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[gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] [gunshot] what is it question work cochise. You and your brother have been gone so long. We were hunting. Americans suddenly surrounded us, forced us into their wagons. They said we had broken one of their laws and we must work as their prisoners. We worked very hard, but there was always a new law we said we have rogan. Is that the way the law works in your country . Mike is not my country, cochise, this is not mexico, whitey you say this is not your country . Yield spanish land grant of the alvarado. All of the land stops at the yuba river in the United States agreed to recognize all of the land grant in aid by the spanish far as we are concerned, its like a foreign country. Right in the middle of arizona. Cochise, you must help them to escape. There is no law that says we cannot return a stolen horse. We are returning your horse. Hold it right there. Its you. But you know this man question mark one of the sheriffs in arizona we found your worse, duke. Very nice. Cochise, go back to the reservation. This son is evil. Keep away from that man. You are sitting in on the wrong poker game. Hes returned to his people and will soon be strong again will stop he will also return to the reservation. Please, introduce me to our guest. Tom jeffords, cochise in the absence of the santa rita, i welcome you. Se . Oritas. You have fulfilled your land. What brings you to this country . We brought back your horse. Ask how admirable. And the prisoner, did he make good his escape . Hes back on the reservation. He Still Holding my people prisoner. I heard what you said. It would be most unfortunate if thes orders. Shes very busy. However, weight, cochise. Do not go. Ive been standing in the Sheriffs Office looking at the water. He calls himself the ever located. Hes wanted for murder. What is it . It is a crossbow, cochise. It is a suit of armor. Use as protection against the arrows of the crossbow. Gunpowder made them both useless. Gentlemen . You are privileged to meet the se . Orita. Cochise Anton Jeffords from the neighboring territory of adamsville. One of my people as your prisoner. We ask they be released. I ask you return the man who escaped. Both of them will be punished for crimes. What crimes . That is no business of yours. Theres no wayo get him . We do not impose fines. Those who break the law must work out their crimes on labor. Labor like the slaves. I respect the laws of your country, why dont you respect mine . You dont seem to respect any law. Se . Orita is taking advantage of the land grant to make this a sanctuary for criminals. My sole concern is for other parts of the world as immaterial. My greatgrandfather, in his day he was called a pirate and a cutthroat. Why should i judge the man you call her models . They are loyal to me. Point clear . Excellent. I hope you gentlemen will leave the territory as soon as possible. Some are citizens i should be grieved to see anything happen to them. The man who serves a beautifully se . Orita are must you leave so soon question mark i had the feeling we were not welcome. Please stay for a while. I command. It would be a pleasure. Tell me more about your grade grandfather. Was the g it was a tribute to the king of spain. But she would have document to prove it such work may i see it as she mark how could that possibly be of interest to you . Im very interested in the alvarado family bible, a treasure from old spain. The record of births and deaths in the el dorado family. Two generations before dawn alvarado. The grant of land from King Ferdinand the seventh two miguel alvarado. The handwriting has been checked by your government against documents in its possession. The birth certificate of se . Orita will stop you will see don miguel moved his family after the death of ferdinand. Very interesting. Very valuable documents. Many thanks for your hospitality, se . Orita. I hope we will meet again someday. It is a long ride back to the bord hospitality . Yes, please, stay. I will show you to our guest room. I assure you he will both the i hope you will be comfortable. There are many things you must explain. That suit of armor. But you are right. Shes no alvarado. When we get out of here, prove this whole thing is a fraud. But how we do it . The girls birth certificate is a forgery. Theres a watermark on the paper. What are these marks . Like a brand, almost too faint to be seen. The watermark on the girls certificate was from the paper mill. Else to say . I beg your pardon. You wanted to see me . Our visitors have been trying to talk. These men could cause trouble. They could only cause trouble if they get out of here. Mr. Jeffords and cochise are my guests. I command it. I wish you would reconsider, se . Orita. These men could be dangerous. Really . That will be all. You will do what i say. Ask yes maam. I found her working in a small mexican cantina. Shes nothing. What about the landgrant . Is real enough to stop but there were no airs and delight trained this one. You sure had me fooled. I had everyone fooled. Though to your room. I will call you when i want you. Your royal , the boys and i dont want to spoil [knocking at your] mr. Jeffords i am not please, if you can escape, take me with you. I cannot promise that. If cochise or i make it to the border, we will be back here with enough american soldiers to tear the place apart. I will be the first one they arrest. No harm will come to you. Thank you. I had better go. [knock on door] will you gentlemen join me . Our pleasure. Mr. Jeffords, your weapons, im afraid the se . Orita would not looks like theyve got an arsenal over there. [knock on door] yes . The senior etas apology, but she wishes to speak. I thought youd want to take an early start. Thank you very much. Border. The horses are in our corral. This depends on reaching the border, my brother. I will try to grab a escape. X get your hands on a gun and head straight for the border. Are you gentlemen about ready . Just about. Hurry up. [gunshot] dont shoot. Take care the redskin. We will handle jeffords. [gunshot] give me the keys. I will free the prisoners. Dont let him get away. Axes there somewhere. [gunshot] find him. Watch out. Hes got a gun. [gunshot] [gunshot] take you back make sure you get safely home to your good to have you home. . . . Five card stud, gentlemen. Yancy i do not know how you managed to bring pahoo inside tonight. The fact is, pa who has jack of spades. [gunshot] [gunshot] i do not know who you are but you have got to help me. Get this to the administrator immediately. Yancy what is this all about, who are you . My name is fillmore. Yancy who are you . Lieutenant the president possesses administrator in new orleans. Please help me. Lets this man is a civilian. You do not have jurisdiction over him. In this case, we do. Yancy in that case, he is all yours. Take him away. Sorry about the disturbance. I have a feeling you are just yancy who pahoo says the lieutenant is lying. What else can i do . Halt. Whats the idea . Yancy we thought we would walk along with you in case you have trouble. Please, youve got to help me. Thank you. We can handle it. Yancy you havent so far. As a matter of fact, i do not boys at all. Which one of you veterans would like to tell all first . Or maybe we should start with the prisoner. Watch out . Shoot him. [gunshot] dump them in the river. . Here, drink. Come on. He has not had a drop of water or food since it happened. Is no disgrace to be fooled. The brave warrior wiped the blood from his eye and again seeks his enemy. We are blood brothers. And i will go again to fight. If you stay here, with wounded spirit, then i must go alone. U2 sure you two sure speak the same language. Forgive me but i took the liberty. Come in, mr. Cole. Thank you. The lieutenant drove me out from the city. What happened . I thought you and pahoo were indestructible. You know and am a man named fillmore. One was a lieutenant weems. And another was a colonel who came out of nowhere. Youre a lucky he didnt cut your year off. Yancy i think the soldiers were rigged. Mr. Fillmore gave me a letter just to you from the president of the United States. Where is it . Yancy gone along with the three soldiers and mr. Fillmore. May i talked to you privately . Yancy this is private enough. I told him he could get into enough trouble of his own without going outside the law for you, mr. Colton. No disrespect intended. Yancy it is all right. You will find out what is going on anyhow. Fillmore is a messenger for president johnson carrying a his name is Phillip Hampton. His case has been dragging on now for three and a half years. Yancy from alexander, louisiana . Colton you know him . Yancy sure. Colton that is the man. Yancy Phillip Hampton was married. She was one of the prettiest girls. What happened to fill phil . Colton he shot his Commanding Officer. There was a courtmartial, circumstances, a stay of execution five times. You will just have to yancy you will just have to grant him another state. Colton of course but the man should be freed. I cannot do that without the president s pardon. If you could recover that somehow, yancy i would like to see phil first. Colton i will give you a pass to see him. . Come in. Mr. Jaron jerk mr. Derringer, i am colonel tate. Yancy you wanted to see everyone who visited Phillip Hampton . Colonel tate that happens to be true. You are a friend of his . I should think you would hate the sight of him, deserting the south to fight on the union side. Yancy each man to his all and belief. After all, the shootings over. To his own belief. After all, the shooting is over. I have a feeling we met before. Colonel tate not to my knowledge. The guard will show you the way. Im giving hampton five minutes only because i am shooting him in the morning. So you see, the shooting is not quite over. Yancy phil. Philip yancy. Yancy it has been a long time. Philip that is the reason im here. Meg is dead. They are executing me at dawn. Yancy i havent got much time but the administrator will give you a stay of execution. As soon as we get things straightened out, we think the president will give you a pardon. Philip you do . The president you dont know how long i have waited for this. Yancy simmer down. I have got to talk fast. Tell me everything. Philip it was the spring of 1965. We invaded alexandria. We rode in. Meg. She ran to the Village Square and raise to the stars and bars. Like a Commanding Officer rates his gun. I said dont shoot, it is my wife. She was just being brash and brave. She was not armed. They shot her. I shot him. Yancy who was he . E . Philip captain arthur tate. Yayay tate. The commanding colonel here. His name is tate. Philip his brother. Yancy i have got to get you out of here. Guard. Philip you come back and see me again. Yancy you can bet your life on it. Guard . Yancy it was simple enough. All i had to do was get the administrator to issue an indefinite stay of execution. I went back to town immediately but no administrator and the lieutenant was in the hospital. Yancy where did it happen . Miles south of your plantation. Three soldiers. Jumped us. Shot me. Took the administrator. . Yancy well, i could not help john colton until i found him. Anannow Phillip Hampton had one slim chance. Jody barker. The pickpocket of bourbon street. Nothing happened on bourbon street that he did not see. So i decided to pay him a visit. Good evening, jojo. . Yancy you were on bourbon street last night. What happened . Jody nothing. I didnt see nothing. Yancy orate like a congrereman because if you dont, i will cut sure your professional career. Jody they ambushed, then shut the fellow who was running. Money back, i swear. I was pressed, that is allll yancy what happened to the letter . Jody i have got that. I did not know what to do with it. Yancy the dead man, what happened to him . Jody dumped him in a river. That lieutenant and his two privates, they look like some listen, about the money, i yancy keep it, jody. My blessing. . You really expect me to believe this is the real thing. Yancy no, kernel. But it is true. Colonel. But it is true. The real thing has to come from john colton. He would have already y dered a state of execution. I will have to treat this rather feeble attempt as a rank forgery. I am only carrying out orders. Yancy this is in order ofofor his release. How did you come across it if you did not forge it yourself. Yancy i am sure you have a good idea. Im rejecting the pardon. No, i am questioning you. You are under arrest. Search him. Yancy that will not be necessary. Yes, put him in a cell next to his friend. He will have a splendid view of the execution n om there. Philip what are you doing in here . Yancy they have abductive john colton. No stay of execution. Philip what abobo the president ial pardon . Yancy colonel tate refused to recognize it. Said it was a forgery and threw me in jail. Philip then it is all over. Yancy no. Colonel tate is determined to bury you even if he has to commit treason. Philip he really y tes me. Yancy just enough to hang himself. Philip five times you marched me out there, at dawn, and tied me to the stake. Then he lined up the squad and each time he yelled, ready, aim, at ease. Five times. He said he just wanted me to get used to it. Yancy now i think i will have to break his little pattern. Im going to get out of here. Philip good luck. I found that kind of difficult. . Yancy guard guard . What is going on ininere . Yancy guard yancy you know you really ought to search your prisoners. Open the cell door. I dont have the keys. Yancy get it. The only life i have to lose is yours. . Yancy over by the bunk. Strip off that uniform. Philip take me with you, yancy. Yancy i cant, but i will be back. Good morning. Derringer. You fool. We still have mr. Hampton. Squad 10 hut a nice morning for it, mr. Hampton. Squads. Front rank fire kneeling. Neil kneel. . Aim. . . Philip thanks, esa yancy. Yancy were not out of this yes. Up the steps. Yet. Up the steps. The first man who reaches for a rifle gets you all kild. I would not advise it. You will hang for this. Yancy pahoo, if the colonel gets out of line, save one barrel for him. I would like to see how far he would bounce. . . . Yancy pahoo tracked john coltons of dupps abductors to a plantation, the perfect hideout. Perfect if you did not leave tracks. . Yancy you might need this. . Trap the gun. Yancy drop the gun. Yancy you have got about five seconds to live, friend. That is more than you have . Anything more, mr. Colton . Looking pretty good, philip. Good thing we are the samee size. It has been seven years since i were close clothes like these. I do not understand how colonel tate could have gone so far. Gotten away with it if we had not found you. Colton but you gave the president ial pardon. Yancy you are unavailable for another stay of execution. It would havworked. It still might. Colton impossible. Yancy not at all. We dont have anything on tape. Tate. We cannot prove your debt did you. The many hired or killers. It was a brilliant idea of his to have them play being soldiers. Coltlt lieutenant hampton is free. Surely now he will not go ahead with his plans. Yancy why not . The only true evidence w wcan be the testimony of the hired killers. Lieutenant wiens and the arthur weems, the other soldier. Colton a mamacan get away with it. Yancy wait a minute. I did not say he would, i said he might. Colton what will stop him . Yancy his own hate. Phil. There is a tiger on the prprl. He has probably changed his stripes, but i need live bait. I will not have lieueunant hampton put in jeopardy again. Why dont we find those other two dogs and sweat a testimony out of them . Yancy because unless i am mistaken, he is already gotten rid of them. Good evening. Yancy hello, francine. Francine what happened to you . Yancy a little accident. Philip hanssen Phillip Hampton. A full for trouble a fool for trouble. Did this happened the other night . Do you realize you have aces wide when you quit the game . Yancy maybe you will deal for us tonight . Why dont you take my lucky chair. The cards seem to fall well. Doesesnybody mind if i open the french door . Colton i still think the whole idea is compmpte madness. Yancy in exactly the same way. That is why we decided to bring it to a quick finish. Francine he is afraid you will lose. Yancy i mean what i mean. . . . Yancy im in. One card, francine. Philip i will play. . [gunshot] [gunshot] colonel tate you should have killed me. Yancy i leave that privilege to the Commanding Officer. Colonel tate the Commanding Officer . Yancy the president of the United States. Mr. Colton. . . . . These people are not peasants. They take their living from a very hard, a very demanding land. . . Od thing that nature did not give you as much brains as she did beauty because then you would both be geniuses instead of the most attractive. I understand you undertake certain types of employment, mr. Paladin. Under certain conditions, yes. Good. I am otto von albrecht. I have a title. Meaningless here, of course. I wish you to find a man for me. As i said, mr. Paladin, i wish you to find a man for me. Who and why . Sir, my reasons are personal. And between gentlemen, i fervently hope that you will permit them to remain so. If your reputation is not distotoed, im sure i can convince you quite apart from any personal motive i may have. If you are a connoisseur, you will recognize its value even with the naked eye. You may keep it as your fee. You want this man very badly. Now, to the man himself. Carl frome. He has killed a dozen people. Postmarked parrish, new mexico. Also, there are newspaper clippings, posters issued for his arrest, sufficient proof of what he is. All right, mr. Vovoalbrecht, i can see from these that carl frome is a man who should be brought to justice. There is, however, one condition. I do not simply hire myself out i do not intend that you should. We will leave in the morning, then. Do not let these alarm you, mr. Paladin. When i am on a horse, its legs becomommine. I i de before i walked. While other men had first to crawl, hmm . For people he dislikes or even hates, to get enough money toto. At the very best, or least, my dear paladin, you are a spiritual assassin. You do take advantagagof your years, old man. I take every advantage. And why not . I am the creation of all the von albrechts who ever lived. Six centuries of breeding and tradition. Well, when the meek finally do inherit the earth, my very strong conviction is that none of your bloodline will flow in the veins of the property owners. Ladies, do study your chess. Do. . . chickens clucking filthy little town. Today, yes. You fast with that thing, mister . Well, not quite as fast as you are with that door, son. Hello . Anybody there . bell ringing wed like a room, please. I suggest we make certain inquiries first. First, i will have a hot meal and a bath. If that can be arranged. Sure, the room and the hot meal, anyway. The bathing will have to be on your own. Well, it usually is. laughing no cooking done here. You u n get it at the cantina down the street. The room, please. Waco, see to their horses. This way. You want any more,e, th. Thank you. Woman, we are looking for a man who calls himself carl frome. Aint none of my business who youre looking for, mister. I know hes here or hes been here. All we want from you is where to find him. You can keep your impudence mr. Von albrecht. If this old billy goats your pa, youd do well to learn him some manners. These people are not peasants. They t te their living from a very hard, a very demanding land. That means they have strength, wheres the old coot . The old coot is resting. Help yourself. Thank you. Now, about carl frome. Look, mister, this aint much for a town anymore, i see. What about you gentlemen . Im looking for a man named carl frome. Thank you. Well, i guess thats all for now. If youd just get that food ready. Sure. Foods my business. Ill bring it over at the hotel. Thank you very much. door closes peg. The other one, the old coot, whats he like . Ooh, different. Like a play actor. Stiff, snooty, yeah. Fact is, he does. Mr. Carl. You gonna do more practice shootin today . No. Oh, ii clean that up for you. Oh. Madame. Madame, you could save us considerable effort. Carl frome is a coldblooded killer. It him. What you say a man is dont make him so. In this case, it does. Is he here . I mind my own business. Thats the decent and human thing to do. Carl frome is neither decent nor human. I mind my own business. If you know carl frome, this is your business. Listen to me, please. This man uses people coldly without compassion. In him t tre is no capacity to love, to pity, but only to take, destroy, murder. Is he here . I know this man. Hes ugly, twisted inside. He lives only to destroy, if not with a gun or a knife, then by twisting the decency in other people until they become warped, like himself. Fancy words, but its only your say so. You said they were not peasants. Ill be needing your room. Ill thank you totoe gone by morning. If hes here, well find him. Yes, let us find carl frome. gunshot you all right . Who. It was meant for me. Ararassassins who shoot from ambush also none of your concern . This wasnt carl frome, mrmrvon albrecht, at least not in person. What do you mean . Say it. Saw the person who did that. Just a glimpse. Who . Youruron. Anybody could have took it. But why . Wacos never been bad. Well, if somebody your son liked and trusted told him to do this, perhaps even bribed him. Yes, it is like carl. Right now your son is probably frightened, probably hiding with the man who sent him. Where . Maybe. Maybe youre wrong. Maybe. Lets find out. Waco plays in there. Calls it his secret place. Even if he did the shooting, hes not to blame. Do you understand . I have no intention of harming your son. If hes in there, get him out. Waco . Waco, are you in there . What do you want, mama . Give me the shotgun, boy. You did do it. Why . You know why. Carl said itd be all right. Everybody tells me what to do, slaps me. Carl treats me good. Hes my friend. coins clatter now, see what you did . Waco. Waco. Waco. Is carl in there . All right. Come on, lets get the pennies. Now, you get him out of the way. You keepepim out of the way. I want you groaning old man,n, you h . Just keep him herere its been a long, long time, carl. Well, im sure thats extremely painful, but i think itll be all right. There a doctor in this town . man yes, sir. Well, go and get him. Not minding ones own business can be the most important thing one ever does. When he was very young, he was a choirboy. 600 years for this. The hope of a great name destroyed. Dead in the dirt of a strange land. Now, i am the very last of the von albrechts. And what i am saying . Well may the children weep before you. They know the grief of man,n, without its wisdom, thth sink in mans despair, without its calm. Whose fault, paladin . For your sake, i am sorry, boy. spits old man. Those words came just about 600 years too late. . Have gun, will travel . . In a savage land . . His fast gun for hire . . Heeds the calling wind . . A soldier of fortune . . Is the man called . . Paladin . . Paladin, paladin . . Where do you roam . . Adin, paladin . . . xxxxs gun now, would you like to do some explaining . Its nothing personal. My name is roderick jefferson. I gamble, among other things. Im not much good to my family, or the humananace. Thats very interesting and not very satisfactory. Well, i said gamble. I signed ious for 10,000 which i knew i couldnt make good. I was desperatat so you were offered the choice of jail, disgrace for you and your family, or performing this. Little favor. About ten years ago, one morning, in a mirror. At that time, i was receiving a small monthly remittance not to go home. Oh, i had tried the high life. Id tried it often. But young as i was, i finally came to enjoy none of it. But why drag this out . Call the police and lets have done with it. Mr. Jefferson, i am trying to tell you something, look at that. Fused silica, lime. Treated with mercury, polished, and in it, a man can see what he is. I was playing cards with a man named norge. Norge was a man who hated people, hated them because they were young, because they had decent features, because they were healthy, or just because they were there. 15,000. Ill have it now. Mr. Norge, i do not have 15,000, and you know it. Payable upon demand. Well, i demand it now. I dont have 15,000 now what do you want . I want you to kill a man. To kill a man . Theres a place called delta valley. Y. I own it all, animals and people included. And yet if i even set foot inside that valley, id die. Of what . Smoke. Thats the name of the man youre going to kill. Hes wanted in a dozen states for a dozen crimes. He rode into delta about a year ago, badly wounded. And out of pitit my townspeople nursed him back to health. Then he killed my guards. And one night i woke up with him standing over my bed with a knife at my throat. And he said to me, if you ever return, ill kill you. Ive chosen you very carefully. I know your war record, i know your dueling record. Honor, hmm . Well, in that regard, you and smoke think alike. Thats what im counting on. You give me your word youll challenge e oke to a duel, or disgrace e your honorable family name. Dont bother looking. Well. Norge sent a geneneman this time, didnt he . What do you call yourself . Now, that is none of your concern. I challenge you to a duel. Hmph. laughing coughing well, thats no ordinary cough youve got there. No, it isnt. And it will probably be the death of me, do you accept . I do, but as the challenged, itit for me to choose the time and the weapons and place. That is your privilege. In the books, theres a name for a man like you. Yeah. A paladin. A paladin. Thatss gentleman knight in shining armor, and a fine, pointed lance. And yet a mercenary. A man who hires out for gold. What was your price, my paladin . How much gold did norge give you to slay the dragon . Now, you have accepted my challenge. Lf, is at once a prison and freedom. Freedom for me, and for you. Well, that is a thousandfoot drop behind you. Youll find this wall somewhat difficult to climb, but you try it, if you must. You try. What if you had a medidil emergency away from home . My chest hurts. I cant breathe. Icas premier mobile medical alert system. Most systems only work at home. But with mobile help, you get help outside the home, with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks, at the press of a button. I couldnt dial 911 becacae i was out of it. I just pushed the button and when i woke up i was in the hospital. I dont have to worry about if im near help or if i even know where i am. I have mobile help. H issues. If you were to call 911, theyeyould not know what your issues are. Mobile help has all of that on file so the Emergency Responders alreadadknow what my needs are. There are things i wouldnt do if i didnt have mobile help. Mobile help is a life saver. Literally and figuratively. With mobile help i feel safe, i feel secure, and i have my life back. Call the number on your r reen for a free full color brochure. D the waterproof pendant ananwrist button. You can also add the fall button that automatically detects falls and signals help even if you are unconscious and unable to press the button. There is no equipment to buy and no longterm contract. Act now, the first 200 callers get this digital blue tooth Blood Pressure monitor free with select plan purchase. Dont settle for a medical alert system that only works at home. Mobile help has given me my life because im not restricted anymorere join the thousands of people nationwide already using mobile help. And remember. Mobile help coughing itd be just like killing a small child. Draw your gun. You know my gun is empty its only that that keeps you alive, my noble paladin. And show me the speed you think will match mine. Your life depends on it now draw your gun paladin, if you want it to be a contest, think on it. Practice on it. L kill you. Here. Cut away half that holster. Get as much of that gun out in the open as you can. Soft leather drags on a gun. Get that leather wet, let it dry stiff. Throw me one bullet. Throw me one bullet and face me now ive been watching you all day, boy. You do have a ken of weapons. Who knows . In time, you might even rank with the best. How longll you make me wait, old man . Too quick to action, too slow to thought. And the penance of old men, my paladin. Old men who are afraid to die . Smoke, are you afraiai do you know why youre gonna have to face me sooner or later, eyetoeye . You tell me, paladin. Because theres another death that hunts for you in the dark of the moon. Even i can hear it coughing through the canyon in the night. So youre not distracted by a plethora of targets. Now shoot it out of there like the f fr lad you are. At daybreak, then, noble paladin . Well, its no wonder youu still alive sunlight at your back now all that remains is for you well. Now that you think youu slain the dragon, you know what youve done . Youve turned the dragon loose. The one decent thing i ever did in my life was chain him away from these people. You . Oh, your armor does shine brightly. And youre armors strong enough. But where is righteousness . You remember. Theres always a dragon loose. Somewhere. What more is there to be said about this man, about this man we called smoke . He was not a free man. Yet he protected the freedom of a whole community. He was a man who took nothing for himself, lace . Now theres only one q qstion i would ask. What kind of a man killed a man like this . What kind of a aan kills out of selfishness and for money . smoke wheres righteousness, nonoe paladin . Where is your cause . Theres always a dragon loose somewhere. Norge to delta valley. Did, uh, norge ever go back . Only once. Mr. Jefferson, if a mans mistakes determine what he was, then what he does about those mistakes should determine what he is. Yes. I would like to collect the price of that mirror from whoever sent you. Ill give you his name and where you can find him. Or maybe i could take you there. No. I may do some negotiating on your behalf. If you care to wait. Id like that very much. Itll give me a chance to start polishing on some rusty armor. Mr. Jefferson, neither would i. . . . Have gun will travel reads the card of a man . . A knight without armor in a savage land . . His fast gun for hire heeds the calling wind . . Paladin, paladin, where do you roam . . . . . Hello, hello and welcome to the show, from murphy to manteo, isnt that smart start kids . . So here we are, from and everyones a star, smart start kids . . Willa John Dancy Jones makes paper. Beautiful paper and books. Today we visit him at his studio in raleigh, and well make papers too

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