Padre . shouting ho you all right, boy . Kin of yours . Any sign of who did it . That might be his father. Bill. Yes, sir . Go get a couple of shovels, will ya . All right. Ash to ashes, and dust to dust. The lord giveth, and the lord taketh away. We commend his spirit unto thy hand of the lord. speaking latin amen. All amen. Boy, its all over. You cant just stay here forever. Come on. Flint, you better go get him. Bring him back and put him in one of the wagons. We cant just leave him out here. Cant leave grave markers in this indian territory. They wouldnt touch the sign of god. These people dont know our god. They have strange ways, father. Believe me, i know. But why pick my wagon . Thats what id like to know. The major asked me to find a place for the boy to stay. Youre the most likely whats going on here . This is the let crowded wagon, just the two of them on it, but mr. Thornton its my wagon ive got a right to say who rides in it hold on, mr. Thornton. Maybe you better read the articles you signed. Flint here is asking you to do the fair thing. Hawks major adams, see you a minute . Just a second. If i was you, id do what he says. What do you say, thornton . Fair . Look at him. He isnt even our kind. What do you want me to do, ignore it . Pretend that it isnt so . Oh, jay, stop it a boy whos just suffered grief like him. I apologize for my husband. Im embarrassed for what hes said. We all are. Alicia, i didnt mean that flint what do you mean . Well, i was thinking about you. If you care about me, stop talking that way. We apologize. Wed be glad to take you with us. Flint muchacho. Adams all right, come on, everybody, were rollin lets move out adams thornton. Mr. Thornton, that boy, he just sit there like that all the time . I think hes still in shock, major. My wife says hell come out of it, but ill be honest with you, he dont act like any kid i ever knew. How many young boys have you ever known would you like some water . Some food, perhaps . Arent you hungry . Were mr. And mrs. Thornton. Weve never known a mexican boy before. Its sort of new for us. My husband is a good man, really. Whats your name . Adams all right, folks, lets load up flint lets load up man load up well, now whats the matter . My shoulders itching again, major. Oh, will you quit that . Thats the third time youve done it today. It never itches when im around comanche or hopi, just when i smell sioux. Listen, im not gonna be starting and stopping every time you get a hairbrained suspicion. Now, you show me something specific and ill run like a scared deer. You and that scar of yours. Major, im tellin ya, i smell sioux around. And theyre not very far off. Looks quiet enough to me. What do you expect, war whoops . Dont you get smart with me, mccullough. Weve movin ahead. Wagons. Well, now what . Well, you wanted something specific that oughta do. God help him, hes still alive. Go on, tell me those arent sioux beads. I know theyre sioux beads. So what am i supposed to do . So next time, listen. No sense in us sitting here arguing about it. Lets get him back to the wagon. Bill go get some help. Right away. Theres indians around. They caught some stranger up ahead. Its no sight for a woman, alicia, you stay where you are. Theres nothing much you can do; nothing much anybody can do. Is he dead . Might as well be. He will be by sunset. Thornton too bad. Nice young fella, about thirty, curly hair. Hard to figure out what hes doing in this part of harm you. Better come away from him, son. For boy. Father, im afraid its too late. Hes laid out there so long those wounds have festered. I dont think we can save him. Where are you going . Ool boy. Place is infested with sioux indians whats the matter with him . Get him out of the sun. Put him in our wagon here. Alicia get some water and some clean rags hey, boy what are you doing there . Wait a minute come back here ton, the mans in real bad shape. Major, if we had the proper medication, we could mr. Thornton, im telling you, the man is dying. I dont think theres a thing in the world can save him. Is there somebody on the train thats got medication that can help him . Medication or no medication, when a mans been cut up like this and is left to lay out in the sun as long as he has, no medication that i know of in this world is gonna do him any good. What are you doing there, boy . Wait a minute. I dont know what hes doing, but whatever it is, its getting some kind of a reaction. Maybe its some kind of native poultice. I never saw it before. Hawks major adams, that kid so thats what hes doing with those berries. I saw him down in the wash and he was crushing em up. Boy. What is that stuff . He wants to nurse the man, major adams. Is there any good reason why he shouldnt . Whatever it is, it seems to be working. Its the first time the boys reacted at all, major. He wants to help. He wants to be of some use. Ight. Hey, hombre. You think you can help this man . Si. All right, go to work on him, then. I can do it alone. Hey, gringo, you hear me . Hmm . Where are those other two . Where are those other two, gringo . Ill make you well, gringo, then youll tell me. Youre not going to die. . . If youre on medicare, remember, the open Enrollment Period is here. The time to choose your Medicare Coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. So call unitedhealthcare to enroll. In a plan that could give you the benefits and stability youre looking for, an aarp medicarecomplete plan insured through unitedhealthcare. Es it complete . It can combine medicare parts a and b, which is your hospital and doctor coverage with part d Prescription Drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan for a low monthly premium or in some areas, no plan premium at all. An aarp medicarecomplete plan offers you benefits like an annual physical, preventive screenings and most immunizations all for a 0 copay. 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Is it, a war party or a Hunting Party . Its not the right part a jor camp. Id say just a Hunting Party come into these his pick up some meat. I dont like em looking down ohroats. Well, we cant outrun e eeweem i dont like em sooner or later. Own ohroats. Hey, lookie out there. Isnt that a big plain area there . Yeah, thats a plea tre, but we wouldnt be gettg there till tomorrow. Then by golly, we better circle up right here in this meadow. Ill echo that. Its as good a place as any. I sure dont like em hitting us whi lewere moving. Bill go on ba and bring the wagons in. Justope those sioux are hunting fourlegged meat. My name is juan ortega. Juan. Im pleased to know you. I want to thank you that man . That was major adams. He has charge of our wagon train. Where do you come from, juan . What are you staring at, boy . Is that a watch . Yes, yes, its a watch. Whered you learn to speak english so well . The jesuits taught me. Jesuits . Where . At santa cablerro mission. Thats where i was raised. But your family. . My mother was dead, thats all. And my father was my father worked very hard. He was a great man. But he was a mexican. He had to travel very far to do many hard jobs. And once a year he would come to the mission. He brought me these shoes. He had come to take me away, to start our new life. Come on, lets hurry it up take em down to that draw and move out, make a 180degree arcs with your wagons. Come on, move em out alicia just down in that draw, boy. Come on. Come on, gringo, get well. shouting e shouting hurry it up get those wagons in closer all right, lets go, lets go bring the stock inside the circle pile those boxes higher and make sure theres a water barrel by every wagon get em on the inside come on, boy, come on shouting you stay back here. Get under cover if it starts, you hear me . Now, theres lots of us, honey, everythings gonna be fine. Dont worry about me, jay. Boy, come here. Now, boy why do you call me boy . My name is juan. Do you know how to use one of these . Si. If it becomes necessary, gringo, do youear me . Where are those other two . Others . Whowho are you . Where yes. Save them. Edwards. Herbert. Are they alive . I want to save tm. . Cliffs. Cliffs . Upup from wash. Rocks. Face of cliffs. Come on, injun step out and get it rustling who is it . Is that you, booley . Where are ya . Show yourself will ya stop this . if youve got any mercy, man, show yourself clatter for some reason or other, they hentshown themselves, so flint and i are gonna take a look around. Bill, if anything busts out while were gone, you take charge. All ght, sir. Take care of yourself now, major. . Yeah, hes right. Youre too old and fat for brush scouting. Why dont you stay with the wagons like he says . Why dont you just mind your own business for a change . Come on, flint. Sure gettin touchy, aint he . You and your big mouth. reciting prayers whats the matter . I dont hear anything. Listen. rustling breathing heavily hold your fire hhelp me help me what are you doing out here all by yourself in this country . Three of us. Indians hit us. We broke for the hills, edwards and me. Jarvis they got jarvis we could hear him scream all night. All night they tortured him. It was awful. All right, take it easy. Jarvis . Thats our boys name. We found him. Hes still alive. It couldnt be jarvis. He couldnt be alive, not after the screams we heard. He was more dead than alive when we found him. Mexican boy thats with us nursed him back to life. coughs mexican boy . Yeah. What about this other fella who was with you . Hes on a cl on top of the ridge there. If were ever gonna get him, we better get him now. coughing come on, we better get started, then. Here. Hes here. Tuck tuck you arnd it here. Do you suppose he struck out for help . Unless the sioux got him. Tuck tuck you around here, tuck . Keep your voice down. Youll raise every brave within a quarter mile. Keep quiet. We better get started back. Right. Come on, mister, this way. Me on. Nobody around here. Couldnt we go back and just take one more look . Only place were going is back to camp. Quiet down. He wouldnt run away like this, im sure he wouldnt. Now, look, go back just once more and see if we can find him. Major cant we go back just once more . What do you make of this . E thing, its not the work of an indian. Why do you figure at . Indian wldnt tie a knot that way, and no sioux would walk away and leave a perfectly good rope. Who else, then . Wait a minute. Wait a minute, you dont you dont think that i had anything to do with this, do you . I didnt hang him he was alive this morning when i left him i didnt hang him. Im telling you again i didnt hang him, he was my friend. We bter get ba to the wagons. Wa a minute wait a minute. Cant we bury him . Not now. Listen, mister. He was my friend i didnt hang him this looks like your friend . Thats jarvis. Hes alive. Yeah, thanks to our mexican friend there. If this mans a friend of yours, you can thank the boy for his life. Oh, major. I figure we should get underway d get ou this valley. If you remember, i just pulled you out of the brush. Now, why dont you let me n my own wagon train . Im justaying, the glory flats settlements only eig hours ride from her im well aware oth. Then i think we ould push on through the night. Bill, keep tbushwhacr away from. Son, mrs. Thor there lls me that ur name is jn. Doing da it just couldne thathese threelaswe come across d anything to do with. Hangg your father . Oh, no. No, those are not the men. No. Mrs. Thornton. Id like to ask you a favor if y dont mind. Would you kind of stay close to that fella jarvis . What i mean is, just dont leave him alone th juan. But why . But id appreciate it if youd do like i ask. Out there toda been hung. You dont think e boy did it . I dont know. But i goa lotofanhiin in thek ad. Su hows jarvis . Oh, he is well. Yo uh. Traveling alone . Thats right, yanqui. I w you an hour ago. You were looking to the wagon our friend. Oh. coyotes yipping flint, how many men u got out on the flank . Y four hours. Hofar oue th . Twhundd yards. Enou time to give us three to five minutes if we see anything major adams says we shod reach glory flats by noon tomorrow. Accordg to cousin verbena, the cabins large. Jay, therell be room tspare. Will you come to your senses, alicia . Hes a mexican hes a fine boy. D he nds a home, jay. Oh, for petes sake, alicia, i never figured on having a shh theres six pigs and two horses and the llets. Jay, youll have your hands ful with the cro. You want a hiredand, ill find you a hired hand when we get there. I want a son. I swear, alicia, you drive a men to the edge of his prejudices. A mexican boy for a son evenin mrs. Thornton. Mr. Thornton, tomoow morning when we start out id like to switch positions of your wagon. Youve g good, stng tea, and wa to put you ba wheres the boy . At his supper. Right over he spped away. There . Flint whats up . That mexican boys gon he w sitti there just a few minutes ago. Theres something going around here that makes my skin kind of crawl. I dont know what it is, but i donlike it. Mrs. Thornton . Yes, major adams . Yost right by this fella jarvis, will youease . You boys spread out and hunt that kid. I want to find him. Oh, father. Juan. What is it, son . Youre trembling. You took me by surprise, padre. Took you by surpr where have you been . We are of the same faith, juan. Understand that any time of the day or night nt to talk to me. Not yet, padre. Soon, but that time is not yet. Dont stretch gods mercy too far, juan. You see me now, yanqui. You know who i am . Juan ortega, grio. Maybe you regnize this . Booleys watch. Wheres booley . Uhh. When you die. want yoe ive waited too long omen founhim. Thboy . Bill, keep the women and children mrs. Thornton. You didnt leave jarvis alone in that wagon . I told you id take care of em, didnt i . Id see they got what they deserved. Why didnt you trust me, boy . My father would have make a home for us. All the way from mexico he spoke of the home we would have in california. He worked very hard all his life, and he had nothing nothinbut his dreams of a home for us. Then one day he comeke e fros and he said toe, we go now, juan. We start a new life. Thats the kind of man he was there was never such a good man i would defile my love for him if i didnt hate these killers all right, juan. Get down out of the wagon. Your killings over now. The law will take care of that man. , people screaming take cover people screaming, horses whinnying bill, get some help to the other side shouting hawks over here aaah now, gringo. No no no help me, someone, help me no ones going to hear you now you dont know what youre doing your father deserved to die Alberto Ortega was a murderer i take no pleasure in killing, but now ill enjoy it a killer of women and a thief youre gonna kill me, he stole from me all my stock. But edwards and herbert, they had reason to kill him. Youve murdered and killed for nothing your father killed a woman liar he killed a womanann. Look in the gold watch if you dont believe me well, look are you are you afraid to look . Are you afraid to find out what your old man was like . Ann was booley herberts wif and your father murdered her. Killed her in cold blood, just like he killed tuck edwards brother. Well, open it and read what whats it say in there . It wasnt your fathers watch at all he stole it from herbert that. Was your father. A murdering, thieving, honorless man. And we tracked him clean from abilene and we caught him, remember that we oh, holy mary. Wagons. Ho whoa. Whoa there. Yeah, well, mrs. Thornton, youre gonna like that settlement at glory flats. Real nice people there. If you get a chance, stop in the feed store and say hello to ward hastings for me. Thank you, we will. Just one more favor, major adams. Id like to try again with the boy. Well, we already said goodbye to him. Please ill go get him. Bless me, father, for i have sinned. Hey, father, have you seen juan . Oh, there you are, juan. The thorntons would like to have a few words with you. Theyll have to wait, major. Im hearing juans confession. Oh, im sorry, father. You take your time. Ill wait over here. I hope you know what youre letting yourself in for, alicia. That boy has scars that hell carry to his grave. We need him, jay. Even after knowing his background . Even after all that. Youre a stubborn dutch woman, alicia. But youve got the word of god in you, ill give you that much. I killed in anger, padre. But i am sorry now. I am sorry. In the eyes of god, thats allimportant, son. What will they do to me . Ll have to face this alone, juan, but youll have a fair trial. On that you have my word. speaking latin amen. Say your rosary, juan, and pray to god for your salvation. Go in peace, my son. Heres your boy, mrs. Thornton. Ill stop back in a couple of minutes. Good morning, juan. My husband and i are leaving the train now, and we want to talk with you. Of all these people, you were the only one who treated me with respect. I appreciate that, you know . Just a minute, juan. I have so much to say to you things which cant be said now because there just isnt time. This is going to be our new home out here. Theres a place for a strong, healthy boy around. If youd like to come and live with us. Wed try to become like family to you. And love you. Love me . Cant you understand tha i have killed two men. We are asking you to be our son. Father martin says theres going to be a trial. They could send me to prison. Well deal with that when it comes. I am a mexican. Jay. Thm an easy man. Well, therell be soft times, too. What do you say, boy . My name is juan. All right. Juan. So long, major. So long, mr. Thornton. Ood to you out there. You know, father. I sure hope those people do wel somehow theyve ginew vr the human animal. Major, may i tell you about people . Now, father, wait. I shouldnt have opened my big mouth. I knowjo ive gotta get a wagon train started. Later, father. Lead out let it roll . Roll along . . Wagon train . . Rollin over prairie whe there aint no grass . . Pullin over mountains where there aint no pass . . Sittin on a board, eyein the weather e pu . Rdn over mountains where we Stay Together . S . E byide on the wagon train . Ong . . Pickin up a passenger in every town . . Wonderin if hes ever gonna shoot you down . . Sittin on a board,eynh . . Prayin to the lord we Stay Together . . Ide by side . [knocking on door] come in. The man you wish to see is here, sir. Send him in. I suppose you know by tomorrow morning youll be sentenced to be hanged. Yes, sir. I also suppose you know why. I understand it was for killing an indian. Not just an indian. This particular indian was a chief traveling here at my expressed invitation to attend a treaty council. Now ill have every indian here

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