be free and harm others again. jana murray they say was a loving person, beautiful, laughing, talented. a wonderful young woman with a full life ahead of her, who touched so many people, including her little nephews, one of which, a 6-year-old, has told his parents he wants to die to be with aunt jana. they say as a result of the horrific killing their lives have been changed, because of the evilness of britney norwood, the coverup for having blamed two masked burglars for committing this crime last year. it has left the murray family facing a nightmare, living in fear, feeling rage, hate, depression, in some cases wanting death. their lives they say will never be the same and this was a happy, positive family. they used to believe that anything could be accomplished. that's the way jana lived. if somebody was afraid she'd say murray up which was their family credo. we haven't heard from anybody yet in favor of britney norwood. that will come after this break. her defense attorneys will present more than likely her mother and father who say her life has value, that she can be a positive member of society, that if paroled she would add value to the people around her. britney norwood has been staring straight ahead showing no emotion as at trial. she'll be given the opportunity to speak at this sentencing hearing. we don't know if she will or not but the state's attorney moments ago said britney norwood has never shown remorse. she has never accepted responsibility. for her it has been denial, denial, denial. and he is asking judge robert greenburg who will pronounce sentence this afternoon for life in prison without the pon possibility of parole. finally one thing we found out today, the family is asking the judge to continue the work jane has started when she discovered britney norwood had stolen a pair of pants from lulu lemon. continue that work that the jury advanced when they found her guilty of first degree premeditated murder. and when the family of jana murray rejected every offer of a plea deal, knowing it would give them stability and maybe some comfort and not have to face emotional trials, but they would not do that. they fought for jana and what they want now is the maximum sentence so that she's never free to harm anyone else again. that's the latest. the sentencing will continue. the sentencing hearing will continue. it now shifts to britney norwood and the case will be made she deserves a life sentence and some day to be paroled. but the murrays are hoping that doesn't happen or, they say, the murray nightmare will continue. that's the latest from the montgomery county circuit court. back to you. >> hey, chris, if the judge does grant the family's request and give her the chance for parole, how much time would she have to serve before she would get that chance? >> reporter: that's a good yes. it's a process but probably somewhere in the area of 25 years which means her mid 50s or at age 60 she would be allowed out. you always get victims' families saying she took our chance to see our daughter. does she deserve a life outside of prison? >> thank you, chris. watch out for falling temperatures. it will feel 30 degrees colder tonight than when you left the house this morning. >> veronica johnson has the latest on this spring-like day in january. >> watch out for spring-like temperatures. that doesn't mean move to the side so you miss them from falling. this has been another freaky spring-like day in winter for us with mild temperatures and even some thunderstorms included. we started naught the 60s this morning. a lot of folks have been saying what in the world is going on? we're in the 50s with more big changes coming. if you missed the rain and thunder here it is. 4:00 a.m., just rain through the area. leesburg, gaithersburg, and around fairfax. meanwhile we had that line of thunder move on through the area and so it hit areas just up around i-70 and 270. by the time we got to 5:30 and 6:30 in the morning. frederick, 270, leesburg, warranton. then another line came into areas just west of i-95 around fairfax and down through stafford county approaching fredericksburg by 8:00 a.m. so a soggy morning rush for us. then we've got more storms that pulled on out of calvert and st. mary's county. we're dry right now. we have a lot of wind and still some clouds left around the area. some of those winds have been gusting up to 40 and over 40 miles per hour earlier today. we're at 53 degrees talking about the wind hanging on longer. big changes on the way for the overnight period and of course we'll look at our weekend forecast in a couple minutes. >> thanks, veronica. nine children accused of taking drugs at a loudoun county school could be expelled. sheriff's deputies say a group of eighth graders allegedly ate brownies mixed with marijuana at farmwell station middle school on wednesday. the school is located in ashburn. the sheriff's office tells us rumors about the drugs at school circulated among other students on twitter. disciplinary and criminal action against the nine students is pending. the outcome of the investigation. prince george's county police are figuring out how to excavate a body found in a well in a rural part of fort washington, maryland. an anonymous tip them led them to the body in the well about 20 feet deep. today surveyors are figuring out how to remove the body, preserve as much evidence as possible, and make sure the well does not collapse. alexandria police are also on the scene. there is speculation the body could be that of community activist lenny harris. harris disappeared back in september and his car was found in prince george's county in october. one person is hospitalized this afternoon following a carbon monoxide leak in georgetown. investigators tell news 4 a faulty water heater is to blame for the second carbon monoxide leak at the same building this week. this is along 33rd street. we're told about a dozen people were evacuated from the building. one person was taken to the hospital. that person is expected to be okay. well, this is your last chance to pay old, outstanding tickets in the district without penalties. d.c. is ending its ticket amnesty program. it allows you to pay outstanding tickets issued before january first of 2010 without any of the penalties. so far the district has collected more than $3.5 million in revenue through the amnesty program. occupy d.c. protesters have until monday to pack up their sleeping bags and camping gear or face arrest. today the national park service handed out flyers to the demonstrators at mcpherson square and freedom plaza. the park service says long standing rules prohibit camping and the use of temporary structures at a protest site. the protesters, who have been there since october, will still be allowed to demonstrate but cannot camp out overnight. they have until monday to comply or risk arrest and seizure of their property. three days to go now until the pivotal florida presidential primary. and there were new polls to report today. newt gingrich remains in the lead among republicans and led in florida for most of the month but not anymore. steve handelsman has the latest. >> reporter: mitt romney has turned around the race in florida. >> i will fight to get more opportunity for americans. >> reporter: in four days from monday night's debate to last night's, romney regained the lead in florida polls. he had a new debate coach. >> speaker gingrich was hired by freddie mac to promote them. i think instead we should have had a whistle blower and not a horn tooter. >> reporter: newt gingrich had a bad night. >> i'd be glad to have a truce with you. >> reporter: gingrich is still the national gop front run inner today's nbc news poll with 37% to romney's 28%. >> we've had a consistent effort to try to develop a nationwide approach. >> reporter: but he got bad news on electability. in a head-to-head matchup with president obama, gingrich is running third, 18 points behind the president. romney is six points back. if newt is the nominee, the nbc pollster predicts a republican rout like 1964 when ultra conservative republican nominee barry goldwater won just six states. >> gingrich is goldwater and he doesn't only take down himself. he takes down the whole flotilla and essentially in the end of the day the public just doesn't trust him. that's the difficulty. >> reporter: to try to stop gingrich, '08 nominee john mccain went to florida, mocking newt's call for a lunar colony. >> send newt gingrich to the moon and mitt romney to the white house. >> reporter: winning florida would be a big step but the race there is so volatile it could change again by tuesday. i'm steve handelsman, news 4. when news 4 at 4:00 continues, a call for help from demi moore's house. >> right now is she awake? >> yes, well, semiconscious, barely. >> okay. is she breathing? >> yes. >> okay. >> there was confusion on the line when the actress got ill. the captain involved in the cruise ship catastrophe speaks out about what happened during and after the accident. i'm liz crenshaw. is cantaloupe safe to eat after the recent listeria outbreaks? that's the question. the answers coming up on ask liz the actor robert hegyes has died. he played the character juan epstein on the 1970 sitcom "welcome back cotter." john travolta was also part of the cast in the role of vinny barberino. he recently tried to get out of class and always carried the tag line signed "epstein's mother." he died yesterday after being taken to a hospital in new jersey in full cardiac arrest. robert heyges was 60 years old. we're learning more today about what happened in the moments leading up to actress demi moore's being rushed to an l.a. hospital. that happened on monday night. >> a 911 call captures a friend of moore's telling paramedics that she has inhaled too much nitrous oxide. >> okay. she smoked something. it's not marijuana but it's similar to incense and she seems to be having convulsion of some sort. >> okay. are you with the person at this time? >> i'm actually in the other room. but yes. >> okay. you have to be next to her so i can ask you some questions. we have paramedics on the way. >> okay. >> right now is she awake? >> yes, well semiconscious, barely. >> okay. is she breathing? >> is she breathing? yes. >> okay. she over dosed on -- >> she's convulsinconvulsing. >> keep watching closely. don't do anything or put anything in her mouth. >> we're not. >> accidental or intentional? >> it was, she smoked something you know but the reaction was accidental. >> all right. >> it was zentdal. >> moore has checked into rehab and according to representatives she is being treated for exhaustion. moore filed for divorce last october or november rather from her husband of six years, actor ashton kutcher. >> some folks will be happy to hear this. curves are back and there is a new hot plastic surgery procedure to help women get that fuller look. >> diana gonzalez shows us the miami thong lift. >> reporter: on busy south dixie highway in miami, florida, it's hard to miss the signs for the miami thong lift. >> i love it. >> reporter: here's what it looks like in the flesh. >> so aim happy. >> jenny fitz came from bolivia to have it done last year. >> a tremendous change. i had, you know, that square look, sponge bob. >> reporter: plastic surgeon constantineo mirandaa says he invented the miami thong lift ten years ago. >> it is just now entering into vogue. i'm going to paris to lecture this week, i've been invited to turkey and belgium. >> he credits jennifer lopez for making curves popular and more recently kim kardashian. >> i've seen my practice be almost 85% gluteal contouring. >> it is not simply making the buttocks bigger but creating an hour glass look. the doctor uses liposuction to remove fat from undesirable areas like the waist and belly then injects the patient's own fat into her buttocks. but in some cases he also removes fat from a certain spot. >> sometimes people will have a little bit of excess fullness between the you about cheeks at the bottom part of it. i'm able to remove that. >> hence the name for this $14,000 procedure. not all of this injected fat will stay put. the body absorbs about 20% of it. sometimes his fates do end up back in the operating room. >> the touchup rate is 5% to 10% for asim tri or perhaps a little bit too much absorption. the majority of the interest is more in just going bigger. >> by the way, it's not only women getting the miami thong lift. diana gonzalez, nbc miami. >> interesting. >> yes, i'd say it's interesting. coming up on news 4 the auto show kicks off at the washington convention center. we'll have a preview of that. >> and you can't get there from here. thousands of drivers have to find a new way around after a never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. we can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. after major delays during both rours yesterday metro riders are probably ready for a break from their commuting headaches but over the weekend expect some more problems getting around. we have a look at closures and delays on the system this coming weekend. >> metro will be doing track work on four of the system's five lines and it could affect travel around the city. the red line looks like it may be the biggest problem this weekend as buses will replace trains between van ness and dupont circle. that's so crews can shut down the woodly park station for work as well as the cleveland park metro station. in addition, trains will be single tracking on the blue and orange line between mcpherson square and smithsonian. green line trains will single track to branch avenue and yellow line will only travel between huntington and mount vernon square. all of that work starts tonight at 10:00 and everything should be back to normal just in time for your monday morning commute. have a great weekend. >> talking about the weekend, i hope it's not quite as bad as the early morning was today because i got caught out in the showers. >> you got caught out in the showers? a lot of folks early this morning were waking up going, what in the world was that? you don't expect to hear thunder in the winter, right? that's what we had. thunderstorms, soaking rain. we're not going to have any of that at all this weekend. it's going to be pretty nice coming up but today we've had a windy day in the wake of that cold front, still getting pretty high gusts out there. baltimore and leesburg. baltimore earlier gusting to 45 and just that last hour leesburg gusting to 45 degrees. there's a look outside real quick. we'll head over to the high temperatures from today because i wanted to show you where we were early this morning. look at culpepper down to the south in virginia. look at fredericksburg. 70 degrees starting out this morning. even 59 there in frederick. temperatures have been dropping throughout the day. the fact is we were in the 60s again and even 70s as i said so far this year we've had 13 days that have been 60 degrees or higher. last year we had only one. in days above 55 degrees we've had 2507b last year only two. the winds still out of the northwest at 24 miles an hour. partly cloudy skies, nothing to report on radar. we do however have some showers and even some snow off to the west. that's in the midwest around minneapolis, minnesota the next weather system that's going to come this way and as it does so will fall apart across the mountains tomorrow. for us late it's a diminishing wind. skies clearing out, a few clouds tomorrow. i think most of our sun will come early in the day. then we'll turn partly sunny. there is your system fading as it heads over the mountains for sunday. then another fast moving system for actually that system fades on saturday. another fast moving system for sunday. i think we could get a few flurries out of it any time after about 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. on sunday. a flake or two, that's it. it's not going to last long. forecast for the evening, 42 to 56 degrees. continued windy. it's going to be cooler. temperatures stepping on down by tomorrow morning. we'll be starting out chilly. 31 to 39 degrees. but by mid january standards, that is still nice for this area. the wind, too, by tomorrow morning will be light. then tomorrow once again you get that sunshine out. it's going to get a little breezy by the afternoon. 53 to 58 degrees. southwest wind tomorrow at 15 to 25 miles per hour. here's a look at the next four days. i think the nicest day out of the weekend, guys, is going to be saturday. a look at the early part of next week, 43 degrees with sunshine. behind yet another weather system on monday. not cold at all. 55 on tuesday. back to some mild air. once again. enjoy the weekend though because we'll take a look ahead. kind of tease even the following weekend. does look as though it's going to be colder so you really want to enjoy the upcoming weekend. >> okay. we will. >> all right. here's something you would enjoy, veronica. the 2012 washington auto show kicked off today at the washington convention center in northwest. more than 700 cars from over 42 manufacturers are on display this year. fiat is even sponsoring a mini race track for fans. >> the 2012 show marks a new era for car fans since it'll run ten days instead of the usual five. it will feature more technology than seen before. the washington auto show runs through sunday, february 5th. for more information check out our website nbc and tomorrow be sure to join veronica johnson and trevor price as they check out the hottest cars inside the washington auto show tomorrow night at 7:30 right here on nbc 4. catch it next week on nbc washington nonstop. >> we had a blast doing that. both of us have probably added two or three cars to at least our wish list of what we want next. a lot of them concept cars. you have to watch the show. >> a good thing you can't buy them on the scene there, right? >> no. >> i understand you can't buy them or you might have come home with quite a few cars. >> you can get the little match box size ones. those you can. >> little model cars. all right. >> thanks. still to come this afternoon on news 4 at 4:00. >> i felt my femur snap. i remember thinking very clearly thai was about to die. >> a teenager's tale of terror when she falls under a train while trying to jump onboard. >> and the captain involved in that cruise ship disaster speaks out about the accident and what happened afterwards. welcome back to news 4 at 4:00. i'm pat lawson muse. >> i'm barbara harrison. we are awaiting the sentencing decision in the lulu lemon murder case. britney norwood was convicted of killing her co-worker jana murray inside the bethesda yoga store. norwood's lawyers have asked for the possibility of parole. prosecutors and murray's family are asking the judge to keep norwood in jail for good. >> prince george's county police are working to retrieve a body from the bottom of a well. the body was discovered after an anonymous tip yesterday. there is speculation it could be the body of a missing alexandria activist who was last seen back in september. it could take several days to get the body out of the well. >> we're getting to hear 911 tapes from the incident that sent actress demi moore to the hospital monday night. in the calls you can hear a friend of moore's telling dispatchers she had just finished inhaling something when she started convulsing. moore is now in rehab getting treatment for exhaustion. >> a report on slow economic growth dragged the markets down on this friday. the dow lost 74 points to close at 12,660 making it the first negative week for the average this year. the nasdaq gained 11 points. the s&p 500 was down two. >> a teenager in colorado admits she made a bad decision that she will regret for the rest of her life. anna benanati was 17 in september when she and three friends decided to jump on a moving freight train. anna would not be alive to tell her story if two strangers had not seen what happened next. we warn you the story is disturbing. nbc's savannah guthrie has the story and unsettle lg 911 call. >> don't move her. >> 911. what is the address of your emergency? >> oh, my gosh. i am on third avenue at the railroad tracks. somebody just tried to jump on the train and severed her leg. >> anna was a care free college freshman who did not comprehend the danger of jumping on to a moving train. >> there is definitely a lot of romance to the whole notion of train hopping. >> reporter: she had done it before, jumping trains with friend to get a free ride back to school. this time her friend before her jumped and fell from the train, not seriously hurt. >> i had this one last fleeting thought of i really shouldn't be doing this but it was like by then it was too late. i was running so fast i was already reaching for the train so i just went. >> reporter: she jumped, a decision that would cost anna her legs. >> i remember looking down at my leg dragging on the ground looking at the wheels and how fast they were going and i just remember looking down there and thinking oh, my god. what have i done? >> she's awake. >> is she breathing? >> she is very, very pale. she's alert and talking. now she's crying. don't move. don't move. >> i felt my feemur snap. i remember thinking very clearly i was about to die. >> reporter: but that day anna's painful misfortune was met by incredible luck. >> if kathy and i wouldn't have been there she probably would have bled out. she would not have survived. >> reporter: emergency medical technician nicole crowley and nurse kathy polrie were in their cars stopped at the train crossing and got to anna within seconds. >> i'm thankful that at some point in my life i got to use my skills for something miraculous like that. >> reporter: when anna woke up in the hospital she learned how the two women had saved her life. >> it truly was a blessing they were there. >> reporter: after 11 surgeries anna is learning to live in a wheelchair. >> i'm going to have to pay for it for the rest of my life. i'll never be able to forget this horrible mistake that i made. >> reporter: yet anna is embracing a new life with her family and she's already back to one of her favorite activities, skiing just four months after this accident. >> you realize how much you have to be thankful for when you almost die. >> all right, anna. woo! >> and when anna first left the hospital, she was very angry at the loss of her legs. she says there came a day when she realized she had to choose between wallowing in self-pity or getting over it. she chose to move on with her life and now she talks to young people about decisions and the moments before she tried to jump on that train even though her instincts told her not to. the death toll from the collapse of three buildings in rio de janeiro, brazil is now at six. you can see people running followed by a huge cloud of dust. the accident happened wednesday night. officials say the structures went down after a 20-story building caved in and then brought down two nearby office buildings. the cause of the accident is under investigation but investigators suspect illegal construction. at least 16 people are still missing. a section of floor collapsed at a casino construction site in cincinnati, ohio today sending 11 people to hospital. casino officials say the workers were pouring concrete on the second floor when a support beam gave way. it sent the crew members sliding about 30 feet to the level below. the cause of this accident is also being investigated. fire investigators say the workers have nonlife threatening injuries. and now to the latest on the costa concordia cruise ship accident in italy. as the investigation continues, officials with the cruise liner are trying to figure out how to compensate passengers who made it out of the ship and to the families of those who didn't. they're also trying to figure out the best way to remove a half million gallons of fuel from the ship. michelle kosinski has the latest. >> reporter: it is hard to believe at this point. it has been two weeks that this massive cruise ship has sat here on these rocks just off giglio island. the captain is still on house arrest. but now his attorney tells nbc news he feels awful about this. at the same time, unjustly demonized. we know he has told prosecutors it wasn't all his fault and that he did not abandon ship but fell into a life boat. though now officials are describing a night full of delays and downplaying and the company says he tried to get a manager to agree to a sort of cover story that would blame the accident on an electrical failure. while the investigation is going on, so are two processes that have been difficult and time consuming. one, removing the victims. divers have been there every day but the spaces are cramped, cluttered, the water is extremely dark and murky. they've recovered 16 victims. they think possibly 18 are still inside or somewhere near the ship. tomorrow they'll be using remotely operated vehicles to look into some of the more inaccessible spaces they've encountered. also the pressure is on to remove 500,000 gallons of fuel inside before this becomes an environmental disaster. the equipment is in place. a tanker ship comes in tomorrow. they were hoping to get that process really going in the afternoon sometime but now that looks, too, like it will be delayed, likely because of weather. possibly starting now, sunday, or even monday. back to you. there is more to come on news 4 at 4:00 this afternoon including an app that is perfect for couch potatoes. >> the school that's giving the boot to a popular style of foot wear for teens. >> and how your opinion is becoming more important to the hotels you frequent. here's a friendly reminder. it's your last chance to get verizon's reliable high speed internet and phone for small business for only $84.99 a month. call now or visit only $84.99 for high-speed internet and phone. plus your choice of either no annual contract or a two year price guarantee. call or visit today. hurry -- this offer won't last long. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006 well, finally. being a couch potato pays off. >> there is a new app available simply for watching tv. wendy rieger gives us a look. >> another way i guess for people, advertisers to get you to watch tv to watch their ads. it's called viggle. it's a free app for your ipad, iphone. it's actually probably best for your ipad. what you do is for starters you get points that you can apply towards purchasing things simply by watching tv. it tells you the different shows, portlandia an extra 275 points. who is this guy? i know him. he's that kitchen nightmare guy. house of lies. just to give you an example of some of the shows and stuff. that tells you what's on and what kind of points you will get. then you will have this check-in feature. let's see if it'll work because we are on tv. you touch there and what it does is you put it up to your television and from an audio perspective it kind of weighs in to see what you're watching. let's see if it'll pick us up as being nbc 4. hang on. then it will -- it's matching. my gosh. it's doing it. it says let's try that again. that's my voice. what you would do then is go to the rewards. we tried it in the newsroom watching msnbc and it came up as msnbc and then certain awards are attached to that. you get points for watching that show so you get 4,000 points, you can get an amazon gift card, you know, all of these different things you can get. coupons, simply by watching tv. it's called viggle, a free app. download it and give it a try and let us know what you think because it's kind of interesting. it was fun in the newsroom. so come try it in our newsroom. back to you. >> can you imagine if newscasts started doing that? >> i'm curious to see if the newscast will do that. go get it. hold it up to the screen while we're on the air. let me know what kind of points you get. >> there you go. >> okay. an experiment. >> your viewing orders. >> when news 4 at 4:00 returns, are cantaloupes safe to eat these days? >> why do some charities refuse certain pickups? some of the questions we'll ask liz when news 4 at 4:00 continues. what makes the sleep number store different? the sleep number bed. the magic of this bed is that you're sleeping on something that conforms to your individual shape. you can adjust it to whatever your needs are. so whatever you feel like, the sleep number bed's going to provide it for you. and now, the company that redefined sleep is redefining memory foam. save $400 on our all-new memory foam bed. and at our white sale, stock up and save on our exclusive bedding collection. only at the sleep number store, where queen mattresses start at just $699. we're gonna erase breast cancer once and for all. once and for all. walking 60 miles... in three days. join us. join us. (woman) we're united. (woman) a family. (man) a movement. (woman) a coming together of thousands. (woman) thousands... (man) with one goal. join us. we're committed. relentless. (woman) we've refused to surrender. (woman) refuse to give up. (woman) we will never give up. (woman) never. never. never. join us. so that no one's life is cut short. no one has to suffer the agony of a loss. the agony of my loss. no one should have to experience what my family went through... go through what i went through. no one should have to experience that nightmare. no one. no one. we're going to erase breast cancer once and for all. (woman) walking 60 miles. (woman) in three days. join us. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. been a really warm day and not going to be a warm night. >> no doubt about it. we have been spoiled today but it is going to be cold tonight. our temperatures dropping to about 35 to 39 degrees. >> ooh. >> by tomorrow morning. so at least it's not going to happen all in a hurry as we've seen with some of the strong fronts to come through during the winter that have acted like spring. 53 the temperature now with the northwest wind at 24 miles per hour. look around the area. we have 54 degrees in baltimore, 57 in culpepper. still 61 in fredericksburg. 43 degrees currently in cumberland. of course the areas north will see the temperatures drop first down into the low 30s by later tonight. so breezy for 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 p.m. and downright chilly tomorrow morning. but we are going to have a clear sky and lots of sunshine early in the day. sun is up tomorrow at 7:18. here is a look at the numbers throughout the area. starting out in hagerstown, maryland, 36 in gaithersburg and olney a start of around 38 degrees in fredericksburg, maryland. that is chilly. the day tomorrow will be running some 13 degrees above average. a lot of sunshine early. still on the breezy side. mid and upper 50s? come on. it is mid january. we talked about a flake or two on sunday. here it is. your future weather. 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 a.m. that's coming through until 8:00 p.m. highs this weekend 57 to 48. chilly for tuesday. by the end of next week a high of about 50 degrees but i still think next weekend is looking pretty cold. >> all right. thanks, veronica. is cantaloupe safe to eat after that recent listeria outbreak? why do some charities refuse to pick up donations? what's the difference between a two-prong and three-prong electric plug? it's friday so let's ask liz. >> hi, barbara. nice to see you. >> we've got some letters for you here. let's go to the first one the first question from laura through our facebook page. she remembers the listeria cantaloupe scare from september and october of last year and wants to know is it okay to eat them now? >> when we did turn to the food and drug administration for this question it says 146 people in 28 states were infected by that outbreak strain of listeria with a total of 30 deaths reported. as of january 9th the fda now says the outbreak is over. cantaloupe is safe to buy. that being said the fda reminds us listeria is a bacteria that can still cause real health concerns and always recommends you clean your refrigerator and food prep services regularly to protect yourself from any infection. but cantaloupes are on the safe list now. >> glad to hear that. our next question comes from a viewer in d.c. she tried to schedule a home pickup for a charitable donation but was turned down. she wants to know if some charities refuse to pick up donations if you live in the district. >> interesting. she thought this was a geographic problem. we asked the salvation army and good will to answer this question for us. both say they will do donation pickups for the entire d.c. metro area including within the district. the salvation army says it's possible that a pickup request would be refused if it doesn't need -- have a great need for the item that you want to give at that time. so they may just say simply we're not coming for that item. good will's free donation pickup service has a few weeks' wait time because of the limited amount of available trucks. for more information by the way about donation pick-ups, simply go to our website nbc and search donation. we've got more information for you there. >> okay. our last question comes from lauren in northwest and she asked what's the difference between a two-prong electric plug and a three-prong plug? >> for those of you who don't know it's all about safety. we checked with the national electrical manufacturer's association and it says the main difference comes down to safety concerns. the first two prongs at the end of the plug are needed to get voltage across to the wire. that's simple. the third prong grounds the connection and helps ensure no one gets electrocuted in case the line voltage and the metal parts in the wire accidently come in contact with each other. so although the third prong isn't necessary for you to get electrical devices to work there is an additional safety precaution with that third round prong. if you'd like to ask a question send it to ask liz@nbc connect with me on twitter, just search liz crenshaw and on facebook. coming up on news 4 at 5:00 tonight are school zone speed limits enforced even when school isn't in session? why do you have to pay a fee to change your mailing address online? and can you use those energy efficient bulbs inside your electric oven? find out at 5:00. >> all right. thanks, liz. >> see you then. all righty. thank you both. and coming up on news 4 this afternoon a popular airport terminal used by many travelers from washington is named worst in the world. coming up at 5:00 we are staying on top of the courthouse in montgomery county for the lulu lemon murder sentencing. we are going to find out if britney norwood will be spending the rest of her life in prison without parole. chris gordon is there. we will bring that to you as soon as we hear something. plus, the controversial comment that has the first lady of maryland apologizing and the internet is abuzz. coming up at 6:00 this dog doesn't leave its owner's side and proves why it is man's best friend. i'm laura, and this is my cvs. i just transferred a prescription to cvs, because they have care 1 on 1. that's where the pharmacist stops and talks to me, about safety and saving money with generic prescriptions. laura, let's talk about possible side effects. it's all about me. love that! get care 1 on 1, only at cvs pharmacy. we accept express scripts and 5,000 other insurance plans. ♪ i'm laura, and this is my cvs. it's all mine. we have breaking news in the lululemon murder case. a decision has been made at the sentencing hearing of 29-year-old britney norwood convicted of killing her former co-worker jana murray inside the bethesda, maryland apparel shop last march. chris gordon is live with the latest at the montgomery county courthouse. >> reporter: life without parole is the sentence for britney norwood. the judge said you will spend the rest of your life in the montgomery county -- sorry -- the maryland correctional system. he said the lies you told after this murder were incredible. you are one hell of a liar. you were cold. you were deliberate. you were malicious. he said, i cry but i cry for your family. they don't deserve this. i understand, i cry for the murray family. they don't deserve this. what caused this? did you have a drug problem? was it an alcohol problem? were you depressed? i don't know if we'll ever understand that, but i will not take the chance of ever setting you free back into society again. now, just before that britney norwood did speak. it's the first time. she didn't speak during the trial. she did speak during the sentencing. she said, and she stood up and she was tearful and said to the murray family, i want to say, that this, i know, will not take your pain away, but how sorry i am. her lawyer said, please, give her, give her family hope that some day she will be able to be free. but judge robert greenburg said, for her life will go on. she will see another sunrise and sunset. it may be from a prison window but life will go on. she will have christmas visits and telephone calls and the only visit the murray family will have will be at the cemetery. so bottom line, headline, britney norwood has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the lululemon murder, the killing, the brutal killing of jana murray. that's the latest from montgomery county. back to you in the studio. >> all right. chris gordon, thank you. and we' a major u.s. airport has a dubious distinction of having the worst terminal in the world. that would be terminal 3 at jfk international airport in new york. the travel guide came up with the top ten list of the worst terminals based on professional surveys, delay statistics, and frequent traveler reports. terminal 3 at jfk topped the list because of its lack of food and shopping options as well as crowded conditions and confusing points of entry. laguardia, newark liberty, and midway airport in chicago also made the top ten. some of the world's biggest hotel chains are embracing opinions of their customers. many hotels are adding customer reviews to their websites. starwood hotel started posting reviews back in october. marriott and the 4 seasons quickly followed. hilton worldwide says they plan to add reviews by the end of the year but hilton says they haven't decided if the reviews will just show up on their website or whether they'll have a third party look at them first, which is what the 4 seasons does. and that's news 4 at 4:00. the latest on the breaking news from the lululemon murder sentencing case coming up on news 4 at 5:00. stay with us for that. tonight at 5:00 breaking news. the woman who killed her co-worker at lululemon has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. good evening. welcome to news 4 at 5:00. i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm pat lawson muse in for jim handly this afternoon. >> this comes after an afternoon of emotional testimony. news 4's chris gordon has been in the courtroom from the start of today's sentencing and is live with the latest. britney norwood was sentenced to spend the rest of her natural life in the maryland correctional system. judge robert greenburg saying to her, with all the lies you told after this murder it was just incredible. you are one hell of a liar, ma'am. those were his words. the judge's words. he says i have no doubt you are deeply troubled but i don't know why this happened. i cry. i cry for your

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