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Poor and the children and a big central park parade, right now the pontiff is at the memorial in lower manhattan, this is billed as an inter religious event for peace, many finals are represented here and the holy father is meeting with family members of victims of the 9 11 attack. He gave a short address a short time ago, saying they suffer a pain that leaves us speechless. He urged the world leader to adopt new global goals to fight poverty and protect the environment. He says the future demands action now. Translator we cannot permit ourselves to postpone certain ajends afor the future, it demands of us critical and global decisions in the face of worldwide conflicts that have excluded those in need. Reporter now the pope will take a rest this afternoon and he will likely need it, its a packed schedule today and then goes to a school and a Catholic Charity up in east harlem, that is where he seems the most happy with the children and the poor and will parade through central park in the afternoon and evening, those gates are open now and people are going into central park to take their place for the parade. And then celebrates mass tonight at Madison Square garden, a busy day for the pontiff. Im sara bloomquist, channel 6 action news. Thank you. Back here if philadelphia the clock is ticking for crews that are preparing for the pontiffs arrival, there are steps to take before the city is ready, david henry is live in center city and has more in the final security preparations. Reporter rick, those major security preparations are rapidly falling into place right now, look behind me here and you may never see north broad street looking like this and may never again, from Cherry Street its a long cattle shoot until you get to the security entry point. Work crews started moving the concrete barriers into place at 10 00 last night, the Security Check points were established at 6 00 this morning, despite weeks of warning across all media, some were taken by surprise going into work this morning. Its a big inconvenience, im going around trying to get into work and if i dont get there, i could be fired. I still cant find my bus. Buses are not running inside of the security zone that covers a large portion of center city, the only way in is on foot. I didnt realize suburban was shut down and now im doing this whole check. Mayor nutter says some of the barriers were placed in the wrong locations and he says they are being moved and that will alleviate most of the confusion. Mark and ted are volunteers for the world meeting of family, their job is to find where they are going and their job wont be easy. Its a hassle. We were on 10th and chestnut and walked around city hall trying to get around, its a giant maze. For the most part things are off to a smooth start, just a few pedestrians making through the metal detectors under the watchful eye and federal agents and police. But the crowds will increase tomorrow and how many show up is anyones guess, despite early predictions of over a million. To see the pope in new york city, watching the stuff on television and they are excited to be here. For the security measures in place. I spoke to match can go around and through Security Check points, a lot more coming up tonight. Later on tonight, the concrete going down third street to the perimeters and earlier at 6 00 the much larger traffic box goes into effect for a large portion of center city. David henry, channel 6 action news. Thank you david, a live look at independence hall, the action cam showing you the preparations are well under way there, when the pope arrives in philadelphia, he is staying at st. Charles seminary, they have set up a triage ten and if they cant get to it, doctors can get to them thanks to an atv quipped with a stretcher. And if we have to move someone, we have a safe and efficient transport system, we like to think that any and all eventuality is planned for. 2,000 staffers will be staffing the hospital throughout the papal visit. We are not on the anchor desk instead at our beautiful parkway studio, one part of action newss complete coverage of the history making papal visit to philadelphia. We are on the 24th floor of the embassy suites, and he will deliver his speech tomorrow and then his papal mass on sunday afternoon. Alicia vitarelli is at one of the other locations sewell ea lot of as well. We continue your coverage live on the oval. You know we are going to give you the best seat in the house, we get a sneak peek at our anchor booth here on the oval and behind me we are just steps away from where pope francis will be and more than 10,000 lucky people, with tickets for the papal concert tomorrow night, and of course the big mass here on the parkway on sunday, preps are being put into place as we speak right now, roughly a million and a half people expected and a peek at pope francis so to speak. This one is just adjacent to us. Theyll have over 400 volunteers for the weekend, a 48 bed operation with emts and Police Officers joining the medical professionals stations right there, to minister everything from first aid to critical care. We are ready to quickly bring the patient in and put them on cardiac monitor and take their Blood Pressure and put a thing on their finger to see how the oxygen is getting into their lungs and we can defibrillate. And there is cardiac equipment here the like mash. Yes, like mash. All the way to the icu level. Yes. Meanwhile septa is gearing up to transport this massive crowd around town can and they are in touch with traffic heads in washington, d. C. And up in new york city, they are also handling record crowds and so far the reports are good. Pretty pleased because the excitement of the pope, pope francis has brought a calmness to the crowds. The commuters are well behaved . Patient . Like we won the world series again, i walked home from the stadium when we won in 08, its the same kind of crowd. Good natured crowd . Very good natured. It does kind of feel like a super bowl around here and it imagine how spectacular the stage will look, this anchor booth and the view is just incredible, you feel like you can reach out and touch all the celebrities on stage and our pontiff as he makes his third and final stop in the united states. And the crews seem calm and everything is shaping up perfectly and should be in place tonight. We are live in the anchor boonl, alicia vitarelli, channel 6 action news. All right alicia thank you. Here on the parkway its a Sunny Afternoon and we enjoyed pleasant weather all week long for the world meeting of families but change could be on the way, david murphy is tracking the forecast for the papal visit all week long. At the weather balcony. Hi there rick and monica, we are looking at a day, that is a preview of the first half of the weekend, high to midlevel clouds around and sunny breaks and 4 degrees cooler with a high of 75, sunday is the day of uncertainty, we believe that remains strong, and continues to circulate dry enough air where the rain cannot overtake us. A 30 to 40 chance reaching the city. And it may just be encountering too much dry air, and future tracker 6 and the are. Rpm model has it drying out. And for the sunday mass, its going be a little bit of a comparison to the last papal mass in center city in 1979 when john paul ii had 70s and partly cloudy skies, it will be breezy and 71 degrees is your mass time temperature, and there is that chance of rain but we cant guarantee it, hopefully is drys out before it reaches the parkway. Another look at the complete exclusive accuweather sevenday forecast, and more details on this forecast and what is ahead for next week. For now we are sitting pretty. Action news is covering the papal visit from all angles, two dozen reporters and anchors are fanned out covering the papal visit. Including former reporter, cathy gandolfo, who has been to the vatican city several times for action news. And she is rejoining our team for the parkway studio. We are excited to see her. You can watch action newss coverage at the corner of seventh and eighth and Market Street east on the rooftop digital display and showing it in Atlantic City and up and down the boardwalk on the boardwalk network and if you are in the car, we are simultaneously having coverage. And we include digital updates live from the newsroom. Papal news every half hour starting at 9 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning and sun morning and watch our updates on 6abc. Com as well and the 6 abc news app. Or the freedom to choose what doctor you want to see. So if you have medicare parts a and b, consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, these let you choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Youre not stuck in a network, because there arent any. Plus, these plans help cover some of the part b medical expenses medicare doesnt pay. So why wait . Call now to request your free decision guide and find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. Like all Medicare Supplement plans, youll be able to stay with the doctor or specialist you trust, or look for someone new as long as they accept medicare patients. But unlike other plans, these are the only ones of their kind endorsed by aarp. Rates are competitive. So call today. And learn more about choosing the doctors youd like to see. Go long. The tornado moves through South Carolina and ten homes in charleston county, and some roads are closed because of debris and downed power lines, no reports of injuries but the red cross is helping several families. Doctors were not in the right place at the right time to save a toddlers life the toddler had trouble breathing, but they accidentally packed the medication in the checked luggage, the pilot made a nebalizer. The child felt better and at the end of the flight, he was playing with the mom and they were happy. The doctor says that is an important lesson for anyone, always carry the medications you need with you. The woman that said that patrick kane assaulted her is being accused of lying, she found an evidence bag at her doorway with the rape kit inside, they claimed that the mother was given that evidence bag at the hospital and never turned it into authorities. The attorney quit the case also because he did not believe how the bag was found and was not charged with any crime. A new poll says that donald trump still has a lot of support from voters in new hampshire, leads with 26 of the vote but with last weeks debate support for Carly Fiorina and marco rubio continues to grow and Bernie Sanders opened up a big lead over Hillary Clinton in new hampshire. Still ahead on action news at 12 30, another check of the forecast. Stepping live outside sky 6 hd showing center city philadelphia, cant get any prettier than this in late september. Back to meteorologist, david murphy, and the weekend forecast. Folks need good weather this weekend. Hopefully we can give it to them. Stormtracker 6 live double scan showing we are dry, 75 warm degrees in philadelphia with a breeze. They are on the 26th floor they said at the new parkway studio, they feel a breeze up there. 28 and thank you. That is high up. We have cloud cover in the region and high and thin enough to get sunshine through and the rain is to the south with the coastal low Pressure Center where its fall ago part to the south and the dry air is closer by, 72 is the high in leading and 76 in trenton and millville. These are your highs and similar numbers at the shore and mid70s along the boardwalks this afternoon. 79 by 3 00 and down to 75 by 5 00 and then after 7 00 the sun dips and we go back into the 60s, 62 is your cool overnight low. For the event that kicks off saturday, the papal speech on independence mall, 71 at noon and 72 by 2 00, a nice day today 74 by 3 00. And 6 00 we are down to 71 degrees, if you are headed then to the parkway for the concert and festivities in the evening, bring along a jacket another layer or two, 74 by 4 00 and by 70s breezy and 70s and if the shadows hit you, 65, it will require a jacket or a couple of lairs, sunday we have the uncertainty and High Pressure holding off the rain and the 40 chance of rain coming up the coast if it hits it will probably be light in the afternoon and we are still watch that one and it will probably be a good idea to tune in saturday morning and sunday morning to get the latest on the weather. Partly sunny today and 79 and tomorrow sunny breaks mixing with clouds, not a bad high of 75 degrees, and more clouds on sun and 73 is the high and the possibility of rain especially later in the day, hopefully it holds off to the south, monmostly cloudy and 77 and a lingering shower and tuesday partly sunny and 71 and cooling down on thursday, from top to bottom its not a bad sevenday forecast, but rick and monica we have to keep our eyes on sunday in case we get the afternoon rain. Are you the man to do. Thank you. Topping our people scene don johnson returned to television, in blood and johnson has plenty of experience to mode elhis character after. I know a lot of billionaires in my time and had an opportunity to hang out with a few and they all seem be listening to a very specific tone and following a destiny and in their mind there are no rules to the game, you can be as ruthless as you need to be. And you can catch the season premier of blood and oil here on 6 abc, at 9 00 p. M. After our papal visit coverage. Do we have anymore chips . [off screen] fellas . Uh, sorry. We were day dreaming. About that vip tailgate and game tickets . Uh yeah and that pregame sideline experience. Exactly. Or even eagle season tickets [shouting over crowd] how do you know . You both have the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. Yeah, the eagles instant game with top prizes of 50,000. And Second Chance prizes, including season tickets. [both sigh] the pennsylvania lottery. Bring your dreams to life. Coming up tonight the season premier of last man standing followed by the muppets and then shark tank with special guest star, Ashton Kuchar followed by action news at 11 00. And then another look at the accuweather forecast with meteorologist, david murphy, you get browny points for todays weather. How about a look ahead to this afternoon, its going to be a nice one, high temperatures in the upper 70s through kutztown and allentown unreading and along the i95 corridor spots pushing close to 80 and winds running 10 to 20 Miles Per Hour and down at the shore, 74 in cape may and Sea Isle City and Atlantic City and winds are stronger here and even a chance of coastal flooding in some spots and beach erosion, with a strong on shore flow. All right thank you again. Have a nice weekend. Coming up later today on action news at 4 00, well have even more coverage as we count down to the arrival of pope francis as roads start to close and tighter security zones go into effect, well bring the excitement and impact of this historic event, and a look behind the scenes of the basilica of saintses peter and paul, the building may be more than a century hold but got state of the art updates from pope francis, dont forget to join us on action news at 4 00, 5 00 and 6 00. Now for the entire Action News Team im Monica Malpass have a great day. More kids are suffering from asthma and we still have no limits on Carbon Pollution which can lead to more asthma attacks in children but senator toomey has voted repeatedly to let polluters keep releasing unlimited Carbon Pollution into the air. And took more than one Million Dollars from the polluters. Tell senator toomey to vote for the clean power plan, because unlimited pollution shouldnt be a right. But playing outside should be. What do a nasca comedian. And a professional golfer have in common . We talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. Xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. Xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. For people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. 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