Transcripts For WRAL Late Night With Seth Meyers 20161112

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door chimes come in. We got to talk about this. Its difficult to talk about something that doesnt make sense. Phlox said dna doesnt lie. Neither do i. Ive never been pregnant, trip. Do you believe me . Yeah. Phlox must be wrong. Thats all there is to it. If youve never been pregnant, then you cant have a baby. Trip, the moment phlox said that the child was ours, but you said youd never been. I havent. Then what are you saying . I cant explain how it exists, but i know it does. Theres a child out there, and its ours. How do you know that . Im vulcan. Fortunately, the news hasnt spread to the general public, and id like to keep it that way. If we made an announcement, someone might come forward with information. An announcement of this nature you havent spent much time on earth lately. After the xindi attack, there was a dangerous increase in xenophobia. We got a taste of it. It died down somewhat, but not completely. There are still people out there who want us to stay in our Little Corner of the galaxy. The news of a vulcanhuman hybrid could inflame them, give them something to rally against. I cant believe were talking about more than a small minority. As i said, youve been away for a while. Maybe i just have a little more faith in humanity than you do. We cant afford to operate on faith. Theres more at stake here than a simple trade agreement. You fought the xindi. You know better than anyone how earths survival depends on alliances with other species. We dont have the vulcans watching our backs anymore. This isnt about finding someone else to watch our backs. All im saying is that theres strength in numbers. All right. My engineer and science officer are eager to get some answers. Im sure they are, but ive heard nothing new. Theres got to be something we can do. I suggest we let them do their job. I appreciate your cooperation. Reed. This is captain archer. The last time we spoke, you asked me to never contact you again. I contacted you. Susan khouri. First, we need an understanding. About what . That by speaking to me, youre back in the game. Simple as that. Who was she . She was more than just an emotionally troubled nurse. She was a member of an underground isolationist movement, terra prime. Ive heard of them. They want to stop all contact with alien species. They believe its corrupting our way of life. Was launched. They had a resurgence following the xindi attack. We think khouri was trying to leave the movement. Thats why they killed her . Her defection may have had something to do with the child. I was getting to that. The child belongs to two of your crewmen. You tell me. They claim they know anything about it. That doesnt seem likely, does it . I believe them. I admire your loyalty. We think terra prime is involved and that theyre planning something. To do with the child. Find it, and well have the answers. You recruited her. I needed her expertise. I thought she was reliable. Obviously, you were mistaken. If shed told them anything truly damaging, i think wed know it by now. Anyway, im more concerned with why she turned away from us. I think that she might have become attached to the patient. She spent a great deal of time caring for it. And what about you . Me . Yes. Youve spent as much time with that child as she did. I feel no differently about it than anyone else that ive treated. This isnt anyone else. This is an abomination. I understand. Well, im going to miss this place. The simplicity. Theres no middle ground here. And i can see the earth. Send in greaves on your way out. Yes, sir. Your message. Well be ready at a moments notice. Tell them i appreciate their hard work. They already know. Theres one other thing a loose end that needs tying up. Put together a group. Have them meet me at the third junction in, say, one hour. The tellarites are pushing for an embargo against the orions. They claim theyve been attacking their freighters. We have traded with the orions for centuries. We wouldve known of these attacks. This is tellarite slander. You have to appreciate their point of view. The tellarites only want to deprive us of valuable commerce. Rade sanctions. Ambassador, captain archer. Ambassador. I need to contact my government about the todays developments. Excuse me. How can i help you . I want everything starfleet has on the investigation. Why come to me . Because the chief investigator turned me down. You can change his mind. I cant do that. Im sorry. If thats true, its extremely troubling. Not as troubling as Something Else we learned. You were once a member. It seems youre doing fairly well investigating on your own. Thats why you wanted this kept quiet. Ive already explained why there was a need for secrecy. I was very young when i joined terra prime. You were 18. Didnt you make any questionable choices when you were that age, captai it was a stupid mistake. I was a fool. My father had died in a freighter accident and i blamed the pilot, who happened to be denobulan. We all have our demons. Ive exorcised mine. I dont care what you did when you were young, minister. I need your help. I underestimated you. Thank you. Hmm, i cant decide camera clicks if i like you better in uniform or not. Ive been assigned to do a story on enterprise. Hmm, they can build a ship that goes faster than light, but they cant give you a decentsized room . A story . Its told from the perspective of the crew. Itll cover the missions, the perils, life in space. So, shall we start with a tour . Ive got some work to do. Youre not on duty. Gannet. camera clicks okay, so maybe maybe i suggested the idea to my editor. That its the last vestige of colonial impulse . I only said that to keep you from signing onto this mission. Find another story to do. Its too late. Its due a week from today. Then youre gonna have to find another source for your information. Why are you avoiding me . Can you give me one reason why i shouldnt avoid you . We both called it off. It was a mutual decision. And it looks like youve changed your mind. I havent decided yet. Thats the first honest thing youve said. So, reward me by giving me that tour. Got a minute . Certainly. This baby. Can you tell if its a boy or a girl . Is it okay . I mean, its part human and part vulcan. Vulcan and human physiology are not all that dissimilar. From the evidence i have, theres no reason to believe shes anything but perfectly healthy. Thats good to hear. Youll also be interested to know she has your eyes and tpols ears. Ii still cant believe it. Im in something of a quandary about it myself. Especially since tpols never been pregnant. Ah. And she had the embryo removed also without your knowledge . I believe you know the answer to that theory, commander. Yeah, i guess i do. Well get to the bottom of this soon enough. Until then, i suggest you keep any such theories to yourself. Thats good advice. He bugged my sister about it constantly. chuckles it seems he got his wish. Yeah. Whoo. In the shadow of this incalculable devastation, we find ourselves facing a colossal challenge. Theres an entire world to rebuild. applause . Not only our cities and homes, but mankind itself y and second guessing. We cannot afford to doubt ourselves. The third world war had just ended and the ceasefire was barely two years old. Unless we act decisively, we will pass on the scars of mutation and decay to future generations. Colonel greene. Colonel greene. One of many men history has misunderstood. applause on tv shuts off tv before my father died and left me in this facility, i was studying to be a historian, until i had a very verbal confrontation with a certain professor who claimed that greene was nothing more than a genocidal madman. Sounds like we had the same professor. Greene euthanized hundreds of thousands who were afflicted with radiation damage. Their millions of descendants wouldve endured horrible disease, yet History History never says anything about that suffering that greene prevented. Guess it all depends on who writes the history. Makes me wonder if ill be remembered with any more accuracy. I dont think youre going to be misunderstood. Really . Sometimes, im not certain i understand myself. We did what we had to do, not what we wanted to do. Im sure greene told himself the same thing. Daniel, you are a wise man. Medical report of the patient. Her symptoms are gone. Shes a 100 . Thats wonderful. Wonderful. Thank you. That was some serious flying, trying to keep the warp fields aligned. Columbia was 50 meters above us. One wrong move and we wouldve lost commander tucker. How did you keep your cool . When i was studying to be a pilot, i memorized something chuck yeager said. I never let myself be afraid. I just focus on the dials and concentrate on flying. That simple, huh . These are the shuttlepods. Which one did you use to penetrate the sphere in the expanse . Shuttlepod one. Do you want to see inside . If its okay. Oh. Beautiful little ship. I always thought so. Unfortunately, we use the shuttlepods less and less. Why . Getting more comfortable with the transporter. Makes sense. It gets you there in a few seconds. Yeah, but theres no skill involved. Mmhmm. Nothing to fly. Ive always had a tendency to get attached to machines. Its crazy, but every time we use the transporter, i feel were kind of turning our backs on these guys. camera clicks when i saw you at that conference, i started thinking about things. Decisions ive made. Dont do that. What . Whenever things get a little serious, you always turn it into a joke. Its a bad habit. Have a lot of those. Hm. Theres another one. When im attracted to someone, i cant hide it for long. Already knew susan khouri was killed by phasepistol fire. The case file contains very little else in the way of evidence. Some Biographical Data on khouri. Most of its out of date. They dont even know where shed been living for the past year. Its like she dropped off the face of the earth. That may be exactly what happened. You know something . Her blood had elevated levels of growth hormone. I ran some more tests and found traces of myofibrilin. Thats what they prescribe for extended zerog missions. Its hardly used anymore not since the invention of artificial gravity. It is still given to workers in remote places where artificial gravity isnt practical. Like mining colonies. The nearest one is orpheus. On the moon. I have heard that the moon is a hotbed of terra prime activity. You know, i think travis has a friend who worked on orpheus. He might be able to get a couple of us inside. We could pay a little visit. Undercover. I want to be a part of that visit. Tell travis to see what he can do. With help from traviss contact, trip and tpol have been processed into the orpheus mining facility. highpitched whirring trip this is the second time weve been through here. Weve seen all this before. We still have 20 minutes before we have to report to the foreman. Maybe you downloaded an outdated map. The map is correct. Maybe youre reading it wrong. We could ask for directions. Give me that. I think i know what the problem is. What . Were lost. Lets try that direction. Any particular reason . Tpol trip. I think were getting there. I know youre not convinced ive told you the truth. About the child. What do you mean . You think i might have gotten pregnant without your knowledge. I never said that. I know. You been talking to phlox. No. Have you . Look, its because youre vulcan, isnt it, so. I am sick and tired of this bond weve got. I dont particularly enjoy it either. Listen, for the last time and for the record. I do believe you. And if you get anymore feelings. What . There it is. Cmon, lets go. Mayweather im glad we finally left the shuttlepod. I like flying them. Hmm. Sure felt like we were flying. I have a rule. If im in bed with someone, they have to be in bed with me. What was that . chuckling you. Are not here. Im just worried about some friends of mine. You want to talk about it . Im under orders not to talk about it. Thats the last thing you should tell a reporter. Lets change the subject. How come you havent settled down . Im never going to settle down. But that doesnt mean im not going to get serious with someone if the right circumstance comes along. What did you mean earlier about reconsidering some decisions youve made . Ive spent my whole life in space, going from one place to the next. Seeing you. I was wondering, maybe the next challenge, at least for me, is to stay in one place for a while. Hoshi. Hmm . No word yet from trip or tpol. Is there anything i can help with . Six of the universal translators started confusing rigellian with andorian. Theres a glitch somewhere, but i cant find it. Fresh off the boat . One of the sk models. They only give em to grubbers. I guess you found me out. Josiah. Turner. What brings you to this dumpsite . Uh. Change of scenery. s what i was after, too. Only it wasnt the landscape i got sick of. Least there arent as many of em up here. Seems like everywhere you go, humans are getting to be an endangered species. Know what you mean. Bad enough you cant walk down the street without some freakshow scaring the hell outta your kids. Now the governments making treaties with them. Sometimes i wonder where its all gonna end. Well, someones gotta make a stand. Yeah, thats how i feel, too. Some of us are meeting tonight at 2200. Level seven, junction four. I think youll like what we have to say. Ill try and make it. Ill look for you. Ive learned something. One of the locals isnt very fond of vulcans. You were saying . A doctor from one of the medical facilities s found dead yesterday. They think it was a cavein. Youre not buying it. He worked at the same clinic as susan khouri. I think we each know what were doing tonight. Seven Million People wiped out by aliens. Did the xindi even apologize . No no did our government ever demand an apology . All no and where are the reparations for the families of those seven million . Want to form a coalition with tellarites, andorians, rigellians, coridanites and vulcans vulcans who, not too long ago, massacred 45 humans working at the Earth Embassy Nathan Samuels claims that future generations will look back on this era with pride. But if things keep going the way theyre going, there wont be any future generations. At least not human. Aliens on earth. Now another study puts that figure at 10,000. This insanity is the direct result of our governments policy and the enforcers of that policy starfleet shouts of agreement we need to send a message to the people in power. And theres someone here tonight who is going to help us do just that. Commander tucker. Of the Starship Enterprise all that stuff i said about leaving the ship. Of course its off the record. While youre on duty, you mind if i stay here and work a bit . door chimes i need to speak to gannet. Something wrong . Where . Whats going on . Shes not here to do a story on enterprise, travis. Shes a spy for terra prime. Are you all right . I think so. What did you do to her . Hey, hey. Not nearly enough. Juliets in good hands. The two starcrossed lovers. I cant help but wonder whether your little drama will end happier than that famous double suicide in a medieval tomb. Who the hell are you . John frederick paxton. I run this facility. Not for long. Youre right there, commander. My mining business is about to take a turn for the worse. Daniel, ind this. Behind this . No. I lead this. And proudly, too. Before you ask, your child is safe and sound. Finally sleeping through the night. Id forgotten how much trouble a newborn can be. I want to see her. No. And no is a word that starfleet better get used to hearing from now on. Because up until today, its always been yes, hasnt it . Yes, yes, go right ahead. Roam the stars. Yes, inform potentially hostile species of the whereabouts of earth. Yes, entrust the entire future of our world to nonhuman creatures who dont even feel like we do. Yes, promote the total degradation of mankind by encouraging alienhuman. Relations. Well, yes is a word that ends here and now. Im returning earth to its rightful owners. I am giving earth back to humanity, back to human beings. Not an alien, not a human that will stop me from achieving it. Hi mom. Just checking back to see how youre doing. Ill be alright. But it was a shock. I never saw it coming. I know. I cant believe they would let you go, after 20 years. Things are starting to sink in. I realize ive got decisions to make. Like how to replace the Life Insurance i had through work. My priority is making sure you dont get stuck with a lot expenses if something happens to me. Mom, theres no reason to think anything is going to happen. A couple of days ago, there was no reason to think id lose my job. No one likes to think about it, but you have to be ready for it. Youre right. Can i help . Actually, i found a massmutual policy thats affordable let me show you. If youre age 50 to 75, theres an easy, able way to get Life Insurance. Its called guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance, from massmutual. It can help cover final expenses, such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other debts. Rates can start at less than 10 a month, and you can choose how and when to make payments. Policies range from 2,000 to 25,000, so you choose an amount that fits your budget. It provides a lifetime of coverage. Your payments are guaranteed to never increase, and massmutual pays the money quickly to your beneficiaries. With guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance, there are never any medical exams or health questions. You cannot be turned down. And, its from massmutual, a company thats been putting policy owners first for more than 160 years. With financial strength ratings among the highest of any company, in any industry. Call now to learn more about guaranteed acceptance Life Insurance. Call my father designed this facility. He knew that mining was an unpredictable business. Mines tap out, veins dry up. Everyones aboard, sir. Go to launch mode, daniel. Youre an engineer. Take a good long look. Where are we going . For you, thisll be like a walk across the street. Lock it up. You better hang onto something. She gets a little rusty out of the gate. You reconfigured your universal translator to record messages from all the other translators. You were spying on the delegates. You accidentally triggered an id protocol in the network. I tracked it back to the source. I dont know what youre talking about. Maybe she was after a story. It doesnt mean she worked for terra prime. We did a background check. In the last month, you made three trips to the lunar colony. Is that a crime . Depends on what you were doing there. I was on assignment. For . My news agency. Your editor claims he never sent you. Look, if im under arrest, then. Two of my crewmen are at orpheus mining complex. Weve lost contact with them. I dont know anything about your crewmen. Are they in danger . I want to speak with counsel. Now. Take her to the brig. Get her whoever she wants. Bridge to captain archer. Im sorry, travis. Can you identify it . Sir, sensors indicate. It is the mining facility. Were being hailed. Its starfleet command. Ignore them. Reactor status . Ready. Youre going to warp . Five second burst. Inside the system. Well be lucky if we dont fly apart. I plan on luck. Go. Ten seconds. Hail them. Pursuit course, travis. Aye. No response, sir. Were in mars orbit. All systems functioning. That was a magnificent piece of flying, daniel. That is yet to come. Impress me again. Taking us down. Lets see it. Slowing our descent. Its ours. Lets take in the view. Theyve landed near the verteron array. Its used to redirect comets. Theyre sending a subspace message on all frequencies. My name is John Frederick paxton. Ive just taken over the verteron array on mars. Hes targeted earths moon. I have no intention of using this weapon again, provided that every single nonhuman in our system leaves immediately. A new era is at hand, of interspecies unity as an absolute and vicious lie. An era that will witness the advent of a humancentered consciousness that will place our world before all others. As of this moment, mankind casts off the shackles of alien interference and now determines its own fate. Terra prime. Love always, ill never forget doug penhall doug penhall. Catchy, huh . Susan atkinson. How many are you sending out . About 200. Two hundred . Every woman ive ever dated. Why . Never fails. One of them who hasnt thought of my name in four years has just broken up with her boyfriend. Shell be charmed, shell call me. And then . Well both go out. Well both be disappointed. Pened to dorothy . This thing with dorothy has been going on since we were 14. Never lasts more than six months. I got to plan for the future. But youre going to get together for valentines, right . Shes with her parents this week. How about you . Going out with amy . We had a little bit of a disagreement. I hate valentines day. Valentines day . Thats not a disagreement. Thats a meltdown. Or is it that youre too cheap and you break up before the holiday so you wont have to buy no present . No, i hate valentines day. Iok, got a date . Theres this girl i just met but it seems too serious to leap into a valentines day date. She blew you off, huh . Basically. Hey. Dont make a big deal of it. Im just going to dinner. That dress makes it a big deal. Who is he . Nobody special. Assistant d. A. Lamar, okay . Oooh. Oooh. Oooh. Its just dinner. On valentines day. On a school night. Ill be home early, daddy. How come she has a date and we dont . Hanson its the dress. whistles its valentines day. For once i remembered to send flowers and candy to my wife. You going home for a homecooked meal . You kidding me . I just bought myself an excuse for not coming home for at least the next five hours. What are you doing to do . If i had a seven, eight. Ten, jack showing and raised 20 would you match me . Did somebody say poker . I played poker once. Night, guys. Captain. You got a date . You are asking moi, adam fuller if i have a date on valentines day, harry . Thats right. laughs no. If blowfish raised 20 on a possible inside straight would you match him . Depends. Has he bluffed before . Has he had much to drink . Whats his bank like . Has he been losing the rest of the night . Gentlemen ante up. whooping . We never thought of finding . . The place where we belong . . Dont have to stand alone . . Well never let you fall . . Dont need permission . . To decide what you believe . . Whoo . . I said jump . . Down on jump street . . I said jump . . Down on jump street . . When your back is to the wall . . Youll find you need us . . cause theres no one else to call . . When it looks hopeless . . A decisions what you need . . You better be ready to . . Be ready to . . Jump . Gentlemen. We told you were not buying the i never played poker routine. Okay, i raise. You cant raise until i deal. I like blind raises. We may have a compulsive gambler here. Open for a dollar. Two compulsive gamblers. I raise. There you go. You might want to look at your cards first. You didnt. Five guys on valentines and not one of us has a date. I almost had a date. You almost had a brutal fight. Same thing. I call. Call. laughs i just remembered the date i had once on valentines day the worst date of my life. I took this girl, janet brown, to the movies. It rained. The top wouldnt go up and the movie was tora, tora, tora. Then the car got stolen and it wasnt even my car. I borrowed the thing. Ive had worse dates. So have i. Its up to the pair. Can i raise . Good acting job, harry. He bets a dollar. Raise a buck. Whoa. Blowfish call. I had the worse date ever. Get out of here. Both throw in a chip, harry. Poke, poke, you owe me a coke. I thought you were born married. Just about. No help. Trips. Why you in . Very nice low. I still havent recovered. I was 16, had this thing planned for months. See, rosa dangelo promised that on her 16th birthday, wed go all the way. Penhall poor rosa dangelo. By Johnny Mathis blowfish the master was at work making the final preparations. Her father was bowling, her mother was in philadelphia. Rosa sal . I cant see a thing. Penhall i bet your wife was gorgeous then. Blowfish no way. This is a true story. Rosa, i love you

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