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police say they heard her screams and that led to the arrest of davis and the search of his home where he lives with his grandparents. police believe davis may be linked to three other unprovoked attacks in the neighborhood, including the murder of a 66-year-old tourist three days ago in an alley in the 800 block of emerson street northwest. >> we don't have the links to say that this is in fact the same person. i can tell you i feel very much more comfortable now that this person is in custody. >> reporter: sources say the suspect davis is the younger brother of vernon davis, tight end for the san francisco 49ers. and vonta davis, a cornerback for the miami dolphins. vernon davis tweeted today, "just got disturbing call from back home in washington, d.c. a good day gone bad. hopefully-e wasn't involved." today on wtop radio the mayor said that suspect davis may have some mental problems. >> we think this is a case of someone who's mentally ill and someone who acted out, perhaps did not take his medication as he should have. >> reporter: so what impact did that attack last night have on that teenager? today i talked to her grandmother. >> right now she's scared and she's like traumatized. she said she don't want to go back outside because this happened to her. >> reporter: suspect davis scheduled for a court appearance tomorrow. live in northwest, pat collins, news 4. tonight the man accused of swinging a baseball bat inside a daycare center has officially been charged with assault. police tell us michael young pretended to be a parent and stormed it's a family affair center in landover yesterday. he's accused of attacking a security guard there and breaking several windows. no children were hurt. young did not have any children in that center. george zimmerman remains a free man this afternoon. at least for now. he's the man charged with the february murder of florida teenager trayvon martin. prosecutors want zimmerman's bond raised. they made the request after it was discovered that zimmerman raised more than $200,000 on a website. when zimmerman was released on $150,000 bond, it was with the understanding that he and his family had limited assets. there's a new twist surrounding former d.c. councilman harry thomas. a council report obtained by the "washington post" says others inside the d.c. government may have looked the other way when thomas diverted $350,000 from a city trust fund. thomas pleaded guilty in january to using the funds to support a lavish lifetime. the report does not name the person but suggests it would have been impossible for thomas to act alone. thomas faces up to 46 months behind bars when he is sentenced next week. today the house moved to keep student loan interest rates from doubling on july 1st. this move resonates with a key group of voters. a fact that was lost on no one involved in the process. steve handelsman joins us live from the hill with the latest. >> reporter: a couple of key groups of voters. good evening from capitol hill. this involves young voters and women voters, health care and millionaires. and so politically it's hot. both political parties agree, student loan rates should stay at 3.4%. but they battled in the house. >> it's an election year. but my god, do we have to fight about everything? >> reporter: the answer's yes. >> the bill is passed. >> reporter: republicans pushed through their plan to pay for the college loans by cutting women's health screenings. >> there are multiple, multiple sources of funding, of programs that can address women's needs. >> reporter: democrats raised the roof. >> 4,000 women die every year from cervical cancer. >> reporter: take the money from millionaires and rich corporations, said democrats. >> shut down the giveaways of taxpayer dollars for the oil industry of this country. >> reporter: president obama would veto the republican plan. and democrats say he actually won today. he staged campaign-style events this week at three colleges in battleground states. the president seen backing students who he needs to back him in november. >> obama 2012! >> reporter: democrats claim this is what forced gop lawmakers to okay cheap student loans. >> the republicans have folded because the president made the issue too hot to handle. >> reporter: democrats also get to charge again that republicans are at war with women, a claim that frustrates boehner. >> entirely created by my colleagues across the aisle for political gain. the top republican is frustrated. mitt romney today went to a college in ohio. students and women the focus of both sides as the campaign heats up. >> but how to pay for the student loan program has to be settled long before november. rates double july 1st. i'm steve handelsman, news 4, capitol hill. breaking news on monday, metro warned passengers that the bus driver who drove on route 52 and 54 in the district had viral meningitis, a contagious disease. metro warned passengers who rode the bus last friday to be checked out. just a few minutes ago metro said the driver did not have meningitis. after all, there is no public health concern. metro says it acted cautiously on the information it had at the time. the star witness in the john edwards trial made the most dramatic testimony to date today. his name is andrew young. he was once edwards' trusted friend and adviser. now he's testifying for the prosecution with the promise of immunity. edwards is accused of violating campaign finance laws by using money from wealthy donors to hide his pregnant mistress as he ran for president. defense attorneys say young is the one who orchestrated the donations, and they say he kept most of the money for himself. on the stand young described a meeting with edwards in the carolina backwoods, and he said he feared for his life. a routine commute home turned into a full-fledged emergency at the farragut north metro station this afternoon. a man fell onto the tracks just as the train was approaching. two other riders jumped into action and saved the man's life. news 4's derrick ward talked to those heroes. >> reporter: it was 1:30 in the afternoon on the red line at farragut north. michael shearer and brad mayer were waiting on a train. total strangers whose lives would converge in ways they couldn't have imagined. nor could a third unlucky commuter. >> and out of the corner of my eye i saw a man fall into the track. >> he just -- i don't know if he just stumbled or he just fell on the track. so -- >> reporter: mayer and shearer went into action. >> my instinct was to run and see if he was all right. and a train was coming. and i, you know, leaned down there. i was like, sir, we've got to get you up on this platform off the track. and then thankfully the other gentleman came running up. >> we just tried to get him off the tracks as fast as possible. >> reporter: they managed to lift the man from the track bed. illuminated only by the lights of the approaching train. it was that close. >> that's the one vivid thing in my memory of the incident, is the lights were coming closer and closer. and we had to get this guy off the tracks. >> he was coughing up blood and disoriented. the two stayed until medical attention arrived, then continued on their respective journeys. all in a day's commute. >> if that was me or somebody else, i would hope any passenger would have done the same thing. >> i don't think i'm a hero. i think it's just what you should do to help someone else out. >> reporter: derrick ward, news 4. his televised sermons reach millions of people around the world. now pastor joel osteen of lakewood church in houston, texas is bringing his message here to washington. appearing live tomorrow night at nationals park. he's been making the rounds in d.c. since arriving here on tuesday. >> you know, people have been great here, from the government just to the ordinary citizens -- or i guess nobody's ordinary. but just everybody's been very warm and just friendly, and sometimes people say down in the south you're in the bible belt, but up here we found people are just as responsive and just as open with their faith. >> the event, entitled "america's night of hope," is tomorrow night at 7:00 at nats park. today crews are busy preparing the baseball stadium for the big event, setting up the stages, chairs, and sound system. thousands of people are expected to attend. >> busy at nats park. fedex field is buzzing today, too, now arobert griffin iii is o'fushlgly on the redskins roster. the team will formally introduce the first-round draft pick tomorrow. as richard jordan reports now, fans are grabbing anything with two letters and one number, rg3. >> i'm wearing mine all day. >> reporter: rg3 and his number 10 are coming to fedex field. redskins fans excited to officially welcome griffin tomorrow afternoon. but many of them couldn't wait to get something to wear for the big introduction. >> i like it. i came out here to get the rg3 redskins shirt. >> reporter: the clothes is just part of it. a few people are dressing up their ride, too. but to get the griffin gear out to the fans the crew at gng outfitters in lanham have been printing out t-shirts since the draft. >> oh, i think the excitement's wonderful. we hope to do several thousand. we ordered a couple thousand. >> reporter: the griffin jerseys are selling fast. but it's not the only hot commodity. fans are trying to get their hands on something for their feet. the heisman-winning qb sporting these socks on draft day. but it was his redskins gear that inspired these fans. >> it was really good to see him with the shirt and the hat. that made it official for me. and we're really excited and, you know, my heart was pumping really hard. we really, really need him. >> reporter: rg3 comes with high expectations. but the tried and true fans are just glad to have a reason to brag. >> i got a cousin named wayne conti. he's a san francisco fan. going down. you going down. him and his father, going down. trust me. >> reporter: let the games begin. at fedex field, richard jordan, news 4. you may need a coat and an umbrella if you're going anywhere this weekend. doug's got a preview of our weekend weather. >> and you know, this time of year there's a lot of plans going on the for the weekend. i think right now we'll get a half and half weekend, meaning saturday probably cloudy with some shower activity out there and a little bit on the cool side. sunday right now is looking good. that's the good news. not a whole lot going on around our region right now. washington all dry. and most of the east coast on the dry side. but back to the west you can see the big storm back here, the parent storm is back to our west, but here's the rain and the warm front that is going to make its way overnight tonight and into the day tomorrow it's going to make some big changes for us and i'll have them for you coming up. also coming up a look back at the l.a. riots. 20 years later. we'll visit with one of the youngest victims of that violence, known as baby jessica. somebody slashed horses used to help children with special needs. the news 4 iteam reveals the growing problem of illegal boarding homes. and some very rare and revealing pictures emerge of an american icon, marilyn monroe. take a look at these flames bu burning through a structure in southern chile. someone set two homes, several trucks, and several containers belonging to a forestry company on fire. investigators say the blazes probably result from land disputes between land act rifts and the forestry company. a man threatening to blow himself up prompted a three-hour standoff in a busy section of london today. here you can see police escorting the shirtless suspect away. authorities say the 49-year-old man entered the company that trains truck drivers, then started throwing computers out of a fifth-floor window. some employees inside reported the man had gas cylinders strapped to his body, but police say it was not a stror-related incident. sunday will mark the 20-year anniversary of the start of the los angeles riots. those riots were sparked when four l.a. police officers were acquitted in the beating of rodney king. the riots lasted six days. at least 53 people were killed. 12,000 people were injured. the youngest victim hadn't even been born yet. her mother is el vooira evers. she was seven months pregnant when she was shot in the stomach. doctors performed emergency surgery. evers' daughter jessica was born with a bullet in her elbow. it was removed. both of them recovered. and 20 years later jessica evers still wonders why she survived. >> as each day goes by i try to find out something that i'm here for. >> jessica evers will turn 20 years old on the anniversary of the riots. today marks the one-year anniversary since a deadly tornado ripped through alabama, killing more than 250 people. it was one of the largest, most violent tornado outbreaks ever recorded. it destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses in hardest-hit tuscaloosa. today the governor held a prayer service at the state capital. about 3,200 people still don't have a permanent place to live. the issue of student loan interest rates moving through congress this week has spilled over into the race for the white house. >> top strategists twofrom both president obama's campaign and mitt romney's campaign will address that and more this sunday on "meet the press," and moderator david gregory is here now with more. the student loan issue has been hot all week. this is kind of a sign of the way things are going to go for a while, isn't it? >> it is that. and it also gets into what i think is a big issue this week, which has been an issue in past weeks, which is this issue of how to get women voters. they are going to be the deciders in this election. and we're already finding on the student loan issue, which passed the house, keeping the rate low, but how are you going to pay for that? well, republicans said we're going to have to take it from some of the health care bill that goes to wellness and prevention services. a lot of women in the house saying wait a minute, yet again a blow against issues that women care about for the purpose of the student loan issue. we're going to talk about that because i think it's one of the big issues this week. by the way, hilary rosen, who caused the stir over ann romney, she's on our political roundtable. >> interesting. >> she went kind of underground for a while, now she's back. >> you'll have her sunday. interesting. we've seen some recent polls in the past couple of weeks. you talk about the gender gap. but you do see a race tightening in the general population. is this earlier than some were thinking? after a rough primary season. >> there's every reason to believe this election will be close because of the economy, because of how polarized the country is. and i think that mitt romney faces a big question. and i think, again, the other question i'll delve into on the program is who is he really and what kind of campaign will he run? will he simply make this an issue of a referendum on the president's record? or will he be a guy who steps up and says we're in a moment of real pessimism in the country, i've got some bold ideas on how i'm going to sort of cut through things here in wash. we don we don't know the answer to that yet but we got some clues when we heard his victory speech this week. i think there's no question that the question of are you better off now than you were four years ago is going to be central to everything he does. >> you guys talk sports for a minute. >> let's do it. >> washington sports. it's a good time. >> i can't imagine. i mean, it's just -- it's unbelievable. you've got the nats who are on fire. our capitals. you know, going to be taking on the rangers. rg3. my son is now fired up about everything. i have to tell you. he's been on the fence here in terms of supporting washington teams. but he's all there. >> good days for him. >> good stuff. >> can i say, it's really hard for me, a los angeles boy. the nats are playing the dodgers tonight. um a washingtonian. i'm going to recuse myself. >> okay. david gregory, we'll see you sunday. and david will have more from democratic and republican campaign strategist robert gibbs and ed gillespie this sunday at 12:30 on "meet the press" here on nbc 4. our weekend weather. we were all asking, doug, four our very time specific. doug, is it going to be reagan saturday between noon and 3:00 -- >> for the soccer game -- >> we've got soccer at 9:30. we're okay there. >> your saturday evening. >> your saturday evening might be washed out. and jim-u said y, you said you play tennis around 11:00. you can do it outside i think. >> 11:00 at night. >> and if i missed you go ahead and facebook or twitter me now. you can find those on the bottom of your screen. it is going to be one of those days, though. tomorrow half the day i think mostly dry, the other day fairly wet. and if you have any outdoor plans you might want to just shift them to sunday. sunday looking like a very nice day. and right now a very nice night. or very nice evening. out across the area. plenty of sunshine out and about the area. we have seen rather windy conditions. and yes, yet another day below average. the last five out of six days have been below average. the average high temperature 70 degrees. 64 during the day today. low this morning at 50 degrees. tonight is going to be well below average, and we'll see another day below average tomorrow. and not just a little bit below but maybe about 10, 15 degrees. depending on where you are. take a look at this shot. a great shot. there's the cathedral right there. looking good. and off in the distance temperature right now 63 degrees, but you can notice the wind still shaking the camera just a little bit with winds gusting to about 28 to 30 miles an hour. most of the area seeing some pretty gusty winds. those winds really blowing the pollen around. a lot of pollen sufferers really having a tough time during the day today. those winds will come down tomorrow. tomorrow a better day for you folks. 57 degrees right now in gaithersburg. 59 in martinsburg. 64 in culpepper and a nice 68 down toward fredricksburg. temperature difference about 10 degrees from north to south. and that's kind of going to be the scenario tomorrow. take a look at this, though. another freeze warning for parts of the area including frederick county, maryland, the panhandle of west virginia, and frederick and clark counties in toward virginia. then a frost advisory. howard, montgomery, over toward loudoun, down toward northern faulk here. this area could see a pretty good frost early tomorrow morning and then, well, then we'll just see the chance for some rain increase during the day. no rain to talk about right now on storm 4 radar. but as we widen out we move back to the west. and this is was coming. big-time severe thunderstorms going on into portions of kansas and then up toward the north some heavy rain. but this is the rain that's going to be affecting us. it's a warm front and it's moving our way very, very slowly. most of the time with a warm front our rain is fairly light to moderate. i don't expect much in the way of heavy rain. this evening cool and rather breezy. we are seeing the sunshine out there. tomorrow just cool, cloudy, and rather damp. the showers coming through along the warm front here. i think we'll see our best chan of rain after the 5:00 hour. could see some more earlier than that. but i think the best chance of a steady rain will be after about 5:00 into about 6:00, 7:00. the farther west you live you'll see the rain first. the farthetherther east you livl see the rain last. plenty of sunshine really sunday. looking like a very nice day. let's break it down four on the future weather forecast. 6:00 tonight, no problem. we saw plenty of sunshine around 6:00, and now we're starting to see just some clouds moving in by around 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 in the morning. by around be 9:00 tomorrow morning right when david's son's playing soccer, looking pretty good out there. i think we'll be okay for those morning games as we move through the day, though, the clouds will thicken. they'll be on the increase. here's 2:30. big-time rains just to the north and west. this is the moderate, maybe some heavy rain, but down to the south and east like along the bay just some light showers if that around 2:30. and then everybody seeing an increase in the rain around 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 tomorrow night probably lu 10:00 or 11:00. tomorrow evening could be a rather wet evening out there. this evening, though, mostly clear, breezy and koolt, and really a nice evening. you will need the jacket if you step out and about this evening, thinking about going out to the movies or dinner or something. 64 on your sunday. 66 on monday. so a couple of nice days there. there's 75 on tuesday. and how about this warm-up? 79 on wednesday. 86 -- >> now you're talking. >> oh, yeah. >> coming up next thursday. that would be one of the warmest days so far this year. so we'll hope that that's what happens across the area. >> there's something to look forward to. >> yes. did you have any other plans that i missed or -- >> no. they're all wrecked. >> thanks a lot. a college campus tradition has a connection to the space program. >> a sleepover party ended with sex abuse charges. now the wife of the man charged is ready to defend her husband. coming up in sports, the caps getting ready to take on the rangers, and joel ward gets a hero's welcome from the fans as the capitals hit the ice for practice. and the nationals shocked the baseball world looking for some extra firepower in the minors. ready or not, here he comes. do you know who's living next door to you? tonight on news 4 iteam undercover investigation into a growing problem that might just be in your neighborhood. >> whether you're a landlord, renter, or a homeowner, it's an issue that affects us all. iteam reporter tisha thompson investigates illegal boarding homes. >> hey. >> how's it going? >> reporter: this woman is showing us a room for rent inside this fairfax home. >> bill. nice to meet you. >> reporter: using his middle name and wearing a hidden camera, our producer answered this ad on craigslist. all utilities, plenty of secure parking, no drama. >> just the 750? >> yep. and the 750 for -- >> for a security deposit. >> yep. >> reporter: but a lot of drama. >> you can go in today or whenever. >> reporter: is about to unfold. >> i'm tisha thompson with news 4. can i talk to tom or amy? >> reporter: because amy menbrise and tom salvado did not tell our producer one critical thing. >> they're being evicted. >> reporter: patrick cooper owns this house. he rented it to the couple back in october. >> they appeared very trustworthy for the first few months and then suddenly it all just changed around, and they just stopped paying their rent. >> reporter: cooper says he then got a surprise. a notice of violation from fairfax county for multiup'll occupancy. too many people living in the house. something he says he did not know. >> how many people live here? >> maybe eight. >> eight? >> yeah. >> so there's eight bedrooms? >> yep. >> that's a big house. it's huge. >> well, we make certain rooms into bedrooms. >> reporter: amy goes room by room for a producer on a tour. >> julian. this guy's maximilian. this guy's drew. this guy's kelly. russell's here. michael is down below. kelly's room. >> reporter: and with amy and tom that makes nine. a full house, against the law in the county. >> if you have more than four unrelated persons in the house, you're in an illegal situation. >> reporter: board supervisor pat harrity says the county's received about 800 illegal boarding home complaints at last count. leading the government to create a strike team. >> there are health issues. there are zoning issues. there's building code issues. there are police issues. there are fire issues. >> you guys are ridiculous. >> reporter: the strike teams put all those disciplines together to go address the problem. >> here's the thing. you just showed a house to a guy. >> right. >> and amy just told him that you have eight people living here right now. >> well, we don't have eight people living here. so she's speaking completely out of context. we have two people. one's moving out. >> we hear you guys are about to be evicted. so you're showing places -- >> oh, no. we have been evicted. >> after our interview amy e-mailed us, saying the eight people she referred to were her kids and just two renters. but this violation notice says the county also found at least nine unrelated people living in the house. a as you heard, they admit they're being evicted. but tonight at 11:00 we'll show you why eviction doesn't always solve the problem. see why the county called the news 4 iteam for help and how one legislator wants to change the law to protect everyone. tisha thompson, news 4 iteam. detroit tigers outfielder delmon young will not play tonight. police arrested him on assault and hate crime charges in new york city. young's accused of shouting anti-semitic remarks at i apanhandler wearing a yamaka. young then reportedly got into a scuffle with another tourist. police say young was drunk and took him to the hospital to sober up before they arrested him. the brother of two pro nfl players is under arrest in the district. police charged 19-year-old michael davis with a violent attack in petworth. police think he may be connected to three other attacks, including one that killed a tourist. davis is the brother of vernon davis, who plays for the 49ers, and vonta davis, who plays for the miami dolphins. and the secret service tonight implementing a stricter code of conduct effective immediately. these new rules in place, they put limits on alcohol consumption. the rules also ban foreign nationals in agents' hotel rooms with the exception of hotel staff and official counterparts. there will also be more frequent briefings on standards of conduct. the new guidelines follow the colombian prostitution scandal that came to light two weeks ago. fairfax police are investigating an awful case of animal abuse tonight. somebody stabbed some horses on a farm in reston. horses that are used in a program to help children with special needs. jane watrel reports. >> our horses and as you can see those around. >> reporter: ddvoraka suvac is still in a state of shock. someone viciously slashed three of her therapeutic riding horse by entering their opinions. >> those wounds are probably up to six, seven inches long and up to three to four inches deep. >> reporter: the gentle mares are kept near frying pan park in fairfax county. they're part of a program known as spirit open equestrian. it helps special needs children connect and build self-esteem by riding these highly sensitive animals. volunteer jeff wallace discovered their deep wounds when he came to feed them on thursday morning. >> there's something -- something wrong with somebody that would hurt a horse like that. >> reporter: it took a veterinarian hours to kill and stitch up the wounds. the violent attack horrifying many supporters of the riding program. fairfax county police say a short time after the horses were discovered with their wounds a very odd incident happened in nearby frying pan park. >> there was a man that was seen stumbling around, or appeared to be stumbling around inside frying pan park. he was not located by police when we arrived to find him. >> reporter: police say they don't know if the man had anything to do with the slashings. but suvac believes the suspect may have been kicked in the head by one of her wounded animals. in fairfax county jane watrel, news 4. schools in frederick county, maryland are warning parents tonight about a dangerous and potentially deadly game. it's called the choking game. kids use a belt, rope, or their hands to try and temporarily cut off blood flow to their brains. their goal is to get high. school officials at urbana and walkersville middle schools reported several cases over the past few months. so far no serious injuries have been reported in frederick county. the sex abuse trial of a falls church community activist continues this evening. michael gardner is accused of molesting young girls at his daughter's sleepover parties. his wife, a local council member, testified in his defense today. a detective also took the stand. julie carey has more now from arlington. >> reporter: robin gardner has stood by her husband ever since his arrest last june 22nd on charges that he sexually molested three young girls during sleepovers at the gardner home. a falls church city councilwoman and former mayor, robin gardner took the stand to talk about what she saw the night of the alleged offenses. testimony that sometimes contradicted with that of the girls. one young accuser says michael gardner fondled her for about 45 minutes during a sleepover as she lay next to his daughter on her bedroom sfloor. but robin gardner says she was awake, right across the hall in the couple's bedroom, when her husband went to comfort the girls during a thunderstorm. and she says he returned in 15 minutes. the next night during a birthday slumber party two girls say michael gardner came down to the basement several times and molested them. but robin gardner says her husband had been sick and turned in early that night. she says she doesn't remember him stirring until the next morning. as defense attorney peter green spup, "from your observation was there any indication the girls were upset or emotional?" no, replied gardner. but in cross-examination prosecutor alex amato suggested robin gardner had tried to protect her husband from the beginning and had failed to cooperate with the police. she asked about the night a falls church sergeant arrived at the gardner home to inform them of the charges. asked the prosecutor, isn't it true that as you were speaking to the sergeant your husband emerged and told you to stop speaking? "i don't recall" answered gardner. also testifying today, the gardners' own 10-year-old daughter. she testified that during that sleepover when her dad came in during the thunderstorm he lay down next to her, not between the two girls, as her friend testified. and she says during the slumber party she doesn't remember anyone coming down into the basement. in arlington, julie carey, news 4. breaking news in the corruption case against former d.c. council member harry thomas jr. jr. just minutes ago the prosecutor in the case recommended the maximum prison sentence, 46 months and then three years' probation. thomas, the former ward 5 council member will be sentenced in federal court next thursday. thomas pleaded guilty in january to two felony charges for his scheme to steal more than $300,000 in grant funds that were intended for youth sports programs. thomas also resigned from the council. a busy spot in marifield will be shut down this weekend. the intersection of lee's highway and gallows road closes for repaving. detours will be in place to get around the pafgs. all businesses in the area will still be accessible. the reconstruction is part of a major development project in the area. roads will reopen sunday afternoon. coming up, some rare new pictures of marilyn monroe have been discovered. also ahead, the shuttle "enterprise" puts on quite a show as it arrives at its new home. and doug's still got his eye on the weekend weather. >> and out there right now clear skies. those clear skies will allow temperatures to koolt tonight. some freeze warnings in effect. and then you see the clouds off to the west. those clouds are going "enterprise""enterprise." a lot of folks were worried when they saw red dye floating in a stream along the capital crescent trail in bethesda today. but investigators from the montgomery county department of environmental services say it's not toxic. they believe the dye was released from one of thes abouts nearby. they say companies sometimes put dye in their water drains as a precaution to keep track of where the water goes. investigators say they're still not sure which business is responsible. >> you'll soon have the chance to own some of the last photos ever taken of anthony res marilyn monroe. the existence of some rare photos seen here on the bonham's auction house website recently came to light. monroe is seen posing topless, holding a cocktail glass and playing with a scarf. photographer bert stern took the pictures in 1962, just six weeks before monroe's death. they will be auctioned off may 8th in new york city. bidding starts at an estimated $18,000. we have an endless fascination with marilyn monroe. >> always. forever, huh? hey, dan joins us now. been kind of a quiet week for you. >> nothing much going on. just -- we're dreaming really in the sports world. all kinds of stuff. the capitals rolling into the playoffs. the nationals have decided to call up one of their newest and biggest stars. and the redskins. well, they get their guy. we'll hear from the coach on what it will take to make him what it will take to make him successful when news 4 a never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. guys. come here, come here. [ telephone ringing ] i'm calling my old dealership. [ man ] may ford. hi, yeah. do you guys have any crossovers that offer better highway fuel economy than the chevy equinox? no, sorry, sir. we don't. oh, well, that's too bad. [ man ] kyle, is that you? [ laughs ] [ man ] still here, kyle. [ male announcer ] visit your local chevy dealer today. right now, very well qualified lessees can get a 2012 equinox ls for around $229 a month. hello, everybody. i'm meteorologist doug kammerer. 63 degrees. we're looking at plenty of sunshine, winds out of the northwest 15 miles an hour, but still gusting 20 to 30 miles an hour. it's going to be a fairly breezy night. it's also going to be fairly cool. so make sure you take a jacket out and about if you have heading out for dinner. 55 in gaithersburg, 61 for dulles, 63 in manassas and root now honeytown and camden springs both coming in at 61 degrees. what are we going to be dealing with tonight? just the cold. clouds on the increase early tomorrow morning but tonight clear skies first will lead to cold temperatures down around the freezing mark in many locations and because of that we do have a freeze warning back to the west. we're talking about the same areas that have seen it around i-81 westward and even around gaithersburg and leesburg a frost advisory for you folks. we will warm up tomorrow to 59 in gaithersburg, 61 in manassas and 62 in fredricksburg. i think most of the day should be dry but by early afternoon we'll see the clouds really start to lower and then we will see the rain move in by late tomorrow afternoon in through the evening hours. tomorrow evening should be on the wet side. here we go through the future cast. and you can see we're moving through tonight. by tomorrow morning say, cloud cover around the region, maybe some breaks in those clouds. but here comes the rain through around 2:30. the heaviest rain north and west, light rain to the south and east, and then everybody gets in on the action tomorrow night. if you have plans tomorrow night, the umbrella will be a necessity. >> all right. baseball, hockey, football, it's all good, dan hellie. >> you know what? we actually had some breaking news this afternoon in regards to the nationals. we've got to say it. bryce harper, come on down already. the nationals placed ryan zimmerman on the designated injury list with a shoulder injury and decided to call up super prospect bryce harper much earlier than expected. harper's been playing for the nationals' top minor league with mixed results so far this season. the 19-year-old outfielder hitting just .250 for aaa syracuse. he recently did get his first home run of the season. nationals general manager mike rizzo has personally scouted harper for the last three days and feels like he's ready to make the jump. the nationals will likely move him ton the starting left field spot. he'll be the starting left fielder at 19, isn't that something? she did keep him in the minors to make sure he will remain under club control for six season beyond this one. harper will make his major league debut against the dodgers tomorrow. stephen strasburg will be the starting pitcher. a lot of star power out there in hollywood for the nationals this weekend. man, that is going to be fun. it was like christmas in april except you knew exactly what santa was bringing you. the redskins took their quarterback of the future with the second pick in the nfl draft, which got under way last night. roger goodell saying what redskins fans have been waiting to hear for months. >> with the second pick in the 2012 nfl draft the washington redskins select robert griffin iii. quarterback, baylor. >> and the reaction at fedex field, happiness as well. hope restored for the franchise. speaking of quality quarterback for an awfully long time the burgundy and gold hope he fits the bill. the pressure will be on griffin to meet the hype but shanahan knows the pressure's on both to meet the expectations. >> we know we've got to give him everything we possibly can to give us the best chance to win and for him to be the best he's going to be. now it's up to me to get him the right supporting cast, the right system to where he feels comfortable, with what we're doing without putting too much pressure on him. >> being a bronco fan growing up i watched him do things with a lot of running backs, a lot of guys they said couldn't do it and he made sure they could. so he's a great coach, and from what i've heard he allows his players to have input on what they do. so not that i'm going to go in and say hey, we need to do this, this, and this, but i'll definitely, you know, try to be open with him just like i know he's going to be open with me. >> i know one thing. he's going to go 100 miles an hour. he's a sponge. he loves what he does. he wants to be the guy. and he's going to do everything he possibly can to be successful. you don't have to be around him very long to figure that out. >> skins fans get a chance to meet rg3 at a draft day party tomorrow at fedex field. gates open 11:30 in the morning. and the draft continues tonight at 7:00 with the second and third rounds. the skins have one pick in the third round. the capitals now in the second round of the playoffs and they don't get much rest. starting their series with the rangers tomorrow afternoon in new york. the guys on the ice this morning as a team for the first time since winning in boston on wednesday. and joel ward welcomed back like the game 7 hero he is. take a listen. [ cheers and applause ] ward received numerous race exist threatening tweets after his game-winning goal against the bruins. since the terrible tweets he's received messages from all over including people he went to kindergarten with. it's also sinking in that he will forever be a part of the capitals' history in terms of the game 7 overtime winner that he scored. as for the uproar over the racist tweets, here are ward's thoughts. >> i don't let it bother me at all. it's a few people that just made a couple of terrible comments. and what can you do? i know what i signed up for. i'm a black guy playing a predominantly white sport. it's just going to come with the territory. i feel naive or foolish to think that it doesn't exist. it is what it is. and you know, it's going to be part of it here and part of life. and that's just what it is. >> if i'm going to read what people said about me, you know, and you guys, i don't know, it may be something new for him. but just don't listen what people say, good things or bad things. you just have to concentrate. >> leave it to ovie to bring some levity to the situation. game 1 in new york saturday afternoon at 3:00 right here on your hockey station, nbc 4. game 2 monday night, also in the big apple. on the nbc sports network. then back to verizon center wednesday night and saturday afternoon for games 3 and 4. game 5 if necessary will be in new york on monday may 7th. dates and times for games 6 and 7 yet to be determined. why now? that's probably what the wizards were asking themselves when they were cleaning up their lockers this morning. the season is over. the wizards are playing their best basketball of the year. they end with this six-game winning streak after thrashing the miami heat last night in their season finale. interim head coach randy wittman met the media today and asked what it was like taking over at mid-season. >> i hate it. don't ever want to do it again. there are so many different things. in trying to -- obviously, if there's a change. things aren't going well. now you're trying to figure out how you're going to change what's not going well when you were part of it. >> we had crazy things happen, injury, you know. we finished like a team. we worked hard. the atmosphere in the locker room is so good, you know. and we're going to have a full season next season. so i feel good. we're happy. >> nene. all right. it's a huge sports day tomorrow. capitals open up their playoff series against the rangers. rg3 introduced at fedex field. bryce harper makes his major league debut. and local guy seth mayhem mitchell takes another step toward a heavyweight title. mitchell the former mvp mitch state football player weighed in today for his fight with chaz witherspoon. mitchell puts his undefeated record on the line in atlantic city tomorrow night. this is one of the few big-time fights you will see between two college drajts. h graduates. chaz witherspoon had a 3.8 in high school and studied pharmaceutical engineering in college. >> very cool. stay out of their way. thank you, dan after 27 years on display at the national air and space museum in washington the space shuttle "enterprise" has arrived at its new home in new york city. the shuttle left dulles airport this morning on the back of that boeing 747. take a look. the retired shuttle made the historic low-altitude flight over new york's iconic landmarks and bridges. atlanta to jfk, where it will stay until june. the shuttle will then move to its new home at the intrepid sea, air, and space museum in manhattan. hey, we did it first, nyc. >> that's right. >> good call. one more check on our weather to see if doug's changed his mind. >> no. out there right now looks like a nice evening tonight. enjoy it tonight but just wear the jacket. tomorrow you'll need the jackets and probably the umbrellas. most of you will stay in the 50s all day tomorrow with a high of about 60 in the district. expect the rain to come in late in the afternoon, but it will mostly be in the shower variety. heaviest rain will be probably between, say, 7:00 and 10:00 tomorrow night. then next week looking much better. we will get warmer with highs near 80 by wednesday and maybe the mid up toer 80s as we head into next thursday. and sunday looking great. yesterday was drop date at the massachusetts institute of technology. it's called drop date because it's the last day of the term students can drop classes without penalty. and m.i.t. students have a way they like to celebrate drop date in the spring. they push an old unrepairable piano from the roof of a six-story dorm called baker house. there's even a special name for the unit of volume created by the crashing piano. they call it a bruno in honor of the student who conceived of piano drop 40 years ago. i guess you have to go to m.i.t. to understand what all that means. spectators often take pieces of the broken piano as souvenirs. and astronaut catherine coleman, an m.i.t. alum, even took a piano key with her. you just can't get enough of that, can you? >> no. >> even took a piano key -- >> it's not quite the shuttle "discovery" but it's their version. >> it was my best day when i went to m.i.t. i really enjoyed it. >> princeton and m.i.t. >> my master's in -- >> have a great weekend, everybody. "nightly news" is heading your way next. >> we hope we'll see you for news 4 at 11:00. have a good evening.

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Alabama , Baker House , Massachusetts , Urbana , Texas , Falls Church , Virginia , Martinsburg , West Virginia , Tuscaloosa , Manhattan , Colombia , Montgomery County , Syracuse , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , San Francisco , California , Bethesda , Hollywood , Fairfax County , Leesburg , Houston , Chile , Kansas , Ohio , Frederick County , Capitol Hill , Colombian , America , American , George Zimmerman , Robert Gibbs , Alex Amato , Trayvon Martin , Roger Goodell , Steve Handelsman , Jeff Wallace , Chaz Witherspoon , Hilary Rosen , Michael Shearer , Mike Rizzo , David Gregory , Michael Davis , Julie Carey , Robin Gardner , Joel Osteen , Marilyn Monroe , John Edwards , Vernon Davis , Pat Collins , Bryce Harper , Ann Romney , Catherine Coleman , Randy Wittman , Brad Mayer , Stephen Strasburg , Los Angeles , Patrick Cooper , Michael Gardner , Rodney King , Howard Montgomery , Jessica Evers , Wayne Conti , Harry Thomas Jr , Harry Thomas , Arlington Julie Carey , Tisha Thompson , Ryan Zimmerman ,

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