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Truck. And the Good Samaritans. Good evening. And we begin tonight with Major Developments in the race for the white house. Donald trump, a short time ago, stopped in the mild of a speech at a church in flint, michigan, by the pastor. And you will hear what she said. Also tonight, the increasing scrutiny on the health of both candidates. Donald trump going on the dr. Oz show, saying he had a physical, and then hands it over to dr. Oz. Late today, Hillary Clinton releasing new information from her doctor. And all of this, with this race tighter than ever tonight. A new National Poll out this evening showing Hillary Clinton with the lead nationally, 48 to 43 . But perhaps the more telling numbers, the battlegrounds tonight. Trump is gaining ground in florida. Hes now ahead 47 to 44 . And look at ohio tonight, trump now leads 46 to 41 . Abcs tom llamas, leading us off. Reporter tonight, in a stunning moment, donald trump stopped cold in his tracks by a pastor of an africanamerican church in flint, michigan. Hillary failed on the economy. Just like shes failed on foreign policy. Everything she touched didnt work out. Nothing. Now, Hillary Clinton mr. Trump, i invited you here to thank us for what weve done in flint, not give a political speech. Okay. Thats good. Then im going to go back onto flint, okay. Reporter trump quickly wrapped up and left. Earlier, trump in a more familiar role, the showman building the drama, presenting the results of his most recent physical on dr. Oz. Why not share your medical records . Why not well, i really have no problem doing it. I have it right here, should i do it . I dont care, should i do it . I have no problem. Its two letters, one is the report and the other is from lennox hill hospital. May i see them . Yeah, sure. Those were all the tests that were done last week. Reporter audience members tell us trump revealed his cholesterol level, Blood Pressure and the results of his latest colonoscopy. And, that he takes a statin. They said dr. Oz called Trumps Health norm am, and also this. Donald trump said, ive always thought i could lose a little weight. Reporter the Trump Campaign has yet to show reporters those two pages he handed to dr. Oz. In 2015, trump tweeted, i have instructed my longtime doctor to issue a full medical report. It will show perfection. But since then, all weve seen is this fourparagraph letter. Trumps doctor, harold bornstein, declaring trump, quote, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency. It took me five minutes to sit right at this desk and write that letter while the driver waited. I think i probably picked up his kind of language and then just interpreted it to my own. Reporter dr. Bornstein also performed trumps physical exam last week. The campaign unclear on whether they will ever release a more complete medical history. I dont know why we need such extensive medical reporting when we all have a right to privacy. Reporter in the past, Hillary Clinton disclosed much more about her own medical history. Still, trump has long questioned her health. And now, after that near collapse on sunday, with clinton home in chappaqua, sidelined with pneumonia, her doctor releasing a new Detailed Health summary, saying clintons physical exam was, quote, normal, and she is in excellent mental condition. Clinton is taking several medications, including for her thy rod and allergies. Her doctor says her heart is healthy. As for her pneumonia, hes recovered well with andy biotics and rest, and she is fit to serve as president of the united states. And tom llamas back with us again tonight. Tom, any word on when the Trump Campaign will release more information . Reporter david, donald trump said he will release the results of his physical later this week. But the campaign now says thats in flux, and it is unclear if theyll release anymore information. The clinton Campaign Says trump is trying to hide something, and theyre calling that letter he released back in december, the fourparagraph medical letter, a, quote, joke. David . Tom, thank you. Of course, as you heard there, the clinton camp calli ining trs appearance with dr. Oz a charade. Lets get to Richard Besser back with us tonight. First, the appearance on dr. Oz today, what did you make of it . Reporter well, we didnt learn a lot today. Perhaps well learn more. But if he he shared were the results of his most recent medical examine, thats not a lot of information. Hillary clinton almost timing this to a tee, late today, issuing two more pages about her medical history, but are these her medical records . Reporter no, theyre not. But heres the difference. When you combine this with what she released last year, you get a very detailed picture of her history, her family history, the diseases that run in her family, the problems shes had in the past. And we get a followup. We learn about her thy rod disease, her ct scan following her blood clot and her pneumonia. This is the kind of detailed summary i would expect to get from another doctor. Its enough for me to evaluate her campaign saying shes fit to be president. Rich, thank you. And to the other Major Development this evening, former secretary of state, colin powell, hacked. Calling donald trump in email, quote, a National Disgrace, and trumps Birther Movement, quote, racist. But he also expressed his displeasure with the Clinton Campaign, and Abcs Cecilia Vega on what the emails reveal. Reporter he is one of the most famous faces in the gop, serving under three republican president s, but in his hacked emails, colin powell calls his own partys nominee a National Disgrace and an international pariah. The former secretary of state also said donald trump has no sense of shame. Powells emails were hacked in what could be russias latest attempt to influence this election. In those emails, he does not hold back, saying trump appeals to the worst angels of the gop nature and poor white folks. And about trumps birther crusade against president obama . If he wasnt born in this country, which is a real possibility, then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics. Reporter powell writing, yup, the whole Birther Movement was racist. Powell also seems to defend Hillary Clinton in an email to former secretary of state condoleezza rice, saying benghazi is a stupid witch hunt. But the niceties end there. Powell told a democratic donor that clinton doesnt look good. She is working herself to death. And just last month, powell seemed frustrated after clinton publicly suggested he was the reason she decided to use private email as secretary of state. Writing that clinton, quote, could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it. I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. Powell has not said who hes endorsing in this race. In due course, i will, you know, express my opinion about this, but i want to wait a little longer. Reporter but in 2014, he wrote, i would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend i respect. He says clinton has unbridled ambition and calls her greedy, not transformational. So, lets get right to cecilia vega, live tonight. Any response from either campaign tonight after secretary powells emails were revealed . Reporter well, perhaps not surprising, david, no comment from either said. The Clinton Campaign certainly wants to shift the focus, why she is still here recovering at her home. Shes back out on the campaign trail tomorrow. Shes got two stops, North Carolina and washington. David . Cecilia vega in chap pa ka for us tonight. Thanks. To the other breaking headline at this hour. The topical storm battering parts of the east coast tonight. Julia forming rapidly over florida and then blowing up the coast, gusting ones and pounding rain. Straight line winds, as well, ripping off this roof in grant, florida. Tonight, the Tropical Storm is hovering with flash flood threats up into North Carolina. And meteorologist rob marciano is standing by in North Carolina. Rob . Reporter rapidly developing Tropical Storm julia slamming the southeast seaboard with torrential rain. Sustained winds over 40 miles an hour churning up the waves along Floridas Atlantic coast. Even spawning a tornado in brevard county. Winds up to 85 Miles Per Hour there. In grant, florida, Straight Line winds ripped the roof right off warren kriess home. Door started rattling really bad in the garage, so, i rolled it down. Finally, when it quit, i opened the door. I saw my roof lying out in the yard. Reporter the storm marching north through the night. In georgia, trees toppled, power knocked out. Flash flood watches in place along the carolina coast, where theyre bracing for more than a half a foot of rain. The biggest fear here is flooding. One of the worst things for people who live on the coast, as we do, is the storm surge. Reporter Tropical Storm julia, going from nearly nothing to the tenth named storm of the year. A rare occurrence for a system already over land, all happening in less than 24 hours. Julia may have gotten its name over land, but now the center is over water, which means its not going to weaken any time soon and the low country of South Carolina dont want to hear about that. Were coming up on high tide. The waves have been pounding the coastline all day. Seeing flooding in charleston. See it again, i think, tomorrow. Take a look at the radar. Keeps rotating the heavy rain bands into South Carolina. That will continue. Future cast brings us offshore a little bit tomorrow, but were going to get another five, six inches of ran. Flooding is going to be a problem. And the official forecast track of the National Hurricane center has this thing kind of doing loops off the coast for the next several days. So, looks like its going to be with us for quite some time. David . All right, youll be tracking this through tomorrow morning, rob, thank you. And a monster typhoon has just slammed into the coast of china tonight. Among the strongest on record, winds of 190 miles an hour. Already causing major flooding and damage in taiwan. Water breaching the sea wall of the port, tossing shipping containers like toys there. Our chief Foreign Correspondent terry moran with the stunning images, coming in right now. Reporter the super typhoon was packing some of the strongest suls tanned winds on record. 190 Miles Per Hour at its height. A wall of water lashed this fishing port as the typhoon passed directly over taiwan early wednesday. These ships crashed into each other. One almost entirely on its side. A motorist struck by a piece of flying debris. Blinding rain and wind downed power lines, crushing this car, toppling trucks. Reports of over 25 inches of rain in 24 hours left streets flooded and mudslides blocking roads. Tonight, this storm is slamming into densely populated eastern china, still packing winds an equivalent of a category 3 hurricane. And theres another typhoon coming just behind it. David . Terry, thank you. Back here at home tonight, and to orlando now. A major break in the fire at the mosque. Tonight, police do have a suspect in custody, and this video showing a bright light, then a man running away and out the gate. But what Police Revealed late today, and heres Abcs Steve Osunsami now. Reporter Florida Police tonight say theyve caught the guy seen in these Security Camera videos, setting fire to this sunni mosque in ft. Pierce. Flames are just going up like crazy. Reporter Authorities Say the man whos seen pulling up on a motorcycle and then running from the fire is 32yearold joseph sliber, a familiar face to police, now charged with arson. Its widely known here that this was the place of worship for the orlando nightclub gunman and family. Under florida live, he will be charged with arson and floridas hate crime enhancement will also be applied to the charge. Reporter ever since that painful night, once omar mateen gunned down 49 people at the pulse nightclub, worshippers at the mosque have worried even more about security. Started with hate calls, developed, and now, somebody committing arson. Reporter the fire burned them out, and it just happened to be on the 15th anniversary of the september 11th attacks and the start of a muslim holiday. This 32yearold has not yet entered a plea. Investigators say they have taken a good look at his social media accounts and found a number of antiislamic posts. David . Steve, thank you. We also have new reporting tonight on the driver who police say intentionally drove straight into three Phoenix Police officers. Tonight, the suspect is now facing attempted murder charges, and we have learned more about the suspects past. Heres abcs clayton sandell. Come forward to the microphone over here. Reporter tonight, a judge says Marc Laquon Payne will stay in jail. I do find that you do pose a substantial danger. Reporter bail denied after this security video prosecutors say shows payne trying to kill three Phoenix Police officers. The suspects actions were cold and calculated, as shown by the video. Reporter that video allegedly shows payne speeding and steering straight into the officers standing outside a convenience store. The collision breaks a sergeants left leg. Another officer is sent flying eight feet into the air. That officer, a rookie, working his very first shift. Hes got a concussion, but still helps in the fight to get payne in handcuffs. You can imagine getting hit that hard. Gets back in there and helps the other officer take him into custody. Reporter police say payne is homeless and may have been under the influence of drugs and alcohol. He has not entered a plea in this case, but has been in trouble before. In Court Documents from 1997, officers wrote payne is a very violent person who elbowed and kicked three officers during a traffic stop. He pleaded guilty. And the Phoenix Police chief is calling his rookie cop with a concussion a hero. And tonight, we have just learned, hes been released from the hospital. David . Clayton sandell, thank you. Now, to a major issue in this country, whether to allow Syrian Refugees into america, and how many. Tonight, the Obama Administration is taking a firm stance on refugees, raising the number that the u. S. Welcomes. By the end of 2016, the u. S. Will have accepted 85,000 people who have been displaced from conflict zones around the globe, including more than 11,000 from syria. Next year, their goal will be 110,000. Thats nearly 30 increase. And we should note here that for more than a year now, we have been following Syrian Refugees living right here in america. We also traveled to jordan to ask, who is vetting the refugees . What we learned, next tuesday night, right here on world news tonight and on a special edition of nightline. W we hope youll watch. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. The school bus colliding with the pickup truck, and the rescue. You can see the truck engulfed in flames here. Good samaritans and police rushing in. Just an incredible scene. Also, the new warning tonight, after a car catches fire and, this time, Authorities Say a different type of smartphone inside. And the incredible moment tonight, Bruce Springsteen, calling a fan up onto the stage after what he reads on the fans sign. And you know, when the boss calls you answer. When i was diagnosed with pneumococcneumonia, it was huge for everybody. She just started to decline rapidly. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd waited two more days, you wouldve died. Pneumococcal pneumonia almost took me from them. If i had known that a vaccine could have helped prevent this, i would have asked my doctor about it. Theres a lot of places you never want to see 7. 95. [ beep ] but youll be glad to see it here. Fidelity where smarter investors will always be. Youthats why you drink ensure. Sidelined. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. You only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Wait. Is this where you typically shop . You should be getting double miles on every purchase switch. To the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere. Whats in your wallet . Next tonight here, a dramatic rescue in North Carolina. A pickup truck and a school bus, colliding. The pickup erupting into flames with the driver trapped. And as abcs gio benitez reports tonight, thats when First Responders and Good Samaritans run into harms way to help. Reporter this is video from a North Carolina Police Officers body cam. People in the Community Calling for help. I need an ambulance and a fire truck out here right now. Reporter the driver completely stuck in a fiery pickup truck, after coming head to head with a school bus. The guy in the truck is in pinned in. He cant get out. Reporter you see the desperate acts of Good Samaritans working alongside Police Officers for several minutes. Right there, a man trying to run from one side of the truck to the other, trying to extinguish the flames. Police tearing the door off, First Responders rescuing the man with heavy equipment. Also want to thank you, as well. Reporter now tonight, we see their faces. Three Good Samaritans and seven officers recognized publicly for their heroism. And david, the driver of the pickup truck is recovering from his injuries. They are not lifethreatening. The driver of the school bus was cited for that accident. David . All right, gio, thank you. When we come back here, the new concern tonight, after a different kind of smartphone now suddenly catches fire. Whats going on . And the frightening scene inside the mall here. This womans handbag suddenly explodes. More on what happened there. And the future of fast good delivery. Are you hungry right now . Perhaps this drone will show up at your house with a burrito. They are testing it. Well tell you where, when we come back. Why suffer . Stand up to chronic migraine. With botox®. Botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. Botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. Its injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. And is covered by most insurance. 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Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. man honey, whats a word for large blaze . wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] fire. [man] thirteen letters. [wife] really big fire [burke] conflagration. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum to the index of other news, and another fire, possibly tied to a samsung product. This car completely engulfed in florida. The owner telling police that he was charging a different model galaxy smartphone when the phone ignited. The company, as you know, already facing backlash after dozens of reported fires tied to the battery in the galaxy note 7. Now, the Consumer Safety Protection Commission tonight is looking into incidents involving other samsung devices. A scary scene at a new jersey mall, when a vaping device suddenly ignites. The moment is caught on camera here. The young woman at a sunglass hut checking out when she first heard a bang and then that plume of smoke. Flames erupting from the hang b handbag. A special delivery tonight. Burrito by drone . A Google Pilot Program at Virginia Tech is experimenting with doing just that. The experiment on the College Campus now revealed. The drone flying in, lowering the package before taking off. Students buzzing about what may be the future of fast food delivery. Put my order in. When we come back here tonight, what happens when Bruce Springsteen reads your sign in the crowd and then calls you up onto the stage . He is the boss. Youll see it. Like a human fingerprint, no two whale flukes are the same. Because your needs are unique, pacific life has been delivering flexible retirement and Life Insurance solutions for more than 145 years. Ask a Financial Advisor how you can Tailor Solutions from pacific life to help you reach your financial goals. We thought fibers that caused unwanted gas. Gular not good. Then we switched to new mirafiber. Only mirafiber supports regularity with dailycomfort fiber and is less likely to cause. Unwanted gas. Finally. Try new mirafiber. From the makers of miralax. Hey, need fast try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. What are you doing . Sfx burp im having a small snack. Gross. Dont live with ants. Get raid ant roach spray. Raid . . . Raid kills bugs dead. Sc johnson they keep telling me drink more water. Exercise more. I know that. Try laxatives. I know. Believe me. Its like ive. Tried. Everything my chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know that. Tell me something i dont know. vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Finally tonight, born to run. Especially when the boss calls you up on stage. Heres abcs david wright. Reporter a rock and roll wish granted by the boss himself. Bruce springsteen spotted a fan with a sign in philadelphia. It said, can a college kid play no surrender with you . Sure enough, 19yearold Matthew Oquinn got his big break, after traveling 1,500 miles to be there. Springsteen once sang a duet with a 3yearold in new jersey. And danced on stage with his 91yearold mother, adele. In this months vanity fair, springsteen writes, whoever youve been and wherever youve been, it never leaves you. Still, born to run. Sometimes, with his fans right there by his side. David wright, abc news, new york. 1,500 miles and he gets the duet with the boss. Thats the broadcast for tonight. Im david muir. From all of us here at abc news, good night. 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Elizabeth was not too thrilled to pick up 3,000, you know, but today is another day. Its those darn finals, you know . Scott and barbara, welcome aboard, and good luck to all three

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