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winter weather. in just a matter of hours you'll see big changes outside. we're expecting a combination of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. don't look for too much on your ride home tonight, but the morning rush is going to be messy. >> veronica johnson is on post. she's tracking the forecast from the storm center. hey, veronica. >> thanks, pat and jim. not too much for our evening rush. just some rain showers at the end of the evening rush. light rain showers just south of fredericksburg, virginia. i-95. comingp now approaching the front royal area, i-81 just off to our west. that's where the wet weather has been down south. we're seeing this developing storm system in western tennessee. now, let me get you updated on theed advisorieadvisories. the pink is a winter storm warning. that's where there could be anywhere up to a quarter inch of ice by, i think, tomorrow afternoon, early evening. meanwhile, the areas in blue, that's a winter weather advisory. loudoun county, frederick county, areas north and rappahannock off to the north and west. problems with maybe some ice. the storm system is developing down south. already areas around roanoke have gotten just close to a quarter of an inch of rain. we'll see this precipitation make its transion during the overnight period. we'll go from rain to sleet, a little bit of freezing rain, and then we could end with a little bit of snow at the tail end of this late tomorrow. we always give you the timeline forecast. we break it apart through the day. that's what i'll have coming up in a few minutes. crews in virginia and maryland are getting ready for any bad weather that might be heading our way. trucks have already pretreated interstate 66, 395 and 495, including those bridges and ramps prone to freezing. there are 350 trucks on patrol now. officials in maryland say the state is ready for whatever old man winter brings. crews are not pretreating roads in maryland, but they are standing by if needed. washington's mayor, adrian fenty, says the city is ready for whatever comes. the city is preparing for the worst because of the unpredictability of the storm. there will be 200 pieces of equipment on stand-by beginning this evening. stay with news4 and for weather alerts. we'll also have a programming note. "news4 today" begins at 4:30 tomorrow morning. we'll have your latest forecast, traffic and school closings. today was another day of desperation in haiti. two strong aftershocks struck this morning with a magnitude of 4.9. just enough to stir more panic and desperation on the streets of port-au-prince. therare also signs of hope today with the arrival of more help. >> reporter: it's almost dedescribable how difficult getting by day-to-day is for people here. then you have things like choking traffic, powerful aftershocks that cause panic among people already extremy stressed. there are no jobs for many adults. nothing to do but sit and wait or look for food and water. but hope, yes. there is now a noticeae force of recovery here. this push to survive, a little bit better each day. we see the u.s. military here like a wave over this island. >> the people ce through the line and we give them one meal and one bottle of water. we want to try to help as many people as possible. >> reporter: the navy ship comfort arrived yesterday. that could be the difference between life and death for the quarter of a million people injured in haiti. there's also progress in recovering and burying the dead. with all the frustration, yes, there is more aid continuing to come in to haiti and more aid getting out to the people who need it the most. back to you. >> michelle kosinski, thank you. the haitian government has upped its estimate of people left homeless by the earthquake to 2 million. security is being beefed up around the usns comfort which is stationed off the coast of haiti. haitians desperate for medical attention are boarding boats in an effort to get on board the hospital ship. one ferry was spotted filled beyond capacity. they're being kept away by naval guard boats. on board the comfort, critically insxw injured patients are getting the care they need. despite the heavy workload, doctors are pleased with the flow of operations so far. >> if we maintain this type of, you know, pace, we're going to be fine. if it picks up, we'll be fine as well. but this is a steady, doable pace. >> the comfort, which is based out of baltimore, arrived in haiti off the coast yesterday. there are lots of ways that you can help the people of haiti. log on to our website, there you'll find a list of organizations collecting donations for the relief effort. search "help" once you get to our website. there's also a link in the middle of the home page. and some of the entertainment world's biggest stars are coming together to help raise money for earthquake victims. tune in to nbc4 tomorrow night for 8:00 for the "hope for haiti" telethon. it's a great opportunity to learn more about how you can help the victims of the earthquake. the elite sidwell friends school is responding to allegations tonight of child sex abuse against one of it teache. robert peterson taught junior high social studies at the northwest d.c. school until this year. he was also a director for the school's camp corsica on the eastern shore. peterson was charged in two separate incidents involving a minor. he was fired on january 14th when the charges were filed. in a statement today, the school called the allegations sad and disturbing and said the sidwell friends community has been informed and counseling is being offered now. we're learning more today about man accused of killing eight people at a home in appomattox, virginia. a lawyer for christopher speight said that his client has a long history of mental problems. he also complained about being turned out of his house by his sister and brother-in-law. those two were among the dead along with two other adults, three teenagers and a 4-year-old boy. speight gave himself up early wednesday morning after an 18-hour manhunt. authorities still aren't offering a motive in the shootings. speight is being held without bond in lynchburg. massachusetts senator-elect scott brown is wasting no time today. the republican is already making the rounds up on capitol hill just days afteris victory. and that election is still threatening to derail the democrats' health care reform plan. tracie potts is live on the hill with the latest. hi, tracie. >> one vote can make a huge difference here on capitol hill, especially right now in the senate. and with that one vote, republicans think they have the momentum to convince democrats to scrap their health reform plan altogether. >> no. listen, our goal is to stop this monstrosity. >> reporter: and here is the republicans' weapon, scott brown. >> when people second fasked fo autograph, he was writing 41 down. >> reporter: he met with party leaders on both sides today. >> we welcome you to the capitol. >> reporter: already pitching new ideas to cover the uninsured. >> maybe we can allow the states to come up with their own plan and use the federal government to innocents ha -- >> reporte >> what we're doing now is very calm. we have to get a bill passed. we know that. >> reporter: but when? republicans are insisting democrats start all over. >> that doesn't mean we're going to twiddle our thumbs for weeks and weeks, but it will take a few days to figure out what the best solution is. >> the president believes it's the right thing to do to let the dust settle. >> reporter: president obama turned his focus today to banks. >> it's a fight i'm ready to have. >> reporter: announcing new rules to prevent them from taking risks with money backed by taxpayers. pitching financial reform while health reform is in limbo. now, when it comes to health reform, republicans in the senate may have the upper hand right now. but they have concerns as well. in fact, today on the house side, the house minority leader said they're working hard behind the scenes to make sure the democrats don't pick off some of their votes. live from capitol hill, i'm tracie potts, news4. >> thank you. u.s. capitol police arrested more than 30 protesters today on the steps of the capitol. members of the group witness against torture protested what they consider president obama's broken promise to close the guantanamo bay prison. president obama says he eventually wants to close the prison but his original deadline has passed. former presidential candidate john edwards made another confession today. he says he is indeed the father of a child born to a former campaign freelancer. he confessed it in a letter to nbc news and confirmed it in an interview with one of his closest friends. weave the latest. >> reporter: except for ted kennedy's funeral last august, john edwards has stayed out of the spotlight. even now as he admits to being the father of a baby born to a former campaign freelancer, edwards second friend and advisor harrison hickman to confess on his behalf. >> the senator wants to say that he is the father of quinn. >> reporter: quinn is frances quinn hunter, born two years ago to reille hunter. the former senator from north carolina declared in a statement to nbc news, i will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. that support includes a house he purchased in charlotte for hunter and the baby as well as regrets he's been lying about the paternity. in the statement he goes on to say, it was wrong for me to ever deny she was my daughter and hopefully one day when she understands, she will forgive me. elizabeth edwards was told about this last summer. she and john have been separated but keep in contact with her living at their mansion near chapel hill while he's staying at their north carolina beach house. awaiting word from a grand jury investigating whether campaign finance laws have been broken during this affair. nbc news. >> now, edwards' confession comes two weeks before a book about him and hunter hits book stores. a former campaign staffer gives an insider's view of the affair and identifies edwards as the father. the supreme court has made it easier for corporations to support or oppose federal political candidates. today's ruling allows companies to use funds from their general treasuries to pay for campaign ads. the vote overturned a 20-year-old ruling and threatens limits imposed by some states, corporations and unions still won't be able to make direct contributions to candidates. when we come back this evening on news4, paying tribute. >> next at 4:15, family and friends come together to remember our former sports anchor and friend, george michael. then at 4:30, it's official. conan o'brien and nbc have officially reached a divorce deal. then at 4:45, a warning for parents about crib safety and the dangers some pose to your child. family, friends and fans of george michael gathered today to remember him at a service at the washington national cathedral. chris gordon attended the event and joins us now in the studio with more. chris? >> well, the service was a celebration of the life of george michael. he was remembered as a toronado-like foe of nature, a loud and commanding presence in the sports world and a demanding but gentle and loving family man. sports celebrities like former redskins coach joe gibbs arrived early at the washington national cathedral, joined by sonny jurgensen. there were athletes, competitors from other stations, colleagues who worked with george, family and friends. they filled the cathedral with recollections, smiles and tears. news4's anchor jim vance was the first to pay tribute to his partner. his partnership with george michaelasted almost 28 years. >> george michael was the first man to tell me he loved me. now for guys, that's not easy to do. those words do not come lightly off the tong. and frankly, it made me a little uncomfortable. you know what he said? get over it. i said, okay. and i did. and i am so grateful to him for that. >> coming up this evening on news4, we'll hear what former redskins coach joe gibbs had to say about being interviewed and the tough questions george would ask him. we'll hear from redskins owner da snyder among many others including sports fans who came today as we honor george michael. back to you. >> thanks, chris. our nbc4 family suffered another loss today. harry davis, an award-winning cameraman is beloved member of our team for more than 28 years, passed away today. some of you may remember seeing harry with his son, mark, when he did a sftory about mark's career as a race car driver. marc davis drives for the joe gibbs racing team. harry davis made many contributions to the washington community. he meanterntored inner-city chi. he got just about all of us here involved in his teen broadcast project and many of his kids went on to earn jobs in the television industry. his broadcast factory won many awards throughout this community. harry davis was a cameraman who was always out front and he never failed any of us who relied on pictures to tell our stories. we here at nbc4 will miss the one and only harry davis. >> he lives on in marc, who is really traveling the world. >> yes. when we come right back on "news4 at 4" thi afternoon, a scare in the air. >> the misunderstanding on board a us airways flight that prompted the pilot to make an emergency landing. plus, it may be the kids who did the crime, but it's the parent whose are doing the time. and the new health alert about jogging. what a new study says jogging is i was always going having to go in the middle of traffic and just starting and stopping. having to go in the middle of a ballgame and then not being able to go once i got there. and going at night. i thought i had a going problem. my doctor said i had a growing problem. it wasn't my bladder. my prostate was growing. i had an enlarging prostate that was causing my urinary symptoms. my doctor prescribed avodart. (announcer) over time, avodart actually shrinks the prostate and improves urinary symptoms. so i can go more easily when i need to go and go less often. (announcer) avodart is for men only. women should not take or handle avodart due to risk of a specific bir defect. do not donate blood until 6 months after stopping avodart. tell your doctor if you have liver disease. rarely sexual side effects, swelling or tenderness of the breasts can occur. only your health care provider can tell if symptomoms are from an enlarged prostate and not a more serious condition like prostate cancer. so have regular exams. call your doctor today. avodart. help take care of your growing problem for the past week, news4 has been teaming up with the agencies on the ground in haiti helping earthquake survivors. today, joining me is ron sconiers. what is this group doing on the ground in haiti at this hour? >> physicians for peace has two partners on the ground. one is healing hands for haiti and another is st. vincent's school for handicapped children. we've got one person on the ground doing an assessment because we think that one clinic has been completely destroyed. we've not heard from all the students and faculty there. then we know that the orphanage is still intact but not operable. we're trying to get an appreciation of what we can do next. >> the stories about the many victims likely to become ampu e amputees are heart-breaking. you'll have a lot of patients to deal with. >> we have a program called walking free. the purpose of the program is to give productive capabilities to people who are disabled, whether they're amp titiutations or oth disabilities. >> so you need cash. >> yes, and also donations of equipment. but right now cash is most important. >> thank you so much. you can help by logging on to jim? we're hunkering down now. you guys are busy in the storm center. school, no sool? cancellations or delays? >> more like delays. don't think we'll have cancellations. kids, my kids especially, are listening. you better be doing your homework right now. >> get busy. >> let's head over. we do have the cloudy skies with us right now. 42 degrees, the temperature. close to our average high. we did get up to 43, though. we have an east wind that's set up across the area. let's go to digital doppler xt. i want to zoom in and show you just south of dale there, fredericksburg getting light rain showers. all of this is what will be moving to the north of us over the next couple of hours. we could see our first rain showers around the area by about 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. just rain showers. it's around 11:00 p.m., midnight, that we'll see freezing rain and sleet. we have a winter storm warning southwest of culpepper, around charlottesville. areas all the way down to roanoke. this is where there could be icing setting up. maybe a quart of an inch of ice and slushy, icy conditions. that's from frederick county down through loudoun county. all right. let's zoom out. our storm system developing quickly down to the south. more cold air will be coming in. our temperatures will drop to about 25 to 30 degrees by morning. so here's your futurecast. that storm system quickly making it way northward. by afternoon, i should be past our area. it's during the first part of tomorrow where we're going to have tricky weather making that transition, getting everything from sleet, freezing rain, i think it will mainly be rain south. here's our timeline. around midnight, rain in annapolis and manassas. manassas getting some sleet mixing in by that period. snow stays well off to the north and west. this is not going to be a storm where we're going to be shoveling, but definitely slushy, icy contions on the roadways by tomorrow morning. there it is, 6:00 p.m. a brief, brief period. only from about 4:00 to 6:00 where we will see snow at the tail end of this. from rain to sleet, areas of howard county down through stafford county with rain for southern maryland and more mixed conditions and accumulation north and west. let's put up the seven-day forecast for you real quick. temperatures will be improving by the weekend. up to 54. the weekend is split right now with sunshine on saturday. rain for sunday. we're following a number of new stories coming up tonight on "news4 at 5." john trifen is in his chair working on a story about controversial gay e-mail in loudoun county. what is this about? >> it's a really controversial e-mail. eugene delgado sent out an e-mail to his constituents using what people are calling flagrant language. he referenced homosexuals as "it" and he used the term cross-dressing freaks in an e-mail. we'll talk to him at 5:00 a we'll explain what he meant by all of this and the controversy surrounding that e-mail. >> he stirred up a hornets nest. >> yes, he did. >> thank you, john. and don't forget, "news4 at 4" is on facebook and twitter. we're always posting breaking news, weather and traffic reports. you can find us on both sites by searching "news4 at 4." jim? >> thank you, pat. stay right there. we've got a lot more to come at 4:30. good night. after daysf back d forth, looks like nbc and conan have reached an agreement and decided when he'll sign off from the "tonight show." plus, the new photos of who appears to be tiger woods are emerging today. wait until you hear where they're from. then a warning for people who love to shop and want some extra cash. you could be getting scammed. welcome back, everybody. at 4:30, i'm jim handley. >> i'm pat lawson muse. some of the stories we're following now, the sidwell friends school in northwest washington says a teacher has been fired following allegations of child sex abuse. robert peterson has been charged in two separate incidents involving a minor. the school says it's informed the sidwell friends community and it's offering counseling. a man accused of shooting and killing eight people inside his appomattox, virginia, home told a friend he was worried about getting kicked out of the house. an attorney for christopher speight also says his client has a long history of mental illness. police still haven't offered up a motive. u.s. capitol police arrested more than 30 protesters today on the steps of the capitol. members of the group witness against torture protted what they consider the president's broken promise to close the guantanamo bay prison. president obama says he eventually wants to close the prison. the president's original deadline has passed. first at 4:30, well, folks, the divorce deal idone. tomorrow's "tonight show" will be conan o'brien's last. >> tonight's show and tomorrow's show should be very interesting to watch. gina kim joins alive from los angeles with the latest in this ongoing and somewhat embarrassing saga. gina? >> yeah, that's absolutely right, pat and jim. if you've watched the late-night shows, you know that what has been happening over the past two weeks, it's been like a nasty divorce proceeding playing out over the national air waves. but after an all-night negotiating session, conan o'brien signed a deal this morning that lets jay take back the "tonight show" while allowing conan t jump to another network. >> hello there. i'm conan o'brien. sorry if i'm a little late. i had an interview at lady foot locker. >> reporter: conan has been joking about his departure from nbc for days. >> it's hard to accept that soon i won't have a show, but snooky and the situation will. >> reporter: it became official this morning. nbc announced that the network will release o'brien from his contract at a cost of $45 million. about 33 million of that is expected to go to o'brien. the rest, to taking care of his staff. >> the staff will be taken to a big farm where they will be allowed to run free forever. >> if anything, this whole controversy has made conan o'brien a hot commodity. >> reporter: o'brien can't appear on another network until september at the earliest. >> i still haven't unpacked from the last show they canceled. everything is still back there. so it's fine. >> reporter: the question is will jay's old audience follow him back to late-night? >> if you like jay, chances are you're going to watch him at 11:30 on the "tonight show." in a few months this is all going to pass. >> reporter: and now the 10:00 hour on nbc will go back to more traditional primetime programming. >> a couple of dramas, a reality show, a news magazine >> reporter: although his rein lasted only seven months, o'brien may have the last laugh. he leaves a job tomorrow with the highest ratings he's had, gets to pocket miliums and could be back on the air this year more popular than ever. and despite the deal you may not have seen the last of conan o'brien on nbc. as of right now, the network has penciled in reruns of conan at the same time slot right up until the winterlympics begin next month. that's the latest live in burbank. back to you. >> thank you, gina. well, it's been one month since brittany murphy's mysterious death. while the official cause of death is still being investigated, her mother and her husband say they're convinced that murphy died of natural causes, not drugs or an eating disorder. the 32-year-old actress collapsed and died in the bathroom of her hollywood hills home on december 20th. authorities are awaiting the result of toxicology tests before determining exactly what killed her. in the meantime, speculation has been running rampant. murphy used a variety of prescription drugs and that the slender actress may have suffered from an eating disorder. >> brittany had been looking very thin lately. recently when she stepped out in public, pple noticed it and started to worry about her. >> but her mother, sharon murphy, says her daughter was always petite and she said murphy did not do drugs or even drink caffeine because of a "fear of dying." murphy's husband said murphy took antiseizure pills on occasion for a heart condition. and he said most of the prescription drugs foundt their home the day she died belonged to him. the family is planning to hold a public memorial in murphy's honor at the end of next month. new photos have emerged today that may answer the question, where is tiger woods? these pictures obtained by the national enquirer show the golfer at the pine grove clinic in mississippi, one of the nation's top clinics for treating sexed aict ed ed addic. the picture is grainy, but many people say it looks like woods. tiger's agent declined to comment on thehotos and whether woods is at that clinic. an orthodox jew who was praying caused a panic and forced a us airways flight to be diverted to philadelphia. the 17-year-old was on board praying on the flight from laguardia to louisville. he wore a religious box on his head. a member of the flight crew became alarmed at this because the boxes are attached to leather straps. the teen tried to explain reportedly, but the pilots decided to take no chances and made an emergency landing. the boy's grandmother waiting in louisville explained her grandson was simply saying his prayers. >> my grandson didn't have a chance to pray. they're religious kids. they say their morning prayers. they use this box. men use it. and they traveled before and they put this on and there's never any problem. >> senior law enforcement officials say this was not related to terror in any way. in norristown, pennsylvania, teenagers have been skipping school so police are rounding up their moms and dads and fining them. police arrested 33 parents whose children have been playing hooky. police say the parents ignored numerous court notices that their kids weren't showing up for school. it's part of the truancy abatement initiative to get 1,000 students in the school system who have numerous unexcused absences. the program has improved attendance and crime in the community is down, too. just aheadn "news4 at 4," travel trouble. >> the winter olympic games is just weeks away, but there could be a problem for some ticket-holders. and a warning about internet passwords and how to keep yourself safe and secure. and if you have a pet snake, you might want to start preparing to part ways with it. there are only 22 days left until the wirnt olympic games in vancouver. when it comes to transportation, things are behind track. for folks heading to the game, you'll need to buy a bus ticket. the mountain venues will only be accessible by bus. olympic organizers say the bus sales have been slow. only 50% of ticket-holders have bought bus fares so far. organizers could have done a better job spreading the word, but they're warning buy now or you'll be waiting for hours during the games. we're doing a lot of olympic-style hiking to get to your venue. boy. >> if you want to get there. >> uh-huh. hey, we got to worry about getting to work and school tomorrow, veronica. >> yeah. icy, slushy conditions begin closer to midnight a then last through at least the first part of tomorrow. here's what's happening right now. the temperature at 42 degrees, well above freezing. even down south, richmond, they've been getting light rain showers. roanoke is at 33 degrees. getting a little bit of light precipitation in the form of sleet right now. this initial wave will be moving past us and then we'll get more moisture coming up from the south after the midnight hour. winter storm warnings there. winter weather advisories. frederick county, louden county. so some icy, slushy conditions for e morning rush tomorrow. so what can the kids expect tomorrow? i think there will be some school delays. 29 to 33 degrees. likely to see precipitation falling in the form of sleet and rain mix. our temperatures will go from 30 degrees to 36, the high temperature for tomorrow. there's a snapshot of what you can expect by the end of the day. rain switching over to sleet. then maybe some real light accumulation in the white from frederick through extreme northern montgomery county and loudoun county. when we come back on "news4 at 4," safety first. >> a warning about crib safety and the dangers some pose to your child. and it's a simple exercise that doctors are saying you can do to increase your brain power. and a scam alert linked to th unsafe cribs and the loss of young lives. they were the focus today of a hearing on capitol hill. the new head of the consumer products safety commission says she's racing to get mandatory safety standards in place and hold manufacturers accountable. brian mooar has that story now from washington. brian? >> well, pat, millions of cribs have been recalled but consumer advocates say that's just not enough. >> do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth? >> reporter: a family tragedy and an effort to prevent others like it. >> bobby never had a chance to wear his first halloween costume. he never blew out a birthday candle. i'm sorry. >> reporter: susan and rob's 6-month-old son died in 2004, suffocated in the type of drop-side crib the government is now working to ban. >> we will have the standard by the end of the year. >> reporter: right now it's strictly volentary. >> you don't have authority to say that's it, we're recalling these cribs, correct? >> we could if we wanted to go into an administrative action, which would probably result in ligation and take more time. >> reporter: the industry says it supports tougher standards. >> our members take great care to visit with their factories overseas every year and to make sure that quality control practices are taking place at the highest levels. >> reporter: consumer advocates say that recalls are not enough. >> these cribs remain out there once they're recalled. of the 7 million cribs recalled, half of them are still in use. >> reporter: that's why parents have to get involved. the message and its mission. those rules will not take effect until december. and even then they won't apply to cribs that have already been sold. i'm brian mooar, news4. pat? >> thank you, brian. well, running may not only be good for your body, it might also be good for your brain. new research out today shows when mice ran on exercisebetter than mice that didn't run. they also grew new brain cells in the area of the brain that's crucial to memory and learning. the results would be the very same in humans. we've all heard the warnings about making your passwords non-detectable by hackers so they just can't guess them. many internet users still aren't making them secure enough. a new analysis sho 1 in 5 web users have a basic password like a sequence of numbers or letters followed by numbers. some people even use the word password itself. if you use any of these, there is an excellent chance your accounts can be hacked. experts say use longer passwords and include upper and lower cases as well as numbers to make sure your password is safer. i know some people who use 1234. >> oh, you should never use those. the thing about passwords, there are so many. for every card and account. it's confusing. >> i can't remember them. >> i'm sick of passwords. up next on "news4 at 4," custody case. >> next, what we're now learning about the battle over former vice presidential candidate sarah palin's grandchild. and why the federal government could soon ban you from having a certain household pet. more now on the efforts in haiti. ron sconyers is back with us from the group physicians for peace, which was on the ground in haiti before the earthquake struck. there's a worldwide shortage of doctors. is there a shortage of doctors right now in haiti? >> absolutely. haiti is the poorest region in the western hemisphere. when you look at the population versus the number of health care providers, it's unacceptable. right now with this tragedy, the main issue is trying to get as many health care providers in there as we can. the problem is the ports are now just getting open. people are trying to get in there, but there's not enough space on the flight line into the airport. so there are people ready to go. just can't get there yet. >> a lot of people are talking about going. the ones who wanted to go, did they go and sort of clog the system? >> one of the things the state department is suggesting is that somebody that goes has 14 days of self-sustainability. many people become more part of the problem than a solution because they don't know what to ask for when they get down there. >> all right. ron sconyers with physicians for peace. you can help this group, which is going to be doing some much-needed work in haiti by visiting when we come back on "news4 at 4," if you love to shop, becoming a mystery shopper could be the perfect job for you, but not everything is always as perfect as it seems. we've got a scam alert y and welcome back. some of the hot topics on the web today, bristol palin is one step closer to winning sole custody of her son. according to tmz, bristol watched a video that is required by alaska law in cases of custody disputes. her ex, levi johnston, has not watched that video yet. it could be against the law to bring constrictor snakes into the united states. it could include pythons, boa constrictors and anacondas, you know. they destroy the nation's most fragile eco systems. if you love to shop and you want to make extra cash, becoming a mystery shopper could be just the job for you. but mystery buyer dewear. scammers out there might be trying to lure you into a phony gig. we show you how to tell the real deal from the fake. >> reporter: angela works hard at her full-time job, mother to her little girl alayna. but since she has some down time, she thought why not take a stab at mystery shopping? >> they said i would be receiving a letter with a check in it for -- to cover all my funds. >> reporter: the check and the letter game and directed angela to call for further directions. >> they told me i would have to western union $3,185 to queens, new york. >> reporter: she tried to ask questions even noticing the security markings on the check she got. then she put it into her bank of america account. sarah league knows angela got duped. she owns a real mystery shopping company that she runs out of her home. >> it's not going to just hand you a cck and say here's your money. do with it what you want. >> reporter: she says mystery shopping companies don't reach out to individuals. you approach them and have to go through on interview process. >> they will say you're allowed to spend up to this amount of money on these specific proje products. we'll reimburse you with a paid receipt and pay you an additional fee of and they set the dollar amount for your report. >> reporter: all of that is spelled out in the contract you'll sign. if you really want to get into the biz, pick up the mystery shopper's manual by kathy stucker who had 20-plus years in the industry. but don't expect to make tons of money doing this very detailed work. >> sometimes it's zero dollars. i'd say on average to maybe 20 or $30. >> reporter: angela never got to be a mystery shopper. she did get a big adache. her bank discovered the check she deposited was a fake and closed her account. >> they told us we weren't allowed to touch it. we're never allowed to have an account at bank of america again due to this check. >> that was aaron gilchrist reporting. mystery shoppers are legitimately used. experts say successful mystery shoppers have to be good writers and they have to pay close attention to detail. and that's "news4 at 4." "news4 at 5" starts right now. snow, sleet and rain. we could see all of that in the next 24 hours. road crews are already out getting ready for the worst. good afternoon. i'm wendy rieger. >> i'm jim handley. it's all about the timing, folks. bob ryan joins us with the latest on this new round of winter weather. >> we had the sunshine and now it's closing in on us. we've got cold, dry air in and around us. right now on doppler, you see the tch coming in. it will start as rain, but for folks in the shenandoah valley, those are the areas under the winter weather advisories. temperatures here into the 40s, but the winter weather advisory all the way from frederick county, maryland. i would really include northern montgomery county to loudoun cou county. those are the areas later on tonight that will be seeing sleet, freezing rain and it will be a significant accumulation. central shenandoah valley toward west of charlottesville. for the storm headlines, a late evening rain. a chilly one coming in here, changing to sleet and freezing rain overnight. remaining rain out to the eastern suburbs. nonetheless, it will be not a major storm but enough to cause icy going tomorrow morning. we may all see it end as some brief wet snow tomorrow evening. not a major winter storm. not a major ice storm for us, but there will be an accumulation of ice, enough to cause significant problems out in the shenandoah. around here, some

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