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Captains log, stardate 52143. 6. With any luck my next log entry will be made in the alpha quadrant but should our luck run out, id like to say for the record that the crew of voyager acted with distinction and valor. Shield generators . Online. Plasma flow . Stable. Comlink . Secure. Lunch . Salami sandwiches. Feel up to this, ensign . Yes, sir. Chakotay to voyager. Were ready. All hands, this is the captain. Take your stations secure all systems and stand by for the jump to slipstream. Ive established a telemetry link with the shuttle. Theyre gaining on us. You call these evasive maneuvers . Im doing my best. Harry, status . The borg transmitters online, but im still waiting for the doctor to give me the temporal coordinates. Just a few more minutes. Speed it up. Weve got a galaxy class starship on our tail. Im working as fast as i can. Theyre hailing us. You want to talk to them . It could buy us some time. This is captain la forge of the starship challenger. You seem to be in quite a hurry. You could say that. Why dont you shut down those impulse engines, drop your shields and lets talk about this facetoface. Mind if i take a rain check . As a matter of fact, i do. We know what youre about to attempt and we cant let that happen so the Federation Council is willing to make you an offer hand over the borg transmitter, stand down your vessel and the charges of conspiracy will be dropped. Es will never have existed in the first place. If you succeed, countless lives will be affected. Were here to save 150 lives our crew. I understand and i might be doing the same thing if i were in your position but ive got my own crew to protect not to mention 15 years of history so. Im asking you again. Stand down and return the transmitter. You know i cant do that. And you know i have to try to stop you. Yes, i know. Good luck. Same to you. Theyre targeting our engines. Shields to full. Stand by weapons. Voyager to chakotay. Yes, maam. Prepare to enter the slipstream. Acknowledged. Slipstream velocity in four, three, two. Shields down to 62 . Return fire. Direct hit. No effect on their shields. Were no match for them, chakotay. Keep trying. power dying down i dont mean to be a pest were switching to emergency backup. power revving up thank you. Doc, i need those temporal coordinates now. Badgering me wont help. Im detecting a phase variance point one, point two. Helm . Im still waiting for harry. Point three. Delta flyer we need those corrections or well have to shut down the drive. Threshold is fluctuating. Okay. I can do this. Im compensating for the spatial gradients. Deflector geometry stable. Got it im receiving the phase corrections. The phase variance is decreasing. Shields are holding. Looks like were on our way. The phase variance is increasing. Oint four. Harry, whats happening . The phase variance is still increasing. Iim not sure, captain. It should be working. I need an answer, harry. Were running out of time. Let me try recalibrating the sensors. transmission static . Might be. Drive. Corrections. Weve lost our comlink. Telemetrys down, too. Ive i cant theres some kind of overload in the quantum matrix. Ive lost helm control. I have it. Her cybernetic systems were terminated on stardate 52164. 3 borg time index 9. 43852. Youre encoding the transmitter for time index 9. 40 . Uhhuh. Thats less than four minutes before voyager was destroyed. Were cutting it a little close, arent we . This is no ordinary phone call, doc. Esterday. Timing is everything. I want to make sure seven of nine gets the information at just the right moment. There. Im bringing up the new phase corrections. This was where i failed 15 years ago, doc. This time will be different. Comlink was down. It is. The signal is being routed through one of my cranial implants. It contains a new set of phase corrections. Does harry know how to access your borg systems . No. He must have figured out a way. Enter the corrections. Theyre not compensating for the phase variance. The slipstream is collapsing. Full power to the deflector. No effect. Our hull is buckling. Shields at maximum. Hold her steady, tom. Inertial dampers offline where is the delta flyer . There is no sign of them. They must have remained in the slipstream. Voyagers been thrown into normal space. Alter our slipstream course. Weve got to go back. We cant. Even if they survived reentry at this velocity, we wouldnt. What are you saying . Weve got to find them captain, were just a few parsecs from the alpha quadrant. Not exactly how i wanted to cross the finish line. Hull breach on decks five through ten. Were losing life support. If we dont land the ship were risking structural collapse. Im reading a planet nine million kilometers ahead. Its class l. Do it. Were coming in too fast. Reverse thrusters. Were still here. Why are we still here . Mr. Kim . The new phase corrections didnt work. Are you certain . If voyager had gotten through safely the transmitters functioning. Seven must have received our message. Chakotay, problems i can see that. Our engines are down. Theyre locking onto us with a tractor beam. Full thrusters. No effect. Do we have enough power to send a plasma surge through their tractor beam; break ourselves free . I think so if you want to beam over to that ship ill understand. And let you have all the fun . Harry, we just bought you a few more minutes. Acknowledged. Im no time travel expert but cant we just call voyager again . The past isnt going anywhere. Thats not going to help if we dont know what to tell them. Hyperdimensional progressions. Perfect. Maybe its the deflector geometry. Were free. The e. P. S. Relays are overloading. Harry, were looking at a possible core breach in less than three minutes. Hows it coming back there . Great just great it took me ten years to make these corrections. Youve got to try i cant its not working. Why wont it work . i killed them control yourself. They trusted me, and i killed them mr. Kim i didnt spend all those years in an ice bucket so i could listen to you berate yourself. If you want to wallow in selfpity, fine do it on your own time dont you see . Historys repeating itself. I destroyed voyager once, and im doing it again somebody has got to knuckle down and change history it cant be done, doc. I told you. No, you told me you cant correct their phase variance. All right. We have to accept that but what about sending voyager a warning . Is there a way to get them to abort the slipstream flight . Yes. Yes i could send a phase correction which would disperse the slipstream entirely. If we cant get the crew home, we can save their lives warning warp core breach in 60 seconds. Can you eject the core . La forge to delta flyer. Our sensors are reading an overload in your warp matrix. Lower your shields. Well beam you out of there. I appreciate the offer, captain but the answers no. I suggest you get to a safe distance. Warning warp core breach in 45 seconds. Harry, now would be a good time. Mr. Kim its losing power. Warning warp core breach in 30 seconds. Your emitter. Its got its own power source. Would it be enough . Its our only chance. Glad you could join us, doc. Its been a pleasure. chuckles warning warp core breach in 15 seconds. Chakotay, im giving this one more try. Warning warp core breach in ten, nine, eight, seven, six yes captain, i am receiving a transmission. You said the comlink was down. It is. The signal is being routed through one of my cranial implants. It contains a new set of phase corrections. Does harry know how to access your borg systems . No. He must have figured out a way. Enter the corrections. Captain, the quantum drive just went offline. Were dropping to impulse. Captain weve lost the slipstream. The slipstream collapsed. We were thrown out right along with voyager. Our com systems back up. Delta flyer to voyager. What happened . You miscalculated, harry. We entered the exact phase corrections captain i didnt send any corrections to seven of nine. She received a message through one of her cranial implants. It wasnt you . Captains log, supplemental. Our slipstream flight may have been brief but it took nearly ten years off our journey. Ive given the order to dismantle the quantum drive until the technology can be perfected. Despite the setback, we have a renewed sense of momentum. At ease. Am i interrupting . No. I just came here to try to figure things out. Phase corrections. The corrections i sent you were wrong. If you had used them voyager would have been heavily damaged maybe even destroyed. What i cant figure out is who sent the other phase corrections to seven of nine. Looks like weve got a guardian angel. I wish i could believe that. His name is harry kim. Captain . Seven found a starfleet Security Code embedded in the transmission yours. Im telling you, i didnt send it. Not yet. The transmission had a temporal displacement. We believe it originated from the future ten, 20 years from now. Wait a second. If i sent a message from the future and changed the past then that future would no longer exist, right . So. How could i have sent the message in the first place . Am i making any sense . My advice in making sense of temporal paradoxes is simple dont even try. To me. All that matters is that somewhere somehow. Sometime you come through for us. Well, if you wont take it from me take it from you. Seven found a log entry encoded into the telemetry from harry kim hello, harry. I dont have much time e. 15 years ago, i made a mistake and 150 people died. Ive spent every day since then regretting that mistake but if youre watching this right now that means all of that has changed. You owe me one. Doctor mr. Kim, your assistance, please. [captioning sponsored by paramount television and United Paramount Network last night onenterprise forrest this gentlemens some sort of a courier. Evidently he was carrying crucial information back to his people. Since when do we have vulcan science officers . Since we needed their starcharts to get to kronos. Eason for being here is not espionage. My superiors simply asked me to assist you. Crewman suliban. Youve lost the klingon. Your mission is over. I didnt lose the klingon, he was taken and now the conclusion. . Its been a long road . Getting from there to here . Its been a long time . But my time is finally near . And i will see my dream come alive at last . . I will touch the sky . And theyre not gonna hold me down no more . Change my mind . . cause ive got faith of the heart . . Im going where my heart will take me . . Ive got faith to believe . I can do anything . Ive got strength of the soul . . No ones gonna bend or break me . . Ive got faith . Ive got, ive got . . Ive got faith . Faith of the heart. Captioning sponsored by paramount television female youre looking for klaang. Why . Who the hell are you . My name is sarin. Tell me about the people who took klaang off your ship. I was hoping you could tell me. They looked a lot like your friends outside. Where were you taking him . Why dont you look like your friends . Would you prefer i did . So you could take him where . Home. We were just taking him home. You better be careful. Im a lot bigger than you are. If youre thinking of harming me id advise against it. What are you doing . Why were you taking klaang home . You know, under different circumstances thats never happened before. Ive been given the ability to measure trust, but it requires close contact. Youre suliban. Tion was too high. Evolution . Some of my people are so anxious to improve themselves, that theyve lost perspective. So you know im not lying to you. Now what . Klaang was carrying a message to his people. How do you know that . I gave it to him. What kind of message . The suliban have been staging attacks within the klingon empire making it appear that one faction is attacking another. Klaang was bringing proof of this to his high council. Why would the suliban want that . The cabal doesnt make decisions on its own. Theyre simply soldiers fighting a temporal cold war. Temporal . Youve lost me. Theyre taking orders from the distant future. What . We can help you find klaang but we dont have a starship. Wheres your vessel . Trip. Find klaang. Wheres the pod . Over here. No, its this way. Come on. Lieutenant reed, this is archer. Come in. staticky transmissions were on the roof. You need to get up here. ve been trying to reach you, captain. Were back in the shuttle. Ask him where they are. The storms getting worse. Captain, whats your location . The weather is definitely. staticky transmission great like i said, its back there. Ive never seen lightning in a snowstorm before. The storms kicking up too much interference. I cant isolate human biosigns. They could be anywhere in the complex. knocking i found her. knocking continues get hoshi to the ship. Now go theenterpriseneeds its captain. Give me the weapons. groans the starboard thrusters down. groaning we need instructions. Open a channel. Subcommander tpol toenterprise. Go ahead. Tpol well be docking in four minutes. Have dr. Phlox meet us in decon. Acknowledged. Is someone wounded . The captain. I cant do it. Yes, you can. Take her up. Straight and steady. Damn. You cant be afraid of the wind. Learn to trust it. You okay . I know she wanted to keep it in the family. I know, but we need to pay for her funeral, the medical bills. Without Life Insurance to help, i dont see any other way. Im worried ill leave my kids in the same position. Why . Dont you have Life Insurance . We had to cut it out of our budget a few years ago, and we never put it back in. 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We have several convenient payment options, and benefits are paid quickly and directly to your beneficiaries. They can use it for any expense they choose. For more than 160 years, our policyowners have massmutuals ratings are among the highest of any company in any industry. You can feel confident we can help you protect the people who matter most to you with guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance. Call us today at at this number. It shouldnt take more than a few moments. Is this really necessary . The others scanned negative. You two, unfortunately ive loaded the appropriate decon gel into compartment b. Tell mr. Mayweather to prepare to leave orbit. Hows the captain . Im treating his wound. Will he be all right . Eventually. Correct me if im wrong but arent you just kind of an observer on this mission . I dont remember anyone telling me you were a member of starfleet. My vulcan rank supersedes yours. Apples and oranges. This is an earth vessel. Youre in no position to take command. As soon as were through here, ill contact ambassador soval. Hell speak to your superiors, and im certain and im certain hell support you must really be proud of yourself. You can put an end to this mission while the captains still unconscious in sick bay. You dont even have to look him in the eye. Your precious cargo was stolen. Three suliban, perhaps more, were killed and captain archer has been seriously wounded. It seems to me this mission has put an end to itself. Turn around. Lets say youre right. Lets say we screwed up just like you always knew we would. Its still a pretty good bet that whoever blew that hole in the captains leg is connected somehow to the people that took klaang. I fail to see your point. Captain archer deserves a chance to see this through. If you knew him youd realize thats what hes about. He needs to finish what he starts. His daddy was the same way. You obviously share your captains belief he only wanted to see his engine fly. They never even gave him the chance to fail. Here you are 30 years later proving just how consistent you vulcans can be. gasps very nice, very nice. Your myofibers are fusing beautifully. How long have i. . Less than six hours. I thought it best to keep you sedated while the osmotic eel cauterized your wound. Thanks. How you doing, captain . Well, that depends. Whats been going on the last six hours . As your highestranking officer you didnt waste much time, did you . Is he fit to resume command . As long as he returns for more eel therapy tomorrow. How long before we get back to earth . Earth, sir . Were currently tracking the suliban vessel that left rigel shortly after you were injured. You got their plasma decay rate . With mr. Tuckers assistance, i modified your sensors. We now have the resolution to detect what happend to this is a foolish mission . Thisisa foolish mission. The suliban are clearly a hostile race with Technology Far superior to yours but as acting captain i was obligated to anticipate your wishes. As acting captain, you could have done whatever the hell you wanted to do. I should return to the bridge. Her idea, sir. Enterprise starlog captain jonathan archer, april 16 2151 weve been tracking the suliban ship for ten hours thanks to our science officer who came up with a way to tweak the sensors. Computer, pause. I save her life now shes helping us with a mission. E good turn deserves another. Doesnt sound very vulcan. Resume log. I have no reason to believe that klaang is still alive but if what the suliban woman told me is true its crucial that we try to find him. Computer, pause. Have you ever known a vulcan to return a favor . I still havent decided whether to ask subcommander tpol about this temporal cold war. My instincts tell me not to trust her. Computer, pause. Archer to tpol report. If youre feeling well enough to come to the bridge, captain now would be a good time. Its a gas giant. From the looks of it, a class six or seven. Class seven. The suliban vessel dropped to impulse a few hours ago and altered course. Their new heading took them through its outer radiation belt. Weve lost them. Yes. The radiations dissipated their warp trail. Im only picking up fragments. You finished helping us . Lieutenant, run a Spectral Analysis of the fragments. Reed theres too much distortion. The decay rates dont even match. Reed sir . You heard her. Recalibrate the sensor array narrow band, short to midrange. Aye, sir. Measure the particle density of the thermosphere. Your instincts were right. Those fragments werent from one suliban ship. They were from 14 and all within the last six hours. How are your targeting scanners . Aligned and ready, sir. Bring the weapons online and polarize the hull plating. Lay in a 60degree vector. If youre age 5075, massmutual makes it easy to get quality Life Insurance coverage, at a cost that can fit your budget. Call massmutual today and ask about guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance. Its designed to help cover final expenses such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other debts. While no one wants to think about these costs, its important to prepare for them. Theyre inevitable, and often add up to more than you think. Consider how long it would take to save 8,500the average cost of a funeral today. But you can get the coverage you need now with guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance. Amounts range from 2,000 to 25,000, so you can choose the one that fits your needs and budget. And payments can start at less than 10 a month. Plus, your payments will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease. Guaranteed. Massmutual gives you several convenient are paid quickly to your beneficiaries. 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Sensor resolutions falling off at about 12 kilometers. Travis . Im okay, captain. Our situation should improve. Were about to break through the cyclohexane layer. I wouldnt exactly call this an improvement. Liquid phosphorous. I wouldnt have expected that beneath a layer of cyclohexane. You might think get home. Its just a little bad weather. beeping weve got sensors. Level off. Go to longrange scans. Im detecting two vessels bearing 119 mark seven. Put it up. Reed impulse and warp engines. What kind of weapons . Were too far away. At 342 mark 12. Its a lot bigger. All sensors, get whatever you can. Go tighter. Biosigns . Over 30,000, but i cant isolate a klingon if there is one. That was a particle weapon, sir. Er bridge were taking damage down here. Whats going on . Just a little trouble with the bad guys. I suggest we return to the phosphorous layer. Take us up. Captain. What have you got . It appears to be an aggregate structure comprised of hundreds of vessels. Theyre held in place ht there. These bioreadings are not suliban. We cant be certain theyre klingon. Even if it is klaang, wed have a tough time getting him out of there. We could always try the transporting device. Weve risked too much to bring him back insideout. Would the grappler work in a liquid atmosphere . I believe so. Bring it online. The ventral platings down. Hold your position. Lead ships closing. 7,000 meters. 6,000. We should ascend. 1,000 meters. Forward platings offline. Now, mr. Reed. The ships in the launch bay. Another one. All right. Whats this . The pitch control. No, thats the pitch control. This is the guidance system. Pitch control guidance system. Got it. low rumbling captain, that charge contained a proximity sweep. If we remain here, theyre going to locate us. E . Up, down, forward, reverse. I can figure it out. Well be back before you know it. Have mayweather plot a course for kronos. Theres a vulcan ship less than two days away. Its illogical to attempt this alone. I was beginning to think you understood why we have to do this alone. Youll have other opportunities to demonstrate your independence. Never put off till tomorrow. Am i sensing concern . Last time i checked, that was considered an emotion. If anything happens to either of you the vulcan high command will hold me responsible. door chimes come in. You finished . Sir. This should reverse the polarity of any maglock within a hundred meters. Once youve set the sequence, youll have five seconds. One more thing. Ah, our new weapons. It would be best not to confuse them. rumbling time to go. The ship is yours. chirping alarm whats that . Travis said not to worry about that panel. Hold on. That was a lot closer. If we change our position theyll have to start from scratch. If we change our position the captain will have no way of finding us. I think were there. Coaxial ports. Open. Lets go. Where is it . It was right there. Bank starboard, 90 degrees. There you are. Thats the uppersupport radius. Start a counterclockwise sweep. A little more. A little more. alarm beeping stun seems to work. Grab onto something alarms blaring wont have anything to look for when he gets back. Were going to need that ear of yours. Move us away, five kilometers. In what direction . Any direction. This is going be easier than i thought. Its okay. Were getting you off this thing. growls growls you okay . I think he gets the idea. Give him a hand. Borat borat muh tok dajvo tagh borat you tell him, big guy. Give me the box grunting thanks. Get to the ship. Ill be right behind you. electronic whine captain . Archer it worked, trip. Where are you . Im still on the central core. Get klaang back toenterprise. What about you, sir . Get him to the ship. You can come back for me. Its going to be hard to isolate your biosigns so stay as far away from the suliban as you can

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