whole sudanese ongoing drama has scarred my son and me for a number of years since our first visit there in 2006. it continues to be an ongoing tragedy. >> reporter: again, despite the seriousness of the cause, virginia congressman jim moran was also among those arrested. there was some light hearted banter with reporters. >> how are they treating you there? >> it was really rough. you can imagine. >> is this your first arrest ever? >> it is. thanks for asking. >> reporter: in washington, tom sherwood, news 4. the secret service says 18 people were arrested as part of today's demonstration. among the others martin luther king iii ran naacp president ben jealous. now to an arrest possibly involving the cofounder of the coney 2012 documentary about a warlord in uganda. there are reports that jason russell was arrested last night for being drunk in public and masturbating. the san diego police department is not formally identifying the man who was arrested. however, last week russell went on a media blitz after his video "coney 2012" went viral sparking a wave of social activism surrounding ugandan guerrilla warlord joseph coney who is wanted in connection with countless child abductions and murders. "invisible children" released a statement referencing an unfortunate incident saying russell was hospitalized yesterday suffering from exhaustion and malnutrition. back here police tonight stepping up to search for a dangerous gunman who they believe could be hiding out in our city. pat collins is live with the homicide squad in southwest washington with details for us. pat? >> reporter: jim, he is a dangerous man. he goes by four different names. he has a scar, tatoo, and a gun, and is not afraid to use it. the guy they're looking for is thought to be armed, dangerous, and at large somewhere in our city. he goes by four different names. reynard cook, reyyon stone, don fitzgerald hancock, and demarko brown. he has a scar on his left hand, tatoo on his left arm. what's he wanted for? assault with intent to kill. they say he shot the mother of his children five times in front of the kids. she was hit twice in the head, three times in the body. she is said to be in grave condition. this happened a month ago in the 3300 block of alden place northeast. the victim was there with her three children, two boys, and a girl ages 2, 4, and 6. they say cook comes at her with a gun and there in the street he opens fire. her children watch as their mother falls to the ground. so serious is this case, homicide has taken over the investigation. >> you don't want anyone to approach this man? >> no, we do not. >> if they see him, they should call the police? >> that's absolutely correct. >> dangerous man? >> yes. >> reporter: the victim in this case identified as 30-year-old yolanda stone, hard working mother of three, is now in a fight for her life. if you know the whereabouts of this suspect, call police. 202-727-9099. 202-727-9099. live in southwest, pat collins, news 4. a missing boy from landover has been found safe and tonight his disappearance has prompted prince george's county schools to review their policies. an amber alert was issued for 9-year-old wilbur garcia yesterday. his mother, sylvia, took him out of class at dodge park elementary in landover but she does not have custody of her son. wilbur's father has full custody. it's not clear whether the school was aware of the custody situation. police found the child safe in reno, nevada with his mother. the mother is under arrest tonight and charged with being a fugitive from justice. the weather today was shocking, shocking because it feels like march. why, i ought to -- >> and it's thick out there. what are we seeing? hey, chief meteorologist doug kammerer knows. he is in storm center 4 to tell us what we'll need to prepare for tonight. how bad is it going to get, doug? >> it's not going to get bad at all. as a matter of fact, i think we're in for a beautiful evening at least for most of us out there. we are dealing with some showers outside right now, cloud cover, but others of us to the north of washington seeing plenty of sunshine. most of maryland seeing the sunshine, southern maryland, though, you're still seeing the rain. let's take a look right now and you can see we are dealing with some fog outside right now with light shower activity continuing across the d.c. area. winds right now out of the northeast at 3 miles an hour. 59, that is still well above average for this time of year but over 20 degrees cooler than where we were yesterday. take a look to the north. 66 in frederick. they were at 70 last hour. 69 in hagerstown. all reporting sunshine. to the south though 66 in culpepper and 65 in fredericksburg under plenty of clouds. there's the rain. you can see rain around the d.c. area right through central prince george's county and down through southern anne arundel county. that is where some of the heaviest showers are around diehl and northern calvert county. the little band of rain will make its way down to the south and east and by 9:00 should be out of here. once again if you're thinking about heading out and about this evening not looking bad at all. i'll break it down a little bit better plus have your st. patrick's day forecast. it's a big day tomorrow. i want to make sure everybody is all set. >> all right. thanks, doug. the campaign trail was crowded in illinois today. republican candidates mitt romney and rick santorum were there to campaign for tuesday's primary. president obama also paid a visit to his hometown attending two fundraisers in chicago before he headed off to atlanta. on the republican side, missouri will be holding caucuses saturday. puerto rico's primary is sunday. the controversy over health insurance and birth control coverage is spreading now to some state governments. an arizona state lawmaker has proposed a law that would give all businesses the option to exclude contraceptives from health insurance coverage. the only exception is if a woman can prove she is taking the contraceptives for other medical reasons such as to prevent acne. some bloggers have dubbed it the tell your boss you're on the pill bill. a warning tonight for commuters in lorton, virginia. your rush could be a car thief's gain. police say ten cars stolen over the past two months have one thing in common -- their owners all left them running in the driveway. the thieves took off -- the thefts took place in the lorton area off silver brook road all on week day mornings as the drivers were warming up their cars. the cars ranged in value from $oo,000 acuras to a toyota corolla. police say never leave a running car unattended. planning started ten years ago and today the major redevelopment of some prime real estate in merrifield, virginia is under way including housing, restaurants, shopping, and hotels and is right near a metro stop. julie carey is live with that story. >> reporter: well, for years the merrifield area of fairfax county has been better none for its gridlock intersections like here and for its odd assortment of businesses from industrial to retail but merrifield could soon become a destination in fairfax county because of the brand new project called the mosaic urban district. it's been a decade in the making but the transformation of merrifield is now well under way. the county approved a redevelopmen plan for a town center back in 2002 to make better use of a location just blocks from the dunn loring metro. >> whenever i go out to community meetings that is one of the first questions i am asked, what's happening in merrifield? when is the town center going to open? >> reporter: this is what's emerged. its developer edens is creating what they call an urban district. >> when we started this process ten years ago, we visited a hundred different places and we determined we wanted to create a place that was unlike any other in the country. and to do that, we needed a merchandise mix that reflected that vision. >> reporter: under construction, a hotel and office space, a shopping area that will eventually have as many as a hundred stores and restaurants. already onboard there? target, a neiman studio concept store, and anthropology. the angelica theater will bring art house movie fare and new town homes on the site are selling fast. developers say in time about 2,000 people will work here and another 2,000 will live here. >> by 2014, 2015, we'll be standing on a building right here in this spot hopefully on a very busy street. busy with pedestrians, not vehicles. >> reporter: with its striking architecture, the project is a stark contrast to the hundreds of small local businesses that surround it in strip centers like this one. but supervisor smith says there is room for both. >> the other pieces of merrifield, not everything was replanned. we want to retain that small business piece of it not push people out. >> reporter: now, we flip the camera around. looking up gallows road. you can see the stop light. that is how close the metro is and there is a whole lot going on up at that corner too. i'll show you more on news 4 at 6:00. for now reporting live from merrifield, i'm julie carey. it is going to be difficult getting around our area this weekend if you're taking metro. four of the agency's five lines are scheduled for track work. on the red line the shady grove station will be closed. trains will also single track on the orange, blue, and green lines. all work begins 10:00 tonight. metro officials tell us it should be done by monday. by the way, the transit system plans to suspend its weekend track work for several weeks beginning march 24th. still ahead, new revelations about osama bin laden's plot to kill president obama and why the al qaeda leader wanted joe biden to become president. plus gas prices sky high. we know we'll tell you when they could start to come down. and a frenzy at the local apple stores as the new ipad goes on sale. this weekend is going to involve a lot of high resolution screen time for the faithful apple fans who camped out over night. the third generation ipad, hey, went on sale today. >> apple stores around the world have been packed and the one in georgetown was no exception. megan mcgrath was there as the doors opened this morning. >> it promises to be a very busy day here at the apple store in georgetown. the ipad 3 went on sale at 8:00 this morning. it's got a better screen, updated camera, and needless to say, it is the hottest item going right now. some people lined up and actually camped outside the store in order to be among the first to get them this morning. one person at the front of the line got here at 3:00 a.m. now the apple employees tried to make people as comfortable as possible and even brought out coffee at one point. then at 8:00 a.m. those doors opened and people began to flock in. now, what's the big deal about? is it worth all the trouble, worth all the waiting? well, loyal fans say absolutely. >> i go to school so i use it for everything. i use it for my documents, i go online with it. it's so easy to use. i have an iphone so it's a little bit bigger and is better than carrying a lap top. i do have a desk top. it works. i love it. >> the large part is the screen. it has a lot more, higher resolution so movies and texts will look a lot better. that's a big part of it and what sold it for me. >> reporter: there was a limit of two per person at the stores today. some analysts believe apple could sell a million ipad 3s today alone. in georgetown, megan mcgrath, news 4. well, not everyone was excited about today's release. there were just a handful of demonstrators showing up at the apple store in georgetown because they are alleging there is a worker abuse at the apple factories overseas. irish dancers at the washington convention center today geared up for their performance at this weekend's big travel and adventure show. there will be hundreds of travel experts and activities like scuba diving, rock climbing, too. the travel and adventure show runs from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 saturday and 11:00 a am until 4:00 on sunday. tickets are $15. >> what is the scuba guy seeing in the pool there? >> a coin to go fetch. kids under 16 get in free. hey, look who baex indoors. >> yes. >> yesterday you were outdoors. funny how you're indoors today, doug. >> hum. >> how does that work? somebody must have talked about cooler temperatures early and then, you know. hum. >> i tell you, this was a wakeup call, like yeah. it is march, isn't it? >> for sure. the weird thing about it is we're still well above average today. >> yes. >> temperatures should be in the mid 50s. we got to about 60 degrees here in the district but some of you did still make it to 70 degrees down to the south and to the north and west. but yes. temperatures today over 20 degrees cooler than where they were yesterday. all of this air coming from the northeast. speaking of the north we did see a big storm toward michigan. this was actually an ef-3 tornado, the first tornado ever recorded in this area in the month of march. you talk about the potential here. we've talked about tornado damage. this one destroying upwards of a hundred homes in through portions of michigan. that was a frontal boundary that made its way through that area. fortunately for us, we will not see anything like that in our area any time soon. what we are seeing though, cloud cover and fog still right around the district right now. high temperature today. so far 59 in d.c. winds out of the northeast about 3 miles an hour. we're still seeing some light rain. but look at the numbers. down to the south much warmer. 66 in culpepper. 74 in charlottesville with some sunshine. 69 in hagerstown. they were over 70 degrees a little bit earlier. cumberland, maryland was at 77 just a little bit earlier. that colder air making its way right down, the marine influence we talked about last night. yesterday the high in philly was 58. that's where they stand right now and that's where the cooler air was coming from down to the south. still nice and warm. let's take you through this a little bit. yesterday we hit a record high of 82. that nice, warm air over the region, that cool air mass just off to the north and east. as it normally does this time of year that cooler air is able to win out. it moves into our area during the day today. that 58 from philly comes down to us. that's where we were at 2:00 in the afternoon on the cool side of things. but tomorrow, i do expect the warm air to try to move back to the north. it's going to have a hard time doing it. i'm a little worried about tomorrow morning. but 70 degrees is the forecasted temperature for tomorrow and i do expect most of you especially south and west of washington to be well above that 70-degree mark once again as you were during the day today. storm 4 radar showing that we are looking at some shower activity around the region and a lot of showers going on around the mid-atlantic. this is kind of going to be the pattern over the next couple days. here's where the rain is right now. right around washington back toward loudoun county right through fairfax through prince george's county and down in through southern portions of anne arundel county. we'll do a couple zooms in and around the beltway, in through the district around addison heights down through alexandria, annandale all seeing some rain right now. most of this just very, very light rain. you cross over the beltway in through prince george's county, you see some of that rain as it moves through prince george's county in through southern anne arundel county right around diehl. that's where you're seeing the heaviest rain right along route 2 here. expect to see that for the next half hour to an hour or so and then we'll start to break out and into some sunshine. the sun goes down at 7:30 or 7:15 so we kind of have to hurry up. i expect d.c. to see some sunshine before the sun goes down. showers ending this evening. cool and damp. take your jacket out but i am expecting a fairly nice evening. 54 to about 60 degrees as you move on out. tomorrow morning mostly cloudy. areas of fog still mild. 47 to 52. it will feel cool tomorrow. but remember, the average low temperature 38 to start off the day in march. so that is not bad when you're talking about 52. tomorrow afternoon partly sunny. a few sprinkles once again but continued on the mild side. 65 to about 73 degrees. and i still expect this unsettled pattern to continue. a chance of sprinkles just about every single day right on through tuesday. we will see temperatures though that are still well above average. st. patrick's day tomorrow is not looking bad at all. >> all right. >> this feels like ireland. it's danch. >> that's why we brought it over. off the atlantic just like that. >> you feel right at home. >> coming up next on news 4 at 5:00 a cat's curiosity gets the best of her. how she started a fire while trying to eat. new developments in the penn state sexual abuse case. we'll tell you who is getting a subpoena now. i'm liz crenshaw. do frozen vegetables have the same nutrients as fresh ones? that is the question. the answer is coming up on ask liz on news 4 at 5:00. all righty. can your car insurance rate go up if you are involved in an accident that's not your fault? and this question is my favorite. does it matter which side of the aluminum foil you're supposed to be using? do frozen vegetables have the same nutrients as fresh ones? we're going to ask liz. i love it when you love the question. we have to do all three. >> all right. the first one comes from mohammed who was shopping for different auto insurance quotes and want to know if accidents that are not your fault, can -- some jerk comes and screams into your car can your policy rate go up? >> we spoke with d.c., maryland, and virginia to find out the laws concerning auto insurance. d.c. department of insurance securities and banking says that an insurer cannot raise rates because of an accident unless the accident was caused by the insured party. the maryland insurance administration allows a tiered rating structure for drivers including higher rates for drivers who have made claims so your policy can go up in maryland simply if you're involved in an accident. the virginia bureau of insurance says insurance companies can only increase your rates if you or a member of your household was wholly or partially at fault for an accident. so different rules and different jurisdictions. >> i thought it was, well, you have bad luck. people want to hit you so we'll raise your rates. my favorite question comes from jerry in d.c. he likes to cook. wants to know if it matters which side of the aluminum foil you use. should it be the shiny side toward the food or does the shiny side go toward the oven? >> okay. we called reynolds maker of aluminum foil. it gave us the answer and says it makes no difference which side of the aluminum foil you use. both sides do the same job of cooking, freezing, and storing food. the difference in appearance is simply from the foil manufacturing process where one side comes in contact with a polished steel roller and becomes shiny. the only exception is if you use a nonstick aluminum foil. the nonstick coating is only on the dull side of the foil in this case. regular, old fashioned aluminum foil just use it. you're not reflecting the heat away. >> our last question comes from mike in arlington. wants to know if frozen vegetables have the same nutrients as fresh ones. >> the national institutes of health gave us this answer. it says that overall fresh vegetables are a healthier choice than frozen ones. however, frozen veggies can be a good choices specially if they are frozen right after being harvested when they still have all of their nutrients. and if you don't want to lose the nutrients when you're cooking your veggies be sure not to overcook them. simply steam them over boiling water instead of boiling them, you know, out of them. >> right. >> if you have a question you'd like us to consider for ask liz send it to ask liz at nbc you can also connect on twitter. just search liz crenshaw. on facebook by searching liz crenshaw's consumer watch. and go out and use some foil, aluminum foil. >> as soon as i get off the air. handly? >> hey, i've got a foil followup. next friday and your dog can answer this, liz. we've got your curiosity. coming up next on news 4 at 5:00 maryland lawmakers take up a proposal that could bring a las vegas style casino to prince george's county. plus, a man accused of taking a woman on a date while his accomplice robbed her home. pain at the pump? you thought you had it bad. wait till you find out how much it takes to fill up one of these guys. i'm erika gonzalez and i'll have ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. good afternoon and welcome back everybody. meteorologist doug kammerer right here in storm center 4 taking a look at what's going on out there. the clouds and some shower activity and yes some rain. storm 4 radar showing where that rain is. we'll take a couple zooms. first off let's zoom to the north because this is an area that is actually seeing plenty of sunshine. martinsburg, frederick, even around gaithersburg seeing some sunshine but down to the south a different story. this is where we're seeing rain around fairfax, washington, right out 4 down toward diehl and along route 2 and through nauk and calvert county and most of prince george's county seeing some rain and that rain will continue to make its way south and so will the clouds. we'll talk more about the weekend forecast in a minute. >> it seems every time we go to the gas station prices have gone up again. >> triple-a says the prices are the highest now that they've ever been this time of the year. the national average per gallon is the lowest in virginia. it is 3.74. maryland 3.85. the district is $4.04. erika gonzalez has more on when we could see relief. >> are you hurting? >> oh, yes. >> reporter: gas prices are the highest ever for this time of year. the national average for regular grade gas is $3.83 a gallon. a 50-cent increase in two months according to triple-a. lon anderson with triple-a says contrary to what some may think, the increase in gas prices has nothing to do with the president. >> he doesn't go out and change the gas stations, no. >> reporter: it boils down to three things, he says. state taxes, local competition, and the price of crude, which makes up 70% of the cost of gas. and right now the price per barrel is nearly $7 more than it was last year. experts say it's the threat of war in the middle east that's making investors nervous and therefore driving up the cost. >> i'm a student and it is probably going to cut into my living expenses and other things. >> things go up but the paycheck doesn't go up. you have to do what you got to do. >> reporter: think you're paying a lot? drivers with holiday tours say the 230 plus tank on these tour buses costs about $800 to fill. >> they had to extend our credit to fill up nowadays. >> reporter: triple-a encourages people to shop with their steering wheel. in other words, go outside your area if you have to in order to get the best deal. we found 3.99 at this gas station in virginia off jefferson highway. 3.83 in landover and 3.97 in northeast d.c. analysts believe prices will peak as high as $4.25 a gallon nationally before they begin to decline. and when will that be? late april or early may. in fairfax county, erika gonzalez, news 4. drivers nationwide pay about $57 a week to fill up their tanks. >> osama bin laden was working on assassination plots against president obama and retired army general david patraeus. "the washington post" columnist david ignatious broke the story today. he was shown documents taken from osama bin laden's compound right after the terror leader's death in a u.s. raid. bin laden directed his underlings to organize special terror cells in afghanistan and pakistan. he wanted them to attack the aircraft of the president and general petraeus. bin laden said if vice president biden became the president it would throw the nation into chaos. in his view mr. biden wasn't ready for the job. at the time petraeus led the war in afghanistan. bin laden called him the man of the hour. u.s. officials say the plot was never a serious threat. a former rutgers student could spend ten years in jail for spying on his gay roommate. a jury found him guilty of a hate crime and invasion of privacy today. ravi used a web cam to videotape his roommate tyler clemente with another man and told other students about it. clemente later committed suicide and jumped off a bridge to kill himself. today clemente's father told students everywhere to speak up if they see someone doing something wrong. >> when you see somebody doing something wrong, tell them, that's not right. stop it. you can make the world a better place. the change you want to see in the world begins with you. >> reporter: ravi could also be deported to his native india. he was living in the united states legally on a green card. sentencing is set for the end of may. new developments tonight in the sexual abuse case against former penn state coach jerry sandusky. university officials say prosecutors issued several subpoenas on several university employees today. that news comes on the same day that sandusky's defense attorney asked for psychological reports and juvenile arrest records on some of the alleged victims. sandusky is on house arrest awaiting trial sometime in mid may. he denies any wrongdoing. slots and table gaming at rosecroft or gambling and entertainment at national harbor two prince george's county venues could become home to new gaming facilities in maryland. but as derek ward reports now it'll take more than a roll of the dice to decide which if either comes out a winner. >> reporter: prince george's county executive rashard baker took his case of support for gaming in the county to the maryland house ways and means committee in annapolis. he painted a picture of a much needed revenue stream that will be fed by money from gaming coming at a time when most county agencies have been told to take a 5% hit to their budgets. baker cited the local infrastructure as a direct beneficiary from increased revenue to the state. >> i know for those who are from prince george's county if you look at 210 in the county it is in desperate need of help as a state highway but we need to make repairs and expand it. >> reporter: it is not just any kind of gaming. baker inlt mate eintimated that prospect is a high dollar facility something akin to a vegas style setup that would work best. >> vegas on the potomac but a very nice facility that will attract people not only in the washington region but worldwide. >> reporter: as has been the case whenever there is talk of gaming or gambling in prince george's county there is a strong contingent of clergy against it in this case not only moral reasons but fiscal reasons as well. >> i know people who have lotto bills if you can believe that. i mean, you know, they get hooked up with the people that sell the lottery tickets and then they pay at payday. they go pay their bill up. but they haven't hit. >> if you want to gamble or not is a moral decision you make for yourself. but you need to create the jobs, good paying jobs. >> reporter: it'll be up to the state gaming commission to select a site for gaming with two prince george's county sites being considered, national harbor and rosecroft, the county's odds look a little better. but like the games that are at issue here there are no sure bets about the outcome. in annapolis, derrick ward, news 4. a new casino or not, maryland's new slot machines are going to cost the state millions more than expected according to one analysis. "the washington post" reports today each slot machine has a $10,000 price tag. that's more than double initial estimates and it could amount to about an extra $50 million a year by the time five privately owned casinos are slated to open. maryland officials chose to buy the slot machines unlike most other states where casinos own the games. still ahead, the ncaa basketball tournament could be responsible for a spike in surgery among men. plus, doctors say a broken heart can be a deadly condition. and a crime that caused thousands of dollars in damages and trees are falling victim to vandalism in vienna. well, police are looking for the vandals who chopped the limbs off of two trees in vienna. totaling $7,000 in damages. how do you do this and no one sees you do this? officers say the incidents happened between february 24th and march 12th on the 100 block of church street. the trees are severely damaged. they're going to have to be replaced. it's going to cost $5,000 to do that. >> well, march as we know is the most popular time for college basketball and also the most popular time for vavasectomys. doctors say it's no coincidence. men know they'll spend several days on the couch after the procedure so often schedule it right before a big sporting series. urologists say requests for vasectomys double leading up to the ncaa basketball tournament. >> i've actually started asking them each year are you here for this specific purpose? well over half of them consistently kind of grin and admit that's why they're here on that specific date. >> a clinic in oregon is offering men a recovery kit including the copy of "sports illustrated" and a cooler, a basketball t-shirt and 3-d glasses. in a massachusetts clinic they're giving out a free pizza for those getting vasectomys during march madness. >> you crazy guys. >> maybe we're smart that way. huh? >> crazy guys. next, a man accused of taking crazy guys accused of taking a woman on a date so his friend could rob her house. oh, my goodness. >> back to sports. coming up the georgetown hoyas kick off their ncaa tournament and leave a great first impression. guys, i have two friends that did what, that story we just talked about for the ncaa tournament, two guys. i call it smart. right now satellite and radar showing we are still dealing with some shower activity. i'll show you where those showers are and what to expect talk about a bad date. police in florida say they nabbed a man who took a teenager out on a date to keep her occupied while his partner in crime robbed her house. it happened las month. police say the suspect using a fake italian name met his date at a party and took her out on a date to that appleby's about a week later. after pick aring her up at her house he allegedly left a bedroom window open so his accomplice could get into her home. >> she was betrayed. she was set up. she felt like, you know, this guy i can trust and go out on a date and meanwhile the guy the entire time had a planned crime for her residence where his friend would break in and steal the belongings. >> this is surveillance video of the accomplice who stole $4300 worth of the victim's property from her home. police are still looking for him. to make matters worse, the victim's date stole her cell phone and left her at the app applebees sticking her with the bill. police later caught and arrested him. >> and he never called her. a sudden, overwhelming emotional incident can change your life and your health. it can trigger a temporary condition known as broken heart syndrome. after a traumatic event your body releases a flood of chemicals that can affect your heart. doctors say it feels like a classic heart attack but is not. >> it's like a fight or flight. you know? your adrenalin in your system just goes suddenly high like, you know, somebody broke up unexpectedly. somebody died unexpectedly. and/or like an automobile accident. >> the bad news is the condition is often misdiagnosed and can lead to unnecessary treatment. most patients recover from broken heart syndrome in a few days. let's get the latest on our weather. it is tough to make out these city cam shots it is so thick, doug. >> this is one the city cam shots. you can see the washington monument, the jefferson memorial. we are still dealing with the humidity out there. a little haze and some fog. but things are starting to clear up especially from washington to the north. we talked about some areas seeing some sunshine right now beginning to see some sun even around the d.c. area. 59 degrees currently at the airport. i bet that number goes up next hour as the rain is moving to the south and look at this. jim handly, there you go, buddy. this is from our tower cam. right on our studio here at nbc washington talking about that right here in northwest looking at some sunshine and some blue skies. a lot of you in maryland have seen blue skies especially to the north of washington. if you're north of that area and you've seen the sun but to the south we're still dealing with the rain. right now rain into portions of fairfax county just south of tysons now right around annandale seeing that rain right along the little river turnpike around bailey's crossroads over towards ail aenglex andrya. very light rain but continuing through camp springs and andrews airforce base and still the widest area of showers and the heaviest showers now around diehl just to the south of diehl between diehl and sunderland right along route 2 there. so just watch out. you'll run into some wet roadways. that rain though continues to push to the south and i do expect things to clear out overnight tonight. still on the cool side though. down to 52 in washington. 48 in gaithersburg. that's cooler than we have been but still 15 degrees warmer than the average low temperature. it's normally 38 inside the district. tomorrow nice again. i think we'll see a chance for a sprinkle but not everybody is going to see that. i also expect to see some sunshine. 70 in washington. 69 in gaithersburg but warmer back to the west. 71 in winchester. 72 up toward hagerstown and 75 in fredericksburg. so a couple really nice days here this weekend but take the umbrella with you. you want to have it just in case because we'll see the sprinkles coming through tomorrow and probably right on through sunday, monday, and tuesday. so a little bit of an unsettled weather pattern but not a bad weather pattern as temperatures will still be 70 on saturday, 65 on sunday. back to 70 on monday and it looks like low 70s as we head into the day on tuesday. if you're thinking about heading out tomorrow for st. patrick's day, not bad out there at all. enjoy it. but enjoy it responsibly. >> as always, good advice. thank you, doug. >> all right. well he's been asking about his gators. they did fairly well. >> yeah. we'll tell you that the gators won big. they beat virginia so a lot of people sad around here but the big game is georgetown. i don't know if you heard me in the newsroom from here. i was jumping around like a little kid. who had just eaten french fries with truffle oil on them. >> that's big. >> i was going nuts. georgetown wins its first ncaa tournament game since 2008. the last two years ended in early exits but not this year. it was georgetown showing belmont the door. georgetown beat belmont in the first round in 2007 and, hey, here is something else to cheer about. first half, hoyas up four. thompson to jason clark the senior leading georgetown with 13 first half points. later in the half, nate lubbock the distributer, back door pass to otte corridor, freshman to the hoop and the foul again. hoyas up 9 at the break. henry sims going to work. big guy backing down his defender. gets the hook shot to go. sims with 15 points in the game. next hoyas possession sims showing the passing ability, finds greg whittington for the dump. georgetown up 12 and they would not let the lead slip away. get that out of here. jason clark gets it. goes coast to coast. he had a game high 21 points. his highest scoring game in two months georgetown beats belmont 74-59. so georgetown is moving on. the hoyas will play nc state on sunday with hopes of earning a spot in the sweet 16 for the first time since 2007. now my high school history professor would say, let's not put the cart before the horse. >> right. >> let's not get ahead of ourselves. let's take this win and move on and then we'll tackle the next one. right? >> he was a man who had a way with words. >> my history teacher was great in high school. great. for now, belmont going back to nashville after georgetown snapped the bruins' 14-game winning streak. reaction from both sides. we start with well mont coach rick byrd. >> i felt georgetown was simply the better team. pretty much from start to finish. we chipped away and we didn't let them get out of striking range. we've got a team that can run off some points pretty quick at times and kept hoping for that and we'd cut into them and get it in single digits and they'd make big plays at the right time. so i just think the better team won the game. >> any win this time of the year is a great win and that's a great win against a very good team against, you know, a coach that's one of the best that does it. you know, he has forgotten more than i'll ever know and so i'm extremely happy to be able to get a win tonight. >> it was definitely a sense of urgency. not just for me but, you know, the whole team. we know what we've done in the past so it was, you know, a big thing for us to get this win today but, you know, we got to keep pushing and we got a lot more games to play. >> that was jason clark. 21 points in the game to lead the hoyas. he was impressive. oh, man. georgetown moving on now to play nc state on sunday. they look good. and it's good redemption because they had lost the last two years their first game in a row. >> right. >> as my science teacher used to say don't count your chickens until they're ripe. write that down. all right. doreen is here. >> got to be happy for the hoyas. you really do. coming up tonight on news 4 at 6:00 the man at the center of the coney 2012 video that went viral last week and got so much attention worldwide, well, apparently he's been detained by police. we'll tell you more about a very strange incident. plus the capital bike share program is expanding and there is a new location that might help you get around the crowds at cherry blossom time. and there was a very special concert at a d.c. library today. we'll share that with you and a whole lot more tonight on news 4 at 6:00. wendy will be joining me again. happy friday everybody. >> yes. >> they sound amazing. >> they do. next at 5:00 a cat starts a major fire in a family house. i'm aaron gilchrest. monday morning on news 4 today the big countdown to the cherry blossom festival plus one local county taking action in response to a tornado outbreak. the very realistic way they're trying to prepare in case of a disaster here. tune in monday morning. news 4 today gets started at [ female announcer ] with xfinity, you can always expect more. like more on demand shows and movies than ever. and more ways to discover them too. plus more speed from america's fastest internet provider. so you can run more devices at the same time. ♪ feel a firework [ female announcer ] and best of all, it keeps getting better. no wonder more people choose xfinity over any other provider. ♪ love can be so mystical ♪ south carolina family is cleaning up today after a fire started by their cat destroyed their home. no one was hurt in wednesday's fire but kiki the cat suffered minor injuries. nbc has the story. >> obviously disbelief because this was our first actual house. >> reporter: while there was still daylight katherine and david baumgartner and their kids cleaned up what was left of their home on woodland heights road. a fire tore through the house last night and investigators believe it started in a most unusual way on what was a screened in porch. this is kiki the cat believed to be the culprit. >> her whiskers got singed and the hair on the top of her head got singed. >> the family had baby chickens in a coop on the porch and apparently kiki got hungry. >> she tipped over a heat lamp we had over our baby chickens. >> reporter: the fire raced through the house destroying everything, including the military memorabilia david collected from his time as a marine in afghanistan and iraq. >> luckily we had renter's insurance on the property. we'll get our stuff back. >> obviously we're happy nobody was home. our kids are safe. you know, me and my husband are fine. so it could be a lot worse. we could be spending the night in a hospital. >> reporter: even though she remains the prime suspect in the cause of all of this, kiki the cat is going to remain a member of the family. kiki, what were you thinking last night? >> apparently she wanted a snack. >> i can't be mad because she did get hurt so i was lucky, i was happy to find her. we were looking for her and i was hoping she'd be okay. >> reporter: kiki is okay and thankfully so is everyone else. >> wow. the family plans to stay with david's mother until their house is repaired. and that does it for news 4 at 5:00. we hope your weekend is a good one. news 4 at 6:00 starts right now. actor george clooney was handcuffed and sent to jail here in washington. he's using his hollywood sftar power to bring attention to an escalating emergency. a woman is clinging to life after she was attacked and the man accused of trying to kill her may have tried to finish her off in the hospital. >> one of the men who made the coney 2012 video so popular online was detained by police. there may be an explanation for what he did. we begin with presidential politics. today mitt romney and rick santorum were in illinois campaigning for the republican primary there on tuesday. they had to share the spotlight. president obama spent the afternoon in chicago.

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