Transcripts For WRAL WRAL Morning News 20161202

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Now what . Raiders. Goin through. Youre gonna lose the horses, theres no sense in losin the men, too. Ill make the decisions, mr. Bodie. Id be willin to risk my life if i thought there was a chance, but im not throwin it away on a bonehead play w wh you. Im goin back. Youre gonna follow orders. Dont you ever point a gun at me again, mister. Out of that saddle. Form the men up at the rear, lieutenant. If you dont press charges against him, i will. . Well, thank you, thank you. Close the door, will you . John oh, well, when did you arrive on the post . Just now, i came directly here. Oh, its good to see you. Whats this . Well, its a litttt surprise for alices birthday. Ive had this music box hidden in supply for three months. Well, im sorry i didnt know it was her birthday. Even if i had, what good would it have done me . Where could i find a suitable gift in this wililrness . Well, a most welcome surprise you could give her would be my transfer. Did general miles say anything . Sorry, ted. When i left headquarters, general miles was more concerned with getting horsess for 3,000 soldiers than a transfer for one. Naturally. Im here to help you find a way to stop these e ids and get the herds through. Well, if he thinks im to blame, all the more reason for that transfer. Oh, he has only the highest regard for you. The sioux are stirring up all the plains tribes. Sitting bull and crazy horse are drunk with power this territory a blood bath since they defeated custer. The like of which youd never seen. Thats sure to get through. The best scout in the territorys leading it. Well, hello, dear. John. Hello, alice how wonderful totoee you again. Shes still the armys loveliest lady. And youre still its most gallant officer. Alice. . Ted. . Where did it come from . I smsmgled it in. . Oh, doesnt it take you back to civilization . The excitement, the important people. The gowns and jewelry. Come in. . Excuse me, sir. Captain tenson is back. Tenson . Hes waiting outside the early room, sir. Ill be right there. Tenson was in command of that herd of horses. Ted. I cant talk now. I must speak to you. Ill wait for you outside. Goodbye, alice. Happy birthday. Thank you, john. He say anything about the transfer . It. It hasnt come through yet, dear. . If they force us to stay here much longer, ill go out of my mind. Ted, i want you to send me back to washington. You mean that you want to go without me . Well, i dont want to, but. I cant stand this place anymore. Alice, alice, be patient just a little longer, until i get miles horses. Then theyve got to give me that transfer. All right, ted. A little longer. On what grounds . S . Willful disobedience of orders and cowardice in the face of the enemy. I thought if anybody could gett them through, you could. Raiders were waitin for us at the summit of eagle pass. They knew w actly what route we were takin. How can they always know which route we take . Did anybody elseseave access to your secret orders . Just lieutenant poole and the scout. Sir, i repeat my demand for a courtmartial. Ah, dont be too hasty. Ive known cheyenne for a long time. Hes no coward. I recommend you withdraw your charges. You are hereby dishonorably discharged. From this day, youre denied access to all United States military establishments. Its further stated that if you trespass upon the grounds of any United States military post or reservation hencefefth, youre liable to the death penalty. Induct the prisoner to the gate. With your permission, colonel, ill start for general miles camp immediately. I want to make it by dawn. Tell the general if theres a way to get horses through, ill find it. Go and rub your yellow bellyly against someone else. Hold it, grannick, hold it, i said, hold it. You here to sell horses . Yeah, colonel, were here to sell horses. Not bad. Three hundred and sixtyseven dollars. You gave me a better price last time. Three hundred and sixtyseven dollars, take it or leave it. You know, its just not in me to leave money, colonel. Captain hudson, 367 dollars. Oh, my spreads not very big, colonenel. Ill buy all you can get me. Theres nothin likike United States currency to inspire a man, colonel. Well be back. Mr. Bodie . Evenin, maam. I want you to know how sorry my husband and i are youve been treated so shabbily i cant understandnd why you dont leave here. Well, i figure on leavin, but i cant without a horse and supplies. Tried to get work, but folks around here shy away from me like i had the plague. I think theyre just plain rotten mean. Im gonna speak to my husband and see if something cant be arranged for you. Thanks, maam, but be best if you dont. The coloneld help me, hed only be borrowin trouble. But hed want to help you. I know. He was the only one at the trial that had a kind word for me. Id be doing him a service by not letting his wife be seen talking to me. Is this man giving you trouble, mrs. Wilson . Of course not, lieutenant. Good night, maam. Im awfully sorry, mrs. Wilson. I didnt mean to intrude. Thats quite all right, lieutenant. Cheyenne. Howdy, major. Nobody saw you . I dont think so. Evening, sir. Lieutenant. Cheyenne. Bein hated sure is a lonely business. Counterintelligence is always lonely, and it can cost you your life. Have you picked up anything here in town . Nothin but insults and dirty looks. I was certain the raiders would try to recruit a man like you, especially if they felt he hated the army. I reckon i got myself courtmartialed for nothin. At least theyve had some success, theyve captured a raider. Maybe this is our chance. What do you mean . I dont have time to telelyou now, sir. Lieutenant, i might need your help later. Ill be around. Is that dirt on your blouse, tensns, take charge of the troops, sergeaea. . Sentry arrest him. You know, the death sentence could go with this. Take him to the guardhouse. Well, put you in with ol yellow belly. . Ive been in some rotten jails, but this is the worst yet. Men dont even rate a full blanket. Shut up. Theres no one, but you . Here, take my blanket. Whats goin on, bucko . Nothin. Look, you got any plans, count me in. I aint gogono plans. Its mighty peculiar half that blanket is missin. Lookoktwo of us will have twice the chance of one. I know somebody thats gonna tie something on the end of this. Keep an eye on that guard. . Well, good evening, mrs. Wilson. Good evening, lieutenant. Musics lovely. Isnt it . The colonel gave it to me for my birthday. Oh . At makes you say that . Well, it makes me homesick every time i play it. I can understand that. I used to go for rides through the country around the potomac. But here, the army keeps everyone too busy and ted doesnt want me to ride alone. Well, now, maam, i refuse to permit the army oon. To be accused of a lack of gallantry. Id be honored if youd ride with me. I. Id be delighted, lieutenant. Then, till tomorrow at two . . Good evening, mrs. Wilson. . Hes a very charming fellow. . Why, ted, youre jealous. Only of his youth. Well, when you were his age, you were the most decorated soldier in the union army. They seem to have forgotten that at the war office. E. Guard . Guard yeah . The water pitchers empty. It was full an hououago. We drank a lot. My relief will be here in a minute, hell get it for you. Two dollars for a pitcher of water. Put the pitcher on the floor. . Hand me e e silver and go on back to your bunk. . All right, open the door. . Get in here. . Hey, what about me . Youre on your own now, bucko. After what i did to that guard, theyre gonna hang me sure. Let me ride with you. This horse cant carry double as far as i wanna go. Look, you dont have to go far. I got a friend close in. Hell take care of it. You cant t ave me here. Inside. . Just a minute. Youd better c ce out here, mccool. Good evening. So youre the friend. Tie your horse over there. What did you tell him . Nothin. Youre a friend, thats all he knows. I told you never to come here. E for help . It was bring him here or have my neck stretched there. What would you have done . What are your planan cheyenne . Bunk here tonight and move on in the mornin. Well, you can have a job. Thanks anyway, but this territory isnt exactly healthy for me. The armys too busy to look for you. But if they do, we have places we can hide you. No you wont. You know too much. Youre either in or youre finished. Looks like im in. Those horses represent five raids. Great hideout, isnt it . Yeah, tidy little business you got goin here. All right, grannick, stir the boys up. Sell to the army, collect, steal from the army, sell, then collect again. You left out the most important collection of all crazy horse. He pays more than anybody else. In gold. Were gettin ready to drive em over the mountain and make delivery right now. Money in a sock. Hurry up and saddle up. When i say move, i mean move. Grannick handles that kind real well. Theyre no goods, freebooters, deserters. There aint nothin they wont tackle. Whats to keep em from breakin loose, goin it alone . Theres no corner on this raidin business. Maybe not, but there is knowing where toto raid. Gotta hand it to you, mccool, you sure seem to know. Susu. Hes the only one that knows where the information comes from. Us, we just take orders. Im kind of fond of that arrangement. Suppose somethin happens to you . What happens to us . If something happens to me, im not interested in what happens to you. So thats what happened to cheyenne. We shouldnt deal with mccool. Not if he hires a man like bodie. Well buy horses from anyone who brings em in to us. Yes, sir. Much obliged, colonel, for dropping the charges against me. I didnt approve of the way they tricked you onto the post, ont approve of your r fighting with my men. Stay away from em. My pleasure, c colonel. Only eight . Got more coming in o o the range saturday. Six hundred and thirtyfive dollars. The armymade a deal, colonel. Captain hudsons off duty right now. Come back later for your money. Morning, gentlemen. Morning, mccool. Ill be back when the air clears up in here. Wewe, how do you like that . And me with a full house. Whiskey, and one for the captain over there. Its army money, captain. In fact, im to see you later and collect some more. What do you know . Full house. Yeah, thats what the man said. S . You got the makins . Help yourself. Thanks. Breathe that air. Good morning, cheyenne. Good morning, mr. Mccool. Momoing, maam. Thanks. I know young officers, if they want to get ahead, have to dance attendance on the colonels lady, but i didnt know they had to enjoy it so much. I figure hudsons had his fill. Im gonna roust him out of there and collect our money. Have to get back and get the boys ready for the next one. Whats the use of gettin ready when we dont know where to raid . I know where to raid. On the way in, you said you didnt. I do now. . And the raiders are led by a rancher named mccool. Sells a few horses to the army as a blind. Lieutenant. Cheyenne. Hello, lieutenant. Major. Go on, cheyenne. Well, he captures horses who are kept in a canyon on whos supplying the raiders with informamation . When i rode into town today with mccool, he didnt know where the next raid would take place. By the time i left him, he did. How . I dont know. He wasnt out of my sight or hearing for a moment, yet somehow the information was passed to him right under my nose. Who did he see . Who did he speak to . Well, colonel wilson, captain hudson, bartender at the last chance saloon, and captain tenson. Nobody else . Lieutenant poole and mrs. Wilson. Give us a clue . If he were removed, could you get yourself into a position of authority . Maybe. Then mccool must be removed. The best time to do it, then, is on a raid. Im leading the detail on the next drive, sir. Your job is to kill mccool. How will i recognize him . Raiders blacken their faces. Well, he rides a pinto. You cant miss him. Prepare for attack . Thats a fairsize herd. . It looks like those blue boys wanna fight. . Lets go get em, boys . Good work, you sure got rid of him. Never mind that, round up those horses. . Get those horses. Round up those horses anybody talk to you . Not yet. Me either. Looks like this idea of yours aint workin. Give it a chance. Ive been up and down that street so many times ive got a groove wore in it. If you were in his place, youd be mighty careful about comin out from undercover. Have you noticed all the horse traders in town . In sight. Yeah. Planning a big drive. Well, if mccools friend dont show himself soon, were gonna lose that herd. Lets gogo lets take a few more turns around the saloon, cause you never can tell. Not me. Im heading back to camp. Im plumb wore out. Cheyenne. Yeah, i know. Suppose that notote was a trap, suppose. Youre an easy man to keep happy, grannick. All you need is somethin to worry about. . Well, what do you know . . How are you, cheyenne . Fine, colonel. How are you . No doubt youre surprised to see me. Thats a mild way to put it. Wellll, you shouldnt be. The armys treated me no better than its treated you. Oh . I heard the armys about ready to make one of its biggest drives, colonel. Now you just tell us the time and the place. I cant, not yet. General miles himself is laying out the route to be followed. Major sharpe is s aling with the instructions. In front of the whole garrison . We had a way to do it. Do you, umumdo you know where mccool kept his map . Yes, in the office somewheres. Get it. You know, i, uh, im not doing this by choice. The army forced me into it. I figure you know what youre doin. I. I wanted a transfer, they wouldnt give it to me. Sure, when they need you, theyll give you a lot of things, at handing out medals when youre winnin battles for them. But after its all over, what do they do . They throwowou over for younger men. Have you ever been in love . Yes, ive been n love. Well, im gonna lose alice. They. They had no right to bury her out here in this wilderneses i couldnt take her away without money. I needed it, lots of it. Dont you understand . Heres the map, colonel. Good. Now yoyoll, uh, youll notice along the top, all of the longitudinal lines are numbered, the latitudinal lines the same. Now, do you remember the last price i quoted mccool for the horses . Six hundred and thirtyfive dollars. Now didnt that sound like an odd figure, 635 dollars . Never gave it any special thought. Well, lets forget about the 600 for a moment. Concentrate on the last two digits, three and the five. Rdinate, three. The second digit, the latitudinal coordinate, five. And they cross right about here. Sawtooth canyon. Exactly. The location of our last raid. So thats it. Ive gotta hand it to you, colonel, thats a foolproof setup. Then we understand each other. You come in tomorrow with some horses to sell, ill quote you a figure. Good night, gentlemen. Good night, colonel. Men weve made contact. Right, colonel. . Phil. Such a lovely night, isnt it . Yes, it is. Wont you come in . Ted should be back soon. Ththk you, but i have to meet someone. Phil, i wonder if you realize how much our friendship has meant to me. Riding with you each afternoon, being able to talk to someone who understands me so well. Our friendndip has meant a great deal to me, too. Has it . Yes. Must you go . One of the women in town . Well, i. Just a token o omy friendship, phil. I was expecting lieutenant poole. I just arrived from general miles camp. Poole left a note for me to meet you here. I know our man. Who . Wilson. . Colonel wilson . Cheyenne. If you like surprises, lieutenant, weve got one for you. Whats that, sir . Colonel wilsons workin with the raiders. Wilson . Its hard to believe. You say youre supposed to bring horses in tomorrow . Good, bring em in. Have that map with you. When wilson quotes the purchase price, thats the time to arrest him. Well have him cold. Well, im gonna have to get back to the ranch before im missed. Therell be questions. We leave at intervals of two minutes. Rrrr . Morning, grannick. Hello, cheyenne. Better get those horses ready. The colonel will be expecting us. Sure. . Almost hadade, didnt you, cheyenne . Well, i dont know what youre talkin about. No use tryin to lie out of it. You dirty double crosser. Dont waste a mat on him, grannick. Just kill him so we can get on with our business. You mean others know about me . Thats right. Only two others. Lieutenant poole, major sharpe. Both dead. Grannick took care of them for me. Now that youre about to join them, theres nobody that can interfere with my plans. With you out of the picture, im gonna have to lead this last raid myself. Im going out the canyon, grannick. As soon as you dispose of the bodies, join me. Really very sorry, cheyenne, that it had to end this way. Your friends are waiting for you, cheyenne. Get goin. Open it. . Halt . This time itll stick, bodie. Arrest him, corporal. Suit yourself, tenson, but take me to see captain hudson firir. Its a matter of f fe. Captain hudson is leading the horse drive to general miles. Captain hudson is riding into an ambush. Colonel wilson is working with the raiders. Youre a liar. Lock him up, corporal. I got proof. You can show it to the colonel when he gets back. When the colonel gets back, itll be too late. While you feed a grudge, captain hudsons riding to his death. Whats this . Its a way of passing on information. You get me the post receipt book for the purchase of horses and ill show you how wilson ties in. . Bill. Bill, someone started a vicious rumor r out ted. Im sorry, alice. Well, do something about it. Arrest whoevers responsible. Its not a rumor, its true. Do you realize what youre saying . We have proof. Youll have your wish, alice. Youll go back east. But not in the fashion you wanted. Prepare mount how could he do this to me . He did it for you. Mount . As soon as the men round up the rest of the horses, well get g gng. Right. . Im sorry we werent in time. They shot us to pieces and got the horses, all of them. Lets go get em back. I know where they keep em. . What are we wawaing for . . Better see whats up ahead. Stand by and k kp the men mounted, captain. . Its wilson, all right. Better have the men move up into position. . Have the men dismount and deploy them along that ridge. . Now were just about set. Elm. . Yeah . Leles get started. Start hidin, boys. . Fire . Save your ammunition, boys, and tata cover cease fire weve got them trapped. We can smoke em out. Go ahead, cheyenne. . Theyll be comin out soon. . I want wilson alive. Were gonna have to make a run for it. . All right, boys, lets make a fight of it i dont know how grannick missed, but i was hoping i wouldnt have to do this, cheyenne. . But its all over now. . Thats right, colonel. Its all over now. Sarah buchanan, lots have been drawn, and according to the law, youve been chosen. Abraham . You will do the angels vengeance. I give you the weapon. Hasnt there beeeen enough killing . We did not start this. It is written that we should love our enemies. Your father gave us the law, but he told us to use it well. Which i am doing. You speak of my father

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