first a quick check on our forecast. meteologist chuck bell joining us in the studio. happy new year. >> gat day to get t new year started. little rain later in the day. good day sit around and relax. st have a little fun here firsthing this rning. if you' up and you're watching, tell us how you go to be watching us at 6:00 a.m. or did you just get up ni and fresh and you're o your way to work. >> or is the partytill going on? >> or not so fresh 6:00 a.m. send me a note. if we get any funny ones. we'll tell you how you arrived at 6:00.m. outside a mostly cloudy skes. temperatures in the 30s in many spots to around 40egrees inside of southern maryland. 49 in linton, maryland. 39 in annapolis. 36 here in northwest, washington. 28 degres in manassas. upper montgomery, into frederick county marand in the 20s. there's the rain tothe western ide of us. it will take a while for it t get over the mountains. nonetheless you nee have a rain plan ready to go today because there will be a chance for showers by latern today and this evening. steadier rains tonight. a wet start. we'll get a little sunshine back in the second half of the day tomorrow. chuck.bell. our record low is 14elow zero. so it could be cold. >> thank you, chuck. ♪ that's a little mellow way to wake up. the most iconic way to ring in e new year. nearly a million people packed new yo's mes square to watch the ball dropped. more wtched it on tv. 30 new watford crystal triangles were added to the ball ited with themes of love. that love turned into the time square crowd. the most amazing part, clean up crs will have allhat conftti gone before the sunrises. of course a spectacular celration weren't just limited to the states. millions arou the world welcomed the new ye with big parties. curt grery shows us the sights nd sounds that heralded in the new year. >> reporter: new zealand, the first major city to welcome in the then the skies over the iconic harbor brie in sidney, australia lit up in sptacular fashion. in japan the 15 ton bell at tokyo temple tolled. to honor 11. a similar scene in thehinese capital of beijing and the big bell temple. in the united arab em ira tes. and moscow's red square. brilliant firewks and snow made for a memorable scene. and celebration continue ed johannesburg, south africa. champagne corks popped inparis. in dln the most famous clock in the world big ben rang in the new. and a tradition continue in new ork. hundrs of thoands jam to times square to gre 2011. curt gregory, nbc news. y didn't even have to stay up all night to see that. the new year wasn't all celebration police in d.c., maryland and virginia said they responded to severalaccidents and fights a people leftarties and clubs overnight opinion maryland state police said th stopped 36 people at a dui checkpoint off route 40 in frederick count troopers say each personwho drank alcohol had a designated driver. drirs also ran into several dui checkpnts off connticut avenuein northwest washington. police say they were not only looking for dnk drivers bust people onrugs and not necessarilyllegal drugs. >> there's a huge portion of the population that is on some kind of prescription medicati and most prescription medication has a warning label on it about interaction with alcoh and that's what we're wored about. >> hundreds of hem were expected to take advante of the sober ride home. the organization footed $70,000 to offer those free rides. virginia is kicking off the new year with a rate hike on the dulles toll road. you now have to pay 1.50 at the ma toll plaza. rates on the on and off-mp will remain at 75 cents. it's a toll incase that spans three years. the last hit comes in 2012. will pay for the dullesetro ail project. in maryla several w laws take effect. this year drivers have to pick their n trial date if they want to fight traffic ticket also starting on monday maryland drivers wh want to rew their tags in person wi not be able to do so at an mda counter they will be directed to a self service kik. the goal is t cut those wait times. the equal benefits billecomes law in mntgomery county. it extends benefits to same sex partners. federal aviation administration is investigati an air crash between a all plane and a medical chopper. it happenednear the shenandoah airport. two people in the plane died. those in the helicopter were able to walk away from the crash afer landing. the national transportation safety board plan to hold a press coerence today at noon. a specl education teaer in mogomery county hopes that a arrest over the holay break will not st sue hera job. 25ear-old rebecka amik teaches in silver spring but is now on administrative leave. police say she was one of three ople in a car stopped for speeding on tuesday. but thatwasn't the rob. officers searched the c and said she had nine bags of heroin on her. family members say she is remorseful. >> she is very upset over the fact it could cost her career. i hope the school board will see it to keep her. >> policecharged another passeng in the car with possession of heroin. the driver g a ticket for speeding. the megaillions jackpot is growing. no one matchedll five numbers and the mega ba lastnight. that means tuesday's jacot is now worth an timated $0 million. the game is played in d.c. maryland and virginia a 39 othestates. the winnin numbers are 10, 12, 13, 35, 5. must be and the mega ball is 9. "news4 today" is just getting started. we'll have the highs and loss of 2010. did you partyoo much last night? we he hangover help when we ce back. we have had ayear filled with high drama starting with unprecedented snowfall, a deadly hostage situation and i a town known for politics, party crashers. here's t countdown of the top ten local news stories of 2010. number ten the real housewives of d.c. premiers on b bravo. the most infamous party cshers, the salahis they denied any wrongdoing and talked toveryone and anybody about it except members of congress who investigated the security breach. number nine the deadliest mass shooting ever in southeast washington. in march four people we killed, five injured in drive by shooting. retaliation, police sd for the death of jordan howe. he was shot andkilled a week eaier over a misunderstanding an a missing bracelet ma of fake gold. police made five quick arrests. number eight, the nine ye murder mystery of a d.c. inrn solvd. jurors found ingmar andique guiltyin the death o chandra levy. her mother satin courtrm during the entire trial and found these words after the verdict. >> i'm not sure if there's a sense of peace but i can tell you it ain't closure. >> for seven, pepco's reliability or lackthereof. the inability to keep power on tested the patience of more than 400,000 customers and their families left in the dark during severe winter weher, summer storms and even sunshiny ys. at a public hring inveigating the failus an earful about rage. >> on a day-to-day basis they can't do their job much less in a storm. >> at number six, what caused the worst crashin metr's history. >> on track circuit the safety board evealed layers of safety deficiencies a break down of safety managemen >> the nationalransportation safety board released findings into what we wrong saying the accident was preventab had met implemented a verification test. metro's general manager regned. he has yet to be permanently replaced. >> the thoughtf not being in this role any me is heartbrking. number five, t biggest resignion the year, michelle rhee stepped down as the chancellor of d.c. public schools. she wa brought in toave d.c. hool kids but she was out after three controvsial years of teacher firings, administrative shakeups and an increasen enrollment. coming in a number four the standoff at discoveryhannel headquartersn silver spri. james lee burst into the lobby with a bomb strapped to his body. he held three men hostage in a four hour standoff. the hostages made a run for it. number three, d.c. voters make a change athe very top. vincent gray upset adrian fenty and mayorray upset union be officials who felt shut out for hiseadership tea >> number two, police arrest the ince george's county ecutive and his wife. the federal corruption investigation charged former chief executive jack johnson and wife leslie with destruction of evidence. arresting documents showed mrs. johnson tried t stuff nearly 80,000 bucks iner a. despite h arrest she claimed her st on the county council. >> and the number one story of 2010, snowmaggedon. nearly two feet fell across the district, maryland and virginia. now shut down the federal government d every major school district in the region. airport passengers were stranded. rail seice halted. en metro closed above ground stations. wipedia listed three separate north american blizzards all in february of 2010. february of2010. your dre come true. >> one of my favorite months of allime no doubt about it. a lot of people don't care all that much for the snow. >> not that muchsnow. >> i was great. i like it that mher nature has it in herevery once in a while. >> every once in a while. >> there were a coule of good storms we had over the yers and hat one goes down -- and the factwo big events right next to each othe that made it something. >> when we put that story together i s thinking wait a minute i thoug the storm was 2009, but ally it extend into 2010. >> '09-'10 winter. it was all good for m quiet way to get our new year's started. 2011 will not come in like lion. a comple check of the rest of your holiday forecast is right join the jaguar plinum celebration ! come celebrate excing cars that are stunning to look , exhilarating to drive and worry free to own. celebrate this holiday seaso with the gift of platinum. jaguar platinum coverage: five years or 50,000 miles of complimentary scheduled maintence, and no cost replacemen of wear and te items. visit your dc area jaguar dealer during the platinum celebration for a $599 lease offer on the 2011 xf. um, i thought this was going well for a first date. look at ur it is. suckometer. oh, i just quit smoking, and thcraving's really suck after a meal. okay. ding! [ malennouncer ] quitting sucks. nicorette makes it suck less, doubling your chces of success. that let me know something was wron i love birthdacake. i bit into the icing and i justot a shocking pain. the dentist recommended sensode. i didn't think th the solution would be as easy changing my toothpaste. i use the sensodyne every day. well is newear's day and it's possibleome of you are payinghe price for overindulling i celebrations. his morning a doctor has advice to help that ngover and to prevent another one the next time you dede to raise a glass or two. >> definitely feels like you want to die se days. >> it's this horrib feeling of headache, nausea, exhaustion, lethargy, a sperum of sptoms that occurfter drinking. usualy heavy drinking. >> reporr: movies have been made about it. countless products have been made to cure it andhe number of rumor cure alls outhere are endless. th hangover. so what is. >> it a mixture of dehydration, us the toxic metabolic compnd. alcohol canower our blood sugar. reporter: this doctor explains the only guaranteed to avoidne is to not drink any alcol. if that's not in your pns this weekend is there some other way to prevent one? >> it'srobably a reasonable ideao say i'll just have one drink per hour. if you fish your drink pretty ickly you may want to have something that's hydrating but that doesn't have alcoholn . >> reporter: in addition, the doctor says make sure you're well iad decorated and well rested before you start yr evening and that you have some food i your belly to sl the alcohol's absorptioabsorption. but in spite of this if you wake up with a hangover any way to cure it. >> hot water and lemon. >> egg, milling and sugar. >> drink more water. layin bed for a few hours and some advil usually helps too. >> the truly proven remedies remain, rehydrate yourself with water or broth or maybe some sort of sports drink but all of the other possible remedies that areout have neve been proven to be able an absolute wayto cure the hangover. >> also it's veryangerous to ix alcohol and caffeie. caffeinekeeps you awake leaving the pssibility to drink more. also caffne dehydrates the bo like alcohol does. eggs, milling and sugar. >> it's not medical proven so that's my out for not usi that remedy. >> i can't even -- i kow that wou make me feel worse. >> woudn't be good. we have our eail viers. michell she got up at 5:30 well rested. she's not a new yeas eve person. aine is working the ovnight shift at the hospital. she knows when we start "news4 today" on the weekend quitng time is around t corner. randy got up earlynd felt getting an early srt on the year. if you have a great story or something what you've been doing, just send me a note, cludy skies out there this morning. temperatures are not all that cold by recent comparisons. teeratures are in the mid-30s around town. upper 30s down into ptions of southern maryland. a few spots in the upper 20s out towards warrenton and manassas. in town mostly cloudy skies. 36 degreest national airport. the winds have gone calm. come back around tohe south and southwest by later this afternoon. temperature in the low 30s across much of norern virginia. mid-30s right around town here from bowie to brandywine temperature close to 40 degree here's a look at our radar. some sprinkles getting close to far western most myland like out towards deep creek lak this whole area of rain showers gradually maki its way over the mountains and bring us rain showers by later on today. you fol towards the southrn end o shenandoah valley you uld see rain at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, around town we'll wait until 5:00, 6:00, 7:00. much colder weather back out to the west. the good news for us the heart the cold air will stay up to north. dew point temperatures -- whenever you see these numbers this high this is a very mild feel for that's now jnuary outside. a lot of severe weather down across e deep south yesterda tenness, alabama, georgia, under the gun again for later on today. forus high pressure working its way up. a cold frontacross parts ofhe ohio valley will be making it to the washington area. this is our future cast model at 00 a.m. tomorrow morng. that's when the front will come on through. we'll start off wet in the morning. most of the rain ll be done by lunch time tomorrow. dry weather returnshen we get back to work and school. for today becoming cloudy. on the mild side. temratures in the 50s. rain for everybody by the time the sun goes wn. tomorrow theain is in the front halff the day. clearing sunday afternoon. temperatures back in the upper 40s. 50% chan of rain late today. monday and tuesday nice and quiet. wednday and thursday niceand quiet. there's a chance of a little rain or snow coming your way towards friday of next week we'll keep you posted. doesn't look like anyhing big yet. the wizardsnd 2010 without a w on the roa and caps fans are gng to have to wait a little bit longer to see one of the most anticipated games the year. hakem dermish has your spor in a minute. good morning eryone. hap new year. your "sports minute" begins with the winterlassic and the nhl moved the game from 1:00 p. to tonight a 8:00. it's expected to rain in pittsburgh today s the league pushed the start time back. esterday the capitals sated on theheinz field for th first me. remember you can see the winter classic, the big game right here on nbc 4 faceoff set for 8:00 p.m. in the nba the wizards finished the year winss on the road against the pacers yesterday. john wall had ateam high of 25 ints. washington turned the ball over 22times. the wizardsose 95-86. theyre now 0-16 on the road. talkingfootball. redskins linebacker says he'll play against the giants morrow. meanwhile cornerback rogers is a long shot to play bause of a lf injury. he redskins host the giants in their season finaleunday at 4:15. that's your morning sports. i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. coming up in the next half hour, unseasonably warm weather in the west brought deadly tornadoes on new ye's eve. plus out with told in wit the new. we'll see how people i alexandria rang in the new year. [ female announcer ] lettingo of your cigarettes can be hard. but the nicoderm cpatch gradually steps you down off oficotine in just the steps, doubng your chances for success. nicorm cq. 3 steps, 10 weeks and you' free. [ smack! ] [ smack!mack! smack! ] [ male aouncer ] your favorite foods fhting you? fight ba fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum ta tum tum tums happy new year. revellers from across the world ring in 2011. a look at the celebrationsust ahead. new healcare measures go into effect this year. we'llshow you which one seniors on medica need to know about. good morning. i'm kimbey suiters. aaron gchrist is off today. it's saturday, the first dayof january, 2011. the news i ide. first a quick check o our forecast. meteorologist chuck bell joins us. how many nths does it take you before you stop wring the year bere? >> i'm pretty good. i make the chang relatively quicy. >> i'm terrible. >> somewhere in march random 2010 will show up. >> soew people write checks ny more. i'm one othe few. i do like to write checks. >> like having a paper trail. a lot of ouriewers askinghem how they reache 6:00 a. on a new year's morning. heidi, her 1-month-old was hungry. >> rry, heidi. 00 was my daughter's hour. >> ny, 5:00 a.m., the dog woke him up on schedule. >> we got a theme going. >> jesse, kid and dogs. everody already up for their monday through friday routine and too bad it's saturday morning. >> i s a p in everyone's future ours include >> i'll probably forego the nap today because of the chance watch more college football >> okay. >> i'llough it out today. g nap tomorrow. outde cloudy skies on our new year's morning. happy new ar, everybody. we had the clouds out thereor now. no rai just yet. there are rain showers in our forecast for later on today and especially later on tonight and tomorrow morning it will be t. right now temperatues in the throw mid-30s around town. upper 30s to low 40s around the bay. st. mary's city, slow monday's islandear 40 degrees. here's a look at radar. rain is in the forecast. rn showers marching in to western west virginia. they will lose a little bit o the punch as they come around th mountains. nonetheless you need a ck up plan for outdoorctivities starting late this ternoon. most of the rin will come overnight tonight into early tomorrow. not a high impact event. >> very god. thank you, chuck. what a gentle welcome to 2011. oesn't feel like the new ye does it untilou see tha ball drop. not such a gentle celebration. nearly a million people saw it firsthand new york's times square. a million. millions more around the world watched on television. one of the biest new year's eve events in our aea gave children a chance t stay up late and ri in the new year. first night alexandria i billed as a family friendly celebration with more than 100 indo performances throughout old town. kids can get the faces painted, have a balloon animal made by a clown or even watch a magician. parents say 's a great wayfor the ente family to enjoy the night tether. >>it's family even so we have lot of smll children. perfect for us for new year. >> we have a lot of activities, different types of music that will be happening, magician and fun event for ds. >> the night wasapped off with a laser and fireworks show at the masonic temple. the party will contie all weekend for d. mayorlect vcent gray. his inauguation will take place tomorrow. all inauguraon events are free and open to the public including arayer breakfast at 8:00.m. and a swearing in cereny at 1:00 p.m. a black tie gala were sold out. new york didn't waste any ti getting its new govnor in place. andrew cuomo swo in last nig and beme the state's 56th governor. cuomo is no stranger to new york politics. he served as attorney general prior took eleed governor. his father, mario cuomo served as governorfrom '83 to '94. cuomo says he plans on holding a cabinet meeting at 8:30 this morning along with the new lieutenant governor who s also sworn in last nht. w didn't just start a new year today, new rules in the healthcarreform law also kicked in at midnight. nbc brian mooar expins how t changes will affect old and young alike. reporter: the new year will change the way manyof us get our healthcare under the reform law president obam signed back in march. >> the insurance company can't cap off any more about how much benefitsou can get. >> reporter: th administration knows there are plenty of skeptics and is still trying to consistently healthcare reform as a good de for taxpayers. >> insurance companies can scriminate against p children with e-existing insurance. >> reporter:employinsurance coms have to spend 80% to 85% on your healthcare. >> the doughnut hole is a gap in coverage that exists for seniors who spend a certain amou on drgs and they are in what's called the rt d drug plan. starting this year, seniors who fall into that g will get a 50% discont on brand anymore drugs and a much smaller discount on generic drug >> report: seniors will get free preventative benefits. theywill also have access to the end of life counselling th gave birth to a that talkf death panel octors will be urged to talk to older paents about their end of life wishes. many of the biggest changes in healthcare reform including a mande that everyone buy health insurance won't kick inntil 2014. republicans say the fight isn't over. they plan use their clout in the new doing dismanhattan tll law. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. police chief cathyanier says the district has made major strides to get rid of that unwanted title murder capital of the world. since 1990 the number of homicides has dropped more than 70% in d.c.. during an interview with news 4, laer said one big fact whepd that improvement. >> you need the relationship withhe community. the relationship is first and fomost. two is we put technology out there. we got all kind of technology that heps us be morefficient and do our job better. ree is having a very narrow focus on those repeatoffenders. sml group of people that count for a large percentage of crime. and then reall with that it's coordination d collaboration with all the partners. >> you can see chief lanier's entire interview oniewpoint tomorrow morning at 7:00. virginia manecided to protest new airport security meures by stripping down a a local airport. aiort police say aaon toby took it all off his shirt and pants at the security checkint at richmond internional airport on thursday. 21-year-old also wrote pt of the fourth amdment on his chest. the fourth amendment protects against uneasonable search and seizure. he was issue ad citation for disorderly conduct and then released. he's due in court on january 10th. homeland security secrery jan napolitano is in afghanistan this newear's day. she arrived i kab early yesterday rning. she visit the afghan-pack tan border, reviewed security operations and had lunch with u.s. and allied troops. tomoow napolano will travel to qatar f internatial securitydiscussions. > still ahead on "news4 today deadly twisters rip through the idwest. we'll take a look at theess left behind. plus we're counting down the top five sports stories for 2010. we have t good, bad andhe ugly. it has be a year of ups and downs for d.c. sports fans, from the coming of the city's are next great ace to a season ofmeltdowns for the redskins. fans have seen it all except for a championship. just in case you missed any of it, aaron gilchrist has recap of the top five local sports stories of 2010. >> reporter:tarting at number fi, maryland terrapins basketball was mix of ung and old, the terps made a surprising run culminating in a huge win over duke at home in the second to last game of the season. er andethe title of acc reguar season co-champions wit duke ledy seniors the terps by far exceeded expectations and made a run into the second round of the ncaa tournament before losing to michigan state. >> thought we had a good chance to win the stley cup this year. >> reporter: at number four a record season mared by a monumental collapse. the capitals had the best in the league. all seemed well important t first seated caps i the playoffs after fourames they wer up 3-1. but the montreal canadiens srmed back. the caps trademark high power offense fell flat. in front of a stunned crowd in washinonhe canadiens completed the upset with a 2-1 win cappg theiggest collapse in franchise history. coming in at number three the woes and arrival of the great wall f the wards. just six days into 200, gilbert enas was suspended indefinitely by thenba for bringing guns to the locker room. that incident led to gun possession charges, guilty plea and 30 days in a halfway hse. it also prompted washington to dismantle their roster but the rebuilding process has begun. the wizards draftedohn wall with the number o pick in the draft. and when he's healthy he's impressing his new team. wall posted his first career triple-double in only his sixth game. now wall has theopportunity to make this his team, arenas was traded to orlando on december 18th for rashard lewis. number two markshe most excitement d.c. saw all year. the comi ofteven strasberg. drafted wh the number one pick in 009 strasbergot the call on june 8th, a debut against the pittsburgh pirates. to say e sceneas electriing is an understatement. hethrew 14 strikeouts in seen iings for a 5-2 win. unfounately the natsew ace tore a ligament and had surgery. he's expected tohrow again in january. >> i'm excited to be the head coach of the washiton redskins. >> reporter: at number e the year of the good, bad and down rightugly for the redskins. 2010egan on a hh note as the per bowl caliber coac came to town. mike shanahan tookthe reins on the sidelines but was named executive vice present giving him big time decision powers and he di't wait long to use them. >> without any furtherado our quarterback,onovan mcnabb. reporter: in april skins fans evy where were seeing visions of a revuval when donovan mcnabb came to town. he seeped t guarantee leadershifor a team that was lackingsome. unfortunately it wasn't roses f long. >> obviously took the check a surprised me when he wasn't here. >> reporter: e $100 million man albert haynesworth deded he wasn't ging to show up for camp. then the conditioning test. it took ten days of trying before he passed. hayneswth's regular sean, it was only eight games long. shanahan suspended him for the est of the season afr the vikings ge for couct detrimental to the team. those distractions swild over. there's the benching of mcnabb in detroit because r ossman new the drill better. then th unthinkable. mcnabb gets benched for the res of the season in favor of grossman. mikehanahan said at the time he wanted to use th rest of the season evaluate t team. so many question marks heading into the new year. those are your top five storie of 2010. happy neyear. and coming in at number six we voteor -- >> he had a greaturn around. >> acc coach the year. championship. congratulations terps. i said no championship. we did get onehere inner loop that's true. >> wh are people doing? >> at that lot of kid and dgs to blame for the early morning start. >> tnk you kids and dogs. that's our good ratings. >> katie writes in who needs sleep. kim had t golden retriever and suzanna 38 weeks pregnant. >> oh, wow i can't empathize but can you tell me what 38 weeks is li. >> you're ver close. >> we'll try and scare her a little bit and see if we can get the kid out on new year's day. complete check of our forecast and a talk of rain showers is coming up on the other side of this break. we'll have a look at the u.s. capitol building. happy new yr. on this the first day the year some people in the south and midwest are staing over aft dead l tornadoes ripped through their counities. forecasters say 31 twisters hit five states. ix people died in missouri and arkansas. the severe storms ripped thugh parts of illino and down south in missisppi. the tornadoes cut off power to thousands of peoplend left others with nothing. >> we knew the storm was coming and as we hard the wind sta to pick up it sounded like a freight train like they say. >> this is all that'seft of ourhouse. >> the national weather servi saysunusually warm air ahad of a cold front fueled those tornadoes. >> chuck and iave both done storm chasi out in the midwest, and you can almost -- you know when it's coming, you can el it. it's oppressive in the weird. this is a very wrd time of year. >> unusual to have severe weather in themidwest. a few years ago we had a tornado outbreak in the winter. >> what a terrible way to bring in theew year. >> very sad way. for us, though, kind of on the quiet side. cloudy skies are on the increase rain showers are part of the day today. i think if you got something you want to get doneutside get it done erly in the day. you're already up, right? so get out there and enjoy. cloudy skies in washington this morning to get our first day of the new ar under way. 36 degrees is the temperature at national airport. dew point tperatures are in the upper 20s and low 30s. windsave gone calm right now, no rain in e rain buckets just yet but we'll have a chance for rain sher comingn after :00, 4:00, 5:00 ts afternoon that's when the rain chaes start to snk back up. 31 in beautiful northern maryland and hagerstown 27, fredick maryland. 39 degrs one bowie, maryland. 40 degrees inrosariville. also out towards culpeper 40 degrees and the blue rie. tempetures in the low 30s. back out to the west on the other side of the mountain that's where the rain is for now. you can seeost of the trajectory on these swers is ing northeast bound. they are t coming right over the mountains. will take awhile for that line to progress far enough east to get u wet. dry morning today. youfolks on theouthern end of theshenandoah valley you can get wet as ear as noon or 1:00. closer to the washington area i do think it'sloser to sundown if not later than that before we need to worry about the rain. temperatures right now0s here. very md across the ohio valley. detroit 50 degrees right now. that's way above average for them ahe of a very strong cold ont. good news for us the het of the col air is going to miss us this time around. we'll get a little bit cooer as weet towards monday and tuesday but temperatures close to seasonal averages. there's all t rain. there's the powerhouse severe weather again down across parts of tenneee, northern georgia, northern alabama, they will be under the gun once again for today. for us high pssure giving way. our future cast model at 6:00 tonight, st out to the west of washington. that's why i thinkmost of the day will dry as long asthe sun is out. this evening clouds and showers coming one. most of the ra we'll get with this nexteather front will happen between sundown tonight and sunris tomorrow morning. tomorrow after a we and cloudy start io think we'l get a little clearing he late tomrow afternoon and evening and briht and sunny get the new we started. today clouds on the increase, rain likelylate in the ay. highs mild in the low t mid-50s. tomorrow with the rain going on out and clearing coming in we'll have a pleasant day. temperatures in the upper 40s tomorrow. there'sour extended forecast. 56oday with showers moving in. 49 tomorrow with showers moving out. monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday all on the quieter than average side. chance for rain and snow toalk about on friday and saturd next wek. sheila is putting final touches on her ecds. still ahead on "news4 today" ab a pen and pper have the winning numbers for the 6:55. welcome back to "news4 today". geing their first win on the roadill be new year's resolution for the wizards. dan and lindsay ha the latest on the bui up to the winter classic. and hers hakem dermish th this morning's sports. >> good morning. hay new year. legenda hockey player bobby orr said to celrate the sport of hockey theerfect place for fans to show their love for the game ishere it began outdoors. mother nature meanwhile doesn have any famous quotes about outdoo hockey but she will have the final word on when the winr classic is played. for n the nhl says the game will startt 8:00 onight. dan hellie and ndsay czarniak have more from pittsburgh. >> preparations are under way heinz field on the fake witer wonderland. instead of playing on saturday at 00 now they are playing at 8:00 because of weather. >> which actually makes itore like a normal game since the puck drops after 7:00. some of e players really like it. oters not so much because they are saying now they have all day to think about this game. >> we would like to play and get it overwith. get up, eat and go tohe game. now it's another d of more time of sitting arou and you got to wake up, look at the y, go inside to practice, come out, look at the sky, eat lunch. look at the sky some more. it will be a lot of weather watching tomorro so the fans e going love it. >> we have a game almost every time at 7:00. so if it's going to be at:00 it's okay becae you can sleep, you can eat normal food like stake andpaghetti and just te a nap beforehe game and, youknow, if it going to be at :00 you can celeate new year too. when you walked in her today a you saw xamount of thousands of people in the stands and you look at the enormity of the buiing and you go wow this is cool event. so it's really ramng up tay. we're thinking in the room h, you know, when they have the super bowl and they have a week this before the bud up i can't imagine. so tis is pretty good. >> you really could see the genuine excitement from bruce boudreau ase talks about playg in an outdoor winter classic. 'll have the guys up not real earlyut they have to be on the ice at 11:30 for a pre-game skate. >> they have more time to use those foot camer and picture taking t cementhis winter classic. played at 8:00 saturday night. >> thank you. turning now to basketball. not a goodyear for the wizards on the road. they finish 2010 with a 0-16 road record. their latest defeat yesterday against the pars. john wall's smallest fa in house, thi quarter, not a fan of this. john wall kicked off by rookie paul george. wow. that was impressie. this not impressive. wizards turn it over 22imes in the game. later wizards trail by 14. wall with the drop, spinsthrows it up f the glass and i want goes nice. high team of 24 points for wall. georgetown star goes basein dunks over mcgee. did you just see that? he has 17 points. the wizards lo 95-86, remain winless on the wrroad with an 06 record. the mega millions jkpot is still growing. no one matche all five numrs and the me ball last night. that means tuesday's jackpot is wor an estimated $290 millio the game isplayed in d.c., maryland, virginia as well as 39 other states. e winning numbers are 10, 12, 13,35, 56 and the mega ball is 9 opinion double check your tickets. >> ah. >> riht? >> we already know it wasn't a wier. so i guess there's no reason for me to look at my one ticket. >> there are oth cash prizes. >> sad but true i like to thank everybody that sent u a note early. >> wonderful to hear howu

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