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Region and dewpoints are still running kind of high, about 71 in philadelphia but we expect that number to drop as we go through the day as drier air comes in from the north and west. Guys todays high is going to be 95 degrees but its not going to feel as humid as we go into the afternoon so thats good and the exclusive accuweather 7day karen in a couple of minutes well talk more about tomorrow also being a little more manageable and then a rise in humidity heading later into the week. All of that coming up from accuweather. All right, dave, were starting to see a little more volume as you travel through these Police Checks pointsly i want to show you live right here, this is i95 at exit for the platt bridge and the schuylkill so here are police, you see the checkpoint blocking the left lane and the shoulder on i95. Also restricting traffic right here as theyre kind of forcing any vehicles that are over 5 tons, theyre not allowing them to continue on i95 northbound forcing them off towards the blab and the schuylkill so its creating delays on 95, creating delays on the schuylkill. Its just been a big mess yesterday. We anticipate that at a. Starting to see a little more volume right here. Lets show you those checkpoints and talk about some of the volume. Look at the 12 miles an hour approaching this checkpoint on i95 as you come southbound near the vine. This is that area theyre not allowing those vehicles over 5 tons and were already seeing thats backing up already on i95 southbound from allegheny to girard so youll wander to expect those delays as the morning progresses. We have a couple other problems here like an accident in lansdale. This is new just coming up, main street at squirrel lane. Also downed wires, with the storms we had yesterday, right, downed wires, downed trees in some spots. This one in bristol bucks county bristol street at radcliff street. Police are waiting for peco to arrive. Stick to pine street and pond road as your alternates. Back to tamala. Thank you karen. They call her the closer, the one who can make the case and bring down the house and last night that is exactly what Michelle Obama did here forcefully telling the nation that Hillary Clinton is their best choice. The room was a sea of purple as people waved signs saying michelle. Mrs. Obama talked about Hillary Clintons passion and sense of public duty not to mention her tenacity. She called clinton the only person truly qualified to be president. Hillary did not hillary did not pack up and go home because as a true Public Servant hillary knows that this is so much bigger than her own desires and disappointments. The first lady framed her speech around americas children and their future and says hillarys commitment to them is unmatched. Bernie sanders struck a more somber tone focusing on whats wrong with the nation and the reasons he believes clinton is the best candidate to fix it. In these stressful times for our country, the selection must be about bringing our people together, not dividing us up. While donald trump is insulting one group after another, Hillary Clinton understands that our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. Sanders also said the election is about the future and what it means for our children and grandchildren. His supporters certainly showed their love for him. They stood for nearly three minutes straight before he even began speaking. As you might imagine donald trump did not sit out the night quietly. As he is want to do he took to twitter after Bernie Sanders delivered this speech calling for the Democratic Party to unify around Hillary Clinton. Trump accused sanders of selling out tweeting sad to watch Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution. We will welcome all voters who want to fix a rigged system and bring back our jobs. Trump also took aim at new jersey senator cory booker. Booker had a star turn with an electrifying speech that railed on trump painting him as a hateful bully telling the crowd let us declare that in america love always trumps hate. Trump quickly responded tweeting if cory booker is the future of the Democratic Party, they have no future. I know more about corey than he knows about himself. Not really clear what that last line meant. But despite sanders call for unity not everybody is standing with Hillary Clinton. Many of his supporters have taken to the streets and theyre also other supporter out there for other causes so lets go over to action News Reporter Jeanette Reyes live in fdr park in south philadelphia with more on that angle of the story. Good morning, jeanette. Reporter goo good morning, to you, tam. Protestors actually camped out t at fdr park. I want to give you a live look at whats going on here. You can see the event medics here and paramedics are actually out here. You cant see them too well but theyve been out all night. Theyre going to be switching shifts in just a few moments here and then over to the far right, just beyond where the medics are, thats where the protestors are, most of them probably sleeping around this time but the weather will hopefully be a little more forgiving to them today. Yesterday take a look at these images, heavy rain showers hampered early events. The temperatures climbed peeking at a record breaking 109 degrees, that was the index temperature. It was pretty miserable for the hundreds of protestors from out of town who decided to camp out. The city and protest organizers worked independently of each other providing misting tents at various locations including fdr park and assembling medical teams to assist in any heat related emergencies. The weather may to be blame though for a lower turnout for a Bernie Sanders rally. They usually have some pretty big crowds. Demonstrators walked across the ben franklin bridge in hopes of shutting it down but they didnt have enough people to do that. Its hot. Were feeling the bern. Were feeling the bern. So far its going okay. I mean, its very hot out here. Not as many people as it was out here yesterday with this group, but very humid, very hot, so were worried about everybody out here. Reporter and i was just talking to one of the paramedics here. He tells me that its been okay in terms of heat related emergencies. They havent had too many issues with that as far as the protests. Police are saying those have been fairly peaceful. Well see some of the more controversial ones today. Gun control, one for trump and another against Police Brutality so well see how that turns out. Well have live coverage of that throughout the day. Reporting live at fdr park, Jeanette Reyes, channel6 action news. Tam. Jeanette, thank you for that. And philadelphias also getting a taste of hollywood as the celebs roll into town for the convention. Action News Reporter Annie Mccormick is live on the floor of the Wells Fargo Center behind me here with more on that angle of the story. Good morning, annie. Reporter good morning, tam. Thats right, i look up, i see you right there. Well, here on the stage last night there were a number of acts. Take a look at this video. A number of philadelphia stars that hit the stage. You can see boyz ii men there, they kicked off the convention yesterday. Also demi lovato performed her song confident after she did address the crowd talking about Mental Illness. Now, abcs how to get away with murder star Kendrick Samson told action news this is his first convention. He sat near Susan Sarandon, the famous actress who is also a passionate activist and a Bernie Sanders supporter. Well, paul simon left retirement to take the stage singing bridge over troubled water right there and Sara Silverman and al franken also took to the stage. Silverman a Bernie Sanders supporter was telling the crowd to unite and that they all needed to vote for hillary. Well, back out here live also my favorite, bobby hill, remember him from the pope . He was out there on stage last night also. Remember he sang for the pope last minute. He sang the National Anthem and also dont just look for the stars out here on the floor of the convention. You heard jeanette talking about a number of those protestors. Keep your eye out. I hear there will be several stars joining protestors as well. Reporting live from the Convention Floor Annie Mccormick channel6 action news. Tam back to you. Thank you. You can count for the entire team to bring you complete coverage of the dnc from gavel to gavel. More on what you can expect in just a bit. For now matt and nydia back to you. The folks still convinced that they held it in the tropics. Felt like the gulf coast certainly yesterday. Things are Getting Better today. They will still be hot but not as humid and of course the storms are in our rearview mirror. As he we take a look at storm tracker6 live double scan, you can see. That heading out on sky6, what do we have . The sun coming up over the ben franklin bridge and it looks like a sunny morning with perhaps the addition of high clouds as the day goes on. Might even pop a few cumulus as we get into the afternoon. 75 degrees in philadelphia currently, just 67 up in allentown. 73 in wilmington, 71 in trenton and 76 warm degrees in cape may. There are the watch boxes from those storms last night but thats all off the board. There you see the high cloud cover starting to mix in from the west but generally speaking a pretty bright day ahead. Up in the Lehigh Valley hot, 92 degrees but humidity already a lot lower than it was yesterday in points to the north and were going to continue to see that drop so it will be sunny hot but not as humid. Down the shore warm, no the quite as hot as it was yesterday, a high of 86 degrees and also less humid at the shore under partly sunny skies. Ocean temperature has dipped down to 66 so a little refreshing and cool as you step into the water. 95 is your high today in philadelphia which is still hot enough to require cool drinks and shady breaks but humid levels which are still kind of high right now will drop as we go through the morning and afternoon and this afternoon will not feel nearly as oppressive as yesterday felt so better for protestors or anybody else who is going to be outside get something stuff done. Out on the ton tonight, 91 degrees by 7 oclock but 89 by 8 oclock. Notice how were down to 80 by 11 oclock and then into the 70s after that. So if you are a conventioneer thank on a late night its going to be a much better evening out on the town tonight than last night. 75 is the overnight low. Toward morning it wont be as muggy, mid 70s and a pretty nice start to your wednesday. Again today were starting out rather humid with dewpoints still in the 70s from about philadelphia south but with dry air coming in from the northwest by noon it will feel better with that 67 and later in the afternoon all the way down to 64 which is just moderately humid so a little sticky today but not nearly as oppressive as yesterday. Your sevenday from accuweather 95 today, still hot, less humid. Cool drinks important. Tomorrow sunny and hot, 93. Humidity behaving itself. On thursday another 93degree high but with a cold front coming in the turn in the wind from the southwest ahead of that front will make us more humid and in the afternoon and evening there could be more thunderstorms firing up. That would be late thursday or thursday night. Some of that could spill into friday morning. Otherwise, still just warm and humid but warm and humid instead of hot and humid. Well get into the 80s and end our heat wave on friday. Thats the way things are looking now. For the weekend highs in the mid to upper 80s on saturday and sunday, maybe a spotty thunderstorm around but better this coming weekend than it was last weekend. Cant get much worse. David, thank you. 6 12 now. The toast of the town gets later. The citys hot spots are now dnc hangouts and well check out some of the late night parties that happened after you went to bed. Karen. The closure point already stopped broad street at pattison blocked of course for the dnc and already, already starting to jam up on i95. Ill take you there live when action news comes right back. Mother nature took a real swipe at the lehigh and Delaware Valleys once again. Heavy rains caused flooding in bensalem bucks county. Several cars an septa bus got stalled in the flas flash floodg beneath the overpass. No injuries reported. Were not seeing any problems with wet roads. Were seeing problems with downed trees and wires in some spots. Thats not what youre looking a this is a jam. Look at the traffic already at this hour. This is i95 southbound here and were watching this near girard avenue. You can see that southbound traffic really jammed at this point already from Bridge Street to the vine so can you see that theyve got the cones out here, penndot has the left lane blocked. This is because of the Police Checkpoint ahead and theyre not allowing any vehicles over 5 tons as you know to continues on i95 southbound between the vine and the platt bridge because of the dnc. We flu there was that restriction but prior to this we didnt really know they would have these checkpoints with lane restrictions. So thats whats causing these huge delays as you can see right here. We saw big problems with this yesterday and i think likely again today because look at the speeds right here. Youre only traveling about 8 miles an hour on i95 southbound Bridge Street to the vine. Its not quite as bad in Delaware County, i95 northbound approaching the check point near the platt bridge, about 26 miles. Earlier yesterday we saw this really backed up and also traveling in the Single Digits so this is some of prore blimps we anticipate happening soon. An accident in lansdale on main street at squirrel lane. Downed tree, downed wires. Heres a downed tree large road near sorrell road in lower moreland township. Fog not a widespread problem. Reading and lancaster. 3, 3mile visibility in allentown. Not so bad. No other weather related problems early this morning. Now we head over to Tamala Edwards live at the dnc. All right, thank you for that, karen. Now, some of philadelphias bars and restaurants are closing a little bit later this week due to the convention. Theyre hoping it will mean a boost to their bottom line. We caught up with some of the delegates out and about enjoying philadelphia night life. Lets hear about that and go to Katherine Scott at the le meridian. Good morning u good morning, tam. Lots going on this week some of them are informal gatherings, quite a few bars applied to stay opened until 4 00 a. M. So the delegates would have a place to go after the events wrapped up. The hotel bar insides le meridian is one of them thats opened late but then are the events, invitation only and quite possibly star studded events. Last night at the electric factory was the head count convention jam. Grace potter dawes and mutlu were there. 33 work with musicians to get young people engaged in politics and they had a great turnout last night. Over at Union Transfer, it was an invitation only clarity event. A fundraiser for musicians on call sponsored by the Recording Industry association of america. Philly native Dj Jazzy Jeff opened up the festivities was the headliner. Its getting hot in here seems very appropriate this week and the crowd loved it. Always a pleasure to watch the entire audience singing every song along with them because they know every word because theyre such fans and the audience was so engaged. It just reminds you all over again about the power of music and how important it is, how valuable it is. Reporter of course the week is still young. Theres plenty of parties for the Democratic Party on the horizon. We are live in center city, Katherine Scott, channel6 action news. All right, thank you for that katherine and well continue to have live coverage throughout the morning here from the Wells Fargo Center but for now let me send it back over to matt odonnell. Thanks tam. 6 19. Hang tight cause we will return to the Wells Fargo Center in just a bit. Plus, why a protest in philadelphia made an unexpected stop all because of a state flag. David. Its not as humid as we get into the afternoon but its still going to be hot with temperatures climbing into the mid 90s so remember those heat tips. Seek out the ac shady breaks today and check in on seniors and pets. Well be back and let you know just how hot its going get and how those temps are going to climb coming up next. Clear for take off. See ya when youre living with diabetes. Steady is exciting. Oh this is living baby only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. And try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. A leading consumer testing the top laundry detergents. The winner persil 2 in 1, didnt only beat tide. It beat every single detergent tested. Boom. Switch to Persil Proclean 2 in 1. 1 rated. But you may experience common discomforts. Introducing trunatal from one a day. Trunatal is a new line of products designed to address discomforts with nausea relief and regularity support. Add trunatal from one a day for relief and support you can trust. Its a Pretty Simple question is pat toomeys agenda your agenda . Toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. He even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. And toomeys against a womans right to choose and supports overturning roe v. Wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. Pat toomey hes focused on his own agenda, not us. Majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. Thousands are still without power from the severe storms that rolled through the area yesterday evening. The action cam caught torrential rains pounding center city streets. A driver unexpectedly found himself stuck in the middle of Rushing Water so he began warning other drivers as the rain began to slow down. I woke up in the middle of the night with thunder in new jersey as well. Not right now. Lets go outsidely i want to take you to the regional rails because we are starting to see delays. Airport line watching delays on train 403 and 405. West trenton delays 3509. Paoli thorndale seeing claims you got those interim schedules youve been dealing with with the mass transit. Trenton nine extra 6 15 train so thats helping dave. Still warm and muggy, 77 degrees at 7 oclock on the bus stop. By 10 oclock up to 83. Now humidity levels are going to drop today so that even though we get hot this afternoon with a high of 95 degrees, it will feel a lot better than yesterday. Just a little bit humid this afternoon. Yesterday of course we had that oppressive humidity and record setting highs. On the big board at the airport all green aircraft, no major delays in any of our big travel cities and no sign of rain anywhere from here up to boston out to chicago and down to orlando and atlanta. Matt and mi nydia. Up next a state flag stirs up an angry crowd of protestors during the dnc. Bernie sanders uses the spotlight to promote the top of the thing. Live Team Coverage from the dnc coming up at 6 30. Whats with them . Oh, those two . Theyre always fighting for attention. Theres more to a legendary city than its legends. Plan your legendary stay at visitphilly. Com im Tamala Edwards. Back here live at the Wells Fargo Center covering the dnc. We have been told to expect protests this week be and that road closures were a key thing that we could expect. Thats exactly what we got in one spot yesterday. The heat and tension rising as 50 marchers sat down on broad street and refused to move. They demanded that the Mississippi State flag which includes the confederate banner be taken down from a light pole. The flags of all 50 states fly from light poles along broad street. City officials later chose to remove the flag. Now whether or not that is a permanent change is unclear. Police commissioner richard ross has been very visible out on the streets keeping an eye on the scene. He says his real concern in all of this is making sure everyone stays safe under some oppressive heat conditions. Very hot out here. Not as many people as there was out here yesterday with this group but very humid, very hot. So were worried about everybody out here. No arrests were made yesterday but 55 people were cited for Disorderly Conduct after jumping barricades here outside the Wells Fargo Center. So, its time to take a break. Ill send it back to the studio and well see you back here shortly. We will. Thanks tam. 6 27. Last nights downpours did not break the heat for long. Meteorologist, david murphy is tracking more numbers in the 90s in the accuweather forecast. One first lady stands for another. Michelle obama makes an emotional appeal tore Hillary Clinton. Live Team Coverage of the Democratic National Convention Continues next. Im Hillary Clinton and i approved this message. Who do you talk to for military advice right now . Well, i watch the shows. I mean i really see a lot of great you know, when you watch your show and all of the other shows. While donald trump watched tv, as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton negotiated a cease fire in gaza. A reduction in nuclear weapons. Took on vladimir putin. And stood up against the trafficking of human beings. A steady leader in an unsteady world. On her ideals and leadership, Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States. Now on action news Bernie Sanders tells his devout supporters i stand with her. A day of division ends with a call for unity as the convention prepares for roll call votes today. Good morning, its 6 30 on this tuesday july 26th. Nydia han joins us live in the studio Tamala Edwards leads our dnc coverage live from the Wells Fargo Center. Good morning. Grail to be out here. Thats right we had power players on the stage last night. There was concern about discord but they unified and electrified that crowd. Well share more on what they said and whats coming up today. Thanks tam. Parts of the Delaware Valley in cleanup mode today. Torrential rains toppled power lines and Center People running for cover. Still dealing whitley out there. Lets turn to dave murphy and karen rogers. Good morning. Yeah, its a warm start. Sun up over the horizon with just a few high clouds. The storms rolling through last night, theyre gone the watch box has expired noun were just looking at some high clouds filtering in. Its warm as i mentioned, 75 degrees in philadelphia, still in the 60s in allentown and reading. 73 in wilmington, 71 in trenton, 77 degrees in cape may. And for now it tell feels rather humid. A 71degree dewpoint in philadelphia suggests oppressive humidity early on but the winds are churning out of the northwest. You can see how those numbers are lower up in allentown and reading and we do expect dewpoints to drop as we go through the morning and afternoon it will not be as humid later on. By 7 oclock 77 degrees. Get that Early Morning workout in and slightly humid air. 85 degrees by 10 oclock. Then by noon 90 and this afternoons high will be 95 degrees but it will not feel like 100 or more because the humidity will be much lower. Just a tad humid later this afternoon. Looks like more of the same tomorrow before the humidity spikes again on thursday and there could be some thursday thunderstorms. Details on all of that coming up in the exclusive accuweather 7day. Karen, you have got backed up traffic. Yeah, i warned you we were going see this and starting to see the jams already. Live in southwest philadelphia, this is i95 northbound by the airport with the Police Checkpoint up ahead and what theyre doing is checking and scanning for any vehicles over 5 tons, that theyre not allowing them to continue on i95 northbound because of the dnc but look at the backup were seeing already and look at these delays past 420 to the platt bridge we are already jammed solid at this point on i95 northbound. We will likely see these delays coming out of Delaware County all morning long. Its going to be a headache for a lot of people. We can look at the maps. I want to go that one kind of quickly. At best youre traveling about 13 miles an hour on i95 northbound ahead of this checkpoint here near the platt bridge. Now how about the other checkpoint on i95. So this is the checkpoint on i95 southbound near the vine where theyre not allowing any heavy vehicles to continue and youre traveling only 17, 10 miles an hour. The delay has grown at this point. Really causing problems. Youre jammed from Bridge Street to approaching the vine already. Now, speaking of the vine looking live right now this is the vine street expressway near eighth street. A Police Checkpoint ahead as you head towards i95 but no big problems on i95 at this point and it was blocked at times yesterday because of the motorcades going to the dnc and were going to the dnc live right now. Thats right, we are here in the Wells Fargo Center. You know, karen and everybody there, day one of conventions usually its a boring thing but that was not the case here. The day brought protests and division but by the night Something Different as one power House Speaker after another was clear im with her. Michelle obama brought them to their feet last night inside the Wells Fargo Center. She was forceful and passionate, her voice times catching were emotion. She talked about Hillary Clinton sense of duty to her country noting that clinton was not a sore loser back in 2008, instead serving barack obama once her keen rival as the secretary of state. The first lady talked about clinton and children framing her remarks around her own two daughters giving clinton kudos as a mother and driving home clintons far reaching impact on future generations. Because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the united state states. [cheers and applause] mrs. Obama also called clinton a true fighter who embodies the spirit of our founding fathers. During the primary election Bernie Sanders was Hillary Clintons biggest critic but last night he was one of her strongest supporters telling the crowd including many of his own fervent supporters clinton is now their only real choice. He insisted she offers real leadership and Real Solutions to the problems facing this country and any other just fear mongering tactics. He said their fight produced a good thing what he called the most progressive platform in the Democratic Party. I served with her in the United States senate and know her as a fierce advocate for the rights of children, for women and for the disabled. Hillary clinton will make an outstanding president and i am proud to stand with her tonight. Sanders also thanked the hundreds of delegates who cheered for nearly three minutes when he stepped onto the stage. It will be interesting to see if they cast their votes for him during todays roll call vote coming up this afternoon. Also of note new jersey senator cory booker electrified the crowd with his speech that many are comparing to Barack Obamas speech in 2004. Hhe said Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that truly embraces that belief. Protestors will have another day out there as david has been mentioning of heat and humidity to contends with. Our Jeanette Reyes is live outside fdr park with more on what we can expect from them. Good morning, jeanette. Reporter good morning, tam. Weve seen a lot of bernie supporters out for the last several days actually and it seemed yesterday their loyalty was put to the test. It was hot and humid and dont let the quiet here fool you. Take a live look here behind me. Things are pretty calm but that will change in just a matter of hours. You can see the paramedics there on hand just in case any heat related emergencies come up. Beyond where theyre standing thats where you can see a lot of campers out spending the night. Yesterday was pretty brutal. Mother nature all over the place. Heavy rain showers hampering early events. Then temperatures climbed peeking at a record breaking 109 degrees. Thats what it felt like. It was pretty miserable for the hundreds of protestors from out of town who decided to camp out. The city and protest organizers worked independently of each other providing misting tents and assembling medical teams to assist in any of those heat related emergencies. Now, the weather may have been to blame for a lower turnout for Bernie Sanders rallies. Demonstrators walked across the ben franklin bridge in hopes of shutting it down but there simply just werent enough people for that. The bigger issue is working from the ground up to support people running for local government and just infiltrating our system and taking our Government Back from the inside by working within and getting people to vote and understand the whole political process. We really wander Bernie Sanders to be the mom he knee. He is the only one that can beat trump end really has the power of the youth behind me and if the Democratic Party really wants to stay around they would be wise to nominate sanders. Reporter and one of the hopes going into this convention is that the protests, the many protests would be peaceful and so far according to police that has been the case. And just under two hours right down the street from here there will be a trump rally and thats along with several others considered controversial, one against Police Brutality, another gun control. That will be covered throughout the day. And well of course let you know other events going on today and the rest of the week. Reporting live at fdr park, Jeanette Reyes channel6 action news. Tam. All right, jeanette, thank you for that. And the theme for day two here today is a lifetime of fighting for children and families. Well hear from the mothers of eric garner Michael Brown Trayvon Martin and sandra planned. Theyll be talking about criminal justice reform. Well hear from Police Officers on that topic as well later in the week but the big ticket tonight is bill clinton as the former president comes out in support of his wife. A lot of people say they still miss him matt and nydia. Well see what theyre saying after tonight. Thank you tam. Donald trump himself will address thousands of veterans of the v. F. W. Convention in Charlotte North Carolina today. The republican nominee rallied supporters in Winston Salem last night. Trump took aim at the rigged system specifically naming Outgoing Democratic Committee chair Debbie Wasserman schultz and later responded to their dnc peak speakers on twitter. Trump is scheduled to stump in scranton tomorrow. Philadelphia lawmakers extended last call at bars for the dnc and delegates are already taking advantage of it. Parties and performances lasted into the Early Morning hours. Action News Reporter Katherine Scott joins us live from Le Meridian Hotel in center city. People having a good time out there, katherine. Reporter people are definitely having a good time. Theyre enjoying philadelphia and lets face it theres always stuff going on in philadelphia but perhaps even more so this week for the dnc. Were standing outside le meridian and they had applied to keep their bar opened late until 4 00 a. M. Like many other bars so the delegates would have places to go once the events were wrapped up for the night and you can see here at the Union Transfer on Spring Garden and at the electric factory there were party goers outside at Union Transfer it was an invitation only fundraiser for musicians on call sponsored by the Recording Industry association of america. Philly native Dj Jazzy Jeff opened up the festivities. Then nelly came on and brought the house down. Over at the electric factory they had the head count convention jam. Head count is a nonprofit that registers voters at concerts. Grace potter dawes and philadelphias own mutlu performed. Just up from south carolina. This is all about musicians who care about seeing their fans vote and care about just people getting involved and putting on a great show. Reporter some of these are Public Events some of them are private but rest assured there is plenty for everybody to do as theyre visiting town. We are live in center city, Katherine Scott channel6 action news. Team coverage all day on action news plus around the clock coverage on 6abc. Com featuring special digital web casts live from the dnc every night starting at 7 30. Would you say the worst is over. Yeah. Today is still going to be hot. Youll still want to definitely keep those cool drinks going but its not going to be as oppressively humid. Storm tracker6 live double scan shows you that the storms from last flight are gone. As we look outside we have sky6 with sunshine over the airport and its going to be a bright start with just some high clouds filtering in as the day goes on and humidity in the process of dropping. Right now its still rather sticky. 75 degrees in philadelphia and your dewpoints still up over that 70degree threshold for what we would consider oppressive humidity but up north were already seeing those dewpoints drop and we expect that number in philadelphia to also drop on a westnorthwest wind today. Will some record highs across the region yesterday. Philadelphia a new record of 97. Tied one in allentown. Got into one in reading, just missed in trenton and tied one in wilmington so as expected we challenged and beat some records yesterday. Satellite shows you sunshine coming up early. There are those high clouds i mentioned streaking in from the west. Overall it looks fairly bright dan fairly lot. By 8 oclock, 80 degrees. If you want to get out and get that exercise run in early thats not a bad time to do it. Were up to 85 by 10 oclock and by noon 90 and your high today is going to be that 95degree reading right around 3 oclock. But even though its humid for now again those dewpoints are going to dr. As we go into the afternoon. It will be hot today but not nearly as sticky as yesterday. As we take a look at high temperatures a lot of hot places. 92 allentown, 93 the high in reading, 92 in lancaster, 95 wilmington, 94 trenton, 93 in millville and down the shore 80s closer look there shows you that the u. V. Index is going to be running kind of high for much of the day so lather up with the sunscreen if youre on the beach. 85 in surf city, 86 Atlantic City and looks like about 84 on the point down in cape may. 86 in rehoboth and 87 degrees a little warmer as we go south along delaware coastline. Again dewpoints right now looking kind of steep but by 12 00 theyll start to get back into the 60s in philadelphia and just continue to drop through the afternoon. Low 60s. Anything over 60 is considered humid but low 60s isnt really that bad and youll definitely feel a change in the humidity today versus yesterday. 95 is todays high, still hot, lets humid. Tomorrow more of the same sunny and hot a high of 93. Not oppressive and thursday 93 but with a cold front sweeping in turning that flow from the humid south again well feel that humidity rise as we go into the afternoon and evening. Theres also the chance of late thunderstorms thursday. Then some more storms spilling into friday warm and humid 88. Looks like the heat wave is over on friday and we stay in there 80s saturday, sunday and monday. Well be right back. Your Business Needs a lot of speed. But getting it doesnt have to break the bank. Introducing the comcast business Summer Savings event. 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Were also seeing a northbound delay as well and thats because of a problem we had at this point northbound a little earlier near cottman so slowing because of an early disabled vehicle at cottman northbound and southbound slowing on i95. Lets look at the maps. I think you get a better sense of the speeds here. So this is that shot you a showing you. You see where were traveling about 15 miles an hour, 12 miles an hour on i95 past cottman to the vine because of that checkpoint. How about in Delaware County, only traveling 15 miles an hour i95 northbound leading to that check point here near the platt bridge. So, its really creating problems right now. Be careful about that. Couple of other issues have been popping up like this one on the northeast extension southbound between quakertown and lansdale. Weve got an accident here and in Burlington County the traffic lights arent working in moorestown on borton landing road at hartford road so treat that as a fourway stop. Downed trees and wires a bit of a a problem with the storms we had yesterday. This is one of those areas in Hopewell Township route 29 is blocked here in old river road. Youve got to stick to sandy ridge mount airy road as your alternate. One weather issue that we have is in the northwest and i want to show you these latest visibility reports. Looking at. 3 of a mile visibility in lancaster and reading, not an issue everywhere elsewhere were looking at 10mile visibility. Tam. Thank you karen. And no your eyes arent playing tricks on you as youre out and about. A lot of celebrities are in the city since theyre here for the Democratic National convention. Annie mccomic is live on the floor of the Wells Fargo Center with the scoop on who weve seen. Good morning, annie. Reporter good morning, tam, thats right lets get right to that video to show you who hit the stage here last night at the dnc. You can see right there fills own boyz ii men they actually kicked offer the convention. Then demi lovato formed performed her song after addressing the crowd talking about Mental Illness and her own experience. Abcs how to get away with murder star Kendrick Samson told action news this is his first convention. He sat near Susan Sarandon a Bernie Sanders supporter. Paul simon singing bridge over troubled water and also Sara Silverman and al frankel. Bobby hill sang the National Anthem. Silverman tried to unite the party. Take a listen. I tell you this. I will vote for hillary with gusto as i as i continue to be inspired and moved to action by the ideals set forth by bernie who will never stop fighting for us. I am proud to be a part of bernies movement and a vital part that of movement is making absolutely sure that Hillary Clinton is our next president of the united state states. Booyah. Reporter thats right the Bernie Sanders supporters telling those people to vote for Hillary Clinton. Now you may not just see stars out here at the actual convention. Take a look at the some of the protest crowds you might see some there pop up as well. Reporting live from the Convention Floor Annie Mccormick channel6 action news. Tam back to you. Okay annie ill keep my phone charged for selfies. Well take a short break and come right back. Weve been scanning our cameras and found a accident that just popped up on 422 looking live approaching 23 and you can see this accident on the shoulder at the end of the onramp from trooper eastbound on 422 so already jamming past oaks to approaching 23 and some of the delays with septa regional rails starting to kick in including the west trenton line dave, 21 minutes late. All right karen warm and humid this morning, 80 degrees at 8 oclock as you head out to the store perhaps to get those early errands in. You might wander to still do it early despite the fact that the humidity is higher because it is going to get hot this afternoon. Were going to go for a high of 95 degrees. Thats only a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday. Well hit that at about 3 oclock but its not going to be as humid as we go through the afternoon. Humidity dropping so overall more comfortable in the afternoon than yesterday. Still heat tips are important. Cool drinks seek out the ac shady breaks if youll be outside. Check on those seniors and pets. Well be right back. With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright. With simply right checking from santander bank. Are you feeling alright, baby . We return to the Wells Fargo Center and our Tamala Edwards. All right, nydia, day the two Democratic National convention will make history. For the first time a woman will officially be the nominee of a Major Political party. She and bill clinton will be the first husband and wife to both share that to be the nominees tow fittingly hes the big speaker this evening telling the nation why they should vote for her. If Hillary Clinton wins the white house mr. Clinton will be known as the first gentleman. Back to you in the studio. Which would abfirst for this country. Yeah. Thank you so much tam. Karen. Were checking on delays already matt. This is southwest philadelphia i95 northbound approaching the exit for the platt bridge and the schuylkill where they have the Police Check Point and not allowing those vehicles more than 5 tons to drive through philadelphia on 95 so were jammed from 420 to the platt and youre also jammed southbound on i95 ahead that of checkpoint dave. First gentleman. I like it. Pull that off. I was always wondering actually. 80 degrees by 8 oclock still kind of muggy this morning. Humidity is going to drop today. Even though were going for a hot high of 95 yeah cool drinks important but its knot going to be nearly as oppressive as yesterday. Dnc coverage continues on good morning america. That is next. Stay tuned to us through 6abc. Com facebook and twitter. For karen rogers dave murphy nydia han and Tamala Edwards there at the Wells Fargo Center im matt odonnell. Gma is next. One fifth of all the fresh water in the world flows into one incredible experience you cant find anywhere else. And thats not the only thing you can only find in new york state. You can find it all only in new york. New york. Its all here. Its only here. Plan your Summer Vacation at iloveny. Com its a Pretty Simple question is pat toomeys agenda your agenda . Toomey voted seven times to defund planned parenthood. He even tried to shut down the federal government in order to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. And toomeys against a womans right to choose and supports overturning roe v. Wade which would allow states to criminalize abortion. Pat toomey hes focused on his own agenda, not us. Majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. Good morning, america. Breaking news as we come on the air, two attackers take hostages at a french church, kill a priest before police take them down. The french president , antiterror squads now heading to the scene. Massive wildfires scorch the west. 10,000 homes evacuated in california as firefighters battle the wall of flames on the ground and in the air. Millions on alert as even hotter temperatures move in. First lady front and center, Michelle Obama steals the show as she launches a tough attack on donald trump at the convention. Dont let anyone tell ever tell you that this country isnt great, that somehow we need to make it great again. The democrats deep divisions still on display. As bernie sa

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