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And video from inside this home and the warning tonight for families across the country when you put your house on the market. Good evening, and its great to have you with us here on a thursday night, and we begin with the major headline from washington tonight. President trumps attorney general, Jeff Sessions, revealing he will recuse himself from any investigation into the Trump Campaign. It comes after the attorney general did not reveal during his confirmation hearings he met with the Russian Ambassador twice during the campaign. Tonight, were also learning the president s soninlaw, Jared Kushner also met with the Russian Ambassador before the president was inaugurated. Along with mike flynn, who was forced to resign. His National Security adviser. Tonight, with his own explanation. Abcs Pierre Thomas leading us off. Reporter tonight, the dramatic announcement in washington. Attorney general Jeff Sessions stepping back from any investigation into russian interference in the election amid accusations he misled the senate about his own communications with russian officials. I have now decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigation of anything having to do with the campaign for president of the united states. Reporter it comes down to this moment from the attorney generals Senate Confirmation hearing. Sessions saying he had no contact with the russians during the campaign. If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do . Senator franken, im not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and i didnt have did not have communications with the russians. Reporter but it turns out he did. The Washington Post first reporting sessions met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the republic campaign. And again on september 8th in Sessions Senate office. We need to make America Great again. Reporter sessions was one of trumps top advisors in the campaign, the first sitting senator to endorse him. His september meeting with the Russian Ambassador came in the middle of the controversy over the election hacking, and just one day after candidate trump said this about russian president vladimir putin. If he says great things about me, im going to say great things about him. Hes been a leader. Far more than our president has been a leader. Reporter so did that moment come up in sessions meeting with the Russian Ambassador . Today sessions says he does not remember what, if anything, they discussed about the campaign. I dont recall, but most of these ambassadors are pretty gossipy, and they like to this was in the campaign season. But i dont recall any specific political discussions. Reporter sessions said he met with kislyak purely in his capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services committee and that the meeting during the Gop Convention was a brief encounter with other ambassadors present. Let me be clear, i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the Trump Campaign. And the idea that i was part of a, quote, continuing exchange of information during the campaign between trump surrogates and intermediaries for the russian government is totally false. Reporter but the attorney general acknowledged that he could have been more forthcoming at his confirmation hearing, saying he was e quote, taken aback by senator frankens question. In retrospect i shouldve slowed down and said i did meet one russian official a couple of times and that would be the ambassador. And Pierre Thomas with us live from the Justice Department tonight, and pierre, whats the status of the investigation into russias meddling at this point into the election . And what happens now that the attorney general, Jeff Sessions has recused himself . Who takes over . Reporter the fbi still investigating russian interference in the election. Still searching to see if anyone tied to trump had contact with russian intelligence. It will now be overseen by the acting attorney general, dana boente, an appointee of president obama, david . A trump supporter waving that flag. President trump and the white house saying they did not know Jeff Sessions met with the ambassador during the campaign. The president during a visit to an Aircraft Carrier saying he shouldnt recuse himself, but a short time later on national television, thats when he did. Abcs senior white house correspondent, cecilia vega from norfolk. Reporter during a tour of a new Aircraft Carrier in virginia today, President Trump offering his full support for his embattled attorney general. Mr. President , do you still confidence in the attorney general . Total. Reporter still, the president saying he had no idea about Jeff Sessions conversations with the Russian Ambassador. When were you aware that he spoke to the Russian Ambassador . I wasnt aware at all. Reporter in fact, white house sources tell abc news, Administration Officials first learned about that contact overnight, when the story broke in the Washington Post. Today, what should have been a victory lap after the president s speech to congress was overshadowed by yet another round of questions about his teams contacts with russia during the campaign. For months, the president insisting there were no contacts. To me in january did you or anyone in your campaign have any contact with russia leading up to or during the campaign . Nothing another all . No, not at all. Reporter not at all, he said. And to abcs jon karl two weeks ago . Can you say definitively that nobody on your campaign had any contacts with the russians during the campaign . And on the leaks, is it fake news or are these real leaks . Well, the leaks are real. You are the one that wrote about them and reported them. The first part of my question, the context. Can you definitively say nobody well, i had nothing to do with it. I have nothing to do with russia. I told you. I have no deals there. I didnt know anything. Reporter he has already lost one key aide over it. The president fired his National Security adviser, michael flynn, for lying about the nature of his conversations with the Russian Ambassador. And tonight, another revelation, the president s soninlaw and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, met with flynn and that same ambassador at trump tower in december. The same time the Obama Administration was deciding how to punish russia for meddling in the election. And that ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, also right there in the capitol on tuesday, for the president s speech to congress. The white house hoped to be still basking in the glow of that speech. Instead, they are now trying to explain their russian connection, and fending off what they call political attacks. All right, so lets go live to cecilia vega. She is in norfolk, virginia tonight, and Jared Kushner, the president s soninlaw, one of his closest aides, and we are learning he, too, met with the Russian Ambassador during the transition . Reporter he did, david. In december, the meeting lavsed about 20 minutes, and they discussed the relationship between the two countries. A spokesperson says that he meets with dignitaries on a regular basis, but with the questions swirling about russia, every contact is under the microscope. Thank you, cecilia. There was swift reaction on capitol hill. Lawmakers on both sides have been calling for Jeff Sessions to recuse himself. Democratic leaderis are going further saying he should step down. Abcs mary bruce is on capitol hill again tonight. Reporter for democrats the attorney generals announcement is not enough. Even before he took the podium, democrats were calling for Jeff Sessions to step down. The fact that the attorney general, the top cop in our country, lied under oath to the American People is grounds for him to resign. There cannot be even the scintilla of doubt about the impartiality and fairness of the attorney general. Reporter on capitol hill today, the chorus was too loud for the attorney general to ignore. Why do you feel he should recuse himself . I feel that Jeff Sessions should recuse himself in order to promote Public Confidence in the investigation. And that, to, me, would be the best approach. Reporter even members of his own Party Breaking rank, a growing number of republicans urging sessions to step down from the investigation. I think it would be best for the credibility of the investigation and also best for Jeff Sessions. Based on what we read, and the information is not complete, i think attorney general should further clarify and i do think he is going to need to recuse himself at this point. Reporter but others are standing by him. Are you concerned sessions didnt disclose these meetings . Not remotely. Reporter and some pointing fingers i think democrats are lighting their hairs on fire to get you to cover this story. Reporter the stakes made clear in this blunt tweet from president george w. Bushs top ethics lawyer, saying, misleading the senate in sworn testimony about ones own contacts with the russians is a good way to go to jail. Mary bruce talking with democrats and republicans. Democrats wont give up this fight, and they will try to pressure sessions to resign, and calling for a criminal investigation tonight . Reporter david, democrats say this is now a question of perjury, and some have sent a letter to the fbi director demanding an immediate criminal investigation, and some want to see him come back to the hill to testify begin. Thank you. In the meantime, there is new video emerging tonight, released by the european command. A russian aircraft buzz a u. S. Navy destroyer last month. Shaky video showing russian fighter jets flying within a mile of uss porter. The americans are calling it unprofessional, and the russians saying it never happened. And in yemen, the air strikes. They killed at least seven militants, and its the first action in yemen since the death of ryan owens. Officials confirming that raid yielded valuable intelligence, including 100 contacts for al qaeda sympathizers both in the region and in the west. Back here of the home and to a mother and father in georgia seeking justice for their sons death. The deputies tasing him, and one kneeling on his neck. He did not survive, and Abcs Steve Osunsami is in georgia tonight. Reporter the parents of the georgia teenager behind the wheel of this pickup truck dont deny tonight that their son was on drug, and probably shouldnt have been racing away from police in the middle of the night. But they believe what happens next after he is pulled out of the truck is nothing but murder. I think they should be punished. I have never seen a cop car that says on the side, to hunt down and kill. It says to protect and serve. Reporter the Police Dashcam video is from 2015. 18yearold nicholas is feeling the shock from their stun begins and the deputies are on top of him. The part thats most difficult to watch is when one of the deputies keeps leaning his knee onto their sons neck and turns him around and does it again. An autopsy from state investigators says its one of the reasons he died. Compression of the neck and torso. Turn him on his side. Hey. Nicholas, wake up. He hadnt committed a crime, and they killed him. I got a problem with that. Reporter the family is now suing saying the police violated his sons civil rights, and authorities arent commenting while the investigation is ongoing. Thanks, steve. The corruption sdam scandal in the Baltimore Police department. Seven officers indicted on federal racketeering charges of theft and extortion. The prosecutors saying their crimes were robberies by people Wearing Police uniforms giving themselves a lot of extra overtime. Abcs linsey davis is in baltimore tonight. Reporter seven Baltimore City Police Officers are on the other side of the law tonight. Arrested on racketeering charges. These officers, theyre 1930s style gangsters as far as im concerned. Reporter they were all members of an elite gun task force. And their the indictment reads like a tv drama. The allegations range from robbing citizens and extorting drug dealers to filing false reports. One of the officers is even accused of possessing and intending to distribute heroin. This is a punch in the gut for the Baltimore Police department, but it is a reality and its a necessity of reform. Reporter theyre also accused stealing amounts ranging from 200 to 200,000, and putting in for fraudulent overtime. One officer paid nearly double his salary. Why does an investigation like this take a year . The worst thing you can do to erode the public trust is to charge too early and not have those charges stick. Reporter six of the seven officers appeared in court today and entered pleas of not guilty. For now, a judge has ordered the officers remain behind bars. Some of them face up to life in prison, david. Linsey, thank you. Next to a swift change in the weather coming to much of the country tonight. It comes after dangerous winds battering the east. Up to 60 miles per hour, and that tornado breakout. A pileup on i90 in syracuse. Coating the highways with ice. The winds knocking over this tree. One crashing on a home in washington, d. C. , and tonight, the bitter cold is now moving in. Our weather team saying it will feel like the teens from the great lakes to the northeast over the next 48 hours. Winter is not oerve. There is money more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. The new image tonight. The passenger plane. The engine exploding at the gate. That investigation under way. Warning for families across the country. Video from inside this home. What to watch out for when you put your house on the market. And the story tonight behind an unlikely friendship. Former president george w. Bush, revealing what was behind this moment with the former first lady. Well be right back. Ng for reti. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. 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Homeowners urged to be on alert, and tonight, new images from one familys Home Security camera to prove it. Heres abcs kayna whitworth. Reporter tonight a warning for anyone putting their home on the market. Authorities in vancouver, washington are investigating an alleged burglary by this man. I watched three seconds of video. I watched him come out with latex gloves on and im like, hes robbing our house. Reporter Travis Clarke was at work but watching his nanny cam live when he saw this man rifling through his cabinets. He had just allowed a Real Estate Agent to show his home to potential buyers. I got him on camera taking prescription medication. Reporter weve seen it before. This agent in virginia using her access to a home to swipe medication right from the closet. Hello. Reporter and this prospective buyer in texas heads into the kitchen, opens a cupboard and pops something into her purse. But there are ways to avoid open season on your open home. Realtor mike domino says he preps his clients for an open house. What you want to remove from the home are things that you absolutely cannot replace. Thats something you want to consider putting in a safety deposit box. Reporter he suggests keeping pocketbooks and prescriptions with you when your house is being shown. David . Something to think about. Thank you. Tonight, the engine explosion at the gate of an american airport. The raid unfolding. Federal agents moving in. And after dropping out of the school. Tonight, he is now worth 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Sch. Tonight, he is now worth 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Ton 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Sch. Tonight, he is now worth 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Ton 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Ton 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . ,to 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . Toh 5. 5 million. Why didnt we think of that . My cold medicines wearing off. 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Had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up bigtime. Tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated. Had to talk to my doctor. She said, how long you been holding this in . laughs that was my movantik moment. My doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. Dont take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. Movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. Tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. Movantik may interact with them causing side effects. Why hold it in . Have your movantik moment. Talk to your doctor about opioidinduced constipation. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. To the index of oh news tonight, federal officers raiding three cater pillar facilities in illinois today. Authorities launching raids as part of an investigation to possible tax fraud of the company. Carrying boxes from three companies, including peoria. They are cooperating with law enforcement. A scare at the gate at chicagos ohare airport. Mechanics running an operation check on this skywest, American Eagle plane. There were no passengers on board. The cause of the incident is under investigation tonight. To wall street, and heres to something to snapchat about tonight. The Parent Company of snapchat, getting maore than 50 in its debut. Closing at 2448. Its creator dropped out of college, seen with his girlfriend, and life is good these days. The friendship. George w. Bush explaining his fondness for michelle obama. And the africanamerican museum day that went viral. The president saying, quote, we took to seech other, daeding, she appreciates my sentence of humor. When we come back, the ups delivery. It left everybody, including the person it was for, speechless. 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Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms such as itching, rash, or trouble breathing; a lump or swelling in your neck; or severe pain in your stomach area. Serious side effects may include pancreatitis, which can be fatal. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may make existing kidney problems worse. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, click to activate your within. Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Im 51 years old. M. When i was diagnosed with pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd have waited two more days, you wouldve died. If id have known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor or pharmacist about it. Tinily tonight here, america strong. The ups delivery that surprised the young devoted worker at ups. Reporter it played out at oxford, alabama. The colleagues were gathered. One of them leading the way to 19yearold derek taylor, saying to come on over. There was a special delivery for him. Derek has worked here for a year and a half, 12 an hour. His pay going to his medical for his mother. The message straight from the heart. He makes me emotional. Reporter makes them emotional because derek has led by example. His day starts at 4 00 a. M. , and he walks about ten miles each way. But that is about to change. You have got your own. Reporter pointing to his new car, a jeep cherokee. Derek wiping the tears away in his sleeve. Thank you. Go and looks at it. Reporter derek and grateful. This is going to change a lot for me. Thank you again. [ applause ] reporter afterward, derek posting this picture with his girlfriend, writing, im more than appreciative for what my coworkers have done for me. They are all a blessing and ill never be able to thank them enough. Thats the american spirit. Im david muir. Ill see you right here tomorrow. Good night. Dear fellow citizen, i know what its like to want to relax with your family. But enjoying today doesnt mean losing sight of tomorrow. So while i invest in the now my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my childrens College Tuition and retirement. I can help you piece together your Financial Journey for today and tomorrow. If you have a question about investing, ask me. Sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. This is jeopardy introducing todays contestants an Instructional Technology specialist from spokane, washington. A developer consultant from portland, oregon. And our returning champion, a Research Editor from brooklyn, new york. Whose 2day cash winnings total. And now here is the host of jeopardy alex trebek [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Thank you, johnny. An insurmountable lead for rob on Yesterdays Program paid off handsomely. He didnt risk a penny in the final but still picked up 20,000. Nil and crista, welcome aboard

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