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making it happen for us. >> bravo. >> two thumbs up. >> at least for telling us about it. >> that's right, at least we're winning in the weather department. >> mm-hmm. all right, today is going to be a nice day, not just during the afternoon but beginning to end. so, depending on what your schedule is, maybe you can try and take advantage of it in little bits and pieces here and there. satellite and radar not broken. there's just not anything out there. we don't have any clouds and we do not have any rain to report right now. just a few showers yesterday. those clear skies giving way to some fog, patchy fog up to the north. frederick, maryland, now at two miles. and there have been some lower readings throughout this area. cumberland, maryland, down to zero-mile visibility. so again, just some patchy fog out there i wanted to tell you about. areas around 70 and 270. 63 frederick and gaithersburg, 71 d.c., 65 la plata, 68 degrees currently in fredericksburg, virginia, not too bad. your "hometown 4-cast," then, for leesburg, virginia, 65 degrees at 6:00 a.m. look at that, sunshine all throughout the day. 76 by 10:00 a.m., and by noon, 84 degrees. we're going to be topping out, folks, at a high temperature of 91 degrees, so find your city, check it out. not too bad for today. let's check out the roads now with danella. >> thanks, veronica. let's start with the rails in your "first 4 traffic" report. metra, marc or vre, no delays right now. here's the view on i-66 at fairfax county parkway. earlier had road work set up. checking cameras, it looks like the cones are up, and we'll check travel speeds from fairfax county parkway to the beltway, 62 miles per hour, taking just 11 minutes, not bad. let's head back to 395, though, southbound exit 3b, still shut down due to the road work there, but again, it should be in its final stages and clearing soon. eun, over to you. >> danella, thank you. 5:02 now. this morning there are more qutions than answers after police say a 28-year-old man walked into an office building and shot a security guard at the family research council on 8th and g streets. melissa mollet is live outside the building now with more on the suspect and details on the investigation. melissa, good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, eun. at this point, police have not commented on a motive. we know that floyd corkins is in fbi custody this morning and he has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon. now, the fbi was at corkins' herndon home for hours yesterday collecting evidence and also talking with neighbors. he's accused of walking into the family research council building and shooting a security guard. investigators say he told the guard he was an intern and then started yelling about the group's policies. when he was questioned about what was inside his backpack, he pulled out a .9-millimeter gun and shot the guard in the arm. the guard and others were able to wrestle corkins to the ground. >> and i would say in this case, the security officer here is a hero, as far as i'm concerned. he did his job. i mean, the person never made it past the front, farther than the front door. >> reporter: investigators found more ammunition in corkins' backpack and in his car, which was parked at the east falls church metro station. also in his backpack, sources tell news4 he was carrying chick-fil-a flyers. the family research council supports the fast food chain's ceo's stand against same-sex marriage. "associated press" this morning also reporting corkins volunteered at a gay community center. as for the security guard, he is expected to recover. he was taken to a local hospital and is listed in stable condition. live in northwest washington, melissa mollet, news4. back to you. >> melissa, thank you. here's a quick background on the family research council. the conservative christian organization was formed in the early 1980s. the group says it promotes traditional family values by lobbying for socially conservative policies. it is against gay rights, abortion, divorce, embryonic stem cell research and pornography. some breaking news right now. police searching a plane headed from new york to moscow because of a bomb threat. the russian airliner air afloat says somebody called new york city police claiming there were explosives on the passenger flight. the pilot made an emergency landing in iceland. nbc news reporting all 256 passengers on board were safely evacuated from that plane. nine people were killed in an attack on a pakistani air base, the largest one there. islamic militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons attacked one of pakistan's largest air bases. pakistani officials say islamist militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades invaded the base. eight militants and one officer were killed. so far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. breaking news in london. the british government is threatening to raid the ecuadorian embassy if wikileaks founder julian assange is not handed over. assange has taken refuge inside ecuador's embassy since june 19th. he is wanted in sweden to face trial for rape. today, ecuador's president is expected to announce whether his country will grand asylum to assange, but even if ecuador agrees to protect him, it is unlikely that british authorities will let him leave the uk freely. assange is best known for releasing hundreds of thousands of classified u.s. documents on wikileaks in 2010. two of the former penn state university officials accused of covering up the jerry sandusky sex abuse allegations will be in court today. lawyers for former athletic director tim curley and retired vice president gary schultz will try to persuade a judge to dismiss the charges. both men are charged with failure to report and felony perjury, allegedly having lied to a grand jury. in june, sandusky was found guilty of sexually abusing ten boys. he's currently behind bars awaiting sentencing next month. a montgomery county man could spend the rest of his life in jail for the murder of his step-daughter. a jury convicted 43-year-old david hang of killing 12-year-old jessica nguyen. prosecutors say hang stabbed her in their gaithersburg home last may. they believe he was angry about his divorce battle with jessica's mother. hang will be sentenced in late october. he faces up to life in prison. mitt romney's running mate may not be having much of an impact after all. a new poll suggests that paul ryan is not giving the presumptive republican nominee much of a bounce. the gallup daily tracking poll shows romney leading president obama by two percentage points right now. that is just a one-point increase since ryan was introduced last weekend. a group of former special ops and cia officers is accusing president obama of leaking information about the raid that killed osama bin laden. the group claims the white house leaked the information for political reasons. mitt romney and other republicans have made similar accusations in the past. the obama campaign denies those allegations and is comparing them to the swift boat ads aimed at john kerry in 2004. it is 5:07, 68 degrees. next, the sexual harassment claims that have rocked the homeland security department this morning. >>. why we could see big movement in facebook shares on wall street today. it is a feel-good morning, but will it last all day? meteorologist veronica johnson will have your forecast. and we learned overnight that somebody, some one person bought that big, old, powerball jackpot ticket. maybe you we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. welcome back. someone in michigan is going to have a pretty good day today. he or she won the $320 million powerball jackpot. eight other people nationwide, including one person in virginia, matched the five winning numbers, except for the powerball. they each win $1 million. here are the winning numbers -- 6, 27, 46, 51 and 56, and the powerball number was 21. >> we both played, we're both still here, so there you go. >> next time. >> 5:11 is our time right now. jackpot with the weather this morning for everybody, though. veronica johnson's in for tom. that's right. all three of us, though, played, by the way, and yeah, i'm still here, too, but at least we're winning in terms of the weather. fog advisory, though, pretty far out. that shouldn't affect traffic. we'll hear from danella in a moment. that's maryland, central and eastern allegany county in maryland. page and warren county in virginia, fog advisory until 8:00 a.m. grant, eastern middle, hampshire and hardy, too, fog advisory until 8:00 a.m. visibilities are dropping under a half-mile there. 71 the temperature, dew point temperature 62 degrees. remember yesterday? that number was about 68 to 70. so, it feels comfortable out there and it's going to be a comfortable day, despite the fact we'll be warming up. 70 to 74 degrees at 8:00 a.m. with sunshine, just some high clouds today, 85. a gorgeous day for us as we top out at 91 degrees. we'll have your four-day forecast coming right up. right now, traffic. danella? thanks, veronica. traveling to the roadways, we'll check things out in maryland. if you're taking 295 in maryland as well as i-95, travel lanes are open. earlier this morning, northbound i-95 at powder mill road, construction was blocking the right side of the roadway. that's gone, and so your travel lanes are open, looking good. let's head over to route 50. no issues along there. give y a live look at 424, davidsonville road. traffic is flowing without issue in this area as you make your way westbound and eastbound. in fact, on 50 in maryland, all the way from annapolis to new york avenue, not seeing any issues to warn you about. i'm back in ten minutes with another look at your traffic. aaron and eun? >> thank you, danella. >> it is 5:13, 68 degrees. ahead on "news4 today," the scam alert to young immigrants trying to apply for the government's new deportation program. and bouncing back from sagging hous is it time to start shopping for snow plows? 17 after the hour now. a four-star army general under investigation for spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on lavish travel. general william kipp ward is also accused of allowing unauthorized people, including family members, to fly on government planes. defense secretary leon panetta will decide whether to let ward retire at a four-star rank with full retirement pay or demote him back to a three-star. the demotion could cost ward about $1 million in retirement pay. one of homeland security secretary janet napolitano's top aides is stepping down, at least for the time being. susan barr has placed herself on leave after the department received complaints of inappropriate comments to dhs employees. barr is the head of the bureau of immigration and customs enforcement. right now, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants are anxiously awaiting word from the government as to whether they can work in this country without fear of being deported. take a look at the scene yesterday in langley park, maryland, where thousands of people lined up for hours to sign up for the deferred action for childhood arrivals. this program grants a two-year, temporary visa to immigrants who meet a strict set of standards. it could be months before they find out if their applications were approved. there are scammers out there looking to make a quick buck on this program as well. immigration officials warn that some people are promising work permits to immigrants in exchange for large sums of money. there is a $465 application fee associated with the real program, but giving anyone anything on top of that will not guarantee a work permit. prince philip is back in the hospital. according to buckingham palace, the queen's husband is suffering from a recurrence of a bladder infection he suffered earlier this summer. the duke of edinboro was hospitalized for five days with the initial infection in june and was forced to miss part of his wife's diamond jubilee celebration. he also spent christmas in the hospital after being diagnosed with heart disease. prince philip is 91 years old. for the first time, we are hearing the frantic calls made from a wisconsin sikh temple as a gunman opened fire there. police released the 911 calls from that morning earlier this month. six people were killed, three others wounded when the suspect, wade michael page, began firing at worshippers who were preparing for a prayer service. in the background of the calls, you can hear the sounds of gunfire. >> the address there, ma'am? [ inaudible ] >> another woman called while she was hiding inside the temple. her voice is barely audible as she whispers to the dispatcher. page killed himself after he was shot by police. investigators believe that he had links to a white supremacy crist group. today the fight to stop the spread of the deadly west nile virus in texas goes from the ground to the air. the mayor of dallas declared a state of emergency that would allow the first aerial spraying of insecticide since 1966. so far this year, more than 200 cases of the west nile virus have been reported in dallas county. ten people died. trucks already began spraying for mosquitos earlier this week to prepare for tonight's air assault. some good news this morning in the fight against a massive wildfire in washington state. firefighters there say the wind shifted overnight, allowing them to get a better handle on the taylor bridge fire. it's now about 25% containe but it has burned at least 70 homes. meanwhile, mixed results in california, where at least a dozen fires are burning right now. one in northern california is nearly contained and hundreds were allowed back into their homes, while another, called the chips fire, is threatening more than 900 homes. and in aho, a fire that has been burning for two weeks is now pressing in on a summer vacation town, featherville, also pine. both are being evacuated. >> hard to talk about in the middle of august, but we hit record highs this summer, and this winter we could see some severe snowstorms. forecasters predict the nation's capital and cities along the i-95 northeast corridor could see more snow than last year's snow drought. the winter mix of sleet and snow could start in november and december. the low temperatures could then settle in by january and february, so you may want to make sure your snow plows, snow shovels, all that stuff are in working order before the first winter snow hits. now, i'm just mad about this, because i still remember all that snow we had recently. >> the two years ago, the big one? >> yeah, was it two years ago, veronica? >> yes. >> and i'm hoping, veronica, i know that long-term forecasting is not something that a lot of meteorologists like to talk about and tout. so, i'm hoping they're wrong. >> well, there are some pretty good indicators, just like last year we kind of knew that it was going to be somewhere from average to maybe just being a dud for us. certainly didn't help the ski resorts around the area. but average snowfall from here to up around baltimore, somewhere between 15, just over 20 inches. so, we've got, yeah that to look forward to. prior to that, the ragweed this fall is expected to be high. and prior to that, the tropics, they're expected to get pretty active. so, okay, let's talk about the here and now. temperatures out there right now in the 60s, and tomorrow this time might be a little bit of a crisp fall hint in the air. 67 haymarket, virginia, 67 chantilly, 68 in st. mary's, maryland. 91 degrees for a high temperature for today. that's where we're going up to with high pressure moving in. sunshine for today and then, well, the sunshine's going to start fading away tomorrow because we've got another weather system to talk about, but sunshine all throughout the mid-atlantic area, pittsburgh, philadelphia, down toward raleigh, north carolina. then that front comes in, the sunshine slips away for tomorrow, we get the clouds, showers, maybe even some thunderstorms. here we are at 7:00. i think we'll probably see our first showers tomorrow starting about 4:00, maybe 5:00 off to the west and then moving east. so, for today, sunshine, low humidity, warm for us. nice conditions, 86 to 91 degrees. your evening, 77 to 83. next couple of days, unsettled this weekend, in the low 80s. so, cooling way down. danella? right now looking at a crash i-95 northbound in stafford, and it's slowing you down this morning. if you're making that commute northbound toward courthouse road, a crash there blocking two your left lanes right now. that's looking like a four-mile backup. absolutely jammed. again, the two left lanes are blocked. going to keep watching that for you. let's head over to the dulles toll road. no issues here in either direction, really the rest into the beltway, you're clear. traveling the beltway, though, from the dulles toll road to the interchange, travel lanes open both directions. p overnight road work in virginia, but it looks to be cleared. your travel speed from the dulles toll road to the interchange, you're at about 64 miles per hour, that drive taking 13 minutes. i'm back in ten minutes with an update on the crash along i-95. aaron, over to you. >> all right, thank you, danella. the housing market's showing signs of a comeback. confidence among america's homebuilders is now at a five-year high. according to the national association of homebuilders and wells fargo builders sentiment index, it rose two points this month to 37 up from 35 in july. that's the highest reading since march of 2007. in the meantime, houses here in d.c. will still cost you an arm and a leg, apparently. according to the washington business journal, tight inventory is driving up some house and condo prices. long & foster real estate reports that georgetown saw the highest median sales price last month at $930,000. that's up 7% from last year. chevy chase was second with the median sales price of $855,000, up 3%. mile you may not be able to afford those home prices, fewer of you are being forced to live paycheck to paycheck. a new survey by career builder shows that about 40% of workers report always or usually relying on their next paycheck to make ends meet. that's down slightly from 42% last year. but it's also a recession-era low, down from a peak of 46% in 2008. the survey also found that the majority of people living paycheck to paycheck now did not have to until the financial crisis of 2008. all right, i love this story right here. do you ever get frustrated when you go out to dinner someplace and you hear people talking or using their cell phones? well, there's a los angeles restaurant that's offering a 5% discount to any customer who surrenders their cell phone to the staff while they dine in. the owner of the restaurants says the policy will help diners connect with each other instead of their technology. no word on where those cell phones will be stored or what happens to them in case of an emergency. this story, of course, generating a lot of interest, some buzz, so let us know your thoughts about the restaurant's new policy. join the conversation on the "news4 today" facebook page. i think it's a great idea, for one. people need to put those phones down while they're eating. >> and there are plenty of restaurants and other business establishments that require you to turn off your cell phone. there are signs that say no cell phone conversations if you're shopping or eating. >> but they're annoying. people are doing this while you're trying to eat dinner or talking to them. yeah. >> that's just rude. >> it is. all right, well, facebook investors could be in for yet another rough day today. the so-called lock-up period ends today for the company's early investors and top executives. that means they can start selling facebook's stock they own. if too many of them sell, though, it could flood the stock market with millions or even billions of shares of stock. that would send facebook's stock price plummeting. actor michael j. fox is planning a new tv series. the 51-year-old actor reportedly shopping that new series to executives at the four major networks. so far, fox's publicist and sony pictures, i guess is the company producing this? not commenting on the reports. fox left his last sitcom, "spin city" in 2000 to focus on fighting parkinson's disease. earlier this year, he said he is on a new drug regimen that's helping him control that dise e disease, and he's making some headway. today marks 35 years since the death of elvis presley. thousands gathered for a candlelight vigil last night outside graceland in memphis, tennessee. elvis's ex-wife, priscilla, and their own daughter, lisa marie, thanked the crowd. it's the first time the women have appeared together at the annual event since 1980. the rock and roll icon died of a heart attack in 1977. he was 42 years old. a tribute concert will be held later tonight. our time right now is 5:27. staying on top of some breaking news. threats of a raid on the embassy in london to find wikileaks leader julian assange. also ahead, the new numbers that reveal the net worth of the gop presidential ticket. and new overnight, the fight and new overnight, the fight that whee wheeeeeeeeeeeee! wheeeeeeeeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee-he- he-heeeeee! whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! pure adrenaline. sfx: snorting sound. whee whee wheeeeeeeeeeee! everything you love about geico, now mobile. download the geico app today. looking at the stories making headlines right now at 5:30. breaking news -- the british government is threatening to raid the ecuadorian embassy in london to arrest wikileaks founder julian assange. this morning, the man accused of shooting a security guard at a d.c. office building is in jail. only one ticket matched all six winning powerball numbers. the winning ticket was sold in michigan! too bad. we'll have much more on those stories throughout the morning. first, good morning to you. i'm eun yang. >> and i'm aaron gilchrist. welcome back. >> oh, stop. >> we know how these things work. welcome back to "news4 today" on this thursday, august 16th. a live look outside, as chuck bell would say, at the friendly peacock here in upper northwest washington. the flag there catching a little bit of a breeze as the rest of us, i guess, will catch it if we spend some time outside this morning. >> such a nice morning, veronica. i think so. and we have to. we owe it to ourselves to get outside. you owe it to yourself to get outside today. the weather really, really nice. i'm going to start out by showing you the national high temperatures for today. now, today i think we'll get up to around 90 degrees, that for d.c., but 68 degrees minneapolis, minnesota. that green that you see, the blue just up to the north from there, that's the cooler air that's moving in, and that's what's going to be over us this weekend. so, this weekend will be much cooler. the next two days, though, above average high temperatures. right now we're at 63 degrees around oley, gaithersburg spots around maryland in the 60s, 66. rockville 66. west falls church also at 66 degrees right now. "day planner" forecast. we'll move into the mid-80s by noontime. look at this, just some high clouds coming through our area today. that is it. the air's going to be dry. humidity low for today, 90 degrees, again, topping out about 3:00 p.m., maybe 91 degrees in a few neighborhoods down to the south and west, like culpeper, d.c. all right, so, you get the idea. today nice and dry. tomorrow we've got some clouds that will move in. and tomorrow's not expected to be dry for the entire day because by late afternoon and for the evening hours, we're talking some showers, maybe even a thunderstorm. we'll talk more about that in your weekend coming up. right now, we're talking traffic with danella. thanks, veronica. if you're traveling in chevy chase, "first 4 traffic" report, we're going to start there, because police activity blocking all of your lanes on grub road. closures are between ross road and spencer road, so please be aware of that as you're commuting through that area. let's head back to i-95 in virginia, specifically approaching stafford. as you make your way towards courthouse road there, the two left lanes still blocked because of the accident. you can see absolutely jammed. i can tell you at last check, those backups, you were jammed about four miles, but you can see further south as you make your way commute from leland. you are, again, hitting heavy volume in that area. and back over to 395, as you make your way southbound, have an accident there blocking the exit for 3b. hopefully, it should be clearing, but right now that exit ramp still shut. aaron? >> thank you, danella. emotions are running high right now on the campaign trail. president obama and mitt romney stepping up their attacks on one another, and medicare is once again proving to be a hot-button issue for the candidates. nbc's claire leka is live on capitol hill with more on what they're saying this morning. claire? >> reporter: good morning to you, aaron. it's really been a war of words between president obama and gop rival mitt romney, with statements like "unhinged" and "hate" going back and forth and in blistering fashion, the candidates are going at it on the latest hot topic of the campaign, and that is medicare. now, president obama was joined by the first lady on his third and last day of campaigning in iowa. he attacked gop claims that his health care plan reforms cut medicare by $700 billion, saying he's proposed reforms that will save medicare money and get rid of wasteful spending. now, paul ryan, at his alma mater, miami university in ohio, hit back at the president, inviting a challenge on the issue. >> the president, i am told, is talking about medicare today. we want this debate. [ cheers and applause ] we need this debate and we will win this debate. >> i proposed reforms that will save medicare money by getting rid of wasteful spending in the health care system. reforms that will not touch your medicare benefits, not by a dime. >> reporter: now, according to the congressional budget office, both obama's health care reforms and ryan's medicare plan both slow medicare growth by $700 billion, but neither plan cuts benefits. now, both republican candidates have been hammered on the ryan versus romney package plan all this week. now, today, obama and biden are back at the white house. they've got meetings with secretary of state hillary clinton, treasury secretary timothy geithner. mitt romney will head to south carolina while his running mate continues to campaign in ohio. i'm live in washington, claire leka. aaron? >> claire, thank you. his net worth may not match mitt romney's, but paul ryan is still among the wealthiest americans. the presumptive republican vice presidential candidate is worth $4.5 million. he earned more than $340,000 last year. that puts him in the top 5% of income earners in this country. most of his money comes from his marriage and inheritances. by comparison, mitt romney is worth about $250 million. the race for the white house might be getting nasty, but the candidates will ease up on their attacks for at least one day. president obama and mitt romney agreed not to run any campaign ads on september 11th. a new york-based civic group made the request so the day could be devoted to community service. the president and john mccain did the same thing four years ago. and in 2004, president bush and john kerry pulled their ads on 9/11 as well. breaking news now. police searching a plane that was in route from new york city to moscow because of a bomb threat. the russian airliner says that somebody called new york city police, claiming there were explosives on board that flight. the pilot made the emergency landing in iceland. nbc news reporting all 256 passengers on board were safely evacuated from that plane. nine people were killed in an attack on one of pakistan's largest air bases. pakistani officials say islamic militants armed with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons invaded the base. eight militants and one soldier were killed. one aircraft was damaged. so far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. new this morning, two men are in the hospital after a series of assaults in northwest washington. about 2:30 this morning, police say two men got into a fight near the intersection of 19th and m street in northwest. at some point, the men ran into another man riding a bike, knocking him to the ground and unconscious. the fight then continued and ended up with one man unresponsive on the ground. he was taken to gw hospital. his injuries are considered serious. the man on the bike was also taken to gw but is expected to be okay. also new this morning, an apartment fire displaced one family. the fire broke out last night around 10:00 p.m. in the 2400 block of ross road in silver spring. fire investigators say the fire started in the bathroom. no one was hurt and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. a few hours later, a fire broke out at a single-family home in northeast washington. the fire started around 1:00 this morning on longfellow street. no one was home at the time. firefighters say the fire caused extensive damage to the two-story home. they also say it appears the fire started on the second floor. the cause is under investigation. it is 5:38 right now on this thursday morning. why johnson & johnson is changing how it makes some of its most popular products that you may be using at home this morning. and now on sale, the new tablet, giving apple's ipad more competition. plus, sunny skies and low humidity, but will it last? veronica johnson has your forecast. [ male announcer ] you paid in to medicare for years. every paycheck. now, when you need it obama has cut $716 billion dollars from medicare. why? to pay for obamacare. so now the money you paid for your guaranteed healthcare is going to a massive new government program that's not for you. the romney-ryan plan protects medicare benefits for today's seniors and strengthens the plan for the next generation. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. and strengthens the plan for the next generation. "and what do you do?" "oh, i sell insurance like no one else." "oh, that's nice." "thank you." now, that's progressive. call or click today. welcome back. now here's something you don't see every day, water gushing into the subway in the new york area. strong rain was so intense yesterday, it created flash floods. a witness inside a station in brooklyn shot this video. you can see the rainwater coming in from the ceiling and falling on to the tracks. the heavy rain caused delays. everything is expected to be back to normal today. there you go. >> you never know what you'll find on the subway there. >> you never know. >> always a show. let's check the forecast now, meteorologist veronica johnson with weather and traffic on the 1s. >> are you ready to get outside, do a little something something? >> i'm ready! >> all right, well, we are expecting nice sunshine for today, comfortable, too. remember the beginning of the week, we hit 90, coming off of a gorgeous weekend? well, today we'll have more of that sprinkled into our week. visibilities, though, this morning are down. in frederick, maryland, 2.5 miles now and they have dropped lower, petersburg and towards stanton right now down below a half-mile. your temperatures stay in the 60s. 63 gaithersburg, 66 leesburg, 64 to the south around alexandria, ft. belfour, alexandria, too. your high temperature today, though, will be going up to 91 degrees today. 91 for a high temperature with sunshine throughout the area. next couple of days, little warmer tomorrow, but then cooling down for the weekend. so, hmm, that means you've got to get out and take advantage of today. danella? >> i'm on my way out right now because i don't want to tell you about the delays on i-95. it's significant right now. northbound i-95 as you make your way to courthouse road, that crash still blocking two of your left lanes. delays are about five miles long. in fact, here is a look at warrington. you can see right now traffic seems to just stop in this area as you make your way northbound. i'm imagining that normally, when this happens, it's because of a temporary closure to get the cars out of the roadway. let's hope that is the case. i'm going to update you on this accident in ten minutes. keep in mind 395 southbound, exit 3b, that ramp is still shut down. heading over to maryland, i-270 southbound here, you are slow 85 to just past 80. no accidents, but your delays just are growing on i-270 in maryland. back in ten. aaron and eun, over to you. >> all right, see you then. thanks. it is now 5:44, 68 degrees. next, the device giving doctors a leading edge on diagnosing people with alzheimer's. and it's one thing to cheat in a family game of scrabble. not at a nationa welcome back at 5:47. this morning, police are looking for the people who threw a puppy out of a window from a moving car. someone saw the dog named joey being tossed from a car in new york over the weekend. a vet is now nursing joey back to health. he suffered a broken neck. the vet also noted the dog was malnourished and had bite marks around his neck. they think he was probably used for illegal dogfighting. those suffering from traumatic face injuries can now go to johns hopkins university hospital in baltimore for help. the university's review board gave final approval to begin accepting patients for face transplants. that procedure has only been performed six times in the united states. in march, the university of maryland's medical center conducted the most extensive face transplant on a virginia man. 27-year-old richard norris was severely injured in an accident 15 years ago. surgeons were able to give norris a new face supplied by an anonymous donor. there is no cure yet for alzheimer's disease, but a new device is helping doctors diagnose people with the disease earlier than ever. the p.e.t. scanner gives neurologists a closer look at the brain. they inject a patient with a radioactive dye called amyvid. those affected show up in red, giving a more definitive diagnosis before the disease has progressed. >> to start the diagnosis as early as we can, and we're thinking much more now about this person isn't dying of alzheimer's disease, this person is living with alzheimer's disease. and we need to help them know how to live with alzheimer's disease. >> more than 5 million americans live with alzheimer's. a recent study ranked it second only to cancer among diseases people fear. 11 before the hour now. a closely watched supersonic military test flight ended in failure. the air force now says the x-51 waverider was designed to reach mock 6. that's six times the speed of sound. but after just 16 seconds, it broke apart and fell into the pacific ocean near california's coast on tuesday. the engine never ignited, apparently. the technology could eventually lead to supersonic flights and missile strikes. a scrabble scandal is brewing in florida. one of the board game's top young players was kicked out of the scrabble national championship tournament after he was caught hiding two blank letter tiles. the tiles can be used for any letter, and it was upsetting to a lot of players, because knowing how to spell those obscure words can really pay off. >> we want to do well by walking the right path, and when somebody, you know, at a big-money tournament like this, is being dishonest, they're essentially attempting to steal from us. >> cheating never pays. the prize in this tournament is $10,000. more than 350 people take part in this tournament every year. >> big business. for school year, drivers need to obey school bus signs or face a ticket. all the buses in frederick county, maryland, will have cameras to record and ticket those who pass illegally. frederick county is the first in the state to install cameras to record moving violations. the federal government will help seven more virginia communities pay for the damage left by june's derecho. fema says stafford county and falls church are among the communities eligible for federal disaster aid. the money will help pay for damage and debris removal. it will also help cover emergency protective measures taken during the storm. 51 counties and 18 cities are now eligible for assistance. >> 5:51 is our time right now. we turn to meteorologist veronica johnson for a look at our full forecast this morning. all that nasty, derecho-type weather is out of here? >> it's out of here. >> today's gorgeous. today's gorgeous, but as nice as today's going to be, we still need some rain. a lot of folks are saying, well, i've gotten the rain! some folks haven't. as a matter of fact, we're down some eight inches for the year. parts of our area still moderately to severely dry, especially over maryland's eastern shore. eight inches for the year since june 1st, almost three inches now our deficit. today, though, a good day to get outdoors because it's going to be comfortable with that low humidity. now, as much as we're down here, of course you've heard the story, what's happening in areas of the corn belt, extremely to exceptionally dry through parts of the ohio, the tennessee valley and on down to the south. so, we really feel for those folks. and of course, we're probably going to be feeling it in our pocketbooks before long. on the radar, we are currently dry, nothing to report here. might see a few isolated showers in the higher terrains just west of our area later this afternoon, but that's not going to be a big deal. for today, sunshine, mid-80s by noontime, 90 degrees by 3:00 p.m. today. a lot of sunshine throughout the area. it's going to be gorgeous, as we top out at 91. it's even going to be a little warmer tomorrow. our next weather system is right here, coming through wisconsin and iowa. you can see there are some storms with it. when that system comes into our area, we're talking about showers and the possibility of some storms, too, but that's not until tomorrow, and i think tomorrow late. so, your futurecast, sunshine for today, incredibly nice conditions. there is your front early tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. we're going to be dry. we're going to start the day with sunshine, but that sunshine will fade to clouds by the afternoon. some showers and storms late, about 4:00 p.m. to our far north and west, around western maryland, 5:00 p.m., maybe as late as 6:00 p.m. here locally with the showers starting tomorrow. forecast then for today, lower humidity, warm, nice conditions, 91 your high with a light northwesterly wind. we're quite pleasant in the evening, 77 to 83 degrees. and then the four-day forecast goes like this, from 91 to 93 tomorrow. some areas to our south could top out at about 95. the weekend, occasional showers and much cooler, in the low 80s. le see how cool we are on the roadways. danella? veronica, we're looking hot in not a positive way. unfortunately, jammed, seeing red if you're traveling i-95 northbound making your way towards courthouse road in virginia. you're absolutely jammed by the crash there. it had two left lanes blocked, and it looks like they're still trying to clear that accident because you're absolutely jammed in warrington. here's what it looks like, bumper-to-bumper, very sluggish, seeing red in this area. let's head over to 395. this accident shuts down the ramp to 3b. so if you're traveling 395 southbound, you cannot take westbound little river turnpike. that ramp is still shut down due to the crash there. if you're traveling along i-270, still sluggish. this time delays are growing from 85 all the way to clarksburg road. that's where you're slow. checking cameras in jermantown, even all the way to rockville, clear in that area, but right now the bulk of your delays are just out of frederick. back to you. the nationals now have the best road record in baseball thanks to a 6-4 win over the san francisco giants. stephen strasburg earned his 14th win of the season, struck out seven. danny espinosa helped out at the plate with a two-run homer. that loss wasn't even the worst news for the giants. they also lost all-star slugger melky cabrera. he's suspended for 50 games for testing positive for testosterone. cabrera admitted to taking a banned substance. world series crown for the nats isn't even needed for baseball historians to call this season one of the most perfect. >> the 2-2! he got him! 34 years! 119 games and it's finally happened! a perfect game by a seattle mariner! it was done by the king, felix hernandez! >> seattle mariners ace felix hernandez pitched a perfect game against the tampa bay rays yesterday. this included 12 strikeouts. it is the 23rd perfect game in mlb history and the 3rd this year. that's the most of any season in the league's 136-year history. this morning, johnson & johnson says it is making a key change to some of its products. cnbc's share tia brantley joins us with more on the story. good morning. >> good morning, eun. that's right, johnson & johnson plans to remove chemicals like formaldehyde from its consumer products for adults by the end of 2510. in november, j&j announced it had been doing the same for baby and children's products since 2009 after a consumer watchdog group raised concerns about its baby shampoo. formaldehyde is thought to be linked to skin allergies and certain types of cancer. and apple sets up the fight for control of your living room. the "wall street journal" reports the company is in talks with some of the nation's biggest cable companies, including time warner cable, about letting customers use an apple-branded set top box to access live tv and other content, but "the journal" says some cable providers may be reluctant to let apple encroach on their territory, like record labels and wireless companies have done in the past. so, we'll see what happens. >> all right, chartia brantley, thank you. today is a day techies have been looking forward to for months. samsung's galaxy note 10.1 comes out today, equipped with a digital pen, a stylist, if you will. it can also run two applications side by side on a screen divided in half. in other words, you can surf the web and watch a video at the same time. the galaxy note 10.1 will cost you about $500 for a basic model. i think that's 16 gigs. that's the same starting price as apple's latest ipad. and so, you know, obviously, people who are not apple people are going to be excited about this, but there's -- you know, some of the bloggers that have been reviewing these things have been saying that they don't know that it's all that it's high up to be. you get the stylist, which is kind of different, but they don't know if that's great in plans of -- >> isn't that the point of having a tablet? >> use your finger. >> exactly, and not have any accessories. >> but if you're a doodler. >> doodle away! and the kids like to multitask. i just don't really want to do it. >> got a point, yeah. 5:57 right now. watch out barker's beauties. why men are being asked to "come on down" on "the price is right." plus, tracking news out of london where the british government is threatening to raid one of the country's embassies this morning. a security guard being hailed a hero, as we learn more about the man accused of opening

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