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Was shot in baltimore a couple of years ago. That he moved here because he thought it would be safer. Coming up at 5 00, more about the murder, more details about what happened here in the courtyard. Now back to you. Developing now, a child infected with measles may have exposed others to the virus. Fairfax county Health Official say the child visited several locations last week while still contagious. The patient has since been treated at innova fairfax hospital. Measles is spread through coughing and sneezing. Go to the nbc washington app. Now to the shocker on capitol hill, just hours after saying he planned to run and Kevin Mccarthy dropped his bid for house speaker. It surprised his colleagues who thought he had the best chance to win. Its clear republicans are divided in the house and needed a candidate who can unite them. Ill stay on as majority leader, but the one thing i found in talking to everybody, if we are going to unite and be strong we need a new face to help do that. White House Press Secretary josh earnest says the next speaker faces the same situation mccarthy had and House Republicans cant insist on getting everything they asked for. A big shakeup in the federal Prosecutors Office in the district. President obama will nominate Justice Department lawyer Channing Phillips as the citys next u. S. Attorney. News 4s tom sherwood broke this story on twitter. Congress is expected to approve the nomination. Phillips will take over the investigation into former d. C. Mayor vincent grays 2010 Mayoral Campaign and hell oversee one of the largest u. S. Attorneys offices in the nation, focusing on national and international crimes. The current acting u. S. Attorney Vincent Cohen is expected to return to private practice later this year. Im Meagan Fitzgerald at fort meade where an allnight search for a suspect blew past a security gate. It all started wednesday night, Anne Arundel Police chased dante small through the gate on ft. Meade. The suspect crashed his vehicle more than a mile away from the gate and took off on foot. Law enforcement officials searched the area all night while the post was placed on lockdown. The suspect was arrested at around 10 15 this morning. Coming up at 5 00, what happened in the moments leading up to the suspects arrest. Right now testimony is under way in Charles Severances murder trial. Hes accused of killing three wellknown residents in alexandria and Northern Virginia bureau chief julie carey testified she saw severance a few days before the last shooting. Reporter the woman says shes seen the man she now identifies Charles Severance several times while she walked her dog. The last time the week before rutha ruthanne lo dato. She was shot and killed while answering her front door in february of 2014. While she heard a brief description of the killer she immediately thought of the man from those dog walks and called Police Telling him i think ive seen the guy. A few days later when this composite sketch was released she called police again to tell them the eyes were the same. Coming up on news 4 at 5 00, severan severances Defense Attorneys start to point to anotherman as the possible killer. In fairfax, im julie carey, news 4. Julie has been updating us from the courtroom all afternoon and she tells us there wasmore finger pointing and high drama as the only person to survive the killers gunshots is asked to identify the man who shot her. Julie will be back with more on this in about an hour. Sky watchers, cancel your plans tonight and tomorrow. Thats right. There is a meteor shower in town. Lets get to veronica johnson. V. J. , i know youre digging this. I am. I am. Even with the International Space station, i told my kids to go outside and again, well be outside looking up. Its the meteor showers that will originate from the constellation dracono and look to the northwest and overhead. Again, 10 to 20 per hour and make sure you get away from those city lights. We have a Crescent Moon that will be helping us out and the fact that we have very few clouds and always a cool thing to see when we have meteor showers. Meanwhile, clouds just a few across the area and storm team 4 is tracking the next weather system and its been moving rather quickly and now stepping into areas of wisconsin through the Northern Plains and this when it comes into the area tomorrow will deliver showers as well as some thunderstorms and Lauren Ricketts will talk more about that and which areas could see gusty winds with those storms. Someone tried to set a house on fire in loudoun count pep thats what investigators say happened on west church road and sterling. Were told someone noticed fire and called 911. Everyone inside that house managed to get out okay. The house is right down the street from sterling elementary school. This afternoon, we know which charges are filed in the threat of culpeper high school. The teenager was a are accused of having a weapon on School Property and showing it. He carried a pellet gun on the school bus two days in a row and made threats. Yesterday some peers reported that. Three schools went on lockdown during a search for the student and the weapon. The name of the student is not yet being released. The hero becomes the victim. What happened to one of three americans who low pressured foil a terror attack on a french train . Threats to the homeland. Ahead on news 4 at 4 00, in a major briefing today on capitol hill, why americans hailed a hero for tackling a gunman on the french train has become a victim of violence himself. U. S. Airman Spencer Stone was stabbed and seriously wounded early this morning in sacramento. His hometown. Police say stone was at a bar with four of his friends. They got into a fight with a group of people outside of the bar and stone was stabbed several times in the upper body. Hes expected to pull through. So far no arrests or word of a motive in the case, but investigators dont believe this had anything to do with terrorism or what happened in france. When it comes to attacks here on american soil, lone wolves are more dangerous than al qaeda or isis. Thats the assessment of the agencies in charge of fighting terrorism. This afternoon they testified on capitol hill describing how terrorist groups use the internet and social media to recruit operatives for smallscale attacks. Its a message that comes in an entirely new way because it buzzes in the pockets of troubled souls, unmoored people all over this country all day long. Twitters worth a lot of money because its a great way to sell shoes, books or movies. Its a great way to crowd source terrorism. Director james comey says the conversations start on social media and then shift to encrypted messages that the fbi cant monitor even with a court order. If you would like to stream video you should know youll have to pay more. Clinging to a cross, why a flood victim credits divine flood victim credits divine okay. So everyone is saying, hey you gotta get fios but why . Why fios . Well fios is a 100 percent fiber optic network, so you can get 100 out of all your devices. Whatever speed you need, fios has it. So if you need more streaming for more devices, fios gives you options with the Fastest Internet and wifi available from 50 to 500 mpbs. And were not just talking downloads. Were talking equal upload speeds, too. You can upload your favorite videos up to 5x faster than cable. Plus with the fios mobile app, you can view your entertainment at home, or on the go. But the main reason to get fios . Were rated number 1 in customer satisfaction. Why fios . Ultimately, thats why. Right now, get 50 meg fios internet, tv phone starting at 79. 99 a month, guaranteed for two years. Plus get 300 back with a two year agreement. Get out of the past. Get fios. Right now at 4 15, we are working several stories in our newsroom. Volkswagens Top Executive in the hot seat today. Lawmaker accuse the lawmaker of deliberately skirting federal emissions standards and then lying to the public about it. Hear how volkswagens top official in the u. S. Responded ahead in the next ten minutes. Faith, family, survival. A woman in South Carolina is sharing a remarkable story this afternoon. Why she says a cross saved her from death as floodwaters surrounded her. Netflix says it is increasing its standard monthly price. Ahead, how much it will go up and what the company is telling customers about that. Metros leader just gave a brutally honest assessment of the transit agency. Service and reliability are at a low point. Transportation reporter adam tuss was at that media event at metro headquarters. Nobody knows better than you what riders are going through. Do you think officials finally get it . Reporter i do, chris. I think its really hit a Tipping Point with the transit agency. Metro is at a low point. We said its at his lowest point and he stepped back and said its a low point, but theres no question that were at a point where Metro Service where things are starting to get ugly and riders are starting to leave and thats a bad place for metro to be. Youve been reporting how the drop in ridership, how does that work out for the budget. How are they going to make up that shortfall . Chris, they found out that theyre losing about 40,000 trips per day. Not necessarily riders per day, but trips per day. The number of trips being taken on the rails. 40,000 a day, that equals a couple Million Dollars a month that metro is losing and we asked them how they plan to make up the budget shortfall and theyre doing everything they can to avoid a fare increase and one thing that keeps coming up is advertising. There are ways to generate revenue with advertising. If metros had a pretty strict policy on what it allows inside stations and busses. Today they seemed to step back in that and say that they might be a little bit easier on some of the advertisements that go into their station so well have to see how that works out. One of the things that really screwed up a lot of peoples commutes was the transformer fire at the stadium armory station. Did we hear any more on when theyll get that fixed . Soed latest that we got today is that theyve been able to get into that transformer area. Take a look at things and they think with new equipment that they with put in there that they might be able to get that fixed sooner than they first thought. However, best Case Scenario, if all goes according to plan its still another three months before everything is fixed there and what metro has been doing is its been slowing trains through that area. So youre looking at least at another three months in that wear and the worstCase Scenario is six more months of slowdown and thats a tough situation. So best Case Scenario were looking already into the year, beginning of next year. Thats right, and in the calendar year thats what youll be dealing with best Case Scenario and thats blue, orange and silver line riders. Great work. Thanks. Netflix is about to hike the price starting next month. The streaming giant will charge ten bucks a month for the standard service. The price hike will immediately impact you if youre a new customer. Existing customers will continue to pay the 9 a month until next october. And the companys basic service that does not include hd payback will hold its price at 8 per month. About everything is going up, though, ahead of the Holiday Shopping season. Sony is dropping its price on the play staigz 4. Starting tomorrow youll be able to buy ps4 for 350, the same price as Microsofts Xbox 1. Have you started to think about your weekend plans . I started thinking about it tuesday. There is a chance you may need to think about it now. Yeah. What are we looking at, v. J. . Were looking at chilly conditions for this upcoming weekend and theres one thing that is changing and i think youll like it. Lets talk about what will be taking place over the next 24 hours and thats when well see more clouds and some rain and even some thunderstorms and impact forecast for tomorrow is m thunder. Were talking about for the afternoon and evening rush tomorrow. Right now weve got sunshine and its mild and were at 74 degrees and partly cloudy. Mild conditions continue until 9 00 and then it starts to get cool and some of you might want to open the windows and by morning, mid50s in some of our cooler suburbs. A cool start with i few clouds across the area and tomorrow morning its looking dry, but it gets wet by the time we get to tomorrow afternoon. Again, we talked about the weather front way to the north and west that will come very quickly east and its a fastmoving front. Because its a fastmoving front there could be some thunderstorms coming through our area and producing some gusts at 25 to 35 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon. Most of whats going to be coming through our area will be between 4 00 and 8 00 p. M. Showerses with some thunderstorms expected. Later this hour, Lauren Ricketts, meteorologist Lauren Ricketts will show you where the strongest storms play out. Keep this in mind if you plan on going to any games or exercising because the temperatures start out in the 60s and low 70s and were dry the early part of the day and its going to warm up so youll be out there running with your short sleeves and thunderstorms and i think youll want to exercise early. Mild, wet and windy tomorrow afternoon. Heres a look at future weather showing you the storms and were dry for most of us at 3 00, and look at this, right west of i81. Some showers and well start to see some thunderstorms into frederic and by 8 00 its already through and the biggest impact on our area will be between 6 00 and 7 00 with a few lines of thunderstorms coming through, producing some gusty winds in terms of how much it could be, in terms of weekend impacts across the area and wat washing the car. Wait until sunday and wait until things warm up on sunday and orchard visits as well as hitting some of the apple farms and that will be absolutely perfect weather for playing football this weekend. A look at saturday, sunday, from 65, chilly to 70 with a lot more sunshine on sunday. Well take a look, too, at your extended forecast with the potential for strong storms across the area tomorrow in just a few minutes. All right. The situation seems to just go from bad to worse in South Carolina. 14 dams have now failed. Hundreds of roads are closed and now 17 people confirmed dead from flooding in the state. Another two in North Carolina have died in the floods and the latest deaths confirmed in South Carolina came after the truck drove around a barrier and over an embankment yesterday. Unbelievable. The states governor nick nick i can hailey. A woman and her son clung to a cross for five hours as the water was raging by them in columbia. She went to church and drove through the floodwaters and the car started to float. She called 911 and nobody answered so she phoned the family. By the time they got there the car shifted and went backward into the field and there was a Little Church right there. When my car stopped it was right beside a huge red cross, and i was literally holding on to the cross. Holding on to the cross. The womans grandson got there. They both held on to that cross until rescuers were able to get there. She had a broken ankle. She had hypothermia, but amazingly, she is expected to be okay. That is amazing. Cheating on emissions. Who volkswagens Top Executive is blaming for this scandal that has brought the company to its knees. And a failure on the campaign trail in virginia. The joke about taylor swift that didnt go over so well. Ceo of volkswagen america got a drubbing today on capitol hill. Angry members of the house sub commity wanting to know more than just how this happened. Consumer reporter Erika Gonzalez watched the whole hearing go down and erika, the folks from volkswagen got raked over the coals didnt they . Oh, yeah. Members of the subcommittee fired at michael horn. I could not count the number of times the word cheat and deceit were used. There were too many. One member said the word volkswagen wasnt worth a dime. Do you swear the testimony youre about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing, but the truth . As soon as horn was sworn in he immediately began apologizing. He says he did not know about the Deceptive Software meant to trick emissions testers. That is, until the West Virginia university exposed it. Horn says a couple of Software Developers in germany are responsible for the cheat. In the u. S. There are close to half a million affected vw tdi vehicles ranging from 2009 to 2015 models. Horn said the vehicles will likely be repaired and not bought back and that process could take five to ten hours per vehicle which could mean a couple of years before theyre fixed. While vw maintains the vehicles are safe to drive, horn said people will be held accountable. On behalf of our company and my colleagues in germany and me personally, i would like to offer a sincere apology, sincere apology for volkswagens use of Software Program that served to defeat the regular emissions testing regime. Tonight at 5 00, youll hear more trt vw ceo on what the companys next steps are. Pat and chris . All right. Looking forward to that, thanks, erica. This is one of the toptrending stories. A radio deejay launches an ugly twitter attack on a woman in a broadcast booth. What Jessica Mendoza has to say about this backlash. A member of the Arlington Police department gets to sit back and relax after 11 years of right now at 4 30, a search in alexandria for a gunman. Leon williams was killed in the upscale bellpre apartments last night in a hail of gun fire. Stray bullets hit a building and a car with people inside. A man that crashed a car into a fence at fort meade was in a storm drain right up until this morning. When police started to pull over dante small and he was driving a car that had been stolen. Also right now testimony underway in the triple murder trial of Charles Severance. Hes accused of killing three people in alexandria over a decade and why his lawyers say another man might be responsible for these murders and thats coming up in a few minutes. That situation on capitol hill has been developing all afternoon and were getting a lot of new reaction to Kevin Mccarthys stunning announcement and hes given up his bid to become speaker of the house. Right now the current Speaker John Boehner has talked to paul ryan twice today asking him to step up to the plate and take the most to unite the party. Meanwhile, the Republican Caucus is in chaos. News 4s Steve Handelsman has the latest. Reporter kevin mckarther wore a smile maybe because he was quitting the battle. The righthand man to Speaker John Boehner looked a shooin to succeed him and despite tea Party Challenges from webster. When they vote for todays speaker election he was short. I think i shocked some of you. They dropped out. If were going to unite and be strong, we need a new face to help do that. Mccarthy made republicans look bad last week, admitting the point of a House Committee investigating Hillary Clinton is to kill her president ial prospe prospect, but republicans were already in turmoil and thats why boehner is leaving. Our conference will have to do a lot of deep soulsearching. Reporter tea partiers today claim they beat the old guard again. The American People are demanding change in washington, but change on the hill might not be for the better. It could make all of the things that people hate about washington even worse. Fights this fall over the debt ceiling, planned parenthood and spending that could close government, a shutdown that Kevin Mccarthy had vowed to prevent. More speaker candidates seemed sure to jump in and the elections been delayed and boehner might have to stay on as speaker in november. Im Steve Handelsman, nbc news, capitol hill. Speaking of mr. Boehner, he was supposed to appear on the tonight show on saturday night and hes canceled his appearance a day after they confirmed him as a guest. This is the first latenight interview since he announced he would resign from congress at the end of the month. Well, weve got a great day out there that will translate into a great evening as we go into the evening and each into the overnight, looking good. Thats a mild day. What a Beautiful Day out there and were seeing a few clouds push in and were dry and were not going to see any rain today and things can change as we head into tomorrow and we do have a Thunderstorm Risk as the cold front approaches the region and we could see some strong storms by this time tomorrow and of course, thats right in time for the evening commute and at 3 00 or 4 00 p. M. Theyll be pushing from the west and moving to the east so we will see some strong storms and again, well have to watch these especially for gusty winds out there as we continue into the afternoon and evening. The greatest risk, of course, will be right around i95 and if youre headed away for the threeday weekend and if you have columbus day coming up and it is going to be one to wait a little bit until after 9 00, 10 00 at night or saturday morning to drive. We could see the line of pretty strong thunderstorms and right across the d. C. Area and well be watching that for tomorrow and of course, tracking in. Doug and veronica will do that, but by the time we get into saturday, looking good and weve got our changing minds walk and this is for out of the darkness and suicide prevention, Doreen Gentzler and our own Doreen Gentzler, and the walk doesnt start until 5 30 at the Washington Monument on saturday. Thats all there will be. And veronica has your weekend forecast and well let you know how to look for the weekend projects. For 11 years hes been a veteran at the arlington Sheriffs Office and tonight hes enjoying his retirement and hes a black lab and hes been sniffing out narcotics and visiting students. Hes on facebook. Hes been a regular during searches and jail and at the courthouse and hes even pitched in and helped other jurisdictions, too, but his partner says age has started to take its toll. His nose is still sharp. His mind is still sharp, but hes just, you know, we all get older and time to move on. Hes touched a lot of people and hes helped a large portion of the community and other communities, too. Come on. Hes a 13yearold black lab. This afternoon his coworkers threw him a retirement party. Hes going to spend his retirement at home with the grubar family. Driving in the rain this weekend may not be an option. Owners of some suvs are being told not to use their wind she would wipers. While waiting for an oil change might soon be a thing of the past when news 4 at 4 00 comes back. We do have some road work to warn you about tonight. Lane closures along i66 and lanes will be shut down along the beltway and route 23 and these closures will happen in stages and the closures will be for up to 30 minutes and there will be full closures and at 10 00 a. M. , and three left lanes and from midnight to 5 00 tomorrow morning and all main lanes will be blocked. As far as your get around here, a sport radio jock set off a firestorm about espns newest baseball analyst. The tweets went out tuesday night as Jessica Mendoza became the first woman to offer color commentary during a Major League Playoff broadcast. Radio jock mike bell sent off a series of offensive tweets. Really . A womens softball slugger as guest analyst on an mlb wild card game . Once again, espn, too friging cute for their own good. The Radio Station has suspended him. Washington post media reporter paul fari joins us to talk about this. One of his tweets were so offensive well not show it on the air and tell us about the backlash. Any time a woman steps up with an opinion about anything politics, business, you name it, she can expect some male backlash. In this case, a woman has tread on the one sacred or sacrosanct area for men which is sports, and so theres going to be backlash and there was fairly predictable amount of backlash and it so happens that the guy youre mentioning is in the media, but there was plenty of nonmedia criticism, as well. This has been a banner year for breaking barriers for women in sports. Weve got women who have taken traditionally male jobs with the oakland as and with the spurs and in the nfl with the cardinals. Thats right. Women are making progress, and i guess thats somewhat threatening to men who consider sports to be their turf. You know, i dont quite understand why men seem to be threatened by people with opinions from any quarter or from any sex or gender, but they are and you can certainly see plenty of it on twitser or facebook all of the time. Do you find it ironic that Jessica Mendozas hiring has broken down a barrier while at the same time highlighted the need for more barriers to come down . Its 2015. Women have come into sports media in almost every capacity. Columnists, reporters, studio hosts and what have you and it shouldnt be surprising that a woman is doing the color commentary on a major league game. Its new and different, and i think that has pushed some buttons for people. Yeah. There are certain other barriers to be pushed here and again, it seems rather late to be having this discussion. It doesnt seem so technical or scientific to comment on a baseball game. All right. Paul fari of the washington post, thanks for joining us, paul. All righty. Im wendy rieger at the live desk. We got word from Rockville Police that theyre looking for more victims of a selfproclaimed psychic chofs running a fortune telling scam. This is shanice bell. Rockville police say she scammed a woman out of 77,000 in the course of just five months, and then went on the run to new york. She was arrested in queens last week. Now police want to know if anyone else fell victim to her. If you paid bell for any services, Rockville Police want to talk to you. At the live desk, im wendy rieger. We have an important recall to tell you about, a fire hazard involving windshield wipers in brand new suvs. It can cause the wiper to overheat and catch fire. It affects the Buick Enclave and chevy travers and gmc acadia and theyre all from the 2016 model year. The problem was discovered when a motor overheated at the factory, gm says no fires have happened outside the plant, but dealers are going to fix this problem for free. We are all used to sitting in the waiting room when its time to get an oil change, but now one company says it can do it in 90 seconds. Castrol announced a new motor oil System Design that would make the regular 20minute change take only a minute and a half. The new system is called next cell. It needs to be integrated into vehicle engines during the design stage meaning we wont see it for another five years or so. Castrol says it is also environmentally friendly and lowers carbon emissions. When president obama arrives in roseburg, oregon tomorrow, hes going to find not only people in mourning, but some people angry over his calls for new gun restrictions. Helpeds of miles and nearly a helpeds of miles and nearly a year later, a family i was about to head to thecheck. Bank, but out of nowhere it just started to rain. Like really rain. [clap of thunder] i did not want to go out. [clap of thunder] but then i was like duh, just use your phone. Mobiledeposittechnothingy to the rescue. Im rayna. And i bank human at td bank. Here are some of the stories we are working on right now at 4 45. A measles case confirmed in fairfax county. Health Officials Say a child was treated at innova fairfax last week. Before that, the patient may have exposed others to the virus. News 4s Mark Segraves will tell us where ahead in the next hour. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump says people are giving him credit for Kevin Mckarthy and his bid for house speaker. Mccarthy made the surprise announcement hours after telling reporters he was going to run. California congressman is clear House Republicans are divided and he believes they need a new face to unite everyone. Just outside on the steps of the u. S. Capitol. Senate democrats an s a new pus gun reform and they want to close loopholes and check the background database and tighten requests on illegal gun purchases. In the wake of Mass Shootings in recent years, now is the time for sensible gun reform. Theyre making this move just a day of president obamas trip to roseburg, oregon. The president will meet with families of victims from last weeks shooting at Umpqua Community college while hes there. Chris clackum has new details about that attack and those who rushed in to stop the gunman. Reporter one week after the brutal mass shooting at a Community College in roseburg oregon took the lives of nine innocent victims, the pain and heartache is still raw. There are some days when i just cry. I do know why im crying, it just all of a sudden just happens. Reporter more is now known about two police detectives, joe cany and Todd Spingath who are being credited with saving lives by confronting the gunman. I, like many people in this community, consider them to be heroes. President obama will travel on roseburg friday where hes expected to visit privately. A visit some in the community are opposed to because of the president s stance on gun control. This will not change until the politics changes and the behavior of elected officials changes. While critics of the visit say the climate is still too politically charged, the publ h publisher of the conservative roseburg beacon was more blunt. Frankly, its nothing more than a politicized opportunity for him to push his antigun agenda. Reporter still, say the officials, including the mater are welcoming the president. I am a republican and im a strong supporter of my gun rights and i want him here, too. Signs of the communitys grief are being echoed across the country as Community Colleges everywhere held a collective moment of silence thursday to remember the victims. Chris clackum, nbc news. We just got our first pictures of the man who was gunned down in alexandria. 37yearold Leon Williams was killed just before midnight on bellpre way. Hes the father of two girls and worked at the jiffy lube on duke street. Police are searching for that gunman and pat collins will be joining us and hell be at the scene and will have the latest in the investigation. Ill see you at 5 00. Now your storm team 4 forecast. What a gorgeous day out there today and plenty of sunshine, a few clouds moving in right now, but the good news is were dry today. Wish i could say the same about tomorrow and it does look like well see rain showers and maybe a few thunderstorms for your friday evening commute. Soak it up while you can. Temperatures in the mid to upper 70s and were having some of those clouds built into the region and 74 in d. C. And 75 in manassas and leesburg. If you want to go out for this evening, of course remember that sun is going down 20 minutes before 7 00. Mild and we are staying dry. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, its not going to be too bad. In fact, well be pretty mild, and temperatures will be right around 60 degrees and into the 50s outside the beltway and a mild start with a few clouds and theyll only increase throughout the morning and then by the time we head into the afternoon and any time after 3 00, 4 00 tomorrow afternoon and well start to see showers work their way in from the west to the east and this is all ahead of the cold front and what well really be watching are the high winds as the cold front moves through and as some of these thunderstorms move through the region and some high winds and some areas that will see some heavy rain and again, it just looks like we could see some torrential downpours out there for friday night football and it will also be breezy. As we said, those high winds will be one of the main threats and well be right around 80 degrees and it will be on the warm side and we will have some showers and thunderstorms to deal with. Not for saturday, though, especially if you want to pick some pumpkins on saturday looking good and it will be cool to start and definitely on the breezy side and say a little portion of the morning and then as we get into the afternoon youll need the jacket and the winds will settle down and well have plenty of sunshine as we get into your weekend, as well and the lows tonight will be on the mild side, but as we get through the weekend, looking good and then as we get into monday, columbus day especially if you have it off and temperatures will be in the mid70s and the next chance of that will be on tuesday. Today in decision 2016, republican president ial candidate is taking heat for the joke he made at the university of rich mobbed last night. I dont have any tickets for, you know for taylor swift or anything or you know or go ahead, you know. Yes. Youre just so excited. Yes. A little bit of background here. Ohio governor, he was addressing a student who was trying to ask a question about undocumented immigrants. The 18yearold sophomore. She writes for the school paper and called kasichs comments insulting. She says shes not a fan of taylor swift and says kasich was belittling her. Vice President Joe Biden is also getting attention for cracking a joke. He was speaking at the workers voice summit in the district when he took a poke at a job once held by democratic president ial hopeful Hillary Clinton. We need to move, and if i dont move and ill be demoted for secretary of state. Pundits, packs and democrats are paying special attention to every word biden says as he weighs a run for president. Now to a special reunion thats been a year and 600 miles in the making. Take a look. All right. This is going to be chips the pug. He disappeared about 11 months ago around thanksgiving and it was not far from his familys home in san antonio. Chips turned up 650 miles away in mississippi. A Good Samaritan took him to an Animal Hospital where they found he had a microchip. His owners drove all of the way there to pick him up. Wonderful. I wanted to cry. Its so good. Its so good. It feels great. So good. Hes a part of the family. I dont know how the little guy got here, but you know, im just glad hes going back home. If you have a dog, those microchips are a worthy investment, and we have more good news on this journey. The vets gave little chips a clean bill of health. Im in fairfax count wre Health Officials have confirmed a case of measles and while they say the young child who has been hospitalize side expected to be just fine, they are concerned that more people may have been infected including people who visited this costco in alexandria last week. Coming up at 5 00, well tell you who has to be concerned and why. The moment a teenage girl jumps out of a moving car to get away from her camping trips dont get much more terrifying than this. An idaho man woke up to find a bear standing over him. 29yearold stephen vouch says he thought a friend was pulling a prank. He woke up as his hair was getting pulled and he quickly realized it was not a friend. I reached over and felt the back of my head and felt that it was wet and that there was, you know, fluid. Thats when i kind of freaked out and said what the hecks going on pretty loud and thats when i could hear the bear breathing over top of me and thats kind of when i started to panic, reaching for my gun that wasnt there and about that time was when my buddy had shot him. Wow the man suffered a few cuts to the back of his head. And the group was able to raft downriver and they were flown out of there to get medical help. From one daring escape to another, this one caught on video. Teenager seen rolling out of a moving car to get away from her kidnapper. Police are confident theyll find the suspect here and they say parents should turn this into a teachable moment. I would be super afraid because if i was in that persons shoes i wouldnt know what to do. Students at Warren Harding high school in bridgeport reacting with shock, learning about what police say was the attempted abduction of one of their peers this week. On monday morning Authorities Say a woman driving a gray toyota yaris somehow lured a 17yearold girl into her vehicle and then assaulted her. That teen, thinking fast, made the decision to make a run for it and get out of that moving car before things got any worse. The video i seen with her up and out, it was crazy. Knowing the suspect in this case is a female added an extra layer of shock to some girls we spoke with making their way to class. Wait, a woman . For a lady to do it, i would never think it would happen. Parents in the Community Say theyre going to remind their children to be extra careful. Ive taught my kids since they were younger that strangers, you dont let them approach you and you dont approach them. Bridgeport police say parents and kids, even the older ones need to remain vigilant as they walk the streets. I think any person, regardless of their age needs to take precautions and caution if youre going to get into a car with a stranger. News 4 at 5 00 starts now with jim and wendy. Now at 5 00, alexandrias second murder. About 100 yards from the citys first murder. Some strange shot. Some close calls. People on edge. Im megan fitzgerald. A highspeed chase ends with a dramatic crash on fort meade. Were getting answers as to how that suspect maininged to make it past security in the first place. Im Mark Segraves where there is a warning about a new measles case and the contagious patient who visited this costco. Im Erika Gonzalez, disgraced and under investigation, volkswagens american boss comes to washington and says top management is not to blame in the emissions cheating scandal. First at 5 00 tonight, we begin with a murder mystery. In fact, there are two murder mysteries in alexandria. The first deadly shooting happened during the summer and this is only the second murder of the year in this area. Police didnt have to go far to find a very similar scene. Wendy . Thats right. Just 100 yards from the first murder. This community is not used to seeing this kind of violent crime. News 4s pat collins is live in alexandria with the latest on this. Pat . Reporter wendy, the victim Leon Williams. A short time ago a friend came to the scene and put down this bouquet of roses. A short time ago his mother came and tried to visit the scene, but she was so overcome with grief her friends led her away. The victim identified as leon dwayne chip williams. He was 37 years old and the father of two little girls. This is a rare sight for the city of alexandria. Police working a murder scene, ll

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