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Music throughout unlike ordinary diapers, pampers has three absorbent layers to stay up to three times drier. So your baby can sleep soundly all night. Wishing you love, sleep and play. Pampers no justice no peace. The names of aon ta brownnd freddie gray were on the nd and in the mouths of protesters early tonight in cenrity pladelphia. They ro the Retail District and entered stores and restaurants proclaiming that yes, black les matter. Its tuesday night and the big sty on action news tonight is psionate protests on the streets of philadelphia. Action News Reporter dann cuellars ve in center city. Dann setimes loud, sometimes disruptive but ver violent, correct . Reporter that is right jim. Predictable. For a while there was chaos on thetreets here in center city as protesters marching in random en going into sps and restaurants. Unaudible. Reporter protesters kept police and motoristuessing whereheyould go next as th marched through ru hour traffic on the streets of center city. I just want everybody to know thath is a no cop zone. No c ne. Reporter about 50 members have the group black lives maer were joinedy relatives of the 26 yearold andon tate brown who was pulled over by police last december in the yir section. Officers say ey spotted a gun in the car. After a struggle he was sh and kied. D. A. Seth wliamsays vio evidence and ewitness accounts indicate tate brown waseaching for a g but his mother begs to differ with the the d. There are ls, descrepancies, n check them out but he doesnt ce. He doesnt care. He dsnt care abouthe the philadelphia people. Who voted m in . Reporter soon they abandoned the streets a made their way to t den restaurant in tnhouse square lng snities and startled patientsho we having dner. Unaudible. Reporter protesters made their way in the gap and so the the apple store on walnut. Why do you feel you have to do that because black les matter period. Ourives are the on e li. And Desperate Measures ca for desperate action. Reporter protest lasted ov aner but they w to come bk. And notores are se, til we get justice. When we say in justice no ace that is exactly wh we mean. Reporter in a statement from the office of the district tney Seth Williams a spokesmen says the thefficetd by it rye view of the facts in the ca period. The the ostersre new planning to protest t mummers parade on new yes day. We are liverom center city, ima cuellar for channel six action news. Thanks, dann. Tonight search is on for is man e suspect Philadelphia Police say th struck an oir wi his car last night and tn took o. Investigators alleged that 26 yearold Maurice Taylor refused orders to stop, jped into a car and driving the wrong y wn the 2700 block of sears seet, bore hit a pice officer. E officer is being treated at Jefferson University hospital, for head injury, and a bken leg a a shattered kneecap. Tonight, Philadelphia Police are trying to track down a center ci ssher. Police know of two cents early this morning separated by ju 15 nes and f blocks. Action news rorter Christie Lleto is live at central detectives. Christie do pice have any ad so ty can get this guy off of the rt. Reporter jim, only physical description and last known lation. That is w officers are canvassing streets and neighborhoods that one victim tells action news e usually pretty safe. Im very lucky. Reporter Josh Mcnamara has only a shallow scratch on his ce afris attacker ted to stab him walking to the gym. He says that the violent encounter started after the the suspect yelled h. Turned, started to walk a away andhat is when they guy came back around the corner and a slashed at my cheek. Reporter within second mcnamara says his attacker disappeared, police ramped up patrols at st and how c butinutes later. Report of the sbbing, in front of the apartment. Reporter Surveillance Video caught whom Police Believe is the the same suspect, with his first ct running by. Someone was csing him. He fell. When i wentut to y to help him, you owi thought the the guy was punching h. But he wasnt punching him. He was stabbing hi reporter ralph wilson works at river loft apartments and he immediately srted yelling at the aacker from theront do. I saidut at out, you know and he just stopped and walked away calmy. Like he didnt have a care in the rld. Reporter police say they have nootive as suspect never took anything fm either of the victims. After each violent altercation. What we have thus fars it appearse approachedhe individual, pulled out the knife, and g to cut the individual. Reporter detective say both attacks are ilated to the center sit the eye neighborhoods. If there is anything, tt anybody, you know, anybody saw or heard anything. Reporter mcnamara is hoping someone comes forward with fmation on the brazen tacker. Now, those victims were treated at nearby hospitals and released earlier tay. Police say spect was last seen on the ft heading westbound on cherry rt. Anyone withny information is asked to contact them. The reporting live, rtie lleto, annel six action news, jim . Thanks, ciie. Now to a deloping story from the e nashville airpt whe a aneas gone off the runway injuring eight people. Southwest Airlines Says that the bong 737 had just landed from houston and w taxiing to the gate wh it rolled off the runway on to grass and got stuck. 133 passengers a five crew members safely evacuated the plane. Authorities say most of the ctims have n injuries, one had chest pain d faa vestigators have t yet determined what caused the plane to ave the tarmac. Delaware Authorities Say say texting whileriving was blame for this car slamming in theome in christiana this afternoon. Fortunatelyo one was inside or bo was hurt but e home on the un bck of archer circle has been ndemned by a building spector. Police sayhe the 23 yearold manehindhe wheel n facing charges. Family of the missing teenage girl believed that her bo was fod yesterday in cape y county. A corpse was found in the the 100lock of vermont avenue in the e rio grand section of the detown ship. Police havent confirmed if the body is that of vyear d nicole angstat but h family sa there is no doubt. E was reported sng by her mother two weeks ag pennsylvanias public Pension System wi endp paying Jerry Sandusky tens of thousands of dlsn benefits thehat dpeis convictions on child sex abuse. The agency oed paying sanduskys 4,900 a in month pension in october of 1 butommonwealth court has ruledhat forfeiture w wrg and that the statewes backed benefits plus interest. The window to pl has w expired, a the Pension System a sa today tt will comply with the order sandusky ll get his money. Mack truck plans to layoff 400 people at its plant in the lehigh valley, that is 2pcent of the work force there. The facility in lower mungie township assembles every mack truck blt in the nth american marketnd export. Auto mar blames job cuts weaken demand. The worrs will sy on the job through t holidays. Theseayoffs ke effect january 21st. Camden countys District Attorney says he wants kathleen kanes b. The john morgannellie said he ll r for Pennsylvania Attorney general. He says he will launch h campaign in the f months but there a rdy at lst three oer democrats who will challenge him for the nomination, and kane herself saythat shes interested in a second term but she acknowledges that she may not be eligible with a snded w license while fighting criminal charges. It shoulde easier for exfelons to find work in philadelphia, under a new law signed toy by mayor michael nutter. Legislation prevents employers from running a criminal background check on applicants until will they have been offered that job. They could only look at the candidates past seven yrs. The idea to destigmatized a criminal past so job ers are judgedn their current merits. Howeverhe law does not apply to domestic jobs like child care and elder care. Tonight, in las g republican candidates for president gathered for the firstimeince San Bernardino and the entire debate has concerned terrorism and security. Most es were donald trump o defended his ll to ban slimsrom eou ha tru iisted th his controversial plan is not an attempt to discriminatend is not an tempt to cle america o fm t rest of the world. We are not talking abt isolation. Were talkingbout security. Were not talking about religion. Were talking about security. Our country is out of control. People are pouring across the southern bder, i wl bud a wall, it will be a great wall. Jeb bush dismissed tmp as a not a serious candidate saying quote you are not goin to be able to st your way to the presidency. New jersey governor cis christie was back on the main debate stage nht and christie said fear is the the new normal in t united statesnd cistieashed outt psident obama and Hillary Clinton and trust his background as governor and former federal prosecutor. Christie is cter r developmentally disabled is new target for terrorist that a every where is a target for terrorist are. Brian taff has been presiding over a live cook chat about the debate and brian is now live from e ctionews big board brian. On facebook and s be a lively discussion in both ys. We ghered six republicans to in us here at six abc tonightnd comment on the debate as eyatched it. One thing stoodut. Even though donald trump lead National Polls most told me he is not their candidate. Just a way that he tks it attraction a certain base, for hmnd for me it just doesnt do it for me. I thinkis fial expressions tonight and through all of e debate is it is ke a si show. The way he is a cdidate is a threeyear eld throwing a temper tantrum. It is a lot of emotion and irrational emotion. What im lking f is somebody who rationalnd reasonable. Reporter with that voters paying close attention to th rc it why isonald trump res well National Polls bute so inhe early stagehere the the first votes will be castsepublicans see mehey get know trump more they like otr candidates. Rubio cruz are the strongest candidates nht. They have gone back and fth about ideas and differentials. Reporter she says shes ying close aention to all of t tk about immigration. She says dont assume heated etoric wont meanhe wont be supporting someone on that stage. You know, one o and say we in nal, hispanicsont like trump. Reporter that according to Terry Madonna why e debate matter. Until election day gets cser is is as close as most viewersill geto the the ndidates. These debates probably have mattered more than mt primarily debates, you know, prei su say many in naon debates in the past and each one of them has had sort of interesting consequence for the race n to a person all of ths plicans we gathered x abc saided cruz and marco rubio faired west in tights be. Also biotood to gain the most trails uz and trump in every po. We willindut tomorrow, that will change in is favor. At the b bodrian taff, channelix, action ns jim. Thanks brian. Still to come ction news tonight the u. A russia may be seeing eye to eye on what has en a Major International stickingoint. Also room to sre on health check we will findut what makes the eical triplets even more rare. Driven to aer pice revealed motive f ramming a pickup truck through a he tell b. Plus reviews from people saw starars eere including ahark tank investor cecily. We have had four days in a rowf record warmth t seasonably co air is out in the west. That will mo ti f the the weekend. Ill have details and ran on theay in the accu Weather Forecast. Plus flyers make a change on the ice. Ducisodgers shows us it was enough to make a difference. That and more when action newsontinues nht. Threats were ma against hool districts il anles andnsuringut officials rponded differently. Los angeles united co district decided close all schools, nrly 1100 schools afterod members received an e id threat. New york city Public Schools reined openedfter cy leaders deemed the threat in the credible. Ehreats are being investigated as hoax. Schoolsn los aeles will be opened tomorrow. It looks like e u. S. Is backing down on e issue of syriasal sad as future of syrian president. After meetingith san president vladamire putin secretary state john kerry sa in moscow that the s. Is not eng regimehange and kerry accepted russias long std demand that assads future be determined by his own pple. Thehange shows that the fight against isis has tan priority, over assad from the themerican perspective. We have learned more tonight about this pickup trucksampage into a hotel lobbyn oklahoma a the drivers alleged te. We showed you this video first last night at 11. Authorities say that six twoyear old johnarsely was upset over a billg dispute and h credit card beg declined. Two hpell workers had to jumput of the the way when pickup truck me breling through. The woman baly eaped injury. Parsely is now facing aes. It prs that ness hasettled on a dealhat will keephe government fued through ne year. E spending plan ts 1. 1 trillion and will increase dicit the by hundreds of billions of dollars. That is cse budget extend numerous popular tax credits but doesnt pay for th. The plan also raises domestic and defense spending. Doctors in omahaeaska are calling ct birth identical triplets remarkable. One of the reasons is th during pregnancy, two of the babies shared a ck while the third had ck ofts own. The t three girls are also spontaneous triplets meaning fertility drugs we not ud. The bies re ea born weighing 2pound and after two months in the hospital the girls all went home on e very sa day. Well, true star wa fans may be ang up late tonight, the first critics reviews of the the new fi areet to be pl at 3 oclock this morning. 3 01 to be a but peop who got the s e premiere late last night in hollywood are already ghing. Ndra rimes producer of scandal, grace anatomy called it so quote in e best d school way. Comedian tnswaldayst hashe best final shot of a star wa l wo dancing with the stars kim johnson d shark tanks robert says that they were blown awa it is an incredible job bringing back older characters and weaving them in the sry. It is reallye written. It is very, very i thought it would be great. It was great. Latest itallment of the ga esode seven the fce akens opens this friday, theaters across the country will behowing it srting thursday nit, of course, disney ishe Parent Company of both star war and cnl six, but we are aolutely, unbiased. Resident star wars super fan tt odonnell interviewed the ct and rtor of the force ans. See it on six abc to t co alongi pictures from hi trip too wi lwood and enter our star wars sweepstakes to win a ir of tickets oning night t force awakens. Sorry. It is friday g. Take the the whe station to midnight swing after t 11 00 he clock should we get tickets. Come on jim. Pull some strings. Do you have a wallet jt you. I got a credit card. Lets get e e ac Weather Forecast from the ever so generous cy tynan. Things will be changing. Storm tcker six live dble scan showing we have dry conditions out there tonight andhe action ca out and about the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of art at the amor statue. Lots of peopleaveeen loving the the weather bause it has not felt like december. We have had six Straight Days of 60degree aer or ave the second longest, string of 60degree aer in december, the first longest, the cd, back in 1998, we had seven days. 1 degree s. That thisill go down our warmest first half of the december on record. Even right now it is still etty mile. Degrees. We hit a rerd high at 1 00 this afternoon of 69. Four da in a w. Allentown 52. Millville 47. Sea is city1. Wilmington 47. Trenton 50 degrees. Satellite six with action radar showinge had a hh, thin, cloud deck, generally north of philadelphia, tomorrow morning for the bus stop good ot of sunshine but there will be a chill in the air. Above norm but still cooler en recent mornings. Finitely kid ne a jket at 6 00 oclock 43. By 8 00 oclock 45 degrees. Through the the day torw good amount sunshine. Temperatures coolff a little bit but still well abe the normal high of 45 degrees with wind starting out of t northa and shifting from the south st light four to 8 miles an u nots gusty. Wead wd gusts 35 to 40 miles an hou thursday, find the umbrella, coldront moving inith the wave of low pssureoving along and bngings ang rain, half inch to an ch of rain mid morning d it wi continue past the evening commute and ts will unleash this coldir for the weekend temperatures only in the 4s, and saturday lely the first y th month of below normal mperatures. So wnesday lotsf sunshine, less wind with a high of. On thursdayhat solid soaking, 58 degrees, bind this system another windy day on friday, 51 degrees. Look at what happens on saturday the hi 2egrees below average, 42 but cr in the winds the t wind chl even in the afternoon near 3degrees. Bundle up and then the ee will easep on sunday, not as chilly 48 degrees, dry for eagles sunday night. Machine back. Tuday we willlimb back to 6o it lks like Christmas Eve we could ha rorrer wmth on the way so one day of ld air and then temperatures backup. Ducis rodgers sa he would hosthe party. He is the the man. Isnt hehe man. No. Hundreds of kid Atlantic County new jersey will have ao year christmasecause of the kindness of strangers. More tn 1300 to were donated during seventh annual toys for tots dri hosted by Caesars Entertainment in atlantic ci. Tonight at ballys casino volunteers loaded toys for marine coreeague of Atlantic County. Toys will be distributed to the many filies in the ar. Zenof ds enjoyed a r christmas tonight in north philadelphia n helped hand out gifts tonight at nth penn pal, the party was hted by le aletic league with help from the charitable foundations. My sister raves about her toothpaste and mouthwash all the time. Im like, huh . Arent they all the same . You know, i had to see for myself. So i went pro. With crest prohealth advanced. Advance to a healthier stronger cleaner mouth from day 1. This toothpaste. And mouthwash make my whole mouth feel amazing. And my teeth stronger. Crest prohealth advanced is superior in these 5 areas dentists check. This is gonna go well, for sure. Advance to a healthier stronger, cleaner mouth from day 1. Great check up. My sister was right. Sometimes when a coach makes a change and it works it is mic. Hes a genius. When they do that and it does president work. He is a b. Yeah, get him out of. Dave hakstol with a major change. Jake voracek stuck onne go drops to the second le against carolina a voracek has shift todd le wi a position he has ner played. That move pays of voracek scores off the deflects this ti the gamep atne. And later in t piod new two a Sean Couturier cleans upis own s flyers have the a at threetwo. Andame would tie it upn the third period and new in overtime flyers on the rh voraceke up Shane Gostisbehere h third overtime nr this an. The flyers ta it fourthree in overtime. A lot of things to develop and y miss the net. You just got to stay within yourself. Try to make the easy play. Founately good things will happen. Going to work is easi en you have be successful. Eagles are exhibit the smiles a back on the players faces, two straight victories will do that for you. Sunday bird will host another tough opponent in azona eagles control their own destiny wn th come to the playoffirth. That its all a team can ask for. This is ectly where we want to be. I think it nd of like me point as st year with three games and we have three games left to win t division, last year we didnt take care of biness. Everybody is excited about this oortunity this year. Timing at which we are starting to put me gas together and starting to catch ait blt of a a it finitely helps you the becauseeeed everything you c get at this point in the year. Former eagles gud dd herremans was wad byolts do you think chip kelly brings him back . In. Just a thought. We ll hear fromete rose on major next tuesday the temple ls will be in florida to f toledon the ca r on wl. Stly t th st liner backer will be preparing for the nf in the fa young ji first thing fit. It is tough, you know what i mean . Yog t to to the point where the nexthapter of your lifeeallyncomingt e the door and you just got try to st focused. I will ly wear cherry and white uform wiin more me. Imrying to focus on th d asoon as the game is over i will figure out what theeck will do next. College basketball drexel led defeated south rina game cox get 26 points. Chrisilva with nine. Drexel loses 7954. Dragons fall oneseven. Pete rosies react to go yesterdays setback. The baseball denied hisid for reinstatement. Rosies disappointed and still desperate to get back in the ga. I want baball and pete rose toeriends. Th is a i wt, so i can say im not an outsider looking in. I got grand ks. They want tir gnd pop to be associated wi baseball. In my opinion longer this es e mo sympathetic a gure is comes. Jimmy kimmel v fl byateine. Jimmy ease guest tonight hn kaczynski, curt herbstreet and music from steel. Action news continues at 4 30 with Tamala Edwards matt odonnell, meteorologist david muhy a and ken rodgers with traffic. For cily tynan dus dgers andhe entire action ne team, im jim gdner good night. Winners are showing up all over pennsylvania. And with more than 500,000 winners of match 6 cash 5, and Treasure Hunt every single week, thats not a big surprise. Winners, winners everywhere play today

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