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i eat healthier when i'm alone. you eat what your spouse eats and my husband should be like should we order skirt steak from the diner at like 10:40? i'm like okay. >> are you one of those people who eats with their hands and gets food all over -- >> i've been known to take the kids? . >> steve, what do you envy about "the office" staff? >> ienvy that they are more emotionally in touch with themselves and we're like pigs. >> tina, would you tell your partner if they had body odor? >> i would and he would get mad at me. fy tell him that he has spinach in his teeth, he's like -- i'm like, did you want me to not tell you? >> by the way, you're hosting "snl" this week. >> yes. >> sarah palin will be -- >> we'll see. i'll go see later today what's up. >> you don't know yet? >> i'm sure we'll try something. >> are we going to see "anchorman 2"? >> yeah. with any lucky talked to will a good luck with "date night." keep up the good work here at nbc. >> which one of us would you rather go on a date with? >> come on. >> "date night" opens this fridays nationwide. steve would rather go with you and tina and i will hang out. should you be taxed for drinking soda? that's the question right after this. >> yes! ♪ let's take a look at the stats. mini has more than double the fiber and whole grain... making him a great contender in this bout... against mid-morning hunger. honey nut cheerios is coming in a little short. you've got more whole grain in your little finger! let's get ready for breakfaaaaaaaaaast! 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[ female announcer ] and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details, terms and conditions. caused by a completely blocked artery, another heart attack could be lurking, waiting to strike. a heart attack caused by a clot, one that could be fatal. but plavix helps save lives. plavix taken with other heart medicines, goes beyond what other heart medicines do alone, to provide greater protection against heart attack or stroke and even death by helping to keep blood platelets from sticking together and forming clots. ask your doctor about plavix. protection that helps save lives. people with stomach ulcers or other conditions that cause bleeding should not use plavix. taking plavix alone or with some other medicines including aspirin may increase bleeding risk, so tell your doctor when planning surgery. certain genetic factors and some medicines, such as prilosec, may affect how plavix works. tell your doctor all the medicines you take, including aspirin, especially if you've had a stroke. if fever, unexplained weakness or confusion develops, tell your doctor promptly. these may be signs of ttp, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition reported sometimes less than 2 weeks after starting plavix. other rare but serious side effects may occur. to get more of the fiber you need every day, try fiberchoice. with the natural fiber found in fruits and vegetables and 33% more fiber per serving than benefiber. go to to get savings and rewards. it's the chevy spring event. and everyone deserves a car they can count on. one that's backed by a 100,000 mile powertrain warranty. and named a consumers digest best buy, two years in a row. discover malibu for yourself and see why over a thousand people a day are switching to chevy. during the spring event, qualified lessees can get a low mileage lease on this new malibu ls for around $199 a month. call for details. the switch to chevy starts at chevy dealer dot com. a breakthrough gel that transforms into an active foam. it not only helps prevent cavities, it whitens 33% better between teeth. aquafresh iso-active whitening. amazing. this morning on "take it off today," we're talking about tax is soft drinks and other sugary beverages. the average american drinks 450 calories per day. drinks. that's twice as many as we did 30 years ago. so is a so-called soda tax the answer to reduce consumption? "today's" diet nutrition editor, "drink this not that," good morning, folks. madelyn, set the problem up for me here. what's the main problem we face healthwise with all these sugary drinks? >> the average american compared to 40 years ago has an extra 25 pounds of sugar a year. that's a huge amount. this sets us up for overweight and obesity which is a direct link to diabetes. also, poor nutrition because we're guzzling down and these drinks and not making better choices. separate from the obesity issue iseart disease. research shows extra sugar contributes to heart disease. >> the idea on these taxes, david, is basically officials are jumping in here, they're trying to force people away from the sugary drinks because it is going to cost them more, and to healthier drinks. >> right. the problem is that the tax will lower -- reduce consumption of these sugary soft drinks. the problem is it's zero nutrition. it is not a food, it is not a beverage, it is a calorie delivery system. the most nutritious thing about a can of soda is like the bubbles. so what they're trying to do is realize america has a drinking problem. our hangover is our belly, literally, and we've got do something about did. >> when you say zero nutrition, you're trying to differentiate -- some people say what's next? if we have a soda tax, we'll have a pizza tax tomorrow or a french fry tax the day after. >> you have to start somewhere. soda and sugary drinks are hugely consumed. the way the tax is set, the more you drink, the more you are taxed. it is one penny an ounce. we're fighting against those 99 cents, 80-ounce soda. everyone is not penalized but it makes people more mindful of this. >> the problem is the fattiest cheeseburger, fattiest ice cream, the most sugary cereal is still going to deliver some protein or fiber or fat which helps with the onslouaught of sugar, get some vitamins and minerals in there. you don't have that with soda. >> this is not victim-neutral. in other words, if i'm careful and only drank one of these a day or one a week, i'm still paying more for that soda because the tax applies to everyone. >> sure. but that's like asking punishing people for only occasionally playing in traffic. >> it's not like -- smoking, for example. >> you're not trying to take a one cigarette a night habit and make sure it doesn't become a pack a night. >> the question is, is that fair to you? well, when you have a lot of advertising and you look at these drinks, what's one serving? can have a container like this, that's 2 1/2 servings. some people would say, that's one. liquid calories are not -- >> people might become more label conscious as a result of something like this. >> this will be a good thing.. 8:26 is your time and a gorgeous look at the nation's capital. temperatures in the 90s this morning. april 27th, 2010. a violent night in laurel. people in the hospital after they were shot around 1:00 this morning. two are juveniles. police found them at two locations blocks from each other and despite the close proximity, the crimes are not expected. no word if they have any suspects. we will take a break and have the weather and traffic when we come back. stay with us. >> per good morning. i'm chuck bell. the sky is clear and temperatures are starting their climb. we will end up in the high 80s and low 90s again today. showers and potentially strong thunderstorms arrive late in the afternoon and tomorrow evening. >> the outer loop at route 29. authorities have stopped all traffic. all traffic on the outer loop right now stopped. authorities are on the scene. we'll keep you updated. quick check elsewhere. up to the 14th street bridge, lanes are all open. >> get the news you need when you need it. the news starts on the 4:30 in the morning. tune in even 8:30 now on this wednesday morning, the 7th of april, 2010. another spectacular morning in the big apple. a great crowd standing with us on our little corner of rockefeller plaza. just ahead, we'll meet some very special guests. >> they have been taking over our studio. we've got gibbons and all kinds of things, really fascinating animals. we'll talk about them and what you can do to help save them coming up. >> seems funny on a day like today, we'll be going over to the ice rink. the olympic now world silver medalists from vancouver. also this morning we'll talk to sarah palin's daughter bristol. her child tripp is now 15 months old. she'll talk about her campaign to help prevent teenage pregnancy. >> her son is such a little handsome boy. >> he just said his first full sentence. bristol just told me. i don't know what it was. first full sentence. then a little bit later on, mr. mark bittman is here with four recipes using -- i think -- our favorite part of the chicken. >> by far. >> the thigh. >> love chicken. >> but first, since you are a fine man, tell us about the weather. >> well, i'll tell you, let's a good wednesday morning. i'm chuck bell. we have bright sunshine and temperatures already starting their climb in the upper 60s and low 70s for now. late or this afternoon, plenty of sunshine and near record highs. dulles is ready to break their record. national airport probably not reaching the record which today is degrees. the clouds come back and rain showers and thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon and evening ishering in cooler weather for the >> and that's your latest weather. >> i didn't know until this morning you were part of a very important fashion show this week. >> it was a fun fashion show. the sir sean connery and lady conne connery. money goes to wounded warriors. a lot of people get dressed up in kilts. >> you look fantastic. >> now did you do it the real way when a man wears a kilt? >> i did not go commando. >> you did not. >> look at you. would you wear one regularly? >> i don't think regularly. >> but you would. >> donald trump jr. had a formal kilt on. it looked really, really fantastic. >> men in kilts are so handsome. >> raising money for a great cause. >> the wounded warriors. thank you. now let's head down to ft. meyers, florida and say hello to uncle willie scott. >> hey, i hope the easter bunny brought you a 600-pound chocolate rabbit. eat the ears first. save later for dinner. love chocolate rabbits. happy birthday, how sweet it is from smucker's. always a pleasure as we broadcast live from the shores in good old ft. meyers. eleanor dose of north glencoe, minnesota. 107. getting older. the secret to longevity is eating special k. probably has stock. good for her. kellogg's. wished i did. likes that for breakfast every day. says it helps her live long. edna york, albany township, maine. lives independently in a log cabin. attributes longevity to drinking hot water. anybody remember drew pearson, the news man? i was a page at nbc and that's what he liked. joseph binder of the bronx, new york. 100 years old. keeps busy singing and ballroom dancing. boy, ballroom dancing is really hot. i love to watch that. lillian green of lagrange, kentucky, 100 years old. has knitted over 100 hats for the homeless and volunteers to deliver meals on wheels. and loves a little german beer. mariano caneso, honolulu, hawaii. he's 100 years old today. one of the founders of way of salvation church which now has branches all over the united states. and take a look at florence. row, row, row the boat, florence, down the river. florence weis. she is from lincolnwood, which happens to be in illinois. retired bookkeeper, attributes her longevity to believing that nothing is more important to her than her family. and that's the truth. that's all, that's it right now. back to that fantastic hudson and east river where they -- >> hey, willard. thank you very much. seven more years you're going to get to say happy birthday to iyy and molly's great, great aunt who is celebrating a 93rd birthday. nice to see you ladies. when we come back, we'll come face-to-face with some of these endangered animals that are right now inside our studio. we'll check them out. but first, this this morning on "today at the rink," ice dance's meryl davis and charlie white competed in their first olympic games in vancouver skating away with the silver medal. two weeks ago they captured silver again, this time at the world championships in italy. now they are touring the country with the ice show smucker's stars on ice. good morning to both of you. last time i saw you, you had just captured the silver medal at vancouver. i asked you if it had turning in yet. you said no. has it finally sunk in? >> it started to. we just started our 40-city tour. as we travel from city to city we see more people. it's very exciting and it is starting to hit us a little bit. >> now to win the silver in the worlds has to be the icing on the cake as well. >> yeah, we actually felt like we improved a little bit going into worlds. it was really nice to go there and compete well again. >> you mentioned you are on tour now, 41 cities in two months. that's a lot of traveling. are you enjoying it? >> it is totally new for us. we've never done anything like it before. it is an amazing cast, a really exciting show and we're really having a good time. >> you are also spending a little bit of time trying to give back. you were involved in a benefit for something called figure skating in harlem. why is that so important to the two of you? >> well, it is a great opportunity for us to talk about education and how important that is and it's such an awesome thing to have here. we've talked about it but we're new to it and it is such a great opportunity for those girls. >> to combine education and figure skating is something we're really passionate about. to have an opportunity to participate in something like that is exciting for us. >> i'm sure they'll really appreciate it. they're be performing their original dance from the olympics in vancouver, meryl davis and charlie white. take it away. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> meryl davis and charlie white. thank you so much, silver medalists at vancouver and at worlds. we'll get close and personal with the i cook twice a week at the fire station. i'd pick up a lot of the work around the house, the chores, the kids, the shopping, the cooking. i have two teenagers, and i'll be putting them through college someday soon. i'm very aware of what things cost, and, you know, i have to use all the money-saving tricks that i can come up with. with compare & save at giant, we search local competitors' prices and show you the difference right on the shelf. using the compare & save, i know that i'm getting a good price, and that works for me. more savings, every time you shop, only at giant. we're back at 8:45. in "today's call of the wild," this morning protecting endangered animals. seaworld and busch gardens conservation fund works to preserve habitats and help save many species from extinction. julie scardina is seaworld and busch gardens' animal ambassador. good morning. you are holding an animal that you describe as one of the most incredible on the planet. >> it really is. this little guy is one of the most acrobatic -- now this little guy is only 8 months old. >> he's just a baby. >> he's just hanging out with us. but these are one of the most acrobatic animals in the forest. 200 feet up. there are about 15 species of gibbons. unfortunately, all of them are endangered. if you guys saw the movie "avatar," our world is as amazing and incredible and unique as pandora. yet a lot of people don't realize that it is being destroyed in the same ways. >> why is this gibbon's habitat so endangered? >> only 10% of it remains because of conversion to oil palm, conversion to logging basically for wood. there's also development. there is a lot more people on the planet, competition for resources. >> are they captured also for exotic pets? >> yes, they absolutely are. it's just there are things that people can do when they travel or even at home to make sure that we do preserve by not buying exotic hardwoods and things like that. but all over the world there's a lot of stuff happening. 30% of amphibians are endangered. 50% of all primates are endangered or threatened with extinction. >> let's let him go eat his banana. he is a little bit nervous. on to our next animal. >> here we go! >> talk about wanting your blankie. >> this one is a swift fox. tell me about the swift fox. >> the swift fox is actually from the united states, and was found in the united states and canada all over the great plains region. what a lot of people don't realize again is our great plains region used to have one of the greatest migrations in the world with the byson and with all the predators that would follow, both big and small. the swift fox is one of those small predators. is the smallest fox in the united states. >> so what happened to him? >> again, it was not only from habitat loss and trapping and hunting but we had the extermination programs -- >> oh, right. they were exterminated in the process? >> also their favorite prey, the ground squirrel, those were poisoned as well. >> they tried to re-introduce these in someplaces? >> they were reintroduced but there is a very small population. probably found about 40% of where they used to be. >> this is a version of the wild dog, in that same family? >> yes, definitely in the canine family. >> and he is swift. >> they are very fast. >>speaking of very fast, we'll -- whoa! >> he is fast. but julie's just as fast! >> let's go right to the -- i thought he was coming for my throat. let's go right -- >> that's meredith. >> we'll bring in the african eagle real quickly. >> this is an african fish eagle. looks very similar to the bald eagle here in the united states. this particular guy isn't endangered there, but africa is changing so rapidly, we really have to pay attention to what's going on all over the world. >> finally making its way toward us, this is a taper? >> this looks like kind of a pig but has a nose like an elephant. >> don't you say it. >> where does he normally live? >> this is south american, although there are taper species in malaysia. all the taper species are endangered. this guy's actually doing the best. >> people need to get involved. >> that's exactly right. pay attention, do the small things. even the little things. make sure that we reduce our consumption. make sure that we're paying attention and saying, do i really need this? or can i share these resources with other critters? >> useless. >> when i think of the taper, somebody comes to mind. >> that's not nice. you're not nice. you're going to be endangered in a couple of minutes. coming up, in the fourth hour with kathie lee and hoda, we'll have more on this. but meanwhile, this is "today" on nbc. and this morning on "how to cook everything today," chicken thighs. the inexpensive, underappreciated cut of meat. mark bittman, a "new york times" columnist and author of "how to cook everything" has four fast and flavorful recipes. mark, good morning. you know me, i don't say things just to please you in these segments. >> no, you never have. never. >> i'm going to tell you, chicken thighs, that's my favorite part of the chicken. >> roker said the same thing. >> i love these things but most people go right to the breast, they want the white meat. >> but this is easy, it's fast. you get this great crisp skin on it. >> is it fattier though than the white meat? >> it is a little fattier which is why it's more flavorful. the idea is you can eat a little bit less also if you're worried about that. >> i put salt and pepper, rosemary right on the grill. >> rosemary-lemon is really great. we're doing four different sauces. basically this is roast chicken. take the thighs, prush them with any of these sauces we're starting with. mustard with a little oil and some honey. that's the first sauces. >> you don't marinate this? just coat these right before you're going to cook them? >> no marinating is happening here. what's happening is just a quick mixing, and some brushing. brush it on. then in the middle of cooking, turn and brush it again. >> what's the rule on cooking dark meat? takes a little longer? >> it takes a little longer but really, if you roast these at high heat and turn them once at 10 or 12 minutes, you'll get them crisp on both sides. they'll be done in 20, 25 minutes. really nice and juicy. >> dark meat's a little more tolerant to overcooking. god forbid you leave it on a little bit long, it still tastes good. >> these are the honey mustard ones. you get this wonderful crisp skin. here's soy sauce, honey again. >> you like the honey. >> sorry about that. that was vinaigrette. and ginger. and that's more of an asian thing. you finish that with scallions and maybe on some rice. this is great, this is sort of a mexican flavor. we've got olive oil, some lime juice, chili powder and smoked paprika. again, you can do, if you want thyme and lavender, garlic, you can do as you said, rosemary and lemon juice. sort of almost any combination of flavors you like is going to work here. >> one of the things i like most about the thighs is if you're in one of those households where you can pick them up and eat them -- >> i think you're going to see that here. >> right in the commercial break. it is easy to get the meat off a thigh as opposed to a breast, in my opinion. >> you just munch away. oh, here we go. >> smell good cooking. >> coconut milk, peanut butter and curry powder is the last one for a they nice thai flavor. >> al, you said you like thighs. >> yes, i do. >> one of these? >> no, go for this one. >> depends what you want. >> you want one? >> oh, gee, it just happened to fall off! >> sorry, that was a piece of bone actually. but that's okay. mark, great recipes. we thank you very much. the underappreciated chicken thigh. >> not in this house. just ahead, bristol palin. we'll talk to her after your local news. 8:55 is your time. a touch of summer in nation's capital. 90s today. we ever following breaking news right now out of the district. st. al bans school is on lockdown right now after a report of someone with a gun. this is a live picture near massachusetts and wisconsin avenues. the traffic back up there as police investigate. someone reported seeing a person with a gun and police are curnly investigating reports. no one with a gun has been found. we will stay on top of the story all day and bring you more infma we will have weather and traffic when we come back. stay with us. [ male announcer ] when you buy a car, what are you really buying? a shiny coat of paint? a list of features? what about the strength of the steel? the integrity of its design... or how it responds... in extreme situations? the deeper you look, the more you see the real differences. and the more you understand what it means to own a mercedes-benz. the c-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial. ♪ good morning. i'm chuck bell. the sun is shining and the temperatures have started their climb out of the 60s and into the 70s in many spots. temperatures will climb into the upper 80s and low 90s like yesterday. cold front coming our way promises to spark off showers and thunderstorms tomorrow evening. showers should end sometime early on friday morning. saturday looks nice and a high near 65 and sunday mostly sun we a high near 70. >> 395 very heavy and slow to the 14th street bridge. just volume. more stop. an earlier accident now to the shoulder. >> thank you. once again, breaking news in the district. st. al bans school is on lockdown after a report of someone with a gun in the area. we have a crew headed that way and another update in just 25 minutes. stay with us. we're back now with more of "today" on a wednesday morning, the 7th of april, 2010. we've said it a couple of times but we'll say it again -- it is a glorious day here in midtown manhattan. we've got a great crowd. i thought spring break was over. but i talk to some people from the midwest who were still enjoying spring break. >> this is the tail end of it. easter week. >> nice to have all these people here. good to be out here along with al roker and natalie morales. this half-hour, the "money 911" team is back. >> they'll talk about whether you should try to take advantage of that $8,000 tax credit that's set for expire for first-time home buyers. plus we'll look for new ways to save for college and the best place to get your credit score. also, we'll talk with bristol palin, the daughter of former alaska governor sarah palin. as you know she was thrust in the spotlight as a pregnant high school weather her mom was nominated as john mccain's running mate in the 2008 election. now she's a single mom of 15-month-old tripp, an absolutely adorable little boy. trying to juggle it all. this is her second year doing this campaign against teen pregnancy. we'll talk to her about the important message coming up. a lot to get to. also we'll be talking about this move by spirit air to go with charging people for taking a carry-on bag on the plane, the kind that has to go in the overhead compartment. >> up to $45. >> 45 bucks. >> they charge you to check it so now you bring it on. sorry, we're going to charge you. >> $40 to check it. that's another $40. yet they're cheap fares. they'll get you on what they charge for baggage. >> we'll get to that later. in the news this morning, west virginia's governor says he's still hopeful four miners missing since monday's explosion can be rescued. that explosion killed 25 others. governor joe manchin said that drilling crews completed one ventilation hole this morning but when rescuers then banged on the pipe, they got no response from underground. rescuers hope to re-enter the mind today once toxic and explosive gases are vented. president obama leaves today for the czech republic and the signing of a nuclear treaty with russia that commits the two countries to slash the nuclear arsenals by almost one-third. meantime, iran's president today ridiculed president obama and the revised u.s. nuclear policy but singles out iran and north korea as outlaw states. mahmoud ahmadinejad derided the president as a newcomer and says american politicians beaten by logic put their finger on the trigger "like a cowboy." three months after haiti's devastating earthquake, a miracle of science, perseverance and faith to report. this week a baby known as baby jenny was re-united with her parents in miami. the baby had spent five days under rubble before she was rescued and was taken to a florida hospital. her parents had to take dna tests to prove that the baby was not an earthquake orphan but rather the little girl they had never stopped searching for. the shuttle "discovery" docked this morning with the international space station increasing the population there to 13 including a record-setting four women. with near-record heat today in parts of the northeast, there was snow tuesday in salt lake city. more snow is expected today in parts of colorado, wyoming and nebraska. what's up with that? it is now three minutes past the hour. let's get another check of the good wednesday morning. i'm chuck bell. the sun continues to stream down through a blue sky right now and it is starting to warm the temperatures back up. 73 now in washington. 73 in fairfax and loud on counties. andrews air force base in annapolis and down in st. marys county. plenty of sunshine and near records once again. the uv index is high and clouds and rain showers return tomorrow. on today's "money 911," our team of experts tackle your financial dilemmas from saving for college to buying a new home. jean chatzky's "today" financial editor, the author of "money 911." david bach, author of "start over finish rich." and carmen wong ulrich, welcome. we've got a skype question from peter in tennessee. peter, what's your question? >> good morning. how are you guys doing? >> great. >> i'm 25 years old and i have a full-time job and am working on finishing my degree. right now my lease is about to expire on my apartment. i wonder whether or not i should take advantage of the $8,000 tax credit or will my lack of good credit from being young is going to generate more interest or should i try to better my credit score before applying for a loan. >> deadline is approaching, april 30th. >> april 30th you have to be in contract and close on the house by the end of june. here's the thing. the difference between a good credit score and a not-so-good credit score can be as much as about $300 a month when it comes to a mortgage payment on an average house. which means you can eat through that $8,000 credit in about two years. in other words, it's great if you've got good credit, if you're at the right place in your life to buy something. but if you're not, i wouldn't rush into this just because you want to grab that piece of money. >> do you know your credit score, peter? >> not exactly right now. >> that's the first thing, peter. go get it. go to today. get the score. at least you know where you'll stand. it won't cost you any money to pull it. so full and go. >> peter, good luck. paula is on the phone from indiana. she has a question about her children's college education. paula, good morning. >> good morning. thanks for taking my call. we have two children, 7 and 9 years old. our family's been really great buying savings bond for them but they take 20 to 30 years to ma sure which means they won't and lot of college help. i invested some of their money in cds but i think probably a 529 is the way to go. i just heard some negative. when i try and research them, there's so many by state. what's the good place to research them and what criteria do i use to pick the right one is it. >> i'll give this to david. first, 529 -- i've always heard pretty decent things. >> 529 plans are like a 401(k) plan for college savings. it is not tax deductible but it grows tax free. when you take the money out it comes out tax-free if you use it for education costs. the important thing about 529 plans, they're actually in your name, not in the kid's name so the parent controls the money which is much better. the important thing is the cost associated with them. go to morning and look for low-cost plans. when people say the investments in 529 plans haven't been great. reality is 529 plan is not an investment account. it is like an i.r.a. account or 401(k) plan. it is what you invest in. the mutual funds she selects in that 529 plan. with your kids being 10 years away from college, i recommend you use a rather conservative approach with those 529 plans, about 60% stocks and 40% bonds. many of the 529 plans right now have actually like a ten-year marker so you can actually choose an investment account that's ten years out. last thing, look at a website called that's a website that will actually provide you with rebates that will help you save additional money for college expenses. there are hundreds of retailers w , you shop anyway. it is a frequent flyer for college savings. >> good luck, paula. now let's go to janet from missouri. she's got a question about her credit score. good morning, janet. what's your question? >> good morning. where should gi to check my credit score? i checked out several different websites and they all require memberships. >> that's a great question. here's the thing, there is a lot of money to be made in the credit score business. there is a lot of scores out there right now. what you need to know is, are you applying for a loan specifically with a specific bank, like a mortgage lender, an auto loan. what score are they using? over 80% of lenders and insurance companies use thefy io score. i would check the fico score. no, it is not for free but you just need to collection it once. your credit score is based on your credit reports. go to you don't have to buy your credit score unless you are going to buy for a loan. look at what they're looking at. if you want kind of a gauge of where you stand, there are a bunch of other credit scores, like credit karma you mentioned or vantage score. fico is probably what they'll look at. ask them what score they're using. that's what you want to see. >> now back to the phone. this question, interestingly enough -- there is a skype, i should say. this is from a student, not parent, about paying for college. this is alyssa. good morning. >> hi, good morning. it's my first year in college. i'm paying my way through school. i pay for tuition, food, housing, everything on my own. but, however, because of my parents' income i don't qualify for any need-based scholarships. i was wondering if i should claim myself as an independent or if there are other ways i can find money to get for school. >> claiming yourself as an independent, unfortunately, is a pretty difficult thing do until you hit age 24. you're not an orphan, you aren't a ward of the court, your parents just aren't really stepping up to participate in this. you might want to try an unsubsidized stafford loan that will pay for about $5,500 of college in the first year, it will go up to about $7,500 in your junior and senior year. that's a loan but you'll be able to pay it back at a pretty good rate once you are out of school. i'd just go back to your parents and see if maybe you can rally support, maybe there is an accountant that they trust or a lawyer that they trust. bring them in to this conversation and explain to them what sort of a burden you're taking on by having to borrow pretty much everything in order to get yourself through. >> is that doable, you think? >> i think so. >> good luck. if you need jean to call your mom and dad -- >> hey! i'm really good at this. >> good luck. now i've got an e-mail question from john in ohio. "i'm a small business owner who's been struggling. my wife got a loan on her own and signed my name but did not make payments for nine months. yikes. when i found out about the loan, i called to arrange to make payments, but my credit dropped like a rock. i need financing for my business but banks refuse to work with me. is there anything i can do to help my credit and get access to money? >> that's a tough one, david. >> forgery is fraud. fraud is illegal. so what your wife did, even if it was with the best of intentions, it's illegal. you can't just go and sign your spouse's or significant other's name on loan documents. the second part of that is because she didn't pay those loans for five months, have you now affected your credit score. the first thing you have to do is get current on those loans. go to -- multiple banks. start a banking relationship with the local bank. say listen, i am a small business owner. you have to build back up your credit score by paying the loans down, explain to the local banker what happened and apply for a small business loan, pay that back quickly, then apply for a bigger business loan. the banks are giving out small business loans again but it is realistically going to take you six months before you have to pay off those loans and then your score will come up again. >> business loans are backed by your personal credit. especially for a small business owner, it is backed by you personally. you have to be really careful. >> john probably needs some marriage counseling, too. >> that's why money causes divorce. coming up, you love her cooking. now paula deen is going to give us a little taste of southern living. but up next, sarah palin's daughter bristol shares her story of motherhood in a campaign to reduce teen pregnancy right after these messages. hey! increase in 6 months. pete, back it up! 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[ male announcer ] every manwich has a full serving of wholesome vegetables. manwich. meat your vegetables. of wholesome vegetables. ♪ [ female announcer ] discover black silk from folgers... ♪ with bold rich flavor that's exceptionally smooth. wake up to black silk. so i got my nephew to build a website. i hired someone to make my website... five months ago. we are building a website by ourselves. announcer: there's an easier way. create your own small-business site with intuit websites. just choose a style that fits your business and customize, publish and get found in three easy steps. sweet. all from just $4.99 a month, get a 30-day free trial at that promise to make my patients look younger. but nothing works like this. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare, with 10 breakthrough patents, goes beyond lines and wrinkles for a firmer, more uplifted look. exclusive ion2 complex combines with the activating cream to boost collagen depleted skin. 100% of women showed improvement in wrinkles, firmness, or definition in just 4 weeks. the results? amazing. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare from the number one dermatologist recommended brand. ♪ crimping and cutting and hair finger twirling ♪ ♪ threading my hair through some bright-coloured rings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favourite things ♪ ♪ when the curls break, when the ends split ♪ ♪ when my hair goes mad ♪ i simply remember my favourite thing ♪ ♪ and then i don't feel so bad ♪ because we all damage our hair, we've invented new... dove damage therapy with fiber actives in every product. dove takes care of the damage. with nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, the u.s. has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the industrialized world. but one national organization wants to lower those numbers with the help of a familiar teen mom. bristol palin is teamed up with the candy's foundation as part of a new public service campaign aimed at preventing teen pregnancy. bristol palin is here with the founder of the candy's foundation. this is your second year being a part of this campaign. why is the message so important to you? from it is so important to me because i'm living it and i just want to help educate others and use candy's foundation as the platform and just do that. >> i know you're loving being a mom. we talked about you now have 15-month-old tripp. just an absolutely gorgeous little boy. you told matt he said his first sentence. what was that? >> i asked him where my little sister was and he just said, "i don't know." just completely clear. >> he blows my 18-month-old away. he's not speaking in sentences yet. but you talk about the realities of being a teen mom and a single parent. how is that for you? >> it's extremely difficult. i mean i am his sole provider and it is very difficult. i think by me speaking out, that it will help others and put like a real factor to teen pregnancy. >> what have you had to give up personally in your life to be a mom? >> i don't know where to begin. pretty much everything. lots of freedom and things like that just because he does rely on me. >> but knowing what you know now being a mom, would you do anything differently? >> i mean i wish i could be older and have him just so that i have a career lined up and be in a stable relationship and stuff like that. >> this is not an abstinence campaign, important to point out. yet you do have a strong point of view on abstinence before marriage. >> yeah, correct. just for me personally that's just the decision that i'm going to make. but what we're trying to do is just educate teens. that's what's important to us right now. >> neil, as we mentioned, 750,000 teens become pregnant every year. statistics are staggering. you see these reality tv shows on mtv which are dealing with this as well and trying to put a spotlight on these young moms and what they're having to deal with. how difficult is it for teens and what do they give up, the sacrifices that they're making? >> it is incredibly difficult for teens. you can look at the teenager, but also you can look at the baby and what happens with the baby after he's born. the statistics are staggering as far as everything that happens with all stages of the generation. but to your point about the media, the media plays such an important role. we did a study with seventeen magazine, found out teenagers are incredibly influenced by shows like "gossip girl" and others. we need to show teens it is not glamorous. >> it is a hardship in a lot of ways. >> it is incredibly difficult and it totally changes your life, plax it so you can't have all the wonderful things that happen as a teenager. you can be a great mother, you just have to wait. >> the role that parents play is so important. bristol, do you remember having that conversation with your parents about sex? >> yes, definitely. you know, there's just so much to be said about that. i just think that psas like this are just going to open up more dialogue to be talking about that. >> we hope so. definitely. the message that teens certainly are getting, the media, the influence, but whether it comes to having that dialogue with parents, what more can we do besides explaining to them what you need to be doing? >> having two teenage boys, i know how difficult it is to talk to teenagers. what we try to do is talk to them through entertaining them with wonderful celebrities and public figures like bristol and we've done past work with hundreds of celebrities so we try to educate them and talk on a peer-to-peer basis rather than preaching to them and telling them "don't have sex." we try to make them aware of the consequences and try to do it in an innovative way. >> bristol, you say you count yourself very lucky because have you a very supportive family. not a lot of teens can say the same though. >> yeah, correct. i think that's what this psa is all about, too. having yo . >> having your parents help support new every way. >> yeah. >> great to see you. give a little hug and kiss to tripp for us. he's just beautiful. >> thank you. coming up next, what one airline is now charging for that isn't sitting well with a lot of passengers. that's after this. rock wall in the middle of the ocean? 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[ male announcer ] savory. fluffy. yummy. sweet! [ female announcer ] splenda®. america's favorite no calorie sweetener. so kate you were stressed, a lot of junk food on the go and you were... a little irregular, sluggish. my daughter needed activia! so i gave it a try and wow. it works. now she has a spring on her step. i'm loving it, every morning. mmmm. avo: help get your system back on track. activia with bifidus regularis helps regulate your digestive system would you recommend activia? i already have. she recommends it. what are you waiting for? singer: activia. it was my idea. well, little things like that make a difference. for example... scott naturals. you get the high-quality performance you need... and just the right blend of recycled fibers. best of both worlds. i like that. yep, it's like having your cake-- and eating it too. exactly. it's green done right. do you know scott? scott naturals are green done right. guess what? now there is a clarnharge for carry-on luggage. spirit airlines has become the first airlines to charge for a carry-on, as much as $45 each way. it applies to bags stored in overhead bins but not those where you put your feet. >> it goes into effect august 1st but if you register the bag online -- ooh! only $30! >> spirit says it is reducing some of its fares to offset the new fee. but all the airlines are watching what they're doing to see if this is something that's going to work. >> i think they're going to get on and off a lot faster because there will be fewer people flying. >> you have an opinion about this apparently. >> it is infuriating. paula deen is up next. she'll cheer us up. for a sweet, smoky flavor. then i triple-baste them till they're fall-off-the-bone tender. this is shiner bock barbecue sauce i'm using. come in now for baby back ribs. choose 1 of 10 freshly prepared entrées plus an appetizer for just $9.99. only at chili's. it's all in the pepperation. love to see kids' spirits shine. superstar and mom, martina mcbride and sunnyd shine on sunny taste. sunny spirit. sunny d. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? that's why there's new danonino. new danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. yummy! new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. fine:26 is the time. breaking news right now. st. al bans school on wisconsin and massachusetts avenue is on lockdown. let's go to megan on the scene with latest. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning. you can see behind me the police presence outside. they have it cordoned off. this all began to unfold around 8:30 this morning. a report of a person with a gun in a wooded area. the school was placed on lockdown a short time ago. police converged on hers hall and came out with a teenager in handcuffs. they put that teen into a squad car and took him away in a white shirt and a tie. unclear if she a student or who he is. taken a short time from hers hall. it's a building used by st. al bans and the cathedral school for a variety of events. report of a person with a gun in the area of al bans. an arrest has been made, but we have see how it pans out. >> megan, thank i'm a fashion stylist. my secret? t.j.maxx. they buy directly from designers and you see the savings! i dress fashionistas. but i'm a maxxinista. t.j.maxx. temperatures warming into the 70s and highs in the 80s and this dog will have nothing to worry about in the rain storm because this smiling mixed-breed called riley -- the dog is going to be our guest tomorrow here on "today." speaking of dogs, have we mentioned we are looking for "today's top dog"? >> we need you to vote. here's the first batch of semi-finalists. 3-year-old black lab named jani. the next top dog wannabe, a jack russell terrier from orlando, chip. and our final semi-finalist, bandit from wisconsin. a 1-year-old border collie has become a soccer superstar. >> very cute. you have two ways to vote. logon to or text your vote to 622639 and be sure to press "1" for jani, "2" for chip, and "3" for bandit. you have until noon eastern time on thursday. deadline for the contest is april 23rd. the queen of all things southern, paula deen, is here. you love her cooking. guess what? she's got savannah style and she going to share it with us from setting a southern table to decorating a bedroom. she'll share some style tips. >> good. she's not cooking today. we've called in another hot shot to create a delicious spring salad made of avocado and grilled shrimp. >> good morning. i'm chuck bell. temperatures on the way up on this beautiful wednesday morning. temperatures 73 here in washington. 74 in prince georges county and as well in anne arundel into southern maryland. upper 60s in places like menassis, but it will be a warm one, no doubt about it. temperatures climb into the upper 80s and a few spots into the low 90s this afternoon. showers and thunderstorms return tomorrow. cooler weather by the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. coming up next, paula deen adds some southern flair to your living room. but first, these messages. (announcer) we send them off each day. our future leaders. explorers, great thinkers. they're the future of america, so let's bring them up right and give them our cheese. american cheese. kraft singles. put it in their lunch boxes. heck, put it right in their mouths. it's made with milk, never oil like some other slices. a country is only as good as its cheese. good thing ours doesn't have a bunch of holes in it. kraft singles - the american cheese. you stood in the basement gathering dust while i, sneezing, itching eyes kept you from our favorite stream. the one that runs through a field where pollen floats through the air. but now, with the strength of 24-hour zyrtec® to relieve my worst allergy symptoms, indoors and outdoors... let's go before the fish stop biting. they won't wait for us. but that's okay. zyrtec® is the fastest 24-hour allergy medicine. today, we battle wits with the trout. with zyrtec® i can love the air®. ♪ with zyrtec® i can love the air®. our chefs learn secrets cookinof italian cooking., like how to blend four artisanal cheeses to create our new creamy fonduta sauce. in our new steak fonduta and grilled chicken fonduta. at olive garden. that, on the list of things kids love, our party pizzas have just passed toy robots. awkward. kids love totino's party pizzas. awkward. can you believe how fast kids grow these days? and since 90% of bone strength is developed before adulthood... it's so important that they get enough calcium every day. that's why there's new danonino. danonino! unlike leading kids yogurts, danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. and its rich creamy taste is... yummy! so they can start building strong bones today... for stronger bodies tomorrow. new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. a cold case murder in los angeles is suddenly heating up with a shocking twist. the lapd is now investigating one of their own. a female detective charged with a brutal crime that happened nearly a quarter century ago. here's nbc's george lewis. >> reporter: for more than 25 years, stephanie lazarus was a highly respected member of the los angeles police department. rising from street cop to decorated detective. now, she's on the other side of the law, an accused killer in a cold case murder investigated by her fellow detectives. >> these are folks, one side of the hallway investigating a member of the other. it is very difficult. >> reporter: the case dates back to 1986 when a 29-year-old nurse named sherri rasmussen was found brutally beaten and shot to death in her apartment while her husband was out. originally investigators believed two men had killed her during a home invasion robbery but the case went cold, sitting for years at the lapd. until 2009 when cold case detectives discovered that dna collected at the crime scene was actually from an unknown female. looking back at the reports, they noticed stephanie lazarus' name. there was a connection. >> the investigation revealed that she had had a previous relationship with the victim's husband prior to the murder. >> reporter: detectives launched a top-secret operation last year. an undercover detective trailed l lazarus and picked up a discarded item that contained dna. it matched a bite mark found on the victim's body. weeks later she was called to the basement of police headquarters she thought to investigate another case. instead she was taken into custody. the attorney for the family says they were relieved by the arrest. >> it brings back all the emotions of 1986. it is like tearing a bandage off of a wound. so it's very difficult. >> reporter: lazarus has pled not guilty. a judge set bail at $10 million saying if she were released, "the probability of her not appearing at trial is a near certainty." >> i believe she, as anybody, would be entitled to reasonable bail. $10 million is not reasonable bail. >> reporter: lazarus' brother, stephen, says his sister who is married with a daughter is innocent and would never skip town. >> she's not going anywhere. there is so much more in this case. there's so much more for her to stick up for herself and clear her good name. again, i'm confident that will happen. >> reporter: the rasmussen family is just as eager for stephanie lazarus to have her day in court. >> they would like to see justice be done. they would like to see the trial proceed. they look forward to the trial. >> reporter: that trial is expected to begin late this year. for "today," george lewis, nbc news, los angeles. and coming up next, paula deen shows us how to bring southern style to all the rooms of your home right after this. to keep their bodies strong. a nutritious start to the day is essential. that's why carnation instant breakfast essentials supplies the nutrients of a balanced breakfast. so kids get the protein and calcium they need to help build strong muscles and healthy bones. ♪ carnation instant breakfast essentials. good nutrition from the start. 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that's why there's new danonino. new danonino has twice the calcium of milk, ounce per ounce, with vitamin d. so it's power packed for healthy growth. yummy! new danonino from dannon. power packed to help kids grow. nutri-grain -- one good decision... can lead to another. ♪ made with real fruit and now with more... of the whole grains your body needs. nutri-grain can help you eat better all day. in morning on "today's home," savannah style. for years paula deen's been giving us a taste of southern living. paula's new book "paula deen's vav savannah style." paula, good morning. and so it begins. how do you work with her? >> never a dull moment. >> it's never a dull moment, y'all. all we do, al, is just laugh. but we get our work done, too. >> we laugh and decorate. >> laugh and decorate. >> what was the inspiration for this? >> the inspiration for this book is truly savannah, al. she is this magical, mystical place and her beauty is like no other. and neither brandon or i was born there. we can't get over her beauty and we want to share that. because you can have a touch of savannah no matter where -- in cleveland, ohio. >> all right. well the book, most of these decorating books make my teeth hurt. this is a gorgeous book and it is practical. first of all, you're going to make a table setting. >> key to savannah style is anybody can have savannah style, it is accessible to everyone in the country. this is a great centerpiece today. tomorrow it's lunch. >> we love using edible products and fresh products. bron do brandon is a genius. my precious brandon. >> we take the larger fruit, place it on a tray. we've will you tell lemons and limes. just take a toothpick -- great secret -- stick it in. >> you can place it anywhere you want to. >> to give us a little more color, we'll take some flowers. we have water tubes. any floral design store. we just stick them in the holes. >> you just kind of fill in the blanks. >> fill in the blanks. quick and easy to do. >> very nice. >> for paula's brother's wedding we did these wonderful centerpieces with lemons and hydrangeas. >> is this plastic wrap in the middle? >> yes! but you don't see it but it holds your lemons in place. just place the lemons around. >> brandon said too bad the high gr . the hydrangeas lasts longer than brandon's wedding! >> savannah style! it will take you out! they say it's tough in new york, it's tougher in savannah. >> but look how gorgeous. we grow these in our yard. and also dry them. but here's what i want to get a point across to everybody. brandon was pure genius with his tips in this book, al. like if you buy a statue, a new statue, you can pick them up for not much money but it doesn't have that charm that the old ones have. but brandon takes like mossy grass -- >> just get like moss "from the garden," put it in a blender with some yogurt, little milk, blend it -- >> and it patinas out and it looks old and full of the charm. >> in fact, in the book, you've used not only your own home but a lot of the pictures from your friends' homes? >> yes, from friends' homes. and we have so much to pull from in savannah, y'all. we've got the ocean. we've got the river downtown. we've got the historic district. so there's a lot of places to pull from. >> a lot of times we take the dining room table out under the tree. we got this great chandelier from pottery barn. we entertain outside. >> it is full of bay leaves so it smells so good. >> your place settings aren't matchy-matchy. >> there are no rules in savannah style. we like formal with informal. >> you can see the different textures are just grand. brandon and i love, love -- ooh, i left my kleenex right there. sorry, y'all. i had a runny nose! had the runny nose earlier. >> purell, anyone? >> here, al. >> so we love to go junking in savannah. >> brandon just keeps going! >> we got these great napkins at an antique store. paula has not blown her nose on them yet. >> they're safe for y'all to wipe your mouth, no snot. but brandon is right, we have so many wonderful little treasures in savannah that we love to pick up our linens from. >> we love to mix-match our glasses. we love drinking out of mason jars. drinking lemonade out of a mason jar on the back porch. >> this is a tablecloth. >> this cost you almost nothing. >> just go to the craft store and get burlap and just throw it on the table. >> it's all about the unexpected. in savannah -- >> we're quirky, savannah's all about quirky. >> i have been called eccentric! >> you? the book is "paula deen savannah style." thank you both so much. >> i love you, al. >> i love you, too. we'll lighten things up -- >> he's genius, everybody. >> -- are you taking a statin medication to lower your bad cholesterol but your good cholesterol and triglycerides are still out of line? 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the whole thing? >> yes. sliced garlic. cayenne pepper. smoked paprika. not all of it -- >> that would be really spicy. >> this is canola oil. add some oil, stir this together. >> why do you make the marinade for the shrimp? it really gives it that flavor, right? >> yes. the orange and smoked paprika really give it just a wonderful, soft flavor. >> how long are you going to -- >> we're going to reserve some of this marinade for later for the plating. >> for the salad dressing? >> yes. then add the shrimp. they marinate anywhere up to six hours. >> can you use the marinade for chicken or steaks, too. >> i love this marinade for chicken. >> i bet it's great. >> the shrimp, they cook about two to three minutes. >> thee are mayan shrimp? >> they're actually farm shrimp from central america. they're very sweet and very special. >> can you find them though as a grocery store? >> yeah. but you can substitute any kind of shrimp. down in the fountain bloom, these are specialty. after a minute, you flip. i'll make the vinaigrette. >> that's with that reserved marinade. >> see that beautiful color they just turned? it is a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil, lime juice and lime zest. a little bit of dijon mustard. that sort of acts as an emulsifier. salt. pepper. then we'll just whisk this together. just really simple, bright flavors. >> these look amazing. then now we add -- >> hold on to this. bring the shrimp back. very good. thank you. here's the fun part. >> yes!avocado. this is my favorite combination. >> the shrimp is really spicy, so the fruit gives it the -- >> cooling it down. >> mango, red onion, avocado and i brought some papaya because it looked really nice in the market today. we just toss that together. you want to season a little salt and pepper. >> you like sea salt here. right? >> yeah. little bit of vinaigrette. >> how are you? >> excellent. we're almost ready to e, now. >> yes. that's why i waited until now. >> i'll just have a salad. >> let me slide this over. plating it up. >> we're just going to put this right on the plate here. >> gorgeous. we're running out of time but once you get it all on your plate it looks like this. that's where you top it with the reserve marinade. right? >> coming up on "today," boxing champ laila ali wants to get folks moving. i'm lucy sykes. i'm a fashion stylist. what i do is dress people for magazines and tv. my job is to hunt down the best fashion and stay on budget. my secret? t.j.maxx. their buyers have their finger on the pulse of what's on trend. they buy directly from designers and you see the savings! i dress fashionistas. but i'm a maxxinista. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you! 9:56 is your time. we have bricking news. police just made an arrest after receiving reporting of a gun on the corner of massachusetts and wisconsin avenues. megan is on the scene with the latest. megan? >> reporter: i'm just updating you here. the school is no longer on lockdown. we are seeing kids outside at this point. there were tense mems here after police received a call, a report of a teen in the area in a wooded area near st. al bans school with a long gun. again, near the school a little after 8:30 this morning. police converged on hers hall on the campus associated with st. al bans, the cathedral school. they took into custody a teenager wearing a white shirt and a tie. he was in handcuffs and put in the back of the car and taken away. we are told that that individual is indeed a student here. we are being told that a second student is being questioned by police in connection with what happened. police have seen or recovered a gun inside a jeep cherokee that is parked on the campus of the school described as a long gun. they are getting a search warrant to recover the weapon. no one injured. things back to normal at the school. >> the northwest washington. we will have more on the breaking news coming up at hey, everybody. we're so happy you're with us today. it is wednesday, matinee day. winesday. >> of course it is. >> april 7th. but it also is a very, very serious day as well. i usually on this day am in washington, d.c., for the annual lights of the day of hope candle. which is in memory of the literally -- it's almost up to now five children a day die of childhood neglect or abuse in our country. it's a sobering statistic. one child every ten seconds. and my friends ivanna and sarah from child help are down in washington along with wonderful people to lobby for children and light the candle in remembrance. if you're interested go to the web, for more information. >> that's a great group. they are so sweet. when they came on the show, we fell in love with them. >> i've known them forever. they are amazing. they've been nominated for the nobel peace prize three or four times now for their work. they're just amazing. god bless them. i wish i was with them in washington, but probably more people are hearing about it this way. >> another amazing person is out there. >> we found him! >> the french guy who jumped in the drink and saved the 2-year-old. >> saved the precious child. >> he just kind of went off in the cab and nobody heard from him. >> i apparently it was the last day of his very first visit to new york. he had a plane to catch. >> a baby fell into the east river. he saw. he jumped in, picked up the baby and handed the baby to the baby's father who also jumped in. the child's great, fine. the frenchman, no one got to say atta boy or nice job. he was tracked down in france. he didn't realize it was such a big deal. >> at first he thought it was a doll bobbing in the water. when he realized it wasn't, he just didn't think at all. jumped right in. god bless him. >> we love him. >> and we forget we once loved the french and the french loved us. >> we still love them. >> i do. i was born there. >> i want to talk about a couple things. people were writing in and asking about some jewelry. >> that you wore. >> that i wore yesterday. jennifer miller makes this chunky bracelet i was wearing. people were asking about it. >> it's affordable, isn't it? >> this one is $125. if you go on, her website, there's actually a click button that says under $100. there are things -- >> like it. >> yeah. here are the aeearrings, too. i like wearing her stuff. she's one of those people who started with a little seedling, nothing, and turned it into -- >> she didn't do a sex tape. she worked. >> she worked. >> i love it. it's an old thing called work! >> we like that. >> yes, we do. she's a very good businesswoman. what i think she should do is if she get miss, many inquiries, you should say, as seen on hoda -- then she could make take a little off the price. that would be very smart of her. >> i've got her other things on, too. these are hers as well. >> so there's a lot going on. >> there is. >> we have now heard from sandra bullock. this is the first official statement. >> which is interesting. she hasn't said a word. more power to her. >> she's been classier than you can dream. >> i think there was something that made her say, you know what? i've got to come out and say something. >> nip it. >> there was talk that jesse -- that there was a sex tape involving sandra and jesse. there was just a bunch of rumors on websites. >> they were married. >> right. but she wanted it to be clear that that doesn't exist. her statement to "people" magazine is, this is the only statement she's made, there is no sex tape. there never has been one. and there never will be one. and that's what she says. >> i tend to believe she's -- it's true. in fact, i really know the last part will be. there will never be one because it's over. >> yeah. i think she's handling it, i have to say, it's so hard to handle that kind of thing anyway. even in a private setting. but to be so public, she's been very, very classy. all right. we like when our viewers, i don't know, do things we talk about on the show. >> they know we are absolutely in love with cupcake lady. she's up there with da vinci. she's a genius. first of all think of it and then execute it. you know what i'm saying. make it. >> when she shows us on the air, it actually doesn't look that difficult. she makes it seem simple. >> we made it with her! >> that's right. we have a viewer who makes -- she's from rhode island. she sent us her pictures because she wanted to show she can make sharon's cupcakes, too. look what she did! >> she made them for easter. those look like regular ones. >> that looks like -- yes. look what she did. >> i thought they were the duckies and things. we have no pictures? there's the duckies! >> those are a good try. don't you think? i think she did good. >> she did a whole lot better than i did. last night cassidy is one of the managers of the la crosse team at her school. all gorgeous guys. i wonder why she decided to be a manager of the la crosse team. every game she has to bake cookies for them. i gave her this whole thing in the car yesterday. i said, i don't like that. men have expected women to make cookies for them for centuries. i'd say no. you're their manager. you're not their baker. she goes, mom, that's part of the job. we all have to make cookies. she went off to rehearsal for her play last night. she wasn't going to get home until 8:30. we stopped and got the mix to make the cookies. i thought, shoot, i'm home. i'll have them all made for her when she gets home. >> what did you do? >> i burst every one of them. i didn't know our ovens were 50 degrees off. i don't use them that much. i didn't know. >> you burned the batch? that is terrible. >> i finally realized that, you know, they were all burning. hello, why don't you turn down the oven? she came home last night, you know, i was -- i wanted her to be so pleased. she's like, i was going to make them, mom. you know the oven is 50 -- >> she knows? >> she knows. she bakes all the time. >> she knows and you don't know? >> no. i didn't know. and the bottom one is hotter than a top one. frank was thrilled. i love them burnt! he wrapped his up and put them -- he hid them so nobody else could have his burnt cookies. >> nobody else wants them. >> he loves burnt cookies. >> you know what i did this morning? every couple weeks someone comes and helps me clean my apartment. >> but you clean it before she gets there. >> i'm so tired. this morning i looked at my apartment. it was a wreck. >> there's been a wreck because you have a leak in your roof. >> i know. she was coming. do you know how exhausting it is to run out and clean your apartment in -- you want it to look at least a semblance of neat. >> you want it to look like a human being lives there instead of a wild animal. >> stop it. i had to work the dishwasher. i was windexing. >> at 5:00 this morning instead of going to the gym. just say you had guests and they're disgusting. oh, those pigs i had in this week. you lie. it wouldn't be a big stretch for you. you lie all the time. >> i'm over it. i'm over this topic of conversation. >> spirit airlines is now going to charge you for carry on bags. as much as $45. >> you bring your roller bag on. they want to charge you so you can put your roller bag in the top 45 bucks. to check your bag it costs -- >> 30. >> 30 if you check it in advance. a checked bag is $25. if you go and check it in before you get on and put it in the belly of the plane, that's $25. if you in advance say, you know what, i'm going to bring my roller bag on, you're going to pay $30. if you show up with it, $45. other airlines are probably watching this to see if people will be -- >> this is in addition to on spirit airlines if you want to actually choose your seat they charge you for that as well. >> we should point out, spirit is the lowest -- it's a budget airline. >> it looks like it is. when you add it all up you might be better off flying delta. i don't know. >> i don't know. people are saying no. we don't know. >> i don't know. i'm just saying they'll get you coming and going and lifting. >> look how good laila ali looks. she had a baby. >> beautiful. >> the crew loves laila ali. >> why? >> you have to sit and talk to her for five seconds. in love. >> she's adorable. >> we look forward to talking to her. >> i hope she likes us, too. how you doing, ms. sara. awfully pretty today. 12 years old. >> even better. hody, they agree with you. i think their fares for spirit are 12 bucks. it balances out. m josh said it shows a definite lack of spirit. >> i hope the other airlines don't follow that. now you pay for pillows and blankets and food and everything. >> someone said jack up the price. i'd rather pay for a more expensive ticket than tidbitty charges. >> tickets are expensive. coming up next, ms. layila a ali's heart pumping news. >> right after these messages. b. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare, with 10 breakthrough patents, goes beyond lines and wrinkles for a firmer, more uplifted look. exclusive ion2 complex combines with the activating cream to boost collagen depleted skin. 100% of women showed improvement in wrinkles, firmness, or definition in just 4 weeks. the results? amazing. [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® clinical skincare from the number one dermatologist recommended brand. pancakes! ♪ from dawn 'til sunset, i'll never walk away ♪ ♪ blueberry pancakes are so good ♪ [ male announcer ] bisquick. pancake lovers unite. ♪ doo doo doo woman: there's only one disinfecting wipe with a low streak formula. clorox disinfecting wipes. [ speaking spanish ] ♪ [ male announcer ] old el paso stand 'n stuff taco shells. old el paso. feed your fiesta. christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue... in 14 hundred and 92. nice! follow me, the missouri river is this way! lewis and clark expedition of 1804. oh, he'll never get this. magellan, 1520. awww, my 8 layers must've given it away. help keep your kid full and focused with 8 filling layers... of whole grain fiber found in kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. this is one giant leap for mini-kind. keeps 'em full. keeps 'em focused. hoo hooo! okay. this is an unbelievable statistic. more than 67% of americans are at risk for heart complications due to excessive weight and a sedentary lifestyle. >> if that doesn't get you, maybe this will. every year more than 1 million of you suffer from a heart attack. women's boxing champion laila ali has decided to do something about it. she's partnered with the american heart association for its annual start walking day. hey, laila. great to have you. >> thank you. >> it's so basic, isn't it? just getting people out there and walking. >> it is. aren't those numbers staggering? you know what, today is national start walking day. there are 1,300 companies that are actually allowing their employees to walk and get paid for it. >> oh, really? >> yes. it's a wonderful day for people who aren't doing anything to get started and just start walk ing. we're encouraging people to walk 30 minutes aday at at least. >> for every hour you walk it adds to hours to your life. >> a treadmill, does it make any difference? >> i don't know about all that. the important thing is for people to get after it. people think you have to get a trainer or go to the gym. when you're focusing on heart health, you just have to get active and get moving. >> this time of year the walks are so gorgeous. everything's in bloom. who wouldn't want to walk? >> when we think about you, we think about your dad. we think about parkinson's. what made you decide to go this route? >> i have sisters that help promote the parkinson's and educate people about it. heart disease affects so many more americans than parkinson's does. and i have people in my family that are actually suffering from it. it's something that grabbed me more. you can't do everything. you have to kind of focus. >> women in particular are very susceptible to this heart disease thing. we don't take care of ourselves. we're always taking care of everybody else. i tried to bake cookies. look what happened. >> people need to focus on eating properly. cooking more at home. stop eating so much processed food and get some exercise and make it a priority. >> do you cook at home, missy? >> i do. >> you do? >> she's got the most adorable noodle. >> what do you make? >> everybody's coming to my house for trahanksgiving and christmas. paula and got nothing on me. >> look at your baby. >> look at that! i'm going to eat him. >> my honey boy, i miss him. give him a shout out. my boys. big curtis and little curtis. >> how is your life? it's changed dramatically since the baby. >> it's all about the baby now. >> are you still fighting? >> no, no, no. >> not anymore. >> i was going to say. don't fight anymore. what do you have to fight about? >> no one ever wanted me to fight. i'm undefeated. i'm a world champion. i beat up everybody there was to beat up in the ring. >> so you're done. >> i'm done. over. >> where will your career be going now do you think? >> i'm in development of my own skin care and hair care line. >> i was looking at your skin. flawless. gorgeous. >> let them know, ladies. >> she looks good in person, too. >> thank you, thank you. >> we're checking her out. believe me. >> in june it'll be in stores. >> what will it be called? >> laila ali, of course. >> what else would it be called? >> laila, we're so happy for you. >> i want to say, people that want to get involved, go to that website and get the information they need. >> take the steps today instead of the escalator. up next, something else that's going to get your heart racing. getting ambushed by louis licari. but it's perfectly cooked black beans, in a zesty "south of the border" chipotle sauce with red and green peppers, onion, and crisp corn. a bold new taste. i know. but i want people to think i'm a great cook. so hide. delicious! can i have your recipe? your secret is safe with me. hello... new bush's black bean fiesta. and try new texas ranchero, along with our other grillin' beans flavors. slim-fast gives you proven weight loss, not celebrities. introducing the new slim-fast 3-2-1 plan. the clinically proven way to lose weight now. slim-fast. who has time to slim slowly? wellbeing. we're all striving for it. purina cat chow helps you nuture it in your cat... with a full family of excellent nutrition... and helpful resources. ♪ purina cat chow. share a better life. and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. general mills big g is the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium. help your kids get more of what they need, with general mills kid cereals. ♪ doo doo doo woman: there's only one disinfecting wipe with a low streak formula. clorox disinfecting wipes. - knock, knock. - who's there? interrupting cheese. interrupt-- - cheese! - i should have seen that one coming. you should've, 'cause that was-- i even told you i was gonna be interrupting you. ( snickering, laughing ) morning sir. beautiful day, isn't it? we take the time for our cheese to mature... before we bake it into every delicious cracker. because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. it is time for ""today's" beauty" and turning bad here. >> good. we all have those days when not even the help of a hat will get us out of the house. if you dare to leave the home with bad hair, you should know "today" contributor and stylist to the stars louis licari could be on the lookout to fix your locks. >> where were you? fifth avenue? >> fifth avenue. right in front of the salon. >> plucked people walking down the street. >> as people were walking by i would see a woman who had potential she wasn't using, i would say, you. >> the first eyou is a woman named katie. let's listen. let's watch your ambush. >> hi there. my name is louis licari. i work with the "today" show. i can tell you color your hair. that's what i do for a living. do you like to experiment a little bit? >> a little bit. >> a little bit. small changes make big differences. you'll see. you're going to look great. >> all right. katie is clearly terrified. scared of you. >> so frightened. she thought i was -- she didn't know what was going on. >> all right. let's look -- let's look at katie's before picture. all right. tell us what you wanted to do to her. >> okay. katie, great looking girl. she made her hair strawberry blond. it was a little faded. pretty. we wanted to make her more beautiful. >> katie, come on out. let's see what louis did. >> wow! >> look at that. katie is at that really funny point in her life. she's a student. she's about to enter the job world. she wanted to look professional but still not lose that wow factor. she's a young girl. i made her a definite redhead. >> i love it. >> dana gave her this beveled short haircut. cut about five inches. >> i love that angle thing. so cute. >> katie, you like? >> i do. >> all right. next one you ambushed, mr. louis, is a woman named petra. let's listen to her story. >> hi there. my name's louis licari. i work at the "today" show. what i do is every now and then i pick ladies from fifth avenue and make them over. why do you want a makeover? have you been thinking about it for a while? >> no. but since you're asking me, why not? >> that's a good answer. >> all right. so let's look at petra. tell us what you think her issues were. >> well, petra's hair was a little bit too long. it was also layered. she had it so it almost looked like two haircuts. it was very fine looking. we wanted to make her look thicker and more glamorous. make her into the beautiful woman she really is. >> here's petra. you see her before picture. all right, petra. let's see what louis did to you. come on out. oh! i'm sorry. hello! >> va va voom! >> the first thing dana did is of course she kept the layers and kept it sexy. what i did here is made the top layers blond. underneath if you look it's still her natural light brown color. >> yeah. >> what that did is of course it gave depth and it made her look like she had twice as much hair as she normally has. >> it's almost an illusion in a way, isn't it? >> right. this is color and cut working together. color and cut should always work together. again, another sexy woman. >> petra, what do you think of your new hair. >> i love it. i'm glad he talked me into it. >> didn't look like it was too hard, petra. >> kate, we didn't ask you -- >> she said she liked it. >> what did you think about the whole experience? >> i was very skeptical at first because i never had short hair -- hair this short before. i'm really glad i did it. >> you look gorgeous. >> also the bangs there, she had straight bangs. we put it to the side. >> the peekaboo. veronica lake. >> we have another lady. her name is tracy. you found her walking along fifth avenue. let's listen to her story. >> my name is louis licari. what i do for the "today" show is i give women a whole new look. how would you feel about looking incredibly different. >> i'm totally psyched. i trust you guys. i just got my hair colored yesterday. you know what? i'm ready for a change. >> could that be dangerous to have it colored two days in a row? >> people can do dramatic changes. i wouldn't suggest you change it frequently all the time. that's not good. you will have, you know -- >> let's look at her before picture. what did you want to do? >> tracy had naturally medium brown hair. she lightened it. it turned -- you can't really -- >> tracy, come on out. >> okay! >> whoa! whoa! >> medium brown hair. more dramatic blond highlights around the face. of course, we gave her texture by putting on layers and movement. >> tracy, do you like it? >> i love it. >> louis, you are the master. still to come, animals that scared hoda to death. >> i can't wait. >> after your local news. it works. now she has a spring on her step. i'm loving it, every morning. mmmm. avo: help get your system back on track. activia with bifidus regularis helps regulate your digestive system would you recommend activia? i already have. she recommends it. what are you waiting for? singer: activia. - hello! - ha! why don't you try a home cooked meal... with yummy hamburger helper? oh! tada! fantastically tasty, huh? ummm, it's good. what would you guys like? hamburger helper. what?! one pound... one pan... one tasty meal! experience new positively nourishing body washes from aveeno, the naturals brand dermatologists trust most. delightfully fragrant, truly moisturizing. that's positively nourishing. on from aveeno. ♪ we're back on this wednesday with more of today and our "who knew?" quiz game. after listening to a short clip, our contestants are going to try to finish the lyric or identify the product or brand. kathie lee is across the street at the digital cafe. she's ready to hand out $100 to those who answer the questions correctly. and to those who don't, they get kathie lee's cd. >> you know what, hoda? >> anyway. >> i realize what today is. my second anniversary with you! >> oh, my gosh! happy anniversary. >> april 7th! >> isn't that something. >> who knew? >> bob farnsworth is the founder and ceo of hummingbird productions, responsible for some of the most infectious jingles over the past couple of decades. hello, bob. how do you think our people are going to do? >> i think they'll get every one of them. i'll be very embarrassed if they don't. >> i like your attitude and i love your tie a lot. >> our marketing director insisted i have this. it even has the safety pin holding it together. he was so insistent that we must have the music tie. >> let's go across the street to kath. >> it's no secret that chewing gum companies try to come up with the freshest jingles. this ditty proved specially long lasting. take a listen and finish this lyric ♪ fresh breath goes on and on while you chew, say good-bye a little longer, make it last a little longer, keep your breath long lasting freshness, with ♪ >> is it fresh mint spearmint gum? >> no, darlling. hey, hey, hey. it's a great record. >> they don't watch enough tv. the answer is -- >> big red. >> big red. >> absolutely. that is an example of a hummingbird arrangement of an existing song. and as we all know, when you want to target a particular audience, you may go after a particular style. >> right. we like that style. >> whatever the style must be. >> let's go back across to kath. >> the speed of a car is traditionally its most attractive feature. this jingle makes great use of that idea. let's hear the clip and try to identify the brand. ♪ zoom zoom zoom >> mazda. >> all right! celebrating their second anniversary. >> happy anniversary. a mazda. he got that right off the bat. >> that's great. he was one of the 30% who know that one. we've done lots of surveys on this particular spot. there's a 30% recognition on the brand name. there is a 65% recognition for the actual -- the zoom zoom zoom jingle. the music is very identifiable. >> let's go back across to kath. >> how do you make pet food enticing, ladies? according to this jingle the first step is to speak their language. roll the clip and try to identify the product. >> meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ >> meow mix? >> yes. good for you! . >> meow mix. that is a pretty easy one, right? >> that should be easy. but the interesting thing on this thing is that the original lyric on this was i want tuna, i want chicken, meow mix flavors keep me licking. but the cat couldn't learn the lyrics. they had to say meow. >> which is so much better. >> lovely ladies from michigan, if you can't name this jingle you don't deserve to be on the "today" show, seriously. let's hear it and please name the company. ♪ >> nbc! >> yeah. you know what? that would have been huge trouble if they did not get that one. >> i think you probably rigged that one. >> we may have. >> those notes are g, e, c? general electric company. >> is that true? >> the urban legend is that is why they used those notes. i suspect that. it turns out they're conveniently really good. >> a nice family visiting from florida. if you don't have a deep craving for all things barbecue after hearing this jingle you're probably a vegetarian. let's hear it and try to name the restaurant. ♪ i want my baby back baby back baby back baby back, i want my baby back baby back ♪ >> chili's. >> yes. >> she nailed it. baby back ribs. we're talking chili's. i love this game. >> that's a great kind of southern soul vibe that gives you that rib feeling. >> we'll squeeze one more in. >> we got time for one more. a family from alabama having an adorable kid sing a catchy tune is the equivalent of advertising gold. listen to this meat company's memorable jingle and remember the brand ♪ my hot dog has a first name >> oscar myer. >> yes. that took about two seconds. >> that's a huge thing. >> genius. >> the little boy at the end of that song actually started crying because he thought they were laughing at him. on the television spot they cut it right before he started crying. >> thank you so much for helping out. kathie lee is going to come back across the street. and we've got a lot of stuff coming up. something involving animals. which, i mean, you know, what is that? what is that? we'll find out after this. alright kid, let's get ready for this morning's quiz. christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue... in 14 hundred and 92. nice! follow me, the missouri river is this way! lewis and clark expedition of 1804. oh, he'll never get this. magellan, 1520. awww, my 8 layers must've given it away. help keep your kid full and focused with 8 filling layers... of whole grain fiber found in kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. this is one giant leap for mini-kind. keeps 'em full. keeps 'em focused. hoo hooo! it makes my skin really silky and velvety. this is my body wash. what do you mean? this is it? why?! oh, don't do that to me! dove creamoil body wash. now with nutrium moisture. nutrium moisture. i'm a believer. the nourishment in dove creamoil goes somehow deeper. i'm happy about the change. change is good. dove creamoil body wash. i'm happy about the change. change is good. ♪ ♪ i got troubles oh ♪ but not today ♪ 'cause they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ ♪ ♪ they're gonna wash away ♪ gonna take them away [ quacks ] 100% natural nuts and granola in bite sized clusters. it's a little bit of nature... a little bit better. and nature approves. granola nut clusters from nature valley. we're back with "today's call of the wild." and julie scardina. >> many threats to the animals in the wild. julia's brought along creatures from all around the world to explain how to help the sea world and busch gardens conversation fund to preserve the species from extinction. please tell me this little brown bear is not going to be extinct. >> he's been cared for because his mom had to be rescued. she gave birth in a facility. this little guy is only nine weeks old right now. . >> his feet are adorable. show the pads of his little feet. >> the bottoms of bear's feet are the cutest thing you've ever seen. >> can he have a bottle? >> go ahead. >> look at hoda. actually liking a little animal. >> there you go! perfect! you're a great bear mama. >> oh, my gosh! >> can't get enough. it's the sweetest thing. >> people don't realize how much is going wrong with the wild right now. kathie lee, thank you for that introduction. 90% of bears in the wild are killed because of negative human activity. 9 90%. the thing is, especially black bears. they're not looking to hurt us. black bears just want to go the other way when they see us. that's the most numerous bear in the united states. certainly all they want to do is be able to survive. if we give them a little bit of room, protect a little bit of habitat -- i think he's totally holding on. mom, you're tall! >> am i too high? >> he's not letting go of that bottle. >> is that better? >> you hang on to that. >> okay. >> there you go. we're going to bring our next animal out. this is from new guinea. even in places like new guinea which are so far away and removed from habitat and things like that are still being mined. have you guys saw the movie "avatar"? the land of pandora was amazing. we have places like that on earth. the kus kus is from one of those. he's from new guinea. you guys are not listening. i can tell. >> hand him to the lady. >> thank you. all right. what's this guy again? >> the kus kus. which is a marsupial. it actually has a pouch. that's for later. try another -- maybe a strawberry. >> that's guacamole. >> this is a fruit eater and/or nuts and things like that. the female has a pouch. not only do they raise the babies in the pouch, but they'll also carry fruit in their pouch. >> stop it! >> back to the dad. yes. >> how a arable. >> it's amazing. this little guy, he's really, really nice. >> he was in the green room earlier having a doughnut. >> he's like wait, wait, wait! okay. that's what tails are good for. >> what's next? >> hand me those little tidbits over there. >> i don't trust anything that's in front of me. i have these in my lawn because of rabbits. >> look at this. look at that thing. >> this is an east african crown crane. >> it's a crown crane. >> in the wetlands of africa. these guys are the most amazing bird species, isn't it? the wingspan is pretty big. >> is he going to jump up? >> i'm going to try. whoa! there we go. you get a chance to see a little bit of that wing spread there. >> that's a bad hair day. >> we're losing wetlands all over the world as well. remember development needs to go in appropriate places, and hopefully not in those places we need to share. >> we've got about another minute. what's that thing over there? >> ant eater! >> that's our giant ant eater, aztec. the dangerous part is not the tail, but the claws. those claws are four inches long. if you want to pet him while he's turned around -- >> like howard hughes. >> it feels like a broom actually. we'll try to get him to turn around and you'll be able to see these claws a little bit better. aztec, you want to lift up here a little bit? >> a freaky looking thing. >> look at this. >> oh, my gosh! look at the tongue on that thing. >> the tongue is two feet long. >> no, it isn't! that's like gene simmons. >> isn't that amazing? aztec is like, it's still early. ant eaters, like, sleep about 20 hours a day. >> an ant eater eats guacamole and ants? >> he doesn't put nit in a blender and make it that way. >> they will eat fruits and vegetables. they need to get it all inside there. they mush it up. we do that for them. >> good to be at sea world, busch gardens. >> thanks so much. now we're going to cook. because that's what we do. >> that's the way we roll. >> three chefs are going to compete for the best dinner. this is something under 20 bucks. >> dinner for four. kids are hungry after school. that's why i always have totino's pizza rolls. big pizza taste. in a bite size roll. kids can't resist their delicious pizza flavor. totino's pizza rolls. the pizza way to snack. 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>> i made a little sauce with the peas. i purr rayed them with chicken stock and onions. purreed them with water. risottto, onions, frozen peas, mushrooms, cheese. that's it. put it on the plate and you get to taste it. >> let's step around here and taste this little deal. . >> i actually cooked it. >> it's true. >> i'm a much better cook than chef. than baker. >> oh, yeah? one more scoop. >> there are two other people in this competition, you know. >> he tried to influence us. >> yeah, he did. >> he tried to say his was cheaper than theirs. good. very good. >> how is that? >> mm-hmm. >> we are making a little grouper with a little stew i made with corn. i'm from puerto rico. i wanted some influence in there. >> grouper is probably the most expensive item on your list. >> it is. everything else is really cheap. >> you put it in the pan and let it simmer? >> blanch the root vegetables first. have your chicken stock ready. ready to try it? >> we're ready to go. >> we've got plenty of time. >> you see you have the carrots. i actually used some potatoes and yuka. you can basically use any kind of root vegetable you wish. or sweet potatoes or some of good stuff we have in the caribbean. >> you're scaring me with some of the things you're saying. >> root vegetables are very typical in the caribbean. they're actually lovely. you would love them. >> i love that this is all under $20. i think especially now you don't think you can make something so gourmet tasting for $20. >> a little piece of fish in there. >> and get a little bit of the potato. get in there. >> you need some of the -- you want a spoon? >> i'll use my fingers in a second to put the whole thing in my mouth. >> do it. all the way. >> that's really good. i want one more scoop. >> a dry cured sausage. >> delicious. >> that is so good. wow! >> is this dessert? this isn't part of the $20? >> yeah, it is. >> this is all part of the $20? >> what is this? ras p >> i've got a fried chicken. i'm going to squeeze lemon on top of that. with that i started with a little spinach. fried chicken. with all that i'm also going to have an apple cake. we start with you. >> wow! this is just served up so nice and quickly. >> because you guys went back there for seconds. >> no, we didn't. we're going to be here with marcus for a long time. take your time, marcus. no rush for you. you love spinach. >> i love spinach and i love chicken. >> it's a little bit -- i fried the chicken a little bit different. i cooked n eed it in a little c. then i fried it. it's a little crispy. then apple cake. >> come here, come here, come here. >> here's the apple cake. >> here we go. they're all delicious and you're all winners. anyway, but the real winner is marcus. >> thank you. >> we love the chicken. >> we loved it all. >> all very delicious. >> i think it's because it's the one we're eating now. >> because i complained about it. >> yeah, you did. recipes can be found on our website, everybody. >> also check out "chef masters" tonight at 11:00/10:00 central time. it's going to be a great show. we're back with more "today" on nbc. my daughter--obsessed with fashion. she never met a label she didn't love. then, my best friend took me to t.j.maxx. i thought it was knock offs, but i came home with all the brands we both love. t.j.maxx has buyers that deal directly with designers. so i save big! two diehard fashionistas are now proud maxxinistas! t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you! tomorrow, your answers on how to deal with those awkward situations. >> plus, one republic performs live tomorrow. >> what did you think? >> tried everything. it's amazing. >> did you like this? >> i like this. >> the flan. >> it's always the dessert for me. >> have an awesome winesday, everybody. >> have fun. >> god bless you. >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer

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