Transcripts For WRC News 4 At 4 20110926

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person. whether it has to do with the coffee or not, i'm not sure. >> reporter: decalf coffee did not have the same effect. the key is likely caffeine. researchers didn't have enough evidence in tea or soda drinkers. >> i see a number of women who are depressed. middle age women who tell me caffeine does more for them than other medications around. >> we don't have a good way to prevent depression. there are some treatment but prevention is much more effective. >> reporter: doctors say it's way to soon to prescribe coffee. but, it seems a cup of joe might leave you feeling good beyond the last drop. >> oh, that caffeine kick. let's turn to the weather. we are in a roll in the wrong direction. another cloudy day out there. >> when oh when will the sunshine again? we have the answer with veronica johnson. >> once again, the clouds have been winning out. did you enjoy your minutes or seconds of sunshine today? it's all that many of us got. the clouds taking charge. this is day 13. we have to go way back to get the bright sunny day. we have only had one this month of september. clouds across much of the area with a few holes in the cloud cover north and east of luray around petersburg. more clouds and sunshine across the area. no rain to report. a couple sprinkles earlier. the temperature at 80 degrees. humidity 64%. it's been a muggy day on top of that. 81 up in frederick. 82 in waldorf. culpep culpeper, 82 degrees. pretty much a warm day. i think we will have more clouds around for the overnight period and the return of a few showers by 11:00 p.m. showers, a few isolated showers, pretty light. they will pass through and the fog develops again as we head to 70 degrees. showers back this evening. the fog will return. we'll talk about how wet your tuesday is going to be. so, you guessed it, yet another day. we'll look at that. jim? pat? >> thanks, veronica. >> tonight is the big night. the redskins hope to leave cowboys stadium with a 3-0 record. >> it is always a big game when these two teams get together and play. all week long, they were doing trash talking. dan hellie is down in arlington. hey, dan. >> reporter: hey, pat. hey, jim. deangelo hall got in a couple words saying he's going to target tony romo's ribs. he will play tonight. he had a special jacket made for a punctured lung and broken ribs. the redskins are getting help on the injury front. landry will be playing tonight with no restrictions. this is going to be his first nfl game in almost 10 months. they have been really anxious to get him back there in the lineup. it's a huge stage. it's monday night football. and it's in dallas. coaches and players alike both pumped for tonight. >> yeah, if you can't get up for games like this, then you shouldn't be in this profession from a coaching standpoint or players perspective. monday night, especially in dallas. you know, just a great venue. it's what you look forward to. >> i think every football player gets excited about playing on monday night. the whole country is watching. this year, we plan the dallas cowboys. definitely excited. >> reporter: the cowboys and the redskins on monday night. historically, in case you are wondering, 7-7. it's even steven. more importantly, if the redskins win, they will get to 3-0 for the first time since 2005. we are going to have a lot more coming up from down here in texas. cowboys stadium, in a few. guys? >> targeting the romo ribs. that is smack talk there. all right. we'll see you in a bit. >> thanks, dan. time to tailgate for cowboys and redskins fans. this is a bitter rivalry from way back. >> you can say that again. joining us is mulla. you are seeing a lot of fans. anyone from washington yet? >> reporter: the simple answer to that is not many. we are in the backyard to the dallas cowboys. there have been redskins fans but they are outnumbered. the ones we have seen here are easy to spot. burgundy and gold is easy to see in the blue. some groups from new mexico and some from louisiana, some from the texas area. some who used to live in the d.c. area and still hold an allegiance to the redskins nation. they have been all over the place. a couple walking up toward the game. despite the long standing and fierce standing between the two teams, the environment has been nonhostile. you can see redskins fans and cowboys fans in the same group. they hang out together in tailgates. a husband is a redskins fan and the wife a cowboys fan. one couple said they have a great 25 year marriage except for two days. they divorce two days a year when they play. >> you are 1-1. there's more riding on it for the cowboys. >> reporter: that's right. it's early in the year right now but still divisional implications here. everyone understands this game certainly has meaning. it's adding fuel to the fire. >> all right. mulla, live in cowboy territory. >> have fun, but not too much fun. thanks. president obama teamed up with networking site linked in today for a town hall. he spoke about job creation and pushing for the american jobs act that he introduced to congress earlier this month. he said it was time for congress to put politics aside. >> i need everybody here to speak out on behalf of the things you care about and the values that made this country great. and to say to folks who you have elected, say to them, we expect you to act responsibly. >> the president said don't put ideologies aside. nothing will get done to fix the troubled economy. looking to buy or sell? the latest figures paint a bleak picture. sales of new homes fell 2.3% last month to an adjusted annual rate of $295,000. itis a six-month low. 700,000 of the homes that should be sold, this could be the worst year of homes sales since the government began keeping track. gas prices at a six month low. analysts say the poor economic outlook is behind the falling prices. the national average price per gallon is $3.49 a gallon. virginia at the bottom at 3.$3.. we are not as lucky. in texas, michigan and missouri, the price is below $3 a gallon. analysts expect pump prices to drop to $3.25 by november. montgomery county school is using a new approach to elementary education. they are calling it curriculum 2.0. there's more problem solving and encourages kids to talk together about finding solutions. we have the story. >> reporter: these students don't sit at their desks or remain silent in class. they collaborate working in small groups, combining a variety of subjects in a lesson. >> i'm responsible for making them problem solvers and analyze things and look at things from all different aspects. >> reporter: it's called krim lum 2.0. it's the way they are striving to meet and beat new national standards. right now, it's used to teach kindergarten through second grade. it's going to be expanded to fifth grade in the future. >> we are not just teaching to the test. in addition, we are helping students learn for their entire lives. >> reporter: the principal explains how it works. >> it's very child centered, very child driven. it's less teacher talk. it's more child conversation with one another. >> reporter: the commitment to making curriculum 2.0 a success here in the montgomery county school system starts at the top. >> it's a more natural way of teaching kids. as folks get more comfortable with it, we will see their level of learning increase. >> reporter: here is how students describe it. >> we are trying to solve a problem together. >> i really like this because it gives a time to, like, be with friends and talk about what both of our opinions are. >> reporter: parents say the students bring their enthusiasm home. >> she is able to talk about the things she's learned. it's not just a routine conversation. she's real excited. >> reporter: curriculum 2.0, taking elementary education to a new level. in montgomery county, chris gordon, news 4. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, aaron gilchrist will be live with melinda gates, wife of bill gates. news 4 at 4:00 is just getting started. which celebrity rented an entire arena to watch the titanic with his girlfriend. a love-hate relationship with the cast of jersey shore. who made the cut of most hated celebrities. >> ouch. what is the reason for all the pollen and why this could be the worst fall allergy season ever. a dangerous stunt, flying through a hole in a mountain and landing there are over 200 varieties of gourmet coffee that have earned the keurig brewed seal of approval. the keurig brewed seal is our commitment that the coffee inside will deliver a delicious cup of coffee every time. keurig brewed. look for the only mark of genuine keurig quality. justin bieber might be just 17 but he knows how to go out for his girlfriend. he rented out the entire staples building. inside they ate a steak dinner and watched "titanic". he got the venue for free. he tweeted romance isn't dead. treat your lady right, fellas. "the lion king" was number one for the second straight weekend for an estimated $22 million. the original was released in 1994. money ball was the second spot with $20 million. the family film, dolphin film opened in third place at $20 million. abduction made $11 million in place number four. we have the results from a new study that probably won't surprise you. parade magazine and yahoo! posed this question, which celebrity is the most annoying. the winner was newlywed kim kardashian with 29% of the votes. some think kim should share it with her mom and sisters. charlie sheen in a close second at 27%. snooki from "jersey shore" claimed the third spot with 21%. donald trump and brad the bachelor rounded out the top five. actor eddie plays the smooth character in the new nbc drama series "the playboy club." during an interview, he said it's important they know it's about strong characters, not just sex. >> it's a nighttime soap set in the '60s. using the playboy club as a backdrop. for me, using that club at that time and the areas we can go with that, the corruption, the mobsters, the entertainers. all that is so different and unique. i thought what a great premise for a series. >> it airs tonight at 10:00 here on nbc 4. we have gotten so much rain in the past few weeks, it seems we may never dry out. in get healthy, all the rain with the hot summer we have had created the perfect storm for allergy sufferers. this may be the worst fall allergy season we have had. dr. jackie is here to bring it down for us. can i blame my red eyes on the mold? >> you can. washington is basically a petri dish and the mold is multip multiplying. we have had high reports of mold. >> because of the rain? >> all of the rain. >> not only does moisture make mold, but dust mites. >> they are acting like justin bieber, they are very romantic and multiplying. when it gets humid they get romantic and multiply. they are in your bed and wherever your skin cells are. >> they make us more miserable than justin bieber. what about ragweed? >> it's a happy plant. it's been so hot and rainy. it's everything it needs on top of greenhouse gases, carbon die ox side. it makes more pollen. >> makes sense. i'm allergic to mold and ragweed. you say it's important to get the right diagnosis. if you want to get treatment first, get the right diagnosis. go to a board certify ied physician or a blood test. it's a newer test and either way, at the end you have to end up at an allergist for the interpretation. the allergist may decide whether you are going to go on allergy shots and help you avoid the things you are allergic to. go to an allergist about the advice for the results of the test. it's a great screening tool. >> dust mite covers and power washing the outdoors to get rid of the mold and allergy shots. >> if you are sick of it, having these symptoms over and over again. you can get vaccinated for this. >> for asthmatics, you recommend a new lung function test? this was just approved? >> they just recently encouraged patients. once you have the right diagnosis, how do you know you are on the right treatment? this lets you know if you are on too much or not enough medicine. ask for this test by name. >> we feel better already. >> i hope so. >> thanks. jim? >> lots of good info. thank you both. prince william opens up today about his relationship to his grandmother, the [ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. rain stayed away for christmas in april. that's right, the golf tournament in prince george's county. for the golf, there was a silent auction. check out this golf shot. nice form. better shot than form, perhaps. former redskin ricky irvin talked about why he attends the event. >> we go out and help put people's homes together in april. just doing good for the city. i got to be a part of it. >> okay. there are tips. ricky donated his time and gave b.j. great golf tips there. i want to know where the ball went. >> i haven't played in years but his tips were, like we all know, we know what to do but it's hard to put it together. keep your arm locked. no problem. he did make a good point. he gets out there twice a week. that's what he said, practice, practice, practice. for two days out of the week, i won't be here. i should be practicing. >> what a pair, i tell you. meanwhile, you did it on a cloudy day. >> i know. the one thing about meteorologists is we can look down the line. we already know when the first sunny day is going to come. now, it looks like we are locked in this pattern for a little while longer. >> hang on. >> we are going to get there. we are at 80 degrees. humid 64%. another humid day, muggy day. another day with the morning fog. we are at 77 in gaithersburg. around warrenton and sterling, 81 the temperature. 82 waldorf toward stafford now. it's been plenty warm. temperatures will ease on down into the 70s. 71 degrees by 11:00 p.m. i expect to see a few showers around 11:00 and maybe showers coming our way. there is that chance for scattered showers early tomorrow morning. it's looking like showers. on the radar, you can see, you have to look hard. there's one or two sprinkles arnds the area. overall, just dry. we manage to get the fog out of here, but not the clouds. we have the southerly flow. the cloud cover through virginia and look at the heavy rain. ohio down through kentucky. that's the actual weather front. what is ahead of it? heavy rain along it. it's going to come into our area tomorrow as well as on wednesday. then low pressure along the front. we stay trapped in the cloud cover at least through midweek and early thursday morning. starting out with a few showers until the drier air moves into the area. i'm expecting not a tremendous amount of rain for that. it's the good news. we pick up a half inch of rain. maybe just over a half. let's take a look at the forecast. here we go for your evening. umbrellas? i don't think you are going to need them. we'll have sprinkles around. 72 to 76 degrees. the range in temperatures for tomorrow morning, like this morning, 64 to 69. possible shower out there. a lot of fog to deal with tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon, not only showers, but a possible thunderstorm as we take it from 75 to 79 degrees for your afternoon. here is a look at your four day forecast. rain is likely for tuesday. a slight chance for wednesday. a slight chance for thursday. friday now, sunshine and drying out. wait until you see what the weekend is looking like. >> we are waiting. thanks. still to come, prince william reveals details about his relationship with his grandmother. a ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. welcome back, everyone at 4:30, i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse. here is what's happening. an hour from now, the senate will vote on a short term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on friday. one sticking point is how to fund fema. they could run out of money sometime this week. republicans and democrats can't agree on whether there should be cuts in other programs to free up funding for fema. >> stocks closed higher after positive news of europe's debt crisis. the dow closed at 11,043. the s&p 500 closed up 26 points to end at 1162. there's a new book out that reveals previously unknown details about the relationship of prince william and his grandmother, the queen. >> michelle has details from london. >> reporter: he is the prince just starting to dip a toe into the sea of public duty. >> she, his grandmother, queen at 25. about to be the longest reigning and much loved monarch. >> incredible, prince william calls her. william talks about how hard she works. increasing it at the age of 85. they suggest she keeps it easy, but she won't hear of it. it's the determination to serve that guides prince william now, calling her calm, poised, elegant and natural. the new duke and duchess of cam bridge after a first and successful trip to canada and california have gone back to a low-key life. they attended a friend's wedding. along with kate's sister, pippa who may be the next one down the aisle. >> the prince saving lives as a rescue pilot concedes he is not ready for the life in the spotlight his grandmother mastered for six decades. i try not to think about it, he says. he sees the queen as his grandmother first and queen second. he admires the way the queen doesn't like celebrity at all. she likes duty. following in her footsteps, he plans to stay in the air force as long as he can. back to you. >> you remember that big day when prince william drove off from buckingham palace, he forgot one thing. he forgot to release the hand break on the car. he gets a pass, though. it was pressure driving. >> oh, yeah. this is some amazing video. >> we have to show it to you now. it is cool, folks. take a close look. >> america and china pulled off an incredible aerial stunt. it is 35-year-old in a wing suit. a wing suit is a special jump suit with fabric between the arms and legs allowing them to glide through the air. he's the first stuntman to fly in china. the chopper was hovering at 6,000 feet. the hole is an actual hole in the mountain. it's one of the greatest wing suit flights of his life. >> the camera can't even keep up with that. >> that is cool. >> it is, indeed. >> we are less than 24 hours from opening statements in the trial of pop icon, michael jackson. >> conrad murray is charged with manslaughter in the death. we are more on what jurors will and won't see as the trial gets under way in los angeles. >> reporter: on tuesday morning in a los angeles courtroom, another high profile celebrity trial will begin. on one side, the prosecution which says michael jackson's doctor is responsible for the death. on the other side, dr. conrad murray. the defense is expected to say jackson gave hims the propofol. jermaine said his brother wasn't responsible for his own death. on friday, the jury was sworn in. among them, a college professor, postal worker and school bus driver. six are one, one is african-american. half said they were fans of michael jackson. >> we wanted 12 jurors to make an impartial decision in the case based solely on the evidence. >> reporter: the jury will decide if murray is at fault of the death of michael jackson. the jurors had strict orders not to watch media coverage related to the case. >> i have faith they will try their best to avoid tainting publicity. >> this case is expected to get plenty of publicity. cameras listen inside the courtroom. it could be one of the most watched celebrity trials in recent history. have you checked out the nbc washington facebook page of late? news 4 fandemonium. >> we have prizes. log on to facebook and like nbc washington. on the left side click on fandemonium. today's price tickets to les mis. we'll announce the winner tonight at 11:00. tune in. >> cool stuff. we are talking ipads and tickets. a lot more to come on news 4 at 4:00. inside boeings new dream liner. plus, family and fri you hungry? maybe our app of the day can help you. >> i have my appetite up. we have today's app. >> wish i had thought of that, pat. we are so busy here in washington and often don't cook, which is unfortunate for our health. it's good to figure out, do you want delivery or take out, what is near you. this is called happy eating. pick your path to happy eating. put in your location. you can either ask for delivery, pick-up or decide later. this is for your droid and iphone. you can just find restaurants. type in a cuisine. i think it's cool to look at what is around your area. something you haven't thought of before. say you want to do lebanese. you can browse the menu and look through what you want. you can get falafal. you click on that, add it to your order. by the way, you add it to your order. for signing up, you get a $10 discount. you want the eggplant appetizer, add to that. look at your order and make sure you like it. then you just check out. it's really cool. you can edit it and look back and say i don't want that now or that, either. it's really cool. it's wonderful. if you are driving around and you are, you know, especially if you are coming from a business meeting and want to grab something on the way home, because of the gps on your phone, it's cool and convenient. it's a great little app and it's free. back to you. >> thanks, wendy. >> i'm still trying to spell babaganoosh. cool app, thanks. >> boeing delivers the long delayed new plane. there's a lot of new fanfare. a sleeping experience under [ rock playing ] ♪ and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ all laugh when you walk by ♪ and the neighbors' kids run and hide ♪ deep inside you, there's a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you. ♪ but you're not ♪ you're the one be true to yourself. what's healthier than that? just got her flu shot, like a champ -- mom! taking on the master of disaster, the flu! it's the fight of the season! your flu shot's next, champ. let's do this. flu shots. every day. no appointment needed. most insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. find us at i'm jack, and i took the flu down. we have a brands new show coming up tonight on nbc washington nonstop. >> that's right. at 9:00, join pat for nonstop foodies d.c. >> it's where all the food is not only delicious, it is so good. none of it has more than 475 calories. no dish. the appetizers, entrees and desserts, all under 475 calories. can you believe that? >> guilt-free dining. >> that does not look guilt-free. >> and a piano bar. >> you can tune in to nonstop scene. we are going to go into a mysterious bar. why jimmy valentine's club is attracting people from all over the country. it's tonight on nns washington nonstop. >> now i'm hungry. >> and thirsty. >> good food, done. >> yeah. >> maybe we can sit inside and watch the clouds. >> i'm so done with the clouds. we have a couple days here now where we are going to stay socked in with the pesky clouds. something you don't want to hear. the temperatures under the clouds were in the 80s, low to mid-80s across the area. time to look at the temperatures. we are at 82 degrees right now in warrenton. 80 degrees in d.c. 81 in college park. 84 in rockville, maryland. not bad. by the weekend, we are going to be some 20 degrees cooler. so, first here are the clouds. then we are going to get rain on the radar right now. only a few light showers. they are south and west of winchester around i-81 for the evening. by late evening, around 11:00 midnight, we'll see scattered light showers around the area. scattered light showers, same thing for tomorrow morning. this is tuesday with showers and thunderstorms. by the afternoon, 4:00, there's 9:00. by the time we get to wednesday morning, more showers around the area. i think anytime during the afternoon, we could see a thunderstorm blow up. we go from a high threat of rain tomorrow to only a 30% chance for midweek. morning is 68 to 69 to get started. fog for the area. a high under 80 degrees for tomorrow. cooling down this week. so our warmest day is today. tuesday and wednesday, by thursday 78 with rain leaving the area. i promised you a cooler weekend. here it is. 56 to 64 for your low to high temperature. 65, the high on sunday. that's 64 on saturday. folks. it comes with wind. i have breezy posted. we may have to crank it up to windy later on. >> refreshing wind. >> really cool. yeah. >> thanks. well, the dream for boeing is now a reality. today, the company delivered the first of a long awaited, long delayed 787. >> it's known as the dream liner. jay gray reports. boeing believes it will change the way passengers fly. >> okay, guys. >> reporter: boeing finally officially rolled out the highly anticipated and costly 787 dream liner. >> september 26th will be forever remembered as the dawn of a new day in aviation. >> reporter: japan's airway is the first carrier to add the 787 to the fleet. united continental will be the first to drive next year. worldwide, the plane comes online three years later than expected at a cost of more than $30 billion. >> the cash break even is out there a few years as is always the case with these major developments where billions are spent to invo vat and do things no one has done before. >> reporter: the dream liner has been considered a cutting edge airplane. 20% more fuel efficient. inside, there's more open space. oversized windows that dim electronically. larger overhead bins. more oxygen and less dry air. >> today, we celebrate a significant moment in the history of flight. certifying and now delivering an all new airplane in a once in a lifetime achievement of human ingenuity. >> reporter: innovation that's finally takes flight. jay gray, nbc news. when we come back on news 4 at 4:00, a new hotel that lets you star gaze in bed. a swimmer says she underestimated a threat in her attempt to swim from cuba to florida. i'm wendy rieger. coming up at 5:00, dramatic new images from inside the washington monument show people running for cover. crews review what it will take to reopen that monument. one man fathers 70 children after making countless donations to a local sperm bank. stick around. a virginia man claims he found space junk [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. if you would like the idea of sleeping under the stars, but don't like camping, we have the perfect hotel for you. i's called a bubble hotel. it's on the outskirts of paris. guests lion a comfortable bed and lie under the sky. it goes for $225 a night. >> sounds like an interesting way to spend the night. a woman attempting a swim between cuba and florida cut the journey short yesterday. she is 62 and was on her third try. a medical team told her to stop after she was stung by men o war. she's disappointed she couldn't finish her goal. he managed more than 130,000 strokes over 40 hours and 92 miles. >> wow. >> it's quite a fete. >> you are right. she keeps going, every time. still ahead, police release details today and need your help detait's about building carshelp in america. it's all about jobs. it's all about 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[ jamaul ] good jobs in tough times. a chance to move up and do better. [ delaunta ] excellent healthcare. [ caletha ] beautiful benefits. what they used to call the american way. it still works here. [ jennifer ] not a single layoff of a u.s. manufacturing worker. [ glen ] not one. not one. doing things the right way. quality. [ jimmeka ] building cars that americans want. [ jamaul ] right here in america. hyundai is an all-american success story. ♪ family and friends begin their renewed search today for lenny harris near the woodrow wilson bridge where his cell phone was found last thursday. the alexandria man disappeared. we talked with harris' brother as has the report now. >> place where you can hide a car in certain places. you know, i don't think it's on the street. >> sherman harris doesn't know what happened to his brother lenny, but he's determined to find out. he said a group of family and friends are going to search an area today in the hopes of finding him. ♪ jesus is mine >> reporter: last night, a group gathered for a candle light vigil. lenny harris was last seen at the rec center wednesday night when he got a phone call and left to meet someone. police later found his cell phone on the woodrow wilson bridge. harris and his car are still missing. harris is a well-known community activist with a large circle of family and friends. they are very worried. his family and friends say they will continue their efforts to find -- >> that was megan mcgrath reporting. just a short time ago, police released these images of a man they are calling a person of interest in his disappearance. they say he was caught by atm using harris' bank card on thursday. they hope someone will recognize the tattoo on the man's arm. if you know this individual, alexandria police want to hear from you. that does it for us. news 4 at 5:00 starts right now. it's our first look inside the washington monument. the moment the earthquake hit, debris falls. what it took to reopen the landmark. >> the jury is seated and local arguments as a woman stands trial for the murder of her 2-year-old granddaughter. one man fathered 70 children. it traces back to a local business. good evening. welcome to news 4 at 5:00. i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm pat lawson muse. we begin with the repairs to the washington monument. tomorrow, crews will be out climbing along the tall structure to assess the damage firsthand. we are getting a look at what it was like during the 5.8 quake. news 4's derrick ward is live with what it will take to repair the popular tourist attraction. derrick? >> reporter: it's not going to take as much as you might have expected. this structure went through an earthquake years ago. stronger than the one we experienced last month. we got a good look at what's going on or what went on on the inside. tomorrow, they are going to look at the outside. the top of the washington monument when the quake hit. like all tall structures, most of the movement was at the higher level. a dozen tourists were there, but no one was hurt. the monument remains closed even though the damage has been described as minor. >> large cracks of up to

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