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survive. police say the driver involved in the accident will not be charged with anything because he had the green light at the time. our other big story this morning a terrible tragedy in prince georges county. two young children are dead after the car they were in crashed and caught on fire. the accident involved three vehicles on 350 near martin luther king junior highway last night. it caused a traffic nightmare. firefighters say the two children were inside a car that caught on fire. both were in car seats and adults couldn't get to them in time. at least three other people were rushed to the hospital but are expected to survive. police have not released the names or ages of the children killed. we will bring you more information as the information becomes available. the other story today is the weather. gone are those warm temperatures instead we're in for quite a chilly weekend. meteorologist chuck bell is in our weather center with a first look at our forecast, good morning, chuck. good morning to you. your weekend underway under chilly conditions first thing this morning. clear skies out there during the overnight hours have allowed temperatures to tumble once again. we're holding on to near 40 degrees right here at the station. many of the outlying suburbs are well out into the 30s this morning. the washington monument bathed in early morning darkness. 36 right now in ma nassas. 34 in gaithersburg and germantown. nothing on radar. not expecting to see anything on radar during the course of the weekend. bright and sunny coming up for your saturday afternoon. plenty of sunshine. temperatures into the low to mid 40s by 10:00 this morning. low 50s this afternoon for high temperatures. plenty of sunshine out there. it will be a bit breezy at times if you're headed out to the maryland/virginia game in college park a 12:30 kick off today. sunshine 47 degrees at kickoff. a northeast breeze 10 to 15 miles per hour. for tomorrow, mostly sunny, a little bit milder. the other thing you need to remember than a bundle up factor is to move your clocks back when you go to bed tonight. otheise you'll be approximately one hour off when you try to get anything done tomorrow. nice and cool today. milder sunshine for your sunday. >> thank you, chuck. keep your eye out for some big changes on the beltway this weekend. if you drive the hot lanes construction zone in northern virginia. overnight v dot crews began shifting the lanes at chain bridge red to permanent lanes. other changes the route 123 clover leaves will reopen putting an end to this. it also means a lighted northbound turn lane will come to an end as well. >> coming back up this way is often a hassle. they're changing the exits so afternoon sometimes you don't know which exit you're supposed to take. it will be really nice for everything to be back to normal. >> drivers will notice some changes today. v dot says the complete shift will be finished by monday morning's commute. fairfax county police are asking for your help in finding a man who tried to abduct a 14-year-old girl. tins dent happened last friday in mount vernon. police say the man offered the girl a ride to school and then tried to grab her. luckily she got away and called police. the suspect is a hispanic man between the ages of 30 to 35. last seen driving an older model gray, four door vehicle. police in maryland are look for four suspects who stole money from girl scouts. it happened outside the walmart on crane highway in bowie last week. police believe the four worked as a team to steal the box which only had about $200 in it. the girls are crushed and investigators call it the lowest form of a crime. >> we worked really hard. most of that money goes to service projects we do and we help homeless people with that. we raise food for sarah's house. we do other things with that and we worked really hard in collecting it. >> anyone with information on the suspects in these surveillance pictures are asked to call police. if you want to help the scouts who had their money stolen, you can drop off a check at the bowie police department from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. now to decision 2012 where herman cain is still going strong despite claims from three women he sexually harassed them. a new poll shows he's at the top neck in neck with mitt romney. yesterday one of cain's accusers spoke out through an attorney. he told reporters that his client filed a complaint in 199 against the presidential candidate and she's not the only one who was sexually harassed. >> there's an expression where there's smoke there's fire. the fact that there's multiple complaints tells me that it's more likely than not that there was some sexual harassment activity by this man at that time. all of that's subject to proof. he would be allowed to rebut all of them. the fact that there's more than one complaint is meaningful. >> the accuser's attorney also said the woman did not want to reveal her identity and become a public figure and is hoping the media does not publish her name. if the election was held today between president obama and mitt romney, it appears we might have a new president. a new poll by reuters and i'm sis shows the former massachusetts governor defeating the president. there's a 3% margin of error. this poll is telling seeing as just two mops ago the same question was asked and president obama defeated romney by six points. president obama is back at the white house after a two-day meeting for the g-20 summit in france. the summit was dominated by the ongoing debt crisis in greece. european leaders are working together to try to solve the problem as italy and spain are both suffering similar financial situations. president obama spoke at the summit saying the problems overseas are not unlike the problems right here in america. as for greece, the prime minister received a vote of confidence from his parliament even though he said he might not seek re-election. greece's leader made headlines when he announced a referendum on the $180 billion bailout. he backed down after pressure from his citizens and leaders from other countries in the european union. right now gabrielle giffords is back in houston of two weeks of intensive therapy. the arizona congresswoman got the treatment in south carolina. it comes as she revealed in her upcoming book that she plans to return to congress. giffords said she lost half of her sight in both eyes and had to relearn how to walk and talk after last january's shooting. her friends on capitol hill are not surprised to hear she plans to return. >> every single time i see her she's saying more, she's able to articulate things in more complex ways. >> giffords and her husband also reveal that before the shooting they had been trying fertility treatments hoping to get pregnant. more than 175 sailors are readjusting to life here at home this morning after returning from a three-month stint in afghanistan. the sailors received a hero's welcome as they walked off of the plane. it was an emotional time for all of them and their families. but the homecoming was extra special for a petty officer who got to meet his newborn son for the first time. >> amazing. looking forward to it. as soon as i landed the first thing i wanted to do was just grab him and kiss him. i got to see him through skype, but it's not the same thing. >> not all members of the squadron are home yet. the rest of them will return home sunday morning. well, a close call. details about an asteroid that will soar uncomfortably close to earth next week. that's coming up. also ahead, still in verdict in the trial of michael jackson's former doctor. why the delay may be good news for dr. you're watching news 4 today. a jury will resume deliberations monday in the bribery care involving a united states senate. he's charged with bribery, conspiracy and extortion. federal prosecutors claim he used his political office to do favors for shoppers food wear house. two former shoppers executives are on trial for allegedly conspireing with the senator. we'll have to wait until monday to see if there's a verdict in the trial for dr. conrad murray. yesterday was the first dull day of jury deliberations. as nbc's stephanie stanton tells us, the seven men and five women have quite the task at hand. >> reporter: after one full day of deliberations, the jury went home without reaching a verdict. they're contemplating one count of involuntary manslaughter against dr. ron rad murray. >> if they go past friday at 4:00 that's the bewitching hour and go into next week, that means that this jury is struggling with coming to a verdict. >> reporter: they're considering hundreds of pieces of evidence and 22 days of testimony from witnesses. including three of dr. murray's current and former girlfriends. several of his former patients, former jackson security guards and medical experts. a chilling autopsy of an incoherent sounding jackson was played in open court. >> when people leave my show, i want them to say, i've never seen nothing like this in my life. go. go. >> reporter: although dr. murray himself did not take the stand, jurors got to hear a taped recording of an interview he did with police days after jackson's death. >> i've got to sleep, dr. conrad. i have these rehearsals. >> reporter: if murray is convicted he would face a sentence ranging from probation to four years in prison and also lose his medical license. the jury will return on monday morning to continue deliberations. stephanie stanton, nbc news, los angeles. >> the jury has present oi-evidence to sift through. overall there are more than 340 exhibits they must review before issuing a verdict. today thousands are expected to put their money with their mouths are as part of occupy wall street protests around the country, thousands of planning to transfer their money out of big banks and into more credit unions. the plan started to the bank of america announcement that it would start charging a $5 debit card fee. the protests got them to levy those fees. some bad news for people in northern virginia left cleaning up after tropical storm lee. fema denied governor bob mcdonald's request friday to individual assistance to those affected by the storm. lee caused flooding in fairfax and prince william county. but it wasn't all bad news from neiknee -- fema. fema decided to approve disaster relief for people whose properties sustained damage many the 5.8 magnitude quake. the request was initially turned down. govern bob mcdonald saying the earthquake damage has doubled since his initial request for assistance. some good news there. as for us when we're talking about the worth, bundle up, chuck bell, it is cold out there this morning. no doubt about it. plenty of chill many the air. first thing to get your weekend started. it's going to stick around for much of early morning hours of your saturday. it won't last all weekend. it won't last all weekend. i'll have ♪ one taste, and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. mm! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. another reason to smile -- dunkin' donuts' new holiday flavors. get 'em while they last. [ girl's voice ]s voice ] hi todd, hi, samantha. do you wanna be my boyfriend? [ chuckles ] sure! great -- gimme your melt. myy--melt? [ singsong voice ] yeah. i'm your girlfriend now. ahh, i don't think this is working out. [ male announcer ] get your own subway steak melt. like the steak & cheese -- layers of juicy steak and bubbly, melted cheese. subway. eat fresh. you're watching news 4 today. welcome back. an asteroid bigger than an aircraft carrier is darting towards earth right now. but scientists say don't worry about it. the quarter mile wide asteroid is expected to go flying between earth and the moon on tuesday. the kiloest encounter by such a huge rock in 35 years. scientists say the closest it's going to get to earth is within 202,000 miles. people in phoenix were left in a fog of sorts as a thick dust cloud blanketed the city. the massive cloud covered interstate 10 slowing down traffic last night. however, there were no major accidents reported. the dust is part of a cold front moving east into colorado where it's expected to snow today. when we talk about our weather here, hopefully no snow, not that we haven't had it in recent weeks. we're getting a little bit of bitterness when we talk about the cold. >> no doubt about it. we don't have to worry at all about snow in weekend. that was last weekend's problem. now it's a whole new month ark whole new weekend. off to a plenty cold start with most of the suburbs west and north of the city well down into the mid 30s this morning under a clear sky. we're going to have a ton of sunshine for at least the first half, maybe 3/4 of your weekend. maybe more than that. outside right now generally clear sky out there and a cold start. 40 degrees at national airport with the wind out of the north at 14 miles per hour. it will be breezy at times for much of your saturday if you're planning to spend any time outside today. may need a little extra layer to stay warm. 40 downtown. but 37 now in college park. 44 in annapolis. springfield at 39 degrees. as you get out towards the blue ridge temperatures are closer to the freezing mark this morning. 33 in hagerstown. 32 in winchester. nothing on radar right now. not expecting anything in the way of precipitation for your weekend. your forecast for today, tons of sunshine, but it's going to stay chilly. temperatures only in the low 40s by mid-morning. low 50s for high temperatures this afternoon. sun comes up at 7:39 this morning. obviously we're going to be setting our clocks back as we go to bed tonight or at least when you get up first thing tomorrow morning. satellite review nothing but clear skies overhead. a few extra clouds the further you get down towards the mouth of the chesapeake bay. off to a cold start with the clear skies out there. high pressure's in charge not just for today but for all weekend as well. plenty of sunshine today. that east to northeastly breeze will be substantial to make it cold at times. then 4:00 tomorrow high pressure again, but a nice warming trend. tons of sunshine tomorrow should put temperatures up to near 60 degrees. that will be nice. not today, mostly sunny, chilly, breezy at times today. highs in tupper 40s and low 50s. northeast wind 8 to 18 miles per hour. a little bit stronger the closer you get to the bay. you're headed up to morgantown west virginia. the cardinals taking on the mountaineers a noon kick off. 45 degrees. it will be sunny and cool and pleasant. for us tomorrow plenty of sunshine and milder. highs tomorrow up in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. 52 today. 58 tomorrow. 63 on monday. 66 tuesday. that's going to be the pick of the litter. clouds start to sneak back into the forecast wednesday and chances for rain return on thursday and friday. obviously it's a saturday and we don't have to worry about snow today. so we can get back to the important things in the world, college football forecast. if you need your team, tell me who's playing, when they're playing and where they're playing send it to me and an ang ji will get them on at 9:00. today, a potentially major decision in the nba lockout. the owners and players are expected to meet today and the players are considering desertfying their union. that move would allow the players to file an antitrust lawsuit against the owners. although nfl players tried the same move during their lockout and it failed. the nba season was supposed to tip off earlier this week. but commissioner david stern has can keled games all the way through the end of november. the cats look to stay hot in carolina. we have highlights in this morning's sports minute. good morning, everyone. your sports minute begins with hockey. last night the caps in carolina playing the first of back-to-back road games. second period, caps down 1-0. karl alzner throws it on net. rebound to halpern who dives and scores. scores his first goal of the season. we're 1-1. third period 3-1 caps. semin beats pitkanen to the puck. semin passes to ekin. skates in and buries it. ekin scores his first nhl goal. the caps crush carolina 5-1. tonight the caps in new york to face the islanders. college hoops, an exhibition against the number one nai,team many the nation, northwood university. freshman nick fous heaves it from 55 feet at the buzzer. and nails it. fous the terps top recruit went for 14 points. maryland wins barely. next up the regular season opener against unc wilmington on november 139. high school football, fairfax hosting stone bridge. third quarter, on fourth and three rumbles in for a seven yard touchdown. he rushed for 123 yards and tour tds. he has 19 this season. bulldogs are district champs with a 39-8 win over fairfax. that's your sports minute. have a great day. the time now is 6:25 early on this saturday morning another veteran seriously hurt in the occupy wall street movement. what he says landed him in the hospital with internal bleeding. some very real charges against a woman accused of against a woman accused of se get your cash back. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cash back card? i'll try the largest oh, that's too bad apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back... 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year but have fun, bob and weave once you're in there. and right now, when you apply... you'll receive $300 bonus cash back after you spend $500 in the first three months. can i change my mind? i was hoping you would plus, chase freedom gives you a total of 5 percent cash back on up to $1,500 worth of purchases in new categories every three months, like gas stations, movie theaters, restaurants and grocery stores when i say cash you say back... cash... okay! even better... with chase freedom, there's no annual fee. so remember if you apply now... you'll receive $300 bonus cash back after you spend $500 in the first three months. get your cash back. call or visit our website to apply. you're watching nbc 4 washington's news leader. now live in hd this is news 4 today. welcome back to news 4 today. i'm angie goff. it's saturday, november 5th. off the top a developing story we are tracking this morning. the top leader of colombia's main rebel group is dead after a military strike. he had been a top target of colombia's military for the last year claiming he was responsible for a deadly bombing that left a top military leader dead. his killing is the latest in a series of withering blows to latin america's last remaining leftist rebel army. a second iraq war veteran has been hurt in occupy oakland protests after clashing with police. the 32-year-old army soldier is nn oakland hospital after suffering a ruptured spleen and internal bleeding. he claims police beat him then left him handcuffed in a police van for three hours before taking him to jail instead of the hospital. last week after a 24-year-old marine suffered a skull fracture when i will resisting arrest. police are investigating both incidents. if you've enjoyed the pleasant temperatures in recent days, you are in for a rude awakening today. it's going to be much chillier this weekend. let's check in with chuck bell in the weather center for the deets. off to a cold start today. yesterday wasn't so bad. in the morning the clouds and mild air, by yesterday afternoon you noticed that gusty north wind yesterday afternoon. that north to northeasterly breeze is out there. off to a cold start, 40 in washington. 39 in bethesda. 36 in easton, maryland. nothing on doppler. 100% dry all weekend. no reason to worry about rain or snow this weekend at all. 100% sunshine for today. it will be chilly sunshine for your saturday. highs today only up into the upper 40s and low 50s far brief time. again the closer you get to chesapeake bay the more of a breeze there's going to be. if you're headed out to college park, the cavaliers and terrapins kicking it off at 12:30 this afternoon. 47 in college park for the noon kickoff. tomorrow mostly sunny. a little bit milder. highs tomorrow in the upper 50s and low 60s winds from the south at 5 to 10 miles per hour tomorrow. a nice little change. if you'd reich to get your game on, who's playing, when they're playing, all the games in the 9:00 hour. >> do i have to email you if i want carolina zsh arkansas? >> no. i already put this graphic. a man convicted of setting a number of fires in the district will now face charges in prince georges county for starting several fires there. the suspect was hit with new kiemts just moments after pleading guilty in d.c.'s superior court. these garden apartment units are still empty and boarded up. months after two separate arsons that prince georges county prosecutors now believe to be the work of a 34-year-old man. this boarded up apartment unit is the one he is accused of setting fire to in december 2010. a few months later this unit was set on fire also believed to be his work. residents say it's a danger and an eyesore. they're furious to learn the fire is believed to have been deliberately set. >> that's very, very, very sad. it could have cost people's lives. >> they need to close this down. it's not nothing down there but nothing. there's nothing down there. we need to close it down. we think people sleeping down there. >> reporter: in court he admitted to a laundry list of arsons in the district. among them a house fire in april of this year on 48th place northeast that came very close to killing a squad of d.c. firefighters. four escaped with very serious burns, a fifth was also injured. >> really strange when you go from being able to do everything to be able to really nothing. it's heart wrenching. my job means a lot to me. going to work and working with my colleagues it's important. >> reporter: mike campbell of the atf's washington field off says the man called 911 after setting the fires and in two cases helped evacuate nearby homes behaved in a textbook fashion. >> the profiles that they put together of serial arsonists a lot-it are the same. they have some similar characteristics. sometimes they'll call and be at the scene. you're look for those kind of commonalities. immediately after his court appearance he was take on the prince georges county to face charges there. >> he will be sentenced for the d.c. arsons in february. a fairfax county woman is behind bars for selling synthetic marijuana. police say the 59-year-old sold the synthetic compound known as k 2 at lee's market near george mason's campus. according to police reports she would only sell the product to students. residents say they're surprised. >> well, i was quite surprised to hear about it. since i go right past there almost every week when we go to the vet now. and i've been in to buy sodas out of the cooler a couple times. but never expected anything like this. virginia passed a law back in march that banned the sale of k 2 and other synthetic marijuana substance. a long time capitol hill bar is back open for business. the tune in bar reopened its bars yesterday after being closed for more than four months. tom sherwood was there for the grand reopening and talked to patrons who say they're relieved to see the bar back. >> reporter: on pennsylvania avenue near 4th street southeast, the balloons were the indication that the old tune-in was back in business. the family owned restaurant has a new bar and bar stools, new booths and a new kitchen. but the same old feel that existed before a kitchen fire gutted the place. local businesses and citizens raised $40,000 to help keep the staff paid while the restaurant was repaid. >> we're back. rer back in business at of 10:45 this morning. it's been wonderful. we've had all the familiar faces come back in. >> reporter: lisa runs the restaurant that her father first opened for business in the 194s. long time customers were back for the comfort food. >> i have to order something greasy. fries or a cheeseburger. it's family. it's a place that's here when on christmas day when you don't have any other place to go. >> i am a lawyer and i'm eating a hamburger and it's delicious. >> reporter: local d.c. democratic party official was glad to be back for a favorite hamburger. >> it brings back the community to the hill, the neighborhood bar, this place operates as a post office, a meeting spot, it's just part of the fabric of the neighborhood. >> and if all goes well, the tune inn will be a stopping place morn, noon and night. >> reporter: do you ever go home? >> i do. i live right around the coroner. i can come here for breakfast because i don't like to cook. the district has reached a multimillion dollar settlement in connection with the fire that nearly destroyed the historic georgetown public library. the fire started in 2007 while contractors were renovating the building on r street northwest. thousands of books were destroyed and the ceiling collapsed. the district's attorney general said the two contractors involved agreed friday to pay $6 million to reimburse the city for some of the costs to rebuild it. the library reopened in october of last year. it's 6:37 right now. you've probably seen this video more than once in the last few days. now we are going to hear from the woman who shot it. what she says it was like being just a few feet from these giant whales. and he's doing more than just busting a move. why police wanted to talk to this dancing shopper and here's a hint, it wasn't because of you're watching news 4 today. last week's northeast snowstorm is proving costly for jetblue. the airline is refunding money for passengers who were stuck on the tarmac for seven hours last week in connecticut. the travelers are also getting a free round trip ticket for a future flight. the federal government is investigating the incident and the airline will likely face a hefty fine. by now everyone's seen the amazing video of a whale getting close to some folks in the water. now the woman who shot that video is speaking out. barbara was just 20 feet away when the giant whale made an appearance off the coast of santa cruz, california. she said the experience was simply amazing. >> the two whales come up out of the water and mouth full of fish. before you know it, it was over. we were all in shock. >> amazingly this isn't the first time she was close to these giant creatures. last week she was only five feet away as a whale swam right by her. however, she won't keep these close encounters as she feels it disrupts the whale's natch behavior. the "today" show is next. lester holt joins us live from new york. i've seen that whale video time and time again. i can't get enough of it. >> unbelievable. >> on "today", the latest in the controversy surrounding herman cain. on friday the lawyer of one of cain's accusers spoke out saying cain wasn't quite being truthful. then the national restaurant association came out and said a former complaint was fired. we're going to look at what this mean for the the campaign. the latest in los angeles where the fate of michael jackson's doctor conrad murray is in the hands of the jury. plus william and kate plus one. rumors are flying this morning that an heir to the british throne could be on the way. a little bit of tea leaf reading this morning. and then there's the sax phone. it must mean live from new york. we're going to get rare access to the set of "saturday night live" when we go behind the scenes and find out what really goes on in those sketches from rehearsal to air. those stories and much more later on "today." >> really looking forward to that. just want to let you know, props for your costume last week. you really pulled off bruce jenner. a suspected shop litter known for his dance moves in the store is behind bars. police in new jersey arrested the 26-year-old after posting this video on youtube. the video which shows a man strutting his stuff before stuffing a dress under his shirt went viral getting more than 3700 views. that led to a lot of tips for police leading them straight to him. not so smart. that goes into the dumb crook file. >> no doubt about it. what's he doing stealing a dress? did i miss that part? >> that's the big question. i think he got a couple of shirts in there. maybe he has a girlfriend. >> nothing says i'll love you like i'll be back in 30 to 60 day hence i get out of jail. outside a clear sky out there. off to a chilly start on your saturday. a check of yo you're watching news 4 today. welcome back, everybody. now to a story chuck's certainly going to appreciate. think you can run more than three miles in just a few seconds? you can tonight without even breaking a sweat. there's a catch. you've got to run in the wee hours of the night. head to bethesda for the anything is possible 5 k race. it starts at 1:50 in the morning. why so late? we set our clocks back an hour at 2:00. that means you'll probably finish the race before you started it at least according to the clock. chuck, what would you do to have that during the marine corp. marathon? >> it was cold enough last weekend. for folks going out to do the 5 k run late tonight into early tomorrow morning you too should be bundled up. temperatures will plenty chilly for that race as well. outside for now, off to a clear start, oh is it chilly outside first thing this morning. as you look over the city of washington on our city camera view there still waiting on the sun. sunrise not until after 7:30 this morning one of our latest sunrises of the year. that's correct. the next time tomorrow morning it will come up 59 minutes earlier. to under a clear, dark sky right now. 40 degrees at national airport. winds out of the north to northeast between 10 to 25 miles per hour. that bit of a northeasterly breeze, the closer to the bay the breezier it's going to be. temperatures now 37 in college park. 39 at the inner harbor in baltimore. mid 30s across northern virginia. 37 in culpepper. up into the panhandle of west virginia temperatures hovering in the low 30s this morning near the freezing mark now in winchester. cumberland, maryland, below freezing. nothing on the radar. we'll be completely dry all weekend long. it will be a sunny day today. temperatures thanks to this chilly start and northerly breeze going to stay on the cool side. highs in tupper 40s and low 50s. on the satellite picture clear skies in place. off to a cold start this morning. high pressure is in charge of our weekend all weekend long. bright and sunny a bit of a east a northeasterly wind out to the chesapeake bay. another relatively cold night tonight into early tomorrow morning. tomorrow once again the sunshine returns a little hint of a warming trend gets underway. so your forecast for today, mostly sunny, but chilly. breezing at times. northeast winds 8 to 18 miles per hour. breezier for you folks out towards huntingtown. if you're headed up to morgantown 45 degrees for the kick off. but on the whole, good football weather. so today will be sunny and cool. tomorrow sunny and milder. don't forget to set your clock back before you go to bed tonight. don't forget the change the battery in your smoke detector. that's an important thing with the change of season. a lot of people turning the indoor heaters on. the extended forecast, 52 today. 58 tomorrow. into the low and mid 60s with bright sunshine for monday, tuesday and wednesday. next chances for some showers start rolling back into late wednesday more likely into the day thursday and friday. that's a long ways away. it is a saturday in the fall. that means we're doing college football forecast. if you need your game on the air between 9:00 and 10:00 this morning send me the note we'll get on as many games and forecasts as we can during the 9:00 hour. oklahoma playing texas a&m in oklahoma today. >> all about the superstition. thank you, chuck. residents in southern california put away the bathing suits and picked up their skis and snowboards today. a snow front dropped around six inches of snow in the area including the ma moth mountain ski resort now ready to open. the area got snow and fierce winds. some as high as 35 miles per hour causing tough conditions for drivers. it's 6:52 right now on this saturday morning. on the road to recovery, the latest on the condition of the virginia boy who survived for a week in a wilderness. and a pregnant princess in and a pregnant princess in the incident that get your cash back. which cash back booth looks better to you, chase freedom or the largest cash back card? i'll try the largest oh, that's too bad apparently you don't know chase freedom guarantees you 1% cash back... 4 times more than the largest cash back card, which only gives you a quarter percent until you spend $3,000 every year but have fun, bob and weave once you're in there. and right now, when you apply... you'll receive $300 bonus cash back after you spend $500 in the first three months. can i change my mind? i was hoping you would plus, chase freedom gives you a total of 5 percent cash back on up to $1,500 worth of purchases in new categories every three months, like gas stations, movie theaters, restaurants and grocery stores when i say cash you say back... cash... okay! even better... with chase freedom, there's no annual fee. so remember if you apply now... you'll receive $300 bonus cash back after you spend $500 in the first three months. get your cash back. call or visit our website to apply. you're watching news 4 today. >> welcome back. it's been a little more than a week since a virginia boy was found alive in the virginia woods. robert wood junior spent five nights in the wild before being rescued. hundreds of people scoured the woods looking for him. news 4 spoke to robert's grandmother who talked about that i know credible moment she found out he was alive. >> i'med to let you know how much we care. >> reporter: norma williams reads a heartfelt message of hope sent by a stranger after her grandson went missing. >> if there's anything i can do, please let me know. >> reporter: robert wood junior was found alive one week ago after the child with autism spent six days lost in north battlefield park. williams said after the fifth night she was convinced she'd never see the 9-year-old again. >> i was sitting in the truck when the wind was blowing and the rain was coming down and it was so cold. and i said, god, he's not going to last much longer out here. >> reporter: thousands of strangers searched for the boy who was rushed to a richmond hospital. he's been there for a week recovering from cuts, insect bites and more serious problems. >> his esophagus had a small hole. it was probably something he ate. that's what we were told the first day. his foot is still swollen. >> reporter: williams says she got to see her grandson after he was discovered in a quarry. she says she thinks his quiet temperment was the key to his survival. >> according to the man who was down there that's probably what kept him going. he wasn't afraid. >> reporter: robert is expected to make a full recovery, but may not get out of the hospital until next week. fans of steve jobs will soon get the chance to listen to him again when steve jobs, the lost interview hits theaters later this month. the 70 minute interview was recorded in the 90s as part of a pbs mini series called triumph of the nerds. ten minutes of the interview were used in the series. but the master tapes of the entire interview disappeared and were only recently found. the interview will be shown at landmark theaters in 19 cities including washington, d.c. beginning november 16th. a simple food choice has sparked baby rumors for the royal newlyweds. during a trip to copenhagen kate middleton politely declined to sample a bite of peanut paste. that ignited rumors that the duchess of cambridge is pregnant. doctors urge pregnant women to avoid peanut sos their children don't have allergies. buckingham palace released a statement saying kate doesn't have an allergy. we could see have a royal baby watch. it appears the heir to the hip-hop throne will be a girl. beyonce and jay-z are reportedly having a little girl. kelly rowland she said at an award show quote, i think her daddy is going to give her everything. she won't be spoiled. the baby is due in february. think you have what it takes to be a star? now is your chance to show it. we have auditions today for nbc's hit show "america's got talent." the auditions are being held today and tomorrow at the washington, d.c. convection center. that's at 801 mount vernon place northwest. registration runs from 8:00 in the morning until 7:00 p.m. contestants, you're going to have 90 seconds to showcase their tal ens in hopes of being selected to compete for the million dollar prize. now a preview of what we're work on for news 4 today at 9:00. you may know him for "l.a. law", now corbin bern sin stars in a new film. the simple move you can make that could save you and your family's lives. we're going to have that coming up. we're talk about changing your smoke detectors and why it's crucial for you and your family to take note. that's going to do it for news 4 today. we're going to be back in 25 minutes with more of your news and your weather. and we hope that you're going to join us again for a full hour of news at 9:00. until then remember that the story always continues online. you can get your traffic, weather and your news at

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