Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20170627

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superstar showdown. serena williams firing back at john mcenroe after the tennis legend made this comment. >> if she played the men's circuit she'd be like 700 in the world. >> the queen of the court serving up a response asking for respect this morning. and good morning, america. we have a lot going on this tuesday morning. let's go straight to the white house. last night unusually the white house put out a late night warning to syria and the assad regime about their chemical weapons. >> the white house saying syria's president is potentially preparing another chemical attack on his own people and warning there will be serious consequences if they do. we want to get right to our seen your white house correspondent cecilia vega for the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. this is a very stern, very public warning that came overnight from here at the white house. they say that the u.s. has identified what it calls potential preparation for another chemical weapons attack by the assad regime and say it would lead to the mass murder of civilians including innocent children. the white house says it is now seeing similar activity to what prompted that u.s.-lead air strike on that military -- on that air base back in april. this is the new warning from the white house right now. take a listen. quote, if mr. assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price." this is an unusual statement in that it comes from press secretary sean spicer. this is not coming from the pentagon. this is not coming from the president himself and, robin, we are told that high-level administration officials were caught completely off guard by this attack -- by this statement overnight. >> already the international response has been swift. what are you hearing, cecilia. >> reporter: the uk has weighed in already saying it fully supports any u.s. retaliation for a chemical weapons strike in syria. the kremlin on the other hand completely different reaction. it says that it does not know what is the basis for this statement that came out overnight from the white house and that it, quote, categorically disagrees with the u.s. description of another potential chemical weapons attack in syria, robin. >> details continue to come in. >> more on this from our military analyst stephen ganyard and our new senior attorney correspondent ian pannell. you spent many years in syria and know the assad regime well. we don't know the intelligence behind this warning from the white house but do know assad has done it before. >> we do know he's done it dozens of times before according to many analysts. assad has defied conventional logic. applying the kind of analysis saying why would he do it because president trump has struck before and the because of the psychological impacts they have and secondly because he can. there's only been one response in the past and that was effectively limited. that air base was back in action within hours. >> the big question, obviously a statement like that designed to deter assad. will it work? >> that's a very good question. i mean, if people believe that president trump will respond again and will have to ratchet up that response, then you've got to conclude that assad will have to pause, will have to think about whether he will go through with that threat. >> let's talk about the possible response now from stephen ganyard in tokyo this morning and, steve, last time we saw a relatively limited strike as ian was saying, if the white house were forced to strike again would it have to expand? >> george, it's just going to depend on the message president trump wants to send of the he could keep it limited. remember last time we saw they just hit aircraft but if they doesn't believe assad is getting the message he could expand it and include military headquarters. the presidential palace or even assad himself. >> the more you expand the targets, the more you run the risk of a possiblen could applicant with russia as well, though. >> that's true. so we've used cruise missiles in the past because it doesn't put u.s. crews at risk but the russians have a very sophisticated surface-to-air missile system. in syria it could conceivably knock down u.s. cruise missiles. if that happens, excuse me, it risks a direct u.s./russian military confrontation. >> okay. stephen ganyard, ian pannell, thanks very much. meanwhile, the senate health care showdown under way in washington. at this hour republicans are far short of the votes they need to pass the bill before the july 4th recess. vice president pence is hosting a dinner with undecided republican senators trying to convince them to get on board and that cbo report projecting 22 million more uninsured americans over the next decade is not making the job any easier. our congressional correspondent mary bruce is tracking all the latest on capitol hill for us. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. well, the closer republicans get to their own deadline the more votes they seem to be losing. coverage for 22 million americans is potentially on the line here and this morning, it is unclear if republicans are going to pull this off. this morning, the senate republican health care bill is teetering on the edge. what's your message to your colleagues who are still not on board. >> this is the art of the possible and art of getting 50 votes. >> reporter: do you think you'll get to yes? >> i'm trying to get to yes. >> reporter: but getting those yes votes seems to be getting harder. republicans can only afford to lose two votes but this morning, six say they cannot support the bill and at least five suggest they'll vote against even debating the bill. >> i won't vote to proceed to unless the bill changes. >> reporter: the latest susan collins of maine coming out against the bill after learning how many americans could lose their coverage. >> you put this all together and get to 50 will be tough and the cbo score doesn't help any. if you had problems with the bill before you'll probably have more now. >> reporter: according to the office, it could leave 22 million people uninsured over the next 10 year, 15 million uninsured next year alone. put into practice many young people could see premiums fall but a 64-year-old making roughly $57,000 a year could see their annual premium rise by nearly $14,000. >> obviously it's not good news. >> reporter: some republicans are likely to tout the drop in the deficit, down $321 billion by 2026. but others say the budget office is a poor predictor. >> cbo report is an accounting exercise. it's based on assumptions. it makes an is sungsassumption is flawed. >> reporter: but now democrats are saying we told you so. >> it should be the end of the road for trumpcare. republicans would be wise to read it like a giant stop sign. >> reporter: now, many republicans i've talked with are asking what's the rush? why not wait a few more days or weeks to make some additional changes here, but, robin, republican leaders so far are showing no signs of changing course here. >> so what's the sign still going to try to get the vote before the recess? >> reporter: yeah, republican leaders insist they want to get a vote done this week but, robin, if they can't change some mines here and fast they may not even have enough votes to bring this to the floor. and if they don't, if they're not able to get this done this week, well, president trump is suggested that perhaps it's time to just let obamacare crash and burn. >> stay tuned. all right, mary, thank you. >> pore from the white house from jon karl, our chief white house correspondent. you know, the president laid out his one plan b there but still working pretty hard to try to get this through the senate right now. i know he's been talking to senators especially senators like rand paul but what can he offer them? >> reporter: well, the president's been making calls yesterday although he had a big working dinner with the prime minister of india so much of the heavy lifting has been done by the vice president. it's unclear what kind of changes they can really offer and right now, george, it is going in the wrong direction for the white house. the bottom line is they do not have the votes right now and there is no clear path to get the votes. >> no clear path because you've got to satisfy both conservatives and moderates with very different sets of concerns. where do they see more opportunity? >> reporter: well, the president's been working with the conservatives more. that's why he's been talking to rand paul. he's probably talked to rand paul more than any other senator, yet when you talk to those working this issue for the republicans they see rand paul as perhaps the least likely to ultimately vote for this bill. so, again, no clear path because the more you do to please somebody like rand paul the more you alienate someone like susan collins. >> and mary reported on that tweet by the president. maybe obamacare will just crash and burn if this doesn't go through but is there any kind of seri serious plan b? >> reporter: i detect absolutely no plan b from the white house. i've asked that question specifically of top officials. i see no plan b and as for republican leaders on capitol hill, it seems that their plan b if this goes down is simply to move on to another issue. they want to get on to taxes. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. all right, george. now to that major supreme court riling on president trump's travel ban allowing it to partially go into effect for six predominantly muslim countries. when the ban was originally announced in january it triggered chaos and protests at airports nationwide. abc's terry moran is at the supreme court with a closer look at this ruling. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, robin. president trump's travel ban one of his signature policies, one of the most controversial and troubled in the courts. he's declaring victory now because of this ruling, the supreme court will hear arguments on this travel ban next fall and in the meantime, they're allowing a watered down version of this ban to go into effect. a partial victory for president trump. >> how do you feel about the supreme court ruling today, mr. president? >> very good. thank you. very good. >> reporter: the supreme court ruling that some of the president's controversial travel ban will go into effect and some will not. >> this strikes me as a compromised solution that happens both sides something of what they wanted but doesn't give anybody a clean victory. >> reporter: the president's executive order blocked travel to the u.s. from six predominantly muslim countries for 90 days. and while the court's ruling allows that ban to go into effect the justices narrowed it declaring that the government cannot ban people if they have a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the united states. the courts saying that includes family members of u.s. residents, students admitted to american universities, workers accepting a job offer in the u.s. and more. >> the president was honored by the 9-0 decision that allows him to use an important tool to protect our nation's homeland. [ chanting ] >> reporter: the administration's initial travel ban issued in january created chaos at the nation's airports. then courts stepped in to block the ban but fornow, some of the president's order will go into effect. administration officials are already working hard on figuring out who is and who is not covered under this court's ruling. it should go into effect 72 hours from when the court handed it down. robin. >> terry, who is likely to be most impacted by the ruling? >> reporter: well, that is the question. in the end, lawyers who are working the cases tell us a relatively small number of people are going to get banned. that's because most people trying to get into the u.s. from these countries already have the kinds of relationships, family relationships, admissions to universities that the court says exempt them from the ban. in the end it'll probably be tourists from these six count, there aren't many of those and the poorest and most desperate of refugees with no u.s. connections who will get banned. robin. >> terry, thank you. to ginger now with more on those wildfires in the west. hey, ginger. >> hey there, george. i have to tell you such a wet spring created a lot of foliage in a lot of places in the west but then you dry it out and this s. the manzinita fire. they've got so many folks working on it. it's tiny compared to what is happening in the brian head fire. a time lapse of the smoke, 46,000 acres now, 1400 fire personnel working. there are 21 large fires from oregon to texas burning across the west and i wish i had better news but that front sagging through shifting winds and you guys, that's going to mean 30 to 50-mile-per-hour winds. less than 10% humidity. red flag warnings all over. >> thanks so much. to a medical alert for parents. a startling new study shows parents give their children the wrong dose of medicine more than 80% of the time. dr. jennifer ashton is here with this. we've had reports about this before. what makes this study different? we know the problem is dosing. this was about the solutions. they looked at three different interventions here. they use something called pick to gr -- pictograms and dosing instruments with syringes with lines on them and very high rate of errors. about 80% of parents and care givers made some type of error. about 30% made a large error, almost two times the recommended dose. all three of these interventions helped. that's the good news, the one with the dosing tool seemed to help the most but this study really about strategy moving forward so we can reduce these risks because they can be serious. >> what is your suggestion? >> ask, ask, ask. if you are a caregiver and you are giving a child medication ask the pharmacist, the pediatrician, the health care provider and you want to not just ask how much should i be giving and what does that look like, what do i do if the child spits up the medication. it happens all the time. that depends on what the medication is, why they're being given that medication and how much. so ask the questions. it's so important. >> good information there, especially about spitting up. >> it happens. >> you've seen it with your nieces and nephews. >> exactly. turn to that tennis showdown. serena williams has fired back at john mcenroe after his backhanded compliment about how she would do on the men's tour. paula faris here with that story. hey, paula. >> backhanded, indeed. good morning to you. serena williams is busy growing her baby due in the fall and basically telling john mcenroe, don't bring me into this. but she also admitted several years ago in an interview that men's tennis and women's tennis are two different sports. the men are a lot faster and serve much harder. overnight serena williams serving up a fiery response to tennis great john mcenroe for these comments. >> let's talk about serena williams. you say she is the best female player in the world in the book. >> best female player ever, no question. >> why qualify it. >> if she played the men's circuit she'd be like 700 in the world. >> reporter: williams tweeting, dear john, i adore and respect you but please, please keep me out of your statements that are not factually based. respect me and my privacy as i'm trying to have a baby. good day, sir. the tennis legend has long debated where she ranks among tennis greats. recently in this sit-down interview with rapper common. >> if i were a man i would be considered the greatest ever's long time ago. >> reporter: in 2013 serena acknowledged there are differences between men's and women's tennis. calling the games almost two separate sports. >> the men are a lot faster, and they get -- they serve harder. it's just a different game. >> reporter: but the queen of the court has made a career smashing records, winning 23 grand slam titles. just last january -- >> 23-time grand slam champion, serena williams. >> reporter: -- beating her sister venus to win the australian open and set the grand slam titles record all while she was approximately eight weeks pregnant. and nike recently naming her the greatest athlete ever. >> she is, indeed, superwoman and going to be a super mother but back to mcenroe this happened during an interview with npr and he was asked about people wanting him to play serena williams in a battle of the sexes like back in the '70s. he says he's thought bit. he can still play but these days at 5 years old he's saying not even his kids think he can beat serena. >> what does he think? >> he doesn't think he could either at 58. he can still play but 58 years old. >> i have to say i thought serena's tweet was a drop the mic moment. >> she doesn't need to say anything else. let me grow my baby and, again, due in the fall, best of luck to you, serena. >> that's it. back down to ginger with severe weather in the plains. >> let's start in western kansas. scott city, it's a time lapse that shows that thunderstorm trying to rotate. the see the junk clouds at the bottom that's energy getting sucked up into the atmosphere. that tells you things are growing and moving there. that's what's going to happen for parts of the plains today. you have the damaging wind threat still a tornado threat and large hail for sure in parts of nebraska kansas and south dakota. that threat threat moves east into des moines iowa as we go into the rest of our week. your local weather in 30 seconds. first your tuesday trivia brought to you by carmax. >> hi everybody, dave murphy here with an update from accuweather. storm tracker6 live double scan shows you some showers pushing up through dover delaware and getting ready to cross the bay. there's also a line of thunderstorms pushing in on the poconos and the rest of us may see another shower this morning, sky6 shows you clouds some sunny breaks right now and temperatures in the 60's. your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, this afternoon's high 79. not quite as warm as yesterday. mainly dry but at times obviously there will be a passing shower or thundershower. tomorrow beautiful and comfortable. >> ♪ and i know you want a forecast for both of you. i feel so far away. >> ginger. >> we'll just do this. >> okay, all right. forecast coming up. >> don't let go. >> don't let go. coming up that terrifying moment on the tarmac. a mother saying she feared for her infant's life. waiting nearly two hours for help. while he grew dangerously hot. what took so long? 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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. >> good morning, i'm matt o'donnell. 7:23 on this tuesday june 27th. let's see what's going on on the roads with karen rogers. >> hey, matt, we've got an accident right here. we can see police, fire crews and a tow truck importantly here on the scene. this is the schuylkill westbound at 202. live in king of prussia, this accident all blocking the right lane. police are the shoulder as well. but you see how slowly traffic is going, just one lane getting by on the schuylkill westbound. you're jammed past gulph mills to 202 where you see this accident. we've been seeing slow speeds in that area. 9 miles an hour your traveling on the schuylkill westbound because of that accident. we also have this downed tree. it's blocking ithan avenue at montgomery avenue. still to spring mill and old gulph road as your alternate to get around that problem in lower merion. another downed tree popped up there. an accident on wambold road in lower salford. multi vehicle accident on coventry avenue at valley road. three vehicles involved. they're blocking the roadway so that is creating problems here matt. >> thanks karen. we'll take a break and come right back with meteorologist, david murphy. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ >> we have clouds right now over the terrace with some sunny breaks. storm tracker6 live double scan shows you that after we got rid of one batch of showers over new york and connecticut, there's another batch coming in through dover, delaware, getting ready to cross the bay into parts of south jersey including cumberland county. and then there's also another batch out to the west that may throw showers and perhaps thunderstorms in on the ♪ having a baby. caring for your parents. learning you have a condition. these are moments when people realize that where you get your medicine matters. and they look to us. cvs pharmacy. for advice. and ways to save money. plus, get up to fifty extrabucks each year just for filling prescriptions. switching is easy. we're here for you. join us. at cvs pharmacy. ♪ about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." it's home insurance made easy. present. you're always itthinking about it.s always what if my cancer comes back? i've been working on this therapy for 5 years now and we're getting ready to go to the clinic. my son definitely keeps me fighting. i want to be there for him when he needs me. that's what motivates me. i want to see patients have gray hair. i see myself growing old with my pink hair. that to me, is enough to keep going. that is a live look at the white house. the president set to meet with his national security adviser h.r. mcmaster coming after that late night warning to syria and the assad regime saying that intelligence has identified potential preparations for another chemical attack there warning that syria will pay a heavy price if they do strike. >> uh-huh and also right now, showdown as you know under way under the senate's health care bill after the cbo released their bill saying 22 million more will lose insurance over the next decade. more republican senators are sharing concerns. vice president pence is hosting a dinner tonight to try to convince undecided senators to get on board. a really special moment at the nba awards last night. oklahoma city star russell westbrook -- i hope you heard when he won the mvp. what he said about his mother, father, brother who he said techs him at halftime every single game since he has been a pro and i had the pleasure to be there for the earlier part of the festivities last night. >> i bet it was a great night. >> it really was. right now we move on and begin this half hour with those terrifies moments on the tarmac for a mom who feared for her baby's life as he overheated as it took two hours waying to take off. david kerley has the story now. >> reporter: good morning. emily france was headed from colorado to texas with her baby and got stuck in a weather delay and for nearly two hours had to deal with her baby, the heat and says her son began losing consciousness. >> return to gate, shortness of breath. >> reporter: the colorado mother is angry over united airlines' response to what she said were scary moments on a flight. >> we have an infant with shortness of breath. this is going to be a return to gate. >> reporter: emily france said she and her son were on the plane, got off and back on with the temperatures around 90 degrees. she says there was hot air coming out of the vents while waiting to take off and that the longer they waited the hotter her son got. flight attendants brought her bags of ice she says to help cool owen down and let her stand by the open door but says owen began drifting in and out of consciousness fearing for the 4-month-old's life she pleaded for an ambulance. >> we have an ambulance request for bravo 61. it's going to be on the aircraft. >> reporter: she says it took a half hour to get off the jet. overnight emily france telling abc news i stood in the front of the plane door holding my limp son as the ground crew told us they could not get us off the flight. the evacuation was chaos. i thought my child was going to die in my arms. i'm sharing owen's story in the hopes that this never happens to anyone ever again. united airlines telling abc news the pilot returned to the gate as our crew called for paramedics to meet the aircraft. we have reached out to our customer directly and apologized for their experience on this flight. we are actively looking into what happened. now united airlines says from the time it called for the paramedics until the paramedics was 16 minutes not a half hour but, george, when you're a parent and worried about your child's health, it seems like an eternity. >> are there any hard rules about what the airlines are supposed to do in a situation like that? >> reporter: you know, there are passenger bill of rights, the tarmac delay, you can't be out there for longer than two hours but a health issue, that goes out the window. you want to take care of that situation as quickly as possible. >> okay, david kerley, thanks very much. now to the former "bachelor in paradise" star demario jackson speaking out about explosive sexual assault allegations. abc's adrienne bankert is here with new details from his emotional interview. good morning, adrienne. >> reporter: good morning to you. yes, it started with a purchase complained the show didn't do enough to stop a night of heavy drinking and now infamous intimacy. demario describing how things quickly moved from flirting to passion defending himself after he says he's been made to look guilty. demario jackson speaking out for the first time in graphic detail since the scandal on the set of "bachelor in paradise." ♪ almost paradise >> reporter: emotional in this e! news interview. >> see your mom cry every single day. it was very difficult. >> reporter: it was a tryst between contestants demario jackson and corinne olympios into sexual misconduct after a producer filed a complaint against the show. production halted with allegations 24-year-old corinne was too drunk to consent at the time, something demario repeatedly denied. >> our first real conversation was at the bar. really like friends and then we started having more fun. you know, had a few drinks. things got wild because it was more of like her being like the aggressor, which was like sexy. that night was probably the wildest night of my entire life. like we went for it. >> according to demario, the next morning everyone was hung over and talking including corinne. >> i offered her a shot but she said that the production had cut her off from drinking for the day. >> reporter: he describes how one producer asked him to leave. >> he goes, i can't tell you what i know, but it's going to be bad if you don't leave tonight. i'm thinking like now i'm like what do you mean it's going to be bad? >> reporter: with the show suspended she called herself a victim. demario incriminated. some fans saying we need answers. demario tweeting back, alt facts. warner brothers has since announced production will resume now that their internal investigation is complete saying video of the incident does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member. nor does the same show that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy. now, corinne's lawyer saying they'll continue to stick with their own investigation of the show after multiple witnesses, new witnesses have come forward. e! plans on running part two of that interview with demario jackson tonight. he has more to say not holding anything back. >> he's not holding anything back. >> it's already tmi. >> it's complicated. >> okay. >> that's the morning version of it. thank you. coming up, so many head out on summer vacation, a new warning after a series of bear attacks. what one man did that saved his friend's life. and in this simple everyday act, we see. when we give, we receive. ♪ with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? 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>> reporter: well, the national park service, george, actually says that it's better to hike when you're with groups, not one or two people. have those big groups and the reason for that is that that noise, the big group noise that's actually going to keep bears away. they're intimidated by it. they don't want to approach big groups. if you happen to see a bear, you just want to go ahead and step back slow. want to just do sideways so not tripping over anything. you don't want to scare the bear or be a threat. listen, you just have to have that bear spray with you just in case. just have it with you. it's incredibly powerful. this is what happened save that man in alaska. >> a lot of good tips, thanks very much. >> great tips. that moment that brought the nba's new mvp russell westbrook to tears on this stage. his powerful speech next. come on back. >> love you guys. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico®. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. ♪ good is in every blue diamond almond. and once good gets going, there's no stopping it. blue diamond almonds. get your good going. hdid you get that email i sente wyou...before you wake up. ... when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. ♪ is changing every day ♪ ♪ in every possible way ♪ ♪ i want more ♪ ♪ impossible to ignore ♪ ♪ impossible to ignore ♪ what bad back?gels work so fast you'll ask what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. we are back now with that emotional moment that you just have to see at the inaugural nba awards. that man right there, russell westbrook, winning the mvp title and he could not, paula, have been more gracious nor emotional. >> you were right there. we're going to hear more about that. get your tissues ready, everyone. you know, we have the nba postseason awards. but an awards show -- i'm over here -- for the nba until last night turned into a reunion of current players and basketball legends and celebrity sightings was there. drake was there and robin roberts was there. >> oh, please. >> that emotional acceptance speech from the mvp got us from russell westbrook. >> my parents, man, you guys did any and everything to make sure me and my brother had anything we wanted. i told myself i wasn't going to cry, but. [ cheers and applause ] pops, o.g., working two jobs getting up at 4:00 this the morning, waking me up every night, going to the gym, shooting hoops outside, staying up late playing video game, man, to my mom from doing everything to keep our family together. truly blessed to have you as my mother. i can't say thank you enough and so many things i can say about you guys for putting me here and i'm just thankful to have you in my corner so love you guys. [ applause ] to pie little brother, my road dog. you mean so much to me, man. you're my role model. you're my role model. i look up to you, man. i truly look up to you. you're an amazing blessing. i'm so happy to have you as my brother. i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. a lot of you guys may not know but my brother just got his masters two weeks ago. [ applause ] i'm so proud of him. my brother, man, he texts me every single game at halftime every game since i been in the league he texts me every game at halftime. he don't got to do that. he does that because he has a kind heart and he looks out for me. i love you from the bottom of my heart, brother. >> he's all about family. what a night it was for russell westbrook. it was a great night for another russell, we're talking bill russell, robin, i know this was one of your favorite moments. the 11 time nba champ gets -- >> you can't repeat what he says. >> i'll clean it up. you'll hear it. he's up there with kareem abdul-jabbar, david robinson, shaquille o'neal and looks at all of them, 83 and he says, i could kick all of your butts. >> that's not so bad. >> i cleaned it up in that was quite a moment to see, again, the inaugural awards and i got to tell you, russell, what he said, you know, about his mother and father and his brother, talking about the masters and all that but it was a wonderful night and first time they've done it and see current players with the former players and former players hoping they would have had a night like last night. >> of course, it was a great night but he made it all about his family. that was his first team before he was in the nba. >> that's it. >> team of his family. >> thanks for bringing that to us. coming up a "gma" parenting alert. the app a pregnant mother used to help save her baby's life. as summer break gets under way how one principal is motivating his students with the ultimate challenge, put down your devices. essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". did any bag of dog or buy cat food at petsmart we give a meal to a pet in need? help us reach our goal of donating more than 60 million meals so hungry pets across the country get to eat. buy any bag, we give a meal to a pet in need. petsmart - for the love of pets. when you buy a used car you that's why carmax has over. 40,000 cars to choose from nationwide. with prices clearly marked, the same online as they are in the stores. that should give you some car-buying confidence. the type of confidence you need to wear white after labor day. the type of confidence to suddenly switch to an english accent for no reason whatsoever. yep... . at carmax, it's all about confidence. nothing but net. nailed it! or should i say, nailed it gov'nor. we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. ask sherwin-williams during the great summer painting party! save 30% on paints and stains june 18th through july 4th. there's a store in every neighborhood. find yours at my dad called them up and asked for "the jennifer garner card" which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said "mr. garner, are you related to jennifer?" kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, "as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter". so now dad has the venture card, he's earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what's in your wallet? nice job dad. hey, whack here on "good morning america," not just the fires in the west but cocoa, florida, shut down i-95 and that would be strikes from lightning that caused that. that big one, the frye fire burning the month of june red flag warnings are in place because we've got windy weather and a little of a cooldown. "good morning america" is brought to you by sherwin-williams. make the most of your color with the very best paint. >> ♪ >> good morning, i'm matt o'donnell. temperature:56 on this tuesday june 27th. let's turn to i-95. what's going on on the highway with karen rogers. >> it's basically a mess, matt. i-95 southbound we have huge travel times, big delays on i-95. check this out. almost an hour to travel southbound on i-95 from woodhaven to the vine. this is a live look at cottman and you can see that southbound traffic as i step aside jammed from cottman to girard within the delay past allegheny you've got a disabled vehicle. it's blocking a lane. once you've got one lane blocked that's when you have a hour drive time on i-95. also issues on the schuylkill westbound. so we had an accident. last time i showed you it was blocking a lane and it's clearing now but we're moving about 40 miles an hour it's a lot better than it was. you were in the single digits at times there on the schuylkill but you can see how you're in the single digits leading up to it. westbound traffic really backed up from the boulevard to 202 at times traveling 8 miles an hour. you're up to 40 when the accident scene gets a little closer. matt. >> had rain move through and we could get a little bit more later today. let's turn to meteorologist, david murphy. >> clouds with a few breaks of blue over the terrace right now matt. take a look at storm tracker6 live double scan and another round of rain starting to cross the delaware bay and push into cape may county and cumberland county. another band falling apart as it's heading towards allentown and additional rainier gettysburg. 65 degrees, humidity on the low side and this afternoon accuweather says we will see a high of 79 degrees with a mix of clouds and sun. it should be mainly dry although matt there is the chance of a spotty pop-up shower and thundershower as we go through the early afternoon and evening. >> thank you david. an 18-year-old was shot and killed while trying to run from a hail of gunfire. it happened on the south marshall street. police say the young victim stumbled into his home and collapsed in front of his family. police subdue a woman who they say was vandalizing cars and homes in another philadelphia neighborhood. that story on >> ♪ perfect dasure huh? i don't know about you gus, but i think a foul ball's coming our way. i'm ready! (crack of the bat, crowd cheers) whoa! almost had it! maybe next time. what about this time? pay me! the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. with top prizes of 100 grand! that's some catch! (giggles) (crowd cheers) keep on scratchin'! good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. the white house with an urgent warning about syria. blasting the assad regime for planning another chemical attack that could result in mass killings saying if they go through with it they'll pay a heavy price. can the gop's health care bill be revived? that report says 22 million more people will lose insurance under the plan. key republicans senators opposing it. can the president win the support he needs? parenting alert. it's the app that this mother says saved her baby's life. all because it counted the kicks in the last months of pregnancy. how the app could now save more lives. screen challenge. the principal daring her students to drop the device, disconnect all summer long. what she's hoping kids learn and the reason she's paying them out of her own pocket if they succeed. you know him from "black-ish." now miles brown has turned kid correspondent. his behind the scenes access at the nba awards. now he's here live. >> and miles is here to say -- >> good morning, america. >> oh. good morning, america. boy, miles teaching lara how to dap. he's a dapper kid as well. we'll see them in a little bit. >> i liked his little hat. looking cute. an exciting night at the first ever nba awards. most excited, of course, was our kid correspondent miles brown. when this happened, had a chance to meet drake who was the host of last night's -- >> you were there at the beginning. >> i got there very early. left early as well. no, it was a long night and had to call him out because miles was wearing cleveland cavalier socks and i was like, you got to be objective here but he's going to take us behind the scenes. >> a lot of good clothes. a lot going on. but right to news and big headlines out of washington starting with that unusual late night warning from the white house to syria concerns about another chemical attack. our senior white house correspondent cecilia vega has all the latest. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. a very public warning, unusual it did not come from the pentagon or president himself but press rather secretary sean spicer. the u.s. says it has identified what it calls potential preparations for another chemical attack that would lead to civilian deaths there in syria. the white house says this is very similar to what led to that u.s.-backed air strike on an air base in syria back in april. this is the warning right now from the white house. take a listen. if mr. assad conducts another mass murder attack using chemical weapons, he and his military will pay a heavy price. syria this morning is denying these allegations of a pending chemical attack and also some back and forth over how much people here in washington knew. pentagon and even white house official, state department officials tell us they did not know this statement was coming overnight but i'm told by the white house this was in fact cleared by the cia, state department and a number of other agency, robin. >> thank you. the other big story the health care showdown in washington. another republican has come out against the latest plan to replace the affordable care act. congressional correspondent mary bruce is tracking those developments for us. mary. >> reporter: robin, good morning. the senate republican health care bill is in jeopardy. republicans are now losing support from their own party after the budget office released its report card and found that 22 million more americans would be uninsured under the senate plan. 00 million more uninsured next year. while premiums for many young people could go down costs could skyrocket for low income americans and seniors. republicans can afford to lose just two votes but now six republicans say they are not on board. republican leaders insist they want a vote this week but they are going to have to change some minds and fast. the negotiations continue here this morning. but right now it is unclear if they're going to be able to push this over the finish line. george. >> a lot of horse trading ahead. paula faris back with today's other top stories. >> good to see both of you. the man once referred to as the most hated man in america is going on trial today. former drug company executive martin shkreli is best known for raising price of a life-saving aids drug by 5,000%. he is now facing unrelated fraud charges in connection with his hedge fund. opening statements are expected today. several potential jurors had to be excused after describing shkreli as, quote, an evil man and a snake claiming that they could not be impartial and as ginger has been reporting all morning, 21 major wildfires are burning across the west from texas all the way to california. the largest in southern utah has spread to more than 70 square miles forcing 1500 evacuations. authorities say it was started by a torch used to kill weeds. now, some elected officials claim that federal land managers and environmentalists are to blame for the fire spreading so quickly accusing them of preventing loggers from clearing dead trees. there is new concern about the safety of that popular weed killer roundup. health officials in california are adding its main ingredient to a list of chemicals that could cause cancer. more than 300 people claimed their loved ones had died or gotten sick from it. the company, however, denies that this product is harmful. if you're a pet owner important health news. a new survey finds one-third of cats and dogs treated at animal hospitals were overweight or obese. another survey found the problem is even worse. vets are urging owners to stop overfeeding and make sure that your pet gets daily exercise. all right, everybody, here's something you don't see every day at the airport. a tsa agent in boston found a live lobster, 20 pounds in someone's checked luggage. it was safely stored in a cooler so it was cleared for travel. good to know we can travel with lobster, 20-pound lobsters at that. finally any parent struggling to balance work and family, raise your hand, you'll appreciate this. university of tennessee student morgan king e mayed her professor the reason she missed class and quiz is because she couldn't find a baby-sitter for her 3-month-old daughter. she tweeted the response that she got from professor sally hunter. who said, quote, in the future, feel free to just bring her to class with you. i'd be absolutely delighted to hold her while i teach so that you can still pay attention to the class and take notes. not sure i would actually be able to pay attention to my professor if she were holding my baby because it is probably wouldn't be still but we salute her. >> i love the bow on top of her head. >> so cute. paula, coming up, that parenting alert. speaking of parenting, the app that helped save a baby's life. dr. ashton here with that. the week until the fourth of july. the top three fireworks safety tips to keep your family safe. lara, what else you got? i got this guy, nick carter. he's here to help us find the next great boy band. >> look at this audience this morning. 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[ applause ] supply guess they agree. >> always great to have jesse here with us for "pop news" with lara. >> good morning to you all and good morning to you, guys. and we begin with this. alec baldwin is back. >> it's pronounced gina. >> confirming he will return to his role as donald trump this fall when "saturday night live" comes back but alec telling cnn he will keep appearances to a minimum saying viewers will get, quote, a couple of celery sticks rather than a whole meal. back in march he wasn't even sure he'd come back at all worrying fans would grow tired of the parody. not so. baldwin's trump impression along with melissa mccarthy's sean spicer helped make "snl" its most watched season in 23 years and that is a huge accomplishment. [ applause ] classic. also in "pop news" this morning, happy 20th birthday harry potter. >> unbelievable. >> the book that started it all. "parry potter and the philosopher's stone" first publiced in 1997 and seven books and eight movies later it's become one of the largest franchises of all time. the brains behind it all j.k. rowling took to twitter to thank fans saying 20 years ago today a world that i had lived in alone was suddenly open to others. it's been wonderful. thank you. [ applause ] thank you, j.k. >> how young he is. >> you weren't even born yet. >> no, i remember reading those books when my little brother. >> i thought you were going to say on my mommy's lap. >> with a little griffin dorff scarf. my quid dish broomstick. i love it. >> who doesn't? funny you should mention it. even big tough football players are muggles at heart like malcolm mitchell. he quoted a line from one of the books online and said j.k., thank you for making sure harry is with all of us. happy birthday, harry potter. who has read, scene -- oh, wow. this is not a plant. we have a woman with a harry potter tattoo in the audience. >> wow. >> wow. happy anniversary to you, too. and finally, everybody, you know, it's been a while since we've seen our friend taylor swift but now the star is sending her congratulations to nba mvp russell westbrook. his team the oklahoma city thunder sharing this video from westbrook after he was named season's most valuable player at the nba award, take a look. >> i was the one who taught you to dribble to shoot hoops, you know, and i remember the first time you beat me at basketball and i was very upset and you said, if you remember correctly, you said, you just have to shake it off and i got an idea. >> there you go. >> nice. >> that is how the magic happened. swift obviously joking going on to saying that of course it's a joke and the duo has never actually even met. she's a fan and the pop star sending big hugs for westbrook's amazing honor. the nba point guard apparently a big fan of hers as well posting his own videos. ♪ because baby we got bad blood ♪ >> russia showing it's never out of style to jam to taylor swift. congratulations to you, russell. i know you guys have been celebrating all morning so we love ya and that's "pop news." >> and we love you, lara. all right. we'll turn to you that "gma" parenting aapp that helped save a baby's life tracking how often she kicked and diane macedo has that story. what it's all about. >> this mother says everything was completely normal in her pregnancy until one day thanks to this app she noticed that something was off. well, it turns out her baby was in real trouble. for emily and jeremy and 2-year-old liam -- >> nice. >> reporter: -- life with their new baby ruby is extra precious? we have a healthy baby girl and we could have had a burial instead. >> reporter: ruby is lucky to be alive and that's largely thanks to an app her mom says. it's called count the kicks aims to prevent stillbirths from recording their movements. >> tap the footprint every time you feel a movement, a kick, a roll or a jab. >> reporter: used at the same time every day it tracks how long it takes to reach ten kick, helping mom learn what's normal for her baby. >> we also send calendar and text reminders so moms are reminded to do it once a day in the third trimester. >> reporter: one of a growing number of apps helping them through pregnancy and labor. for them it was going until last month. >> the kicks were not happen as frequently as they usually did and when she did move it was really like soft, subtle. not like hard kicks like normal. >> reporter: emily knew from the app her baby normally kicked ten times in under ten minutes so when she only logged three kicks in an hour she rushed to the hospital. >> all of a sudden they came in and said you're going to have an emergency c-section. >> reporter: the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby three times limiting her move many. doctors delivered ruby just in the nick of time. >> not only has ruby been saved but potential generations have been saved. >> she sleeps about 23 hours a day. >> reporter: four weeks later she is now hope, healthy and sleeping like a baby. >> doesn't get much cuter than that. now, the app was made in iowa which is where that family is from but the creators say it's now spreading nationwide thanks in part to ruby. since the news of her birth the app has gained more than 5,000 new subscribers, so, robin, the app saved ruby and by raising awareness she may end up saving many more. >> oh, we love ruby. that little stretch that we all wanted to do when we saw that. diane, thanks, diane. perfect. dr. ashton is back with us. you've delivered something like 1500 babies. >> yes. >> like ruby. how important is it to counsel women when they are pregnant, what to expect. >> it's a key part of what we do in the third trimester when we start talking to women about knowing what fetal movement, things they should be looking for and that's been done for decades, so normally what we tell people, first you have to learn how your baby, your fetus is moving. every fetus has a different activity level in utero. we tell them to look for ten distinct movements over the course of a two-hour period at minimum and those can be sequential hours or interrupted hours and, you know, even though there is little data to support that fetal movement can actually prevent stillbirth, we do know that it's one way we can try to assess fetal well-being and that in an acute sense or other, they will have a different movement pattern. >> just because you're creating more awareness doesn't necessarily mean you'll have a good outcome but in the case of ruby, so it's not one size fits all. >> exactly. the awareness part is very importantment we heard here about the court being wrapped around the baby's neck. the reality is, unfortunately most of stillbirths are unexplained. and we also know that a lot of babies are born with the cord around their neck. my son was one of them and they actually do fine. the other thing i think is really important, robin, while we are trying to always increase awareness, we can't risk sending a message that women who have suffered stillbirth did so because they missed something or they're at fault because we know that that is not the true. so, again, if awareness goes up and lives can be saved, that's a good thing. >> all right. so in honor of ruby let's do the ruby stretch, everybody is like do the ruby stretch. all right, jen, thank you. now another parenting alert about your kids and screen time. a principal came up with a great challenge motivating children, oh, boy, put down those devices. jesse, good luck with that. >> thanks, robin. you know, with so many kids glued to their phones and tablets there is a school principal that gave them a challenging summer assign many. put down their devices for one day a week. her plan could cost her some big bucks. but she says it's all worth it. washington d.c. school principal diana smith knows devices and social media can wreak havoc on teens. >> i really want the kids not mindlessly grabbing for the phone, but thinking about whether or not the phone is going to be their source of entertainment. >> reporter: she decided to find a way to motivate her students to disconnect from screens and plug into life with a challenge. >> they go without any screens, devices for the 11 tuesdays of the summer. if they do that i will give them $100. >> reporter: yep, you heard that right. principal smith has promised cold, hard cash. out of her own pocket to each eighth and nine grader who can go 11 tuesdays without a phone, a tablet or a tv this summer. with 160 eligible students that could be a $16,000 payout. one potential beneficiary, 14-year-old nicholas who normally spends four to six hours a day online now says he's thinking strategies about how to stay off. >> giving my phone to my parents and making sure that i can't get to it. >> reporter: what he'll do with that tech-free time. >> read a book, ride my bike, go running or exercise in the gym. >> reporter: his mom is thrilled about the challenge and is even planning to go tech-free on tuesdays herself. >> i think it's awesome that he will be able to look up and see what's going on around him. be present in the moment. >> reporter: principal smith is hoping a new habit once a week may lead to something more. >> i'm hoping that it will be disruptive enough to get them to think about, gee, maybe i liked who i was on tuesday and maybe i want to be like that on wednesday and thursday too. >> so for proof they have to provide two lers from adults that signed off and stayed off their devices and while smith says she realizes this could cost her, she says she'd rather pay up than watch her students be the best selves and hope this challenge will catch on. >> wow. >> i do too. [ applause ] >> i don't know how many teachers could shell out $16,000 but i think the message is really, really good. >> i love the mother saying, hey, you know what, if he's going to do it, i'm in. >> absolutely. support. no doubt. >> all right, jesse. >> i'll take it home. >> sign that letter. >> exactly. let's get outside to ginger. >> we're just taking a little >> checking a photo. this is katie from arkansas. where in arkansas. >> restonville. >> have you ever been to lake rear. look at that monitor. you can see the water spouts our affiliate, thank you for alerting us. so crazy and cool looking. looks like a tornado forms kind of differently. there you can see the two water spouts. we'll have to take a trip to lake erie. >> i know you need to say hi to somebody. >> hi, mom. >> okay, we'll get that out of the way but for now let's go ahead and get a check a little closer to home. >> all right ginger closer to home here in philadelphia we have some rain moving in through south jersey out of delaware. a couple of heavy cells here and there especially around the bottom of route 55 and there are some light showers off to the north and west that appear to be falling apart. sky6 shows some breaks in the clouds but still fairly gray. temperatures in the 60's. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a nice afternoon with a high of 79. a mix of clouds and sun, a slight chance of a spotty pop-up shower or thundershower today. beautiful and >> we are just a week away from jaul fourth and important safety tips about fireworks. as you know they can be dangerous. 11,000 injured last year in the u.s. four killed. rob marciano is down in d.c. and will bring us a demonstration. good morning, rob. >> reporter: hey, good morning, george. we've been celebrating with fireworks since the first anniversary of independence day and safety is a huge issue. last decade we've seen an increase in injuries. i'm here with ann marie buerkle the acting chairman of the consumer product safety commision. good morning. i mean we have explosives. this is an m 1000. very illegal but it's out there. >> it's out there and, unfortunately, we see a lot of injuries with that device and it is a professional firework. leave it to the professionals. stay away from as a consumer stay away from professional fireworks. >> you brought professionals with you and have a team and have one of these lodged in a watermelon back there to show you what it does to human flesh. a live demo. you guys ready? let's hit it. my goodness. the thunder here across the national mall. that is incredible. you see just how dangerous that can be. the equivalent of that is this mortar that goes in this tube. why are these causing the more fatals? >> because it's, again, professional firework, quickly burning fuse, high, high intensity. keep it away from consumers and really leave it to the professionals. >> if you hold these on your head -- okay, at some point you have to have common sense, this m-80 on that mannequin's hand. let's lit that, guys. you're losing finger there is. >> you're losing your hand. serious injury. again, leave it to the professionals. that's an illegal device. >> some other safety tips that we want to share with our viewers. common sense, chirp, you want adults only to handle these things. >> sparklers, high, high heat can burn. make sure that if you get a dud, don't try to relight it. leave it alone. >> excellent and always have a water source nearby. >> exactly. >> george, always use a knife to cut your watermelon. >> don't blow it up with an m-80. thanks very much. when we come back we go behind the scenes at the nba awards with our kid correspondent miles brown. you see him right there. and the new "spider-man," tom holland here. >> don't blow it up with an >> ♪ >> hello everyone, it's 8:27. karen rogers talking about that schuylkill expressway. what's going on karen. >> schuylkill is jammed. we're looking at the schuylkill. this is westbound traffic as you try to head towards south street particularly heavy here at vare. you're jammed from vare to the vine and that's because we had an accident just cleared on the ramp from the schuylkill westbound to the vine so with that accident you're seeing a delay now on the schuylkill westbound an 18 minute ride from the walt whitman bridge to the vine and don't forget at 10 o'clock, 10:00 to 2:00 you'll see construction on the schuylkill westbound between the blue route and 202. another big picture here i-95 southbound that's been really one of the slowest speeds we've seen, six, 11 miles an hour. we have a disabled truck blocking the right lane. southbound jams from cottman to girard and city avenue at cardinal we have a disabled vehicle causing a problem there. we have an accident in bucks county as well that's jamming us up on the turnpike westbound near bensalem. speeds about 22 miles an hour because of that. also an overturned tractor-trailer that is partially blocking the ramp from the turnpike eastbound to the delaware valley exchange matt. >> thank you, karen. outside we go where it's nice and pleasant with meteorologist, david murphy. david. >> yeah, humidity still on the low side matt. we have a lot of clouds around and storm track sticks life double scan shows a couple parts of the region with rain. some of that would be down in south jersey. a big batch of showers fairly quickly moving through cape may county, cumberland county, salem and now pushing into atlantic county. there's a light shower off to the north and west of philadelphia that appears to appears to be falling apart. 65 degrees currently in the city. dewpoints down below 60 degrees in most neighborhoods and this afternoon a nice day t-79 is your high. mainly dry with just a slight chance of a spotty pop-up shower or thundershower. matt tomorrow is gorgeous sunny and 81. >> thanks, david. joel embiid and "feeling alright" plays ] with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're all right with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling all right, baby? ♪ we are back here at "gma" with this wonderful audience that we have. [ applause ] it is an audience full of "spider-man" fans. [ applause ] and the star of "spider-man: homecoming," tom holland. yes, you asked. we are live on television. are you okay? >> i'll be okay. >> so "spider-man," so exciting. >> thank you. >> you finally just saw it with your family. your little brothers in yi, i saw it once when there was no effects and no cgi then i saw it -- yeah. and then i saw it the other day with my family for the first time with all the sound and all the effects and it really blew me away. the best was my dad. my dad doesn't like superhero movies at all ane he was like close to tears. it's so good. >> his little baby spider. all grown up. >> yes, so it was an amazing experience. >> i'll bet. >> that we were together. >> how close are you to the character? >> i think that's why i love spider-man so much growing up is that i could relate to him on a personal level because i was also going to high school, you know, i was also struggling talking to 2k3wir8s, struggling with homework. >> oh, come on. >> no, honestly and as far from smooth as you can imagine but, yeah, so i could relate to him on such a personal level and that's why i think he's one of the most loved characters in this universe. >> and you play him to perfection. do you want to take a look at "spider-man" right now? here it is. >> go up. go up. >> i'm going to die. ♪ >> whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> that looks like so much fun. >> it was fun. >> tons of gymnastics. had you to be so limber and flexible. how did you learn all the game fast ticks involved. >> i was luck i did a show in london called "billy elliot" go oh, that little thing. >> and trained moo he in gymnastics while doing that and it was something i kept up while finishing the show and for my auditions for "spider-man" all i did was send them videos of me doing backflips. by the way, i can do gymnastics then i got -- i got to my final audition and it was a fight scene with chris evans and says "spider-man" flips in the frame and i said do you want me to do a flip and they're like can you do a flip and i was like, yes, i've been sending all these videos for weeks. but, yeah. >> how many auditions did you have. >> eight. eight. >> eight auditions. >> i love that. >> that had to be nerve-racking. >> you can feel that and you felt some injuries too. this wasn't all fun and game, right? >> yeah. my worst injury didn't actually happen on set. i was doing stunts every single day, never once hurt myself and when we'd finish shooting i was packing up my bag and carrying it down the stairs and, you know when you miss a step, i just slid all the way down the stairs tore my acl. >> tore your acl. >> you made it through the entire shoot and tore your acl with luggage. >> two days later tore it and trying to get through it and eventually i went to the doctor's and said you tore your acl. you know you're worried there's nothing wrong with you and relieved there's something wrong with you. i was complaining for weeks. oh, thank god. >> you have an amazing performance in the movie but you also had an incredible performance in "lip sync battle." you performed rihanna's "umbrella." you were amazing. we have a clip like. that that was that like and did rihanna ever reach out to you. this is incredible. >> i got to say dancing in the rain is so fun but so dangerous. >> wow. >> you are -- >> extension. >> serious. >> so you got the gymnastics. >> every time i watch it i get really nervous. how did i do this? >> tom, are you willing to show our audience some moves? would you guys like to see -- would it help you if we had an audience member come up with you? i think we've got nick carter right over here that might want to come up and do it with you. you guys want to do that? >> it's on. >> it's live on television. i can't say no now. ♪ >> hey, man. ♪ everybody >> how old are you? >> 21. >> he could definitely be in the next boy band. we can always use "spider-man" in a boy band. >> okay. >> what you got. what you got? >> have you ever heard of a song call "backstreet's back" by backstreet boys. >> yes. >> we'll do that. so i saw that video. that was merchandise like you got the moves for sure so what we're going to do you're going to go five, six, seven, ♪ everybody step, step, yeah, dat, dat, dat, dat. >> right, left, left, left, right. >> he's quick. he's quick. >> then we'll go, dat, dat, da, da. and da. just that's all i want. ♪ >> he got it. >> "spider-man: homecoming" in theaters july 7th. we want -- you guys are great. everybody in the audience, get out of the way of this, two tickets to see the movie in imax. [ applause ] we'll be right back. we are back now with a behind the scenes look at the first ever nba awards. "black-ish" star miles brown, oh, he was a slam dusk on the red carpet and backstage. we'll chat with him in a moment. but first take a look. >> hey, everybody, i'm miles brown here with "good morning america" at the nba awards. i'm super excited. these guys are superstars. i think i'll need this today. oh, my god, there's shaq. look at shaq. oh, my god. he's huge. what size do you wear. i'm a 4 and a half. >> i'm a u.s. 16, my friend. >> first time reporting. >> he's got this down. >> first of all i'm not talking to you because you're somebody. >> look at this bow tie. >> kareem jabbar is like ten feet taller than me. >> you owe me $1 and i'm not talking to you till you pay me. >> i was his guinea pig. he's got this. he got there. see you, man. mean point guard. miles brown. >> sorry. i just grabbed this. >> oh, yeah, you got it. you look sharp tonight. >> thank you. thank you. >> i just interviewed drake. >> thank you. >> i'm just like i'm really dizzy. oh, my gosh, guys, i have like special access. i'm backstage. this is so crazy. defensive player of the year. how does it feel. >> amazing. playing defense you got to do that to win championships. >> can you give me advice on defense. >> you got to move your feet, number one. number two, you just got to want to do it. >> i think i might need a shorter chair. first mvp be announced at the nba awards. >> that's nice. >> first nba awards. >> first mvp, first nba award, amazing. >> you need to give me tips on grabbing rebounds. >> i can try. you got to grow a few inches. >> i'm like 4'8". >> next time. >> i had an amazing time. it was so cool. ooh. it's past my bedtime but thank you guys so much and i'll see you next time. good night, america. >> come on. he's a natural. the newest red carpet correspondent miles brown looking dapper. you didn't get much sleep. >> i'm from california so i normally wake up like a few hours ago so i woke up a little early but -- >> that's how you roll. >> once i'm up i'm up so i'm hyper? that was your favorite part about last night? >> i have to say my favorite part was getting to see drake. i know he's like my favorite rapper so i got to see him and i met him -- i met him before but it wasn't like i didn't get to really talk to him like i did on the red carpet and that was awesome. you notice my drake pin. >> i did see. >> you were sporting that last night as well. >> he was like i driek your drake pin and i'm like, thank you. >> you're not wearing your cleveland cavalier socks. >> no, i'm not wearing them on. >> you had them on the red carpet. >> give everybody our best at "black-ish." you keep bringing it. mice brown, everybody. >> thank you. >> ginger, up to you. >> robin, i've got my own kid >> let's start amount couple storms coming through. we had the rain already here this morning in new york city. quick look at the cooler temperatures. read one of those. >> 58. >> a lot of those on the map. let's get a check a little closer to home. >> allall right, ginger we havea couple showers scooting through, the main body in south jersey. these up north appear to be falling apart. your exclusive accuweather 7-day we climb from the 60's to a high of 79, mainly dry >> all that brought to you by ford. your local news and out to robin. >> okay. i love this man. james blake. he is out with a new book. please. good man. [ applause ] i feel like my momma. he is a good man. he is a good man. "ways of grace" inspired by tennis legend arthur ashe's memoir and james' own experience being mi for a criminal by the nypd. we're going to talk to him in just a moment but first take a look at his story. he was one of the world's top tennis players. james blake, best known for his speed, the once fourth ranked player in the world retired from tennis in 2013 becoming chairman of the u.s. tennis association. but in 2015, blake was back in the spotlight after being brutally bodyslammed by a police officer in a case of mistaken identity. >> picked me up and body slammed me and put plea on the ground and told me to turn over and shut my mouth and put the cuffs on me. >> reporter: new york city's police commissioner offering a public apology to the tennis star after an officer mistook him for a man they believe was involved in a credit card fraud investigation. >> should not have happened. >> reporter: now blake is opening up about the ordeal and more in his new book, "ways of grace." it is a perfect title. great to have james blake with us this morning and i have to say about halfway through it i can't wait for the july 4th break so i can finish it all but first i want to say that you did come to terms with the nypd and you're not going to pursue any more legal action. what came to that decision? >> well, i came to the terms with the city and city of new york was excellent and we came together. we had a lot of meetings and it's too years and it seems like that's a long time but pretty quick with the bureaucracy you go through to deal with the city as big as new york and there's a fellowship where they have for six years in two year-stints a fellow will be hired to handle cases like this because over 50% last year were not seen to completion so want to make sure people are seeing this completion and getting settlements and disciplinary action required for these kind of incidents. >> you were never look for any financial benefit from this. >> no. >> you wanted -- wouldn't it be nice to see this implemented all around the country. >> it would be. just holding police officers accountable because i truly believe that over 95% of them -- i don't know what the percentage but almost all are doing it with honor, dignity, keep our communities safe but the ones that aren't need to be held accountable because they're making it tougher for the ones doing the job right because it kind of erodes the trust a little bit if you see some that aren't doing it the right way getting away with it and able to continue those kind of actions. >> yeah, but you said the great majority are role models such as yourself and the people that you write about in this beautiful book and i know that arthur ashe, because it's a playoff of his "days of grace," the title of it. who really inspired you and i loved the one person in particular that you talked about. >> well, arthur ashe, i mean, when i -- when i thought about the book and decided to write it, we came up with the title first and that put so much pressure on me because he is such a role model for me. "days of grace" one of my favorite books of all time and when i named it "ways of grace" and said, okay, this is going to have to be good because i need to make sure it lives up to his standards and, you know, then getting to interview so many incredible trail blazers my favorite was probably billie jean king and known her for such a long time and never sat down and interviewed her and made me think about how much i learned about tennis history and i learned about john mcenroe, jimmy connors, and how many billie jean king's battle of the sexes put eyes on the sport in general and opened up more doors for women, helped the title 9 and equal pay and for women so it's such an amazing thing for wta playess but for atp players, it rose our whole sport. >> she was a great -- is a great activist. and it's wonderful because the u.s. open is coming up and to have it named after billie jean king and arthur ashe, those two todayups. >> i've always been so proud of that. the fact -- they're not the greatest players we've ever had, they're close but they're the greatest activists and role models i could think of to name our stadium and arenas after. >> what are you going to tell your children? you have two small ones right now. >> there's a lot of great people in the book to look up to and i think athletes in general sometimes get a bad rap. a lot of negative press around athletes and wanted to showcase there is a lot of positive stories in sports and a lot of athletes that do the right thing with their voices and platform. lebron james donating his own money back to his community and you can bridge gaps, religious, gender, any sort of equality gaps, it's a tremendous thing for kidded and i want my kids to be involved in sports as well to get that and to give them confidence. i see it in my 5-year-old already. you know, she's a little nervous, a little nervous then hopscotch turns into a little competition and she's got a new friend and i love that about sports. >> oh, well, thank you so much for sharing this and the people that you talk to, james blake. he is wonderful. "ways of grace" is out now. ah, nick carter. i don't know if you will dance with him. backstreet boys' nick carte >> emily: i want to live on my own but i know it won't be easy. how will i keep up with everyday expenses: rent, food, bus tickets? >> joe: hi. this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to offer the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including emily. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at >> emily: start saving to live independently today. at journey into the adirondacks where campers carve through stone. and to the thousand islands, where kids can be kings. if you like big adventure, you'll love new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer getaway at because we've got fun for everyone in the family. adventure-seekers -- check. magi-questers -- yep. never-grow-olders -- double check. the only we're missing is you. great wolf lodge. everybody in. ♪ back now with backstreet boys' nick carter who is on a mission to find the next big star, the boy band, if you will will on "boy band," excited about this show. love this idea and you say there's some real talent out there. >> absolutely. i mean, we started with 30 of the most talented boys from across the country. we dwindled them down to about 18 and separated them into three groups and now to the point where they're going to have to perform as a group each week now we got three episodes of the first one had already aired but it's going to be so exciting because you never know what it's going to be like. this is why the show is different. you can take -- as architects we take some of the boys out and put them in another group. >> what if you see something in one -- >> exactly. the stories of these guys. these kids come from all over the place, you know what i mean and it's absolutely amazing. i can't wait for people to really get -- dive into the show. >> it's a big tank. you're not alone in creating the next big boy band. you have the spice girls, emma bunton and timbaland and what ingredients does it take to make a band like you were in. >> i mean, honestly i've been in the game for like 24 years with my band and obviously we're out in vegas and things are going really well. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. yeah, and things are going really well for us. [ applause ] >> not got renewed. >> we just got renewed. we have shows on sale in november and then february and another 52 shows so doing a whole new album, as well, with rca and another single anyways so going back to what you were saying, yeah, no, sorry. the question again. i got caught up in it. >> i was just saying that you must know you and emma and timbaland must know it's like a great recipe. you need a little bit of this, a dash of that. what does it take. >> communication, honestly. one of the things i'm focusing on we put the right group together where they work, you know what i mean. you never really know, there's been groups out there that have actually started and just disbanded so i want to find the star power. i want to see do they have that thing when you look at them when they perform obviously they have to have the talent and they can sing their butts off. these are really, really talented guys. >> and charisma. >> star quality. that thing you want to look at and focus on can they move? you know what i mean. i come from that old school mentality of my boyened bas it's about a show. you know, it's about the performance. you know what i mean so all those things together. i think timbaland and emma and i will be able to do it we have an amazing chemistry. >> i love it. sounds good, right? you can watch it happen, "boy band" airing on abc thursdays 8:00 p.m. eastern. best of luck with the tour. we'll be right back, everybody. using artificial tears often and still have dry eye symptoms? ready for some relief? xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. snoring, sleepless nights. so exhausting for so many mers and hits home at "gma" and tomorrow from breakthrough new research to life-changing sleep-inducing devices you have to see to get back your sleep on "gma." let the snore wars begin. ♪ everybody "good morning america" is brought to you by liberty mutual insurance. liberty stands with you. [ cheers and applause ] >> once again our thanks to nick carter. thanks for watching, everyone. >> have a great day, everyone. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" today, from the series "this is us," justin hartley. an nba superstar and newly named mvp, russell westbrook. and a performer from recording artist james blunt. also, actress busy philipps joins ryan at the cohost desk. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are ryan seacrest and busy philipps! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> busy: hi,

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