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Every possible lead, every possibl connection related to this investigation repte thats what led to campbl is now facing multipl cs including first and sec degree murder, manslgh and accessory before a the fact. He is absolutely a culprit, obviouslcoconspirator. He is involved in every aspect of this tragic, tragic crime. Repo ts man lives, as we said, on the same street of where the murder happened and was well aware of the investin spoke with police. Princge cyice say even though he had the informathe did not turn himself in to police. Coming up at 6 00, reaction to that. Im tracee wilkins, news 4. Nowton turmoil and the violence in a small st. Louis surb h close to home. The town of ferguson turned into som resembling a war zone and americans from the white hn down have taken notice. Polind protesters have clashed n officer shot and killed an unarmed black teenag or the weekend. Officers showed up to vigils with guns drawn. A journalist and two reporters were arrested last night while coverin the situation. Today president obama said somethids to be done. There is never an excuse for violencens police or for those wlde isragy as a cover for vandalism or looting the is also no excuse for police to use Excessive Force against peef protests. We just learned this afternooat former Howard Universi stt was one of the people shot in ferguson during th violence that flared up there. Someone shot mia white during a prote l night. Howard University Confirmed to news 4 that she is a 2012 gradua kristin ht us live now from campus. Repor it is freshman week here at Howard University. Many stunt are here for the first tan throwing themse in the explosive issue there t pictures you must see tonight. The tension in ferguson, missourexplosive. Caught he violence a howard univerty graduate. Maya whi posted this picture of herself to social media. She was seriously hurt in the protest and recovering in a missourhospital. At Howard University students are protesting, too, but quietly with a single picture that has gone viral. Howard university has a legacy al justice. In that legacy we need to show support solidarity to michaelbrown. Repor senior took the picture at a freshman housing orienon wednesday night. With their hands up the students want to send this message. That is the epitome of innocce rt sophomore came up with e of putting their hands up to protest without violence there are progressive ways to get involved. Reportus at howard say that photograph is phase one that t h planned for a phase two happening tonighter on cams. Weill detail what th means tonight 6 00. Im Kristin Wright live at howard uniity this story is developing by the hour. Chris lawrence joins us with new inform missouris governor just finishe speaking a few minutes ago sayf immediately the missri Highway Patrol will take ov Security Operations in ferguso tensis have been rising since michael bro was shot last weekend lai proteer to the streets the fourt straight night. Governor said the police respoe it look like a war zone. Washing reporter was among 1 peoe arrested but he shot video of it with his cell phone camera. He says police in riot gear pushed h out of a mcdonalds where he had been working and arrested him because he didnt move fast enough. I need to pause for a second to readjust it. Im sti walking out. Thats they said lets take him and threw me against a machine l the way yelling at me stop s i was yelling to them i am not resistin you can arrest me. Investigators have yet to release name of the Police Officer o shot michael brown. They a with holding that name because they feel that officer could be at risk. Thank you. A National Moment of silence is set for this evening in 55 cities across the country to honor michael brown. In d. C. It will be held at meridia park in northwest d. C. The vigil begins at 7 00 tonig. Eld aned plastie all that remain after som set fire to a playgrou people live nearby say they were worried about trees burning down. They say the idea that someone likely s it intentionally is unsettl this is a playground. They come out to the park almost e day and hang out on the swings with their friends. And now we cant do it. Fire investigators estimate the damage is more than 100,000 yo might remember there were sel cases of playground arsons a parks in laurel last spring. Fires ae discovery and emancipa cty parks caused e than 100,000 in damage there. Another park got hit twice around the same time. Polirtw teenagers in connectito of the cases. The other two arsons remain unsolved new plan is underway to alleviane of t most congest roadways in our entire region. Crews are widening interstate 66 just inside the beltway. A lane is being added from washito boulevard to the dulles access road. But not everyone is happy about it. Transrtre am tuss is live where some folks say the project hits a little too clos home. When you get this close inside e beltway there is really wiggle room to do the large projects. That is why you often the project g right up to the prer li of the homeowne linda lov her home. She lived right here at 26th street north and washington bouleva f 20 years. But now she doesnt like what she sees when she looks across the street. Ablu not. This supposed to be something that was i debate. No more debate. 66 isetid closer as is the case throughout much of the rio we are trying to keep traffic moving while keeping character of our Neighbor Linda sae moving out. Im done with Arlington County. I he been in Arlington County for like 40 years and i dont this re rorhec adding an extra lane westbound more room o the road for about a mile d there are those in this communo support it. I think it will hp e traff flow. They are adding a lane that goes all the down. It will make traffic flow coming from ea out of the city a little better. Repor even when the work is finished big sound walls go up it will keep the sound out but she said she will feel i will move to the west coast. Back here live in arlington this ot expected to take about a year to finish up. Will it help . Vdot says it has proof it will help. Llou ab that coming up at 6 00. Report live in arlington, adam tuss, news 4. Repair work continues right now on a broken water main and it could be tomorrow before boiled wat advisory is lifted in parts of prince georges count wainonta commissi says more testing is needed to make sure the water is safe to drink. It hoping to have the advisor lifted by the morning. In the meantime 10,000 customers have to boil water before using it or should. A 12inch water main broke tuesday night. After all of the rain flooding made re w difficult. You may have just learned robin wi w battling parkinso b his death. A Major Development on the health of a d. C. Police oic chased dan shot. What we learned about one of the suspec as the manhunt conties just at the start of the school year hundreds of universi o marylan students will hav find another place to stay. Find out why they are kicked out. You might need a jacket by tomorrow morning. Another of fall. The ara ttu 70 degre a by morning in the 50s to around 60 degrees. How long does this taste of fall stay wi us . Jt moments ago a man charged w shooting a d. C. Detecve called before a judge. It comes as we learn the detechi is out of the hospital 36 hours after being shot four times darcypee got out of court and has our story. Repo news has learned that 27yearold romeo hayes arrested in the shooting of a d. C. Pe detective posted bond. He is due in court next week. Court rer prosecutors dropped previous process case because th didnt have enough evidenc and that a jury found hayes not guilty in 2013 for carjain john urzn is with the States Attorne ofce unfoel the jury did acquit him. We ha to respect the process. We did find out about the firearme immediately moved to ch him with that. Repo hayes is now being held o attempted murder charges in the shooting of that offduty d. C. Police detective. The deteive was shot and wounded in an attempted carjackin southeast. It happened at 2 45 in the morning. He s offduty in his own suv. The suspects were in a stolen Nissan Altima with new york tags. They rammed his suv and shot into i he was hit four times. None of the bullets struck organs. Thdect expected to be okay. Just befo the shooting another offdu pofras shot at while her car. She provided police the tag informaan car description. Policared wn bailed out of the stolen nissan but at lwo others in the car got away. That Court Appearance just wrappedp here at d. C. Superior court. O thing that came out during the hri prosecutors are saying 1 shots were fired into the offduty Police Detectives car. He was s four times and was not serio injured. He habeeaomhe hospital we eu looking through the Court Documents becau th were released within just the last f minutes. One thing that came out is that hayes, suspect in the case, said he had been at a night club that nigh called opera here in the district. Now, the woman officer who was shot at, as well, she says she was also at that same night club. We are still sifting throh t documentd wi he the latest coming up on news 4 at 6 00. Report live, darcy spencer, news 4. The detectives working in the distric have their hands full after sen people were shot overnht the first was a woman shot just after 11 00 last night near malcolm x in southeast d. C. Another man was shot along southeast and a fourth near 7th and n streets in northwest d. C. There were also two separate double shootings just a mile apart in northeast. At this point there have not been an arrests. A university of maryland lacrosse player accused of sexual aa a concert in virginia was found not guilty. In ju a woman accused Benjamin Chism of sexual assaultft they we at a concert. Today he was found not guilty. We a just two weeks from the srt of classes. For col students the big concern usually getting the textbook for hundreds of university of marylantus they will need to be scrambling to find a place to live. A develoco has purchase a popular housing communitst campus and residentve been told they have ly0 days to vacate. We are talking about the knots boxes an with being just across the campus they are generallreorbland closer the main stretch of route 1. Accordin a website for resident 2 29 apartments have been purchased. The developers are offering gift cards o up to 750 if they move out before the end of the month. Those wh st longer could be moved to o units and will have until thanksgiving weeke to leave. And there is no ro on campus but the er hsi deparend Developers Say they a offering resources to find other options. We are less than o urs away from a meeting. City officials are having a meeting to address the flooding that happened between april 30 and may ducat m was opened which prompted floods. The meeting begins at 7 00 tonight at laurels Partnership Hall on 5th street. We h another gorgeous day. Stretc as long as you can. Its gog to stretch out. We are talking about how many days summer where the afterno temperatures have been below average. Go like this and thats prep work for toow morning. Some folks will need to go with long sleeves early in the day. We have a mostly sunny sky right now. We d few clouds to come through e area, especially the early part of the day. Weak at system came through. Lets tk about the tempera taka look at the graphic. Storm 4 put together for you, tlock going to early june at where our temperahae for afterno highs, for afternoon tempetur highs of the day. 45 of summer since early june has been below average. That is significant. Also took a look back or forward at the n seven and 14 days and looks as though the pattern of cool will continue. Numbers. 85 degrees right now. We ha a little bit of a breeze out there. Breezysunshine we will ha a few clouds around 9 0 9 . S breezy at 7 00 but by 9 00 the breeze should settle more. We get into the low 70s. About 74 degrees by around 11 p. M. Look at the numbers for potomac. 51 degrees by early tomorrow morni. 61 in d. C. Its thes readings over here especll t west around leesburg at 51 and 52 that will be quite. The a temperatures that you would normally find during mid to september across the area. Now, tod clouds coming throu t area. The clouds t, a sprinkle or two. Around fredecks y may be picking the sprinkle all be it the air is very dry. The clouds clear out again tonight. Ther allows temperatures to drop really fast by morning. Cool st for the day. We get sunshine and i do think more suni tomorrow than what we witnessed today. Same thing on saturday. Nice wa mostly sunny sky. Thats nice days ahead of us. 84, 82 degrees. Low to mid 80s tomorrow. Impact fas as yought imagineth that humidi is very, very low all the way down to none again for tomorr comfoab b august standards. We are a whole month ahead in terms of what temperatures e feeliik therar two great days for the e 91 degrees on sunday with a 30 chance tt we could see showers oregon thunderstorms acro the area. Right now sunday is the day where temperatures down south will be around 92. 91 cull pepper. The storms could fire after 2 00 or so. Then we are into the rain for tuesda monday,too, overcast and occasion shower. 86 with a few Storm Chances on tuesday now at 5 00, it sparked outrage a photo of a 2month baby girl with a pacifiert taped to her mouth. We wld never go out of our way to the children. Find out why th mother says she did it. Pl a maryland teenager dies in crash after being chased by police on his dirt bike. Now fam is ready to take new actn. And called the buzz across the world. The pope has a new ride. Why it is raisg we to news 4 at 5 00. After spng 20 nights down in richmonre hav returne to continue traininp. Its ni t be home according to the players but it doesnt mean that the work got any easie its a little rough being back tod but it is exciting. Rert 2 1 2 weeks down in richmd back at home. Doesntt feel good to be home . I get to sleep in my own bed. This is still Training Camp so guys are hitting. I thi everybody wanted to come back, not that we didnt like richmond. It seed its purpose. Now we get to come back home and be with our families. Deni aelg to be ba in action right now. Welcome back to work and normal routi w ha be used to. Im goin to miss richmond and the fans. I think when we walked out here and it was just us and the team. Repr ik not having the crowhere . It will be an adjustment. I dontw i like it or not. Its just nice to be back plus we have our families here. Thats better to be back. Repor t competition for roster s will continue. Coache expected to start making c this weekend. The team will play the Cleveland Browns monday night at fed ex. Ad redskins park, dianna russini, news 4 sports. A new development regarding robinil deprsine only battle he foug before h death. This afternoon his wife revealeia had an incurabl illness. She said he was brave as he struggled his own battles of depression and anxiety as well as early stages of parkinss disease. She says her husband had maintai his sobriety after leavinrehab. Parkinss progressive disordere nervous system. Final honor for a two sr gener w take you to the e for maj gener harold green. Protesters are getting ready to take on whole foods. Find out what has some grocery shoppeo u rerti julie carey where the prosecution of the mcdonnel trial wraps up with courtroo right now at 5 30, one family tragedy and how a student died during a hazing ritual what on earth . Why . Why . Wha they want parents to see as studen prepare to go back to college campuses. And he was a trusted local church leader. Why the man who once led bible study wi spend decades in prison. Are the youngest victimsf abuse in our Station Campaign on changing minds learn how a local group is using toys to help heal. New at 5 00. The prosecution rests in mcdonne coupon trial. The dens plans to present its case beginning on monday. Prosecutors plan to go out with a bang today. Rert prosecutors wanted to make a strong impression on jurors s they ewedrevi some three ye texts, emails, phone cs d meetings and wheelede k evidence right into the courtroom. Jurors seen the pictures of the many gifts Jonnie Williams gave the mcdonnell family. Today ty got to see the real thing from his position at the witne s david holder identif and held up the 19,000 worth of designer dresses, shoes and purse that willis fre mcdonnell in a manhattan shopping spree. The golf bags and clubs were toted ac the courtroom and the rolex watch. And prosecutors put a price tag on thgi trips and loans. More th 177,000. The mcdonnells returns the gifts when the investigation became public. This co Observer Says the aim of todays display is clear. Wh twao suggest is that in some way they put the position for sale. Repo shopping spree one of dozens of elaborate charts to try to tie the evidenctogether. Others show the deep credit card debt. Prosecutgg financial troubl motivated the mcdonnells to accept help. Prosecut allege the first couple promoted the company and the dietary supplement anatao another shows red ink for the real estate company. 70,000 in williams loans were written to that account. Defense t fired back in cross examination. They po out the flashy charts seem biassed and left out importanrmn that tells a much different story. Bob mcdonnells attorney wonders why a chart of Credit Scores wasnt included and adds those were excelle at all times . So the defense starts the case on mond that means sometim in t final two weeks Bob Mcdonnell will take the witnessstand. His rean those developm. Reptie julie carey. A former Church Youth Leader will like spend the rest of his lif prison for abusing boys. Morales worked with kids at the Covenant Life Church in gaithsb in the 80s and 90s. The boys ranged in age from 11 to 14. After ts sentencing a man who was abused by morales as a boy spoke out. Its been a long time coming. Its b hard road. I think one of the most importan th to take from this is justice can still happen even it has been years and years. I would say to anyone who has been abused it is never too late to come forward. Some of the abuse happened over a tenyear span. Prosecut say morales plans to ask the victims for forgiveness. An update on what can be an historida we learned gay and lesbian coupl c g married as soon as next thursday morning. State leaders said the ban would be lifted on wednesday but today an Appeals Court clarified saying 8 00 a. M. On august 21, that is if there is no delay. The co clerk defending the state ban plans to ask the u. S. Supre cto put the case on hold. It is likely the high court will grant it. A grieving family is launchi a massive lawsuit tonight. Ft a 17 year old was killed while beingclase chased by police. He died after the dirt bike he was riding with his cousin slammednt a tree on alabama avenue princge county police began chasing brooks near his home an into the district. Now the fa has filed a 20 million lawsuit against the county accusing that officer of illegally following him and causing his death. They have a no chase policy unlesth are felonies being commied the was no felony being committ i will let no one claim the victim he was t professional, the person in uniform. No one stopped him. Dirt bikes are illegal in public rd Prince Georges County and the district. New details this evening in a wreck killed a man on a motorcyc chopp 4 flew over the scene last night near ml k highway. Investigo it appears the man onhe bike swerved to avoid hittina car stopped right at a red light and lost control hitting curb. He later died at the hospital. Police identified him as francis hall of laurel. A Funeral Service was held today th racecar driver hit and killed by nascar champion tony stewart. 20year kevin borde was laid to rest this afternoon. He was struck and killed by tony stewart aynight. Investiry it appears to be an accident. Po francis is in south korea fiveday visit and his cho of transportation is attractor than a few seers. The pope is riding in a kia soul. Theorequested the smallest koreama vehicle available to help him get around. Since s election pope francis stressee importance of being frugal a asked all clergy to not use limousines and live in expensi homes. In our changing minds report that heal. How you victims of abuse can learn return to healy d happyes one reveals why this method is changing lives and minds. Alcohol and apps together. Im Erika Gonzalez and ill tell you what you can and cannot buy with the a hnd father, a 34 year army veteran is laid to rest. Majoren harold green was killed afghanistan. Last week we took you to delaware the generals remains were flown back to dover air fobase. Today hes buried with full military honors at arlington nationaler dana culver attended the emotiona service. Repor for the country, for Major General harold greens family is the loss of a husband and a dad. August 5, a lone afghan gunman shot the twostar general and several others. The gener had been in afghanin january. Back at home his family got the tragic news. Last thursday they stood on the tarmac at Dover Air Force base as his bo returned home. They wanted us, the media, to be there, too. In a break from normal preej his son angh holding to other fy members walked on to the c17 to thank the flight crew for bringing their dad back home. Back in arlington today the bugler played as soldiers flags greens grieving loved ones. Tonight changingin b helpi s t smallest victims abuse. One organization tt is using th like toys to help stop some of the tears. This is a unique method of therap help heal abused childre ey l like rular toys, dollhou Action Figures and an array of animals and people. But these carefully curated pieces p itaolin givinabused children the help they need. They don often have words for things that happen. When th play it out they dont have to have words. Repo cindy bridgeman is the director of clinical servicet safe shores, the only Child Advocacy center in d. C. , place where children go to tell their stories and therast tcithe young victims. They will demonstrate making dinner make dinner for us sometime sometiis is where they talk abt how they didnt have enougfo or how pots and pans went flying through the air when mommy g angry. Repo majority of childreo come through are victi o sexual abuse and 90 of child sexual abuse is committy who knows the child. A big issue with children at this age a any age who has been abused is trust. Repor joy riley was sexuallyabused when she was in elementa school. Experiencg nightmares. Rerts suffered from debilita depression and suicidal thoughts. You dont think it is depress you think nobody really cares about me because why would they do this to me. Reporsh says a place like safe shores could have helped her deal with her anger and self destruction a understahae abuse was not her fault. Bec talking about it was the piece that i did not necessarhave, being comfortno to talk about it becabo wanted to talk bet it. An unresolved trauma especia one that occurs throughabuse has the possibi creating anxiety, depressi hyperactivity, inabily to sleep. Reporhe says it is critical that abused children receive therapy they need quickly. Th learn that they can no longer he to accept the victimiz but that they can actuall be survivors and succefu repor eun yang news 4 washing you can learn early part of next week and through next week. 84 degrees for a high tempetun monday. 86 on tuesday. Its showers here, doubt we have thunderss b we have a thunders con tuesday. And then back to dry conditions and close to 90 at the end of next week. A college hazing tragedy, how on young man died after drinking much water and a warning e family has for

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