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we begin with breaking news out of virginia tonight. the principal who suspended a student for wearing a banana costume and running on to the football field has resigned. karen spillman is out in stafford, virginia. the freelance star and local reports she handed in her resignation at a school board mao meeting tonight. she suggested the suspension of brian thompson for the school year. but after the story was picked up by national organizations the school reinstated him and issued an apology. an assistant superintendent will take over. jim vance has the night off. >> i'm doreen gentzler. now to the amazing sight on top of the national monument today. the first worker climbed out on the washington monument just before 10:00 a.m. while crowds of people watched from hundreds of feet below. the first steps in an effort to assess the exterior damage to the monument from the earthquake. the monument is 555 feet tall, the equivalent of 170 meters, it was the world's tallest building in 1884. shomari stone joins us on the national mall with a unique perspective tonight. >> reporter: you have to admire the men working on the top of the monument. although it is their job and it is dangerous. they had to stop what they were doing because of lightning in the area. tonight we talked to a professional climber and he is fascinated with what these guys are doing. structural engineers inspect outside the tip of the washington monument after surveillance cameras captured stone and debris falling inside after the earthquake shook the nation's capital. >> you can see the men at the top of the monument. what is your reaction when you see that? >> that's high up there. it looks like fun though if you are a climber. >> reporter: bill dudley knows about heights. he has rappelled down 1,000 foot mountains. >> it is dangerous. >> reporter: he is an instructor at earth treks. >> i would love to be able to legally do that, rappel off the washington monument. >> reporter: the crews will ha r.a. pell and check for cracks from top to bottom. right now i climbed about 15 feet. up at top it is around 25 feet. and imagine the guys at the top of the monument are going up 20 times this height. >> be sure of the safety systems. i think that is 555 feet up in the air. that is a long way. >> reporter: the engineers constructed a barrier around the lightning rod system. the site is stable and not in danger of falling. >> we are checking for any potential later on portions of stones that couldal and potentially injury somebody. we can't let that happen. >> reporter: locals and tourists snapped photos of the work. >> i would not do that. >> no. i don't like heights. >> reporter: neither do i. that's why i stopped at 15 feet. tomorrow the park services will have a news conference giving us an update on today and the goals throughout the day. for now the washington mon maintain is closed. live in d.c. i'm shomari stone. back to you in the studio. mother nature's onslaught of rain continued today. that led to minor flooding in alexandria. doug kammerer is in the weather center. we had a coastal flood advisory for washington and alexandria. that is the kind of flooding that you see down there. the advisory will be dropped. but we could see more rain overnight and into tomorrow. right now the radar is clear. that is good news. but as we widen out here a lot of rain in southwestern virginia in roanoke and the carolinas. that will make its way to the north as a frontal boundary is draped across the area. you can expect more rain. plus big changes doreen for the weekend. the good news about this one is i think is it something we can live with. >> hope so. thank you, doug. all the rain may have contributed to a dangerous situation at a building in the district this afternoon. dozens of people were sickened and had to be taken to the hospital. jackie bensen spoke with some inside at the time. >> reporter: a spokesman for second genesis which runs this facility tells news4 tonight that this problem was caused when a vent from the building's boiler collapsed after recent heavy rain. by night fall residents were briefly let back into the facility. some told news4 said they felt ill prior to the incident. >> my head was throbbing and i was lightheaded. stomach is tight. chest hurting. >> all of a sudden he collapsed on the ground. >> reporter: it started at 3:15 p.m. with a 911 call for one person with flu-like systems. by the time it is over three bus loads of people suffering with high levels of carbon monoxide were taken to the hospital. all are expected to survive. but if it had not been for the fast thinking of the first responding firefighters things could have been worse. >> i asked the doctor, the on scene doctor which resides in the structure itself, how many patients what were the name of the patients and what were their symptoms. once i got that i called in for additional resources. >> get in the bus, take your mask and put it on your face. >> reporter: it allowed paramedics to administrator oxygen to a large number of people quickly. when the firefighters entered the building with meters they discovered high levels of carbon monoxide. it was traced to the hot water boiler. >> are you scared to go back? >> yes. >> the second genesis spokesman say that the facility has no record of patients complaining of flu-like symptoms and it also had no carbon monoxide detectors. they are installing them. back to you. >> thank you, jackie. an emotional trial and day for a woman accused of murdering her granddaughter at tyson's corner center. the father of the two-year-old broke down on the witness stand. his mother-in-law, carmela dela rosa is accused of throwing the child from a walkway last november to get revenge on her son-in-law for getting her daughter pregnant out of wedlock. in a statement she told detectives i thought about james when i threw her. a juror was so visibly distraught by the testimony she was excused from service. she has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. chris christie maintains he is not running for president. he spoke at the reagan library in california tonight focusing on american exceptionalism. an audience member asked if he is reconsidering entering the race. >> the fact that that is the second question. [ laughter ] shows you people are off your game. that is not american exceptionalism. >> following his response he directed the audience to an online video which shows him saying no. it has been two weeks since i sent it to congress. now i want it back. >> president obama continued the push for congress to pass his jobs bill today. he wrapped up a three-day tour out west in denver speaking at abraham lincoln high school. is it a school eligible for founds to modernize facilities under the bill. the republicans criticized the act and the proposal to fund it by increasing taxes on the wealthy. the white house expects congress to pass a jobs bill before the end of the year. a potential statewide ban on crib bumper pads as health officials warn of a health risk. flames eat up a building in san francisco. a shocking first day in the trial of michael jackson's doctor with image that are too graphic for television. redskins fans upset with in one room. firefighters worked for more than an hour to stop a huge blaze in san francisco tonight. investigators say the flames started at the top floor of a building in the hagt ashbury neighborhood before spreading thick black smoke and flames could be seen coming from the roof. everyone inside got out safely. maryland could be the first state to ban the sale of crib bumpers. maryland health officials are seeking input for the ban. they have been linked to two dozen infant deaths. the material can suffocate a baby that is not strung enough to move its head. the reported sexual assault of a ten-year-old girl has prompted property owners to step up security. a man broke into this complex yesterday morning and attacked the girl in her bedroom. now the complex managers have hired off duty officers to patrol the property. they are offering a $15,000 reward for information leading to an arrest which comes on top of the $25,000 reward from police. as many as 16 people have died from listeria poisoning after eating to cantaloupe according to the centers for disease control. that tainted cantaloupe has been traced to colorado. illnesses have been reported in a dozen states including maryland. is it the deadliest food outbreak in more than a decade. power companies on the hot seat after their restoration efforts after hurricane irene. the first day of the trial for michael jackson's doctor got off to a shocking start. prosecutors wasted no time before showing a picture of the pop star after he died. they also played add yoi tapes of jackson while on propofol. >> reporter: day one began with the prosecution's charges. >> it was dr. murray's repeated incompetent and unskilled act that led to mr. jackson's death on june 25th 2009. >> reporter: prosecutors claim that dr. murray violated the standard of care by giving the pop star propofol to help him sleep and outlined murray's actions in the wakes and days leading up to his death and displayed an audio tape of an incoherent sounding jackson six week before his death. >> reporter: dr. murray wiped away tears as ed chernoff disputed the prosecution's claims and described murray as a caring physician. suggesting that jackson himself administered the fatal dose. >> against his orders he did an act that caused his own death. >> reporter: then the first witness took the stand, kenny ortega who says he voiced concerns over jackson's health to dr. murray. >> he said i should stop trying to be an amateur psychologist and doctor and leave his help to him. >> reporter: six days later jackson was dead and two years later the trial against his personal doctor is underway. bge officials called hurricane irene one of the most damaging storms in company history today. they made that statement at the prince george's county counsel. they testified on restoration efforts following the storm. during the peek bge had 750,000 customers in the dark. the companies say they learned lessons from irene to improve performance in the future. >> wow. >> been a rough time around here lately. >> you can say that. >> no sunshine all month. >> who needs sunshine? >> what tuesday that look like? >> who needs sunshine? >> i think the people out west have seen sunshine. they are normally gloomy. but for us we have only seen one day of sunshine out there and it was not today although we did see some sunshine. out in peace circumstance until front of the u.s. capitol that statue erected in 1877 and '78. not a bad night. the high temperature got up to 78 degrees. actually was i right? yeah. 78 degrees. the low around 71. but there are big changes coming. one, i think we get rid of the rain. that is good news but then we are going to see cool air make its way in for the weekend. a lot of you are looking forward to that. 70 right now with winds at 3 miles per hour. the current temperatures 66 in culpepper. for the radar there is no rain right now but starting to see shower activity to the south and west of charlottesville. we will watch this move up the mountains. if you live along the blue ridge you will see a good area of showers throughout the night tonight as this continues and maybe move up into the washington area tomorrow morning. all because of this area of low pressure that just continues to spin in chicago. parts of the chicagoland area up to three to six inches of rain in a couple of days. they getting that upper level low and that heavy rain. but that rain is extending from the great lakes all the way down to parts of the southeast where the severe storms today down in portions of georgia. we have a lot of moisture to go. this is tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. shower activity around the i-95 corridor tomorrow. i'm not looking for too much in the way of heavy rain tomorrow morning but it is enough to make the roads wet in some areas. tomorrow afternoon, showers and thunderstorms once again around one, two, three, 4:00 in the afternoon that they will continue through the 11:00 hour before the frontal boundary on thursday. more clouds, showers likely tomorrow morning. areas of fog too. 63 to 68 degrees. tomorrow afternoon watch out for storms that are on the strong side especially if we see sunshine. as we move on through the next four days, on friday i've taken the rain chances out with a temperature of 75. but look at saturday and sunday highs only in the low to mid-60s with some wind. most areas this weekend will wake up to temperatures in the 40s for the first time this year. >> football weather. >> yeah. >> thank you, doug. >> thank you, doug. still ahead whyture, you're always looking ahead... to what's next... to what's possible confident... that taking action now, is the way to create... a better tomorrow. that's why we're announcing, that with the planned merger with t-mobile, at&t will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we will invest eight billion dollars more... and deploy the next generation of wireless broadband to nearly everyone in america. this investment will create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. here at at&t, we believe in the future. we're not hesitating. we're investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america... has always been... and always will be... a smart investment. at&t. hero last night. would his bat help the team tonight? the fallout continues from after last night's game still. >> yeah. people are saying things that are not so nice. redskins' cornerback deangelo hall had six tackles but never hit tony romo but landed a direct hit on the coaching staff. dan hellie has more from redskins park. >> reporter: one single play never defines a game but the one play that everyone is talking about is the third and 21 play in the fourth quarter. the redskins call a zero blitz. they send the house. somehow tony romo finds his receiver who was manned up with deangelo hall. it is a 30-yard pickup and a 15-yard face mask penalty. deangelo hall hated the call and made his feelings known afterwards in the locker room. >> when he scrambles -- >> he ain't supposed to have to. he ain't supposed to have to. but [ bleep ] happens. >> it worked for you a lot earlier in the game. >> in the latest someone is going to [ bleep ] figure it out. you don't have to be a [ bleep ] rocket scientist to figure it out after a while. >> it wasn't a good play? >> you tell me. the end result was a first down. >> is that one you would like to have back? >> you can always second guess a lot of different calls but we had a chance to sack him back there. roman avoided the rush and they made a play. >> the first minicontroversy of the season. mike shanahan going to put that out in a hurry. all will be forgotten if the redskins can go to st. louis and beat the 0-3 rams on sunday. from redskins' park, dan hellie, news4 sports. stephen strasburg will take the mound tomorrow afternoon. unfortunately he won't be able to pitch washington to a winning season. tonight the marlins beat the nats in the bottom of the ninth. in the fifth, michael morse at the plate with a game-winning home run last night. here he crushes number 31. take another look at this swing. a solo shot off vazquez. 95 rbis this year for morse. game tied at 1. nats lead 2-1. landon facing morse again. ramos can't handle it. bonn fassio is in there. bottom 9 still knotted at two. brian peterson with two outs ball game. peterson with a no-doubter loo to right. the marlins win it on a walkoff home run. the final game of the season is tomorrow. when the orioles and red sox get together seafood always on the menu. so are great catches. two outs bases loaded. nick markakis coming on, dives and makes the catch. see it again. big-time play by markakis. wow. top six we go. pitching to marco scutaro with a man on and he hammers one to left. the red sox hang on to win it 8-7 and are tied with the rays for the wild card lead with one still to amer w mi adorable in ared5ve room.:ñ1s the number of americans who say they are living with the same gender partner has doubled in the past decade. that is according to the census bureau. one in five couples listed they were married to a same-sex partner. the district had the highest number at 2%. this weekend is the end of a broadcasting era as andy rooney leaves 60 minutes. he will retire after 33 years. he began his career as beth! hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? 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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Washington Monument , District Of Columbia , Prince George County , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Colorado , California , Maryland , Georgia , Washington , Bonn , Nordrhein Westfalen , Germany , Denver , Chicago , Illinois , San Francisco , Americans , America , American , Brian Thompson , Andy Rooney , Jim Vance , Stephen Strasburg , Marco Scutaro , Brian Peterson , Tony Romo , Kenny Ortega , Michael Jackson , Abraham Lincoln , Chris Christie , Deangelo Hall , Jerry Neumann , Karen Spillman , Mike Shanahan , Jay Leno , Lauren Graham ,

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