburg. Current wind gusts, still gusting in some locations upwards of 2030 miles an hour. Hagerstown at 33. We had a couple of bigger wind gusts earlier but starting to die down as the sun goes down. This was a little snowstorm that came across parts of the Mason Dixon Line and new york only 30 degrees today. With that snowfall, boston is picking up 2 impnches. That storm moved to our north. Thats why we kept temperatures on the warmer side. Tomorrow night, a storm tracking to the south. That will help to Cool Temperatures a little bit. Really a pretty nice wednesday. Youll just need the jacket a little bit more than you did this afternoon. Then it gets rather breezy and chilly on thursday. 43, windchills around 353 8 on thursday. High of only 41 on friday in the city. Many of you north and west will be in the upper 30s. 38 on saturday. High of 36 on sunday. Now of course this is super bowl sunday. Lets talk a little bit more about this storm. Its a storm weve been watching now for close to a week to two weeks. Its been in our forecast. Right now looks like light snow to the north, maybe rain to the south. Not a huge storm, but something well continue to watch. Look at this, up to 62 on tuesday, 68 on wednesday with some shower activity associated with that. Well talk much more about this sunday event and what to expect the next few days. Doreen . You didnt know i had my prom dinner at that marriott, did you . No, i didnt. Thanks, doug. Well hear about it in the commercial. Its a story youll see only on news4. How one of President Trumps executive orders could have a big impact on his luxury hotel downtown. Reporter all this traffic, all these people using one bridge. And now this bridge is set for a major rehab. Im adam tuss. Ill tell you what it is coming new year, time to get rid of stuff. Simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. I raise turkeys without growthpromoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. If youre looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a Pretty Simple place to start. My name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. I checked, everythings there. Wait a minute. Hold on, i can explain. You better have a good answer. Switch to geico and you could save a ton of money on your Car Insurance. Why didnt you say so in the first place . I thought yous was wearing a wire. Haha, what . Why would i wear a wire . Geico. Because saving fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance is always a great answer. Now at 6 30, a look at how President Trumps executive order on sanctuary cities could impact the Trump National hotel here in d. C. And a major rehab project now underway. One of our busiest bridges, long the work is going to impact your commute. And the hunt for ollie the bobcat continues. The changes being made to the national zoo to prevent another breakout. First to a story youll see only on 4. Local worker versus eers have the installation of a new generator system at the trump hotel. And the president s executive order on sanctuary cities may defund those. Reporter the trump hotel is installing a new power system and backup generators. The director of the agency says this is the first time a Business Associated with the president of the United States has applied for a permit of this type. So he knows there will be added scrutin but at the same time it needs to be business as usual. So theyre held to the same standards as anyone else. Reporter the trump hotel has actually gone above and beyond some other local businesses by applying for the permit. But its the recent actions of President Trump that illustrate how his business dealings could conflict. By signing an executive order threatening to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities, President Trump could defund the very d. C. Employees who would be responsible for inspecting the trump hotels new generators. Air quality is something thats ashared responsibility with the federal government. And the federal government helps pay for air quality inspections. Reporter while the executive order doesnt threaten the hotels ability to install the generators, if the local funding is pulled from local air quality inspectors, d. Have to forego the inspections or pay for them from other funds. The mayor is doing her best to be as thoughtful about that as would never put people at risk. Well just have to, i guess, cross that bridge if that bridge ever comes. Now a closer look at a controversy that involves diplomats at the state Department Taking issue with President Trumps immigration order. Theyve been using something called the dissent channel and circulating a memo that says the president s order runs counter to american values. Who i S Sean Spicer blasted them. These bureaucrats have a problem with it . They should get with the program or they can go. I find that totally stunning. One of the aspects of this dissent channel is that it allows those people who do not agree to voice their views. The strength of our system of democracy is that we respect dissenting views. We do authoritarian system where its kind of you have to agree or get out. Just about a thousand diplomats have signed that dissent memo. Metro is investigating why another train violated the red signal just before 11 00 this morning in alexandria. No passengers were on board. Metro says this train stopped a few car lengths beyond the signal, but these red signal violations continue to plague the agency. Safety groups worry it could lead to a more serious incident. Metro has experienced at least 88 red signal violations in the last seven years. Driving slowly in the fast lane could soon cost you big bucks in virginia. The house of delegates has approved legislation that would add a 250 fine for folks who block the left lane. Lawmakers hope the fine would encourage drivers to move on over, cutting down on rage incidents. This bill still needs approval from the senate. Its a bridge a lot of people cross every day, the key bridge. Its going through a major rehab right now. Hows it going to impact your commute . Adam tuss is on the bridge to explain. Reporter we all want to know how its going to impact our commute. Take a look at the bridge. Pretty much looks like this every single night, loaded up. This is work happening underneath all this traffic, but soon there will be work happening up here. 60,000 vehicles a day use the key bridge. 8,000 pedestrians and cyclists. This structure makes a statement with its looks and its function. But the bridge now nearly 100 years old is showing its age. Rick kenny is the interim department chief engineer with the District Department of transportation. Theyre handling the rehab of this bridge. We have about about 2100 linear feet of concrete cracks that are all being addressed with this project. Reporter now from a distance, youd probably never notice it all. But get up close and you can see exactly whats going on. The 20 million project actually started in september but were just now starting to see more and more scaffolding around the bridge. It will require careful maneu r maneuvering. In the fall, the jersey wall on top of the bridge will be strengthened and the iron fence painted. That will require some off peak lane closures, which drivers can understand. We need to be concerned about our bridges. Memorial bridge is another case. Reporter meg out for a walk with her dog near the bridge today. If we need to fix it, we should probably fix it. Reporter the work will be around for about the next two years. Were not talking about the bridge in any danger of falling down or anything like that, right . Theres no risk of the bridge repairs. Reporter making sure the key bridge has many years left, the goal. The key bridge opened in 1923. Up next, the first step in an effort to redevelop an aging mall in northern virginia. Well take a closer look at the transformation. Reunited for the first time in decades. Tonight a retired firefighter comes face to face with the brother and sister he pulled to safety nearly 60 years ago. 56 today, 59 leesburg, 60 fredericburg. Coldkser requesting new state legislation that would shift control of the comm this comes just weeks after two liquor board officials were charged in a federal corruption investigation. Baker says the move would strengthen over sight of the board. You can see our previous coverage at the nbc washington app. Search Prince Georges County liquor board. Alexandrias landmark mall is down to its last few hours of business. Its closing. Store owners were told they have to be out by the end of the day. Macys announced plans to close its landmark store a few weeks ago. Developers plan to transform the mall into an open air retail and entertainment center, but have yet to announce a start date. A procedubrother and sister our area waited 68 years for the hug were about to show you. Michael and linda hart were just toddlers i fire broke out at their home. Firefighter Stuart Newman raced through the flames twice to pull them out. A few weeks ago the siblings decided they wanted the try to find their hero through social media. It worked. Thank you so much for being there that day. Thank you for just doing your job. I hope we can remain friends forever. Wow. A Police Officer also helped newman rescue those children. The Fire Department is now looking for that officer. Linda and michael hart say they would love another reyou know i dont know reunion. Talk about spotted. New clues on where a missing bobcat could be hiding and what some schools are doing as a precaution. A message of love and hope outside a local islamic center. Chances are youve heard about ollie the bobcat by now. She escaped from her enclosure at the national zoo yesterday. 24 hours later there have been several reported sitings. Zoo keepers in northwest d. C. Just want her back home where she belongs. Meagan fitzgerald joins us live with the latest on the search. Reporter they just want her back. You know, theres some hope though. Zoo officials tell us theyve been receiving tips from people y bobcat here in the woodley park area and of course the Cleveland Park area as well. But so far theyve not captured her. Im aware of the bobcat thats loose. Reporter lots of people are looking all around for ollie. I wish that in its cage rather than roaming the streets of d. C. Reporter thats exactly what zoo officials wish too. Ollie broke out of the cage through a small hole in the fence around her exhibit on monday morning. Zoo officials scoured the area for the cat, but no luck. So today, the exhibit was closed while crews acarefully inspecte the area to make sure this doesnt happen again. Im no too worried. Bobcats tend to shy away from big people. Reporter some dog owners say even though there isnt an imminent threat, hes still concerned. Its kind of alarmed because i have to walk her out, reporter and d. C. Public School Officials were also alarmed and concerned about the safety of their students. They cancelled all Outdoor Activities at 13 schools in upper northwest. So the playgrounds were empty around lunchtime while the search for ollie continues. Its something to watch out for. Reporter and we have a complete list of all of the d. C. Public schools that are on alert. You can go to our nbc washington facebook page. Bobcats can survive in this environment. What are the chances theyre going to find ollie . Reporter well, yeah. Thats right. Theyre indigenous to our area here. Zoo keepers have said quite candidly that its not very likely that theyre going to actually catch her but its possible. Theyre ready to net her or u theyre really hoping shell make her way back to the zoo. A source of food, so maybe so. The folks at the Islamic Community center of laurel get an unexpected show of support today. Apparently some superheroes paid a visit last night. The sign reads, dreams save us, dreams lift us up and transform us. Until my dream of a world where dignity honor and justice becomes reality, ill manufacturnever stop fighting ever. Doug is back with more about our weather and the changes coming our way. Ups and downs. Boy, were we up today or what . 56 degrees today. What if i told you a week from today we could be 70 . Id be happy to hear it. Keep the trend going. Temperatures today very warm. I predicted a High Temperature of 50 today. We got to 56 degrees today. Just amazing how warm we were as that clipper system passed to our north. Snow over the boarder in pennsylvania. Parts of frederick county, Washington County all had snow this morning. But then even temperatures there rose above 50 degrees. Winds out of the southwest 5 miles an hour. Now we have seen some higher gusts back to the west. Things are starting to calm as far as the wind is concerned though. Right now very warm, average High Temperature this time of year is 44. Were at 55 in d. C. Bull run coming in at 42 degrees. Leesburg coming in around 49 degrees. On the radar, nothing. Not going to see any rain or snow in our we are watching, though, two systems. Heres the one to the north that brought a little bit of snow early towards parts of the hmasn dixon line. New york today, 31 degrees for a high. Woe we were 56. Thats the difference here with that storm passing just to our north. The next system back towards omaha, nebraska. This one will actually slide to our south. That allows colder temperatures to move on in. And most of us will stay on the dry side from this, may see a sprinkle or two tomorrow, but not expecting much. Temperatures will be a little bit cooler. 42 at noon tomorrow after a temperature of 38 at the bus stop. Rather cool tomorrow, but not all that bad. Actually mild for this time of year. 43 on thursday. We get winds upwards of 1525 Miles Per Hour on thursday. Thats going to make the windchills in the 30s. 41 degrees on friday. A chilly 28 for a low saturday morning. 38 for a High Temperature on saturday. Sunday is the day to watch. 36 for a high. Computer model is giving us a chance for rain and snow. Its a very weak storm. If were cold enough, we could still have some problems on the road. Were still five days out from this event. A week from today we could be near 70. Its a week and a day way. 62 next week. 68 on wednesday. Chance of showers next week. Well take it. Coming up in sports the wizards are going for 15 in a row at verizon. John wall is big part of that. What the head coach told his point guard. Lester holt with a look at whats ahead. Ahead for us on a busy tuesday, President Trump turning his pick for theup what we know about the two finalists. Details emerge of a mission phone wrogone wrong. A warning about selfmedicating for sleep problems when did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Creating a cleaner environment by using cleaner Energy Sources like solar, wind and natural gas. Weve reduced Carbon Emissions by nearly 25 , which is the equivalent of taking close to two million cars off the road. Cleaner air and cleaner water. Its good for all of us. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Well, i guess about a month or so ago people were tng make some big changes. And here they are charging full steam ahead. We knew they could be good this year. Scott brooks is great coach. They have the longest active win streak at home in the league, third in franchise history. You know what the longest is . 22 home straight games. Whoa. They have 14 right now. They have a ways to go but theyre threatening. Wizards opening up a fourgame home stand tonight, hosting the knicks. Sh t we talked yesterday about how they have that vibe in practice. Do you feel it in pregame . Reporter theyre definitely coming out with a certain attitude. I think we saw that with their all black attire against the celtics. Theyve been playing great basketball here almost two months. Theyre going for their 15th straight here at the verizon center. Scott brooks tolde success is reflective of john walls success. The fourtime all star is coming off tying his career high in assists. He says hes improving and so is his team. My game just matured. Coach came and toalked to me th day after my surgery and said im going to be the leader of the team. Sometimes you just take it for granted. But what he does is special. Not a lot of guards can do that, play at that speed, to be able to take the picture of the floor and be able to deliver on time and on target. Reporter like you said, the 14 consecutive wins here at home are the longest in the nba. Theyre really trying to get to that number 15 mark. So much fun to see. Were doing math over here. Im out of fingers. Caps facihe a win tonight would be their 13th w in the month of january, which would tie a record from 2010. If practice is any indication, they look to pick up where they left off. Always feel good after a break. Maybe a little more now that im getting a little older. But yeah feel good. Youve still got to stay sharp, have a little bit of workload. You cant just drift through things. I think when you talk about learning things, i think you just learn that. Hey, weve got a break. Lets deal with it correctly and make sure that were good. He has never played a down for the burgundy and gold by Junior Galette hoping the third time is the charm. Each of his first two seasons in ash burn achilles tendon ruptures. He has said he would play for free. Over on the nbc at washington app we have our story on Falcons Head Coach dan quinn who has a local connection to maryland. Hes number 99 there, a former Football Team captain and track star at salisbury university. He was asked about his time as a seagull. So much of my foundation as a competitor was during that time. And i got to watch other coaches coach who were terrific in that time. That helped me become the coach i knew thats what i wanted to do, but seeing so many in different sports was a big factor. Its great to keep up with people who were there then and are still there now. He remembers where he came from. The Westminster Dog Show right around the corner. Always a fun watch. Its a must see event for the first time in 140 year history theyre including cats. Cats not expected to jump through hoops, were told. But were interested to see how this works with the new breeds portion. Theyre actually going to be i dont think on the floor together. In the noncompetition part. Cats and dogs together at msg february 11th. Mass hysteria. Dog people and cat people together in a divided nation. Thats hilarious. Every day for five decades a man went to work at the Friendship Post Office in northwest washington. Hes back at work today after a special surprise from some members of the community. Coworkers and customers honored david gascans with a cake and celebration of his 50year he has no plans to retire yet. He says hes going to keep on working as long as he can. Why not . Hes in great shape. Nightly news is coming up next. Bp gives its offshore teams 24 7 support from onshore experts, so we have extra sets of eyes on our wells every day. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Tonight, President Trumps Supreme Court pick. A primetime announcement. The white house ratcheting up the drama. Both finalists summoned to washington. Youre fired fall out after the president dismissing the acting attorney general who refused to use his travel ban, which the white house says isnt a travel ban at all. Why do they keep using the word . Deadly american raid. A member of the famed seal team 6 killed along with an 8yearold girl. The daughter of a u. S. Born al qaeda leader. What happened . Wake up call about all those over the counter sleep aids millions are taking to sleep. Many misusing them and not knowing it. All the buzz. A boy and his princiin

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