Winter storm warning. It will go into effect in exactly one hour. Lets get the latest from double scan radar, accu weather and cecily tynan. Jim, double scan live showing we have a band of light snow that has moved in, right on schedule. That being said, a wider view on double scan live showing that this whole system is very disorganize. It is really coming in fragments. There is one le pressure that is west of buffalo. What will happen another low pressure will develop off the coast and we will get is what call an inverted trough. It is a zone where we have higher lift like with the thunderstorm and that could concentrate a narrow band of some more concentrated snow, heavier snow, generally low, that will be setting up late tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. So that winter storm warning does go into effect for right along the pennsylvania turnpike, all areas to the south, it goes into effect at midnight tonight, until 6 00 oclock wednesday morning. But were not going to be getting snow, falling at a continuing rate until then. We are looking at the snow showers. Impact scale showing with the overnight the snow showers, tonight and temperatures below freezing it will be moderate at 7 00 oclock tomorrow morning. You want to allow extra time as you begin your morning commute. Then we will get a lull in the action midday, 4 00 oclock up to moderate. 7 00 oclock when steady snow moves in. Temperatures will drop below freezing. That will have a high impact. I have made adjustments to our expected snow fall map. Ill have details on that and coastal flooding in the full accu Weather Forecast. Thanks, cecily. Penndots salting operation is shift nothing to gear as we speak. Dump trucks are filling up with salt and at sites across the area like here in caln township, the agency says that it is well stock, with more than 106,000 tons of salt available. Nearly 300 plows will be hitting the road from midnight through the tuesday night commute. The city of philadelphia will deploy its contingent of the vehicles to salt and plow streets beginning at midnight. The sanitation trucks, converted for that purpose, tuesday trash and recycling pick up has been cancel. Residents are being asked to hold it until next tuesday. In snow emergency has been declared, in this picks lated world which means the parking will be, as normal. Delaware snow preparations began this afternoon. Pretreating road, with brine. Dell dot says all of the crewness New Castle County will be active by midnight when winter storm warning goes into effect. There are coastal concerns tonight as storm system will lash the shore overnight. Widespread, but minor street flooding is expect to last for the next several hours as we encounter tonight in ocean city. But it is expect to grow worse when high tides roll in between 7 30 and 8 30 in the morning and beach erosion is likely. Action news will get an early start tomorrow morgue to help with you the snowy commute to work. The morning team will be on, at the 4 00 oclock, that is a half an hour earlier then usual, they will have the latest from accu weather and, of course, live traffic updates. Other news at this hour, former Philadelphia Eagles running back lesean mccoy is under investigation shall in the wake of the nightclub brawl this past weekend in olde city that left two Police Officers seriously hurt. Action News Reporter chad pradelli is live at central detective, headquarters tonight, and chad, what is the latest on there . Reporter jim, investigators here at central detectives wrapped up interviews this evening with eyewitness and other employees of club recess. Im told by multiple sources that lesean mccoy and three of his friend are likely going to be charged in this case in the next day or two. This is cell even if video the tail end of the altercation, sources tell action news that former eagle will and current buffalo bill lesean mccoy and three of his friend got in the brawl with three offduty Police Officers inside recess lounge in olde city just after 1 30 a. M. Sunday. We have four suspects that more or less jumped the one complaintant knocking him to the ground, punching him, kicking him while on the ground and they begin to stump him, kick him and continue the blows. Reporter police say argument started over champagne. The officers bought several bottles, one of the mccoys friend grabbed one and a argument ensued leading to the vicious beating. First complaintant sustain very, very severe injuries in terms of his eye socket, broken nose, ribs, and face and hand injuries and skull injuries. Second complaint ant as well sustained a laceration above the eye as well as possible skull fractures. Serious injuries this wasnt just a basic, you know, fist fight this was a all out beat down from all accounts. Reporter police never responded to the club, all of the men were kicked out. Two officers took themselves to the hospital and filed a police report. A third was uninjured. Sources say mccoy and his representatives, have been reaching out to high profile defenseorneys. Action news did reach out to drew rosenhaus, lesean mccoys agent representative, he tells action news that he has no comment at this time. Im live from center city, chad pradelli for channel six action news. Jim . Chad, thank you. A man was murdered in a tgi fridays parking lot the tonight. It happened at 7 00 oclock at the Airport Plaza Shopping Center in new castle, delaware. That ace long the 100 block of north du pont highway. Detectives are interviewing more than a dozen witnesses to figure out what sparked the deadly gunfire. This is just the third homicide in new castle in the past two years. The women convicted for taking part in a Center City Philadelphia gay bashing, will spend the next five to ten months behind bars. Twentyfive yearold catherine knott, apologized to the victims today and then was immediately taken into custody, upon sentencing this afternoon. When she is released from jail, the judge has ordered her to get anger management, and stay out of philadelphia for two years. It is the final push for the president ial contenders in New Hampshire with the voting set to begin in the morning, actually in less than an hour in dixonville notch. Monica malpass is live in the considerably larger city of manchester. Monica, it is not a surprise that hearty New Hampshire voters will to have contend with less than ideal weather. Reporter that is right, jim. The snow has been falling all day and night very steadily. They have four or 5 inches here. The roads are slick but it is stopping around 2 00. I had shut than the be a problem. It was a question what impact will Mother Nature have on the the voting. I dont think a little snow will stop anybody. Reporter Hillary Clinton faces a big challenge tomorrow can she make a stronger than expect showing in Bernie Sanders backyard and regain some of the momentum loss after her narrow iowa victory. Sanders has a considerable lead in most polls but New Hampshire voters are known for going their own way when it comes time to enter the voting booth what effect will have snow have. Will it have an effect . Unaudible. Reporter thousands braved the weather to see donald trump at a rally tonight in downtown manchesters Verizon Wireless arena we spoke to some on the way in. It is one thing to hear ads and hear what everybody is saying negative. We will see what the message is. Im a registered democrat so i wont be voting for trump tomorrow but he could have answered the demo. Reporter outside the arena trump protesters were making their presence known. We dont want to be here, to see fear and hate in the white house. I think donald trump does a good job of exploiting, and capitalizing on peoples fears. Reporter big question tomorrow is which republican will make the best showing for second place . Ted cruz, marco rubio and jeb bush have been trying to woo voters while new Jersey Governor Chris Christie faces a big decision if he cannot crack the top big three or 46789 then former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg who said he is definitely considering an independent run for president. Well, the voting here in New Hampshire will begin in about 45 minutes in three small towns at midnight, dixville notch, hearts location and millsfield. They will open up between six and 8 00 a. M. Tomorrow and close them at 7 00 tomorrow night. It will be an exciting time. They do expect record turnout, snow or no snow. Im Monica Malpass reporting live from manchester, New Hampshire, back to you jim. Thanks, monica. Pennsylvania senate will vote whether to remove attorney general Kathleen Kane from office. Top ranking republican joe scarnoti announced it will come on wednesday. Kanes calls it unwarranted and unconstitutional. Temple university today took the next step toward building an on campus stadium approving a Feasibility Study. Opponents took the next step in expressing their displeasure. A action News Reporter dann cuellar has that story. Reporter about 50 protesters chanted outside solomon hall as board of trustees held a special meeting on a proposed football stadium on the Temple University campus. They are not going to build a stadium in our community. Reporter the university has been kicking around an idea of building a a stadium in the northwest corner of its campus. We have a couple hundred thousand a alumni who would love to have a stadium on campus, and it is moving temple in the major league. Reporter but the idea has in the the been without opposition. I think it is not a good idea for People Living in the neighborhood. Reporter Campus Police push back protesters who tried to block people a end toking the meeting. The others had to push their way through. The trustees and had delayed a vote back in december after then mayorelect jim kenney expressed concerns about working with the community. So today the board voted to spend a milliondollar on a study to assess the community impact. Safety and everything, we will look at it. Before we have a final plan. It is an issue that we want to talk with folks about. We wanting to through and find out what is working, is what not working. So that is an important part of the discussion. Reporter Feasibility Study is not expected to be completed until the end of spring. If a approved, construction of the 126 milliondollar stadium, will begin, in 2017. At Temple University, im dann cuellar for channel six a action news. And still to come on action news tonight a gut wrenching ride on the high seas, a cruise ship turns back from new jersey and tam aging waves and Hurricane Force wind. Plus a labor of love, we will hear from the twin sisters in south injuries hoy delivered their babies just six minutes apart, cecily. Snow showers arrived and they will be on and off more in the next 24 hours. We will have new information on how much snow to expect where you live and when it gets out in the accu Weather Forecast. Action news trouble shooter nydia han joins with us a special report. Jim, fighting for health care can be exhaust continuing, it often feels like you are David Fighting goliath. The good news is we have found an army of people willing to fight your Insurance Company hospital or Doctors Office for you. Im going to give you all of the details. And Ducis Rodgers with an eagle dropped out of the nest, kicked out of the nest, villanova making history tonight. Everybody loves being number one. When action news continues tonight. A damage cruise ship is back, on its way to new jersey, tonight, after a running into a powerful ocean storm. Royal caribbeans anthem of the seas experienced Hurricane Force wind, yesterday, on the way to florida. Passengers took video showing broken glass, caved in ceilings, and, topped tables and chairs. The cruise line says four people reported injuries, and fortunately they are minor. It is not clear why the ship took this treacherous route after forecast warned of just these kind of conditions. Mounting medical bills can sink anyone in the well of debt. Sometimes they come as a surprise. Sometimes they are even incorrect. Our action news trouble shooter nydia han has been fighting viewers unexpected medical bills, and nydia joins us tonight with what consumers need to know. Reporter this really effects all of us no matter your age, income level, unexpected medical bills can be stressful and confusing and a major financial burden. In fact, some studies show medical bills are the single biggest cause of Consumer Debt across the country. The at action news trouble shooters helped consumers with their surprise bills and will continue to help our viewers with this problem. We were surprised and happy to learn that there are other ways that you and your family can get Free Health Care help too. I ended up, tearing my l. A. Brum and torn rotator cup. Reporter liz i got preorganization foyer an mri. I had cataract surgery, on both eyes. Reporter afterward peggy camp was entitled to free eye glasses. It was 258. This is the receipt. Reporter they filed for lee em burst. From their Insurance Company and got denied. Even after a appeal, in check. We waited, we waited, we called. It is tough. Were old people. It is hard on us. Reporter he says that nine months after her mri, she received a surprise medical bills, totaling more than three you this dollars. My heart just dropped. I said i dont now how we will pay for this. I dont know what we will do. It is always on the back have of your mine. It is just terrifying. Onethird of the consumers report receiving a surprise medical bill in the last two years. Reporter Consumers Union says it is a significant and growing problem. Often pushing consumers in to financial ruin. So what typically happens is the bill will get sent to a collection agency, it can damage your credit and could enforce new to bankruptcy. Reporter after months of fighting with the hospital, and their insurance companies, both odren and camp contacted the action news trouble shooters through call for action. It is a weight off my shoulders. The check, sent overnight, and our money was in our hand. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Reporter call for action and action news trouble shooters are always happy to help our viewers but there are other resources for health care help. The Patient Advocate Foundation is one of them and it is a absolutely free. It mediates and negotiates on behalf of patient was debilitating, chronic or life threatening disease. I had a double Knee Replacement a year and a half ago. Reporter susan says when she got an unexpect 900dollar hospital bill, six months later, she turned to a paid professional at a Company Called Health Advocate. She had actually figure out that i didnt owe the hospital any money and they actually owed me money. We had situations where we helped people with bills, over a hundred thousand dollars. To have a service like Health Advocate is just incredible. Reporter Health Advocate is a local company and helps with much more than just billing problems. Check to see if you have free access to the service through your employer or Insurance Company right now, by going to six abc. Com. Check out our web exclusive, and it explains how Health Services like Health Advocate work. If you have a medical billing issue or other consume are problem, action news trouble shooters want to help you. Let me know what is going on by posting on my facebook page. I have received several Health Care Issues tonight. Yes. Thanks, nydia. Here is something that doesnt happen terribly often, twin sisters in new jersey both delivered their babies, just minutes apart. Action news caught up with stephanie edington and Nicole Montgomery this afternoon at virtua hospital in voorhees. They have delivered their daughters corea and louisea6 minutes apart. We actually had a doctors appointment to day because we were due on friday. So we got the there and like you have to go to the hospital. Then we get a call that nicole and mitch are on their way too. Reporter stephanie and nicole say they were born three minutes apart. A lot of just a couple minutes a parting on there. I bet they will have joint birthday parties. Yes, okay, all right. No, no. Lets get the accu Weather Forecast for this weather system. We could see some snow over a protract period of time. On and off snow showers for about 30 hours, starting now basically. Storm tracker six live double scan showing that we have a band of snow showers over us, youll notice that south of wilmington and vineland that snow is already shutting off. This will be the situation as we head through the night, through tomorrow, and through tomorrow night, and it is not going to be widespread, heavy snow but on and off snow showers and temperatures will show thaw most areas it is cold enough for snow. Philadelphia 32. Down from a high of 44. Allentown 32. Atlantic city airport warmer at 33. Trenton 30. Wilmington 32 degrees. The Satellite Six with action radar is showing one big mess of a storm. This is really fragmented. It is kind of coming in two pieces. The there is one low pressure north of cleveland. Another one forming over virginia, and what happens, higher in the atmosphere. These two will kind of link up. It is call an inverted trough. Where you get that setting up, that would be the focus of the the steadier snow ban. It is converging ways to get lift like a thunderstorm. That is where you get steady snow and that is key, on the areas that will see more accumulating snow. Future tracker showing 7 00 oclock tomorrow morning not everyone will see snow showers but we will have a fewest specially, west of philadelphia, allow extra time for your morning commute, and there could be a few slick spots, as we head into 2 00 in the afternoon. We will see more snow showers. Temperatures above freezing. That will be melting on the road. We he will get mixing with the rain across areas of south jersey and delaware. 7 00 oclock, this is where it fills in tomorrow night. We will see steady snow, temperatures then will be dropping below freezing, and it all shuts off around 4 00 oclock wednesday morning. So it is an extended period of on and off snow showers. Now we have made some slight adjustments to the expected snow fall map, it looks like that inverted trough will be setting up a little more stilted up to the the northwest. That means we are putting the ban of the heavier steadier snow two to 5 inches really, philadelphia a, just to the west of trenton, wilmington, reading and up to allentown. Elsewhere we are looking at one to 1 inches. This is where everything is over wednesday morning. Thinks on the grass surfaces. We will look at melting on the road during the day tomorrow. This is not going to be a major winter storm. Big problem though coastal flooding, coastal Flood Warning continues until noon time tomorrow, and next high tides, 7 30 and 8 30 in the morning. We will see more moderate tidal flood ago long the coast and along the bay and even in the delaware river. The exclusive accu weather seven day forecast on and off period of snow tomorrow with a high of 37 degrees. Wednesday we will clear things out, 39, wind pick up and look at these temperatures 29 degrees, thursday and friday. Friday night arctic front moves through with a run of snow showers and then for valentines weekend, the coldest air mass of the winter so far, morning snow showers on saturday, 24 degrees, the high. Sundays high for valentines day only 20. Monday sun giving way for cloud and high of 32. David murphy will be on action news at 4 00 oclock tomorrow morning to track this snow showers. Thank, cecily. Street Improvement Project in the Queen Village section of the philadelphia is now complete. City has installed 50 new led lights, and planted more than 20 trees and installed new crosswalks. The work took place on south street and historic fabric row which is located on Fourth Street from lombard to christian. Dear fellow citizen, i know how it feels to save for retirement and College Times two. I get that it can be overwhelming, because im living it. But i always tell People Savings not that complicated. You just have to work with what you have. If you have a question about saving, ask me. Sincerely, alex payne. Fellow dad and fellow citizen. Flonthis changes everything. Spray. Sincerely, alex payne. Flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. So go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. Flonase. 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That the earned the receiver a a fiveyear, 22 and a half milliondollar contract. Last season just 21 receptions, two touchdowns, and right before training cam in 2013 cooper was caught on video yelling racial slurs at a security guard, at a kenney chessany concert. It the will save the bird under three milliondollar, in the salary cap. Lesean mccoy could be in a heap of trouble. Sources tell action news that the former eagles running back is being investigated after a fight involving three offduty philadelphia Police Officers in a nightclub. Incident occurred at recess lounge in olde city sunday morning. Video sent from an action news viewer, shows the aftermath, and Police Say Two of the officers went to the hospital with injuries ranging from broken ribs, to some skull fractures. Police have been interviewing witnesses. Mccoy has not yet been questioned but that is expected to happen at some point. The sources say he will face charges. I reached out to drew rosenhaus, his agent, and he said in comment right now. The sixers have the flashes of brilliance thing down but closing out the game part that they have trouble executing. That has never been more evident tonight against the l. A. Clippers. Night starts off well. Jahlil okafor scores 14 points. Sixers build a 19point Second Quarter lead. To the Fourth Quarter the the lead is evaporating. Smith puts sixers up eight. Sixteen for him. Jj reddick the leading threepoint shooter, ties the game with ten seconds to go. He scores 23. In overtime, it is all l. A. , chris paul, 19 points, and, the sixers lose, 9892. Still ahead, were number one. That is battle crew at villanova campus tonight. We will hear from jay wright from the new rankings, next. Are you busy . Im just daydreaming. About your dream trip to italy . Yeah. With your sisters, to shop and see the sights. Is it that obvious . Youve been staring at that new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. Yeah, its the price is right. With top prizes of 300,000. Is that painting crooked, or is it just me . [announcer] want to see your dreams come to life . You could scratch your way to instant winning. The pennsylvania lottery. Bring your dreams to life. To College Basketball villanova is in unchartered waters but still a good place to be. Cats have the number one ranked team in the nation. Latest poll was released this afternoon. This is first time nova has been ranked number one in the nation, in school history. Cats are 20 three. They left for chicago earlier today for tomorrows game against depaul. Coach jay wright is trying to keep his players level headed. Right now it is just the next challenge. It is cool. Really cool, but we have to make sure it is not too much apart of what we do because we have to get ready for tea paul and not think about being number one. And they have a bulls eye on their back the bee paul not very good. They have two wins overtop 25 teams. Any game on the road is a tough game. In the big east that is true. Jimmy kimmel live next on channel six followed by night line. Jimmys guest bri larson, demarcus wear and neon squeeze music i actually know what that is. Action news continues, at 4 00 clock, half an hour early because of the weather, for action news im jim gardner, good night. Announcer from hollywood its Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight from room, oscar nominee brie larson. Super bowl champion demarcus ware, and its mashup monday with music from neon squeeze with cleto and the cletones. And now, no need to worry heres jimmy kimmel [ cheers and applause ]

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