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first-degree murder in the death of chandra levy. the skeletal remains of chandra levy found in rock creek park in may 2002. the 24-year-old intern had been missing for a year. for more than nine years, susan 11y, chandra's mother, has conducted a crusade to find her daughter's killer. susan levy in the courtroom day wh the verdict was announced. >> this verdict today -- >> i don't know. there is always going to be a feelg of sadness. likethe word you used, a sense of peace. i've never heard too many people say that. i plan to be here and have followed up on what happened to my daughter no, mtter how hard it has been for me personally. i'm not sure if it is a sense of peace but i could surely till, it ain't closure. >> reporter: may 1, 2001. chandra levy went missing from her apartment near dupont circle. the story goes national when it is revealed the 24-year-old intern was romantically involved with marriedcalifornia congressman gary condit. condit denied having anything to do with chandra's disappearance. in time, the focus of t investigation shifted to this man. ingmar guandique. an illegal immigrant doing time for assaulting two women in rock creek park. now in this case, there was very little concrete evidence. no official cause of death. no murder weapon. no dna. nofingerprints, no eyewitnesses. but the was circumstantial evidence. testimony from the women he assaulted in the park. stimony from his land lady about scratches head on his face the day chandra disappeared. testimony from his penpal who said he talked about a dead woman. and then enter this man. armando he mouse" morales. guandique's sell mate. morales said guandique confessed to theurder. i killed her, morales said guandique told him. i killed her but i did not rape her. guandique is 29 years old. heaces a minimum sentence of 30 years. a maximum sentence of life. back to you. >> all right. pat collins reporting from superior court. thank you, pat. >> most of the jury in the levy trial say the decision was not necessarily a difficult one. in the end, the jurors say they came to a consensus to convict guandique of murder. >> reporter: they emerged from this courthouse looking tired and relieved while they held a man's fate in their hands, the hos and days of deliberations has taken its toll on them. a case that made news around the world. a young woman mdered, a congressman question asked cleared. in the end, a legal machine that convicted the suspect. the critical parts of that system, the jury. some of whom spoke today. >> we were very carefulo evaluate all the evidence. and it was a decision based on the, on everything that whad. >> we also went through the law very deliberately to make sure that we were satisfying the requirements that each law had, pertaining to this case. >>t took just over three days of deliberations for jurors to reach their verdict. among their chlenges, setting emotions aside and adhering to the law in a case fraught with emotion. it took its toll on the jurors. >> my life specifically h had to change. i've had to change my work schedule. i've had to change the way i think and process information. i could not do research on my own or ask questions. it is a tremendous amount of responsibili. >> amid that responsibility, a mother's grief. we cannot bring back her daughter. nobody here can do anything to bring back her daughter. and we did the best we could with th evidence we were given to come to the conclusion of this case. >> reporter: while they did talk a lot about how they came to the verdict, they agreed among themselves they would not go into detail about the deliberation. thatill be a secret they will keep ang themselves. we're live outside district court. back to you. >> thanks, derrick. stay with news4 for more coverage of the guilty verdict in the chandra levy murder trial. you can hear the entirety of the statement from susan levy's mother. that's on our website, we're following a developing story out of northwest d.c. the firefighters discovered a body in a home after they put out a rowhouse fire. that home is on 16th street northwest near monroe street. craig melvin is at the scene with the latest. >> reporter: in the last 20 minutes, we've learn two new thing about the person inside the house. i want to show you 16th street. usually a major thoroughfare during rush hour. it is shut down from arkansas to newton. we're told it will remain shut down for the next few hours. they are, how, in about two hours, going to at least open the northbound lane leading out of the city. about 3:15 this afternoon, the passerby smelled smoke, smelled fire. he called 911. we've learned a short time ago that fire officials inside the house when they were fighting that fire, discovered a body. were told the person inside is an adult male. at this point, that's all they say they can tell us that's all they know. they have not identified person them don't have a name. they ow it is an adult male. ey aren't sre whether the person actually lived in the house. again, they're continuing to ask some questions. 60 or 75 firefighters were here on the scene at one point. officials don't think anyone else was inside the rowhouse when that fire started but we are told that the flames and smoke were so intense, it did damage the two rowhouses next door. they should be okay. at this point, of cose, there is still no cause. that's under investigation as well. we did talk to a man who said he saw the whole thing. >> i was comg southbound on 16th street to drop my family members off at home when i got a buzz off 16 and oak. i smelled smoke a looked straight at the top of the roof. flame upton of the building. >> again, once an autopsy is performed, they do confirm as they suspect that this person who died inside that, as a result of the fire. this would be the ninth fire in the district this year. in 2009. there were 19 fireatalities in the city. military ts scrambled when a small plane moved into restricted air face around washington. two f-16 fighters were launched. they escorted a small plane of cessna 180s. it landed without incident. it was met there by local law enforcement officers. coming up, pope been addictios comments about condom use is causing some controversy and confusion. holiday shopping may signal a change in a struggling economy. former first lady barbara bush shareser opinion about sarah palin's future. nearly 50 years after the assassination of president john f. kennedy, there is a new effort to preserve his words for future generations. we saw some very mild temperatures today. will they hold out for thanksgiving week? my complete forecast coming up. hey, doug, the injury list keeps growing and growing. the vikingsill have a new head coach when the show up at fed-ex field. and jimmy johnson dominates the sport of nascar. and food for the families food drive is open until 7:00. you can call and donate. retail sales are expected to improve with the upcoming holiday shopping season. that is despite the fact many americs still are struggling in this economy. the new survey shows shop letters likely spend more this year anyway. >> reporter: in america's shopping malls, there may be a little more holiday cheer this year. >> i have more money than i had before so yes, i can put aside more. >> reporter: spending was up in the first two week of november. and a new survey shows shoppers may be finding optimism amidst the holiday bargains. in the phone survey by the consumer federation of america, 57% reported they'll spend as much or more than last year. 23% say their financial situation is better. >> i have a new job, making more money. and i just, i'm in a better place. >> reporter: while 30% do find their finances worse -- >> i'm not going to borrow any money to buy gifts. >> reporter: that number is again better than last year. >> the survey results suggest that at least in their attitudes, people are feeling better. certainly we're not out of the woods. >> reporter: experts have some advi for americans still concerned about running up big debt as they run from store to store. >> make a specific list of what you want tourchase and stick to it. come that i remember son shop using the internet and ads to get the best deals. and in january, start paying off any related credit card debt. >> reporter: the internet is expected to be big this year while stores plan to open earlier than ever. some on thanksgiving. looking to cash in on shoppers feeling even the slightest bit positive about their spending. with christmas falling on a saturday this year, that mean one less shoppg weekend than normal. some retailers won't even wait for the traditional black friday to start slashing their prices. news4. >> thanksgiving din her cost families more. the praise for many holiday staples has gone up compared to last year. the food institute reports the price for turkeys went up about 33%. last wreer the price averages 79 cents a pound. the reasonthe rising cost of feed and overall turkey production is down. fresh sweet potatoes now cost 23 nts more and the price of pecans has gone up a whopping 41%. some good news, some frozen and canned vegetables are cheaper this year. so are fresh cranberries. news4 is hoping to he pu footed otable this thanksgiving. the number is 882-4949. or you can dropff donations at the verizon center. that's where pat lawson muse is right now. >> reporter: it has been a 12-hour long day. a long effort. a very successful effort checking fad for families here at the verizon center. food stilloming in at this hour. the volunteers are still packing it up and preparing it to send over to the boys and girls club in northeast washington where it will be distributed to needy families. and already tonight, some families are getting their baskets. this is our director of community affairs. and it has been quite a day. >> it's been quite day. we have a gentleman who just walked up from the postal workers who gave us $200. thank you so ch, sir, for doing this. so wonderful, wonderful. we want to thank our community, the residents of the district, maryland, virginia, as well as the many partners. thank you, pat, our ge partners. it's been a wonderful day. we want people to know right w, families are getting their meals, thanks to so many generous people. and people can continue to give by giving online at the thank you. so i know it is time for me to stop talking. thank you. >> thank you so much, sir. >> reporter: it has been a great day. the effort does not end here. it is important to emphasize that point. this part is phase one. phase ii happens at the boys and girls club and it happens when you go to the phone and call or online to andstill make those donations to food for families. a lot of folks will eat this thanksgiving thanks to all the work and all the food. >> they'll be taking your donations and your call until 7:00 tonight. coming up, a rag to riches story right out of the movies. doug is back with a look at the weatr forecast next. investigators are looking into the lead content of glasses. and the associated press shows the glass had up to 1,000 times the federal limits for lead in children's products. the glasses depict popular comic book and movie characters themselves include big name brands like disney, coca-cola and mcdonald's. the manufacturer maintains the glasses are for adult collectors and said they passed lead tests. in his first major speech on the district's finances since his election, mayor-elect vincent gray warned of massive budget and service cuts. before a crouchwd of city offials, he delired a grim message. he said the district is facing a half billion-dollar deficit. nearly $200 million needs to be cut by next month. gray said he is willing to take suggestions, not arguments though, in handling the cuts. >> as y advance ideas, please let it be mo than don't cut this or don't cut that. without offering ideas to balance the budget. >> it has grown 65%. it is an enormous amount of growth in spending. you have to cut it back. gray is holding a hearing next tuesday to begin taking suggestions and to start the budget balancing process. >> doug is here with a look at our weatherforecast. our holiday week weaer forecast. we're cutting back on the beautiful weather, it seem like. >> it we'll hav anotr great day tomorrow. a lot of cloud cor. we saw a lot of sunshine. we have some roller coasters in regard to temperature. today they were up. tomorr they'll be up a little more. like you're climbing up that hill and then boom. there come the fallout as you go into the first turn. that loop. that loop may come during the day on thursday. out there right now, look at this. a full moon. or just about 98% of full out there right now. just look that up. some high clouds streaming in. for theost part we'll see mostly clear skies. the high today, 61 degrees. well above average. the average high, drees. low this morning, 49. the average low is 38 degrees. we were up about 11 degrees above the average low. and 're going to continue to stay on the mild side. and the rather dry side as well. seven dry weends in a row we saw another great weekend. saturday, a high of 66. yesterday, a high into the 50s. a lot of sunshine and again, a pretty nice day out there yesterday and today. 58 degrees, the current temperature. winds are calm right now defensively expect those to increase ovrnight into the day tomorrow. because of a storm system moving our way. 54 degrees in sterling. 59 back toward winchester. quantico at about 54 degrees. this is what i speck for overnight low teerature. about 50 inside the district. 45 in warn often 46 in fredericksburg. temperatures will be about five to ten degrees above average again tonight into tomorrow morning. ahead of the next storm system. then tomorrow's high temperures, about ten degrees above average once again. this is why. we've got a lot of warm air to the southwest. ja jackson, kentucky. 72 in richmond today. if we were to see sunshine, and right now i think we'll see more clouds. if we see any sunshine at all we could easily see 70 around some of our area as well. right now i'm going for a high of about 67 degrees. as we widen out, and i'm going this wide because this is where our storm is. toward the great lakes. they're under tornado watches. a tornado warning a little earlier. that's on the warm side of this system. we're on the warm side of this system. on the back side, it is snow. it is freezi rain. it is very cold temperatures. will be ntsb single digits for highs into part of montana and in the. that's a lot of cold air and it will eventually move our way. but not tonight and not tomorrow. high pressure down to our south will continue to give us mor of a south or southwesterly flow during the day tomorrow. i think it will start to increase as well. the winds gusting upwards of 20 to 25 miles an hour. it is a warm wind biffle late afternoon, we'll see the clouds continue to increase. we'll see a chance of a shower. maybe a couple showers moving through. i think most of us will be dry as this front washes out. now on wednesday, chilly air moves in. we're at 67 on tuesday. maybe 47 to 50 degrees on wednesday. wednesday is looking like a very cool day. fairly breezy as well. thenet another storm will make its way into our region. this storm coming in just in time for thanksgiving and most likely black friday. we've got a lot to talk about as far as the wther is concerned. it won't be a big rainy week. it will be a big temperature week. as far as temperatures go, i think we'll get our first taste of win. we're nice and warm. e ridge has built over. by the end of the week we'll see a trough of low pressure across the eastern half of the nation. very cold air moving in. the first time i think many areas ll be in the low 20s for lows, around the washington, d.c. area. low 30s for the first time. maybe our first freeze. mostly clear this evening. nice and mild becoming breezy. 55 to 58 degrees as we move through the day. we'll see a few high clouds from time to time. tomorrow morning, a few of the clouds but not too ba we canee some patchy fog. 44 to 50 degrees. tomorrow afternoon, a little on the breezy side. it will come from the southwest. 64 to 67. some areas, maybe even a little warmer than that. possible afternoon showers, most of us will be on the dry side. you may want to ta umbrea with you just i case. look at this. 67 tomorrow. only 50 on wednesday. 56 on thursday. i thk our rain chances will be mostly into maryland north of 270. that's some good news there. most of us may be dry on thanksgiving but the wind will move in late in the day on thursday work into the day on friday. friday, some rain in th morning and only a high of 49. windchills could bin the 40s all day for a lot of folks. our first taste of win coming friday, saturday and sunday. temperatures in the 30s. not just the 30s. we're talki about the low 30s. our first taste of win. we're talking about our winter forecast. tonight at 11:00, tune in to fined outxactly what we think as far as temperatures know. it shoulbe a-okay. wednesday is looking okay. just chilly. >> any other questions? >> no. that covers it for n. i'll think of something later. >> thanks. coming up, a guilty verdict in the chandra levy murder trial. a series of attack on teenagers in virginia. th pope is supporting the use of condoms. >> reporter: i'm julie carey at reagan national. many are finding out what enhanced security means for the first time whil security officials are holding fir to the procedure amid the furor. brad childress gets his walk papers from minnesota. and the injury bug bites big time out at redskins park. ingmar guaique today was convicted in the murder have chandra levy in rock creek park many years ago. that convict closes a criminal investigation that dates back to 2001. >> today's verdict does send a message that it is never too late for a murderer to be held acuntable for his crime. it is never too late for justice to be served. >> our team coverage continues. chris gordon joins us, he is an attorney as well as a report here has been covering the courts for years. in the top of the broadcast, pat collin laid out pretty clearly the lack of evidence and the lack of an eyewitness. how do you think the prosecutors won this ca? >> reporter: the cell mate who testified, armando morales, basically said guandique confessed to the crime. we asked the jury, did you believe morales? they said that they had decided between them and among them that they would not address specific questions about their deliberations. but here's the analysis, and logically, you have to know that they did believethe jail house snitch, so to speak. because he is the only one and his testimony, the only thing that puts guandique at the scene of t crime. >> there were also a couple of women who said they were attacked by guandique. did the jurors talk abouthat testimony? >> reporter: they did. they were very impressed. they said that the testimony was very powerful. they said you couldn't sit in the room, the courtroom, and no be moved by these women who testified that they, too, were attacked by guandique in rock creek park in the year 2001, at about the same time and place in the same manner, grabbed from behind the way chandra levy was. >> the jurors went along with the strongest possible convictions. two first-degree murder convictions. how will that affect him at sentencing? >> reporter: this is first degree felony murder. which mean they believe there was an attempted kidnapping and an attempted robbery. in t course of those felonies, she was killed. so he faces the possibility, the maximum of life in prison. he'll be sentenced on february 11th. the judge in the case, gerald fisher, will hear from chandra levy's mother susan, perhaps other family members as well. and also give guandique a chance to speak if he wants any leniency in this case. because sentence ranges from 30 years to life. he would have to basically show remorseful. >> does he speak english? >> no. he has a translator. >> chris gordon, thank yo >> thank you, chris. other news, police release ad sketch to help catch the suspect who may be coected to three sexual assaults in montgomery coty. the most recent attack happened on saturday. the investigators say a woman was dragged into a wooded area and raped. it happene near the aspen hill road and georgia avenue. that is the third sex assault to happen in this area since june. police release ad sketch today and also a surveillce pho of a possible suspect. the two men were reportedly responsible for the earliest attack but investigators think the man in the sketch may be involved in all three assaults. breaking news. police in manassas, virginia, announced two arrests in the beating and stabbing of a 19-year-old at a shopping center last night. theictim survived. they believe the attacks were part of a gang war. the same one blame for the death of 15-ye-old miguel hernandez. he was attacked on his way home from osborn high school on friday. the students held a vigil for him this afternoon. critics of the new tsa screening method have some new ammunition today. somebody posted a vio on youtube that shows a 4-year-o boy being searched at a check point in salt lake city international airport. the witnesses stay boy was shy and physically resisted the search. the tsa said the boy's father actually removed his son's shirt to speed the process along. in the mean time, federal officials are standingirm on their procedures. during one of the busiest travel weeks of the year. julie carey has the story from national rport. >> reporter: for this fredericburg couple, a trip to nashville to see the redskins play meant a his and her experience with the new security procedures. an enhanc pat-down for her. the full body scanner for him. neither complaining. >> they go down the inside of yourants and down the inside of your leg and up around your breasts. you know, they tell you they're going to do it. >> i think it is needed. obviously we have other problems in the past and we don't want that to happen again. and i thought it was pretty fast. so i don't have a problem with it. >> reporter: across the couny, other travelers are up in arms saying they feel violated by a security pat-down that can involve over the clothes touching of genital areas. the aclu said it has received 600 complaints in three weeks and is contemplating a lawsuit. the homeland security geral acknowledged the furor but she reminds last holiday season is when the so-called underwear boxer tried to take wn a passenger jet. she said the administration is listening but holding firm to enhanced security. >> of course we will make adjustments or change when called upon but not that will affect the basic operational capability that we need to have to make sure that air travel remains safe. >> reporter: meantime, white house spokesman robert gibbs said the government is trying to balance procedur that both maximize security and minimize invasiveness. he said tsa procedures will continue to evolve. at reagan national, every passenger we spoke with today supported the new procedures. >> i prefer security over not being secure. >> i don't mind a little vasion of privacy for an extra layer of safety. >> reporter: while they reported a relatively quick check today, that could all change wednesday. an ashburn man has called for a nationwide boycott of wh he term the make the body scanner. but tsa is urging not to refuse the body scan. he said that will tie up downless travelers who just want to get home to see loved ones. the body scan can take as little as ten seconds. the pat-down, much longer. news4, reagan national. coming up tonight, the former first lady with her thoughts on sarah palin. there are celebrations in the streets of india for a woman who just made history. >> today is our food 4 family's fo drive. our phone bank is open until 7:00. call 202-885-49 fran. a new book from pope benedict xvi is coming out tomorrow and many catholics are trying to decode his comments abou condoms. the catholic church has always banned condoms as part of its stand against contraception but he asked whether condoms should be used to prevent the spread of aids in africa. in his answer, the pope seems to indicate that he sees condom use, but in the case of reducing the spread of infect may cause less harm than not using them. >> i don't know where it is going. we'll have to talk about it in the coming weeks and months. i've heard there coulde a document now. >> reporter: for years, the pope has been working on the document. among 24 new cardinals received by the pope at the vatican today. pope benedict personally greeted each of the cardinals and their relatives in their own languages today. on saturday, he was elevated to the position of cardinal. pope benedict faced a scarlet beretta on his head. >> a very proud moment. doug is here with another check on our thanksgiving weather forecast. >> we've seen very mild temperatures. as a matter of fact, t last 13 out of 14 days have been above average today. well above average with the high temperature of 61. outside right now, we're looking at mostly clear skies. some high cirrus clouds and a just about full moon. i expect the winds to increase. 45 in warrenton. 50 in the district. and of course, annapolis coming in with 48 degrees overnight. tomorrow, another very mild day. temperature in the upper 60s. some areas could get to near 70. and an isolated chance of a shower late in the day. more on the forecast coming up. >> thank you, doug. >>the former first lady barbara bush didn't hold back on her opinion about sarah palin in an interview with cnn's larry king. mrs. bush was asked what she thought of palin. >> i think she is very happy in alaska. and i hope she'll stay there. >> mrs. bush went on to praise her son, former president george w. bush, for his accomplishments and his new memoir. so it wasn't pretty but it was okay. >> a win is win. >> a win is a win but now they have the vikings and they'll have a lot more questions coming up. i'll give you an injuryeport on the walk wounded here at redskins park. also, michael vick. we'll tell you hotheir game broke down and the vikings will have a newead coach. ♪ ♪ [ dad ] yeah! [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] achievement gets points for living life. earn pnc points for your credit and debit card purchases. ♪ find out more at pnc. for the achiever in us all. one of the coaches went to albert haynesworth and said, hey, man, can you play offense? because you might have to. >> and albert said, if yo thght i had problems with the 3-4 -- >> you ain't seen nothing yet. >> exactly. i thought his response was even better. the bottom line is obviously a win is a win and that's the great thing. this team has some issues moving forward. it took more than five minutes for us to go down the laundry list of injuries,as mike shanahan was addressing those in his day after press conference. there are four guys i'm watching out for specifically. if they're out on the field next week against the vikings. the redskins going into yesterday's game with four starters inactive and seven players went down once they got on the field in tennessee. let's go back down there. the first one occurred before the game even started. it was running back chad simpson broke his foot in pregame warm-ups. he's been put on injure reserves. al, clinton pors reaggravated that groin injury. he had an mri. reports are buzzing he could be done for the season. we'll know more on weesday. defense took some hits toorgs. mcintosh suffered a groin injury. he will be reevaluated and we'll know more wednesday. and offensive lineman dockery. moving forward with injuries will be tough. ke shanahan said less experienced players, they'll have to step up. >> you were talking about it all the time. the first day we talked to players, we talked to th about losing people during the season. it will happen. sometimes it happens in bunches. other times, one a game, two a game. you have to be ready. so they are preparing themselves. you have to prepare yourself as if you're a starter each and every week. >> our necessary starters, you don't get reps in practice, you have to do most of your stuff mentally. and i think those guys a great job of preparing for t situation that came today. the offensive line, they had tackles playing guard. guards playing center. it was definitely a credit to those guys. thenthe coaching staff as well as getting those guys prepared. >> so you heard london fletcher talk about that offensive lie. you heard, it got so bad coach asked albert haynesworth if he wanted to get out there. the bottom line is this unit that has played so poorly in this season so fr with all the adversity in the world staed on their shoulders with so many guys going out, they basically played their best game of the season. let's go back to the feel where the bleeding really began. when a seasoned veteran, casey rabach went down with a knee injury in the first quarte so will montgomery took his place. stephen ended up in a position he's never played and it seemed like a recipe for disaster. something strange happene as a unit, the line played one of its best games of the season, sustaining drives and offering mcnabb time to make plays. he said they were running on adrenaline. >> as a group, we knew we had no one else left. we knewf we don't get it done, we won't win the game. we rallied together. listen to the guys. communication was really good, went really well. everybody on the same page. >> it is a sign to us that we would never give up. defense put us in a great position. we kept on fighting. a tough game to play, especially on the road. the crowd noise. i think as a team we came together and wanted to win. >> h did a great move to move from tackle to guard. and i thought will montgomery really did a great job of stepping up for casey. and when you have guys like that sometimes, you have to pull back. i thought we really brought our offense in and very aggressive, did a great job. just havin the trust and confidence to be able to do that even with the guyse had up front. and i thought as a unit, we were able to do a great job at third down. that's one that we need to clean up and get corrected. and we got ourselves down the red zone area. >> production really did make a difference. and donovan mcnabb knows very well the redskins will have their hands full as they prepared that. the viking are looking for a new spark under a w head coach. it will be their former coordinator. today minnesota fred head coach brad childress. he had had sained relations withal of his players, including brett favre who we found out will get to start on sunday. he will where in the division, a week after the eagles and michael vick man handled the redskins, it didn't look as pretty as they performed on monday night. they still found a way to take care of the giants and claim that top spot in the nfc east. let's go back to the field. they're looking for the third straight wichbl eli manning trying to keep the giants atop the nfc east. for you quarter. giants, knocking on the door. manning finds derrick in the back of the end zone for the touchdown. new york takes a one-point lead. 17-16 early in the quarter. michael vick knew that he would have to rally his eagles if they wanted to get the win. for you and one for the eagles at midfield. this boggles the snap. somehow he manages to control it enough to pitch it to mccoy. speedy and he does t rest. 50 yards for the touchdown. the eagles take the 24-17 lead. they're well on the way to a third straight win but eli would have another chce. just over three minutes to go. the giants with for you and six. manning tucks and ru for the first down. he dives and loses the ball when it hits the ground. since wasn't touched by an eagle, it is a fumble. derrek rovers and the eagles go on to bt the giants 27-17. moving on to nascar. everybody thought there was no chance that jimmy johnson would ever be able to win his fifth straight championship. they said he had a baby, became a first time father in the off-season. itould take up all his time. yestery jimmy johnson proved why he is one of the best drivers this sport has ever seen. we're down in miami. it was the dry, denny hamlin who entered the race with a 15-point lead. but trouble on lap 24. he gets bumped. goes spinning. denny hamlin, the last you know this he wanted to see, he only need someday body work. but hamlin said the car couldn't drive the same after that. finished 1h. johnson finished second in the race but earned enough points to win his fifth straight change-up. it was devastation for denny hamlin and kevin harvick, both guys who had a chance to win that championship. and jimmy johnson was just too good for t rest of them, guys. >> thank you. >> thank you, lindsay. coming up, an eternal flame burns for jfk butis words may be fading. (voice 1) we've detected an anomaly... (voice 2) how bad is it? (voice 1) traffic's off the chart... (voice 2) they're pinging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage... (voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again. (voice 3) great exercise guys. genius. president john f. kennedy was assassinated on this date 47 years ago. his gravesite remains one of the most visited at arlington national cemetery. ques from his inaugural address are carved into a low wall at the gravesite. now the words have been preserved for future generations. >> reporter: words oken at his inauguration in 1961. >> the energy, the did you havers at this -- >> reporter: and long remembered after his assassination in 1963. president ken kennedy rests beneath an eternal flame at arlington national cemetery. the memorable words from his inaugural address, engraved on a low granite wall framing the view of our nation's capital. members of the world's largest catholic fraternal organization, the knights of columbus, recently took in thisiew but they were disappointed because e first catholic president's words were fading with time. >> 50 years of weathering had taken its toll. we thought it is a shame that 4 million visitors who come here every year probably don't even bother to read them because hurt the so hard to read. >> reporter: they were handpated and then chiselled into the stone by jahn benson when he was 25 years old. now 71, he retn to the memorial. >> i felt very much put on the spot. i had to do the best job that not i could do but aone could do. >> reporter: a veteran conservator applied paint inside each letter. the restoration work was recently completed and the knights of columbus say their contribution to kennedy's legacy was worth every penny. >> he was one of the most extraordinary. >> ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. >> reporter: words that moved a generation, now able to encourage generations to come. nbc ns, washington. >> you can find more on that story on the "n nightly news" website. some dramatic moments of northern virginia. we'll show you the photos of the plane that entered restricted air space. also, the nba is investigating how a toddler fell from a luxury box at thend of a lakers game. and doug, our nbc meteorologist, will unveil the winter forecast. speaking of doug? >> we have to wait until 11:00 for that but we can hearore about the weather forecast now. >> some people will be very happy about this winer forecast. other people will be very upentity this winter forecast. >> isn't that always the cae? >> when it come to weather, yes, you get a half and half. you say it is sunny outside. some are like no, i dot like today. >> hopefully you like what we saw this afternoon. we saw a lot of sunshine today. beautiful weather. high temperature, around 61 degrees. if you like more wintry weather, that's on the way, too, as far as cooler temperatures. much cooler, as a matter of fact. once again, above average. this is the3th of 14 days have been above average over the past two weeks. amazing, the stretch we've been on. the ne four days, well above average with a high of 67. a slight chance of a shower but that's it. 50 degrees on wednesday. a very cool day below average on wednday. about average on thanksgiving. i think we'll see some shower activity. most of that will be to the north of the district, i think. most of us will remain on the dry side for thanksgiving. friday morning, however, if you're planning on driving, it will be a different story. for the first time, a woman has wo the big prize in india's version of who wants to be a millionaire. her village now is celebrating. there are some rallels with that oscar winning film from t years ago called "slumdog millionaire." in the real life version, a young woman grew up in poverty but studied very hard and became a tailor. then she answered all the questions on the game show correctly. she won 10 million roopies, the equivalent of $20 milli. she said she intends to open a boutique with some of the jackpot money.

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