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is revealing about the incident that has the washington region all you a buzz. good afternoon, i'm pat lawson muse. >> i'm craig melvin in for jim handly today. first some breaking news. tiger woods has been seriously hurt in a car accident. the professional golfer was injured some time around 2:30 this morning. the 33-year-old pulled out of his driveway in the islewworth community, struck a fire hydrant and then drofb into a tree. alcohol was not a factor. woods was taken to a nearby hospital. his injuries have been described as serious. there have been reports of facial lacerations at this point. we have not been able to confirm whether tiger woods is still in the hospital or whether he has been released. florida highway patrol says the air bags did not deploy and that usually means the vehicle was traveling under 33 miles per hour. tiger woods, seriously injured in a car crash. we'll continue to monitor this situation and bring you the latest information as it becomes available. to our top story, those uninvited guests who attended president obama's state dinner tuesday. lawyers for michaele and tareq salahi maintain the couple were cleared. >> secret service says their probe is intensifies. brian moar is on capitol hill with more on this story. >> reporter: experts say this points to a serious hole in the white house security. the problem is it's not sure what that hole is. >> reporter: michaele and tareq may have been unknown when they showed up to the obama first state dinner, but all of washington is asking who they are and the secret service is investigating whether they crashed the hottest party in town. the self-styled socialites had their photo snapped with vice president biden. their lawyer says they were cleared by the white hou to be at the dinner honoring india's prime minister. the white house denies they were invited. >> when i first looked at them i thought, could that be them? >> reporter: "the washington post" columnist knew of the salahis and wondered how they got through the tight security into this bash. >> they want to be famous and got their wish. >> reporter: salahi is being taped for the bravo series "the house whifbs." federal investigators are trying to derp whether any laws were broken or whether presidential security was compromised. >> it shows how ey it is to get into what is supposed to be the safest home and the safest protected couple in the world. >> reporter: now a couple reportedly hungry for headlines and drama may face more than they expected. the salahis are reportedly going to reveal their side of the story monday evening in a talk show interview. back to you. >> thanks, brian. coming up on news4 at 5:00, julie carey reports on friends who spoke to the salahi last night. >>. >> it is the olympics of holiday shopping as the bargain-hunting and sleep deprived go for retail gold. friday shoppers out in full force from maryland to virginia. mall lines set the scenes at stories like best buy, target. early estimates show shoppers were not just looking but also buying. news4's megan mcgrath reports. >> reporter: packed parking lots, crowded stores. even people in their pajamas. let the black friday shopping begin. >> we just started. we hit lucky brand jeans, then guess. there are a lot of great deals today. >> reporter: bargain hunters left the comforts of their beds in the middle of the night, all in pursuit of good deals. >> there are incentives. when you go to the stores, if you arrive before 9:00 or 10:00 you get an extra 10% or 20% off. there is incentive for getting up. >> really good deals. >> reporter: at the leesburg corner premium outlet most stores opened at mid night. many offered special promotions and coupons to the first customers. >> going to get extra seatings. a lot are doing 50% until 8:00 a.m. >> reporter: as the morning wore on, the die-hard shoppers were joined by those who place more value on their sleep but they, too, came for bargains. shoppers are willing to spend, but only if they get a good deal. >> if it's not a good deal, i'm not picking it up. >> i'm looking for a bargain. i'm a frugal shopper. >> reporter: it's a been year for retailers. th hope if they offer deep discounts, that consumers will open up their wallets and help out with their bottom line. that remains to be seen. back to you in the studio. here is a live look courtesy of chopper 4 over arundel mills mall. the parking lot full. if you did not want to brave the crowd today, many major stores continue the black friday sales into tomorrow. be warned, they may be out of some of more popular items. >> one thing to look out for this black friday and through the holiday season is identity theft, both online and in the store. experts say be careful with webses like facebook and twitter. more retailers are using the sites to promote good deals and coupons. if you get an unexpected e-mail or link to a website asking for your social security or account number, it could be fraud. for in-store shoppers, don't like a wallet or check look in your car, even if it's in the glove compartment. folks who aren't able to take advantage of today's black friday deals, there is always cyber monday as the kickoff of the online holiday shopping season. for shoppers, it's an opportunity to avoid the big crowds. e shopping sites like and are offering deals that start on sunday and last through the week. for more information about where to start your cyber shopping or even a few holiday gift guides, visit washington transit agency is spending $38,000 on a pilot program for better lighting in its stations. metro is testing new lights at the judiciary square station. officials say they chose that because it is one of the darker ones. the metro may soon install the light fixtures at dupont circle and foggy bottom. senators mark warner and jim webb joined frank wolf, jim moran and jerry connolly pressing for sound barriers along the dulles rail corner. they've written a letter asking that sound walls be included in the project. neighborhoods in mclean on both sides of the dulles toll road are worried state budget cuts may cancel funding for those sound walls. new at 4:00 today, four days of repairs on a broken water main in arlington are wrapping up. the 36-inch pipe groek on monday. crews have the water main fixed and filled again. that part of old glebe road will be closed while they fix the road above the pipe. one utility worker died of electric shock. another is st i'll in critical condition after being electrocuted. a live look outside on a cold and windy friday. there's talk of a lot of sunshine for the weekend. >> mor of what we can expect in our friday and weekend forecast. >> i am the one who is talking about it, too. even though today, boy, it's a little taste of winter. i'll show you a picture later on. take aook outside right now. here is what's going on in and around us. there we are. there is our sky looking down the river. we have clouds around. our current temperature here in northwest washington, 47 degrees. look at the 40s and the wind gusts. still up to 25 and 30 miles per hour in gusts. there is a winter weather advisory for western maryland, out of the mountains of west virginia and doppler. there is not a whole lot going on around us. there have been sprinkles. oakland, maryland, 27 degrees. windy evening. it will be clearing out though, fear not. a lot of sunshine. chilly sunshine tomorrow morning. i'll tell you how sunny and i will take you and show you what has been happening, not that far away, wintertime. i'll join you in a few minutes. >> it is costing a lot of money for d.c. to take care of the man accused in the deadly holocaust museum shooting. associated press says the medical care for james van brown costs $55,000 so far. the 89-year-old is charged with opening fire in june and killing special officer steven johns. the d.c. department of correction is not saying what treatment von brunn is getting in brings-on. washington is saying good-bye to a local legend today. abe pollin best known as the owner of the washington wizards is being laid to rest. his impact in the washington community stretches beyond the basketball court and beyond the sports arena. kimberly suiters has more. >> reporter: from kitchens for the homeless to college scholarships. >> the parents were stunned. >> reporter: abe pollin made dreams come true. >> we have a lawyer, a track star, a doctor, an elevator operator, we have a musician, we have a fashion designer, we have a police officer. >> reporter: and we have two mayors. >> who worked by pollin's side to change life as you would come to know it in downtown d.c. >> abe pollin has been larger than life figure who represented the best of washington, d.c. >> reporter: abe pollin was not only a great grandfather in his own family, he was the great grandfather of the nba. the longest tenured owner of an nba team who held out hope for yet another trophy. >> he wanted the championship before he died. as long as i'm here, that's what i'm shooting for. >> reporter: pollin himself shot for the stars and brought them to earth. sometimes as with the now verizon center, surprising even himself. >> i'm happy to say that it exceeded my best hopes for success. >> reporter: a very successful, very special man who always said, "just call me abe." kimberly suiters, news4. >> there will be a public memorial service at the verizon center december th. >> news4 at 4:00 just getting started. mission complete. >> shuttle "atlantis" makes a picture-perfect landing. why was this trip so important to nasa? >> at 4:30, the mysterious disappearance of an american man while traveling overseas. >> what major retailers are doing to keep you from digging the weather and landing were both described as picture perfect. "atlantis" touching down smoothly at florida's kennedy space center. the touchdown was especially sweet for two of the astronauts. nicole stodt is back home after spending three months aboard the international space station. the fellow astronaut has en bigger plans. he gets to hold his newborn daughter the first time. here is kristen dahlgren. >> reporter: when "atlantis" blasted off 11 days ago, it was a mission about an end. one of six shuttle missions left. its main purpose to cart a huge load of spare parts to the international space station. >> it's sad to think it's going to be a relic ending up in a museum. >> reporter: but it's a new beginning. >> at 11:04 last night, abigail joined the nasa family. >> reporter: randy whose wife was told they had a 1 in a million chance of having a baby, his wife gave birth while he was shooting over the stars. the crew found a freeze-dried thanksgiving feast someone snuck onboard to surprise them. >> shockingly, yeah. thanksgiving to me has not always been about the food you eat but the company you keep. i'm keeping outstanding company here. >> reporter: as the crew heads for home, it seems they have a lot to be thankful for. >> it's the end of an era, but the beginning of an era, as well. the space station is nearly complete. if you think you've seen interesting expeditions, you ain't seen something yet. >> smoked and irrigated turkey with packages of candied yams, corn stuffing and green beans. aviation officialsevealed new transcripts after pilots told them what happened in october when flight 88 past its minneapolis stop by 1 50 miles. the federal aviation administration released the documents which show air traffic controllers asking the crew what happened and if they had enough fuel. one of the pilots told controllers they were distracted dealing with company issues. the plane did land safely but the faa is investigating the incident. we want to update you on the story we brought you at the top of our newscast. we learned that tiger woods is out of the hospital right now. woods got into a serious car accident right outside his home this morning in winermere, florida. the 33-year-old professional golfer hit a fire hydrant and struck a tree early this morning. according to a police report out of florida, alcohol was not involved. tiger woods was taken to a nearby hospital and his injuries reported serious by police. we were told he might have facial lacerations. his publicist says he is just fine and has been released from the hospital at this hour. ahead on news4 at 4:00, family trablg. >> the horrific turn of events that left nearly a half dozen people dead. >> also the growing trend in sex tapes. >> pack on the pounds this the first family got their christmas tree today. the 18 1/2 foot tall douglas fir was presented to michelle obama. it arrived at the white house via horse-drawn carriage. it will be on display in the blue room throughout the holiday season. just a few hours from now, the city of alexandria will hold its annual tree lighting. families are welcome to join the festivities. they start 7:00 on market square on king street. there will be carolling and of course, a visit from st. nick himself. that will happenain or shine, bob ryan. >> it will be not shining or raining, but will be after sun set. this is something you don't see every thanksgiving. heavy surf, the big surf out in hawaii. boy, they had to put up the danger signs because remember i showed you that supertyphoon out in the central pacific? this is what it generates. heavy surf. you've got to be heavy and serious surfers. outside right now, look at that. our sky, sun just about ready to peek below the horizon. it is a chilly 47 with the gusty northwesterly wind. it's time to talk about the wind chill. wind chill 40. look at temperatures around the east. we get a surge of cold air. 37 degrees. we are at 47. chicago 39. it's told but not bitterly cold. with that wind, feels like it's in the 30s in most areas. there was yesterday's area of cloudiness. got a dip in the jet stream. that area of storminess producing rains up in new england. behind it now, i think as we set up into the weekend, a lot of sunshine coming up. earlier there were those passing showers as that cold air came in. one of our weather watchers picked up hail i parts of southern maryland. look at this. this isot hail. this is where it's still snowing in the mountains of west virginia. as a matter of fact, i'll get out of the way. got this from mike at the savage river lodge, four, five inches of snow there and up to seven to eight inches where it's still snowing. overnight tonight, that area of storminess off the coast. that moves off. then tomorrow things begin to settle down as an air why of high pressure moves in on us. by the time we get onto sunday, we'll see winds turn more into the southwest. delightful weather for sunday. temperatures tomorrow about average. 53 degrees. clearing, breezy, chilly for your evening. overnight tonight temperatures for clear skies. we'll be dipping into the low 30s in the suburbs. intown about 36, 37 degrees. a lot of sunshine. tomorrow beautiful day. maybe some of those fair weather clouds, not as many as today. with temperatures tomorrow afternoon getting up to around the low 50s. a little milder on sunday. i'll tell you more about that. we are following new stories tonight on news4 at 5:00. a decades-old holiday tradition is about to be halted in loudoun county after a committee decides there will no longer be a holiday display at the courthouse. tell us what this is all about. >> reporter: this is not so much about religious freedom. as much as it's about maintaining the property on the courthouse grounds. they are saying they had so many groups requesting to do things all year round from a battle of the band for different high school bands to come on to the front of the lawn and folk whose said this would be a great place for a dog park. so we have a community organization saying to control this we need to stop all displays and that includes the christmas display and the stuff people in that county are used to. the other part of this is leesburg is much like a small town. they like that smalltown feel. a lot of folks are saying we like our little smalltown feel and don't want to see the christmas tree go away. >> a lot will be disappointed if this goes through. >> reporter: a lot of people will be disappointed. others say i completely understand. and should we have that in front of the courthouse? >> and we'll get the rest of the story about the debate coming up on news4 at 5:00. craig, back to you. lots more ahead here on news4 at 4:00. at 4:30, without a trace. the search for a missing american overseas and circumstances around his disappearance. plus some good news for holiday shoppers as retailers take steps so you don't sink into welcome back to news4 at 4:00, i'm pat lawson muse. >> i'm craig melvin in for jim handly this friday. tiger woods is out of the hospital. he was hurt in a car accident near his florida home early this morning. highway patrol says his suv hit a fire hydrant then a tree. although his injuries are described as serious, a publicist for woods says the pro golfer has been released from the hospital and is in good condition. met the row officials are going to make it easier to read and get around their stations. the transit agency is spending $38,000 on a pilot program to bring better lighting to some of its stations. metro is testing the new bank of lights at dupont circle, metro center and foggy bottom are all next on the list. >> the d.c. department of corrections spent more than $55,000 on medical teams for james von brunn, the self-proclaimed white separatist accused of killing a holocaust museum security guard in june. our top story at 4:30, u.s. embassy officials in europe are searching for clues in the disappearance of a young american. 22-year-old devon hollohan hasn't been seen since last saturday when he traveled from prague. >> devon and his friend went to this club to see a concert. this is the last photo taken of the 22-year-old backstage after the show. >> we were drinking at the club for a few hours afterwards. we were in a foreign country. we were having a good time. we were on vacation. >> reporter: around 3:00 a.m. they caught a cab back to town. they couldn't find their hostel and he asked for descriptions. >> i turned around and he was gone. >> reporter: the money wasn't great, but he loved the city and he is an experienced traveler. >> what he did going to frankfurt was nothing out of the offered for him. what was out of the ordinary was the result. >> reporter: emergency rooms and police sagss have no record of devon that night. facebook members of the bang remember hanging out with hem, but don't remember anything suspicious. devon hollahan vanished. josh texted and called him. eventually josh went to the hostel hoping den checked in. when he didn't checkup, he searched other hospitals in the area. he reported devon missing to the police. >> jeff plans to travel to frankfurt this weekend to help in the search for his sons. embassy officials in prague plan to go to his apartment today to see if his computer holds clues about where he might have gone. a thanksgiving tragedy claims the lives of a pregnant woman and a child at the south florida home of tv news photographer jim sitten. after dinner, 35-year-old paul merhige went to his car, came back with his gun, shot six people including the photographer's daughter. he shot her as she slept in her bed. merhige killed his 33-year-old twin sisters, one of whom was pregnant and his 76-year-old aunt. >> my 6-year-old daughter is dead, michaela joy sydney. i wanted to let everyone know she is in heaven. >> we know there was an ongoing resentment between him and several family members inside the home. >> police have not located the shooter. roman polanski has been granted house arrest in switzerland, but he will spend this weekend in jail. polanski will not be released before monday because he has not met the security conditions of his bail. the 76-year-old film director has been ordered to post $4.5 million in bail, surrender his identity papers and be fitted with a monitoring bracelet. he will serve his house arrest in a chat he owns in the swiss alps. the swiss are decided whether to extradite him back to the u.s. he fled the country in 1977 after pleading guilty to having sex with a 13-year-old girl. in italy, the eight-month-old trial against amanda knox is coming to an end. knox and her italian boyfriend were back in court today. they are accused of killing knox's british roommate two years ago in italy. prosecutors say kircher was tortured to death during a drug-fueled sex game. they are facing life sentences if convicted. outside the courtroom, knox's father says he is not surprised by the prosecution's request. >> well, it was expected under the circumstances, but we believe it's going to be very clear during closing arguments that she had nothing to do with it, as it has been the whole trial. >> knox denied any wrong doing. a verdict is expected next month. a third suspect has already been convicted of the crime and was sentenced to 30 years. texting is not just popular among teenagers these days. senior citizens are getting in on the explicit text messaging craze. seniors are more cautious about what they text. many seniors are sending messages to their long-time spouses or people they know, and they rarely send suggestive pictures. 93-year-old ruth sees nothing wrong with it. >> this is a new possibility for me. i have been saying, what am i going to do while i hibernate this winter? >> reporter: more and more therapist and relationship coaches are telling their older clients to give sexting a try. it was not fresh mountain snow that covered the fnt lawn of the colorado governor's mansion early thanksgiving morning, it was toilet paper. governor bill righter and his wife awakened to find someone tp the home. they brushed it off saying toilet paper is harmless. that is gutsy. >> it is a dirty trick, isn't it? women and weight loss. >> what ladies can do to fight the battle of the bulge. >> in the market for a new pet? >> a local man is alive and well today and it's all because of what his wife gave him. this isn't just a great day to get a great deal on toys, electronics and clothes, but a great day to get a good deal on pets. washington humane society is having a black friday sale of its own. all pet adoptions are 50% off today. if you would like to take home a new friend for the holidays, 7319 georgia avenue northwest d.c. >> they say the holidays are a bad time to give pets. >> really? >> people often don't want them after the holidays. >> bob, how about the weather? >> you got some pet fur in there? they spay and neuter them also. outside today we had quite a day. watching the sky. we had our time lapse looking down the river, there are those passing rain showers, although just above us a couple thousand feet up it was snow. i'll show you more of the snow on the mountains. now you can see those skies cleared out. look at temperatures around the country. bismark, north dakota, 52 right now. milder than we are here in washington. for the other big travel day on sunday, we'll have good travel up and down the east coast. there will be snow, snow squalls around the great lakes, wisconsin, minnesota. no big travel delays. overnight tonight, boy, our temperatures will dip into the 30s. tomorrow in the low 50s. after that sunday looks great. another batch of rain coming in. it will be rain on monday the way it looks now. back to work, back to school, back to you. >> thank you. when we come back onews4 at 4:00, put the it on lay-away. >> to keep shoppers from breaking the bank. >> a clearer picture why women gain more weight than men. >> what the octomom is saying about her future. more key injuries. >> helping to give thanks. >> what's happening in the locker room? >> on the next redskins showtime. >> saturday at shopping for christmas gifts without racking up credit card debt is a huge challenge. lay-away is back for shoppers. here is bob hanson. >> reporter: the holidays could put a strain on any budget. that's why sasha bought her bassinet on lay oweway. department store lay-aways are an old-fashioned idea getting new life. >> i don't think a lot of people are knowledgeable about it. >> from a consumer standpoint it's a good deal. >> reporter: a good deal according to a marketing professor. >> you do your shopping and say i want to put this on lay-away. we do it right there for you. >> reporter: sears is promoting its lay-away program for the shopping season. sears offers lay-aways in the store and online a $5 fee and down payment and eight biweekly payments. >> you can pay it off any time you feel like it. >> reporter: what if the item goes on sale? sears will match the surprise. >> i think it makes sense with those customers that are willing to discipline themselves to have more power to say i want it now, i don't want to lose it. >> reporter: what if you change your mind over those eight wakes? sears says you can walk away from the deal any time and get your money back, but you do lose where you are $5 fee and have to pay another 5 bucks for the cancellation. >> would you do it again? >> absolute thely. i am thinking about doing it this christmas. >> reporter: bob hanson for nbc news. lay away policies vary from store to store. get all the details before you sign up. ladies, ever feel like the more you exercise the hungrier you get? researchers are beginning to understand why women who work out regularly still have trouble losing weight. the science shows that exercise triggers certain hormones that make you want to eat more. unfortunately, women are affected more because a woman's metabolism is almost 1/3 slower than a man. the solution may not be what you want to hear. >> if you really want to lose weight or maintain a low weight with exercise you have to push the heart rate up. get it up there around 85% of maximum, which is high. >> experts say interval training is best. if exercise is making you hungry, grab something that is healthy to eat and you'll feel satisfied more quickly than if you reach for junk food. despite whether you are male or female, you may feel guilty about the thanksgiving calories you consumed. gold's gym is making an offer hard to pass up. this weekend the gym is opening itdoors around the country free of charge. here is a quick guide how to work it all off a half hour on the treadmill will help you burn off one cup of stuffing which has 340 calories. you'll have to spend 15 minutes on the elliptical to work off the 180 calories in the cranberry sauce. if you saved room for dessert, you take 25 minutes for a brisk workout on the stationary bike, rowing machine or stair climber. that's how long it will take you to burn off the 320 calories in a typical serving of pumpkin pie. >> just write it off. write off thanksgiving. be realistic, people. >> you can think exercise. when we come back here on news4 at 4:00, paying uncle sam. >> the political heavyweight who appears to be behind on tax payments. >> a local man's story of survival. coming up on news4 at 5:00 -- >> good afternoon, i'm wendy rieger. we are continuing to follow the developing story about golfer tiger woods. he was injured in a car accident outside his florida home early this morning. now his spokesperson is talking about his condition. >> also too close for comfort. alose call for a park ranger as he narrowly escapes the jaws of a crocodile while taping a show. >> and foods that could help you ward off a cold or flu. the holiday fun continued in fairfax county this morning. revelers watched as the reston town center held its first annual parade. >> how does the weekend forecast look? >> it looks great. the it's the coldest right now with the wins outside. look at doppler. nothing on doppler. earlier there were passing showers. this is in white plains. you can see on the canvas cover there. it's hail. there was small hail reported. you get an idea when the first snow will be. it won't be tonight. send me your guess, as always. if yours is the earliest correct guess of the hour and day of the first snow report, you get the gold shovel. overnight tonight, temperatures will be in the 30s. tomorrow sunshine and sunday. by sunday, near 60. back to you. after the break on news4 at 4:00, a kidney transplant. >> a local man has welcome back. a new report claims governor arnold schwarzenegger owes the state of california nearly $80,000. it's all in the form of unpaid taxes from 2004 and 2005. that's according to court papers obtained by governor schwarzenegger's office has not responded to the reports. the woman commonly known as octomom isn't ruling out having more children. nadia suleman made the admission to matt lauer on last night's "people of the year." she said if she met the right man she would be open to the idea. right now she is a single mother of 14. thanksgiving may be over, but we know of one husband who wakes up every morning grateful for his wife kathy. ron miner, a former colleague here at nbc 4 says she saved his life. jim vance has their story. >> reporter: this is a love story. it started with an exchange of rings. and two decades later it continues with an exchange of another kind. a kidney, a transplant, out of kathy into ron. when ron found out he needed a transplant, it scared hi >> absolutely, yes, yes. i thought immediately, i thought, oh, my god, my life is over. there are 80,000 people waiting for a kidney. >> reporter: so they put him on a list with 80,000 others. >> then you had friends that come forward to be possible donors. they were ruled out right away because i have a lot of friends that like to drink. if you drink, you know, you're not even considered. >> reporter: then lo and behold he found a match. it was his wife. >> that was the shock of all time. >> reporter: it probably shouldn't have been. ron and kathy minor are more than married. they're soulmates. ron was a cameraman here at wrc for 35 years. kathy works with the d.c. police department. for a quarter of a century they lived the life they loved and they have loved the life they live. >> the family that rides together stays together. >> reporter: when word came that ron's life was in peril, kathy never thought twice. >> there was no issue. i knew it had to be done. he needed a kidney and i was going to do it. >> reporter: it was successful, october 21, 2009. ron was up and walking the next day. and two days later, they both were home with gratitude for a new lease on life, and for kathy, a plan. what do you say to a person that saved your life? >> i don't know how to thank her, vance. >> but i have a long list of things. >> like? >> well, you know, 5-carat diamond. new fur coat, trips around the world, but really -- he doesn't have to give me anything. >> jim vance reporting there kathy and ron are eager to point out that there is nothing either one of them really wants beyond what they already have, each other. that is news4 at 4:00 on this friday. news4 at 5:00 starts right now. tonight on news4 at 5:00, residents speak out about a new policy that bans holiday displays outside a local courthouse. police investigate after golfer tiger woods is injured in an accident outside his florida home. and long lines and lots of people. are shoppers actually cracking open those wallets to take advantage of black friday deals? good afternoon, i'm pat lawson muse in nor jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger. we begin with the the latest developments in that story that involved tiger woods. the golfer was seriously hurt in a car accident outside his home in east lake, florida, at 2:30 this morning. kristen dahlgren has more. >> reporter: police say tiger woods was pulling out of his own driveway at his home in windermere, florida, whe he was injured in a car accident. according to the report, the 33-year-old professional golfer drove his 2009 cadillac escalade into a fire hydrant and then hit a tree in his neighbor's yard. woods was transported to nearby health central hospital where sources say he was treated and released for facial lacerations. >> he was admitted and treated and released today in good condition. >> reporter: the florida highway patrol says his air bags did not deploy indicating the vehicle was traveling under 33 miles per hour. the accident was not alcohol-related, but that charges are pending. the world's most famous golfer lives in his home with his wife and two children. no word if

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