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How they allegedly planned to shoot up the school. It was not a joke. Theres far too much planning that went into this. The loaded gun found and the signal police say they planned to open fire. And sibling rivalry. Sister versus sister serving up suspense at the Australian Open. Each trying to make history in their own way. Shes my toughest opponent. The epic match to take home the trophy. I just learned something new. That was sia singing the greatest. Thank you, diane macedo, for giving me that pop culture. Good morning, america. Dan is off. Im happy to have tom llamas joining me. Tom, by the way i didnt get a chance to say, great job on the campaign. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Now that dans not here, its party time. Oh, yeah. Itll be party time in about ten minutes. We have to get through serious news including i dont know if you watched the Australian Open. In the middle of the night. Oh, yeah. Well talk about the all williams final historic match and have all the highlights coming up and hint that someone named williams won. We dont want to give it away. We are talking politics, a busy schedule for President Trump. A roster of phone calls with World Leaders including russian president Vladimir Putin. He really hasnt stopped since he started. All the talk now into action. Signing an executive order banning citizens of seven countries from entering the u. S. Designed to protect the nation from terrorists who want to enter the country. Yeah, Trump Supporters handling the move but look at the front cover of the New York Daily News today, a paper very critical of President Trump, showing a tear falling from the eye of lady liberty with the headline, closing the golden door. Abcs david wright starts off our Team Coverage from washington for us this morning. Hi, david. Reporter good morning, paula. Good morning, tom. Quite a few headlines to cover this morning. Today President Trump expected to have that phone call with Vladimir Putin. A lot of interest in that call for obvious reasons, and it comes in the midst of a whirlwind of meetings and phone calls in which the new administration is trying to reset americas place in the world. One big change ushered in during the president s visit to the pentagon to swear in his new defense secretary, a sweeping new executive order that imposes new limits on who will be allowed to enter the u. S. Trump suspended almost all refugee admissions for four months and banned some Syrian Refugees indefinitely. We all know what that means, protection of the nation from Foreign Terrorists entry into the United States. Thats big stuff. Reporter the executive order specifically mentions the september 11th terror attacks to justify suspending visa entry for seven countries with predominantly muslim populations, but saudi arabia where 15 of the 9 11 hijackers were from is not on the list, neither is turkey or egypt, all countries where the Trump Organization does business. The order also calls for more rigorous vetting of all immigrants and visitors to the u. S. Though trump told cbn news hed be inclined to make an exception for Christian Refugees from muslim countries. If you are a christian in syria, it was impossible, very, very at least very, very tough to get into the United States. We are going to help them. Reporter Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer tweeted, there are tears running down the cheeks of the statue of liberty. Hes shrinking the american greatness. We dont discriminate on the basis of religion. Its unconstitutional. Its unamerican, and we believe its unjust. Reporter the president is at pangs to reassure americas closest allies. Its a great honor to have Winston Churchill back. Reporter posing with the british Prime Minister in front of the bust of Winston Churchill that president obama removed from the oval office. We pledge our lasting support to this most special relationship. Reporter Prime Minister theresa may showed shes a quick study on how to build a special relationship with trump. Im delighted to be able to congratulate you on what was a stunning election victory. Reporter well, today the leaders of france, germany, japan and australia get their first calls from President Trump. He also spoke for more than an hour yesterday with the president of mexico, both of them agreed not to say any more for the time being about who is going to pay for that wall but its phone call today with Vladimir Putin thats got a lot of people curious. A lot of people would love to be listening in, paula. Yeah, david. I know that this is expected to be the first phone call since the inauguration between trump and putin that we know of. What are you learning about this call . Reporter well, the call takes place at noon today. Vice president mike pence will be on the extension. We dont expect any bombshells. Trump has indicated that its too soon to talk about lifting sanctions that were imposed after the annexation of crimea. Paula. Thank you very much for your reporting this morning, david. Tom. History made at the march for life in washington earlier. For the first time a Vice President addressing the crowd of antiabortion rights advocates saying President Trump stands for the right to life and mentioning the upcoming announcement of a Supreme Court nominee. Abcs Gloria Rivera is outside the Supreme Court with the story. Gloria, good morning. Reporter good morning, tom. We are here at the Supreme Court. This is where the march ended. I can tell you the crowd was ecstatic. This is also where on capitol hill the fight ahead will take place. A Republicanled Congress could make significant changes to abortion laws in this country. At the march that possibility was cause for celebration. Chanting hey, hey, ho, ho, roe v. Wade has got to go ] reporter reenergized and rearing to go, tens of thousands rallying in washington for the annual march for life event. Held in protest of the roe versus wade ruling which protects legal abortions and for the first time they were joined by a sitting Vice President. Life is winning again in america. Reporter President Donald Trump tweeting, to all of you marching, you have my full support. Does it feel like a new energy is here because of the Trump Administration . Or does it not make absolutely. Absolutely. Reporter absolutely, okay. We have a prolife president. Reporter maureen kargill says she abandoned the march during the obama years but feels encouraged by trump and pence. You were here 20 years ago and youre back now. Why are you back now . Because i feel that now we have a chance. I feel now with a new administration with Vice President pence being here, im so excited. Finally for the first time in eight years we have a choivoice again. Reporter at the top of the antiabortion legislative priority list, a ban on federal funding for planned parenthood which is already restricted from using federal dollars to pay for Abortion Services it provides. 97 of the services that planned parenthood provides are Preventive Health services and Women Deserve access to all of the Reproductive Health Care Services that they should have. Reporter despite recent polls showing 64 of americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases, another finding nearly seven in ten oppose overturning roe v. Wade, trump has also promised to name a conservative justice and antiabortion rights advocate to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Abortion rights supporters see it as a call to action. Abortion might be legal as federal law but if you cant access it then it might as well not be. Reporter the abortion rights a activists say they have a lot of work ahead and theyre ready. President trump is expected to appoint that conservative justice next week. But Court Watchers say that is not necessarily enough to overturn roe versus wade, that five on the court are likely to uphold roe versus wade and four are likely to vote to overturn. Paula. Abortion is one of the top reasons that evangelicals voted for the trump pence ticket. Gloria, thank you for your reporting this morning. President trump standing by his claim millions of illegal votes were cast in the election saying he is launching an investigation into voter fraud even though many republicans do not want him to go there. Hes pointing to voters registered in more than one state, and it turns out some in his inner circle are registered in more than one state. Abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross has more. Reporter the president s call for an investigation on voter fraud is based in large part on this 56yearold texas man, greg phillips, dismissed by top Election Officials as little more than a conspiracy theorist blogger. I may be a wacko, i may be a nut. I dont know. Reporter phillips claims with no evidence to back it up that the Obama Department of Homeland Security hacked the election and that there were millions of illegal votes. 3 million noncitizens voted in this election. Im certain of that. Reporter state Officials Say there is no evidence to support that. But it did not stop the president on friday from offering a ringing twitter endorsement of phillips and his organization. Greg phillips and crew say at least 3 million votes were illegal. We must do better. Trump spent the week pushing the false claim he lost the popular vote because of fraud, doubling down on what he told david muir on wednesday. You have people that are registered who are dead, who are illegals, who are in two states. You have people registered in two states. Theyre registered in new york and in new jersey. They vote twice. There are millions of votes in my opinion. Reporter but among the millions registered in two states are some people very close to the president , his soninlaw and white house Senior Adviser jared kushner, registered in new york and new jersey. His daughter tiffany registered in new york and pennsylvania and his chief strategist, steve bannon who until this week was registered in florida and new york and his press Secretary Sean Spicer registered in rhode island and virginia. None break the law unless they vote twice. Its very frequent that people move from one state to another. Its up to the Election Officials to notify the officials in the other state. The voter isnt required to do that, and theres nothing illegal about doing that. Reporter of the 136 million voters in the last election, fewer than a dozen are alleged to have voted twice including this trump supporter in iowa who has pleaded not guilty to state criminal charges saying she did not know what came over her. Brian ross, abc news, new york. And we thank brian for that report. Lets bring in abc news political commentator cokie roberts. Cokie, so great to see you this morning. Now, earlier we mentioned the president s executive order for the extreme vetting of refugees. Now, his supporters will say this is exactly what politicians are supposed to do. You make a promise and you deliver. But theres been backlash all over the world even here in the u. S. As well. Lots of backlash and lots of questions about whether its constitutional. You can be sure there will be quite a few challenges but, you know, the truth is, tom, that many of these refugees, particularly the ones coming to the United States are children. According to unicef, the u. N. Agency dealing with children, there were 8 million child refugees right now in the world and so this is going to be something that youll hear a lot about, and a lot of screaming from congress. You already saw those pictures of the statue of liberty crying and a question of whether this is actually harmful to u. S. Interests because it shows the muslim world that we seem to have a prejudice against muslims as a country, particularly when the president says hes going to let in christians and not muslims, so its going to be highly problematic. I suspect that when it starts to affect the business community, that the president will hear about it very loudly. Yeah, theres a balance between compassion and vigilance. Im going to play a soundbite from the new u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Nikki haley. Shes also making headlines for comments she made on friday saying america will show its strength. Listen to this sound bite then weigh in. The way well show value is show our strength, show our voice, have the backs of our allies and make sure that our allies have our back, as well. For those that dont have our back were taking names. They are taking names. Cokie, thats a really strong stance right out of the gate from the Trump Administration. How do you think that will be viewed around the globe . Well, i think that i think you have to put it in context because the u. N. Right at the end of the obama administration, of course, passed a resolution against israel and so thats what this is in response to in large measure. But she did go on to talk about the programs that are working, well back, the ones that are broken well fix and the ones that are obsolete well get rid of and there is a lot of fat in the u. N. And the United States is the biggest contributor. So, talking about actually shaping it up a little bit is probably something that a lot of people will welcome. Cokie roberts for us this morning. Cokie, thank you so much. Thanks, cokie. Good to be you with. Other big story were following this morning, an alleged School Shooting plot thwarted in florida. Two teens are accused of planning a columbinestyle massacre at their middle school and abcs eva pilgrim is in ocala, florida, with details on this story. Eva, good morning. Reporter good morning, tom. An alleged mass School Shooting plot foiled. The students accused reportedly giving details of their plan to investigators. This morning they are being held behind bars at this juvenile detention center. Those buys now facing adult charges. This morning, a community shaken, two Florida Middle School boys behind bars accused of planning a campus massacre. All i heard was that they were going to shoot up the school. Reporter a student not identified by police tipping off the schools resource officer. That officer telling authorities that the two boys, just 13 and 14, allegedly planned to open fire in the gym friday. Their signal to go, the drop of a pencil. Authorities say the boys told some students to stay home and others to wear white shirts to school. They told them to wear the white shirts if they didnt want to get shot, however, the ruiz was they wanted them wearing white because in one of our subsequent interviews he divulged the blood shows better on a white shirt. Reporter the Sheriffs Department telling us both students allegedly researched and made detailed references to the columbine massacre. This loaded gun found in one of their homes. According to investigators, in an interview with school authorities, the 13yearold referencing the colorado high School Shooting said he told the other accused student, imagine if that was me shooting. According to the affidavit, the 14yearold student told police he only discussed the details of the alleged plan because he thought it was a joke. It was not a joke. Theres far too much planning that went into this. The other kids took it very seriously and they were scared and reported it. Reporter the two boys charged with conspiracy to commit murder. Authorities saying those students who came forward are heroes. By speaking up, they may have prevented a tragedy. Guys. Eva, those children, those students certainly are heroes. Thanks for that reporting. As you notice ron is not here this morning so well try our best to take over news duties. Were never going to reach the pinnacle of news reading like ron, but im not sure about that. We want to dig into other stories were covering. Well begin in chicago where the citys top cop is recovering after a very Public Health scare. Superintendent Eddie Johnson appearing to grow faint loses balance during a press conference on friday. Johnson blamed that lightheadedness on taking Blood Pressure medication on an empty stomach while also revealing he is on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. Johnson took over the force in march. And some sad news out of hollywood. The world is remembering actor john hurt this morning. The star of the elephant man, alien and, of course, the harry potter movies had been batting pancreatic cancer over the past years. John hurt, 77 years old. A violent crash involving a school bus. You got to watch this. The white car that was stopped at the intersection, the driver makes a left turn. An oncoming suv swerves to avoid a collision and crashes into a school bus, that bus hits two parked cars dragging one along the street and completely crushing it. Luckily, no one was inside and no one was injured on the bus. Thats incredible nobody was injured. Yeah. All right and finally police in florida want to know who this man is. Take a close look. Caught on camera as he finds an envelope on the floor and takes off with it. Turns out there were super bowl tickets in that envelope. The mother of a Chicago Bears player, crevon leblanc, accidentally dropping them while shopping. The nfl has since blocked those tickets, so now they are worthless. Can you imagine that conversation between crevon and his mom, mom, what did you do . Wait, you arent going to the super bowl. By the way, the bears are not in the super bowl, the falcons and patriots. Who do you have . I got the falcons. After ten years in atlanta i have to go with the falcons, for sure, rise up, baby. Rise up. Whats going on in weweather . This in honor of our local blowhard who is not here, ron claiborne, in the state of california, the santa ana winds are blowing. This is what it did to a couple trees down in spots after all the rain, loosening up the soil making it unstable. The winds gusting in spots, freemont canon, canyon, 80 miles per hour. Things will quiet down much of the west thankfully quieter. Lakeeffect snow across the lakes. Erie and ontario, could see one to two feet pile up so far they have 8 to 10 inches. Thats whats going on nationally. Heres whats going on locally. Reporter good morning, everyone, im meteorologist, chris sowers with this accuweather update. We have a couple of snow showers, as we look back at the center city skyline. Its cloudy out there, a few flurries possible. Later this afternoon, brisk and chilly, 43 degrees it will feel like the 30s with the winds. We do it all over again for tomorrow. Ing else for now. Im just going to enjoy my seat. Dont go anywhere. Love your presence here. Yes, we have been talking about the sister showdown, the 28th time that venus and serena have gone headtohead at the Australian Open and this was the 28th time they faced one another. So incredible. We knew the winner was going to be a williams but which one would it be. A spoiler alert now if you dont want to know who won, time to grab another cup of coffee, diane is here with more on the epic match pitting sister against sister. But at this point i think people kind of already know, right . Earmuffs to anyone who doesnt want to know. For the rest of you, a very big win here for serena. She is now number one for most grand slam titles in the open era, tied for the most Australian Open titles and this win means she retakes her spot as the number one womens player in the world. But she says she couldnt have done it without her big sister venus who incidentally is also making history. 23time grand slam champion, Serena Williams. Reporter this morning Serena Williams is shattering records defeating older sister venus in straight sets to top the list for most grand slam titles of any woman in the modern open era. Theres no way i would be at 23 without her. Theres no way i would be at one without her. Theres no way i would do anything without her. Shes my inspiration, shes the only reason im standing here today. And the only reason the williams sisters exist. Reporter serena is regaining her rank as the number one womens tennis player in the world with her seventh Australian Open win. This is the 28th overall meeting between the sisters and little sister dominated throughout the match. Theyve come a long way since their first showdown almost 20 years ago. Your win has always been my win. I think you know that and all the times that i couldnt be there, or wouldnt be there, didnt get there, you were there. Reporter and venus, 36, is making some history of her own becoming the oldest Australian Open finalist of all time, even after being diagnosed with a careerthreatening autoimmune illness six years ago. Shes now ranked number 11 in the world. Thank you, venus, for inspiring me to be the best player that i could be and inspire me to work hard. Every time you won this week, i felt like i got a win too. Cant watch that and not have your heart melt. Serena has also credited venus for making her a better playing so how fitting they facebooked each other in what turned out to be a historic match for both of them. Incredible. Certainly is. I love how serena always elevates herself by elevating others and her sister. Some are saying she is the greatest athlete of all time. We can say that undisputed greatest of all time. Weve been saying it since wimbledon. Coming up on gma late on that one. A houston man charged with killing his neighbor. Why he is claiming selfdefense and why the victims family isnt buying it. The importance advice of gift cards. The abc news fixer helps one couple claim their balance and share tips on how to avoid losing money on yours. We will be right back. Good morning america is brought to you by intuit turbotax. Relax, theres turbotax. Miss t. Im in the personal training game now. The khaled exercise program. You know, shreds pounds. You feel me . I feel you. Can i deduct some of the training equipment . Yes, if its exclusively for work, you can enter the expenses here. Maam, im working. Trust me im workin. Climb the mountain top. 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Of being there for my sons winning shot. That was it for me. Thats why im quitting with nicorette. Only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. Every great why needs a great how. Every great why sky6 live hd overlocking city hall. We have snowflakes coming down in spots. Meteorologist chris sowers has the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast. Reporter gray, as you mentioned, we have flurries flying in parts of the area. Not a big deal partly sunny skies, what will be the big deal, the whipping winds, 43 is the high, the windchills in the low to mid 30s, blustery today. Same thing tomorrow, flurries possible monday morning, perhaps snow showers tuesday morning, both days in the upper 30s, low 40s. It turns colder thursday and friday. Thank you. The philadelphia auto show opens this morning at the Pennsylvania Convention center, it runs all week. Now back to good morning america. And welcome back to gma on a saturday morning. Happening right now, sweeping changes. President trump fulfilling more Campaign Promises issuing a new executive order suspending immigration from several countries. Many of them muslim. Imposing new limits on who will be allowed to enter the u. S. And banning some Syrian Refugees indefinitely. Next on President Trumps agenda, a phone call with russian president Vladimir Putin. Also right now, new Jersey Governor Chris Christie cleared in a case related to the George Washington bridge lane closing scandal also known as bridgegate. Prosecutors saying they didnt think they could prove a case against him in court. The governor has long denied any involvement in the 2013 incident. Happy year of the rooster. Midnight marked the Lunar New Year celebrated around the world with weekend festivals and colorful displays. According to the Chinese Zodiac those born in the year of the rooster are independent, warmhearted and punctual. Now, some celebrities born in the year of the rooster, Justin Timberlake talking about j. T. , elton john i love it when you use pop culture lingo. The know mnomenclature. Live Serena Williams and guess who else, the legend diane sawyer. Diane sawyer is a rooster. I want to be a rooster. But im not. Im a rabbit. What are you, diane . I dont know. Im going to have look it up. Ill have to get back to you. What are you . A goat. Im going to own it. Im a monkey. There you go. Here, weve got a list. Diane, get back to us on that, all right. First we want to talk about a texas man charged with murder in the shooting death of his neighbor. Now, her family is speaking out about what they say happened during the deadly confrontation. Abcs Marci Gonzalez here with more. Marci, good morning. Reporter good morning, tom and paula. Investigators just confirmed to us this morning that the victim had an ongoing argument with the suspect. But the vics family says they dont believe the suspects claim that he acted out of fear for his life. Instead, offering a much different possible motive. This morning, this murder suspect out on 50,000 bond charged with gunning down his nextdoor neighbor in the front yard of her texas home claiming selfdefense in what the victims family instead believes was an act of revenge. All we want is just for this monster to be locked up. Is hes out walking the streets. Reporter ana weeds family says the 53yearold grandmother helped Hector Campos estranged wife escape from the marriage claiming after months of tension campos retaliated tuesday shooting weed once in the chest during an argument sparked when one of her dogs ran onto his property. He took away a beautiful, beautiful soul. She had so many plans. Reporter weeds husband seen here kneeling by her side just after the shooting as a neighbor points a gun keeping campos at bay until police rush in and arrest the accused murderer. Hes pleaded not guilty telling a different side of the story. Hit attorney telling abc news weed assaulted campos aggressively shoving him then attacking him a second time targeting his throat. Well, mr. Campos and his attorney are going to have to convince a court that mr. Campos was going to suffer serious bodily harm or death. Reporter and a judge ordered campos to stay in the county, turn over his passport and has to now wear a gps ankle monitor until at least his next Court Appearance scheduled for march. Such a wild case, all right, marci, thanks so much. Time now for another look at the weather and, rob, la much, much quieter, but retracing what happened last week, look at this, 7 confirmed tornados, 2, ef3 and 3, ef2s. Seven miles long and a mild wide. This one had the most fatalities. Were getting back to winter especially across the northeast. This morning were looking at teens and 20s for windchills all the way down to the south. Monday we get another shot of cold air. Monday at noon be it will feel like 11 in chicago, 28 in new york. We might have a dusting, 2, 3, 4 inches of across parts of the northeast as the clipper system cruises by monday into tuesday. Reporter good morning, everyone, im meteorologist chris sowers with this accuweather update. We have a few flakes out there in southeastern pennsylvania. Nothing big, just a couple of flakes. You may see that this afternoon, as well. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, 43 today. Tune in tonight for the clippers versus the warriors, thats at 8 30 eastern time right here on abc. So, weve got tennis, weve got basketball, the pro bowl and, of course, the super bowl next week. Next week. Im excited for that. Oh, and by the way, real quick your Chinese Zodiac sign is what in case they didnt hear . Im the year of the dog and clearly so excited about it i accidentally shouted it. Apologies to everyone who heard me even without a microphone. Coming up on good morning america, later today, why you shouldnt wait to cash in on those holiday gift cards. How one couples experience had them calling the abc news fixer. And the hit movie heading to broadway with some help from a music legend. The story in pop news with diane who i dont think has anything to do with a dog, by the way. Your zodiac sign. No . More of a cat. Cmon in, pop pop happy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. Com creditscorecard, even if youre not a customer. Moto. Its time to reimagine the smart phone. Snap on a speaker. A projector. A camera that actually zooms. Get excited world. The moto z with motomods. Get 50 off on moto z droid. Welcome back. So some of us, not all of us because i dont love them but a lot of us found gift cards with our names on them under the tree this season. You dont like gift cards . I find its a little lazy. See, i think its pragmatic. Just a gift. You can give them to all of us. Thank you, tom. The advice from our abc news fixer this morning is start cashing them in if you havent done so already, tom, or you could find yourself holding a piece of worthless plastic. Mei mei giang has a whole gift card collection. She got this one for bloomingdales a couple christmases ago. I just put it away in the drawer and forgot all about it. Reporter when she and her husband mark finally tried to use it online the site said not able to redeem the card at this time. Reporter they tried unsuccessfully to fix it over the phone. I thought if i showed someone the physical card, that it would not be a problem. Reporter they tried unsuccessfully to fix it over the phone finally reaching bloomingdales. They said that the card had been archived. We found that kind of frustrating, to put it mildly. Reporter turns out bloomingdales had frozen mei meis card, a security measure some retailers use to prevent fraud. Our fixer Stephanie Zimmermann contacted alan brill who says bad guys love unused gift cards. I look at these cards and i say how can i get the data . Reporter scammers steal the information using skimmers and fake scratchoff stickers. See this p. I. N. . Underneath the scratchoff. But thats to protect you, right . And it would protect you except if i scratched it off, i can put another piece of tapes that a scratchoff. Reporter they wait until the card has been purchased then, boom, they steal the cards money. The fixer called bloomingdales. Its Stephanie Zimmermann from abc news. Reporter letting them know mei mei wasnt a scammer and asked them to unfreeze her card. Bloomingdales restored mei meis 100 balance. They also threw in an extra 50 discuss for her trouble. An estimated 1 billion in gift cards goes unused each year so stephanies biggest piece of advice is use them quickly. Dont let them sit in a drawer where they could get lost or hacked. Bothboth its fixed. Thanks, abc news fixer. The lesson you need to go home and get your gift cards out of drawer, dust them off and use them by the end of the day. Or give them to us. Or why dont you just give them to us . Well take the billion dollars. A billion dollars lost every year. Isnt that crazy. I lose the cards too. Watching the piece, rob marciano. If you have a Consumer Problem for the abc news fixer, you can find stephanie at abcnews. Com fixer. Shes already recovered 1. 9 million for frustrated consumers and maybe shell fix your problem right here on gma. Coming up, your super bowl snack plan. Dave z in the house providing his penalty flag and touchdowns in our weekend download. Is that beer . Its beer. It looks good. Ipas. But no matter what path i take, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Im still going for my best. And for eliquis. 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My giant. And welcome back. It is one of the best times of the year, the big game is just one week away, and many of us already are thinking about what to eat and drink. Thankfully abc news nutrition and wellness correspondent and author of zero sugar diet the 14day plan to flatten your belly, crush cravings and help keep you lean for life, now, thats a plan right there, Dave Zinczenko is here to help us figure out our super bowl game plan. Dave, the first of its kind, easy, its about color . Yeah, not the color of the uniforms, what were talking about, the color of the chips. You want to avoid the chips that are all the same color because youre going to mindlessly eat too many of them. Its like a bottomless beige bowl. Mix up the colors and youll eat up to 50 less. Really . Yes. And eat slow, right, because chips you can go so fast. Exactly. Try to go for the multigrain. Dip, we have incredible dips here including a nacho cheese dip. Its calling my name. Im throwing the penalty flag on the cheesy Grocery Store dips. Make your own. It takes five minutes to make a fivelayer. You get guacamole as the first layer and come in with some black bean ill go after this. The healthy fat and greek yoga instead of sour cream and then salsa and then you top it with some indulgent cheddar cheese. Thats solid. Thats so good. And boil it for two minutes. Lets talk about beer, the important part here. Heres what you want to do. Alcohol by volume, if its 6 to 10 , im throwing a penalty flag on that. Some of these indian pale ales are up to 250 calories. Thats like eating half of a big mac. So, look for a session beer which is around 4 , 3 , thats 125 calories, so every beer youre saving about 125 calories. Is it also an ipa or just stay away from the ipas altogether . Yes, some of the craft beers now have session beers so theyre in the 4 range so you can drink a little bit more and not feel like youre having half of a big mac. One of your bestselling books was about smoothies. In all honesty, im actually my wife and i are doing one of those diets. Can we make a smoothie with all the things on this Table Including the beer . The beer is going to be a little tough but maybe the dip. Thanks so much. We appreciate it. Pop news is next. Please stick around. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. A new epic flavor. Its cranberry. Its pineapple. And theres no. Sugar. Added. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. The next big thing to hit the juice aisle. Its just a cough. Our cough,ice. Sfx woman coughing youd see how often you cough all day. And so would everyone else. Robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to 12 hours. Robitussin 12 hour cough relief, because its never just a cough. Good morning america is brought to you by kings hawaiian food. Irresistible since 1950. Best time of the day, time for pop news and dianes got it. And this is one of my favorite pop news items ever. So first up ever. Hamilton is headed for the super bowl. The groundbreaking musical is ready to take center stage after the original skyler sisters from the show were chosen to perform america the beautiful. Now this, is extra cool because phillipa soo, Renee Elise Goldsberry and Jasmine Cephas jones have all moved on from the musical so this will also be kind of a reunion for them and Linmanuel Miranda is clearly excited. He posted this tweet saying, when you facetime your friends from britain because theyre practicing their song for the super bowl. What they will join luke bryan who will sing the National Anthem and lady gaga, of course, is heading the halftime show. So, even if you dont care about the game and youre not loving the commercial, lots of reasons to watch the super bowl this year. Thats the great thing about the super bowl, because theres something for everybody. Always an event. Speaking of things to get excited about, elton john is set to bring the Devil Wears Prada to broadway and its going to be a musical. Oh. The legendary rocker is going to pen a few songs for the adaptation collaborating with writer paul rudnick. The duo will rework the 2003 novel, and, of course, the 2006 movie starring meryl streep and anne hathaway. And this is the part where im supposed to tell you the plot of the film but im hoping you have all seen it. If not you have your homework assignment. Gentlemen, have you seen gentlemen, have you seen the Devil Wears Prada . Numerous time. About an intern that get as abused more or less. And the fashion industry and meryl streep. Meryl streep is amazing as always. Meryl streep is amazing. The whole film is amazing. You didnt answer the question. Did you see how he equivocated. I dont discriminate. I see all film, you know. He didnt see it. He doesnt want to answer this question. A cineophile. Someone who loves the cinema. Whats next . Whats next . Go ahead, diane. Mcdonalds has a new way to order. They are unveiling i kid you not the big mac atm. Theyre launching it in boston, you just walk up to the machine and choose between the regular big mac, the smaller mac junior or the larger grand mac and, voila, it spits out a hot burger for free. You do not have to pay. You will, however, have to keep track of your calendar because that popup station will only be active january 31st between 11 00 and 2 00 and youll have to provide your twitter handle and the atm then sends out a promotional tweet from each customers order before giving you the burger so you cant enjoy your big mac in secret. No twitter address, no you got to sell your soul. Im okay with that. Rob, rob marciano youll see. Ill be at the atm in a sec. Arent the burgers going to be stale . The Franchise Owner in boston says the machine will be replenished with hot, fresh burgers. He wont say how. He says, that part is a secret. Is a Chicken Nugget one happening . Is that in the works . Right now, just the big mac, but i at least am crossing my fingers for more. Chips ahoy is unveiling two new additions to their line of. Im a child and i have my glass of milk so i can dip them. Dipping them in your milk. Adorable. The company is literally taking the big reveal to new heights. They have built a giant tenfoottall cookie jar in new york city and fans are invited to guess how many cookies in the jar. You want to guess . Guesses . Is it like looks like 50,091. Ah, cheaters. You cannot put the you cant put the answer in the prompter. So, if you guessed it right, if you went to new york city and placed your guess, you would get a years supply of thins. These are good. 50,091. The problem is you eat so much of them because theyre just light. Theyre light. That is the that means i can eat twice the amount of cookies. Diane . Yes. Keep dunking your cookies. Tom, youre coming back tomorrow. It was so much fun and you were incredible. Playing injured. I burned my hand. Kiss the ring, love you. Thank you for watching good morning america. Well see you tomorrow. Thanks for joining us. Byebye, guys. Guys. Im gray hall, coming up next on action news saturday morning at 9 00 a. M. , President Donald Trump makes sweeping policy changes. Reaction in the u. S. And around the world. An attempted Home Invasion lands a person in the hospital. We have information about the search for the suspect. Those stories and the exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast and more all next on action news saturday morning. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we created internet that doesnt make you wait. Introducing fios instant internet. It means you can download a video just like that. Or upload your photos like this. Or this. Or that. Its the only 750 meg internet available to millions, with uploads as instant as downloads. We took Internet Speed and completely reinvented it, introducing fios instant internet. Internet the way it should be. A pleasant good morning to you, it is january 28, saturday, im gray hall, heres a look at the stories were following for you on action news. Sweeping changes to the countrys refugee and immigration policy. Reaction to the president s action. A grandmother has died in a hitandrun this morning we have a description of the Vehicle Police are trying to locate. Plus, the philadelphia auto show kicks off today in center city, an inside look at what to expect at this years event. Those stories in a moment, but first outside we go to an excited meteorologist chris sowers because it is snowing out there. Reporter i got to tell you five minutes ago it was coming down steadily. I looked at the radar, its a few flurries, but its nice to see, after all it is january, its not supposed to be in the 50s and 60s all month. Lets flip it over to the radars, its not a surprise storm or anything like that just a couple of flakes, one small band that broke off from the great lakes, it took the journey over the mountains and planted itself over the delaware and the lehigh valleys. Nothing more than just a few flakes. Well make a quick zoom into the city of philadelphia and the immediate surrounding suburbs. Where youre seeing the Brighter Shade of white is where its coming down a little bit steadier. I want to stres

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