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Outbound at night. What was initially six stops is now 13 lines and and the broad street line was four and now its seven. Its just two blocks from andance mall and less than a mile from logans circle on the parkway, they were able to make the additions. And some people have to get to work that weekend. One thing we heard from the Mayors Office and business is that the city is open for business, how are the worker goesing to get into the city and back home. This resolves that issue. By the way your cash is no good that weekend, youll have to use your trans passes and tokens and three day papal passes and youll find the updates on the latest information on the popes visit at 6abc. Com. Live in independence hall, david henry, channel 6 action news. All right thank you. With 17 days until the popes visit, today an announcement from the holy father that is called a radical reform, a game changer for the 1 billion catholics, a move to help fast track annulments. The major announcement coming from the vatican this morning during the churchs year of mercy, it regulates how around the world a bishop decides how a flaw makes the marriage invalid. Right now catholics must get a church annulments if they want to get remarried in the church, often long and expensive process. This allows bishops to fast track annulments able to do it in 45 days. Its a good idea, for people that have difficult times in their lives with difficult marriages to be able to look to the church for support. In the document the pope insists that marriage remains an indissolvable union and its not meant to help end them but simplify the process so the faithful can find justice. To get an annulment it could take many, many years and it takes time and they can simplify it. Some religious experts say that they are vowing to fight changes to the churchs doctrine, the open arm approach could see during this open audience by abc news. I made mistakes as a person and mother. Pope francis applauding this woman. I felt guilty and ashamed. This is the second Major Initiative from the pope, last week pope francis said he would allow priests to absolve women that this abortions if they ask for forgiveness during the upcoming holy year, as part of the churchs year of mercy. We are posting everything you need to know about the papal visit here to philadelphia on 6abc. Com pope, including the new details released by septa about their Service Plans and tickets offered for some of that weekends biggest events. Other news now, the forest fire is burning through 1,000 acres of the pine barrens in burlington county. Crews are just as focused on containing the fire as they are at putting it out. Nora muchanic is on the scene all day today, crews say as far as containment goes so far so good here. Reporter what is right, officials are telling us that the fire is 65 contained at this points. They have a containment line built around the fire and are still back burning inside of that area so if conditions change the fire wont jump out and spread, the containment lines we have are holding well and interior pockets are burning out and its expected to cause smoke and smoke drift. There was lots of smoke drift as crews from the new jersey forest fire continue to battle a forest fire that burns acres. It spread across the ocean county line to manchester where it is consuming acre after acre fueled by bone dry conditions. Its labor intensive to put the fire out. It takes a lot longer and a lot more effort and water and manpower and equipment. Its exhausting for firefighters on the ground dealing with high heat and smoke and flames. We want to keep the folks hydrated and relief crew will change out. Reporter the Forest Fire Service is using a helicopter to put out green areas, by dropping these golf balls that combust by Chemical Reaction after being dropped from the air. Last night we burnt out of all the edges of fire and a complete burnout praks and finding the islands that didnt burn last night. This is a very rural area, the fire is not threatening structures, the closest homes are three or four miles away and the cause is undetermined at this point and there is an Investigation Underway and the Incident Commander says it does not look suspicious. Nora muchanic, channel 6 action news. Thank you. This weather has been hot and dry and only fueling fires like the one you saw there. Lets get a first check of the accuweather forecast meteorologist, adam joseph live outside. We can use some rain. Its an extremely dry month, you look at the numbers, since august 11th in philadelphia, we have not really seen much more than a quarter inch of rain and since august 1st, we are running a deficit of 3. 5 inches below the norm for this period and finally some much needed rain is moving in in the next 48 hours, for now it is hot and dry and on the humid side, that helps the forest fire, in trenton 94 degrees and 94 in allentown unthe same for reading, record breaking in the poconos and 87 and at the shore we kicked it up into the 80s. Threw can see the southerly winds again when you have more moisture in the air, the higher the numbers are the more uncomfortable it is for us to breathe and function outside, but those higher due points are helping slow down the spread of those forest fires because again you have more moisture in the atmosphe atmosphere. You look at satellite and radar, we are bone dry but a stripe of rain from chicago and st. Louis, that is a cold front pushing in for thursday and a wave of low pressure will develop to help enhance the rain around here, until then can you see the warmth from cincinnati to raleigh, to philadelphia, but typical temperatures for bismark to tennessee, well talk finally temperatures closer to normal somewhere in the sevenday forecast. Well let you know how much rain too when we come back with the full accuweather forecast. Mayor Michael Nutter joined a group of dads that walked their kids to school this morning part of the million fathers march, a show of support for boys and girls as they start the new school year, it ended with an affirmation at the blue bird Charter School. Now fathers and more than 800 American Cities held similar marches today and today meant back to school for students across the Delaware Valley and the action cam was there as children filed into the school this morning. The principal along with teachers and staff greeted the kindergartners along with eighth graders, and parents got the family calendar to stay on top of dates for this year. Back to school, back to work that cannot be good for the traffic report. Lets go to autumn marisa. We are back to normal on the roads this afternoon, 95 an accident, this is northbound at island avenue, what i do want to show you the delay here, ridley park taking you 28 minutes to go from the blue route now to the vine street expressway, a nice long line on 95 northbound, taking a look at the speeds in the region in the big picture, teens in most areas, schuylkill expressway nice and slow and back to normal. The westbound labors takes you 35 mines from the expressway to the blue route, and very slow going from the vine up to woodhaven at this time as well. Over to the ben franklin bridge, we go, this was nice and clear yesterday believe it or not but now a lot of traffic in the eastbound lanes if you are heading over to new jersey we have the right lane out because of construction. And the 42 freeway, this is much of what we saw yesterday, the northbound lanes heading up to the walt whitman bridge to creek road, slow going there and just volume now. Well be back with more in the next half hour. Thank you. Still ahead new developments for the kentucky clerk that went to jail for refusing to issue same sex marriage licenses. A man who is a dentist returned to work after killing a lion. And we are at eastern state penitentiary, as they start their annual transformation into one of falls most popular attractions. The unites nations say that humanitarian aid must be increased at the border between hungary and syria, thousands are streaming across the border each day in hopes of reaching other western european countries. They have made frantic efforts to control the crowds, they began busing refugees to a center. And they are pushing the Obama Administration to allow more syrians into the united states. The white house has not given a timeline for this. And the family of freddie gray reached a settlement with the city of baltimore. Baltimores mayor says that this proposed settlement does not constitute an admission of liability. And this needs approval of a board that oversees spending. A criminal case is underway against the six officers involved in grays death. And people on a Carnival Cruise shape are getting a longer than expected vacation because of a fire on board. While the boat was docked at st. Thomas, all passengers were temporarily evacuated they are once again allowed on the ship, but it condition go anywhere until its determined to be safe. The minnesota man that killed cecil the lion returned to his dental practice, and when he did he was greeted by all the protesters. Demonstrators agreed to stay outside throughout the week, they want him sent to zimbabwe to face consequences for killing the animal, he says he trusted his guides and did nothing illegal. The kentucky clerk jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples was set free, she was released to her family and a gop president ial candidate by her side. A judge releasing davis before Mike Huckabee and the conservative Liberty Council were set to ramp up the fight. The woean county clerk spent six days in jail for on contempt charges for failing to issue licenses to same sex couples because of her religious beliefs. Thanks to this incredibly brave lady who decide that her convictions were more important than her own freedom, she was willing to go to jail for what she believed. I told kim i feel like she has shown more courage than any other politician and most every pastor i know. The showdown with gay couples trying to wed and she refused to issue licenses but the clerks beneath her are all issuing them. The attorneys say her fight is not over but the judge says if she interferes with the issuing of marriage licenses Going Forward she could be sent right back to jail. The made in america festival attracted more fans than ever this year, mayor Michael Nutter announced the total. A record 130,000 people attended the two day concert on the ben franklin parkway, he called the events a big success and more proof that philadelphia can handle big events. We can confirm what we said four years ago, quote, we have the infrastructure in place and manage to manage events like this on the parkway as well as other parts of the city. And it gave them a chance to test the grid system on the parkway, to expect to help crowds navigate the popes visit later this month. Historic site to halloween headquarters, the action cam was outside of eastern penitentiary, it will turn into terror behind the halls, a Haunted House that always draws big crowds. It opens to the public on september 18th. One of the best spectacles in the city of philadelphia. I cant believe its happening already, it came too fast. Let get a check of the accuweather forecast with adam joseph, hey joseph. What. I said joseph. I thought you said doofous. It doesnt feel like pumpkins or apples or the fall feeling is around the corner, because summer continues. So far the high in philadelphia was 93 degrees, we are sit tlg right now, 92 in allentown un94 in reading and the sea breeze has kicked in at the shore, and feels nice between 81 and 83 down there, the winds are out of the southsouthwestly direction pumping in the heat and humidity and 14 Miles Per Hour winds in philadelphia and right around 14 Miles Per Hour at the shore, at least you get a bit a wind despite its a humid and hot wind to air you out so to speak if you have to work outdoors. How it will feel for the next few days, its oppressive and typical early july and august around here again, september is put on hold for at least the first full week of this month. A void of cloud cover and showers and thunderstorms in the midatlantic, everything is still to the north and west, but eventually the pattern will break down and change as you get closer to the end of the week, its warm and humid and patchy fog around and 67 in the Lehigh Valley and 74 in philadelphia and 74 millville and 74 on the boardwalk, as we look at the day planner, 77 for tomorrow morning and quickly jumping again in the 90s with the oppressive humidity in the afternoon, staying at 90 at 5 00 and could be an isolated thunderstorm up towards the Lehigh Valley or berks county late in the day. The best chance for rain comes after heat wave number six on thursday, 1 to 2 or 3 inches of rain on thursday, a good thing coming our way at 85 degrees, returning sun on friday at 85 and we begin your weekend on saturday at 83 degrees, its feeling like summer despite its september and jenny rose carrie, is the director of the Horticulture Society stopped by our garden to say hey, despite its sunny, hot and dry, you can have color in your garden. Fall is approaching, it feels like summer out here. But when fall approaches its a great time to have color in the garden. It is, if you plan ahead you can have color in your garden next year. I talked to so many people with this drought and hot conditions, we are having that they havent gotten much color, what im saying next year is plant things like zinias or dalias. People can bring their flower. If you want to enter our competitions, this is in jenkintown and our open hours are from 10 00 until 5 00, enter, bring your specimens early in the morning at 10 00 and bring a clear glass vase and put your name on it and the judges in secret will work out who has the first prize. Her voice is soothing and ill believe anything she has to say and she is a wealth of knowledge, how simple is that. Ill put zinias and dalias on the garden list for next year. She looked lovely too, an extension of the flowers there with her dress. Great lady. Thank you mr. Joseph. Still ahead a man caught on camera, reaching across the store counter and taking money from the register, now police need your help finding him. Is greek yogurt hurting your diet, what you need to know to make the right choice. I think you are going like this, the dow soaring 390 palm beach countys and the nasdaq up 32 points and the s p up 48 points. Police in Chestnut Hill are looking for a man that robbed a riteaid store, police say that the suspect handed the clerk a note demanding cash and said he had a gun, he reaches across and grabs the cash, there is no word on how much he took and ran off without hurting anyone. Still ahead sheer stubbornness, a barber says why he would rather take a hefty fine than cut a womans hair. Speeding while driving a pediatric patient . What the Fire Commission said about this video that his mom sent to action news. Sure, tv has evolved over the years. Its gotten squarer. Brighter. Bigger. Thinner. Even curvier. But whats next . For all binge watchers. Movie geeks. Sports freaks. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. Action news continues. Zblm hello again, 4 30, im brian taff along with nydia han. Action news continues with a breakin story like no other. Plus the pastor versus the police. A custody fight ends with an officer interrupting a Church Service to return a child to her father, and now they are requesting if the courts went too far. And some thought it was hilarious that parents were swearing and smearing one schools sleep chart. Take a look at this video, ebony clark sent action news showing her young son being sent to the hospital. If you look closer, what is really alarming in this video, the emt is texting while driving the moms precious cargo, chad pradelli is live at einstein hospital with the full story. Reporter nydia, ebony clark cut his head while playing with his cousins, he was brought here to einstein hospital where he got a few stitches but it was the ride here that made the mom so furious. The driver appears to go in and out of different applications, ebony clark records as her son was rushed to Einstein Medical Center for a cut on his head. Clark claims that the unidentified driver never put down his phone and showed it to Fire Commissioner, derek sawyer, he was disgusted. No cell phone driver, that includes texting talking or surfing the internet. Well identify the person in the video and bring him in for discipline, what that discipline will be clark could not say, clark felt compelled that something needed to be done so people that need help from philadelphia emss feel safe. We want to apologize to her personally, this is not what we train our drivers to do. Commissioner sawyer tells me that 95 of the department follows rules and regulations but like any organization there are those that dont and this driver will be punished. Im live in olney, channel 6 action news. Thanks very much. Philadelphia police made an arrest in connection with the murder of a man outside of a rap concert on south street last weekend. Tily wilbur is identified as the trigger man accused of shooting john green once in the stomach outside of the tla friday night. Green died a short time later, he is facing murder and weapons offenses and a motive has not yet been released. A search and rescue team spent the afternoon looking for a Mercer County woman who disappeared one week from today. Her car was found idling on the route 295 overpass early last wednesday morning, all the belongings were still in the car and family members last saw 44yearold rosy tuesday night, and police have not ruled out foul play, if you have any physician you are asked to call hamilton police. You have to Pay Attention to this one, police say that a middle school burglar was forced to turn himself in got stuck mid crime. This is michael quad, that he broke into the middle school and put on someones letterman jacket and took a ride on the buffing machine and it came to an end when he found himself trapped in the schools elevator and was forced to call 911 for help and he was rescued and then charged with several charges including criminal mischief. All right, it is very hot out here day two of the heat wave . Day two yes, day three tomorrow will be the official beginning of the heat wave so to speak, but its on its way. Live on sky 6, from our Temple University camera, the haze is out there, 93 is your air temperature and the dew point is humid at 64 trgs with the southwesterly winds and the heat index a couple of Degrees Higher than the air temperature. Take a look at the core of the heat right now, it feels like 96 in new york city and 95 in washington, and 95 in richmond and 90 in buffalo with the south southwesterly winds taking over however a change is finally coming in the form of some cooler temperatures and some much needed rain, you can see the stripe of rain it doesnt look all that wide at this points and an area of low pressure develops to enhance the rain around here for the day on thursday. Well let you know how much rain well see and how cool the temperatures will get in the sevenday forecast, in just a little bit. Thank you. And 6abc. Com weather has you covered as the sunny and sticky weather continues, can you see it there including the up to the minute changes as soon as they start to happen. Many kids in the area are headed back to school and in landsdowne, they celebrated the opening of a brand new school, william penn opened their First Charter School and the action cam was there as they arrived at visionary Charter School. God bless Vision Academy Charter School. Go the crayons, computers and Bulletin Boards were ready for the students arrival today. It took three years to get that school up and running, hands already raised high for the first day of school today, dont you love the excitement on the first day. They made History Today because the idea for the Charter School dates back 20 years. There you have it celebrating the grand opening. The hands are raised. A set of twin girls were separated. More on this familys miracle. The surgery happened at a Childrens Hospital in columbus ohio, its 11monthold twins were born connected at the hip and pelvic area, it took a medical team of 30 people to separate these girls, ali gorman has the details of the delicate and dangerous surgery. And the girls moms reaction to the successful separation, as you have been seeing, back to school for students across our area, the heat and humidity really made it a scorcher, find out how students and teachers are coping with the heat in a live report at 5 00. Nydia see you then. Thank you. Fire fans got to keep cool inside of the wells fargo center, the doors opened for anyone that went behind the scenes for the process. They put down the lines and logos before filling them with paint and they spray floosded the surface until it was a full inch thick. The perfect activity for today. Still ahead today, a pennsylvania barber was not trying to make a pun when he stood up to a judge, why he said serving a female customer would infringe on his shops environment. Should there be limits when a court orderer will be enforced after this video of a Police Officer interrupting a Church Service went viral. And it was meant to be a helpful guide but instead intense social media debate. How parents scoffed at one schools socalled sleep chart. Lets clear the air. There are no limits on the amount of Carbon Pollution power plants can. Release. And our senator, pat toomey, led the fight to keep it that way. Carbon pollution, a major cause of climate change, leads to more asthma attacks in children. Over a million pennsylvanians now suffer from asthma. And senator toomey took over a Million Dollars from polluters. Tell senator toomey its time to clear the air. Vote for the clean power plan. At longhorn, steak is all you need. Its not all you get. Longhorns Great American steak dinner for 12. 99. Perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. Plus, an appetizer, or a dessert. All with fresh salad and unlimited bread. The Great American steak dinner, for 12. 99. Tonight, only at longhorn steakhouse. You cant fake steak. For lunch try our steakhouse burger, or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at 7. A woman shot on Live Television in virginia, was released from the hospital. Vicky gardner was the sole survivor of the shooting. A gunman walked up and shot them all. Parker and ward died and the suspect killed himself, gardner had two surgeries including the removal of a kidney when a bullet came within centimeters of killing her. She never saw the gunman coming because of the bright lights from the cameras. A man is trying to get his familys life back on track when someone stole his trailer and everything in it. He found a man in his driveway, the man said he came to pick up the microwave he bought on live, he found the microwave not the only thing gone, all the appliances and furniture, most everything was sold online when he moved no the house when they were gone. That someone would break in and live in my house, and have a yard sale out of my front door. The squatter lived in the house for at least four days and they have yet to track him down and arrest him. Incredible stuff. The ladies of view kicked offseason 19 today, this square feet yours the return of comedian, joy behar and Candace Cameron made their first appearances as cohosts and will be appearing, sporadically as she films fuller house, an adaptation of full house. You can watch full on abc. You have to read the fine print specifically how much sugar is in the yogurt, the chabani, has 20 grams of sugar, 7 gram equivalent of one popsicle or sugar cube. The dietician says be on the lookout for sweetened fruit and other additives. Big talkers now cell phone video out of florida, going viral. The video show a Police Officer settling a custody issue during a pensacola Church Service. Are you in violation. Freddys granddaughter was staying with them, he is the pastor there, but the girls father shows he has legal custody and it all got settled there in church. Heard a commotion and the officer walked into the middle of the church with her hand on her resolver i guess as an t intimidation employee. They say their intentions were grossly blown out of proportion and that snippet does not tell the whole story. Police say they plan to shed light on this by releasing the officers body cam video, we have not heard the end of that one. A barber shop in virginia that bills itself as a gentlemens shop, they offer complimentary beer, and wine for the guys, a place where guys can go to be around the guys, this is a big talker and because a woman when in looking for a haircut and the owner turned him down. He is fined for refusing the customer a haircut, is he not challenging the fine but he says in an interview, you know having female clients around infringes on their environment and offered to pay for her to get a haircut nearby. And a suggested back to school sleep chart was shared at record speed. A Wisconsin Elementary School teacher posted it as a kind of guide for parents, they are scoffing at it calling it ridiculous and not feezable. Here is the chart, for suggested sleep for 5 to 12, it says he or she should be in the bed at 6 45 and 12yearolds 8 15 p. M. , between Work Schedules and homework and dinner, a sleep time of 6 00 is not realistic. Ill tell you what, parents passing this around saying is this just me or you cant get your kid to sleep at 6 00 p. M. Lets get a check of the roads. Autumn marisa is in for matt pellman. We are still dealing with the accident on i95 northbound at island road, here is the accident they are off to the side of the road but they look to be unpacking the cars and getting whatever was on the road off to the side of the road and taking time out there, leaving you a long line to the blue route, we are down in the teens, slow going in the eastbound lanes of schuylkill expressway from the blue route to the vine street expressway, a disabled vehicle taking out a vehicle on belmont and that slowed down there, about 40 minutes to do that commute. Lets go outside, another slow down on the boulevard northbound, if you jump up the schuylkill expressway making your way to broad street, very slow going and a few incidents, one in vineland, new jersey, northbound at garden road, downed poles, your alternate is garden road. Thank you. Back to reality. Meteorologist,joseph is back. Meteorologist, adam joseph, with more on the likely heat wave we are in now and word of rain coming. Finally well bust the heat and humts out of here in the form of much needed rain around here and then temperatures slide closer to normal for this time of the year for the weekend. For now we look at the action cam out on this hot and humid day, the villa growing up the side of the gate, and deep blue sky above and the trees are still looking green and vibrant and no signs of fall whatsoever. Looking at double scan live radar all is quiet at this point and not much in the way of cloud cover except for a few high cirrus here and there. Winds are coming in from the ocean and that cuts the numbers, 80 in cape may and 83 in beach haven, 93 philadelphia and 93 in trenton and 94 in reading and the farther you are away from the wind off the ocean the hotter to the north and west, and the poconos a record breaking high today in the upper 80s. You factor in the humidity, despite its cooler to the south and east, it feels just as uncomfortable because of those humid winds, 91 in millville and 92 in dover and 94 in wilmington and the same for trenton, close to 90 degrees in beach haven and at the Atlantic City airport. High pressure is in control again, everything around this high is what is blossoming the clouds and downpours, with the rotating of the counterclockwise wind and a high is approaching chicago and that is in the form of rain, and that is heading in our direction, the good thing is there is no stopping it from coming in. Wednesday sun and clouds, feeling like 95 tomorrow so similar to today, with a high of 92 degrees, the temperature is cooler but the humidity is higher, then as the front comes in on thursday, a wave of low pressure develops to the south and east and much needed rain coming in here, its a good thing on thursday, 85 degrees, well see gusty storms in southern delaware and a general rain north and west, wins are 40 Miles Per Hour and we are not anticipating severe weather. As we look at future tracker for thursday, rainfall totals an inch or better across the board here, a good soaking coming our way, if it comes in we get an inch of rain over an extended period of time, you dont want it over a one or two hour period into thursday. The exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, heat wave number six wednesday 92 and isolated thunderstorm northern and west but the real rain comes in on thursday at 85 and less humid and brighter on friday and 85 and good saturday 83 and another round of rain late saturday night into sunday and sun afternoon drying out and on monday 78 normal for this time of year, and then we warm it back up for tuesday at 82 degrees, so only one day in the seven day do we have anything where we should be for this time of year. Normal is not a word we use a lot this time of year. Thanks adam. Deeply discounted wedding gowns coming up next in what is the deal. I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder. Whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. Because today theres harvoni. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients. Whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats. One pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, or other medical conditions. And about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Harvoni should not be taken with any medicines containing amiodarone, rifampin, or st. Johns wort. It also should not be taken with any other medicine that contains sovaldi. Side effects may include tiredness and headache. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. For 1200 or less. I haveloma blanco. This gown would have retailed for 2500 and i have it marked to 1200. And it will be on sale at 10 off. Yes, while prices at this boutique are always deeply discounted from this sunday to september 19th they will be even less. All gowns over 500 will be 10 to 20 off, its a considerable savings. After the bride, the mothers of the brides and the bride mads can go next door to get their dresses, they sell for 30 each and all the proceeds go to the nonprofit, hotties for humanities. Its a great theme to tie into everything. Can you find store hours and addresses for Carolyn Verde boutique at 6abc. Com. Finally at 4 00, we know most Football Players have a movie searched for the end zone and some goes for some animals, for this jack rabbit, the bunny hop of course, this fur ball came on the field during a game in canada. It proceeded to steal the show, it dodged players before taking a huge leap into the end zone before victory the bunny ran off. That will do it for action news at 4 00, for nydia han and alicia vitarelli, and adam joseph im brian taff. Hope youll join me tonight and every night for a full hour of action news at phl 17. Lets clear the air. There are no limits on the amount of Carbon Pollution power plants can. Release. And our senator, pat toomey, led the fight to keep it that way. Carbon pollution, a major cause of climate change, leads to more asthma attacks in children. Over a million pennsylvanians now suffer from asthma. And senator toomey took over a Million Dollars from polluters. Tell senator toomey its time to clear the air. Vote for the clean power plan. Action news Delaware Valleys leading news program. With jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, Rick Williams and monica malpass. In just a few weeks more than a Million People are expected to be in philadelphia to get a glimpse of pope francis and they will all be using cell phones to share the special moments with the world but will the phones work. There are concerns about Cell Phone Service the weekend the pope is here. And extra cell phones are in place and got tested during the made in america festival this past weekend. Sara bloomquist is here with the full story. Reporter behind me this is one of the mobile cell towers. The system got a good test this past weekend and not everyone out here was impressed. The tens of thousands that attended this past weekends made in america festival tested the cell phone coverage prior to the popes visit. They voiced some complaints. Nothing would load whether it was twitter, snap chat or the made in america app. No service day one, day two was a little better depending on how quick it was. And then conmake or receive calls, happened on the 4th

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