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Thathad to say. Now id like you to listen me out. Three weeks ago, when mr. Lindstrom died, felt very sorry for you, for all of you. We felt. Well, i know t fhese are poor words for saying it. If there are er ones, i just dont know them. I dont know what words you use to tell kids how you feel about their father dying. Mrs. Lindstrom, there isnt a soul on this train, not a single soul, who doesnt admire you greatly, for your courage, the way youve handleef. And you kids you kids took your fathers passing like like soldi every one. Wed like to hel if youll let us. In a few day were going to be going neity. D paid us, that, together wiur the money that your friends on the train have offered of their own free rtould see you comfortably till you get back to your ti. Wont think us any less appreciative e accept only your sympathy. Major adams, if you are going to tell us what a woman left with seven children may have to through, please spare yourself. The children and i know what we may have tohrough. Now. Urwe must make our decision. Stig. O west to build a new home. Art. We stay with the wagon train. Britt. When we get where we a, we will build a house that the indians cant get into. Margit. I think we should go all the way to the ocean. When we get there, well build a garden and then go out and play. Margar. Well go somewhere, and there will be no one there to tease bo and laugh at him because he cant talk. I speak for bo too. O ahead. Thats quite an outfit. chuckles ow, if anybody can make a go of homesteading, kids . Huh those little vikings. You ought on one of their r Family Councils of wame i never did see an armg ththeir decisions as positively as that family does, by golly. Wouldnt they take your advice . Oh, it wasnt that so much. I cant used to this s newfangled ida of kids that are still wet behind the ears telling their grownups what theo d what they wont do. I know swedes are fifi people, but,y, and the next morning, he was dead. Well, looks like the ms got over their grief real quick. Yep. I dont know what it is with that family. Just real courage, i guess. I know they were all hurt and upset, but none of them showed it. How come they stayed on the train . Wasnt my idea, i guarantee you that. With the train. After the funeral, i didnt havt to argue with them. You know, that little fellow, bo, while i was reading the lords prayer, i remember see out of the corner of my eye. Up on his own daddys grave, tarted playing there just like it was his own private sand pile. Mrs. Lindstr kids, they just paid him no mind, t was perfectly natural. Ow, ill bet that family could handle anything. Son. Mrs. Lindstrom water. Children water. Good. Gem. Mrs. Lindstrom mrs. Lindstrom about ready to roll ell. Do your chores. The majors ready to move. On your way. Come on lauts a monkeys uncle girl wait a minute come back here oh, major adamam if you can spare a moment, theres a favor id like to ask of you. Well, mrs. Lindstrom, whats this about a favor . You u ntioned last night that we would be close to dodge city in a few days. s right. As a matter of fact, well be just about one days ride at est point. Coulld the wagon train long enough for me to go into town . Well, i should say i could. Nally y ive the wagon in myself, and ill see t chd the children are all settled. Oh, no, major, you misunderststd me. Were not taking the wagon into town. Doctor while theres still an opportunity. You wont me to hold this train . Mrs. Lindstrom, enough is enough after all, you amily ii sighs what do you want t a doc . Thesdoctors are only good to set bones d deliver babies. What do you want t a doc . E,e,m going to have another baby. Youre gon chuckles youd better stop thrashing aroundin these tight , or well have some broken bones for the doctor too. All right, mrs. Lindstrom, ill take you to town. And if i seem gruff, iim sorry. You know, i think isef and have my head examined. You and your chi ae to drink, chuckles bo, dear. Your father has left you the most wonderful present in the world. Oh, soren. Soren oh, soren children laughing and shouting bang bang i boy bang bang laughing and shouting bo, wait a minute lennart ng bang bang laughing and shouting all . Now the day is over . . Night is drawing nigh . . Shadowsevening . . Steal across the sky . Say your prayers. Amen. Good night. Good night. Fitz fitz i must have fallen asleep. I gave up hoping youd come. Ii shouldnt have. I dont know why i did. Ive never done anything like thi you make it sound like were doing something wrong. If it isnt wrong, why do so strange . A man and a womann have a right to be alone and talk eighteen isnt a fullgrown man, fitz. My father was married at 18. My mother had me when she was 16. Mother and father snuck out meet in the middle of the night to be together . Oh, sure, why not . Dont you think your mother and father ever wanted to be alone . When father wanted toe with mother, herry about one thing. What . Convincing mother. But if mother wanted to be alone with father. Juns ininans . Where . Where . Nothin. Vikings, i call em. Or adams youd never know by looking at them what theyd already been through. You would never that they had a moments concern i just told my this womann and her seven children dare to take on the wilderness on its own terms. Tomorrow, mamar adams will take e town. I will go and see the doctor, and after hes told me what we already know. Laugh i will g gto the store and buy each of you a surprise. All oh, boy to bed now. Lets go. Come on. Oh, up we go. nightnighgh good night, everybody. Now, mind what i told you no fighting, no noisy games. We cant expect our neighbors to be as patient with you as i am. You will treat inga as your mother until i gegeback. Goodbye. Bye, m bye, ma all right, charlie, lets go. Get out of here. Mrs. Lindstrom goodbye i do i do i do all right, stig, youre it major, youveust have lots of chores to do while youre in town, so why dont you get started . After all, mr. Wooster can help me registerd, and thats all i have to do until i go to the doctor. Thats fine, maam. E a lot of things to do. Ill see you later. Make yourself comfortable, and ill be as quick as i can. Thererare just a few tests i want to examine well, now. Where shall we begin . Doctormy eighth child. You can save yourseltrouble of g prenatal care. Theres nothing like a large, ioned family. Ow, its a shame how the youngsters these days feel that two or three children are sufficient. K you and your husband are very fortunate people. Doctor, my husband died over four weeks ago. Id be gratefuoud tell me what i came to hear so i could be on my way. Wont you sit down . You see, i promithat i f the children a trinket, id not like the stores to be closed. Yes, of course. And seven children. At was the cause of mr. Lindstroms death . Mrs. Lindstrom, i thinought to r my questions. You say you are here because your last child was born deaf and dumb, you had during the pregnancy, you want to be sure that you do nothing to harm another child. Well, then, answer my questions. Im sorry, doctor, ill answer your qstions. You say your husband died ofofn unknown disease . Yes, one night he had a severe pain in his abdomen, and he was dead next morning. In the family have anything similar at that time or afterwards . No. Did anybody on train have a similar i iness . No, it w a contagious disease. We were sure of that. Since your husband died you are continuing on with the wagon train, records, i would like the name of the next of kin who is accompanying you west now. Oh, yo want the names ananages of my children. No, madam, i thought made myself clear. Foords. Have no kin on the wagon. Where are you from . From boston. My husband was from sweden. Well, then, give me the name of the kin you expect to with whet to your destination. We have no family int. Am i to understand that you and seven children, with the youngest handicappepe are continuing on to the west coast without having anybody to rely on in case of trouble . Thats right, doctor. If youll forgive me for saying so, i dont think this is any of your business. It is my bus lasg as youre in my office as a patient. Disregard everything ive got to say, but im going to say it. Ou think you can have your baby out there on the prairie like an indian, alone . Do you think youve been fair to your children, taking them so far from civilization . Nothing is going to happen, doctor. And my sons are adult enough to help me, der this foolhardy plan of yours. E in dodge city, at least for a while, and ill do ever i c. Doctor, do i have about my unborn child . Need not concern yourself then there is nothing more that we need to discuss. E that is correct. . Think of your fellow man. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Take a good look around. . . And if youre lookin down, . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . In your heart. . avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars to help real people like these. Thats what i come here for. Ahh. Even thats the stuff pay em off, boy mrs. Lindstrom wants you to know shes finished with the doctor. Also, shes chr plans. She dont want to stay in town overnight; she wants to go back to the wagon train right away. Pay em off, man. She said to ge rig. What shall i tell her . Hah snake eyes will you get out of here . Go back and tell her dnt find me good evening. E wa s at the hotel. Wheres the man . Thats him, doc. His name is adams. Majo hes the boss of the wagon train. Want to buy him a drink . Nonosam. Thanks for the information. All right, come on, we can make it. Uce come on, sixdeuce i told you to tell her you couldnt find me. A little bit later on, will you . Little bit later wont do. Well, go ahead and talk. Come on, eight. Im a doctor, dr. Vincent monroe. Howdw are you . Itit about mrs. Lindstrom. Mrs. Lindstrom . She was in to see me, and now i want to talk to you, in my office. Cash these in, joe. S. Lindstrom . Yes . How could you not find him . Hes in the palace saloon. Well, i saw him go into the saloon. I knowhere. Want to leave it ride . There was a man in here by the name of adams. Where did d go . I dont know no adams, maam. Nonsense. If a man has silvs pockets, u know his name. Yes, maam. That now, i want you to finams and tell him if hes y to leave in an hour, mrs. Lindstrom is returning to ththwagon train by herself. Thank you. What happened to major adams . What does y want major adams for . I ainngonna tell youg about m dont you know thaenders are swe to secrecy, just like a doctor . Know that. Thank you. Under the circumstances, felt it would be quite ethical to tell you. Besides, i had no other choice. Mrtrom only wanted a doctor for assurance he need not worry about her next child having the afflictions as her last. But you did tell her. I answereder question ruth and a lie at the same time. Doc, is there any possible chance that you could be wrong . No. Patient, to a doctor in a situation like this. E other is to spare them the mental grief as long ase. Now, i need your advice on this case because i ow mrs. Lindstrom well enough e the decision alone. Well, doc. From what i know of this woman thank you, major. Thats what i think. I needed your assurance. It would be crue. If you will ask dstrom to come to my office in the morning, ill tell her. Thank you, doctor. You know, mrs. Linho, do there ms oh, major, put all the blame mr. Wooster had no choice. I made him come. Truly sorry if any of my doings ruined a friendship. Well, maam, dont you ever tell him, but oiled him in oil if he hadnt have helped you. Come on, mike, heave. Oh, major, do we have to go back to town . I want so much to get home to the children. Maam. Do me this one more fafar. Wwe. All right. Mike get along there. You know, i searched everywhere for you. Ne place i would never have thought of looking for you, in a mil chuckles n e, maam. I know he didnt have anythi say about me. The doctor says that everything will be all right with my baby. Thats fine. Whoa. Whwh. Let em get a little drink he maybe youd to get down, huh . Half an hour, i should say. Well be there by sunup. Oh, how veve nice. I particularly look forward to seeing the sun come uporning. Major adams, is something troubling you . You know when you came in the saloon look . I wasnt hiding. I was with dr. Monroe. I kntold me. The doctor asked me to his office. He wanted to talk to me. Are you keeping something from me . Did the doctct tell you something about me . Yes. Yes, he did. He also asked me a question. He asksk me if i thought he should tell you. Mrs. Lin. Youre not going to have e child. E doctor told me that he. He found a large and deadly growth, and. How much t te did i would have to live . Five or six weeks. Maybe less. He was sure . He was sure. Ohh weeping my babies weeping weeping continues . . If youre on medicare, remember, the open Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your Medicare Coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare to enroll. In a plan that could give you the benefits and stability youre looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. What makes it complete . It can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, no plan premium at all. 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Call unitedhealthcare or go online now. . . I must children. I have so much to do. No. No, i must get back to the wagon train. Mrs. Indstr i can have you inn in a few short hours, th get the kids the wagon and ill bring em to you. Isnt that more sensible . Didt the doctor think anything co ill need your help. Ill do anything i can. You mustnt tell anyone. I want the cldren to hear it first f t you worry, maam. Ill tell nobody. T tell anyone. Hats all i know about it. Dr. Monroe is a good doctor and a good man, and theres no reason nove him completely. And we must face the truth. Are they having another one of those family powwows like you were talking about . How long we gonna wait for em . I dont knkn how long. shortly yes, sir. Now, tell me, do you understand exactly e said . Margit. Whos gonna take care of us . Well, its very important that we e nd an answerhat quest. Do you think wewean do, stig . Illre of all of us. I know. And itgood idea, fostst parents. Nobody would want all of us. We could find one home for the boys fothgirls. I think itd be a better idea if no more than two of us went with one family. Atll be hard enough. Thats very practical thinki, inga. They have a homen boston ids live in till someone takes them out. I know the place. Its just like a jail. Margaretha i dont want to go to jail. See how smart you are, lenn. Youve upset margaretha. Mother, we cant even gen before oh, i think it would be very difficult in dodge city. You see, we donanybody the, d thnow us. We should with tagon trainin we know everybody thes, the children and they know us. If we were to tell them oblem, im sure theyd help us. Inga, thths a good idea. If we stay with the wagon train, well still see the ocean. U should see the ocean, margit. You ouldll look as far ahead, ll be big and if you look a little way, you will be unhappy little people. I want to be real big. I betcha i could live with mr. Meecher. Hes a real nice man, and i know hed like a cau only has two. Crowder family. I think wewee ready to plans. These are very important plans, and i dont want to rush you, but the wagon is waiting to move, and there are otle to consider. So, lets decide. Inga. We shohod stay with the w and make our homes with the people mrs. Om stst . I think thats the best idea. Mrs. Lindstrom lennart . The people on the train are nicer r an the people in the city. I think we sstay with them. Britt . . I want to see the city. They laughed at bo, will you go and tell major adams the lindstro staying with the wagon train . Yes, mother. Thank him for his patience. Teere ready to move. Think we should keep this problem in the family. You see, if people knew, they might accept you out of pity. You must search for lovet pity, so lets keep it a family secret. Major adams. Mother wants you to know our plans. Were staying with the wagon train. She wants me to thank you for your p pience, and she said to tellnots any longer. Were ready to go. Anks. weeping all right, lets get. Come on, folks, load up. Mount up, were. Dnt even try to argue with them this time. I felt that they werright , and whether i liked it or not, i was in the familys confid i knew their plans. I knew the children were searching for foster homes for ththselves among the wago families, and i knew that,ed by m, they would find the right family for each child. I wondered how this woman, who seemed to be able to overcome any obstacle, was going to overcom the fe for tle fellow. That the sanfords would be bus. Isnt that right, lennart . Mr. Sanford has bad rheumatism in his back, and he told me that he dihow he got along my helping him with the chores. He keeps wanting me to take money. Nice foster parents for margit and me. Ill talk to the sanfords. M pleased you chose them. And so, arrangements have been made for inga, stig, margaretha, and now, if the sanfords adopt you and lennart, well all know where were going. My precious bo. Children, you must get ready for bed. Inga. Inga, whats happened . Why are you treating me like i did something wrong . Maybe i did. If i did, i dont know what it is. Ill apologize anyway. Like me anymore, just tell me. Erent such a baby, youd have enough decency to a aleast answer me. Just like a baby with no tongue oh, leave me alone , would you do me a favor, please . Will you tell your mother id like to talk tone . Ill wait for her out here. Thank you, inga. Hey, whats the matter with you, bub . You kind of look like a sick calf. Well, i am sick, major. Im sicked of the way ins been treating me. The whole lindstrom familys carrying on like the rest of the people in are feuding with them, all picking fries and sides like theres gonnwar. Youd better mind your tongue, boy, and your temper too. Im liable to sting your ear tillt be able to judge people so loosely for a while. Will you do me a favor, major adams . Will you tell inga. evening, maam. evening. My apologies, mrs. Lindstrom, for not coming straight to you, but. What i have to say to you, i didnt want anyone else to hear. There are no apopogies needed, major. I jud you to know that i have no worries about your children being welcomom into the homes of their foster parents. Theres a lot of nice people on this wagon train. For entrusting the care of your children to them. Thank you. I hoped it would be so. Otherwise, we wouldnt have bururned you but you didnt call me out here to talk about that, did you . No, maam, ii didnt. E i said, lot of nice people on this train, but theyre practical people too, getting settled in their new homand all th. Dont think you should blame them too much if they. You wantnto know whos going to take my seventh child. Thats right. Ive been afraid to ask myself that question, let alone you. But weve done pretty well so far, facingnghe issues squarely as they come up. I see no reason why we shouldnt go whole hog. And he needs more love andndare than all th you said youd help me. You said youd do anything. What c i do, mrs. Lindstrom . Ive thought of that. Ive thought about iri. W can a ma who veon a aiffent e of ground it wont work. But i can guarantee you one thing. This is why ive asked you out here to talk to me. Maybe thisll give you. Ill take the little fellow, and ill put him in the best school i can find. E ever has to be boarded out, ii look in on him just as often as i can, and i promise you, never want for money or anything else that i can give. Give bo your love. If you cant give him that, we dontanything from you. As for a school or boarding him out, i. R r ne by, i couldnt forget the words mrs. Lindstrom spoke id rather see him dead. I knew that she had made all of the adoptio arrangements for the other children. If there was anything sad about a mother lem having to give away her children, of what ome of the one she couldnt give away . Dstroms time was running out, and so was mine. The buffalo is a species of wild ox that is found d ly in north america. See . oohs and aahs stig aw, that doesn oh, it does too. Its long, shaggy mane gives it a heavy and sullen appearance. knocking mrs. Lindstrom yes . Mrs. Lindstrom, may i of course, come in. Id like to talk to you. I, uh. It occurs to me that. Siness i dont know. If you think im talking out of turn, please stop meme but something has occurred to me that that makes me think that ive the solution to all of our problems, ano close, its right under our noses. With all your troubles, mrs. Lindstrom, you may not have noticed that your young daughter, inga, has sufficiently grown up to accept the seriattentions. En fitz and me, its all over with. Well, th what fitz told me. Now, what have told you . Well, he. He, uh, told me that he loved you, and that he wanted you to marry him. Oh, thats not true, mommy. He never asked me to marry him. He nev told me he loved me. St, mommy. Who tells you he loves ingas to marry her but doesnt tell inga . Mrs. Lindstrom, strong, healthy, capable, and i assure you hes able to take a wife. The only reason that he hasnt asked inga before ishat, right from the first when you told your what was ahead of them, inga thought that she must give up everything. Is this true, inga . Yes, mommy. But what difference make now . Im truly sorry i wasnt the mommy you needed to help you through your fir i ask you to forgive me. Oh, mommy, i love you so much. Do you love fitz . That is his name, isnt it . James fitzpatrick. Mrs. Lindstrom, im afraid i broke my promise to you. I had to young fitzpatrick. He was so lovesick, hed have left this train. Wed never seen hide nor hair of him again. I didnt want him to leaea inga until he knew exactly why you had treated him as you had. He didnt go away . No. No, he hasnt gone away. As a matter of fact, i think hes probably if shell please become my wife. And he wanted you to bring with you a dowry, at dowry is to be. Little bo, oh, mommy oh, mommy, what should i do . Yes. Ig . Yes lennart . Yes britt . Yes margit . Yes margaretha . Nt to get married too margaretha mommy, when can i get married . Life is re life is , and the grave is not thy goal. Dust thou art; to d dt returneth . Roll along, w won train . . Rollin over prairie where there aint no grass . . Rollin over motains where there aint no pass . . Sittin on a board, ey weather . . Prayin to the lord we Stay Together . Along . . Pickin up a passenger in every town . . Wonderin if hes ever gonna shoot you down . . Lookin for a pal, it a pity . For a gal, neednt be pretty . . If shell ride on the wagon train . . Wagons ho . . Time to go . . And follow the sun . . Roll along . Wagon train . . Never had a cabin near a general store . . Nly had a wagon and a. 44 . . Sittin on a board, he weather . Yin to the lord we Stay Together . [gunfire] [yelelng] easy on the powder. Were running low

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