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the other big story, this is a great picture today. just a few hours ago, from the polar orbiting satellite, bill windsor, 125 miles an hour. it is a category the, imagine you are up in space and you are looking at the surface of the ocean, with whirls in there. you are looking down a column, sort of a canyon of clouds. ten miles deep. that's the eye of bill. 25 miles across. it will have an impactou n or weekend weather. i will tell you the details about that when i join you downstairs. back to you. >> we will see new a bit. thank you. police in charles county tonight are investigating a mysterious death of a child in waldorf. the 3-year-old boy was found by a relative. pat collins is live now in waldorf with the latest on this story for us. pat? >> reporter: 3 years old. they say he was in good health. then he dies mysteriously. we begin our story now with his mother. >> i just don't know what happened. you know. >> reporter: he was your baby boy. >> that was my baby boy. the youngest. >> reporter: do you think anything evil happened here? >> evil? i hope not.n i hope not. >> reporter: the victim, deshawn wade. he was just 3iers old. found dead yesterday at his mother's home in waldorf. he lives with his dad in prince george's county but occasionally stays with his mom. she lives in charles. w'sre deshawn wednesday morning. miss wade remembers talking to hiaround 6:30 as she was going off to work. she says she told him to go back to bed. she left him in the care of his two sisters, ages 14 and w 11. they tried to wake him up around 8:00 or 8:30 but no response. >> woke him up to go to the bathroom. he wasn't up. >> reporter: he never woke up. >> he never got up. eyes halfway open. they ran to call my girlfriend and called the ambulance. >> reporter: deshawn wade taken to the emergency room and there he was pronounced dead. >> he was in good health and everything. he -- showed no signs anything was wrong with him or anything. >> reporter: what do you make of this? >> i don't know. i'm lost. i'm lost and confused. >> reporter: the charles county sheriff's department is investigating this >> we are absolutely investigating. right now we are waiting on the results from an autopsy. they will determine the cause and manner of death. we don't know that at this point, though. >> reporter: so what happened here? well, that autopsy could provide a lot of answers. jim, back to you. >> pat collins, live for news charles county. pat, thank you. a free man. libyan convicted in a 1988 bombing of a pan am flight over lockerbie scotland returned home to die. >> abdel basset ali al megrahi. sentence impose bid a higher power. one that no court in any jurisdiction in any land could revoke or overrule. it is terminal fatal and irrevocable. he's going to die. >> stephanie gosk has more on the release and reaction to it. >> reporter: 270 people were killed when pan am flight 103 blew up over scotland more than 20 years ago. only one suspect was convicted for the attack and now that man, abdel basset ali al megrahi, who was serving a life sentence in scotland, has been set free. scottish officials announced today the 57-year-old from libya has been granted an early release from prison. >> it is my decision that mr. abdel basset ali al megrahi convicted in 2001 for the lockerbie bombing, now terminally ill with prostate cancer, released on passionate grounds. >> reporter: after serving eight years in priso oprison, megrahi back to libya. >> we thought it was a mistake. we are now in contact with the libyan government and want to make sure that he's not welcomed back in some way but instead should be under house arrest. >> the idea of compassionate release whereby he may be free to go home to libya to his family is quite difficult to take if he is, indeed, a guilty man. >> reporter: in tend the scottish government showed mercy where abdel basset ali al megrahi had not. stephanie gosk, nbc news, london. >>housands of libyans greeted abdel basset ali al megrahi on his rival in libya just minutes ago. parents and students in prince william county, virginia, had their back-to-school shopping interrupted today by a police raid. officers and agents seized tens of thousands of counterfeit accessories from one store. julie carey has been following this story for us. she is live at the manassas mall with the latest. julie? >> reporter: that store called luxury fashion accsories is open for business and back for school shopping once again. it was closed for hours during the police raid. its owner faces a felony charge for selling designer knockoff goods. boxes and boxes of knockoff designer handbags, accessories, clothes. that was what prince william county police carted out of this small store in the manassas mall. it also placed the owner under arrest. mall employees say a husband-wife team ran the fax accesso accessories. >> they are so nice. they are really nice people. they used to be up here at the kiosk. we all purchased from them. we like them. they are very nice people. i'm really sorry to hear that. >> reporter: police say a recent complaint them to investigate. earlier this month an undercover officer nt in and bought four handbags bearing labels like gucci and coach. the price, less than $200. when the officer asked the clerk if the bags were fake, she replied yes. >> they had a sign posted that advertises that these are not authentic items. that's why they are being sold at such reduced prices, compared to legitimate sales. >> reporter: police return today to seize the questionable goods and spend hours collecting apparent knockoffs. investigators say that admitting the bags were fake doesn't spare the store's owner from prosecution. the victims, retailers that sell legitimate coach bags. >> they are taking their business away by selling it -- selling the items for such a reduced price. >> reporter: many shoppers were surprised to learn the reason for the raid. >> why is it a crime? >> really surprising. >> reporter: this woman that once bought scarves said she heard of police cracking down on knockoffs elsewhere. >> heard about it but it is never here. >> reporter: the store owner faces one charge called infringement and could bring up to five years in prison. but he is out some $53,000 in merchandise due to the police raid. reporting live from manassas, julie carey, back to you. >> julie, thank you. there's a new push to expand metro. one northern virginia official hopes to extend the blue line to woodbridge. congressman jerry connelly also wants to push the orange line to centreville. he wants the federal money to study the plan to come from transportation bill that's coming up for a vote soon in congress. commuters we spoke to are all for it. >> that would be great. that would be a lot better. that way we could -- waiting on a bus, take metro. >> i'm spending two hours, three hours every day commuting to and from work. we have to make it faster. >> the proposal needs to be studied, approved and funded. even if all that went through, extending metro to centreville and woodbridge is still more than a decade away. a new hospital is in the works for loudoun county, virginia. the hospital corporation of america has propod a bilrolynean leesburg. u leesburg. hi ta yr ra y that the youdo lrd bunoa suis r t omfrshiay ti. the new facilitycalo.ons he newdte tecoxp eteec tote e haud tre on include more than nd rane ate .jo50bs eatim0 .50bsjobs othitn i sstedope o in december of 2015. washington baseball fans will soon have an alternative route to take metro to nationals park. water taxis, six local charter companies will operate about a dozen vessels between diamond teak park on the anacostia river and nats stadium. one company said it expect it is service to begin in about a month. round trip fares have not been finalized yet. city officials say the water taxis will be available for home games as well as other special events like concerts. pretty cool ride. >> fun way to get to the game. "news4 at 5:00" is just getting started tonight. late developments tonight on the end of cash for clunkers. also ahead tonight, this now quiet house in anne arundel county was the scene of a wild party where party-goers paid to drink and smoke pot. stick around for the story that's got everybody talking today. >> are you being cheated at the pump? liz crenshaw finds out if it makes a difference when you buy gas. later, coach jim zorn in a one-on-one special interview just days before the big face-off against the steelers. we continue to watch for storms that may be looming in our area. bob is back with the full forecast. new credit card rules took effect today. that should offer new protections for consumers. the obama administration is putting the brakes on that popular cash for clunkers program. joining us now to talk about today's developments is cnbc's hampton pearson. talk about these new credit card rules today what changes will consumers notice? >> first of all, consumers are going to be given advanced warning of major changes like interest rate hikes or cuts in their credit limits and more time to pay off their balances. however, the credit card companies are sort of countering by increasing all kinds of fees and higher overhe-limit charges, annual fees, cash advance charges to cite a few examp example. >> claims for jobless benefits jumped unexpectedly last week. the second week, straight week, claims shot up. do analysts think the trend will coinue? >> well, this week's increase was surprise. first time claims up 15,000 last week to 576,000. ghest in the last three weeks and the four-week average, really a big barometer, closely watched, that's back up around 570,000. that's the highest it has been in a month. and analysts and economists are clearly concerned the job market is still a soft spot in the recovery and despite that big drop in job losses we saw last month. >> so it is the end of the road for the cash for clunkers program. transportation secretary ray lahood says the program will end next week. talk about the timing of this since gm announced it is increasing production now. >> the timing issues are across the board. just in the last half hour, we are hearing the program will officially end monday night. what's not clear is the details of how it will all wind down. nationwide dealers have used up about $1.8 billion of $3 billion available. all kinds of meetings with officials and auto dealers to figure out the details. yes, there is a bit of irony. gm announcing plans to beef up production in two plants in mexico because auto sales are up.yslehralalso a are alalso ar announng plans aorovide chla adnces to theheir dealers until they get all their cash for clunkers rebate money from the federal government. >> go figure. who would have thunk it a few years guy. residents are trying to clean up after tornadoes and severe weather slammed parts of the midwest in central illinois, ateast 19 people were hurt and dozens of homes and businesses were destroyed in the springfield area. a driver was injured when the windswept the car and a man was blown off his motorcycle. tornadoes were confirmed in iowa and minnesota. severe weather caused damage in indiana. we had our wild stuff yesterday, bob. st. mary's county almost baseball-sized hail. couple of folks saw funnel cle likat th.y no damage like t. outside now, we are back and we are back in the heat and humidity. ought to take it easy. outside our temperature right now is once again into the 90s. this is our 18th time we have been at 90 degrees or higher. nowhere close to the record. 101. look at the temperatures around the east. we are at 92 degrees to the south. a lot of 90s. not only the 90s but the humidity. boy, the dew point temperatures 68 to 72 right now in new york city. and the heat index is 94 degrees in new york city. look at the poor folks in texas. boy, they really have been suffering in texas. and exceptional drought. corpus christi today for the 44th day in a row. 44th day in a row. 95 or higher. look at the water temperatures. watt i temperatures are these. you say why is it so humid when we get into july and august? the gulf is in the mid 80s and with that, southwesterly wind, humidity come up. not only over us but a wide area of the east coast and with it also those showers and thundershowers fire up. tomorrow i think that we do have a -- greater risk of seeing some severe weather. right now unlike yesterday, you folk in southern maryland are not seeing it but showers and thundershowers. these are mainly showers, i think, for parts of loudoun county. lot of spots have been dry around waterford. one shower there. another little batch up around frederi frederick, maryland. all of this moving towards the northeast. i think we will miss things here around washington. westminster, maryland, boy, it is warm and humid there. ocean city, 89 degrees with a southwesterly wind. if you are heading out for the beaches, this is what you have to keep an eye on and hear about. there is bill. right now, there is a tropical storm warning in bermuda. and also, a hurricane watch. bill right now, the winds are still 125 miles an hour. here's the latest track. there's bermuda and you can see by late tomorrow, it may be brushed. brushed by bill. and from every indication it will still stay well off the coast. but as it does move off the coast over the weekend, it is going to be creating some pretty heavy surf and heavy swells. so heading out to ocean city and the beaches watch out for that. tomorrow will be the end of the humidity. then we will see another weather front coming our way with the risk of some severe thunderstorms as we get in a tomorrow afternoon and in the meantime, a few evening thunderstorms for you folks primarily to the west and northern parts of maryland. i don't think anything severe. overnight tonight, we will see partly cloudy skies. it is going to be warm, humid again tomorrow. then tomorrow afternoon, more thunderstorms, more general thunderstorms. some of those, i'm afraid, could be severe. so we will keep you posted on that with temperatures once again near 90 degrees and if you are heading out for the beaches and doing some boating, there will be some lingering showers on saturday. temperature on saturday only into the 70s with the south to southwesterly wind. heading out for the beaches on saturday, watch out for rip tide. it could be f sti t. it could be four to eight feet. and there will be a fair am of clouds, even some lingering showers probably into sunday morning. not the sunniest of the weekends at the beach. but quite a surf to see if you are going -- be careful. >> sounds like it. good advice. thank you, bob. coming up, rocket fire and threats keep some people from voting in the after xwan presidential elections. details on the life and death risk just goingo the polls. ahead students head back to school next week with concerns about the h1n1 virus. an updou to make sure your kid get vaccinated. tell us about someone you think is really ia ecspl. e-mail us that person'sto secry and a clear close-uptuic pre or too to wh not relax. kick back and attend a cuddle party. yes. a cuddle party is the newest rage. before you snuggle up, there is something you need to know. >> i bet there is. we have traffic and your weekend forecast on the 1s. it all starts senator ted kennedy is asking state leaders not to change a law. he wants to speed up the process of repraising a vacancy. a process that takes about five months. kennedy's aides suggest the letter is not an indication his health is deteriorating. doctors diagnosed him with brain cancer last year. his absence from last week's funeral of eunice kennedy shriver prompted a series of questions about his own health. voters in afghanist had a chance to choose a new president today but the larger decision for many people was whether to risk bodily injury by going to the polls. the taliban made good on its threats to try to disrupt the election. and at least 26 people were killed by rocket attacks polling places. as one man was being interviewed, more rockets fell nearby. the attacks have kept many people at home in kabul. voters trickled into the polling places to cast their ballots and dip their fingers i ink. the taliban has threatened to hunt down those voters and cut off their ink-stained fingers. afghan leaders called on voters to defy the threats. >> i have people to come out and vote so through their vote, afghanistan can be a most secure and more peaceful and better country. >> incumbent president karzai is facing a strong chal freng his former foreign minister, abdullah abdullah. while turnout was light in kabul it has been stronger and more peaceful areas in the north and west. and a factor that is thought to favor abdullah. preliminary election results are expected on saturday. well, local afghan americans called this election a win for democracy despite taliban attempts to keep voters at home. >> michael flynn joins us now with this report. michael? >> reporter: this group of afghan american business associates met in tysons corn they are afternoon talking about election news out of afghanistan. despite fraud rumors and pockets of violence they are still pleased to see this pal election only the second one in the country since the fall of the taliban back in 2001 and they consider anyone who made it to the polls to be courageous because the threats made by the taliban. >> they are true believers in afghanistan and that are in a new afghanistan and i think that it does require a certain amount of guts. >> violence discourages the law of people not to go to the voting polls and was discouraging to me. >> reporter: all the men came to the u.s. about 30 years ago after the soviet invasion of afghanistan. some still have close relatives there and wish afghan americans could also cast a vote. >> i think important afghans to be to be able vote from here would give them a sense of pride and would give them a sense of ownership and a sense of belonging. and even though they are far away 10 thousand how miles away, let's say the u.s. or europe or neighboring countries, that would have been. >> reporter: the men have different choices for who they believe can leave the country but have the same home the winner of this election takes afghanistan to a brighter future. >> my hope is that whoever is going to win the election, hopefully a bet person to redirect the path of afghanistan is taking right now. so they will take it to the right direction, path of prosperity for the afghanistans and peace in the country. >> reporter: despite differences on who they would have voted for in this election that local group all believe american troops should stay in place in afghanistan until things are more stable. eun and jim, back to you both. >> thank you. coming up next on "news4 at 5:00" tonight, party-goers ran wild and jumped fences. we are going to tell you what happened in this quiet anne arundel neighborhood. news 4 your health. new findings on a little known type of cholesterol that could be a big indicator for your risk of heart disease. >> i'm liz crenshaw. you buy a gallon of gas but are you really getting all you paid for? hot s 101. my story is coming up. welcome back, everybody. i'm jim hand. >> i i'm eun yang in for wendy rieger. coming up, no lesbian love. the controversial diner kiss caught on tape. filling up. are you getting your money's worth at the pump? rumors about a quarterback replacement. our top story at 5:30, authorities investigating a wild house party in anne arundel county, maryland. turns out organizers did not own the house. borrowed bortwedrywe it withou and they left quite a mess behind them. hundreds of teenagers paid to drink and dance at a party that was advertised on facebook. it happened in seven meadows. turns out that the party was thrown in a vacant house that organizers broke into. chris gordon reports. >> reporter: this house has been for sale for several months and has been empty since the owners moved to washington state. but last friday night, it was the scene of a wild party with 200 teens and young adults who paid organizers $10 to $20 each to drink, smoke marijuana, and dance to loud music. >> there was at least 30 guys hanging in the driveway. cars parked all around the cul-de-sac, down the street. girls walking up the street. they were teenagers. that's what i was concerned about. and we couldn't pull our car in because they were blocking everything. >> reporter: the party organizers had an elaborate cover story. they actually put a sold sign up over the champion realty sign. then they went to neighbors, introducing themselves as new neighbors. >> according to my wife, she asked a few questions. i mean, where they were from. the guy said that he was in the air force. and that his parents were actually the owners but they were sort of getting it ready, if you will, the parents would be moving in within the next few days. >> reporter: at first neighbors thought it might be a house warming party. but it got so loud by 1:30 in the morning, police were called. when cruisers arrived the party-goers ran across lawns and over fences. leaving behind a mess, carpets ruined, smoke detectors destroyed, the basement door broken. leaving neighbors -- >> surprid. >> you know, to have a party that loud. had a few neighbors that like to sit out all night here but nothing to that extent. >> reporter: anne arundel county police mid no arrests at the time because they didn't learn until the next day that the party organizers had broken into the house without permission. chris gordon, news4. >> quite a house warming there. chris requested an interview with the anne arundel county police spokesman but was told that no one would be available to comment today. federal health officials are advising colleges and universities on how to cope with swine flu outbreaks on campus this fall. there's special concerns about what to do if the virus starts spreading because students live on campus in such close quarters. administrators at some schools are asking to bring thermometers and avoid classrooms and dining hall it is they are sick. and local universities are asking students who think they may have swine flu to call their campus house clinics rather than come in person. >> the h1n1 virus is a big concern for younger school kids. next week, many kids in our area will be heading back to the classroom and parents and students want to make suret pl. news4's derrick ward reports on the school vaccination progress in d.c. >> reporter: it won't be long before the d.c. public schools are back in business. students are preparing for the three rs and t for prevention. that means vaccinations. students without the proper vaccinations will not be allowed in classes after september 8th and officials have made plans for those who do not yet have the proper shots. >> the challenge for parents and families this year is we have six additiona vaccinations that are needed. on top of the five that were needed last year. and that's a heavy lift for a lot of our families and encouraging people to get out on the doctors' offices and clinics. the department of health opened the -- basically emergency vaccination clinics for us at four of our schools, kelly miller, kramer, ballou and coolidge. >> reporter: while there is no vaccine administered for the h1n1 flu virus, there are contingency plans should the vie vus show up. a vaccine is expected in a couple of months. in the meantime the d.c. schools are taking their cues from the centers for disease control. >> the cdc says it does not make sense in most cases to close schools. when you have a protocol in place where if a child or staff member is found to have h1n1 then we put a protocol in place where we, you know have the -- make sure that the build singcle cleaned, et cetera. derrick ward,or news4. hear's a ool loti locations where you can take hi curld to get c vaccinations. hese locations are open thursday and friday. tomorrow the departmenf health will be open on georgia avenue. still to come tonight, a cholesterol that's very rarely talked about. experts say it could be the most serious heart threat of them all. ahead what you need to know about objectiony cholesterol. >> the lesbian kiss controversy is heateding pup. we will show you the video of the incident scientists say a little known type of cholesterol could be a big indicator of a person's risk for heart disease. it is called oxy cholesterol and found mainly in fried and possible tess foods. the researchers say avoiding these types of foods and eating a diet rich in anti-oxidants, fresh fruits and vegetables to help reduce levels of the cholesterol in the body. they don't know whether the drug called statins can fight oxy cholesterol. all that air is thick out there. boy, dough would have the double hs going strong today. >> big time. let's check with bob to get the latest on the forecast. >> when you open the door and bounce off the air you know it is thick. it is humid, too. our temperatures even with the clouds we have in on us now are into the 90s. yesterday it was the wild weather for you folks into southern maryland. now you can see some showers. real thunderstorms and you can see some lightning out there anading towards front royal and ch bheat another batch around harrisonburg. so all of these really are more of the run of the mill showers that will be seeing more of tomorrow. but tomorrow there's a risk of some severe thunderstorms. you can see where that is. all the way from new england and including our areas. keep an eye on things. temperatures tomorrow once again near 90 degrees. i think afternoon thunderstorms, some possibly strong, are likely especially late tomorrow afternoon and about this time and with a slow moving weather front we will continue to see some rain showers lingering in our area. and temperatures on saturday will be near 80 degrees. comfortable air, though, comes in on sunday and on into monday. then next week it looks like a pleasant week. if you have vacation, next week. back to you. >> bring on saturday. thank you, bob. still ahead tonight on "news4 at 5:00," going up. how a driver got caut in an unusual predicament. coming up in sports, redskins head coach jim zorn talks about jason campbell and job security. plus this. >> i'm liz crenshaw. summer and we keep getting this gasoline question. are you getting all the gas you paid for? my story is coming up. consumers who think they are being short-changed at the pump because of the heat. >> we asked liz crenshaw to check into this for us. >> not because i know anything bit but i can find about it. we can find the answer. it is smer gas prices are high. we keep getting this question. am i getting allhe gallons of gas i paid for or am i being short-changed by hot gas? well, i'm not a physicist but tonight i will give you a quick lesson in hot gas 101. you buy a gallon of gas at the gas station. but are you really getting a full gallon's worth? if you are wondering if the gas pump is accurate, the answer is yes. a consumer says i'm getting ripped off. how likely is this? >> it is very unlikely. and if it is, it is not intentional. >> reporter: the chief of maryland's waste and measures department showed us how each of maryland's 42,000 pumps are inspected every 18 to 24 months. >> when my inspectors inspect the pump, we seal the meters. so that nobody can mess with the meter at all. he can't tamper witness. >> reporter: there is another factor that affects a gallon of gasoline. temperature. when you buy hot gas, you are getting the correct amount. but what you are not getting is the same energy. why? our psics lesson comes courtesy of tina butcher, a scientist at the national institute of standards and technology. the government agency responsible for national standards such as link, volume and mass. what she knows is that temperature affects gasoline. >> bottom line with the temperature issue is a warm gallon does not have much energy as a cool gallon does. >> reporter: there is a reason for this. it is called soga i gasoline is a liquid and as gas gets warmer it expands and tupli up more space. gas pumps measure volume. iloaln but ey do n measure energy which is the bottom line of what you are paying for. take gas at 60 degrees. >> if you purchase a fillup, 20 gallons, and your car gets 25 miles to the gallon, that will take you about 1,500 miles. if you look at gasoline at 80 degrees, you are going to go about eight miles less. >> reporter: on the same tank. a warm gallon is not going take me as far as the cool gallon. >> that's correct. >> reporter: that translates to your pocketbook. the loss of energy on a 20-gallon fillup at 25 miles per gallon is worth about $1.20. now it evens out in the winter. 40 degrees, you actually get more energy per gallon of gas. but that is not helping you much is this summer. blame it on physics. now there are temperature compensation devices that would adjust for all of this. but they would have to be installed on every gas pump in america which would be expensive and we know who would pay for that. so the bottom lines that if you think you are not going as far on that gallon you are right. but it is nobody's fault. it is just fist sxiks compensates in the winter. >> wow. we learn ad lot there, liz. >> i talked to really smart people and then i can act like one. >> thank you. >> thank you, liz. officials in wisconsin are trying on figure out how a driver ended up first on top of a drawbridge near green bay last week. you can see the car in the middle of the bridge near the top. when the bridge operator noticed the car he lowered the bridge. the driver was not hurt and went on her way. police say they are now looking for her so they can figure out how the whole thing happened and prevent it from happening again. they do not know about the incident until reporters contacted them confirm the auth entessty of these photos. the pictures were taken by a motorist in the line of cars waiting for that bridge to close. >> in disbelief ask glad they weren't ahead of. >> jim, what do you have for us. >> we are going to have more on the plan to bring metro to woodbridge, virginia. "u.s. news & world report" just released its list of college rankings. we will tell you which local schools fared well. we will tell you about a man who lost his wedding ring in a murky harbor. 16 months ago. tonight he's got that ring back. you know, i -- i hate those drawbridges. those things -- they never seem to work right. the bridges go well. but those drawbridges, they just -- they -- you know, you can stop and start. you know what i'm talking about? have you no idea what i'm talking about. >> it makes you nervous. >> they do. >> i hear what you are saying. >> make sure you got the message. >> thanks. love i, too. >> i'm here to help. >> i know you are. >> we will see you in a bit. let's move on now on sports. shall we? dan hellie is at redskins park. don't tell me there is a quarterback controversy. >> oh, no, not even close. i was enjoying what you were doing there. >> i'm sure you were, dan. >> vance's pocket, square, o. that looks perfect today, mr. vanc >> i will lend it to you any time. >> we can talk about that again at 6:00. yes. last day of two-a-days out here at redskins park for t guys in the rookies -- rookies may be putting in a little extra time after practice. 12 of them taped up and doused with ice water so the feeling very good out here. at least from the players. big question is how does the head coach, jim zorn, feel? i recently got a chance to sit down with the head man and we chatted about everything. especially the man who counted on to lead his offense, jason campbell. that pair of second-year wide receivers he's counting on heavily this year. is it fair to say that this team will go as far as campbell will carry them? >> he's absolutely a key ingredient. you know, i would never rest a whole season on the one player's i shoulders. that would be awful. i'm not going to do that. he is a key iredient and i think he will have a great season. my outlook for him is -- you know, upbeat and, you know, i suspect he will be better in his second year in this offense than he was in his first year in this offense. >> he certainly was a top hot button topic entire offseason. no secret that you guysensly tried to replace him by working out a trade for cutler potentially maybe drafting mark is an. you decided to keep him informed throughout the process, address him directly. and instead of not communicating with him which may have saved the player coach relationship. did you do that because as a player that's exactly what you would have wanted? >> let me answer your question by saying, number one, we didn't cessarily go after these other guys to replace him. there was never talk of replacement. there was just talk of the other guys coming in. in light of that, in light of that, i did sit him in my office and to explain to him what was going on. and i do feel like a player can deal with -- deal with the truth even though it is not easy, you know, there's a certain amount of information that he can use in a positive way and even though it wasn't the greatest of news as hey, yeah, we are looking at another guy. and then, oh, by the way, we are going to look at another guy in a few more weeks. do you see what i mean? >> right. >> that's hard to hear. but at least you can take the next step of how you want to handle that as a man. if you -- if you kind of are informed. >> it was almost as much about being a person and just being real with him as it was being coach and player. >> i think so. >> did he handle it well? >> but -- that is only a part of it. i think -- a coach and player, you know, as a quarterback, as a quarterback on this football team, as a guy that has to be informed, he has to know the vision, the -- direction of the football team good or bad. i feel like they need to be even more informed than other guys on the team. i -- i -- maybe it is because i played the position. and i love to know what direction we were going in all the time. >> do you feel like he handled it well? >> i think he handled it great. >> do you feel like your second year receivers are in attack mode because they weren't last year and for your offense to be successful, one of these two guys, correct me if i am wrong, but you would love them to have played so well in the preseason, start one. >> yes. i would say that they were in attack mode last year. and as best they could. and -- >> look like they are back now. >> they didn't show up. as well as we would have hoped they would show up. as far as the performance, you know, we didn't throw them the ball that much. i'm not talking about how they dmam. i'm talking about the overall season for them was a disappointment. for them, for us. for everybody. no question. just because of the productivity. they started the -- they started very early in their offseason program to get themselves ready. i do suspect they are going to compete violently. they are going to compete enthusiastically. >> you love violent. >> i yeah. that's the nature of the game. but i do suspectpe thatarthey e going to really bhee competitiv this prey season. preseason. >> so far they have. coming up at 6:00, we are going to introduce you to another wide receiver who is playing oh, so well. so much that he's getting accolades from perhaps the most important player on the team. that's jim zorn, part two, coming up next week. guys. >> all right, dan. thanks so much. we have breaking news right now out of queen anne's counsel any maryland. >> that's where more than a dozen students are involved in a heat-related emergency at kent island high school. this is a live picture of the scene. the students are suffering from heat exhaustion. a number of them are being taken to the hospital. and it appears to be a football team involved. probably out practicing today. we will bring you the latest on the situation as soon as it comes in to our newsroom. a lesbian couple filed a discrimination case against the tastee diner inver spring. they said they were improperly asked to leave after showing innocent affection for each other. tom sherwood has the story. >> reporter: tastee diner is fixture in silver spring. n i an a public dispute over too much pda or public display of affection. the lesbian couple contends they were asked to leave after an embrace and kiss near the cashier's stand about 2:00 a.m. on wednesday, august 12. thursday night, the couple and about 40 friends stage ad polite sit-in to protest the diner's actions. but now after that demonstration, the owners and manager of the diner released several minutes of surveillance video that they say back up the night manager's action. >> they had their bodies pressed and rubbed up against one another. and at one point, one of their faces goes down in the other girl's breast and we found that to be inappropriate. >> reporter: the manager said the diner is offering to meet with the women to discuss the incident that ended without confrontation. the couple now tells news4 that they have filed a complaint with the maryland commission on human relations and that it has opened a preliminary inquiry into the incident. lisa wilkes, whose family owns three popular diners, said the longtime family business welcomes all people. >> i mean, if you start touching each other and going beyond the point of kissing, and things start to become a little x-rated we are going to ask you to stop. and if you don't stop, we are going to ask you to leave. >> reporter: at the diner thursday afternoon, several customers had a view of the reported incident. >> and there is a decorum expected of people in public. so that goes for everybody no matter what sex or what your preference is. >> i don't know what the situation was. i respect those ladies' what they were doing.e kno w >> reporter: tom sherwood, news4, washington. >> that's "news4 at 5:00." we thank you for watching. coming up next, families of the lockerbie bombing speak out today after a shocking prison release of the convicted mastermind. eun joins jim vance next for "news4 at 6:00."

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