Yep. Here we go. Its all been building up to one epic, unprecedented live Family Reunion from our home to your, everyone you know and love from 40 years of gma is back right here live this morning. And good morning, america. What a special morning here in times square. Look upstairs. We got a gma hall of fame upstairs, joan, charlie, diane walking in this morning. Thats not all. Theres sam and spencer. Whats wonderful, theyre excited to see ocho other. Were excited to see them. Everybody up in the green room. We were almost late getting down here to the set. We got a lot of fun to look ford but like every morning for the last 40 we have to start with the news. We begin with that breaking news. The dramatic video from paris, our first look this morning at one of those attacks on a restaurant. Dailymail. Com obtaining the Surveillance Footage and abcs matt gutman starts us off with that in paris. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, robin. I want you to see how many bullets blasted through the facade of this restaurant. Right across the street a second attack. People killed there. What that chilling video allows us to see is exactly how these attacks worked and why miraculously no one was killed here. This morning, the first terrifying look from multiple angles inside the terrorist attacks that shattered paris. Its just past 9 30 when the glass begins to spray. This video obtained by the daily mail diners duck under tables as that gunman in red moves methodically outside. That woman in the coat bolting back inside followed by that man lunging for cover. You can see the gunman shooting his kalashnikov rifle from the head spraying bullet, then he spots a terrified diner crouching in fear and moves in for the kill shot pointing the Assault Rifle at point blank range but something happens. His gun seems to jam. He jogs to that black hatchback and drives off. Then watch. First one woman rises, miraculously saved and bolts. Then another. This was the fourth attack out of the six raking paris friday night and perhaps the most revealing and disturbing images since. A different angle shows the bartenders in conversation and then an explosion of glass. One of them heads for the basement as the bullets fly and glass shatters and watch this. That woman in the coat springing for cover under the bar, the female bartender there protectively covering her head. Once the gunman has gone, another man comes in and herds the patrons into the basement. Now, the man you see so calmly shooting that ak47 from his hip, french authorities have identified him Salah Abdeslam, the subject of that huge mann but french Authorities Say he could still be on the run, robin and george. Oh, that is just stunning. When you see that footage, it does. Boy, it sure does. Police in belgium conducted more raids overnight hunting for more Terror Networks and we are learning more about that massive raid outside paris wednesday that stopped another attack. Killed two terrorists with dna tests trying to determine if one was the mastermind. Abdelhamid abaaoud, world news anchor david muir on the scene outside of paris. Good morning, david. Reporter george, robin, good morning to you and we have just learned that french authorities have been given broader powers, the state of emergency extended to moments ago to three more months which really allows them to go into the homes, search them and detain people if needed. That raid we talked about hatched just behind me and we are learning this morning belgium prosecutors confirming they have received dna samples. Theyll be testing them and, george, as you alluded to the main question is did they or did they not catch the mastermind . This morning, a french prosecutor now says the daring and deadly raid here in this suburban paris neighborhood could very well have stopped another terror plot from unfolding. That paris prosecutor saying this offensive deep inside the saintdenis neighborhood before the sun came up was able to stop a terror cell in its tracks and had the weaponry and will to carry out another aing that. Under cover of darkness s. W. A. T. Teams of more than 100 officers zeroed in on this Apartment Building wednesday where cell phone recording and eyewitness accounts placed a man they considered the mastermind of the attacks here in paris on the third floor of this building, an apartment, a safe house for the man behind the plot. A fierce gun battle breaking out. By 4 45 police equipped with snipers, grenades and assault referrals storming through the reinforced doors they came upon trying to barrel into the apartment facing off with several suspects inside including the woman who investigators believe might have been related to the mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud. She would blow herself up, detonating a suicide vest. Terrified neighbors telling us they heard and saw the horror hidden and barricaded behind their own windows. What was it like listening to that. I was very scared. I considered the possibility that could be the end of my life. Reporter though police cordoned off the neighborhood we went to get a closer look climbing on to a roof across the street, the scope of the destruction in plain sight. Not only is every window blown out but you can see the signs of impact against the cement wall there behind us. At least two terror suspects dead including the woman who blew herself up and this morning forensic tests under way to determine if abaaoud, the man behind the plan according to authorities is one of the dead. A Senior Administration official at the white house telling abc news that the u. S. Awaits confirmation from the french before commenting saying they will leave it to the french to make any announcement. And as you can see, robin and george, we were actually able to make it to that building climbing up on to that roof and can you can see the sheer firepower the building essentially destroyed and windows blown out and one woman on the floor below said it was so loud she thought the ceiling would cave in on her clutching her baby in the bathroom and one final note from authorities here and its chilling. They said they had the weaponry, the will inside that building, that cell willing to plan out another attack. They said neutralizing a possible terror particular in paris. We know youll have much more tonight on world news tonight. Thats the situation abroad. Here at home, the threat here at home with isis rereleasing that video showing scenes from new york city. Including right here in times square. Officials quickly responding overnight and abcs brian ross is here with that, good morning, brian. Good morning, robin. New york city officials felt compelled to go on the offensive after that newly released isis propaganda video praised the paris attacks and made a brief passing remark to new york city. As the rockettes opened their famed christmas shows and the holiday window displays went up at the Big Department store, the citys mayor and Police Commissioner hastily called reporters to times square late last night to say there is nothing to fear from isis. Be aware but do not be afraid. The nypd will protect you. Reporter it was all a reaction to less than 20 seconds of scenes in a newly released isis video that showed a suicide bomb in times square. Scenes that had appeared in previous isis videos and went largely unnoticed. But having made good on its threats to attack paris, every isis video now is given close scrutiny by Law Enforcement ofare with and now isis is showing off the bomb it says brought down that russian passenger yet. A misleadingly simple device with components costing no more than 50, a swept soda can packed with explosives, a tiny detonator with a blasting cap and switch and timer to set it off. Close the switch and arm the timer to start its countdown and, boom. Reporter bomb experts say it can produce a blast much more powerful than the one in this government test. The russian jet blew up 22 minutes after takeoff. Based on the location of the wreckage u. S. Authorities believe the bomb was likely placed in the rear luggage hold of the plane by an isis infiltrator. In its online post isis boasted its smuggled the bomb onto the russian jet after it discovered a way to compromise the security at the Sharm El Sheikh airport in egypt and produced passports of some of the russian victims somehow retrieved by isis at the scene of the crash. U. S. Officials say current screening machines should pick up a soda can bomb like the type used against the russian jet but their concern is the machines wont mean a thing if someone on the inside finds a way to put a bomb on the plane, robin thats a point. So chilling, they have the passports. Really bad. Thank you. Robin, more on this now from our consultant matt olsen former head of the National Counterterrorism center. We saw those videos in times square and washington but that doesnt mean there is an active plan in place. Yeah, that is right, george. Weve seen this over the past year from isis, this type of propaganda video. It doesnt necessarily mean theres any credibility behind this. The challenge is that isis over the past year has put out propaganda really advising, exhorting its followers in the United States even just individuals to try to car out at least smallscale attacks and keeping counterterrorism officials on edge. We know the french officials interrogating those eight arrested yesterday. What exactly are they trying to determine and what will they be doing inside those rooms . In those rooms theyre certainly asking the questions of those suspects, who else was involved . Were there other plots . Theyre going through the cell phones, the other things they were able to get from the apartment because the key question right now is, are there other attacks . The counterterrorism officials in france right now are worried about other attacks that might be planned and thats the number one priority for them. The other key question weve seen especially in france with both the Charlie Hebdo attacks and now this one, the suspect, these terrorists falling through the cracks even though they had been identified as possibly dangerous by french officials. Right, this just shows what officials in europe are up against. The numbers, thousands of europeans traveling to syria, its just a huge challenge for these security services. Okay, matt olsen, thanks very much. All right, george. Now well move on and talk about whats happening in iraq. Thats where the fight is really being taken to isis and our Martha Raddatz is there with that side of the story. Good morning, martha. Reporter good morning, robin. These bulletriddled humvees are all American Made given to Iraqi Security forces when we left, they were then stolen by isis and recovered by kurdish forces. Thats whats happening on the ground here in iraq while those air strikes continue. Day four of withering air strikes on isis targets in syria, russian aircraft flying 65 bombing runs claiming to have destroyed numerous isis weapons depots, command centers and rows of oil tankers, the oil used to fund their war chest. This as the french Aircraft Carrier Charles De Gaulle moves closer to the syrian coast. French fighter jets focusing their sights on isis Training Camps and command centers. Here in iraq, where the u. S. Has been conducting thousands of air strikes and in syria, the u. S. Military expressing concern wednesday over russias tactics, a military spokesman calling those largescale missions with socalled dumb bombs antiquated suggesting the russian strikes show little regard for civilians below. The u. S. Top military adviser general joseph dunnford defending the more discriminate national u. S. Approach saying theyre very careful in terms of civilian casualties and that he will not apologize for that. Whatever happens with those russian air strikes, the forces here want all of the air strikes to continue and intensify. Robin and george. All right, martha, thank you. Both on the air and on the ground. We move on to that political backlash against Syrian Refugees settling here in the United States. House is going to vote on a bill that would stop it until the screaming process is beefed up. The president promising to veto it. Reporter the house is expected to defy the president by voting to temporarily prevent the administration from allowing more Syrian Refugees to come into the country. Just one day after a paris aing thatter was pretending to be a syrian refugee using this doctored passport congress is voting to temporarily keep all Syrian Refugees out of the u. S. We can be compassionate and we can also be safe. Reporter Congress Wants the fbi not only to run background checks on all refugees, a process that already takes up to two years, but to certify that each syrian is not a threat, one syrian refugee family bound for the u. S. Wednesday after three years of waiting was rerouted to connecticut after indianas governor refused to let them in. I think theyre happy to be in a place that at least at least the governor wants them to be in. Reporter more than 2,000 Syrian Refugees already live in the u. S. None have any known ties to terrorism but now 31 governors say they wont accept more. Overseas president obama slammed republicans for stoking fear saying theyre scared of widows and orphans. After the nicinitial spasm o rhetoric, people settle down, take a look at the facts and well be able to proceed. Reporter ted cruz fired back on wednesday. Mr. President , come back and insult me to my face. Lets have a debate on Syrian Refugees right now. Reporter cruz is now proposing banning all muslim refugees from syria but listen to what he said just last year. We have welcomed refugees that the tired, huddled masses for centuries. Thats been the history of the United States. We should continue to do so. Reporter speaking in the philippines this morning the president said that refugees dont pose any more of a threat than tourists. He said the notion that refugees pose more of a threat than millions of tourists that come into the United States each year, quote, just doesnt jive with reality. George. And, jon, the president and congress both digging in hard right here. Could this lead to another Government Shutdown . Reporter well, it sure could because right now the question is whether or not to have a pause but government funding runs out at december on december 11th and republicans are willing to push on this, potentially to say that they will not fund this program and well see what happens to the president s veto threat at that point. Jon karl, thanks very much. All right, george. Now to the severe storms that moved across the country flooding in the southeast. Tornadoes reported around atlanta plus millions on alert for a big winter storm. Ginger. Yeah, winter storm. Were talking about it. Were almost there. Lets start with the pictures out of atlanta. Those volks plowing through the water. Rainfall rates of an inch or more per hour and then the damage to some of the homes in central georgia. All from potential damaging winds or tornadoes. Those storms calmed down a lot this morning but moving to the north and east, midatlantic and northeast will see the rainfall from them and that winter storm is one of our big headlines from milwaukee back to sioux city, iowa. How much snow are we talking central iowa could see more than a half foot. Just north and west of chicago has been some of the heaviest rain and snowfalls and i think milwaukee gets really close. So behind this, im talking teens, thats right. Oh. Teens. Why. I know but i got to do it. George. Ill be back in a couple minutes. Still smilinsmiling. An Emergency Landing in chicago. An American Airlines jet bound for england was forced to return to Ohare Airport after hitting severe turbulencturbule. Two flies were taken to the hospital and passengers are being rebooked today. Could be delays for travelers across the country as thousands of workers at seven of the busiest airports including both new york airports go on strike over wages and union rights. They include baggage handlers and cleaners. And tensions are escalating in minneapolis with both police and protesters firing chemical spray at one another. Demonstrators have been camped out since sunday when officers shot and killed jamar clark. They say he was preventing paramedics from helping an assault victim. Protesters are demanding Police Release video of that shooting. And this morning, one womans determination is inspiring meme everywhere. She was in labor at a hospital in georgia when she used her computer to finish her college exam. She was not going to let a little labor pain, a lot of labor pain get in the way of passing her psychology class. With contractions three minutes apart she finished the test and then delivered a beautiful baby girl. She passed the test by the way which was pretty awesome and says just because im considered a young mother doesnt mean i have to be considered a bad mother and wants that education to give her child a real shot at a great live. Already setting an example for her young daughter. Multitasking at a new level. You mean the test . No, no. Thank you, amy. Much more ahead this thursday morning. Disappoints children speaking out about their father and his run for president. Its an abc news exclusive. Hoverboards flying off the chefs this Holiday Season but new questions about safety. Is your child at risk. The reason for our big smile, 9 biggest Family Reunion ever. So many familiar faces are here celebrating gmas 40th birthday bash thats all coming up. Dont stop the party you look like a movie you sound like a song my god this reminds me of when we were young let me photograph you in this light in case it is the last time that we might be exactly like we were before we realized we were sad of getting old it made us restless it was just like a movie it was just like a song when we were young. The uncertainties i dont wantof hep c. With or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. 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Only egglands best. Better taste. Better nutrition. Better eggs. You cant breathed. Through your nose. Suddenly, youre a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip which instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to oceanspray. Com. Back here on gma more than a foot in some places in washington state, heres what happened in kelso, a landslide and new advisories that will hey everyone, im matt odonnell, it is 78 24, thursday, november it is 7 24, november, 19. Lets check the roads with karen rogers. Reporter looking live i95 delaware county, we have an accident northbound toward the blue route, looking live near the commodor barry bridge. Penndot has the arrow board. Jammed from naamans road and the i95 bridge. A flock of birds came through they want to get out of here before the rain hits. I95 southbound near the blue route. Heres the schuylkill expressway very heavy we have an accident on the schuylkill expressway right here eastbound near passyunk. We have a disabled school bus westbound, they have cleared, but westbound is cleared from passyunk to university. 422 multivehicle accident moved to the shoulder still jammed. Some birds have that 6th sense knowing that the rain is coming. We have david murphy. Reporter were cloud on the terrace. The rain is light to the west and slow pushing toward the east. A little bit of rain in southwestern Chester County. The state of delaware is seeing the light stuff some of it might be creeping across the delaware bay. Well get a chunk of the rush hour in before the rain comes. 63 degrees in philadelphia. Breezy. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, shows a high of 67 today. The rain arrives we get on and off through the day, 57 and dry tomorrow. Matt. Okay david, thanks. Well be right back. Several dozen subcontracted workers at Philadelphia International airport are walking the picket line to draw attention to the strike at airports nationwide. Service workers are demanding a 15dollar an hour wage. Home depot is warning customers items it had sold that were under recall. The list is at 6abc. Com. Hey hey back on gma, take a look at our 40 for 40 express. We were worried it wouldnt get here in time going the speed limit. Yes, going over the gw, the George Washington bridge outside of the city. Nick watt, so many on board headed for times square right now. A Cappella Group along the way, picked up hitchhikers. Is there just one bathroom on the bus . Im worried about that. Then we had the streaming 40 for 40. Thats bobby. Doing the carlton. Our technical director for 18 glorious years. And when sam came in, he surprised us and came in. He didnt know we were Live Streaming and became part of it. It was just one of those great moments. A lot of news. The first look at one of those attacks in paris. Surveillance video obtained by dailymail. Com opening fire on the cafe, people running for their lives. Unbelievably, no one was killed in this attack. And millions of americans in the midwest on alert for the first winter storm of the season. Chicago will get some, more than half a foot of snow expected in some areas. Oh, boy. Ginger will bring us up to speed on that. As weve been saying its our 40th Birthday Celebration. Michael is here hanging out with some very special guests, the green room has never looked better, michael. This green room is a party zone, robin. I really cant believe i get to sit here and do this. Look at charlie. Got charlie, joan, diane and you got sam. Oh and i got whippersnapper here. Certainly not me. I can tell you that. Does anybody anybody want to take my job today . No, no, i think youre doing great. Im glad everybody is here. This is great. We got a huge performance thats coming up. Youre not going to want to miss that plus so many more surprises and for me, i tell you, george, back to you. Im just charlie is not that short. Charlie. Michael is not that tall. A lot of fun coming up. Right now to martin sheen speaking out for the First Time Since his son charlie revealed hes living with hiv. Abcs linsey davis here with that story. Good morning. Good morning to you, george. Martin sheen calls his sons announcement a miraculous occasion unburdening himself of this secret comes with great relief. Its the bombshell admission rocking tinseltown and beyond. A many, in fact, hiv positive. Charlie sheen coming clean tuesday four years after he says he learned of his hiv diagnosis. Something his former livein girlfriend bree olsen told inside edition he never told her. I could be dead right now because he didnt tell me that. Reporter in 2011 olsen was living with sheen in his l. A. Mansion. It was like playing russian roulette. It was like he was putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger. Reporter but sheens manager says the former two and a half men star only acquired hiv after he and olsen split in 2011. Sheen insists hes told all of his partners about his status since his diagnosis and says that thanks to treatment, the virus is now undetectable in his blood. Have you transmitted the hiv virus to someone else since your diagnosis . Impossible. Reporter olsen says she got tested on monday after hearing the rumors about about sheen. I am hiv negative. Reporter a retch tiff for sheens exwife Brooke Mueller also telling abc news she and the boys are not hiv positive. Online an outpouring of support from several celebrities. Magic johnson tweeting me i hope he joins me in educating the world about hiv aids. Heather locklear posting a picture of herself with sheen writing, my heart hurt, prayers for charlie and his family. But its a different story in the national enquirerss report out on stands now saying their investigation uncovered two active lawsuits against sheen and evidence suggesting he did put several women at risk. Multiple expartners of Charlie Sheen and in one case a video recording confirmed that they were exposed to hiv. Reporter but this morning both the lapd and los angeles d. A. s office tell abc news theyre not looking into sheen and that no one has reported anything to them about him. For Good Morning America, linsey davis, abc news, new york. Martin says he wanted to accompany charlie to the announcement but told him, no, that it was his and his to do alone. He hopes this will be a real turing point in his life. He said this had been something that had been discussed for quite a while, that charlie might come forward and that he was hoping that he would have the courage to do it. And for Different Reasons he would back down but he was saying hes never been prouder of his son than in this time. Charlie saying it could be a turning point, as well. Says he dont want to be the poster child essentially for this but will speak out and his life Going Forward wont be so much partying but philanthropy. Well see what happens. Thank you. To that abc exclusive donald trump and his entire family sitting down for a revealing interview with our barbara walters. Four of his children here talking about their famous father. Meet the trump children, yesterday i sat down with the four eldest, don jr. , ivanka, eric and tiffany. I need a quick show of hands. Which one of you is most like your father . Well, in fairness i think were all like him in very different way. Its very scary and can go to thanksgiving well all answer the same question using the exact same words in the same sequence. Trumpisms. I relish those hollywood meals. We can really sort of let loose. It is a show, i mean in and of itself. Its funny. We have a good time making fun of each other and just having a blast. Do any of you make fun of your fathers hair . Well, i like not to because you never know what happens genetically. Doing okay right now but yeah it is funny because its the only hair weve known. People seem fascinated. Its the norm. My dad says im happy about your moms hair, not my hair. His humor is one of his best qualities. People dont see that. It doesnt across on the news when he talks about serious issues but hes incredibly funny and incredibly practical person. How is it decided you would be the one to introduce your father as a president ial candidate . Today, i have the honor of introducing a man who needs no introduction. Thats an excellent question and i dont know actually how it was decided but i was honored to do it and i feel like i was standing there representing our family. She did an amazing job, by the way. Shes a great messenger. She has just great poise and the way ivanka delivered the message was perfect. Barbara will be here tomorrow with more from the trumps and see her full interview tomorrow at 10 00, 9 00 central on 20 20. News coming in out of france. French prosecutors have confirmed the mastermind of those friday attacks in paris Abdelhamid Abaaoud has been killed. The dna tests did come back and they confirmed hes been killed and were going to go to abcs david muir on the scene in saintdenis right now. Hey, david. Reporter george, robin, good morning. Yes, the french prosecutor just revealing that they do have the mastermind, that they did get this guy. You know, this was 24 hours ago right here in this paris suburb. We are north of paris, not far from the soccer stadium where those terror attacks began to unfold when they stormed that building not far behind me. The door was reinforced when they got here, a sevenhour battle. Terrified neighbors waking up in the dark hours of the Early Morning, 4 20 a. M. And began the raid. They moved in, stormed into that apartment. Traded gunfire. And whats been unclear the last 24 hours is if, in fact, they did get him. They have just confirmed moments ago that he was identified using fingerprints his body was riddled with bullets. We also know there was a woman inside that apartment who detonated her suicide vest during this gunfight. Whats unclear at this point is her relationship to the mast mastermind. There have been reports they were related in some way. We await word in french prosecutors on that detail. What we know about this man is that he had spent a significant amount of time in syria, in fact, he had been on many of those gruesome isis videos speaking directly to camera. He had been a wellknown isis recruiter across europe and when they moved in, this was based on cell phone record, conversations and people here in the neighborhood who witnessed him, they were convinced he was on the third floor in a safe house in that building and word this morning they got their man. George and robin. Okay, david, thanks. Of course, the eighth attacker, Salah Abdeslam still at loose they think in belgium right now but the ringlead ever, the mastermind has been killed. Well be right back. The easy way or the hard way. You could choose a card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. Or, you could make things easier on yourself. Thats right, the quicksilver card from capital one. With quicksilver you earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. So, lets try this again. 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A status symbol like having a new iphone or Something Like that where if you have one, youre cool and have a certain level of status. Kids see this and want to have their vine or instagram riding a hoverboard like justin bieber. Reporter with social media packed with socalled failed like this worker wiping out. This woman oh, geez. Reporter and this guy with his dog all falling flat. Another concern, potential injury, the Consumer Products Safety Commission says its received eight reports of emergency room treated injuries related to hoverboards in just the last three months. I was surprised. I didnt think i would get injured that badly. Reporter xavier made a Youtube Video of his first hoverboard run. Dude, this thing goes so friggin fast. Reporter he falls not just once, but twice. I scarred up my knee. Reporter bloodying his knee. Bran bran brandy giddens she tore the ligaments in her left ankle trying to get off. It almost runs you over if you step off the front. Thats really dangerous. It takes just that split second. Reporter this man performed surgery on a man who fractured his ankle falling on it on his first ride caught on this cell phone video. I really envision seeing injuries all throughout the body if the person is not wearing a helmet and sustains a big trauma to the head can get a traumatic brain injury. Reporter to stay safe experts say you should wear a helmet and even wrist and knee pads and if youre a beginner, consider having someone spot you. And we should tell you, weve looked at the manuals for these hoverboards and those that we saw all have safety warnings listed, so youve just got to be smart and robin and george, some wonder if banning them outright will just make people want them more. Remember when we had those in the studio. We got one at home. I think its going to the closet. Number one thing on my daughters christmas list. Oh, okay. Coming up, our 40 for 40 event. The bus is going to make its way here. Pitbull is going to be performing. Its a partee come on back. So jill, i know the markets have taken a hit lately. Mmm hmm. Just wanted to touch base. We came to manage over 800 billion in assets, through face time when you really need it. Its how edward jones makes sense of investing. The first fridge with a keurig brewing system. Only in the ge cafe series. Made for everyday and extra special days. Get up to 40 off select major appliances. 396 and more. Now at lowes. No, no, no i am your father. I am your father. Campbells star wars soups. Thats gotta be the worst vader ever. Made for real, real life. Our stage managers are really earning their pay. It is bedlam down here. Its like herding cats. All reckless. Ten bosses in the control room. Oh, boy. Know were closing in. Whole stretch of our 40 for 40 streaming celebration. Lara kicked it off when you were in l. A. One direction. Very intimate concert. What a great time. What a great experience and michael is eating. Yeah. Enjoying some fine food. Uhhuh. Didnt want to share it. Nick watt has been on our 40 for 40 express and hes almost here for our Family Reunion. Hey there, nick. Reporter hey, robin, we are on your island. We are on great people along the way and eaten a lot of great food. We have not slept very much but its been really good fun. People singing happy birthday to Good Morning America and waving huge images of your face and were chockfull of coffee and were heading your way. You better get here. Be afraid, robin. We are because the party is about to begin. In our next hour celebrating with you our 40th birthday. Yeah yeah yeah our disciplined investment approach remains. We ask questions here. Look for risks there. And search for opportunity everywhere. Global markets may be uncertain. But you can feel confident in our investment experience. Around the world. Call a t. Rowe price investment specialist, or your advisor. And see how we can help you find global opportunity. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. I am never getting married. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Were never having kids. Mmmmmm. Breathe. I love it here. We are never moving to the suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. And let roomba jufrom irobot®an help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba from irobot® better together™. Therbottle of tropicana pure oranges squepremium. O each and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. Tropicana. We put the good in morning. Back here on gma. Montague, winds gusted to 40 miles an hour and waves kicking up on the channel. Business mark to chicago especially by sunday morning, hey everyone, 7 56 thursday, november 19. Im matt odonnell. Rain is coming in later this morning. Lets turn to karen rogers for traffic right now. Reporter the commute is a mess. We didnt need the rain apparently today. This is i95 look at the jam, look at the travel time. A 61 minute ride on i95 northbound from delaware to the blue route. Thats a nightmare. We have an accident blocking the two left lanes northbound. You are not moving from naamans road to past the commodor barry bridge. An accident is blocking the two left lanes. I want to switch our camera view to i95 ridley park. This is southbound jammed from approaching 420 to past the blue route. We had an accident there that cleared. We have an accident northbound and southbound on i95. Turnpike westbound an accident just cleared near mid county traveling in the 20s. Lets turn to Philadelphia International airport, we see Clear Conditions right now, but david murphy that will change. Reporter it will as we go through the day. The on set of the rain is delayed, as you look at Storm Tracker 6 live what is falling is not providing much of a punch. You might get a sprinkle in delaware and Chester County. Or off to the north and west, so far so good, very light stuff nothing that will have an impact early. 60 in allentown. 63 in philadelphia. 61 in isle city. This afternoon, rain builds in through the day and well see on and off rain ending this evening. Fire damaged an applebees in Overbrook Park section. Crews doused the flames quickly, everybody got out of the building safely. The meter up app goes live for metered areas in philadelphia. Head to my twitter feed to find out how it works. Yeah yeah yeah good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. So are you ready for the biggest show we ever pulled off . 40 years of gma. Its just amazing. It doesnt get any better than this. The greatest story, the unforgettable moments. I love you and ill see you soon. Yes, you will. And all right there with you, the greatest viewers, our true gma family. And wait for it . Are you kidding me. Wait for it. Trip on a treadmill. Are you ready . Would you believe every one of your favorite faces from gma is back . Were jumping into our greatest Family Reunion ever and youll never see coming the surprises we have for you this hour right, pitbull . Its going to be the nonstop party. 40 years of gma takes over times square right now. Yeah yeah yeah. Good morning america continues live from times square with robin, lara, amy, ginger and michael. Diane, joan, david and me, charlie. A reunion, 40 years in the making. Oh, good morning, america. Good morning, Charlie Gibson, all the stars and you knew it immediately heard that voice. Charlie is back. This is our 40th Birthday Celebration right here in times square birthday or anniversary. Either one. Either one. Its a party either way you put it and our 40 40 express is make its way nick watt, so close, so close to joining our celebration. It is new york, a little bit of traffic bull hell be here. A morning so special even president obama sent a special message. Take a look. Happy 40th birthday, Good Morning America. Congratulations on 40 great years. Thanks. He said birthday. So birthday it is. Michael is outside with another big surprise. Its above and beyond do i understand its reaching when i say new height, new heights. 13,500 feet above the ground, a big thank you to the u. S. Army Golden Knights for this special tribute and performed a 40th for gmas 40th over north carolina. My father is a member of the 82nd Airborne Division with that man jumping out of airplanes and thanks to the military and back to you. I dont see ginger. She wasnt one of them, was she . Not going to allow that to happen. We have a lot coming up. We also have breaking news. That news out of paris, the ringleader of those deadly terror attacks is confirmed dead right now. Lets go to amy with that. Thats right, george and robin. The big story, the breaking news, the mastermind of the paris attacks is in fact dead all according to french prosecutors who say Abdelhamid Abaaoud was killed in that police raid in suburban paris early wednesday morning and abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross is here with all of those details just coming in right now, brian. Reporter good morning, amy. We now know he was identified by his fingerprint, his body was so badly disfigured following the raid yesterday. The 27yearold Abdelhamid Abaaoud had risen to rapid heights inside isis. He was part of their new global strategy to pull off wellorganized terror attacks around the world. He had handpicked the aing thatters from his hometown in brussels for this attack in paris and sought him almost immediately thinking at first he was in syria. They then learned from a cell phone that was disposed outside that concert hall in paris that he was in communication with the attackers, they tracked him down yesterday in the suburb of saintdenis, opened fire and now they have identified him as being killed, a major victory for french police, amy. A victory, indeed. Brian, thank you so much. We will bring you more details as we get them throughout the morning on Good Morning America. George. Thank you. Now time for special guest. Yes, indeed. Theyre here live in times square. And all started, what, 40 years ago. David hartman and nancy dussault. Hi, nancy. Hi, david. Good morning, america. And hi, sandy. Hi, david. Good morning, america. And hi, joan. Hi. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. And hello, charlie. Joan. Good morning, america. We were kind of the late 90s or mid 90s verse of the show and 80s. Thats right then we get to the late 90s. Lisa, charlie. How are you . Kevin. Charlie, lisa. Both good morning, america. Then we graduated to the 2000 version of Good Morning America. Hi, darling. Mwah. Good morning, america. Ah. And it feels so good. We dont get cups. Ill take a blue one. Thank you. Ill switch you. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. Good morning, america. That went really well. In what a morning here. Best laid plans. Its just Getting Started but you know what, something is missing. What would a morning show be without weather . Yes, yes, so ginger is outside with some very special guests. Ginger. Oh, and i am here with weather royalty from gma, lets get right down this line of umbrellas and reveal, yes, the very first weatherman john coleman, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] good morning, america. And next up spencer christian. [ applause ] just love that face. Mike barz, my friends, oh, yeah. And mr. Sunshine himself, my buddy, sam champion. [ cheers and applause ] hi, everybody. How does it feel, guys . Feel good to be back . Wow. I feel terrific. You look gorgeous. Thank you so much. How are you . Good to see you. How are you . What are we doing . It is going to rain later. It is, i promise it will. Robin, george, this is so special. We love being out here with the crowd where we all did and they have for so many years. Robin. All right, amy. Looking good out there. Over to amy now. That was ginger, youre amy with the rundown. I might be standing alone here but not for long. I wanted to have all of the gma news anchors come join me behind the desk here. All of the anchors that came before me and we begin with steve, take it away, steve. Abc news, im steve bell. Margaret osmer who is next. Mike schneider. Morton dean. Elizabeth vargas. Im antonio mora. And juju chang. And im Robin Roberts how are you . You came in here. Im right here. Are we in order . Katherine, so nice to meet you. So sorry. And josh, nice to have you back. Nice to be back. All of you back here. Were going to head back over to michael. Michael. Michael. Lara and michael. We have no camera, though. Hello. A look at whats ahead on gma. Its a Family Reunion as you can tell. It is crazy out here. 40 years in the making and everyone is here from diane sawyer who is over there to my man pitbull. Oh, yes. And a very special guest whos behind some door im supposed to show you. I dont know where that door is. Its on the monitor perhaps and well let you know all about that coming up on our gma 40th reunion. 40 years at gma. Stay with us, everybody. Party d no fruit is as versate as our ocean spray cranberries. You can decorate with them, bake with them, even make holiday drinks, like our cranberry punch we call the festive sparkler. Mmm. Festive. For all these reasons, we declare the ocean spray cranberry. The unofficial official fruit of the holidays. Well probably get flak from the dates and figs. But no one can tell them apart anyway. [ both chuckle ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to oceanspray. Com. 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What . Ive drawn a blank. Whats my line . [director] reset maybe we do live in a fantasy. In our own little bubble. Just hangin out as if were not completely down to earth. But just a bunch of dreamers . No way were just like everyone else. You know, average joes. Start dreaming big at visitcalifornia. Com time in the service. Community college. It matters. Its why we, at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and College Experience as credits toward your degree. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. The whole day to sell to the their old cart aside and buy a new one. Oops. Nanas got the kids til 9. But its only 2. Guess youll just have to see a movie. Then get some dinner. What a pity. Hey hey fabulous at 40. Happy birthday, Good Morning America. Happy 40th. Gma. All our friends wishing us happy birthday here at gma. What a special morning here in times square and its so great to have everyone here. All those special messages and, yeah, i like to be referred to as 40, all of us here 40. Well all take it. Good morning, america, throughout our 40 years. Gma hosts have said those welcoming words. We did the count, they did it 9 r9, 795 times. Our family, they have just been just been here and filling us with such joy. We know that theyve become your family, as well. Diane sawyer, Charlie Gibson, joan lunden, david hartman, the man who launched it all for us 40 years ago, take a look. Good morning, america. Good morning. Im david hartman. Today is monday, november 3rd and well be joining you every weekday morning. Good morning, america. Good morning. Good morning, again, everyone. Good morning, america. Hello, everyone. Good morning. From planet earth. All of us come and go but the star is Good Morning America. The star of the show is the show itself. Open up. Going back to the first day, everybody shared a sense of mission, a sense of responsibility. We want to troy to provide you with information that will be useful to you. I have to almost sometimes pinch myself. Youre learning stuff along with the audience. And youre their surrogates and thats such an unbelievable honor to be the person who gets to find out stuff on their behalf. I asked them afterwards i said why are you dancing. They said through a translator, were celebrating life. Having that chance to bring people that news firsthand, first thing every morning is an amazing privilege. That is a responsibility that when you come on the air, it seems to me that youre there not just to say what happened but to say were together. Were together. Boston police and some 400 National Guardsmen ran as fast as i could. The president has been shot once in the left chest. Now the berlin wall is virtue wrally obsolete. Yesterday draped in the Royal Standard dianas body was brought back to england go after a firefight they killed Osama Bin Laden and took custody of his body. A woman was at work when the quake hit on the third floor of that Building Back there. The first few seconds are, are we okay . Are we safe . Challenger go with throttle up. We had broadcast a number of launches and had met a lot of those people and so that was very difficult. It is thursday, april 20th and i am as you might expect in oklahoma city. We were standing on top of an abandoned building and they said to us, youve got to be very careful as you walk across the roof of this building because it may collapse. We just got a report in that theres been some sort of explosion at the World Trade Center in new york city. I think we both still look at it with a sense of of astonishment that this was happening. Diane and i said to each other, if i start to cry, youve got to help me here. And she said the same thing to me. People handing out water. People handing out sandwiches and food. You pull together. Good morning, america, from rome. Live from venice, italy, today charlie is with us. This is one of the rarest things you can see in journalism. Its a visa into north korea. I wanted a career that would send me all around the world, all around this country. Careful what you pray for. Wherever history was being made, whether it was a royal wedding. This is one of the spots along the route. Whether it was coming down of the berlin wall or whether it was in washington at inauguration, you were just right there where history was being made. We went and did the 12day trip to the soviet union back during the height of the cold war and i came back from that trip literally kissed the ground. Here with some of the men now of the 82nd airborne. The week before the gulf war, the first gulf war when we went to saudi arabia and bahrain and had a chance to talk to young kids who were about to go to war. You got the entire country. Want to say happy thanksgiving to them. I was inspired by that. I think by the time we were able to reunite a family. Maya esther at an orphanage at portauprince at the time the earthquake struck. You found her. Yes. Thank you so much. When youre able to give somebody a bit of ray of sunshine in a very devastating time, wow. Whoo you know, Good Morning America is it can be anything. It can report on the 2000 election or it can be that when an extraordinary little boy meets his hero, the former president of the United States. I think youll find that hes here and hed like to meet you. So good to see you. So glad to see you. Youre going to meet the man, the young man who gave you the gift of life. Theres a lot of tough news we bring on the air, but these are the moments, are simply filled not just with hope but with reassurance about who we are as human beings. You just cant believe all the things that you that youve experienced and i pinch myself every day and just so grateful ive had these opportunities i hope i get my license one day. We bungee jumped off ang 18story bridge. Good morning, america. I did two bungee jumps, my first and last. Theres nothing wrong with that. Moving on up its a family. Its a team and none of us could do it without the other. Being able to say good morning to america is a gift. Gma has created life memories that i will never forget. I do not take lightly that i have the opportunity to say good morning, america. That never gets old. There is nothing like it in television. Phil who hired me, he said be curious, have fun. And i did the program with that in mind for 19 years. So what a privilege it was, what a joy it was to do that every day. It was so personal, so personal to say were all in it together. Were in this together. For those who are leaving us right now join us tomorrow morning for Good Morning America. And we say good morning to joan, david, charlie, diane, you are our foundation and as you, as everyone else was watching that piece, i was watching you watching the piece and sometimes especially when the 9 11, i saw you and charlie grasp hands. What is it like for you, charlie, to see that and your body of work. Well, that was the most meaningful day ever that i had a chance to broadcast and i remember walking into the studio the next morning because we were on the air when it happened, and we went through it until Peter Jennings got into place, we were on the air for about 45 minutes trying to figure out what was going on, second plane came into frame, hit the building, saw the plane come out the other end, diane said, oh, my god, and i said, now we know whats going on. Were under attack but i think both of us wish we said what the other said. I had the reporters action. Diane had the human reaction but i remember walking to the studio the next day and thinking my entire life professionally was a preparation for this moment because this is the most important broadcast ill ever do and we both said to each other we can get through this. We will get through this. And, and we had we put remember we put the table in the middle of the floor because we were at the breakfast table with everybody else in the country and we just figured tone that morning was just as important as facts. And also honoring the searing stories that we were hearing for the first time live. Thats what we just wanted to honor the people who were telling us about this moment and this country in this crisis. And, charlie, you said everything youve done up to that point, it prepared for. David, i want to throw that to you. In some ways nothing can prepare you for what youre going to face here every morning except being a human being. Yes, thats right and the word ive used a couple of us have about the fact that doing this work is a gigantic privilege. And how many people in all of television has have had this privilege and this opportunity and this responsibility for two hours a day, five days a week to bring people information that they really can use in some constructive, positive way in their lives to help understand who we are, what we are and what we need to do with our own lives to make not only our lives better but make the country better. Thats the responsibility part and as charlie said, yeah, have fun and part of it is fun, but the bigger part of it is the privilege of being able to inform. And its the way we feel today. But its like charlie said, good morning its a little bit of everything. Its like a newspaper. You know, you have the front page, you have the entertainment section, the sports section and, joan, you had your work cut out for you with mr. Gibson over there when he first came on the scene because he was all buttoned up and everything. Our first day was out on a beach in florida and there he was with his suit just like he was reporting in front of capitol hill and i walked over and i felt bad because, you know, i was so used i knew we would be in a hot climate so i wore something appropriate. There he he take off the tie. I said i think you need to take off your tie and i knew he was looking at me thinking, what did i get myself into . Like i shower in a tie so i thought you were born in a tie. And i suddenly realized joan said this is not right and so she leaned over and she took off my tie. So, diane, did you ask yourself that question, what did i get myself into when you did cirque du soleil. I wish i had asked and so does cirque du soleil. Part is just indenture. Doing things you never dreamed you would do and taking people with you and i loved getting to show all of you what it was like and there i was doing their highly controlled experiment but at one point i got on a trapeze way above i dont know how many feet above but lots of feet above the arena and i kept trying to pull myself back up and i didnt have the upper body strength. They didnt have a ladder tall enough to shove me back up to the trapeze so as far as i know i could still be hanging there. I just want to say. But i remember your first day, here you are youve done it all. Youve done it all and your first day at Good Morning America and what did you do at the very end of the show . I sort of breeze in, i got this one. I got it all and i had no idea how much theres to do. At the end of the show. On the conveyer belt the whole time and charlie was laughing in his tie. Sitting next to this blond mop all of a sudden. Dave, 12 days in the soviet union. We did. And it was before the Reagan Gorbachev summit in geneva, a month before, and how much did any of us know about the soviet union . And we thought as a program why dont we go over there and see if we can meet some real people and try to get an idea about what the soviet union is like . And the 12 days we were there was a lifechanging experience for me. So many of us born and raised in this country do not appreciate what weve got, the freedoms of our country, the constitution, this bill of rights, dont get me started, about that. But when i came back from the soviet union where it was so totally different from what its like in the United States instead of in terms of freedoms and i came back and if you had told me that i was going to come back and kiss the driveway in front of my house id have said you were crazy. You guys remember i kissed the driveway in front of my house. We have 25 secretary of defense go, hi, im sam, im mike, im johnny, hi everybody. Thats you will you need, youll get a check closer to home. Reporter all right, ginger, we have light rain coming through, parts of the region, its steadier to parts of the west. We have cloud skies and its mild, temperatures in the 60s. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast todays high will be 67 degrees windy and rainy conditions with on and off periods of rain. Dry tomorrow, 57 degrees and saturday, 54. Bundle up for the Football Games this weekend. Rightfully so. We all are. Our anchors from gmas 40 years are here live and the party and pitbull just Getting Started. Look at all those chairs. Theyre going to be filled. Hello again, 8 27 thursday, november 19. Im matt odonnell. Rain is moving in later, lets go to karen rogers for a look at the roads now. Reporter we begin with the mess that is i95. I95 northbound past the commodor barry bridge, our accident just cleared a second ago. Northbound is jammed from naamans road to past the commodor barry bridge. Were looking at a 22 minute ride from delaware to the blue route. I guess this is better, but it doesnt feel better if youre stuck in it. We have a serious accident people injured on the scene in delaware county. Heessington, industrial highway wannamaker avenue. Police on the scene. Burlington bristol bridge finished an opening here. Expect delays on both sides. Burlington county an accident with a downed pole blocking the right and center lane 130 southbound at beverly road that was a mess. Kings bridge drive we have an accident involving an overturned vehicle, nasty out there. Light rain in parts, lets go to david murphy. Reporter rain here on the terrace, extremely light. Storm tracker 6 live double scan shows you the rain is light, steadier cells beginning to pop up in parts of Chester County and parts of delaware. Temperatures not bad 63 degrees. In the city. 60 in allentown. High of 67 windy and rain gets steadier well have periods of it in the afternoon and evening. Breezy and cooler tomorrow, sun coming back, 57. Chilly for the weekend, 54 on saturday, 50 on sunday. Airport workers at phl walked off the job this morning to protest low wages. 89 store at 6abc. Com. Tions avaio patients with bone cancer. Patients with bone cancer deserve a specialist too. The advantages of being treated at Cancer Treatment centers of america is that we have all the specialists under one roof to take care of every aspect of that patients cancer care. We want our patients to survive their cancer but we also want them to maintain independence and quality of life is so important. Oh i wanna dance with somebody i wanna feel the heat with somebody yeah yeah wanna dance with somebody with somebody who loves me happy birthday, gma. You dont look 40. Youve had work done. Yeah. Love dancing with the stars. Very special welcome from dancing with the stars for our 40th birthday. A nice compliment from tom bergeron. He did say we had some work done. How dare he say that. How does he know . We wont have a show of hands with that. All of times square is celebrating as you know the party is not going to stop because pitbull and a bunch of dancers are here. Weve got to have music. Weve got to have mr. Worldwide. Mr. Worldwide. Yeah, oh, and nick watt, he finally made it here. The 40 for 40 express. And ginger zee made it here too. It takes me longer to get around. And as always youre worth the wait, ginger. Youre worth the wait. Oh, nice. Spencer. Finally spencer thats my role now, the pun department. But the problem has been handed off as you can see the whole gang is here gma anchor, hosts, the medical team past and present. [ applause ] feels so good. The doctor is in the house. Dont do that. Dont do that. Now well look back at the moments over the years that, well, made us laugh the hardest. Im diane sawyer with Robin Roberts, its tuesday tuesday where am i . Thats the weather around the naked. Nation. Your local forecast just 30 seconds away. Shrimp on a treadmill. Slip on a treadmill. Wait. Thats the worst intro ive ever had. George, george. Is this it . Is that it . It is a busy monday as well right here. Just said hello to lara twice. Three times. Hello again, lara. Yeah, am i in your shot . You see, see what im saying . This is a very interesting pair of shoes that we have on this morning. You get dressed in the dark. You try not to make up the family and sometimes you slip up. I just realized i had my pants on backwards. The ugly sweater showdown. We take this really seriously. George clooney is going to be here live this morning. Diane lighting up times square. A huge star. Huge. He is also going to be george, George Clooney is on. Hes a huge star. Wheres diane ah. I sit on you were expecting you come on, george. This is all you, george. The love boat there we go. Sometimes you just got to dance, right . You just got to dance. Thats what i say. Move like this dance. I think wow. A drop the mike moment. Drop the mike. [ applause ] are we clapping for ourselves. Wow, everyone here, everyone here, good morning. All good morning. Okay, lets do a show of hands. Like charlie whos had a wardrobe malfunction on the air . Raise their hand. Yeah. Okay and also raise who never listened to the control room when they said to wrap . Charlie. Right there. Favorite too. We have a phrase we call it youve been gibsond. Exactly. Take the earpiece out. Who has had the sixminute spot that had to be 1 1 2 minutes because you followed him. Diane can vouch for that. You feel her pain, dont you, diane . Sisters here. We had all our viewers vote on the funniest moment ever in the show. Anybody want to guess on what it was before . Huhuh. It was a landslide. Wasnt even close. Take a look. Here it is. Over here the vanna white doll. Here we go. See. Whoops. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I didnt even charlie. He could not stop laughing. Charlie is still blushing. You know what, we do have an Honorable Mention and we love props. Hey, sally, are you somewhere around here . Billy, oh, billy, okay. This is the shrimp on the treadmill. Present it to you. Honorable mention. Id like to thank you, george. We do sam, you had a couple of moments that had us cracking up. We could not put them in the show. Oh, no. When it didnt work you used the audience. Yeah, i was line youre cold. Youre yeah. You were unfortunately pointing doing the best i could. Right. Some bromance moments with josh. Be careful. Hes right there behind you. Yes. Yes. But you know, but wait. Theres more. Wait, theres more. Okay, we have a surprise guest. Its a woman who paved the way for michael to run from gma to live with kelly and michael but when she did it it was called live with regis and kathie lee. The first one, Kathie Lee Gifford is here. How are you . Nice to see you. Oh. [ applause ] hi. Ah. Kathie lee. Kathie lee. Yes. Owes a lot to this show and to us, yes. Because we were both on vacation, yes. On assignment. It was thanksgiving. Okay, so we were you were home. Okay. [ laughter ] sucking on a drumstick. Yeah, on assignment. See. And Frank Gifford sat in for you and that is where you met. Well, thats the first time we worked together but i met when i first came here, i also did commercials and i i was here at 4 00 in the morning to do an alpo commercial with a basset hound. There it is. I love it. Hey, its tough to get good work. Anyway, im walking down the hallway and i seen the greatest pair of buns ive ever seen in my life. I go anyway, leaning over a sink putting in contact lenses. Now, i had just had something called radio keratotomy and i yelled out which is what i usually do and i said have i got an operation for you . To which the voice that belonged to the buns says with a fool on either end. Thats how the 29yearold marriage started. So anyway he heard from his doctor that only idiots get that. Well, im the one with 20 20 vision so when is the idiot . Great memories then when i would take over for joan when you were having yet another child. David was so great to me and i was a little nervous. You said to me, i dont know if you remember, on monday, theres only one thing you have to do, be sure to do, do you remember this . No. What is it . He said, just show up. Which was very kind. It just put me so at ease because everybody else was like sit like this. When i took over for joan, quite a bit taller i was sitting in the seat and frank was in the building somewhere watching on a monitor and he calls me and he goes, why do you look like a turkey . He says, get somebody to put something under the seat because, you know, you sink down there like that and youre still tall. You havent shrunk at all. Thank you. Were glad that everyone showed up for this very, very special morning and so thanks for having us. Thank you, kathie. Want to give us the weather . Highs in the 70ss and thats a look at the National Weather heres whats happening where you are. Reporter it was nice to see spencer do that, we have a little bit of rain light across the region, some of you with a a little steadier cell. Windy, 67, dry, cooler tomorrow. Taking over. We have loved revisiting so many gma memories. So many fans sharing their favorite, thanks to blackberry priv and want to thank you for being a part of the gma family all these years. All right, now this is the exciting part. Are you guys ready for it catching up with one of our biggest fan, judy byrwa, shes been traveling on our 40 for 40 bus all the way from michigan and first met judy back in 2004 when emeril surprised her with a breakfast in bed. Can you remember that screaming . The way she reacted. We have an even bigger surprise for her this morning. Joe hinrichs is here from ford. I know you have Something Special planned for judy. Were all inspired by judys story and we think and unveiled a new ford escape with all new technology and we shthink she should be the first to have it. The future of ford is important. Weve been having innovation as part of our key and now well make peoples lives better just like judy. Lets get out there. Emeril and judy is out there. We have no idea what were coming out to do for her. Where are we . Emeril, judy, its great to see you. Hi. Nice reunion. Gentlemen, indeed. My friend. What were we doing here . The best breakfast in bed. Let me tell you, this lady right here. How are you . Judy, we loved you so much. We want to do Something Special for you. We want you to turn around and check out a little something. This is what youre getting. [ cheers and applause ] her brandnew ford escape. The crowd is going wild and we want to go wild too. Judy, check out your new car. Come up, do not stop. This party will not stop because all of our anchors are here for a big reunion and pitbull is live. Stay with us on gma. [ cheers and applause ] t this could be the happiest craziest day weve ever had here at gma and it would not be a Party Without pitbull. Thrilled hes here now. Heres he is with a medley and biggest single free. K. Were going to do it like this. Yeah yeah yeah que no pare la fiesta dont stop the party yeah, yeah yeah que no pare la fiesta dont stop the party just for me happy anniversary. Because im that kind of girl freaks in the club dance cause we can any time of day its all good for me check it out do you wanna get at on the weekend do a little freakin go ahead and be the freak girl nurse by day but at night shes my type whew go ahead and be a freak girl teachers let your hair down take your glasses off teach go ahead and be a freak girl all my polish women that like it rough in the handcuffs whoop whoop lets freak girl my exotic dancers that aint with romance go ahead and be a freak girl all my business women that just got a big deal yeah go ahead and be a freak girl all my real estate girls with their button down breasts out take it to the house you a freak girl now freak with me go ahead and be free baby freakaleak whoa i wanna freak in the morning and freak in the evening just like me i need a roughneck brother that can satisfy me good morning, america. We want you to be free and enjoy. Just for me if you are that kind of man cause im that kind of girl everybody out there, good morning, america. I gotta freaky secret everybody sing cause we dont give a damn about a thing cause i will be a freak until the night until the dawn we have off for the night till the Early Morning you wanna know ill take you around the hood do the gangsta lean cause we can any time of day its all good for me i knew my rent was gonna be late about a week ago i worked my ass off but i still cant pay it though but i just got just enough to get up in this club have me a good time before my time is up hey lets get it now ooh i want the time of my life oh baby ooh give me the time of my life lets get it now pitbull, america. This is the last 20 i got but imma have a good time ballin or out tell the bartender line up some shots cause imma get loose tonight shes on fire shes so hot im no liar she burned the spot look like mariah i took another shot told her drop drop drop drop its like its hot dirty talk dirty dance she a freaky girl and im a freaky man she on the rebound broke up with her ex and im like rodman ready on deck i told her i wanna ride out and she said yes we didnt go to church but i got blessed i knew my rent was gonna be late about a week ago i worked my ass off but i still cant pay it though but i just got just enough to get up in this club have me a good time before my time is up hey lets get it now ooh i want the time of my life oh lets have the time of our life, america. Baby ooh give me the time of my life lets get it now lets do it. [ cheers and applause ] gmas fall Concert Series is presented by carmax. The bright side of car buying. Yeah yeah dear fellow citizen, i get that its hard to say no when your kids want toys, because youre saving for shoes. And shoes. And shoes. But i can help you figure out how to save a little with one deposit checking. So ask me, i can help you avoid fees. Sincerely, elizabeth trackler. Fellow working mom and fellow citizen. Yeah yeah yeah happy 40th birthday, gma. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, brad and carrie. I dont have to go to aerobics after that. Back with our 40 for 40 reunion. So many familiar faces returning to the studio but there are so many behind the scenes faces we want you to see. Theyve been with us and it takes a village. Joanie, shes been here since day one. [ cheers and applause ] joanie, joanie. I started when i was 12. She started when she was 12. Adriane, youve got the jacket, as well, 39 years and one of the best name, not kidding, gene kelly, ladies and gentlemen, gene kelly right there but all that you see, margo, paul, its just it does. We wanted you to see. We wanted you to see everybody that makes this happen. A lot of generations and we will be right back. [door knocking] [door bell ringing] come ona my house, my house, im gonna give you candy. Come ona my house, my house, im gonna give you. Apple and plum and apricota too, eh come ona my house, my house a come on. Come ona my house, my house. Im gonna give you everything. Complete your thanksgiving table at target. Get a 10 gift card when you spend 50 on groceries. See store for coupon. Come ona my house yeah yeah yeah que no pare la fiesta happy 40th, gma. Happy 40th, gma. Happy 40th, gma [ cheers and applause ] a truly amazing morning. 40 years in the making. Mr. Worldwide, pitbull, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] you got new music coming out soon. Time to change. More than anything its an honor to be here with amazing Beautiful People. Congratulations. I got to say 40 is the new 20. We only getting younger, baby. Thank you, pitbull. How about this cake right here, our 40th birthday cake from our friend Buddy Valastro and carlos bakery. Thank you. George, george, i love the fact that the Beautiful People are behind him now. Were used to it, charlie. Its okay. How did we know that Charlie Gibson would get the last word in . Love you. Thank you. Good morning, it is 8 56 thursday, november 19 were dealing with Early Morning rain showers in spots, lets go to karen rogers and traffic. Reporter yeah, were looking live at the vine street expressway, were basically. Westbound traffic is heavy approaching the schuylkill expressway on the vine. Eastbound not too bad just yet. Taconypalmyra is up, traffic is stopped in both directions for a southbound ship head to the betsy ross bridge you dont want to wait in line and get near the tacony. Bemple road we have an accident beverly road we have an accident, overturned vehicle blocking one lane. We have fire and police on the scene. Essington industrial highway an accident causing problems, as well, matt. Turning to accuweather and david murphy. Reporter light rain on the terrace. The roads are not too badly affected yet. This is radar, a light on set of the rain well get steadier as we go into the day. 64 degrees in philadelphia. A little cooler up north. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast shows a mild high of 67, we are going to see wind and more rain intensifying as we go later into the morning and especially the afternoon, the rain doesnt end in him later tonight. Breezy and cooler tomorrow, 57 degrees tomorrow and chilly over the weekend. Airport workers hit the picket line at Philadelphia International. Authorities in france confirmed that the suspected ring leader of the terrorist attacks was killed in the police raid. Hillary clinton is up next on live with kelly and michael. Im matt odonnell. Have a great thursday this is black friday. Oh my god. Does anybody want to be part of this . Nooooo. Well, chevy has a better way, with black friday deals all month long. Thats a great idea. What if you could get up to twenty percent cash back when you bought it . Bam. Twenty percent back . Thats awesome. Its black friday. Find your tag and get cash back for 20 of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. Or, get zero percent financing for seventytwo months on 2015 silverado light duty models. Cool time to go shopping. 123450 its live with kelly and michael. 2016 president ial candidate hillary clinton. And from the hung hung hung, Josh Hutcherson and from the hunger games mocking jay part 2 Josh Hutcherson, all next on live . Now here are your Emmy Awardwinning cohosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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