Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 6 20120621

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along the mountains. these storms will not move our way overnight, but the bigger picture does have thunderstorms, some could be strong, maybe severe tomorrow. those storms will change everything in the forecast. i'll show you what i'm talking about, coming up uchblts airport worker still had to work outdoors. workers on the tarmac say they're staying hydrated, seeking shade when they can. other outdoor activities haven't been easy to accomplish across the area, either. derrick ward continues our coverage. >> reporter: well, jim, some of those outdoor activities are apparently get easier. we're at founders park. you can see there's a volley ball game that's started up. it's a bit more comfortable today, but for the most part people were trying to stay out of the sun or stay cool while they're out in it. an air-condition well, that depends on your perspective. >> waiting for the women to come out in the shop. >> it's cooler in there. >> man, you know how it is. you in there, they stay in there a bit longer. >> they're in town from louisiana. even they were sweating this one out. >> since we've been here, like walking around, you can feel it off the backs. >> reporter: even if you're immune to temperature. >> we're trying to stay in the pool all day. >> reporter: and where the krouse weren't. >> if it wasn't hot, we would be outside, but it's brutal out. >> reporter: good advice for those who had to venture out, but there was little relief for a good part of the day. a couple thousands customers in northwest d.c. were without power. all in all, in wasn't unlike a typical summer's day, just not typical for so early in the summer. >> we thought it would have been cooler since it's june. we're not into july and august yet, but you all surprised us. >> reporter: taking a look across the potomac, you do see the slight haze in the air. that's always a sign, at least around here that the humidity has set in. while it has lessened to some degree, still warm the rest of the evening into tomorrow. we'll have more on that from doug later on. we're live in alexandria, news4, back to you. >> derrick ward, thank you. several dozen students suddenly came do you unwith a mysterious illness. the students started reporting feeling sick overnight, some had to be taken to the hospital. shomari stone has new details on the apparent virus. >> reporter: officials are still investigating. one thing is clear. they believe the students do not have food poisoning. >> this is unfortunate. >> reporter: debra brady is disappointed. he daughter got sick on a study program. >> but it -- we cannot allow it to overshadow the great accomplishments these young people have made. >> reporter: more than 40 students fell sick yesterday evening, began vomiting early this morning. they're part of the congressional awards foundation program. debra brady says her daughter had flu-like symptoms. >> nauseated, headaches, stomach crampi cramping. >> we feel fairly comfortable this is gastroenteritis. we see it throughout the year, primarily through the wind months and early spring months, so it's possible to see it at this time in the year. the symptoms were very consistent with that. >> reporter: health officials believe the virus was transmitted person to person. medics drove at least seven students to the hop. deck ra brady's daughter is out and she is fine. >> she was just discharged from the hospital about 7:00 a.m. this morning, and we blot her here to get her belongings. >> reporter: the health depend is working with the community to find areas where the students might have touched. it's important -- the students are heading home or on their way. the program ended today. i'm shomari stony, news4. the trial is on hold for a man accused of killing his wife in their georgetown rowhouse last year. doctors sail abrecht muth is not mentally competent. he allegedly strangled and beat 91-year-old viola draft, a well-known german-born journalist and socialite. he's described as delusional and increasingly anxious. he's being treated. a judge says he hopes the trial can proceed this fall if his condition improves. during closing arguments, prosecutors told jurors to remember the ten boys he's accused of abusing. the defense argued that witnesses were coached, looking for payouts in potential civil suits. meanwhile, we're learning that sandusky's adopted son claims he is also a victim. according to the patriot news, hess son was prepared to testify for the prosecution that he too had been molested by the former penn state football coach. tonight kate snow sits down with an exclusive interview with one of sandusky's accusers. travis weaver is the first alleged victim to come forward and tell his story on tv. he was not called's a witness for the trial. he's now suing sandusky and penn state. >> if jerry sandusky were sitting right here -- >> i would punch him in his mouth. >> would you say anything first? >> no. there would be no reason to say anything. he knows what he did. i know what he did. >> you don't cry about it now? >> no. >> when is the last time you cried about it? >> a long time ago. >> kate snow joins us from new york. why is he going public now? >> well, jim, he says he didn't tell anyone in his life about what happened to him until last fall when he saw on the news that sandusky had been arrested for molesting, accused of molesting other boys. he then thought, wow, i'm not the only one. so he contacted an attorney. he has testified before a grand jury, cooperated with authorities, and now feels like it is time for the public to hear his story. >> weaver says hess believes sandus sandusky's wife knew what was going on. >> his exact words to mehmet were how could she not? she was, as he describes, upstairs sleeping or in the bedroom when things happened to him in the basement. he also described staying in a second-floor guest room right across the haul from dottie sandusky, and having sexual acts happen to him. so according to travis weaver, he believes she must have known. >> how has this alleged abuse affected his life? >> he says it's affected everything. he left pennsylvania, going to live with his mother. he ended up in jail for a time himself. at the committed burglaries. he says it really, so his mind, it changed everything. as i said he said he kept the saeb celt. part of the reason he came forward is because it's therapeutic, and he wants other kids to know it is okay to speak out. he wishes he had spoken out when he was a kid. >> kate snow, thanks so much. we look forward to your interview tonight. you can watch the exclude interview on rock center with brian williams, tonight at 10:00 on news4. john bryson submitted his resignation last night. today many p p.m. thanked bryson and said his experience and expertise had been inavailable. he took a medical leave a couple weeks ago after suffering a seizure that may have led to two accidents in california. acting secretary has leading the department in bryson's absence, and she will continue in that role. president obama shook up the presidential race last week with a presidential order on immigration. today mitt romney revealed his version of reform. steve handlesman has our report on that. >> reporter: when the hispanic vote could make the difference, mitt romney indicated he would end the week-old obama zergs of the d.r.e.a.m. act, to let undocumented migrants stay in the u.s. to study and work. >> the answer is i will put in place my own long-term solution that were in place and super cedes the president's temporary measure. romney said he would build more fence along the mexican border, but invite in the highly skilled foreign-born and give out cards with diplomas. >> i will prioritize efforts -- >> reporter: romney's earlier hard line helped him win primaries, links to what he said then sent out by team obama. >> a lot of people have no kill, no education, and are looking for a free deal. >> reporter: now romney hopes latino voters will cross over to him, because the economy trumps all else. >> over 2 million more hispanics are living in poverty today than the day when president obama took office. >> to help dream enact all students, president obama encouraged college loan rates not to rise come july 1st. >> we've been stuck. >> reporter: immigration reform hag dragged on longer. >> i hope people are still willing to work to accommodate these kids without encouraging illegal immigration, but i'm not optimistic. >> reporter: one more issue on hold until after the especs. that suits democrats. experts calculate he would need to win florida, colorado and nevada. i'm steve handelsman, news4. on wall street, stocks suffered their second-worst day of losses this year. that follows bad economic reports today. more concern over trouble in jump, too. the dow plumbing about 251 points, nasdaq dropping 71, the s&p 500 ended the day with a 30-point loss. coming up, george zimmerman reenact what he calls a life-and-death struggle before he shot and killed an unarmed teenager. >> he said you're going to die tonight, [ bleep ]. >> the man who was killed was no stranger to police. and the zoo animals that survived that awful flooding ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ for the first time we're seeing a video interview with george zimmerman just hours after she shot tray von martin. in it he reenact details of the february shooting that ended with the death of an unarmed black teenager. jay gray has the story. less than 24 hours after firing the shot, he was back at the scene, telling detectives his side of the story. >> that's when i started screaming for help. as loud as i could. >> it's the first time he heard zimmerman describe the fatal night in his words. >> my jacket moved up. he saw -- i feeling like he saw it, he looked at it and said you're going to die tonight, [ bleep ]. this is part of the discovery ed released overnight by zimmerman's defense team. >> it is what it is. now it's out there for the public to review, but most importantly evidence we'll get in front of a jury. >> reporter: during a voice stress test, zimmerman described the unarmed teenager as the aggressor. >> slammed my head into the concrete several times, and each time i felt like my head was going to explode more than the last. >> reporter: later talked about the fatal shot. >> i grabbed my gun. came out and fired one shot. he kind of sat back and said you got me, you got it, something like that. >> reporter: martin's parents and their lawyers have questioned zimmerman's memory. both sides preparing for a trial and trying to gain momentum in the court of public opinion. federal health officials say at least 1 in 10 teenagers was filly harmed by someone they were dating last year. today professional athletes joined vice president biden to launch a public awareness campaigned aimed at young men. the compare includes a series of public service announcement featuring the president, vice president and professional athletes. >> hey, everybody, listen un. >> hey, guys, listen up. >> no one should ever hit a woman. >> not that wife, not their girlfriend, not their date. >> though many woman should have to fear violence. >> vice president biden was a senator when he introduced the act to help protect women against abuse. domestic violence has dropped sharply overall since then, but violence against young women is on the rise. we're getting our first look at the damage after flooding in duluth, minnesota many roads buckled. overwhelming local creeks and rivers. three zoo animals weres displaced. two harbor seals and a polar bear got out of the zoo yesterday. the seals were found on city streets, and the bear had to be captured. they're all at the zoo in st. paul until the floodwaters recede. polar bears, they like it cool. >> that's the kind of flooding that -- i mean, obviously they weren't prepared for anything close to that. >> you can't be. literally some of the worse flooding they have seen in, and there are so many areas that need rain, including ours. they've been getting a ton of it. so that rain is, however, coming our way, at least a bit of it. don't expect a lot or expect flooding. no, no, we could by fine. owes the next cupeling days, tomorrow we could see a chance of storms and they could be severe. today the story was the heat, of course, high hit 99 degrees. that was a record. low this morning of 78. when you walked outside this morning, it was already well bottom average, and the humidity made it feel that much more oppressive. we now 6 inch below average for rainfall. take a look at the records this week. yesterday's record set in 1931. today's record, said back in 1988, we beat that by one degree. friday's record 101 back in 1988. we won't even come close to that. we'll be in the mid 90s. no chance of us getting above 100. hazy, hot and humid conditions continue. winds out of the south at about 8 miles an hour. dew point up, and that has the heat index up, too. 86 in winchester, 88 in martins burg, but still hot to the east. now, as far as the heat index goes, 101 in frederick, 103234 la plata, an 103 down towards fredericksburg. this evening is still not the best night. but that will change as we make our ways through the next couple days. a storm here and more stormyness along the mountaintops here, right along the blue ridge. this rain will not make its way here, but what will make it our way is this frontal boundary. you can see showers and thunderstorms associated with the front making its way east, and they will affect us tomorrow. tomorrow still on the hot side and humid, then with the frontal boundary, that's the trigger to allow us to produce some strong thunderstorms tomorrow the biggest threat could be strong winds. so you want to make sure you're watching out for that front. that will move on through the region, and behind it comes the weekend and much lower humidity. this weekend is looking great, the mountains, the bay, the beech. >> hot and hoon uncomfortable for sure. tomorrow morning mostly clear and muggy. tomorrow afternoon hot and hazy, strong thunderstorms in the afternoon, downpours and big-time wind likely. hes into the low to mid 80s. 89 on sunday, less mu quit. this weekend is looking good. we hit 99 today, we may hit 79 on tuesday. so we go from way up to way down in a hurry next week. >> down in the 70s at the start of this week. >> yes, up, down, the roller coaster ride looks like it will continue. >> all right. one more day of heat. >> just one. coming up tonight, it like lie the brain to bring the casino hoo is on holdings but not out of question i want they are hoping now with these likenesses just created them be some brauthroughs in the cases, i'll tell you more coming up. culling up in sportsings the national trying to close out their series on a high note. ernie grurn feld talking about the two digitses. lebron s investigators hope you can help solved three cold cases. they found excel cat remains of three men um to nine years ago. new technology is helping them figure out what they would have looked like. >> now investigators were hoping to put a name to the faces. julie carey has more. >> reporter: they're hoping these scalp turs will look familiar. they were created from three sets of excel cal refain found in recent years. all victims remain unidentified. >> we're hoping someone will say that looks like my uncle johnny or brother john, whoever, and they will call us, either the medical examiners or the investigators. >> reporter: once that call comes, a family member can submit the dna sample. virginia is using a new type of test to match the relative's dna with that of the unidentified victim. this recently helped the family of cindy gastell identify the teenager a murder victim some 30 years after her remains were found. investigators now hope to identify these three men. this likeness was developed from the remains of a black mend found under the teddy roosevelt bridge. this is a more recent discovery from 2011, the excel cal remains of an asian man found in a marshy area near old town. the third is believe to be an older white male, probably homeless, in the woods alongside the ramp from eastbound i-66. police even have that rim's clothes, but have yet to identify hem. >> this sort of technology can open up a whole new set of doorways, so that's what we're hoping. >> reporter: state officials say identifying the remains is key, because 1 in 3 people found is a homicide victim. a gastrointestinal virus appears to be the cause of a medical emergency at george mason university. more than 40 students became sick suddenly between last night and early this morning. some had to be taken to the hospital. the students are staying at george mason as part of a congressional awards foundation program. all students are expected to be okay. culpepper police officers accused of murdering an unarmed woman in her jeep has been terminated. the police department fired daniel harmon wright today, he lost his job after an internal affairs investigation concluded. he was charged with shooting and kits the woman in a catholic school parking lot. he pled not guilty and claims he shot in self-defense. new details are emerging about a confrontation involving a metro police officers on a suburban street yesterday, and it ended in a hail of gunfire with one man dead. erica gonzalez has our report. >> reporter: 44 years old chester creswell was shot and killed by a metro transit police officers yesterday afternoon in the 7100 block of laurie lane. >> i'm a mother. i love my child. he wasn't perfect. >> reporter: >> his mothers wants to know why dan stessel says creswell and franklin sweeney allegedly tried to abducked a woman from minnesota avenue. creswell's brother says it doesn't make sense meanwhile, swinesy has since been arrested for attempted kidnapping. following up on a lead, a metro transit officer on paid administrative leave now, went to the neighborhood. >> during the process, he came in contact with the suspect, who was armed. >> and so i guess 9 police interviewed him about it, he got frustrated about it, that's when they started arguing. >> reporter: metro says creswell shot at the investigators and he returned fire. this cell phone video shows the heated moment when backup arrives on scene. metro is investigating what let to creswell's car being raymond against the detective's vehicle. neighbors cease he lived three houses down, but the evidence cluster begins here, all the way up to number 24 in this one area. >> i'm just sorry my friend -- i still can't understand today that he's gone. >> source close to -- he has a history of disorderly conduct and drug use. local fire officials are reminding people about the potential dangers that come along with fireworks as the fourth of july holiday approaches. every year thousands are injured using fireworks. more fires are reported on july 4th than any other day. fireworks are illegal in montgomery and prince georges county and in comparedia. sparklers, cones and novelties are allowed in other jurisdictions. roman candles, sky rockets and roman candles are banned everywhere in our area. the future of a casino is very much in doubt. chances of a special session to expand gambling is dwindling. chris gordon has our store. >> reporter: national harbor is so close to neighboring homes, it appears to be in their backyard. the indian head highway area action council fears a casino will have traffic rising and home values to fall. >> the day it's announced, put your house on the market and get out. it will have reached its peak value and will no place to go but down. >> reporter: the odds are stacking up against prince georges county executive bake's proposed casino at national harbor. the state gasking task force failed to reach a consense that maryland governor martin o'malley wanted in order to call a special session this summer. yesterday the three members from the house of delegates on the gaming task force voted against expanding gambling from five to six sites, or allows casino owners to keep a bigger share of the profits to offset competition from a casino at national harbor. >> i've talked to the governor yesterday about the commission. my recommendation was that we call a special session, that the majority of the commission, eight of the members agreed to the majority of what was recommended. >> reporter: the develop are of national harbor says if there's an opportunity to revisit the recommendation not to move forward, we would welcome that. so we can bring a world-class destination resort casino to prince georges county. the clock is ticking here at the administration building, because unless baker can convince the governor to call a special session by august 20th, time will run out and the gaming initiative will not be put to a votes referendum on this november ballot, but will have to be head to 2014. chris gordon news4. now, just minutes ago governor o'malley issued a statement. the governor pledged to have conversations with lawmakers in the coming days to resolve the issues on future gambling sights in the state. a traffic alert tonight for people driving near the national harbor this weekend. construction starts tomorrow night on the outer look near the wilson bridge at 9:00. the through lanes already closed. only one local lane with carry traffic. all lanes should be reon the floor by 5:00 sunday morning. d.c. mayor toured one biggest construction projects on the east coast, the ten-acre citycenter project covers nearly five blocks on the same spot as the city's old convention center. it will mix office space, housing and retail. officials say the building will begin opening in just over a year. mayor gray visited with officials from qatar who are financing about a third of the project. >> it's a complicated projects, but also once again demonstrates how desirable the district of columbia is. we're growing by 1,000 people a month in terms of population. you know, when developers and investors look at this, it's a great opportunity. >> reporter: nearly 4,000 permanent jobs will be created by the project. economic development officials say it's one of the largest deals in the nation. seems like there's cranes everywhere you look. >> it does. cranes and roadwork, everywhere you turn. >> that's a good sign for come. coming up on "news4 at 6:00" a retired schoolteacher facing total heart failure. some pandas in china had a good reason to work out. look at that. doug, where is that mercury now? >> that's what my wife does for me to work out. >> keep working. >> yeah, yeah. hot tomorrow, but then, well, then we get a big change with the supreme court today has tossed out the fines and penalties for broadcasters accused of violating federal indecency rules, and a unanimous decision today the justices said the broadcasters could not have known in advance about the incidents. there was also a brief display of nudity on an episode of abc's "nypd blue." the court did not rule on whether the federal policy itself was constitutional. a milestone in massachusetts is allowing a man to live without his real heart. jim carelli is the first man in new england to undergo a total artificial heart transplant. he needs a transplant because he suffers from a rare condition that thicks the walls. he got the heart in february. so far he says he feels great. >> each day i'm stronger. i can now walk a mile and a half on the treadmill. i feel great. i really do. next stop, god willing, is a transplant. >> the artificial heart is a bridge u7b8 he can find a suitable heart donor. he also needs a kidney. he'll be in the hospital until he can gets the two transplants. game five, a must-win situation, and geo and the nationals trying to make it welcome back, everybody. much cooler that this earlier when we were setting at 99. doesn't it feel better? no, probably not. 93 the high today. 95 in cull pupper, but here's where the heat was. we did hit 99 in washington. that was the record, a new report set today, and the old report was 98. bought more one degree shy of their record. that old report 100. what will more our way is the thunderstorm activity back to the west. that will give us a good chance for showers and thunderstorms. some of those storms could be on the strong side, but i do think we'll bet diamondback into the 90s once again. a lot of people heading toward the beaches, everywhere is looking good, especially down toward the beaches. 84 tomorrow, yes showers and thunderstorms late in the afternoon, saturday and sunday looking very good. maybe a few showers early, but then most of saturday should be great. sunday is looking just fantastic. guys? >> thank you. can we call it glove-gate? >> i think we can. you may remember that rays' relief pitcher peralta ejected from tuesday ace game for having pine tar on his glove. he used to play for the nationals, so the rays were angry. he's been suspended for eight games, and he's appealed so he is eligible to pitch tonight. gonzalez is on the mound for the nats. here's another guy who's been pretty good. stephen strasburg, the loosing streak stopper got win number nine tonight. got some help, too, from the rays themselves. nationals up 1-0 in the first. ryan zimmerman, grounds this one, bryce harper over at third, but rodriguezic hold on. nobody is going after the ball. kind of lazy play by the rays. harper is waved home. zimmerman goes to second. top of sixth now, nats playing into a 3-2 lead with the tying run on second. jose molina at the plate. molina sends this shot to left field, but steve lamberdosi is there, and the kid from colombia makes the great diving catch. strasburg says yes, sir. 3-2, ending that four-game losing stream. they're going to try to make it a winning streak tonight in the heat. anytime you come to this ballpark and you're competing with a lot of people watching, it's not very hard, it doesn't take a lot of effort to get up. it also helps to be in your division playing with a very important game every time you go out there. because you're concentration level is going to be high, maybe you're more tired than usual after ball games, but i like it hot. >> i like it hot. you know what's cool to see in that clip? all the fans sitting in the president's club standing up and cheering. normally there's only a couple fans that pop up. >> it wasn't that long ago you were telling people to go out, there were plenty of seats available. look at the change. >> how things have changed. >> on a week night game, 27, 28,000, so good for the fans. we are one week away from the nba draft. today henri sims at the verizon center, a possible second-round pick. most of the focus is on bradley meek, and mkg, the most likely candidates to be moving to washington. yesterday's trade for emeka okafor and trevor ariza makes it unlikely wizards would draft a big man. today the president ernie grunge felt. >> instead of having $14 million, we neglected to fill two positions that we would have to fill anyway. and we have emechanico okafor, averaging a double-double in his career, and we also have trevor ariza, a small forward, a championship team, he's a very versatile player, very good defender, so we feel we've added two players in positions of need, and used very little money. good chatting with ernie. catch the rest of that interview on sunday night. how many nash coaches -- just throw out a random number -- how many coaches currently coaching have won nba championships? >> i know this one. >> right. >> maybe it will come to me in my -- >> nobody feed her. >> come on. >> six. >> you would think at least that many. only three, because there's massive turnover in the nba. three active nba coaches have won championships -- doc rivers, gregg popovich and rick carlyle. tonight eric spoelstra could join the elite list, the former video coordinator has the heat one win away from the second title. the thunder trying to become the first team in nba history to rally, and win a championship. the way the heat have been playing lately, it does not seem likely. lebron james has lived up to the mvp status. with a game 7-type mentality. >> i'm just happy i'm able to be in this position today, and be back in this stage. and do thing that i can do to, you know, makes this team proud and this organization proud, and, you know -- see what happens. >> i'm going to keep being me. i'm going to keep trying to go at these guys. but you have faith in my teammates no matter what. i was never too late. it will be tough as alternates, but looking forward to that challenge. >> d.c. area native kevin durant and the thunder trying to stay alive tonight. the pga tour coming to congressional next week. john lieburger says this course is in the best shape he's ever seen and if the weather cooperation it would be more challenging than last year's u.s. open. webb simpson not taking any time off after winning the u.s. open. and he continuing to play well. nice approach there. setting up the birdie. he is three shots off the pace. this is defending champ frederick jacobsen. he shoots a 565. how about bubba watson, his second shot on the par 4 10th, and then very tasty. bounces on the fringe, and then rolls up and in. with a 4 under, 66 today. he is two shots off the pace. so since winning the masters, bubba hasn't done a whole lot. good to see him playing a celebration today for britain's aspirin william. without crows or cameras, instead of one of these black-tie events, he's celebrating his 30th birthday with his wife and close friends. passing this milestone also brings a gift from his mother. he inherits part of her estate. his brother harry will get that same amount when he turns 30. william is second in line to the throne behind his father prince charles. one more check on the weather. >> when i was out there, i saw the queen, i saw the duke of something, and then fergie -- i did see fergie -- i did not see the prince and missed out on kate. >> they were asking about you, too. >> yeah, yeah, they were looking for me. i couldn't get through security. show you what's going on outside today. you know it's on the hot side. we do have a front coming through. that front will allow us to cool off a bit, but also provide a chance for strong thunderstorms, could be severe tomorrow. i do not expect a widespread severe outbreak, much lower humidity, though, as we head on through the weekend, so that's very good news, 88 on saturday, 89 on sunday, really looking quite nice out there. monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday, temperatures cool down big time, about 20 degrees from where they were during the day today. >> thank you, doug. well, we do a lot of stories about the pandas at the national zoo. the experts at the zoo have tried to teach us over the years how complicated it can be to get pandas to reproduce. a specialists in china are trying to leave nothing to chance. check this out. strong legs they say are a big help when it's time to breed pandas, so they have developed a panda workout, an animal keeper attaches food to a string and dangles it just out of reach. it encouraging them to strengthen their hind legs. and to keep them motivated they get to climb a tree now and then. >> it's like he's dancing up there. >> that's cool, depending on the snack. >> training for breeding? [ laughter ] that will do it for us, thanks nightly news is headed your way next. see you at 11:00. have a great evening. ♪ [ kareem ] i was fascinated by balsa wood airplanes since i was a kid. [ mike ] i always wondered how did an airplane get in the air. at ge aviation, we build jet engines. we lift people up off the ground to 35 thousand feet. these engines are built by hand with very precise assembly techniques. [ mike ] it's going to fly people around the world. safely and better than it's ever done before. it would be a real treat to hear this monster fire up. [ jaronda ] i think a lot of people, when they look at a jet engine, they see a big hunk of metal. but when i look at it, i see seth, mark, tom, and people like that who work on engines every day. [ tom ] i would love to see this thing fly. [ kareem ] it's a dream, honestly. there it is. oh, wow. that's so cool! yeah, that was awesome! [ cheering ] [ tom ] i wanna see that again. ♪

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