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I know its critic, sir. Were searchingngingsleys office now, mr. Waverly. I want to check through every one of these files later myself. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Do you have any idea what this is . I know its critical, sir. Ill keep you ininrmed. Yes, sir. Theyve just arrived. Ti youre on immediate reassignment, and i can do without being spellbound we know youve established. The thrush used the Refugee Committee as a front, and you failed to capture webb. In that case, we can dispense with the formality of a written report . Look, kuryakin, cut out the cracks. Robert kingsley has disappeared. Kingsley used to be a field operative. Hehesed to be in the field like you. Now hes number four man here in hong kong. Every scrap of information we e ther passes through his hands, and hes vanished. Any documents go with him . Wewere checking, solo. What did you find . Sir, a capsule. It gave off kind of a vapor. What are you talking about . Are you all right . Yes, sir, i am now, but. We just stood there, the secretary and i, after we took a sniff of that stuff, and it was the strangest. Whats strange . What are you talking about . Mr. Grant, for about a minute, e, conscious, perfectly all right, except it was like waiting for someone to tell us what we should do. Then it wore off, and i came here to repopo to you. Show me this capsule. I wish i could, sir, but it evaporated. Thats right, sir. Did it leaea any residue . Well check that out. Thats your assignment. Robert kingsley. Mrs. Kingsley . Yes . Were from uncle, and wed like to have a word with you about. What happened . Is it robert . Uh. Come in. Thanks, thank yoyo well, please tell me, what is it . Mrs. Kingsley, your husband has disappeared. It cant be. Mrs. Kingsley. I dont believe it. There must be some mistake. Im afraid not. Now, if you have any idea, any information at all where. But you people know far more about robert than i do. I only happen to be married to him. Uncle is his way of life. I understand how you must feel, but. He has a desk job now, how can he disappear . Mrs. S. Ingsley, can you recall anything that he did, anything that he said, that could help us . How . He never discussed his work with me, he wasnt supposed to, you know that. He seemed happy and content. How can i help you . You always ask the wives, the last people whod know anything about the real lives of men like robert. Did he ever say anything about a capsule that we found at his desk . No. No, nothing. Mrs. Kingsley. Yes . Seven, seven, seven. Over and over, i dont understand. What does it mean . Solo here. Another disappearance, mr. Solo. Dr. Kurt erikson of berlin, presumably with kingsley. Mr. Kikisley . I am dr. Erikson. Dr. Eriksoso doctor, im honored by your presence here, and your collaboration. Thank you. Sit down, doctor. Mr. Kingsley, this is an historic moment, ironically so, for history, as the world knows, it will soon end. D. To look at this. The worlds future on a scrap of paper. We can change mankinds personality, mold it to any shape we want, steer it in any direction with this. And we will. Oh, excuse me, dr. Erikson, your daughter. You said you wanted to bring your daughter. Th you. Have we e pt her waiting outside . No. Anna will be coming in a separate plane. Thats a wise precaution, doctor. She should be leaving berlin any moment now. Please dont make me explain, okay . Where are you going . Well, i didnt expect it at all. Im sorry, i have to go, but ill be back. Believe me, i will be back. Look, i came all the way from america to be with you, you and your father, on our vacation. Please, steve, do you think that i want to leave you . Well, then dont, this is ridiculous. No. The time to take over the kingsley project is now, at its inception. Mr. Veeth is absolutely right. We cant delay until the last minute. Take over, supervise, control from the beginning. Im in command here, directly responsible to thrush central only, and i say no. Mr. Webb, you dont seem to realize that once kingsley presses that button, thrush and Everything Else on earth is in his pocket. He must take over now. Suppose we do, and kingsleys team ogeniuses simply refuses to work for us. Which we have paid for but cannot operate without them. Force them. No. I will not take that chance. We let kingsley and company lay the groundwork, then we move in. Mr. Veeth, miss carla, that is my strategy. The same strategy that nearly got you caught by solo and kuryakin . Why not ask mrs. Kingsley . She knows her husband. I have already stated my position. Besides, i need not remind you that mrs. Kingsley is doing her part. Thanks to her, thrush is in on a scheme which will give it control of the world forever, and i see no reason to burden her with additional problems. Why not let mrs. Kingsley speak for herself . Its hot in here. Their description, sir . Eriksons daughter, anna, has also left berlin. Were transmitting light beam photos right now, and i do have a lead. A girl answering anna eriksons description is aboard air east flight t 7 due to arrive hong kong 1800 hours local time. All right, lads, cast off. Taxi, gentlemen . What do you think youre doing . Im shooting down that helicopter, sir. Helicopter, what helicopter . Whatats going on here . Who the devil are you . Were from uncle. We have reason to believe you have dr. Robert kingsley, dr. Kurt erickson, and Anne Erickson onboard. Wed like to talk to them. I dont carry passengers. Then what do you carry that you have to protect with a machinegun . You cocoitted an act of piracy. I have a right to defend my ship against pirates. Who are these men, captain . Anne erikson . And the only mr. Kingsley i k kw of is an english lyric poet long since dead. Then why are you on this ship . The only fact worth a pennyworth of cold gin is youre aboard my ship unlawfully, uncle or no uncle. You are from uncle . Uncle, and so was kingsley. Dont believe you. I dont either, fraulein. A couple of born liars if i ever saw them. Now, dont you worry your pretty little head. Why dont you pop off and play some shuffleboard or something . Fafaer, i have to. Later, dear, later. Later please come, please. Thrush central to hong kong. Robert kingsley and dr. Erikson are safely on their way to operational headquarters himalayas, due to arrive at 0900. Band appreciates what youre doing for him. He will, mr. Webb, until he finds out whos supplying me. Its bright in here. Thrush central to hong kong. General harmon has been successfully recruited as kingsleys security chief no comment. General has nothing to say, no comment. Is there anything good . No comment, no comment. The general has nothing to say, nothing to say. Why are you leaving the country, general . General nt, no comment. General, general general, whats been going on, general . Something happened, something isnt right hey, w wts going on . Tenhut men, when you were selected to servrvme, you took a personal oath of loyalty. You are no longer in the service of the country weve just left. You are an elite secucuty force, the last soldiers this world will ever see. Military history ends with you. Do your duty. See to it that it ends gloriously. Captain gelser will give you the details and your new uniforms. Sounds very quiet. Ill take a look around. See anything below . Nothing on deck either. Ill take a look up for it. Completely deserted. A touch of the marie celeste. Helicopter been sabotaged. Is your communicator gone, too . Fortunately, i have something up my sleeveve how do i iect dignity into the word help . You dont, you swallow your pride and hope mr. Waverly sends out a sea plane. Open channel d, please. A sea plane . Of course, gentlemen. Nini expert, has disappeared from prague, czechoslovakia. But before he disappeared, a music box of his was stolen. A music box . Ththk you for bringing it. Youre very welcome, dr. Vanovech. Now tell me, what do you think . Mr. Kingsley, there was no need to kidnap me. If you had told me of your plan, have come running if you had invited me, to help u achieve it. Gentlemen, im with youou every inch of the way. Then welcome to the purple. Thrush central to hong kong. Electronics division reports jan vavavech kidnapped in prague reports jan vanovech kidnapped in prague according to plansns at 0600. You had your way long enough, webb. Now its going to be our way. Thrush is going to take over kingsleys installations, and you are through. And what will thrush central say about this, mr. Veeth . Theyll thank us to hong kong. Propaganda division reports Public Relations expert, mr. Mackey, kidnapped in london accordininto plan at 0500. Thrush central to hong kong. Personnel division reports dr. Naomi fisher kidnapped in tel aviv according to plan at 0700

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