Transcripts For WRC Early Today 20170427

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pulling out of the north american free trade agreement. hours after the administration said he was considering executive order to do just that. in a surprise announcement the white house said the president quote agreed not to terminate nafta at this time and the leaders agree to proceed swiftly. to enable their renegotiation of the nafta deal to the benefit of all three countries. the reactiontion from mexico came with the peso surging. >> the news comes as the white house unveil thard massive tax cut proposal, the white house calling it the largest tax cut in history. claiming it could offer many relief. what does the plan do? it reduces the number of individual income tax brackets from seven to three. 10%, 25% and 35%. the plan doubles the standard deduction for individuals and married couples and make filing easier. >> but it would slash the corporate rate down to 15%. personal real estate empires like president trump's. the goal is to stimulate the economy but the details are still a mystery. >> when we have an agreement we'll release the details. >> we will be back with firm details. >> again i think as we said we're working on details as to this. >> this morning the new york times editorial calls the proposal a quote laughable plan to cut his own taxes. while others caution the plan would blow a hole in the deficit. some estimates say the cost could approach up to $6 trillion. over the next decade. while the white house was busy, capitol hill was in a frenzy. republican house lawmakers got behind the administration's latest plan to repeal and replace obamacare. with a conservative freedom caucus now backing the revised plan. the group was instrumental in blocking the first attempt to do away with obamacare. their support could give paul ryno victory. conservatives are rallying behind an amendment to allow states to opt out of covering services like emergency room visits and maternity care and charge people with pre-existing conditions more with a goal of lowering premiums. for republicans the risk lies in alienating moderates. a vote has yet to be scheduled on the revised bill. as house republicans busy getting their ducks in a row all 100 senators made a rare trek to the white house, boarding buses to pennsylvania avenue for a secretive briefing on the threat posed by north korea, with a top admiral saying parts of the u.s. in striking distance. >> kim jong-un is in a position to threaten hawaii in my opinion. >> edward lawrence is in washington. it was a rare appearance to see those boarding the bus and going to the white house. what are we learning about what exactly they >> reporter: i can tell you it's an unusual step to have the senate in this type of briefing at the white house. now the secret service may have asked for that because the president and vice president were both in this meeting, and that alone shows the importance of the increasing escalation and tension with north korea, senior administration official saying that the country poses a quote grave threat. senator angus king on the intelligence committee was in the briefing. he says he learned that 90% of north korea's trade is with china. the administration wants to pressure china to show them that it's not in their best interest to have a nuclear armed north korea trying to get the chinese to get the north koreans to sort of back down. he also says the senator king also says that the administration wants to unveil plans to have economic and military pressure in order to pressure north korea's leader to back >> at the center of this entire controversy. thank you. just released after midnight united airlines internal review of what happened during that passenger dragging incident earlier this month. 69-year-old dr. david dao was dragged off a plane after passengers didn't volunteer to give up seats for crew members. united is proposing a few changes at assuring this never happens again. crew members will be booked on flights at least an hour before departure. united will offer up to $10,000 to customers who volunteer to take a different flight and will no longer involuntarily remove a customer from a flight unless safety or security is at risk. you can find more on united's policy on line at >> ann coulter says she will not be speaking at the university of california berkley. she insisted she would make a speech despite the universi concerns that violence could break out. katy beck has those details. >> reporter: it seems like this, violence, chaos and blood shed at a pro trump rally 10 days ago that uc-berkeley says made them cancel a speech this week by conservative fire brand ann coulter. the university forced to sacrifice its reputation as the cradle of the free speech movement for safety according to officials. coulter insisted she would go regardless until she lost the support of conservative groups. it's sickening she said when a radical thuggish institution like berkley can snuff out the right to free speech. groups from the far left and right have clashed in the city several times in recent months. in february, berkley canceled the speech when violent protests broke out. in a statement defending the cancellations berkley's chancellor said this is a university, not a for civil rights advocates the scenario raises concern. >> it's very important that the government not buckle down and not allow people to silence speaker of any point of view. >> reporter: the cancellation made some who normally criticize coulter come to her defense including bernie sanders who called it intellectual weakness. katy beck, nbc news, los angeles. i want to show you a police rescue in connecticut caught on body camera that officer is now being credited with saving a man's life. justin martin was responding to a call at an assisted living facility. martin chased the man up the stairs to the sixth floor, then out to a balcony. then this. >> hey, hey. >> you see there as the man tries to jump, martin grabs him his belt. neither man was hurt but the resident was taken to the hospital for evaluation. so dramatic to see that all. >> intense to watch. wicked weather causing major road outs. north of montreal, heavy rains p left a gaping hole. unbelievable. in arkansas cell phone video of a washed out road giving way after rain poured through the area. near raleigh, north carolina flood waters around homes and businesses as rainfall totals reached nine inches. >> let's check in with bill karins. we're going to get a bit of a break before more severe weather returns for friday? >> good morning. yesterday we called it a break. we didn't see anything too horrible. no tornado reports. we did have a lot of damaging wind reports, a little cleanup and these are going to roll through the southeast today but nothing too bad. only isolated severe. tomorrow on friday we have a large area of enhanced risk and slight risk, late day, large hailstorms will form in oklahoma and arkansas and spread. a lot of these after the sun sets. that's a look at the big weather story of the day. now a look at your day ahead. look how hot florida is going to be today. near record to record highs, orlando at 97, 93 in jacksonville and some of that heat sneaks right along the mid-atlantic today up to 85 in the nation's capital. we'll talk more about that heat coming up the east coast and may get into the northeast. by the time we get to friday and saturday. >> 97 in orlando. that's hot. >> bill, thank you. one teen is going viral for her take on prom. she painted her own dress. she was tired of seeing all of the girls mat last year she painted her dress to look like this. >> very cool. ahead details of a study on how your heart is affected by energy drinks and find out the top trending stories around donald trump's first 100 days. skin-flex™, anna! sit! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™ bandages. our best bandage yet! it moves like a second skin. ♪ dries almost instantly. better? yeah. go! good thing because stopping never 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rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. welcome back. trending this morning, a lot of people turning to google to answer all kinds of questions. this time during president trump's first 100 days saturday, according to the internet browser users searched for trump 140% more than they did for president obama in his first 100 days. some of the top trending questions about the president, how many executive orders has he signed? also what countries did he ban? how many days has he been in office? why did trump bomb syria, and what has he done so far as president? and the top issues include immigration, h 1 b visas, syria, abortion and daca. >> new audio madey bachelor star chris soules involved in a fatal car accident earlier this week. >> is anybody injured? >> yes. i rear-ended a guy on a tractor. on the way. >> yes. i'm going to stay on the line with you. we have law enforcement, medical en route. >> the accident happened monday night in iowa, 66-year-old kenny mosher was killed. police say soules left the scene before officers arrived and later arrested. he was arraigned tuesday on leaving the scene of a fatal accident. his lawyer says he was devastated by mosher's death. >> tough news about those popular energy drinks that give many of us a boost when we need it. a new study says they are worse for your heart than drinking caffeine alone. researcher s it can cause changs in blood pressure and heart pressure or underlying heart conditions may want to use caution or avoid consuming them. >> i have to say when i drank those it makes me shaky. >> you set your arms up here. kind of feel the beating. up next, find out who is getting read the become a newly minted millionairement and housing prices sky rocketing. why now may be the best time to sell your home. we can't stay here! why? terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you, big daddy. aww. 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(avo) we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin? her does frontline. that's why there's frontline gold. with its easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. frontline gold. available at your vet. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. and verizon wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, data-free. get the best. go to fast forward into thursday, congress has until tomorrow night to pass a spending bill and avoid a government shutdown. the house is working on a bill that would temporarily fund the government one week. allow negotiations to continue. now that the white house has dropped opposition to fund low income obamacare subsidies. the nfl draft kicks off in philadelphia. this as sports fans are furious over espn laying off 100 employees including familiar faces like reporter ed werner, analyst and former and sports center anchor jay crawford. >> tomorrow ellen marks 20 years since she came out on her sit com and in real life. >> i'm ellen and i'm gay. 20 years ago i said that it was a much bigger deal then. >> wow. 20 years, much success to her the years to come. if you're in the market to buy or sell a home, you may already know that the u.s. housing market is heating up more than it has in a decade. >> this is actually a good news i think for people. realtors say there hasn't been a better time to be a seller in recent memory. where does that leave buyers? here is gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: for christopher and his wife, this is getting ridiculous. >> it's quite overwhelming. >> hoping to buy their first home in southern california. are facing fierce competition. this open house drew more than 100 potential buyers. three years ago it sold for $600,000. now it could go for more than $800,000. >> i think it's just what we're used to growing up and the reality of what things cost here is completely different. >> reporter: in dallas home prices have sky-rocketed, 35% above their high before the recession. denv seattle and portland also seeing huge spikes since last year. >> tell me about this house. >> reporter: realtors say entry level homes are in high demand. >> it's crazy every house goes over list price. there are usually 10 offers. i tell buyers we have to go in at least at list if not more. >> houses jumped 16% and half of homes sold in march on the market less than a month. why? not enough homes for sale and not enough new construction. the advice for buyers be ready with a sizable down payment. 10% will no longer cut it. don't wait even 24 hours to put in that first offer. >> this spring buying season is a seller's market. in fact, for home buyers it is shaping up to be the worst spring buying season in decades. >> reporter: gabe gutierrez, nbc news, los angeles. ahead, the new robot that will judge the way you look. guys in red trying to best donald trump impressions. you're watching "early today." r" per roll more "doing chores for dad" per roll more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty the quicker picker upper. could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena® hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to a thousand times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. the hydro boost skincare line from neutrogena®. see what's possible. if youto treat your tough nasal allergies... ...listen up. unlike pills that don't treat congestion, clarispray covers 100 percent of your nasal allergy symptoms. clarispray. from the makers of claritin. of your brain can make it hard to lose weight? contrave is an fda-approved weight-loss medicine that may help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... 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(avo) to help control cravings. across three long-term studies, contrave patients lost approximately 2-4x more weight than with contrave is not for everyone. one ingredient in contrave may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teens, and young adults within the first few months. other serious side effects include seizures, increase in blood pressure or heart rate, liver damage, manic episodes, glaucoma and allergic reactions. do not take with opioids. reduce hunger, help control cravings. contrave. the #1 prescribed weight-loss brand. go to we got half a million subscribers. so we are ready to give all of this to you. >> not a good idea. >> just shut up and take your clothes off. >> you said. >> here we are. whoo. >> there you in their birthday suits. stripping down for a $500,000 subscriber celebration. the video already not surprisingly has over 6 million views. >> did you catch that, the bending down. i guess when you have bodies like that that's how you celebrate. jump around. a trump impersonators who could pull off the best. >> a lot of us. but there's only one trump. >> i think you have two things that everybody has to have. you have to be orange, and you have to have some kind of hair situation. for me i squint my eye, i pucker my lips. >> with him it's the throat placement. the nasal placement. the very unusual pronunciation. and vocal production that he has. and then so much of it is attitude. you know, i'm tremendous. i'm fantastic. i'm >> that is john who won the competition. he said he has been making money since 2004, way before the whole title of president came in. so definitely on point. >> i like how he said pronunciation. i don't know how i feel about this next story. getting dressed in the morning a got easier which would be good for frances and i when we get dressed at 2 in the morning. it might be more judgemental. amazon, the camera that snaps full length photos and shows videos of you each day to help you look your best and keep track of your dress. it has a style check option that gives fashion feedback and second opinions on your outfit. again, 2:00 in the morning getting dressed not sure i want to hear i don't like what you're wearing. >> that is echo alexis, order me toilet paper, i'm good. this is "early today." iliar? then you'll love this. always discreet. incredible protection... i didn't think it would work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel for incredible protection. so i know i'm wearing it... but no one else will. always discreet. i've discovered incredible... bladder leak underwear that hugs every curve. can't tell i'm wearing it... can you? always discreet underwear. for bladder leaks. now at 4:26, a delaware trooper killed and a standoff underway. the connection to our area as the tragic and intense situation plays out. a local principal under fire. what she said inspired a so-called smash space at an elementary school. we are getting you ready to rock the red as the caps quest for the cup continues. "news 4 today" starts now. it is 4:26. good morning, everybody. i'm aaron gilcrist. >> and i'm eun yang. we are working for you to get you up and out the door on this thursday morning. >> melissa mollet on the roads for us. chuck and sheena, and finally some decent weather around here. all right. >> welcome. >> kickback. >> i feel a little bad without my red. take my purse around with me. >> chuck got coffee on his red tie so he had to switch to the purple tie. >> i like that story. i support the team. i didn't get the memo. a nice dry start to the day today. all of your thursday plans will be uninterrupted by rain unless you have something to do late tonight. after about 9:00, 10:00 tonight there will be at least a chance for a few showers, but most of your day along today, nothing to worry about. nothing on storm team 4 radar any too close to us. the four things to know about the weather. a complete turn around. no more clouds and rain drops today. a chance of a shower tonight. still talking about getting near 90 degrees on saturday. more on all the good details for today. let's go to >> good morning, chuck. it is going to be a very nice day much very different than the last several days. the sunshine will make its appearance. 60 degrees currently. mostly clear skies out there. as we go through the day today, temperatures really going to be warming up. take a look at our hour-by-hour forecast. we're going to be rising by the mid 70s until lunchtime. this afternoon the mid to low 80s. even as we go through tonight, if you're heading to the caps game maybe, temperatures will still be mild when you walk outside. coming up in a bit we'll take a closer look at your forecast and check the roads. >> brand new crashes this morning southbound gw parkway. the left lane is getting by this morning. some construction that has slowed things down quite a bit here this morning. talking about westbound 66 before glebe. left lane only thing getting by. the milling and paving. we had constructio they switched it to westbound. inner loop at old georgetown road, road work there. same thing inner loop after university and after pennsylvania avenue. >> melissa, thank you. we're following breaking news that a trooper has been killed. the suspect still locked inside a home at this hour. >> we learned late last night that corporal stephen ballard was the trooper that died at a wawa in delaware. there is a big effort now to catch the killer. >> erika gonzalez has more on what's happening at the live desk. >> aaron, eun, good morning to you. happening right now, a barricade situation that started last night still going on in delaware. this after that trooper, trooper ballard, was shot and killed at a wawa. that happened in the town of baer. two suspects were involved. one of them taken into on scene. the other fled to a home. we understand that a s.w.a.t. team has that area surrounded now. this is an ongoing barricade situation going on for several hours now. meanwhile, flags will be flown at half staff today in honor of trooper ballard who was an eight-year veteran. from the live desk, i'm erika gonzalez. >> erika, thank you. here's a look at our other top stories this morning. 4:30. hagerstown police are investigating a fatal crash at the intersection of chestnut street and garrett street. that crash involved a motorcyclist and bicyclist. the bicyclist died. a woman is in custody after a woman caused a scare at a metro station. she started to argue with another passenger. it happened around 9:00. she was arrested at the white flint station about 30 minutes later. none of the passengers were

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