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Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news. Reporting tonight, lester holt. Good evening and thanks for being with us. One was loaded with passengers and flying into the teeth of a snowstorm and nearly into icy waters. The other flown by a world famous movie star who nearly crashed into a row of homes. Two plane accidents, both skirting the edge of disaster and still getting a lot of attention tonight for all the questions they raise about our safety. Well get to the Harrison Ford crash in a moment, but we begin with new information about that Delta Airlines plane that slid off the runway at new Yorks Laguardia airport yesterday. And theres new focus on the airport itself and whether it was safe to fly at the time. Tom costello remains on that story for us tonight. Reporter inside a hangar at laguardia airport, the Delta Airlines jet that went off runway 13 in a snowstorm yesterday morning. Its nose ripped off, the left fuel tank ruptured. Overnight port authori used cranes to move the plane. By midmorning the runway had reopened for traffic. Also t pilots thought they were in for a routine landing as they checked in with the tower, which reported two previous planes had just landed without a problem. And delta 1086 laguardia tower winds zero three zero at niner. Runway 13 cleared to land. Braking action is pretty good by an airbus and regional jet. Reporter the q tonight, did the planes speed, brakes or thrust reversers play a role as it stopped just inches from the water. Its up to each airport to decide when to close runways due to weather. On thursday laguardias airport manager car 100 was on the ramp supervising snowplow operations. Hes the one who closed the airport after the crash. Tower, car 100, runway 13 is reporter today, my plane came in over that same icefilled flushing bay. The city right on the water laguardias runways mean pilots must be at their best when they come in for a landing, especially if that water is splashing onto an icy runway. Being about 7,000 feet long on both runways is a place you want to put the airplane on the ground very definitely, firmly. Reporter sitting in a window seat watching the crash unfold before her eyes, passenger jamie sullivan. And then i saw the rocks. And then i saw the water. And its at that moment that your mind goes what happens if you go into the water. Do planes sink . Do they float . Will i ever see my kids again . Reporter tonight, the ntsb tells nbc news it has successfully downloaded the data from the cockpit voice and data recorders and have good data for the entire duration of the flight. Theyre hoping to talk to the pilots some time over the weekend at delta headquarter atlanta. Meanwhile, delta says it is now refunding the passengers the entire fare from their airline trip. Lester. Tom costello in new york tonight, thanks. Now to that other flight gone terribly wrong. The Small Plane Crash with legendary actor Harrison Ford at the controls. Ford is expected to make a full recovery while investigators look for the reason his plane went down. Heres nbcs miguel almaguer. Reporter today ntsb investigators trying to determine why this vintage world war ii plane plummeted out of the sky. Losing altitude moments after takeoff, Harrison Ford had to act quickly. 53178 engine failure, immediate return. Ryan 178 runway 21 clear to land. Reporter cell phone capture the harrowing moments as ford goes down fast. The single engine plane clipped a tree, sliding onto a golf course next to the santa monica airport. Golfers scrambled to pull ford from the wreckage. Among them a spinal surgeon. He was wiggling about, he appeared to be conscious and there was fuel leaking. Reporter this was the route ford was flying departing runway 21 on a clear day then banking 180 degrees when he reported engine failure. Ford was piloting from the rear seat. Any time that a human being can survive an accident involving an airplane or any type of mechanical its a good day. Reporter ford is a veteran pilot whos flown Relief Missions to haiti and once helped rescue a boy scout lost in yellowstone. The actor even joked about a 1999 crashlanding. What happened to your helicopter . It broke. This is the real indiana jones. I broke it. Thats what i see every day. What i hear every day. Reporter just across the street from thursdays crash carlos gomez says hes lucky ford is a skilled pilot who avoided homes and may have saved lives. Certainly what solved the situation so that only his life was at risk and not others. Reporter with family members saying ford had minor surgery for broken bones, he was brought here to Ronald Reagan Ucla Medical Center where he was listed in fair to moderate condition. Lester. All right, miguel, thank you. More encouraging news on the American Economy today. We learned employers added 295,000 jobs in february. That makes 12 consecutive months of at least 200,000 jobs added. The first time thats happened since 1977. The Unemployment Rate dropped to 5. 5 , thats the lowest since may of 2008. A troubling area of concern though remains hourly wages, which continue to stagnate. And a tough day on wall street, investors figuring that an improving jobs market proves an Interest Rate hike could come sooner rather than later. Attorney general eric holder said the Justice Department would use its full authority to reform the ferguson, Missouri Police department which could mean dismantling it entirely. This after a blistering report alleged a pattern of racial bias among ferguson authorities. So far two officials have resigned in the wake of that report. A third was fired. But as ron allen reports the problems may extend far beyond ferguson. Reporter now backed by the findings of a scathing federal investigation renewed demands for a complete overhaul of fergusons police force. Who killed mike brown reporter ferguson now among more than 20 Police Departments the Obama Administration has investigated for allegedly racist practices. From albuquerque to cleveland to newark, most agree to legally binding reform plans, Consent Decrees. The Justice Department has sued at least four jurisdictions that have resisted. Analysts say constant oversight is essential. Where the government has simply entered into an agreement and been basically walked away i think weve seen that doesnt work. Reporter but even in cities like new orleans, nearly three years under a Consent Decree critics say police still use excessive force, making illegal stops, searches and other misconduct. With more people watching, you know, i could only hope that its going to get better. But im still skeptical. Because the problems have been here for a very, very long time. Reporter ferguson, population just over 20,000, is one of the smallest towns doj has investigated. And here with both the police and the courts under scrutiny, many worry about the towns future. Ryan fletcher is a former mayor. What does it mean for this town to have this hanging o now . Well, it Means Economic Development slows down. It might cause some residents to relocate out of ferguson. The state Department Justice reserves all its rights and abilities to force compliance. Reporter leaders say theyll cooperate but have not yet signed a legally binding agreement. While calls for change echo on the streets. Ron allen, nbc news, ferguson. A federal grand jury could bring charges against a Prominent Senate democrat later this month according to sources familiar with the case. New jersey senator bob menendez is the center of a corruption investigation after jet trips he took on a private plane of a florida eye doctor. Pros exchanged political favors in return. Both the senator and doctor deny any wrongdoing. At the start of this newscast we told you about two very close calls involving airplanes. Already we know a lot more about what happened to those planes than what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight 370 which almost exactly a year ago vanished, cloaked in mystery and suspicion. And while searchers hold out hope the plane will be found, for the families of the missing theyre only memories and unanswered questions. I still remember just grabbing his hand saying be safe, see you later. And give him a hug. Its burned in my mind. Reporter james wood recalling the last time he saw his big brother philip. It was just a week before philip and 238 others boarded Malaysia Flight 370 from kuala lumpur to beijing. A flight that was initially reported as overdue. At that point im ju youre thinking this is going to be bad news and were going to get confirmation. Something, yeah. Yeah. Or either messed up, turned around, lost track of it. Reporter the plane didnt crash somewhere along its planned route. Instead it appeared it was flown into oblivion. That was the last message from mh370, 41 minutes into the flight the mystery began. But now im going to turn to reporter in a 777 simulator we duplicated the sharp left turn that came next sending mh370 on a mystifying journey, ultimately towards the indian ocean. Is there anything that would make this plane make that kind of turn absent a human either pushing buttons on this computer or dialing in the autopilot . No. No. Reporter adding to the intrigue, the planes transponder and other Communications Systems were disabled. Its really whats been described as the hook turn. Thats where this event really started to develop from a normal routine flight to what has been deemed either an accident or an intentional act. Reporter early focus turned to the captain. Authorities wondered if he was using his home Flight Simulator to practice the vanishing act. A friend tells nbc news he doesnt buy it. He would be the one trying to save the plane. Reporter while there are still only theories as to what happened onboard the plane, search vessels may be on track to finding it. After crunching satellite signals and aircraft performance data, experts believe it crashed within a 23,000 square mile arc along the south indian ocean. Very high degree of certainty, but not absolute certainty, we know the aircraft is going to be. Reporter in the meantime absent the discovery of any wreckage, james wood has not let his brother go. Just tell me about your brother. The kind of guy he is. Hes he was, he is, kind, generous. Youre obviously struggling with present tense, past tense. Where are you on this . Both. Logically i say past tense. But my heart still says present tense. The painful wait goes on for the families. In january malaysian authorities declared it an accident and declared the passengers and crew dead but offered no positive proof. Meantime australian officials expect to end their current search operation in may. A busy night of news still ahead including our nbc news investigation. Its about a growing number of family doctors, gynecologists, even dentists performing certain cosmetic procedures with limited training. And patients may find out the hard way. And later the youngest person to stand and march with dr. King in selma returns tonight with a powerful message. Returns tonight with a powerful message. vo maggie wasnt thrilled when ben and i got married. I knew itd take some time. And her sensitive stomach didnt make things easier. It was hard to know why. The move. Her food. . So we tried purina cat chow gentle. Because its specially formulated for easy digestion. Shes loved it ever since. And as for her and ben. Shes coming around. Purina cat chow gentle. One hundred Percent Complete and balanced for everyday feeding of adult cats. Nexium 24hr. Its the purple pill. The 1 prescribed acid blocking brand. Available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protectiontm. You know i tried one of those bargain paper towels but the roll just disappeared. Bounty is 2x more absorbent so one roll lasts longer. Bounty. The long lasting picker upper its just you and your honey. The setting is perfect. But then erectile dysfunction happens again. You know what . Plenty of guys have this issue not just getting an erection but keeping it. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor if. Viagra is right for you. Were back now with an nbc news investigation. With growing demand for cosmetic procedures in this country, more and more doctors, even dentists, are learning how to do them. But the concern here is they may not be getting enough training to do them safely. And patients may not know. We get more on this tonight from our Senior Investigative correspondent cynthia mcfadden. Reporter 57yearold stephanie goelzer was a new grandmother. Like a lot of women she decided to get a little botox. She went to the silhouette med spa in livermore, california. I wanted to just spruce up a little bit. Reporter while she was there the staff encouraged her to try other services as well. I did have a little spot in my cheek. Reporter a little teeny red bump. Yeah, it was pretty small. Reporter dr. Tam nguyen is one of the owners of the spa. He said he could fix the spot and get rid of two veins on her temple. He said ill do all three for 200. Reporter what she didnt understand was that dr. Nguyen is a Family Practice doctor, not a licensed dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Hes one of an increasing number of family practitioners, gynecologists, even dentists taking weekend courses similar to this one to expand their practices to include cosmetic procedures. Why . Some say its about the money. You can triple your revenue per patient per year. Reporter but sometimes according to dermatologists a handful of weekend courses just isnt enough. This is what stephanies face looked like ten days after the procedure. It was a traumatic experience. Reporter your face was a mess. Yeah, for three weeks i didnt leave the house. Reporter dr. Nguyens office agreed to refer her to a dermatologist, dr. Jerome. He examined stephanie and says dr. Nguyen should never have injected her face with the chemical he used. This procedures used most commonly for leg bands. Reporter he says the side effects for injecting the face with this chemical can be severe, including even blindness. This requires to be done by the experts of the experts. Reporter and that wasnt dr. Nguyen. Dr. Nguyen told us hed been to six workshops or conferences that ran from two to four days long and participated in two other oneday laser courses. Be careful with that prescription. Reporter he agreed to meet with us at his spa. So what happened . What went wrong . So my best estimate is that agent got outside of the lesion. Reporter it seems to me it would be clearly a mistake. Doesnt mean that its a mistake. Reporter so you stand behind the work . I do standby that. Reporter and you think that the seminars that youve attended provide enough training to be able to do these really tricky procedures on peoples faces . So its the same training that even dermatologists get after they graduate. Reporter thats misleading, says this doctor. After graduating from medical school dermatologists have three years of intense training to treat the skin. You dont learn this in a weekend. Reporter as for stephanie goelzer, the scar on her face is almost gone. But the emotional scars she says remain. Dont do what i did. Be smart. Do your homework. Check out exactly whats being shot into your face. Reporter and it. Now, dr. Nguyen told me hes not doing it for the money but rather to help people and that the dermatologists are just upset that he and others like him are taking patients away from their business. Now, the bottom line dr. Nguyen is doing nothing illegal. But critics say he is misleading patients and putting them at risk. Its important. Thank you very much, cynthia mcfadden. Were back in a moment with isis declaring war on history. Seems these images may have only been the beginning. Ory. Seems these images may have only been the b. Sunday dinners at my house. Its a full day for me, and i love it. But when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. I dont like asking for help. I took tylenol but i had to take six pills to get through the day. So my daughter brought over some aleve. Its just two pills, all day and now, im back aleve. Two pills. All day strong, all day long. And now introducing aleve pm for a better am. woman the constipation and belly pain feel tight like a vise. 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Just last week we saw heartbreaking images of mill talents destroying irreplaceable artifacts in mosul. Todays report says is bulldozing the ancient city of nimrud in northern iran. These are file pictures. No video has surfaced. Called a war crime, deliberate destruction of humanitys culture heritage. Albert maysles has died. Films include Rolling Stones and give me shelter. Beatles in 1964 arrival in america, behind the scenes and e edith bouvier. Focused on life as it ha and captured it on film. Albert maysles was 88. When we come since the turning poin of our countrys gre struggles. Curling up in bed with a Favorite Book is nice. But i think women would ratherk women would rather curl up with their favorite man. But heres the thing about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. And remember, you only take it when you need it. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. Your eyes depend on a unique set of nutrients. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula thats just not found in any leading multivitamin. Help protect your eye health with ocuvite. Fact. When you take advil you get relief right at the site of pain. Wherever it is. Advil stops pain right where it starts. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. Woman its been a journey to get where i am. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. I have the flu with a runny nose. [coughs] better take something. Theraflu severe cold wont treat your runny nose. Really . Alkaseltzer severe cold and flu relieves your worst flu symptoms plus runny nose. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. Mommy hey this weekend the first family will travel to selma, alabama to mark 50 years since a monumental moment in the civil rights struggle. That day in 1965 while stunning in the violence inflicted on peaceful protesters, galvanized a movement. Tonight, our Kristen Welker brings us the story of that march on selma as seen through the youngest eyes there that day. Reporter a painful past is coming back to life in selma today as people arrive from all across the country to remember what happened on this bridge 50 years ago. March 7th, 1965, bloody sunday. A group of activists risked their lives for freedom, equality and the right to be treated fairly. Sheyann webb christburg was the youngest person there. She was just 8. They just unleashed this brutality upon us. People down with billy clubs as if they werent even human beings. Gas burst in the air. And people had to run for their lives. I was running. Trying to make my way back. Reporter she made it home that day, and two weeks later the marchers made it all the way to the capitol, montgomery, a 54mile trek, a turning point in american history. How long . Not long. Reporter and the man who inspired the movement also shared this moment with little sheyann. Why are you marching . So we can be free and so all the people will be free and troopers cant hit no one. Cant help but to reflect and remember that moment being with such an extraordinary man. Reporter other activists now in their 60s, 70s and older say the march continues because of incidents like ferguson and the supreme courts recent altering of the Voting Rights act, undoing the crux of what they fought for. We have got to stay focused and move forward and show up to the voting polls. Reporter for sheyann its about teaching the next generation about the people who paved the way for them one person one step at a time Kristen Welker, nb alabama. A day not to be forgotten and a reminder nbc news will have complete coverage of the commemoration in selma tomorrow. Thats going to do it for us this friday night. Im lester holt. Thank you so much for joining us. Remember to spring forward and move your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed saturday night. Have a good night and a good weekend. Night. Have a good night and. Lights camera, access. Oh, no. Oh no help keep my safe. So close to being much worse. Weve learned more dramatic details from

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