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Lady gaga performed at this super bowl halftime show last night where she accurately predicted the falcons second half strategy. [ light laughter ] seth thats right. Lady gaga performed at the super bowl halftime show last night while adele performed after the game in the falcons locker room. [ laughter and applause ] its a valiant battle. The new England Patriots defeated the Atlanta Falcons to win their fifth super bowl title last night. President trump was very happy about the patriots win, but mike pence did not like that they came from behind. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] President Trump held a Super Bowl Party at his maralago resort last night in florida. It sounds like a fun time. Lets look at a picture. Whoa, let the good times roll. [ light laughter ] is this a Super Bowl Party or a bar mitzvah where the theme [ light laughter ] and hey, President Trump, this was your party at your resort. How did you end up at table number six . [ laughter and applause ] pull some strings, bro. President trump, yesterday, said his unannounced obamacare replacement plan will be wonderful as long as its not whatever health plan teve bannon is on. [ laughter ] good lord, man. Do you hate jews so much that youve never seen a doctor . [ laughter and applause ] according to a recent report, President Trump likes his female employees to quote, dress like a woman, or, you know, paddington bear. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] new England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady was named super bowl mvp last night. Donald trump was also named mvp, but it stood for mrs. Vladimir putin. [ laughter and applause ] and finally, a man ate 409 chicken wings to become champion of philadelphias wing bowl over the weekend, which was unfortunately too many words to fit on his tombstone. [ light laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a fantastic show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] she just won a golden globe for her performance at abcs blackish. Tracee ellis ross is back on the show. Im so happy to have her here. [ cheers and applause ] hes the star of a great new show, legion on fx. Dan stevens is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] a fantastic actor. And we have music from a great band, electric guest, so you are here [ cheers ] on a very good night. But, before we get to that, for some, the weekend is a time to rest, relax, spend time with family. But for the Trump Administration, its a time for making up fake tragedies and openly trying to blame the court system for future terror attacks. For more on this, its time for a closer look. Seth on saturday, trump faced his third weekend straight of nationwide protests, including at his palm beach resort, maralago, where he was staying. Will the protests get to trump . Well, a longtime ally, roger stone, told politico, donald used to come and go as he pleases, and now he cant and he has protesters on top of that. Maralago is like an oasis for him. But if he feels he cant go there to unwind, i wonder if it will make him go crazy. [ light laughter ] make him go crazy . [ light laughter ] has this been the sane version of trump this whole time . [ light laughter ] what does the insane version do, ban all people named zach . [ light laughter ] so based on that threat, maybe its good that President Trump unwinds. And on sunday, a Deputy White House press secretary told cbs news, trump has some meetings and may play a few holes of golf, which isnt a big deal. All president s play golf. Its a president ial sport. You wouldnt want your president playing football. Explain the concussion symptoms. [ light laughter ] what is a big deal is that trump made it a habit of attacking obama throughout his presidency for hitting the links with tweets like, can you believe that with all the problems and difficulties facing the u. S. , president obama spent the day playing golf . Or, while i wonder what the president was out playing golf all day, the tsa is falling apart, just like our government. Or this one. President obama does nothing while bad hombres pour in through the gulf of mexico. [ laughter and applause ] now, that last one [ cheers ] that last one was fake, and i have to admit that it was fake, because its totally believable he would tweet that. [ light laughter ] while there were antitrump protests at maralago, new york was brought to a standstill due to a protrump rally that clogged our streets. This is the heart of new york city. Were used to seeing protests, antitrump protests here in new york city, which voted overwhelmingly for hillary clinton, but this is a protrump rally. About 50 [ light laughter ] seth 50100 people in new york city is not a rally. [ light laughter ] its a times square corner. [ light laughter ] its the line to get into dave busters. [ light laughter ] so the rollout of the travel ban has been bad, so bad in fact, that trumps advisers are now making up fake tragedies to try to justify it, as Kellyanne Conway did on thursday. I bet its brand new information to people that president obama had a sixmonth ban on the iraqi Refugee Program after two iraqis came here to this country. Hmm. Were radicalized, and they were there behind the Bowling Green massacre. What most people dont know that because it didnt get covered. Seth now, if you were embarrassed you didnt remember the Bowling Green massacre, dont be. Its an incident that never happened [ light laughter ] like the titanic crashing into the hindenberg or when Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by a unicorn. [ light laughter ] but this clip is a perfect example of the ways in which the bigger, more fantastical lies of the Trump Administration overwhelmed the smaller, more insidious lies because while everyone was focused on the made up Bowling Green massacre, there was less attention paid to conways other claim, that president obama banned iraqi refugees in 2011, a claim that is also false. Obama did initiate a new review of all roughly 57,000 iraqi refugees who had been recently admitted into the United States in 2011, but while the flow of iraqi refugees slowed significantly during the obama administrations review, refugees continued to be admitted to the United States during that time. So, even when theyre lying, theyre distracting us from other worse lies. Thats like telling people you have a girlfriend in canada when, actually, you have a dead body in the basement. [ light laughter ] now the sloppiness of the white houses rollout and shoddy defense of the travel ban has also made it more difficult to defend in court. And on friday, a federal judge temporarily halted the ban. The white house at first issued a statement, slamming the outrageous order, only to send out an updated statement 12 minutes later, deleting the word, outrageous, a change that was aimed at striking a more moderate tone. Strike a more moderate tone. What could possibly go wrong . This morning, President Trump tweeted the opinion of this socalled judge, which essentially takes Law Enforcement away from our country is ridiculous and will be overturned. What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban, and anyone, even with bad intentions can come into u. S. . The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy. [ light laughter ] seth its impossible. Trying to strike a moderate tone with trump as president is a little bit like trying to coyly seduce a woman with a bullhorn. Your eyes are the color of a placid Mountain Lake [ light laughter ] i repeat, your eyes are the color of a placid Mountain Lake [ light laughter ] thank you. And i some radical liberal activist, he was actually nominated by thenpresident george w. Bush and was unanimously confirmed by the u. S. Senate. And yet, trump took this personal attacks to an extreme, and even a more dangerous level on sunday, tweeting, just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens, blame him and court system. People pouring in, bad. [ light laughter ] now, it seems like trumps real rage is he just found out there are two other branches of government. [ light laughter ] why didnt anybody tell me this . Its in the constitution. Where in the constitution . All of it. Let me see that thing. Oh, no, checks and balances . [ light laughter ] i thought it was just checks. [ cheers and applause ] this stuff stinks. So judges, protesters, and now even some republicans are criticizing trump. Hes really taking a lot of heat on this one. If only there was someone out th his most trying times, an ally how many times hes been spurned, almost in a way like a lapdog. If only there was someone out there like that. I think the judge is wrong on this one. [ light laughter ] seth Chris Christie cannot take a hint. [ light laughter ] how can i put this to you in a way youll understand . The bridge to trumps heart is closed, bro. [ light laughter ] christie went on to defend the president while also criticizing those around trump for the haphazard way the policy was rolled out and suggesting he could do better. The reason his opponents are able to attack him and i believe unfairly, on the substance, is because it was implemented in such a haphazard way in that first weekend. So the president deserves better. Seth dont you hear him, donald . You deserve better, although christie has already delivered that message directly to trump at the white house front door. [ laughter and applause ] now trump has staked the entire first two weeks of his presidenn harming the United States, and totally fine with. Like Vladimir Putin as he made clear in an interview on sunday. Do you respect putin . I do respect him. Do you . Why . Well, i respect a lot of people, but that doesnt mean im going to get along with them. Hes a leader of his country. Will i get along with him . I have no idea. Its possible i wont. Hes a killer, though. Putins a killer. Theres a lot of killers. Weve got a lot of killers. What, you think our countrys so innocent . You think our countrys so innocent . I dont know of any government leaders that are killers in america. Eh, take a look at what weve done to seth now, admitting that the u. S. Has made mistakes would be fine, but thats not what trump is doing. Instead, it sounds like hes defending putin because hes about to get caught for the exact same thing [ light laughter ] like a guy who comes home and says to his wife, you know, a lot of guys are having affairs. Thats just out there now. [ light laughter ] and the way, trumps praise for putin probably shouldnt come as a surprise, given trumps own authoritarian behavior this weekend. Fi independent judge, and then, he sought to discredit political opposition by once again repeating the bogus claim that 3 Million People voted illegally. As the president , you say, for example, that there are 3 million illegal aliens who voted, and then, you dont have the data to back it up. Some people are going to say thats irresponsible for a president to say that. Is there any validity to that . Well, many people have come out and said im right. You know that. I know, but you got to have data to back that up. Let me just tell you. Let me just tell you. Look, bill, we can be babies, but you take a look at the registration. You have illegals. You have dead people. You have this. Its really a bad situation. So you think youre going to be proven correct in that statement . Well, i think i already have. A lot of people have come out and said that i am correct. Yeah, but the data has to show that 3 million illegals voted. Look, forget that. Forget all of that. [ laughter ] seth yeah, forget all of that. The important thing is that 3 Million People died in the Bowling Green massacre, and they are all still registered to vote. Its a big deal. Its a big, big deal. Now after trumps comments appearing to absolve putin of his crime, as usual, the task was left to Vice President ial mannequin, mike pence to make the rounds of the sunday shows and act as if trump had not said the thing that we heard him say. In fact, pence, himself, wouldnt even answer the question of whether the u. S. Is morally superior to russia. Do you think americas morally superior to russia . What you have in this new president is someone whos willing to and is in fact engaging the world. But america morally superior to russia, yes or no . I believe the ideals that america has stood for throughout our history represent the highest ideals of human kind. Shouldnt we be able to just say yes to that question, though . I think its without question, john. That americas morally superior to russia . American ideals are superior to countries all across the world. Seth before that interview, tr [ laughter and applause ] you can do all you want, but dont you ever say that. [ cheers ] pence and the gops continued support for trump shouldnt be surprising, but this is still a troubling time for it because we need congress to exert some scrutiny or oversight over this president who is clearly bent on challenging, and perhaps eroding the basic pillars of our democracy, a point made forcefully by Bernie Sanders on sunday. I would hope that people like senator mcconnell and other republicans have the courage to stand up, a to trumps move toward authoritarianism, toward a situation where trump says, everybody is terrible and wrong. I am the only guy who can protect the american people. We are a democracy, not a oneman show. We are not another trump enterprise. Its called the United States of america. Were not a business run by mr. Trump. Seth and you can tell were not a business run by donald t, for now, were still open. [ laughter ] this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with more late night, everybody. 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Rated pg13. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Been Holding Quite a few press fi think there are a lot more quonamica wants answers to, we another one, right here, right now. Thats right. Sean spicer and the late night press corps are here in our studio and ready to go. So without further ado, its time for late night White House Press briefing. [ cheers and applause ] seth mr. Spicer, mr. Spicer, mr. Spicer, yes, thank you. Seth meyers, late night with seth myers. Mr. Spicer, its been a rough couple of weeks. Whats morale been like lately among President Trumps closest advisers . Were talking about leaving. [ laughter ] seth another question, how soon after winning the election did President Trump start to regret ever running in the first place . Approximately 20 minutes following the announcement. [ light laughter ] seth ive heard that donald trump is afraid of going down stairs and slopes. The president recognizes the [ laughter ] seth mr. Spicer, you seem so serious all the time. Has anything ever made you laugh . The nomination of former Texas Governor rick perry as the next secretary of energy. [ light laughter ] seth that was pretty good. Is it true that Tiffany Trump was spotted at the white house yesterday . Not sure how she snuck in there. [ laughter and applause ] seth is it true President Trump is remodelling the white house kitchen . I think part of it right now is the president wanted to focus on getting his cabinet up. [ laughter ] seth i saw three russian models on my way in. What was that about . They serve at the pleasure of the president. [cheers and applause] seth yeah, thats what i thought. What i thought. Its black history month. How is the white house going to address our nations embarrassing history of segregation and institutional racism . Were looking at setting it back up. [ laughter ] seth whats the most important thing to remember when learning how to line dance . Its a twostep process. Seth oh, okay. [ light laughter ] mr. Spicer, do you even know who i am . Lars larson of the lars larson show. [ laughter ] seth close enough. What do people get when they call, 8005882300 the walltowall coverage that they deserve. [cheers and applause] seth what does melania say to donald after kissing . Im not going to go any further. Seth okay. [ laughter and applause ] seth can you Say Something thats never been uttered in an id like to give a special shout out to the folks at cspan. [ laughter ] seth pop quiz name as many of the trump children as you can in five seconds. And you cant say ivanka. Merck, johnson and johnson, celgene, amgen, eli lilly. [ light laughter ] seth theres a report that President Trump was spotted with specks of saliva all over his face. What happened . The president had lunch with mayor giuliani, just a short time ago. [ laughter ] seth how do you respond to the allegations that President Trump is just using this job to line his own pockets . Well, i think that that kind of comes with the job, right . Seth no, it specifically does not come with the job. [ laughter ] in closing, id like to end on the same question i always ask hows the president s penis . He may touch on it a little tonight. Ill leave it to him. [ laughter ] [cheers and applause] seth all right. Well, it looks like were out of time. On behalf of the rest of the press corps, have a good night. Well be right back with Tracee Ellis Ross. [ cheers and applause ] remember 2007 . Remember smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. Get excited world. Hello moto. Moto is here. The moto z with moto mods. Get a moto z play droid for only 5 mo. No tradein required. As ai can embrace a worldber, full of surprising moments. The new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. 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And please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] and also very excited tonight, fred armisen is back with us this week. Hi fred, how are you . [ cheers and applause ] fred thank you. Seth fred, i make this point a lot. Im in awe of you. Im in awe of all the work you do. Not just on this show, but portlandia. Another season. [ cheers and applause ] and yet, you always find time for other projects which im so impressed by. And fred, is this true . I heard you had a really important behind the scenes role at the super bowl last night. Fred i did. Seth yeah. You know, my company helped install all the speakers. Seth uhhuh. Fred in the hallway, so like when you walk into the staum, you know, theres like the speakers in the stadium. The bathroom and stuff and going to the concession stand, i installed the speakers in the hallways. And it seems easy, but its not. There are so many. Seth theres so many. Fred so many speakers. Seth ok. Fred because its such a huge place seth i guess my question is, it was, you know it was in the stadium where the Houston Texans play. So i would assume that the speakers would have preexisted and it wasnt like they built a stadium for the super bowl. Fred not my kind of speakers, seth. [ light laughter ] my speakers are kickass. Theyre loud. Theyre clear. Theyre really wellmade. And its just the way to go. So i had to take theirs out. And put mine in. Seth oh wow. Fred yeah. It takes a long time. I have one other employee. [ light laughter ] seth so it was two guys put in speakers in all the hallways of the entire stadium. Fred yeah. Day of show. Day of game. [ light laughter ] i was so stressed out. Sweating, like cursing. Just like bossing my employee around. It was really, it was intense. Seth your what of . Fred derrig. Derrig. With a g. Derrig. Everybody does that. Derrig. Seth oh im sorry. Where is derrig from . Fred lithuania. [ laughter ] seth well look, congratulations to you and derrig. I mean again, you dont really hear the day after the superbowl how the sound was in the hallways but i feel like you would hear if it was bad. Fred thank you very much. Seth congratulations, fred. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is an emmynominated actress who recently won the golden globe for her performance as dr. Rainbow johnson in the hit abc sitcom blackish. New episodes air wednesday nights. Lets take a look. We have a kind of weird request. Depending on what is inside this envelope, we want you to make a special cake, thats either blue or pink on the inside. Come on, bo, get to the point all right. We need a sex cake. What . No, no, no, no. We are not perverts. We are just having a party to reveal the gender of our baby. Yes. Yeah we do them all the time. Oh my god thats so much fun. Great. So you can do this . Oh yeah, we can bake any kind of cake you want, just as long as its not for a gay wedding. Nice. Come on bo. Seth please welcome back to the show, Tracee Ellis Ross everybody. [cheers and applause] seth how are you . Hi seth first and foremost, congratulations on your golden globe. So well deserved. You looked so beautiful that night. Got to make out with the globe. Seth got to make out with the globe. Got to make out with the globe. Seth well you have after you win, you have to take all these pictures with it. The globe. But you kw derrig. Seth oh derrig. [ laughter ] i know he does some photo work as well. Yeah. Its speakers and photos. Yeah. Seth hes a posing technician. Unbelievable. Seth well, i want to ask, what went through your head when you won . When you heard your name. Apparently this. Seth yeah. Like, i froze for a second, and then i kept thinking, get your butt up on that stage, because you cant get the music. Seth right. And did you feel good . Did you feel like you executed and thanked everybody you wanted to thank . I did. I felt like, i mean at the end when i started seeing wrap it up, i got so uncomfortable. I kept thinking of that Dave Chappell sketch. I was like oh god. Youve got to wrap it up, woman. And then i was like, mom, dad, yeah. And started screaming stuff out. But i had said what i wanted to say at the beginning. I didnt i cant believe all that came out of my mouth, but yes. Seth and your mom diana ross had won this award. My mom is diana ross . Seth h, seth i know, oh my god, we were going to tell you with the sex cake later. [ laughter ] seth i blew it. Diana ross, isnt that the lady oh seth yeah, but she won the golden globe in 1973. 44 years ago, and im 44. Seth wow. Isnt that neat . Seth thats so great. You know what i cant figure out . I keep looking but its hard to search it, because a lot of things come up, but has there ever been a mother daughter thats won a golden globe . Seth yeah. I dont know. Do you know that answer. Seth it would be so weird if i did. If i was like, yes, 1981 like that im a crazy im a rain man for golden globe. However fred might know. Seth fred might know. Fred . Fred yes. [ laughter ] seth and did you call your mom . When did you get to call her . Okay. So i left the stage. I went back in the pressroom. By the time i made it back to my seat, and im one of those people who likes to clea the Text Messages and make sure seth yes right of course, ueah,y phone had 260 Text Messages. Seth thats i so st setst of all, that is so heartbreaking. I would have to win 100 Golden Globes to get two i dont have 260 friends. I mean people i havent spoken to for ages. Theyre like, i hope this is still you, congrats. [ laughter ] but i called my mom, and she was so thrilled and excited and screaming, that i called my dad, and he was like, oh, im so exhausted. He goes, i had to call the they couldnt get me off the ceiling he was like up on the ceiling. Seth he was very happy for you. Yeah it was very exciting. Seth you i was very impressed with this. You pulled off a costume change. Sure, youve got to do that. Seth so this is you at the party, which is great. Yeah, with another pose. Seth with another pose with derrig. Again, derrig, im telling you. Seth and so one of the fun things of all these parties, win or lose, you get to meet a lot of other people. But when you win and youve got a globe, thats kind of, i feel like thats permission to go say hi to anybody. Ridiculous, and i met travonte, who played have you seen moonlight . Seth fantastic. Okay, so i met travonte, whos acharming and beautiful gentleman. Seth so is travonte is the oldest of the he was, yes, he was the third, and i met him earlier, and then i saw him at a party, and i noticed that he was struggling with his bow tie, with a friend of his, it seemed, trying to get it off. He was ready to loosen up, as it were. Seth sure. And so i was and i thought, well, let me help him, so, of course. So i went to help him. And we struggled. And then two other friends came over, and we really struggling to get it off. And then i walked away, and i looked back over, and they were still struggling, and i was like oh, forget it, im just going to go over there and rip him it out of it. Take him out of it i go over there, and im like trying to get him out. We finally get him out, and i release him, and i put my hand on his shoulder and i was like, this is definitely not the way the fantasy went in my head. [ laughter ] there were not this many peopl yeah. Seth if he thought you were a weirdo. This was the earlier picture. Seth i was going to say, yeah, the bow ties on. So if there was a bow tie later that was probably him. Anyway, it was a great night. It was special and fabulous. Seth and congratulations on the show. Blackish is such a wonderful show. And you know that clip. You guys deal with social issues very well on this show, and you receive a lot of credit, rightfully so, for how fast you turned around a episode about the family on the show dealing with the election. Yeah. Seth is it exciting, thrilling to work on a show that adjusts to real life so quickly. I think its fantastic. I think our writing is exceptional. We have an extraordinary room of writers that are very willing to courageously kind of lean into whats happening. And somehow they find this beautiful balance between being hilarious and really real. And deep on some of this stuff. I mean, that episode, the election episode was heavy, you know. Seth it really was. It was. My character is sort of struggling and is covered, has been literally donating everywhere possible and is covered in like Covenant House and dnc, and black lives matter. She has literally like everything. Her upset and confusion is like all over the outside of her body. But we dealt with a lot of heavy stuff and i think seth and which i think was most impressive about it, different points of view. There was a real effort to i think, explore the fact all sides. Seth yeah. I think thats one of the things that our show is very good at, is not saying this is what you should believe about anything. Because weve dealt with police brutality, weve dealt with gun control and sex. I mean all these Different Things across the board that come up. And we dont say this is one point of view or this is what it should be. Its actually us exploring a different way of thinking. It starts with like a limited a seth well, its a really nice show about a family having conversation, and i feel like conversations are what we need. Seth that we dont have a lot. Yeah i think theyre what we need. So congratulations on the show, congratulations on the golden globe. Always so great to have you back here. Its so good to see you. [ cheers and applause ] Tracee Ellis Ross, everybody blackish airs wednesday nights on abc. Well be right back with dan stevens. When you have a cold, pain from a headache can make this. , the 1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. TylenolĀ® with hotels. Coms for every 10 nights you stay, you get one free. Which is great for families. Finally whatever captain obvious. Hotels. Com. Great for families. Mom and for sore losers this president s day, get to nissan now. Intelligent safety features. And americas best truck warranty. Take on the everyday, with six 2017 iihs top safety picks. Its clear why were americas Fastest Growing auto brand. Now, get president s day offers like 0 financing for up to 72 months on 11 models. Or save up to 4550 on select models. Classic hersheys outside. With a new creamy, crunchy inside. New hersheys cookie layer crunch. Classic reimagined. [ cheers and applause ] seth our next guest is a talented actor who you know from the hit show downton abbey. He returns to television in the upcoming series legion, which premieres this wednesday on fx. Lets take a look. [ rattling ] [ rattling ] ahh seth please welcome to the show dan stevens, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Im very well, man, how are you . Seth im very well as well. Thank you so much for being here. Thanks for having me here. Yeah its great. Seth so this is very exciting, because this show is on fx. Fox had the superbowl, so the commercials for this were all over the super bowl. They were, werent they . It was almost like the football was sort of seth secondary. Something that was happening between legion trailers. Seth i ultimately think people will leave after last night because the game was so boring, talking only about legion. Lets hope so. Seth was it nice . Was it nice to see the commercials during the . It was amazin, you know. Coming up to the halftime show, and i was watching that levitating baby spot that they did. Seth yeah. Daughter was watching it, and she was like, thats you as a baby, how do they do that . Seth dont ever give it away. Dont ever let her know how they did that. Yeah, she also thought it was me skydiving into the arena in the silver suit. Seth oh right. It must have been so disappointing the amount of times you had to tell her, no thats not me. Thats not daddy. Seth thats not daddy. Um, so legion is a character from the xmen universe, but a lesser known character, certainly. Of doing a comic book show hero yeah, people dont know what to expect, really. So were giving them something new, and something a little bit weird and fresh. And yeah, i think over the last feyears weve seen the universe, the marvel universe expand and explore. Were seeing all sorts of characters pop up. And yeah, this one is a really trippy one. Seth its really great. The First Episode is fantastic, and noah hawley, who created the show, who does fargo, hes a great writer as well. So i highly recommend it. So obviously thats a little bit less known, legion, but you also are taking on, you are doing the liveaction beauty and the beast. [cheers and applause] nobody youre not sneaking that under anybodys radar. People are ready to go. So you are beast. I am. Seth congrats. [ cheers ] thats one of the best two parts. Right, yeah. Seth and but thats obviously a very cgi film. It kind of was, yeah. I mean i was puppeteering the as it were, and emma was there in her beautiful dress. And i was there sweating away in this thing and lycra and just looking really weird, and yeah, my daughter came on set and said i looked like a crash test hippo. [ light laughter ] which is a beast of sorts. Kind of beast. Seth yeah, crash test hippo, thats actually the leastpopular xmen character. [ light laughter ] but, you know, when you make a film, i mean any filmmaking endeavor is kind of an exercise in collective madness and you all sort of clump together and say this is what were making. Its going to look like this. And you all have to believe. With that, it was just untold resources of extra belief. Seth yeah. Like, this is going to be okay, right . Im not going to look like this, right, you know, sweating away and you know. I had this sort of formula 1 racing drivers vest underneath the muscle suit so that when i overheated they could plug me in and like a fridge it would just cool me from the inside out. Swear to god, the best garment ive ever worn. Garments have to be so bad for that to be the best one. Yeah, that was my treat for the day. Ooh, plug me in. Seth a tiny bit of cool air. I want to ask you, you are somebody said this to me on the internet once. It is one of my favorite talk show clips of all time. You were doing this in england. You were promoting a film, and there was some sort of i guess like unfortunate phrasing from the woman who asked you a question. Is that a kind way to put it . Yeah, theres an idiom that you guys use here that susanna, lovely susanna in england was not aware of its meaning. Seth lets have everybody take a look. Theyll know exactly what you mean. This is you as an allamerican, and a big opportunity for you in hollywood. You must have had to beat off a lot of american men to get this part. [ laughter ] why does that make you giggle . Did yono off . Seth and she it never it goes on for a while. And it never really clicks for her what has been said. Never drops, and for a lot of people in england, it didnt really drop what had happened. So my mom, for example, was like why were you laughing so much . I was like, okay, mom, how do i put this. But what happened in that, the weird almost out of body moment where i was sitting on this couch like this. This is Live Television as well, and i suddenly saw like ten of my best friends sat around me just going [ laughter ] youre not going to let it. And that made me laugh, and then realizing it was live made me laugh. Realizing that she had no idea what was going on made me laugh and i just. I giggled like an idiot. Seth there you go. Sometimes you have to though. Sometimes life gives you one of those things that you just have to ride and giggle. Yeah, i just should have said 17. Seth 17, and got it done in thanks so much for being here. Thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] seth im a huge fan. Congrats on the show. Dan stevens, everybody. Legion premiers on fx this wednesday. Well be right back with music from electric guest. [ cheers and applause ] [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] on the road again [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] just cant wait to get on the road again [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] on the road again like a band of gypsies we go down the highway [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. 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[ cheers and applause ] seth on february 17th, my next guests will release their first fulllength album since they broke out in 2012, performing dear to me. Give it up for electric guest, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] always under water when the night comes down i cant figure it out back to going nowhere dont know why youd want it thought that wed fadeout sometimes only doubt shows you what you wanted and when its bad feels like i dont know which way i should go but over time i come back and remember the one thing that i know ooh i know it youre dear to me and i know ooh i know it ooh i know it youre dear to me and i know and when you feel like its gone away youre dear to me and i know always under water when the day runs out still you stayed throughout over time i saw it not like all the others theyre a long way down back on open ground hopefully youre on it and when its bad feels like i dont know which way i should go but over time i come back and remember the one thing that i know ooh i know it youre dear to me and i know ooh i know it ooh i know it youre dear to me and i know and when you feel like its gone away youre dear to me and i know yeah, yeah, yeah yeah youre dear to me and i know [cheers and applause] seth electric guest, everyone preorder the new album plural right now. Well be back. [ cheers and applause ] windex that you dont even know its there . So clear by sfx slide show smudge it with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. Sfx smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass. School lunch can be difficult. Cafeteria chaos. One little struggle. Can lead to one monumental mishap. Not with ziploc easy open tabs. Because life needs ziploc. Sc johnson. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. We are the tv doctors of america. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. Doctor poses. Learn your key health numbers, and take control today. [ cheers and applause ] seth our thanks to Tracee Ellis Ross, dan stevens, electric guest everybody fred armisen, and of course, the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ] carson i am carson daly. You are watching last call from 97. 1 amp radio and krock studios where i handle my

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