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Yeah, thats fine. M. E. s been notified . On his way. Im detective simone. This is detective sipowicz. Bill keho. I live here. I own the lot. You find the body . Uh, the moose found it. I just opened the trunk. Thats your dog, the moose . Mmhmm. How longs the car been on the lot . No more than a couple of days. I was gonna take it in today. I take em in every tuesday to get crushed. You ever take a look inside that trunk there . I took the spare out yesterday. There was nothing in the trunk then. S, i did. The moose got his paws on a scummer last night that i think is involved. What happened, mr. Keho . 4 00 this morning, the moose is in a brawl, and i figure, uh, hes kicking another dogs ass. And then i hear him crying. You know, yelling for me. So i run out, and i see him lying on the ground, and some son of a bitch is peeling off the lot, his tires spitting mud all over him. The person in that car that peeled off was agitating over. Any kind of look at the car . Uh, white ford taurus. And i got a license number. I think the son of a bitch mustve kicked him. The vet says he has definite sore ribs. Did you get a look at the driver . No. It was pretty dark. The moose got a better look. Well, since the moose took a beating, well hold off on his interview for later. Ill get that plate number. Why dont you do that, sir . Hey, greg. Hiya, james. Think gina will get a kick out of these . I was looking for the ones with garfield. To tell you the truth, greg, i think she was kind of hoping, with her coming back to work, to keep it kind of low profile. I mean, maybe shed enjoy these. You know, you pointed out. Im sure, uh, lowkey would be her preference. Yeah. Ill ill pop these with something. Hi, guys. Hey, jill. For gina, huh . Yeah. My further thoughts, uh, ii think theyre a little much. Good morning. Morning, lieu. Morning, boss. [ balloon pops ] find some rubber boots for us. Were gonna be walking through everything up to bubonic plague. Mornin. Hi, bobby. Hi, andy. Hey. Ginas back today . Mmhmm. For what its worth, uh, her scars pretty noticeable. Jill, is that a six or a four there . I have no idea. Good morning. [ martinez ] hey, gina. Welcome back, gina. Thanks very much. Ive been getting look like hieroglyphics. Hope everythings gonna work out. We all missed you here, gina. Everythings gonna work out just fine. See, thats another hurdle. At least nobody dove for cover. Ah, dont be silly. Look at all the presents. A token of peoples feelings. Welcome back, gina. Were assuming the d. O. A. s antoinette todd, 22. Her boyfriend reported her missing three days ago, the same time he reported his car stolen. This boyfriends car is what the junkyard owner sees last night before he finds the girls body in another car thats abandoned. You verified the plate . Mmhmm. We figure the d. O. A. Got taken from the boyfriends car in the junkyard and then put into another car in the trunk. Whats the boyfriends background . B. C. I. Shows him clean. Strangled, raped, sodomized and suffered multiple burns. Gotta like the boyfriend for openers. Lived in a downstairs apartment. The wife found him on the way to work. Thats her on the left. He wasnt robbed. Look at this, greg. His heads all flattened, like he got hit with a wall. Yeah. Whos that with the wife . Neighbor. [ crying ] were very sorry for your loss, maam. Im carol buono. I live on four. If you feel up to it, wed like to ask you a few questions. I will if carol can stay. Shes being a real friend. When did you see your husband last . Um, he went out about 9 00 to the emperors lounge. He did go there for drinking, but last night, he was going about business, and he was really upset. He sold us an air conditioner, discount. And i think he fou it in th, wrapped it up new. I think sig bought it when hed been drinkin. He was trying to get our money back. Do you have an address on this stympy powell . Yeah. I wrote it on the fridge. Ill just be one minute. Okay. Any kind of argument in the lot last night . Theres theres always arguing all over the building. I mean, every apartment erupts one time or another. That applies to your apartment also . Oh, no. Theres theres no fighting in our apartment. But the others maybe it was the weather. I want to go help hilda. All right. Not cold and rain. They say thats, uh, why the northerndwelling nations get so much accomplished. Im looking for detective simone. Im simone. Tim dolan. My girlfriends missing, my car was stolen. Have you found my car . We can talk in here. Why dont you have a seat . We need to ask you where you were last night, tim. In my apartment. All night . Yeah. Im scared out of my mind here. Oh, my god. Yeah, this girl was strangled. The girl was left in a junkyard by somebody driving your car. My car was stolen. I reported that. Lets just make sure this is antoinette. Oh, no. Oh, no. You want something to drink . [ crying ] when was the last time you saw antoinette . Uh, saturday morning. She took my car to work. Look, i put all this in my missing persons report. She said shed be home on time that she wasnt closing. Did antoinette say anything to you recently about, uh, people that may have been bothering her at the bar . Anyone she might have had an argument with . She told me there was a guy that was bothering her a little. She said he was creepy, but. She didnt think he meant any harm. Anything at all about what he looked like . She said he was, um, scraggly and had cokebottle glasses, oh, my god. I just i cant believe shes dead. Did you kill her, tim . Wha what . How about taking it easy, huh . I recently got my guts kicked in. Hazardous occupation, huh, stympy . Selling bogus goods . What does that mean . When do i get a clue what im doing here . James, run this for the boss. Im gonna stow stympy. This guys name is stympy powell. D. O. A. s wife says hes a skell con man. Scammed the d. O. A. On an air conditioner. Were gonna talk to him, see if one thing led to another. She seems to be doing all right. All right. Thanks. Boyfriends story check out . Yeah, the guy who owned that gin mill said that he remembered a guy like the boyfriend described that was hanging around the d. O. A. When she tended bar. Couldnt put a name on the guy, or was he in last night, but he definitely remembered the popbottle glasses. All right. You got a conversation in the coffee room. What, with the boyfriend again . No, we put him upstairs. O. A. s credit card to buy a video camera. Jeremy munk. Kirkendall ran him through b. C. I. Two for possession, one for public lewdness. Detective, that henry person from your Apartment Building in brooklyn called and says hes on his way over here. He say what about . I asked, but hes always so excitable. Okay, gina. Thanks. Probably wants you to refinance the building and buy him lottery tickets. I got him painting a fourthfloor apartment. I got this old lady on rent control. Oposition. Id like to give it to donald trump. Thanks, josh. Stand up. [ whistles ] whoa, im blind. Sit down. Look, i can explain using that credit card. I found it, and figured youd buy a video camera. Well, i was gonna turn around and sell it, get some money for some grub. R heard of her. I found that credit card on the street. Lost my job recently, and i got evicted. Its rough. You ever been to the starlight lounge . I dont believe so. So, if we show this picture around that bar, nobodys gonna know you . Uh, ive never been there. You a pervert, jeremy . Get outta here. Says you took a collar here for xxxxy waving. I got drunk and xxxxxx in a park. Look, i dont know about this girl. I found this card. Well, i, uh i sleep in this window ledge in this building on 9th. And, uh, early this morning, this guy come out of the building across the street, and hes holding a brown paper bag and this green flannel. Hes acting like a freak. You know, looking around to see is he being watched. So, he goes down the street to this trash can, dumps the bag and a shirt and goes back to his building, still lookin around. I took the card. Look, i know i shouldnt have used it, but look, im in this cycle right now smokin and gettin clean, and then workin and gettin fired and gettin evicted. Man, i just needed some bread. You remember what this guy looked like, the one who dumped the bag . Sure. Yeah. Youre gonna point out his building and identify him. And then maybe we can arrange something about this other if youre not lying. I wouldnt. Come on. Were going now . Yep. Here we go, jeremy. Simone. Two minutes, huh . I like your optimism. All right, come on. Hows it going, henry . Hows it going . Paintin this womans place could cost me my sanity. Two hundred for the job. Theres no renegotiating. Plus, now you open a beachhead, shes got a to do list the length of my arm. Well, tell her you were only hired for the paint job. Yeah, then ill just run outside and throw up into a 50mileanhour wind. Look, henry, im workin here. Shes got me fetching her mail, bringing her tea. Its as bad as with my mother. Lay down the law to her. You gotta do that as landlord. These are the things that henry does, and these hes in no way obliged to do. Make a list, henry what youll go for and what you wont, okay . And we need to settle it. Ill try to get over there tonight. What happened to that phone girl . Looks like someone took a chisel to her face. Attempted rape. The guy cut her. Dont be stupid walking out. Thanks for the yellow flag. Id intended to point and laugh. [ sighs ] andy, you ready . Got a fish named after him. Yeah, huh . Yeah, its a monkfish. Munks my last name. Small world. Here you go. Stympy, favor us with the details the disagreement you had with sig johnson over the air conditioner you sold him. That unit was not faulty in my possession. Hey, im not accountable once its left my control. Her. Sig johnson left the bar following kickin my ass, unjustly. What did you do after that . I dragged myself out of there. To where . I saw a friend. You need to get specific, stympy, so we can check your story. Why . You know, im the one should be putting the complaint out on sig instead of its the other way around. Sig johnsons not making no complaints, cause hes presently dead. Keeps beating on you, you killed sig defending yourself. You want to try it that way . I couldnt have done it. I left that bar by myself, and then i went and i saw my girlfriend. Whats your girlfriends name . You dont want to talk to her. Shes a whore, she lies is she your alibi, stympy, or not . Yeah, i guess so, for better or for worse. Whatever she says, rely on my word. I was there with her. Shut up, jeremy. Check the blood out on this. See . Thats the green flannel shirt i was telling you about. Okay. Okay, theres the guy. The big nerd with the glasses. Now, this is the guy that you saw dump this shirt and the wallet . Yeah, yeah. He got a shave and a haircut. But believe me, with those glasses, its no doubt. [ sipowicz ] all right. You stay put, jeremy. Dont even think about moving. Did i help or what . Shut up. [ mutters ] how are you doing . Im with the police. What do you want . We got some questions that we need to ask you. Wed like to take you down to the station house. My names mel lentz. Uh, you sure you got the right person . We know we need to ask you some questions there, mel, and, uh, we dont want to do it out in the street, okay . Im busy. Busys not an option, mel. You come nice and easy, or you come in cuffs. Why dont we get some transportation here for mel . All right. This r and p respond to 9th street and avenue b for transport. Where are you going, huh . Nice and easys out now, mel. Now you ride in the bracelets. Thanks. Me and mel were just talking about his hand. A dog bite. So what is it im doing here . Were investigating a homicide. We think you might be able to help us. I dont know about any homicide. What do you make of this stuff . Nothing. You were seen throwing that stuff in a trash can 8 00 this morning. t swear i wasnt there, cause ive been a lot of places. I dont remember all the names. What about the keho junkyard off of delancy and suffolk . No. You werent there early this morning . I got no business at a junkyard. Where were you this morning . Home. Whos gonna back that . You gotta take my word. I live alone. We got a witness who puts you at the keho junkyard at about 4 00 this morning. We got another person who puts you dumping these possessions utside of your apartment about 8 00. We got yet another person whos gonna testify that you are a customer at the starlight lounge, where you were known to harass antoinette todd. Thats the girls name . The one thats dead . Are you trying to toy with us . Im just asking a question. The longer you play stupid here, mel, the less likely youre gonna get out of this alive. [ chuckles ] for doing what . Yeah, thats the way to go, mel. Juries love that. This guys got the world by the balls, andy. [ scoffs, chuckles ] what was that smartass noise you just made there, mel . Nothing. Yeah. You make that noise again, i will break your nose, and then youll be making that noise every time you breathe. Im coming. I do occasional 900 work on the telephone, which is defended by the first amendment, all right . Nobodys hooking you up for pross, millie. Were working a homicide investigation. Ght. Not a soul. You were alone all night . Stympy powell kill somebody . What do you know about it . If hes using me for an alibi, besides a crook, hes a dumb son of a bitch. And so, i say no. He did not come over last night. What are you in a beef about . Nothing, if you dont mind him being a thief. If he stole from you, millie, then file charges on stympy and well collar him. Him being at your place last night, thats separate. The little rat came over. He was beat up, soaked through. What time . A little after 9 00. Was it, like, 9 05 or as late as 10 00 . It was not past 9 15. I would be more exact, but i couldnt get to a clock before he split with half of my compact discs. Did stympy seem nervous, agitated . He was stympy, so, yeah, both those things. All right. Thats all i know, all right . If anything i said helps him, then i would like to press separate charges for the cds. Sit still a minute, will ya . [ groans, scoffs ] hell be whats left after nuclear war. That hooker had that stympy powell with her last night. But he still couldve had time to do the murder. You need to recanvas. E. S. U. Found a typewriter near where the body was. The bottom of the typewriter was near caved in, and there was blood where the rain didnt get to

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