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Loss this is painful and it will be for a long time. Now its time for them to bind the wounds. With the country struggling to unite. What happens next. Here now, chief anchor. George stephanopoulos. Shoulders the hopes and dreams. The fear and anxiety of millions more. It is time for us. For us to come together as one united. A kinder gentler donald trump. We owe her a major debt of gratitude. To our country. Deference to the president whose legitimacy he questioned. Mr. President , it was a great honor being with you and i look forward to being with you, many, many more times in the future. Thank you. Respect for the Republican Leaders he denounced. I think were going to do some absolutely spectacular things for the American People. But away from the rituals of washington alongside the elation of Trump Supporters, there is deep anxiety, anger and fear. [ chanting no trump, no kkk, no racist usa ] protests four nights running. You are under arrest. Thousands marching across the country, on twitter he dismissed them as professionals then praised their passion too. On social media, vicious racist images, schoolkids taunting minorities. White power. So how will a President Trump bind those wounds rubbed so raw . Which promises will he keep and will which fall away . How congress and the world responding to this. Secretary clinton has conceded to donald trump. Donald trump will be the 45th president. He has pulled off something that no one believed he could do. Defeating Hillary Clinton in the campaign unlike anything weve seen in our lifetime. And were going to examine all those questions this morning starting with the latest on the transition from our chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl, our chief Global Affairs anchor Martha Raddatz and our chief investigative correspondent brian ross and, jon, let me begin with you and know mike pence, Vice President elect mike pence will be in charge of replacing Chris Christie and two names talked about the most, steve bannon, reince priebus, both allies but they send quite a different message. Reporter george, i am told that decision could come as soon as today. It is hard to imagine a choice more stark than the choice between reince priebus, the chairman of the republican party, a clear establishment figure and stephen bannon, a leader of the right wing, Breitbart News network. Somebody who spent most of the time beating up on the republican establishment. I can tell you, george, that congressional leaders on the republican side are hoping it is priebus. They see priebus as somebody who they can clearly work with. Much of his base of support. They are telling him not to do that. They want bannon, somebody who has spent much of the past two years trying to destroy speaker of the house paul ryan. Who knows he may surprise us and pick someone else but as you say, its imminent. It gets to the broader question, as well of now that they will control the white house and both houses of congress, where does President Trump defer to those Republican Leaders and take them on . Well, the Republican Leadership is quite hopeful at this time that they will have wide latitude, trump is a big campaign trail. Of course, again, a lot of that will depend on who the person is on his righthand side, whether its bannon or whether its priebus. Not too many clues from trump himself in the first week and he mentioned infrastructure. He mentioned immigration and jobs and then obamacare but says he both wants to replace it and repeal it but talked about preserving the preexisting condition ban and idea that kids can stay on their parents plan until the age of 26. Yeah, from the conservatives, the battle cry for the last couple of years, especially from people like ted cruz was repeal obamacare, every single word of obamacare. That is not the message from the donald trump and on infrastructure, theres a potential for him to reach out to democrats. Hes talking about Infrastructure Spending far in excess of what any republicans would have considered under a democratic president. So you have some mixed signals. The other thing i would add to that list, george, i am told very early on in this transition process to expect that trump will announce his nominee for the Supreme Court. That will be something designed to very much please conservatives even as they may get a little nervous on some of what hes talking about in terms of obamacare and infrastructure. Okay, jon, lets move on to National Security with Martha Raddatz and personnel will matter so much here as well. Our next guest Rudy Giuliani talked about possibly as secretary of state. Youve got this general mike flynn, who is a loyalist, considered for National Security adviser, perhaps, but also talk about some establishment figures like george w. Bushs National Security adviser steve hadley for department of defense . Steve hadley, thats an outlier for sure but hes very experienced. He may be National Security adviser but i think that would be a hard choice for mr. Trump to make, president elect trump to make because general flynn, hes very comfortable with. And you know in that position you have to be very comfortable with someone like that whispering in your ear about National Security, so i think general flynn is probably the top contender for that job. Secretary of state, maybe they would consider steve hadley for that job. Richard haass, there are people from the council on Foreign Relations and certainly an Administration Official many years ago under george h. W. Bush. There are always names floated. Newt gingrichs name is out there. Sometimes you just want to make the loyalists happy by floating those names. I think this will play out over the next several weeks but obviously this is a huge decision. This is where he he has the least experience. Hell have to rely on people with experience. Has made some major promises, as well. Said he would rip up the iran nuclear agreement. Renegotiate nafta. Well, i think they would really like to rip up that agreement and get a new one, but thats going to be very difficult. You, of course, have russia involved in that. And i think the question is what do they do in the meantime . I listened this week, rick ranell, an old u. N. Hand on fox news pressing to see if the iranians are violating any of the terms of the agreement. Really press them on that, make sure there is full compliance, so i think youll see that in the coming months immediately that they will just talk tougher. Nafta, another thing weve got american advisers on the ground in syria and iraq and trump suggesting to the wall street journal he would stop aiding the rebels fighting assad. Comfort to putin there. Comfort to putin. Again, what does he do . President elect trump has promised a safe zone, a humanitarian zone. Do you put u. S. Troops on the ground . Do you try to get other troops on the ground . And hes also promised an intelligence search. Mike flynn knows a lot about that. Tactically mike flynn has been fantastic with intelligence when he was in the military, and theyll be looking at that. If you have good intelligence that truly does put mean putting troops on the ground in some way. Lets move on to the legal issues now with brian ross, 4,500 outstanding lawsuits now for donald trump including Trump University in court this week. Thats right, george. He was a major Real Estate Developer and they sue and get sued all the time, and of those hundreds of lawsuits, were told 30 are significant. Theres pressure for him to settle that. The suit before he goes into office. That could happen. As well, we know as a Real Estate Developer, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, in loans. He borrows money for often all kinds of people around the world including more than 100 million from a german bank now under federal investigation. The questions also about his business. He has said its going to be given to his children to run at the same time we saw his children appointed to formal roles in the transition. A lot of ethics looking at that saying that is not a blind trust. Experts on both sides, both parties say that. Turn over the operation to his three children, donald jr. , eric and ivanka. Thats not a blind trust. According to the experts we talked to, theyre involved now in choosing the next government. Its really a situation that no other president had in years and years. He clearly is not going to follow the idea that generally there is no rule that requires this, but there generally is a situation which people are required to put their interests to the side so they dont have a conflict. Yeah, all recent president s have done that. But as you pointed out, the president is exempt from the conflict of interest rules that all other administrations Administration Officials must abide by. Its a common practice but not required by law. Brian ross, martha, thank you, jon karl as well. Lets move on now to a top trump adviser and vice chair of the transition, Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor, thank you for joining us this morning. Congratulations on the victory. So, is this true, you want to be secretary of state . Whatever i want to be, ill discuss with the president elect. Because thats the best way to do it. Not to create more rumors. So thats between him and me but im happy to answer any other questions. Okay, well, just do one followup on that. Youve also been mentioned as a possible attorney general. Is it fair to say that you would like to serve President Trump . Again, thats a discussion id like to have with him. I mean, im very happy in my law practice and my security firm. I work all over the world. I have a very, very full life. So it would have to be something where i felt he really needed me and not that id be the only one that could do it but maybe that i could do it a little bit different or a little bit better than somebody he. His campaign promises, president elect trump has not riled out seeking a special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton and says he has other priorities. Do you think it would be a good idea to go forward with that . Thats a tough one. George, it really is. As a lawyer i hate to use the on the one hand but the other but on the one hand you dont want to disrupt the nation with what might look like a vindictive prosecution even though it might not be. On the other you want equal justice under the law. If she has violated the law, the fbi never completed the foundation investigation. Thats, as far as i know, that is still an ongoing investigation, that they completed the email investigation but not the foundation investigation. Exactly what you do with that i guess the next attorney general will have to figure that out. I dont know if that will be me or not but the next attorney general would have to figure that out and im going to make a guess, not a definitive statement, i would think if you had to make a decision like that, youd give that to an independent counsel. You wouldnt make it as the appointee of, you know, the new president. We have a lot of precedent for that. Weve done that in the past or maybe that you want to sort of put that behind you. I dont know. Thats a tough decision. We saw secretary so, i can see why i was going to say, we saw secretary clinton reported today she believes that she would have won the election but for the interference of the fbi director james comey. Your response to that . Well, you know, i actually think it was obamacare. Again, why you won an election and why you didnt is a subject of, you know, books that get written 20 years later. And being part of the campaign, we put up front in all of Donald Trumps speeches for the last two or three weeks, not the fbi, but obamacare. That seemed to me to be the thing that moved the votes in michigan, that moved the votes in places where we pennsylvania, wisconsin, the blue states we were able to turn red and basically havent been red since ronald reagan. I think obamacare was the bigger hit. The fact that those premiums hit on, what was it, november 1st, right . Such a closely divided election. Secretary clinton won the popular vote in those three states you just mentioned, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, about 112,000 votes separated the two candidate, as well, so how much of a mandate does president elect trump have coming out of this close result . You have the same mandate whether its a close result or it isnt. Youre the president of the United States. You have to act like the president of the United States. Youre the person in charge. You have to set the agenda. Thats how you get yourself reelected by a much bigger number if you want to get reelected. And thats the way you govern the country, i mean, the constitution of the United States doesnt change the powers of the president based on the number by which you get elected. And he has a pretty sizable electoral map win. Much more than anybody thought. I think people thought that if he won hed win by like one state the way president bush did. I mean he won by a sizable margin. I even believe he won a little after the election. I think if we spent a little more time in minnesota, we would have won minnesota. You see a lot of anger in the streets this week. Demonstrations every night since the election. I know you called the protesters cry babies earlier in the week but youve also seen this spate of incidents, racially charged incidents across the country right now. What should president elect trump do to get that under control . Well, you know, first of all, i do have to ask the following, i feel very bad about that. But if those were donald trump people doing that after a Hillary Clinton election, i think a lot of people would be there were would be a lot more anger in the media at the fact that theyre protesting a legitimately decided election. Having said that, i think we understand their frustration. We certainly dont want to make it worse. I think theyre exaggerating the fears of a donald Trump Presidency because theyre coming off a campaign where theyre very disappointed. Im sure our supporters would have been very disappointed had donald trump not won, and i just hope it calms down. Now where it goes into violence, i have a zero tolerance for riots. You know, took over a city that had two riots in four years and i had none and they knew they couldnt riot on me, and when i saw the people in the street in new york city, i said to myself, youre breaking giulianis rules. You dont take my streets. You can have my sidewalks, but you dont take my streets because ambulances have to get through there, fire trucks have to get through there. People die when you crowd the streets of new york city with protesters. You can do plenty of protesting on the sidewalk. So, you know, i would ask them to please respect id ask them to please respect the democratic process. I know both secretary clinton and president obama were very gracious, and i respect that a lot in the way they handled it the day after, two days after but i wish they would Say Something about it too. Because after all, these are supporters of president obama and Hillary Clinton, and maybe they could Say Something about it, not the right thing in a democracy theyve said that everybody should president obama said that everybody should root for the success of president elect trump. But what about those are the protesters protesting president elect trump. What about those Trump Supporters out there and weve seen several incidents with racially charged intimidation of students and things like that. Doesnt president elect trump have some responsibility to Say Something about that . Well, they they shouldnt be doing it either, but i mean the major the major focus here is the at least the one i was in one a couple of days ago where they saw me in the car, and they started banging on my car. So these are not you know, i want to amend my statement a little bit. Im not sure these are even Hillary Clinton, barack obama supporters. I think these people are, you know, kind of like professional protesters more. They didnt look to me like all those protesters in all those cities professionals . Well, yes, you gather a certain number of people around you, but, you know, they looked they looked they didnt look to me like people who were, you know, carefully studying Political Science and were all upset about, you know, the ideology of the election. You know, final question i want to get in what brian ross was talking about earlier. What do you think president elect trump should do to assure people there wont be a mingling of his businesses and governmental duties now that his children are running it during this part of the transition . Well, my advice would be that once he enters office there should be a separation a blind trust or some kind of blind trust. As brian pointed out, its different in the case of a president. They have a lot more leeway in the way they can fashion it, but i think, you know, for the good of the country and the fact that you dont want a question coming up every time there is a decision made, he should basically take himself out of it and just be a passive participant in the sense that he has no decisionmaking, no involvement and those decisions get made separate from him, which is the way its done for most cabinet offices. I think all cabinet offices. Mayor giuliani, thanks for your time this morning. Thank you very much, george. When we come back, whats next for the democrats . How will they recover from this crushing defeat . Party chair candidate Keith Ellison is next, plus analysis and insight from our powerhouse roundtable and tom friedman of the New York Times. Announcer this week with George Stephanopoulos brought to you by carmax. Th George Stephanopoulos brought to you by carmax. If you want to sell your car carmax will give you seven days to consider their offer. Why seven days . Science. Join me as we walk through the seven stages of decisioning. 1. Consideration. 2. Questioning. 3. Deciding. 4. Queso. 5. Nap. 6. Sudoku. 7. Tambourine practice. I think i made my point. Theyll give you an offer for your car, you take seven days to think about it. Bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea, even from thousands of feet above. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never being satisfied. Bp engineers use robotic ultrasound technology, so they can detect and repair corrosion before it ever becomes a problem. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. When president elect trump wants to take on these issues, when his goal is to increase the Economic Security of middle class families, then count me in. I intend to work with President Trump on those issues where he will, in fact, work for the middle class and working families in this country. I will vigorously oppose him if he appeals to racism or sexism. Top democrats laying down their markers for how theyll work with President Trump but who will take on the job of rebuilding the Democratic Party after tuesdays crushing defeat put republicans in control of the white house and congress . Congressman Keith Ellison may be the new party chair. He joins us next. Like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. He wears his army hat, he gets awalks aroundliments. With his army shirt looking all nice. And then people just say, thank you for serving our country and im like, thats my dad. Male vo no one deserves a warmer welcome home. Thats why were hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. Im very proud of him. Male vo comcast. Al all i want to say is that anybody, well, from the democratic side of the fence who thinks that whos terrified of the possibility of President Trump better vote, better get active, involved because this man has some momentum and we better be ready for the fact that he might be leading the republican ticket. I know you dont believe that but i want to go on. Sorry. Next you know, we had Jesse Ventura in minnesota win the governorship. Nobody thought he would win. Stranger things have happened. A prophetic congressman concession cochair of the progressive caucus joins us now. Thanks for joining us this morning. It turned out that democrats did not come out in the numbers they came out for for barack obama, 5 million fewer voters than in 2012. So, what went wrong . You know, its a good question, george. I think that donald trump picked on peoples fears, their anxieties, and he gave them somebody to blame, and some folks just really turned out for him for that. At the same time, our message of strengthening the middle class, working people, we just didnt penetrate well enough, and we didnt have the kind of turnout that we really needed or expected. Worked hard on it but it didnt come through and in places like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, really should have because people are struggling and the democratic message and the democratic platform would help them but somehow it didnt come up the way it should have but it will. Is Hillary Clinton because were all ready to fight. Is Hillary Clinton right that james comey cost her the election . I think that it did not help. It certainly stopped changed the conversation. The conversation should have been about middle class people. The conversation should have been about how to, you know, raise a minimum wage, strengthen Social Security but then we started talking about this whole email stuff again and now the outcome is that donald trump has somebody who hes looking at to put on his cabinet whos a lobbyist to privatize Social Security. Thats the outcome of this election and even much more. I know you were considering jumping into this race for dnc, chair, chair of the Democratic National committee. You already have a lot of support, but you look at this very closely divided election. Even though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote you now have republicans in charge of the white house, the congress, a majority of governors, more governors than theyve had in a hundred years, more statehouses than theyve ever had before and a lot of democrats complain that that party has been basically hollowed out under president obama. How do you fix it . I think you got to have a vision to strengthen the grass roots, to strengthen the grass roots at the party at the party unit, at the county level, at the precinct level and then to help motivate and facilitate the local grass roots to get out there and turn out the vote and boost turnout and then to help govern and in places where we do hold City Councils and state legislatures and then also help be part of that loyal opposition. We need to invest at the local party unit and focus our energy on turnout. Thats how we come back and we can come back. Its simply a matter of energy and resources. Youve said that the party has spent had a little bit too much focus on fundraising, not enough on the grass roots. Well, i do believe that we should have to make the voters first. Not the donors first. I love the donors, and we thank them, but it has to be that the guys in the barber shop, the lady at the diner, the folks who are worried about whether that plant is going to close, theyve got to be our focus. Theyve got to be a laser beam focus on everything we do and everything we do should animate and empower them at the Grassroots Level for working people across this country. Thats how we come back. Theres a lot of energy in the street, as well. You heard Rudy Giuliani say he thinks a lot of them are professional protesters. What is your message to them . How do you channel that energy and can it and must it remain peaceful . Well, absolutely it has to remain peaceful, but, look, you know, the First Amendment says we can protest and call our government to address grievances. These people are telling donald trump if he tries to move on his plan, to have a deportation squad, to harm americans and if he tries to do that, well be there to stand and say no. We dont we oppose his misogyny and oppose his picking on people of different ethnic and religious groups and we want to make it clear that if he tries to deliver on his word that we will be there to say no. How about so thats why people are on the treat. How about the areas he could work with democrats. He mentioned a big infrastructure and youve been supportive. Even though he wants to repeal and replace obamacare, he might want to preserve some parts. That would be a welcome development. Well see if he wants to deliver on that. The truth is that if he does, we want to see Infrastructure Development too. We think all over this country we need to rebuild everything from transit, fiberoptic, broadband in our rural areas and urban areas. Those things are thats a worthy program. Well see if he really means it, though. He will get a chance to deliver on that promise and if he doesnt, well make sure the people know about it. Finally are you formally going to enter the race for dnc and if you do and become chair of the party, will you step down from congress . A lot of people believe including howard dean who is looking at this that the Party Demands a full time chair. Well, you know, the most important criteria for a dnc chair is going to be vision. Do you have the vision to help empower and channel the energy at the Grassroots Level . This is not about one person. This is about millions of people all working together to protect and advance the interests of working americans. Thats what its really about. Vision, and the ability to mobilize and inspire people at the grass roots. Thats what the most important criteria is going to be for any dnc chair, and, so, look, ive been talking to people all over the country, city council members, grassroots leaders, party leaders, members in congress, and you know what, the truth is, ill have something to say real soon. Okay, we will be listening. Congressman, thanks very much for your time this morning. Thank you. The powerhouse roundtable is next. Plus tom friedman on the Global Forces that gave donald trump his opening. Announcer this week with George Stephanopoulos is brought to you by pfizer. Before, it was an idea. An inspiration. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures. Had 12 years of setbacks and breakthroughs, 4,423 sleepless nights, and countless trips back to the drawing board. At first they were told no, well. Maybe, and finally yes. 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See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. I think the American People you know, theyre going to want that new car smell. They want to drive something off the lot that doesnt have as much mileage as me. President obama more than two years ago and i guess they got that. About as new a car as you can imagine coming out of this election and lets talk about what happened and what comes next with our roundtable joined by the editor of Weekly Standard bill kristol, republican strategist mary matalin and democratic strategist van jones and katrina vanden heuvel, editor and publisher of the nation. Mary, let me begin with you. What a shock to so many. But should more have seen it coming . Yes, and for those of us who have been disgruntled conservatives who have watched the last successive tsunami at midterms and such, republicans were given majorities in both chambers and did little with it, this was no surprise to us. Also, in the sense of media saying this about themselves, i drive to my kids school in youstate new york through rural virginia, maryland, pennsylvania, new york, trump signs everywhere. You cant you just have to get out of the bubble and you have to quit listening to yourself. People are hurt. The irony of this, though, had mrs. Clinton listened to her husband instead of her boss, she might could have stopped this rust belt redneck revolt, which is he himself is calling he was bill clinton was giving the Clinton Campaign the best advice, and had she taken it, i think she could have mitigated her losses but i still think trump would have won. Clinton Campaign Says and we heard it all through this week, they tried to do that, wanted to do that, they were blocked by james comey. Look, theres a lot of things that i think you got to deal with. Hillary clinton was she had to put down a rebellion in her own party, then shell have to put down the trump rebellion and then try to govern. So, she was going to have a very difficult pathway Going Forward anyway. The thing about this trump phenomenon is that theres a lot of good stuff in it, you know, the antielitism, the concern for working class jobs but its just marbled with all this toxic stuff, the misogyny, outright bigotry and people are left to pull this apart. If you just say that look at all the good stuff and you dont acknowledge the toxic stuff, youre wrong. If you only look at the toxic stuff and you dont recognize theres going to be some good stuff for infrastructure, youre wrong. People have to do a big reset. Big wakeup call to the entire establishment including democrats not just because of the failure. Were seeing people in the streets. Were seeing people in the streets because this last week, george, was a week of grief and mourning and despair for many. But its now time to organize and move forward. Its time for deep thinking, reformation of a Democratic Party. Its also time to hold donald trump accountable to what he governed on. I thought the next morning after the election there was a little squib in the paper, 2,000 workers are going to be laid out in ohio and in lansing, michigan. What is he going to do . I think this was a change election. As David Axelrod said it was a primal scream by many who feel that a discredited elite failed them economically, politically. We need to find a new way forward. There are key ways progressives can speak. I would say one thing people need to do and this is how roosevelts new deal began, let us go back cities and states where we can, build emblematic progressive reforms like the fight for 15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, things that improve peoples condition of lives and drive them into a national message. Thats where the opposition will try to go, but, bill kristol, the focus on washington and real consolidation in washington. Republicans in control of everything. But when you look at that key question that katrina talked about what is president elect trump going to do, its hard to glean that from his campaign. The promise is vague and sweeping but vague in places, also contradictory at times. Where are the clues . Well, i mean i think he will do something on immigration. He will try to renegotiate the the trade deals a little bit. There are a few things that have been very clear, a big Infrastructure Program that hell get bipartisan support. Republican congressmen and senators will be in an interesting place where they have to support what will be President Trump when they agree with him and guide him and oppose him on certain things it will be an unusual dynamic. It wont be like the rallying behind president obama in 2009 or behind president bush even at the beginning of his presidency or even clinton in 93 when he got his budget through but i think it will be an unusual dynamic. Its been an unusual election. The main thing for me, just one point, i was never for trump but it turned out never dynasties was the theme. Donald trump beat jeb bush and beat Hillary Clinton and whatever everyone thinks of donald trump, not just change, defeating bush and then clinton, what everyone thinks of donald trump, thats pretty impressive. Look, i think that if you want to understand what the Grassroots Progressive Movement will be, first of all, incredible concern for the most vulnerable. You have, you know, 7,000 or more d. R. E. A. M. Ers who signed up for well, there a huge concern and there will be a moral line drawn around the d. R. E. A. M. Ersment theyre not looking at a deportation force. Does he sign an executive order that takes away protections to the d. R. E. A. M. Ers . If he does, there will be a massive reaction. He is not going to do that. He said the first thing hes going to do is roll back the fiats. The executive orders that were unconstitutional. One of those was the d. R. E. A. M. Ers. Hes going to start with the regulatory ones because he wants to grow the economy. The problem with Keith Ellisons message and what yall are saying, and i respect what youre saying because we have been there, is and another irony of this campaign is that barack obama always won astronomically on his own but he is completely devastated the party, lost the senate, house, 30 governorship, over 900 legislatures thats why we need Keith Ellison. What you just said is the best case for Keith Ellison. Keith ellison is an organizers organizer. Thats right. Is one of the only muslims in congress so whats his message . Voters over donors. His message is voters over donors, its going to the grass roots and connecting the movements of our time to whats going on in cities, states and inside the beltway. The movement is where the energy is. Hes also smart about rebuilding power. I got to put a stop to this because president elect trump just got elected. Kind of a big deal. I want to talk more about the opposition in a second but lets move on and focus more on what hes going to do. I think itll be vital moving forward. One reason we have trump, not the only, because there was great rage and anger in the country, is the media. The media will need to be more fearless, more courageous despite trumps threats to the media, we need more watchdogs, not lap dogs and not normalize i agree. Whats more important, theres this thing called obamacare, his signature domestic achievement and won the republicans the house in 2010 and the and for all the talk about immigration, obamacare was an extremely important issue for trump voters in 2016. I think Rudy Giuliani was right. Let me press you on this the realities the obamacare premiums and numbers started moving away from Hillary Clinton the moment those premiums went up. Lets look at what donald trump is saying. Hes saying he wants to repeal and replace it and maybe if you have a preexisting condition, you will be able to buy insurance. That doesnt work. Yes, it does. The actual republican think tank to replace obamacare all have all have the preexisting condition provision in done somewhat differently from president obama. It wont be easy. You have to have subsidies tax credits instead of a huge bureaucracy. This is a huge problem for me. If President Trump shows up with a cleaver and says i can get rid of all these regulations and i can get rid of obamacare, no problem, that would be a mistake. You know, first of all, legally its hard to do these things. He needs a lot of confident people [ all talking at once ] policy wonks he has contempt for i want to ask mary a question and then go on. What is the core promise he has to deliver on to those voters who came out in first and foremost and one out of five voters voted on this and 70 of the people voted on issues and they thought the media was inventing the controversies. Its not like they didnt hold them accountable. The Supreme Court is number one. On repeal and replace, he has and he said he is going to have a transition element for those states like in florida, you know, republican governors who have put in some form of it, there has to be a transition through it. The beauty for trump is that ryan et al have worked on this and will be able to hit the ground running. Theyre not policy wonks and hes had the good judgment to get back with them and written the legislation already. The progressives have a challenge now. Part of it is that you now have a lot of progressives who feel that 50 million, 60 Million People voted to endorse the toxic parts of donald trump and in a country surrounded by people who, you know, are proud to be, you know, a part of this altright thing so theyre overreacting to that. Underreacting to what the real threats are and real opportunities. If trump throws 20 Million People off health care, thats going to be if he handles this badly, and its very hard to handle it right, thats a huge advantage in the midterms. If trump goes after if he fails frankly to stand up for the muslim community, right now muslims are being bullied. Women wearing hijabs are being bullied and people are saying trump, trump, when they do it. He has a tremendous opportunity to come out this week to say i dont want that. If he fails some of these moral tests there will be political there will be political consequences. Moral and political costs and i also think we need to hold him accountable. One of the reasons he won was he wanted to drain the swamp, right, of corruption inside the beltway. No more dealmaking. His Transition Committee on ethics is a rogues gallery of lobbyists. Hes appointed a climate denialist. That is a transpartisan movement. Thats not left or right. Thats human beings versus physics but im just saying we got to hold him accountable. I disagree with mary. It will be critical. Too many rallies where you saw tree rope journalists oh, katrina. We have to find a way forward. Im not saying we dont try to find a way infrastructure in all of that how can you say moral and political costs. Trump is more important than all of us. I disagree. Personally and morally i agree with van. If he disassociates him wildfire from forces he unfortunately coddled and fostered a little in this campaign and is responsible about the way he goes about his policy initiatives and obamacare, trade and other areas he has a huge opportunity. Because the truth is a lot of this stuff he didnt coddle them. He repudiated them. Hes got to be better dont you think President Trump has to be better than candidate trump . I mean yes, okay. Well, wait. Let mary answer. Let mary answer. One thing bill will not like and i think this is hopeful, this is not a popular position, but it is not protrump or proputin to argue that this country needs a better relationship with russia to pardon with russia, to resolve the Syrian Crisis and combat terrorism, even climate and i will say that donald trump speaking of what van said he did swat at the failed neocon orthodoxies of our times which failed us in iraq and have been discredited. Can i have an honest moment, people, please . Please, please. Van has to my mind retracted your whitelash with what you just said, no, that we have to not focus totally on the toxic stuff. Okay, but you if you dont, youre wrong. You are not thats not the path for progressives. Weve all agreed at the outset of this show that the path which is ellisons message, you say, to go back to the rust belt and the rednecks absolutely. Youre not going to get there with Climate Change and putin. The people in South Carolina who run hotels and understand selfinterests, they will be overrun by rivers and water if they dont deal with climate crisis. Were just about out of time. The whitelash i said and stand by it. I said that race was a part and there was a part, that altright part that was a part of the whitelash. If you listened to the whole quote, you would agree i did listen and you said what do i tell the kids. What i would tell my kids, im a black man in america who went to yale and written books who served a president and now im a ninth generation american man and first born with all my rights. Ninth generation american so we have not escaped because i went to yale all the problems of this country. You should be a racial polemicist. You should be a racial reconciler. How dare you say that to my face. Say it behind your back would be better . I spent more time than you have trying to be a racial reconciler. Really . How do you know that . Do you know anything about do you know anything about me . Apparently you dont know anything about me. Yes, i do know your daddy, your grandparents were teachers. Your grandfather was a bishop. This is a problem we have right now. It is in fact the case there was a populist revolt. Both sanders and trump. One was marveled through with this altright stuff. If someone like myself married to a white woman who has spent my entire life building bridges cant point out the altright whitelash reaction without being accused of being a racial polemicist we are going to have a big problem. No sense of decency to say that to a man who has been a healer throughout a horrific brutal campaign, he has spoken sanity to power and to those who okay, my deepest apologies. You dont know anything about me. You dont know anything about my healing and i would say there are ways to get to reconciliation different from calling focusing on the toxic elements as you did talk about both. On election night. You guys will talk about it outside. We will come back with New York Times columnist tom friedman. Back now with thomas friedman, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist from the New York Times and witho a new book thank you for being late and calls the great accession began ushering in a dizzying, disorienting time of change, economic and environmental. Hes here to explain it right now and i want to get to the substance but closely connected and you wrote a series of columns during the campaign, very tough on donald trump. You called him a disgusting human being and now youre calling the election a moral 9 11 only 9 11 was done to us from the outside. We did this to ourselves. Thats pretty apocalyptic language. Well, you know, theres no question we saw language used in this campaign that debased and demeaned people, george, in ways weve never seen before. Red lines were erased that i dont think will be easily restored. So this was a huge moral event. No question about it. How much of it, though, was the inevitable backlash to the kind of changes you describe in your book . My book basically argues were actually in the middle of three nonlinear axle rations with the three largest forces on the planet which i call the market, digital globally says, mother nature, thats Climate Change bio diversity and moores law and those have touched the two most neuralgic things that basically define us as people, our home and workplace. Lets look at it. The acceleration in immigration that are going on. There are a lot of people out there in Middle America that go to the Grocery Store now the cashier is speaking spanish. Thats fine by me. I love a Pluralistic Society but i can understand why that makes them feel less at home and go to the mens room and theres someone that looks like a woman that may be a man. Thats totally fine by me and glad lgbt people have their rights but i think that change came too fast and go to the office and now theres a robot next to them who seems to be studying their job so the two things that most define people, their sense of home and community and their sense of work, these accelerations are deeply disrupting. We know that donald trump tapped into that, did Hillary Clinton not do a good enough job of reaching those people and saying, we can make this change work for you. You know, to me what hillary missed is that i grew up in mipsz and talk a little about that, a lot about that in the book. In minnesota in the 60s and 70s if you were an average worker, blue collar, i quote a congressman, growing up in minnesota in the 60s you needed a plan to fail. There was so much wind at the back for the average worker. Now you need a plan to succeed. And youve got to meet workers where that anxiety is. The problem is its not so easy. You know, my book actually has a theme song its by brandy carlisle. I tried to buy it and see if it would play it and the main refrain in that song is, i wrap your love around me like a chain but i never was afraid that it would die. You can dance in a hurricane but only if youre standing in the eye. Now it argued that donald trump ran against the hurricane. The hurricane are these three acceleration, challenge of Politics Today is to build an eye that moves with the storm, draws energy from it but creates a platform of dynamic stability within it. You see a lot of people not just in the United States but around the World Running with that same kind of populism. Absolutely. Yesterday we saw donald trump with nigel farage who is leader of the Brexit Campaign and marie le pen and two different responses to these changes you talk about. And the challenge is and ill be honest, i dont see anyone has quite found the answer for what you do with an average worker in a world where machines, george, have all five senses now but thats the strategy i try to put forward in the book. Thats what im struggling with. I think its the essence of politics right now because average is officially over. I didnt do that. But average got you so much more, you know, in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Than it does today. Youre also saying it should call for a radical transformation of our politics and you describe yourself a member of a fourth party. My own politics is im actually to the left of i think Bernie Sanders on some issues. I think in this world of acceleration well need better and stronger safety nets. Id be for Single Payer Health care but at the same time id be to the right of the wall street journal editorial page and abolish all corporate taxes and have a tax on bullets, sugar and small financial transaction taxes. Our challenge and the challenge of politics Going Forward is to get i think stronger safety nets because this world is going to be too fast for a lot of people and to pay for them. We need to get radically entrepreneurial. One side always emphasized the radical entrepreneurship. One just the safety nets and two have got to coevolve together. We only have a few seconds left. Youre not a trump supporter. What is the one piece of advice you have for President Trump . You know, i think the most important thing he can do is obviously be a healer. But start with the climate issue. Its so much more important than he realizes, george, because a lot of this immigration push i just did a documentary about this in africa, its people being driven off the land and going north coming our way. Dont dismiss it. Its a hugely important issue. And if he just makes the smallest gesture toward it, he will produce such i think goodwill on the other side. Tom friedman. Thanks very much. The book, thank you for being late. Thanks for coming in. My pleasure. That is all for us today. Thanks for sharing your sunday with us and ill see you tomorrow on gma. So, election 2016 is in the books a historic night that was really good to republicans, from the white house down to the state house. What happened, and what happens next . Lets get the inside story. Good morning and welcome to inside story. Im tamala edwards. Lets introduce you to our panel, who i hope theyve recovered. Its been quite a long week for everybody. First up, journalist harold jackson. Good morning. Morning, tamala. Gop state official val digiorgio. Good morning. Must be nice to be you this morning. Yeah, it feels good. All right. Public Affairs Executive Donna Gentile odonnell. Morning, tamala. And documentarian sam katz. Good morning. President elect trump. Up until the day of the election, everybody was saying it couldnt happen, but it did happen. But i want to talk about why it happened, to a certain extent. As you dig into the numbers, he had lower turnout than romney, than mccain

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