Good evening. And its great to have you here with us on a thursday night. We begin with the month wanted man in the world. A 26yearold british man. The world has seen him wearing that mask in those gruesome videos from isis. Taking the lives of so many hostages. Tonight, our team right there in london outside the home curtains drawn. Authorities on the scene in this west london neighborhood. And this evening, we hear from president obama, his reaction as u. S. Authorities learn quickly about this young man from a middle class family. He went to college, studied to be a computer programmer. Abcs chief investigative correspondent brian ross, leading us off tonight. Reporter the identity of the worlds most wanted man is confirmed tonight as a 26yearold College Educated british citizen, mohammed emwazi, whose masked face and voice have come to symbolize pure evil. Our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people. Reporter president obama today vowed to get him, in an interview with abc station komo. Eventually, if you hurt an american, you are going to be brought to justice in some fashion. Reporter it was soon after the beheading of american james foley in august that u. S. And british authorities first figured out who the masked man was, with his facial characteristics and british accent helping to give him away. Im back, obama. Reporter but the u. S. Was helpless to stop him as americans Steven Sotloff and peter kassig, plus two britons and then two japanese hostages became his next victims. The name is just a very small piece of the overall identity. The real goal is identifying where he is, who his network of associates is. And then being able to take action against him inside a place like syria where we have a lack of resources. Reporter emwazis name was kept secret in hopes that he would communicate with his family back in west london where he grew up. After emigrating from kuwait where he was born. Detectives from Scotland Yard were at the house today, and so was abc news correspondent hamish macdonald. I want to take you to have a look at the house itself because clearly the worlds media has been camped here, talking to neighbors, looking for any signs of life. This is the house that police were knocking on the door of. Reporter tonight the family and friends of american hostage Steve Sotloff said they hope he is captured alive. We would like to see him in a court of law, in the dock being charged with his crimes and having to answer for what he did. If hes simply killed in an air strike we wont know anything else. So this was something today, brian. Authorities reveal they knew who they were dealing with shortly after the videos surfaced. You learned tonight, they had him on the radar for years now. Reporter thats right. Since 2009 British Security officials have been tracking him. Tonight, hes very much a man with a target on his back. All right, brian ross leading us off tonight. Now, to the terror arrests right here in the u. S. Those three suspects accused of trying to join isis, captured here in new york. One suspect arrested at jfk airport before trying to board a plane. Tonight, we learn the suspects said they were willing to hijack a plane so that isis would have a jet. Tonight, startling words from the travel agent who unwittingly helped book that ticket, and what we heard from the fbi. Are we losing the social media war . Abcs senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas now. Reporter taking their cue from the savage reputation of isis the brooklyn suspects were allegedly eager, hell bent on supporting the terror group. Its a good example of what the threat looks like. Reporter according to the fbi, one suspects mother was so worried about him going to syria to fight with isis, she took his passport. The suspect got the passport back by telling his mother he was traveling to uzbekistan to visit family. He never gave up, arrested at jfk airport yesterday allegedly en route to syria. A new york travel agent, who did not want to be identified, booked the flight. Im totally shocked right now. My hands are still shaking. Reporter the fbi claims the brooklyn suspects are symbols of a clear and present danger. The isis message if you cant come, kill somebody where you are. Reporter authorities claim the suspects were willing to hijack a plane for isis to murder u. S. Soldiers and police and to bomb coney island. Pierre thomas youve been reporting here on isis using the internet obviously, to recruit. Even right here in the u. S. But we heard an alarming assessment from the fbi today . Reporter david, a senior fbi official was very frank. He said quote, we are losing the battle. Losing the propaganda war with isis because of the sheer volume of their messages. With some experts saying there are tens of thousands of proisis accounts on social media. Pierre thomas with us again tonight. Pierre thank you. We also reported here on those Early Morning raids this week by isis taking christians hostage. Tonight, a Human Rights Organization out of the uk now saying that number has risen to more than 220 christians kidnapped from 11 villages in syria over the course of three days. And tonight, also disturbing images have now surfaced. Isis militants in iraq. Using a power tool to destroy this ancient art fact thousands of years old. Other images show them using sledge hammers, even drills to deploy replicas, too. A 9 11 case on hold tonight. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the accused master mind of 9 11 facing a military commission at guantanamo bay. Tonight, his case halted. An army judge ruling that top pentagon officials used quote, unlawful influence, trying to illegally speed up his case. Which has been stuck in pretrial motions for years now. Back here at home tonight, to the severe Winter Weather hammering the south and much of the east coast this evening. Take a look at this satellite image, showing the monster storm thats pummeled many southern states. This is the scene in alabama. Very difficult driving amid that sea of white. Atlanta and charlotte hit. Both cities Major Airline hubs. Tonight, it is sending ripple effects across this country. Thousandsle of flights canceled. Meteorologist rob marciano with the forecast. More storms on the way this weekend. But first, Abcs Steve Osunsami with the new misery tonight. Reporter blame this one on the snow. A gas station roof collapse in north carolina. And this one, too. Police north of charlotte had to rescue a couple inside this suv after they slid off a bridge and into the creek. Thats the horn still blaring. I would say, unless you have to be out, stay off the roads. Reporter for the second time this week in alabama, drivers on interstate 65 were stuck on the ice for the night. The snow has even come to this humvees to the rescue, i just think its wonderful that the cops are helping us. Reporter since the winter storm began hitting airports in the south especially hard last week, the airlines have canceled nearly 7,000 flights. Today in boston. 2 inches of snow. Now just 5. 7 inches away from a new record. And theres this survivors story from new hampshire. Drew mullins was raking his roof, when the snow knocked him to the ground and buried him under three feet. His wife came home three hours later. She heard what she thought, it sounded like a whisper, she said, but she was able to get to me and call the police. Reporter all of this starting to melt is expected to refreeze tonight, so there are School Cancellations for tomorrow. David . Steve osunsami with us again tonight from the south. Steve, thank you. And one more image, this one from up north. Off the coast of nantucket. Look at this. Thats a wave there, but really a giant wall of slush tonight because its so cold. Lets get right to rob marciano. Boston now, inches away from an alltime snow record . Reporter well have the alltime record in six inches. No big storms in the offing. But its not going to take much with that little to go. Cold air driving down and by tomorrow morning, it settles into the south. Look at the numbers. This does not include the wind. Minus 2 in cleveland. Below freezing in atlanta and dallas. And dallas youre under a Winter Weather advisory for another pulse of snow. Doesnt take much there. Over a foot in some spots across the colorado rockies. Pattern shift. We move the having west. That means rains and snow there. Thats good news for the mountains, but this will swing into the plains and create a bit of a mess on saturday and sunday for chicago and points eastward into boston. Here we go again. Boston thank you. Now to houston, where this even egg, a manhunt is under way. Authorities asking for your help to find the suspect in this Police Sketch after a series of random shootings that left one person dead several injured and a community terrorized. Abcs Neal Karlinsky in texas. Reporter in houston tonight, police say a gunman is hunting pedestrians, shooting people at random as they walk the streets. We want to try to bring this person to justice for those family members and the rest of the community where they dont have to live in fear. Reporter in the houston suburb of missouri city, one school on lockdown, children kept off this playground. The first shooting happening here, less than a mile from an elementary school. That victim wasnt hurt. But just a half hour later, 34yearold pak ho was shot and killed. There were two more attacks that night, both victims hit but expcted to be okay. Then on monday morning, another man wounded. Savalas holmes was hit in the leg when the shooter pulled up alongside him in a dark colored jeep cherokee, the same approach hes used every time. He pulled right up on side of me. Window down already. Already had it on his mind what he wanted to do. Thats when i turned to run. Thats when he shot me. Reporter so tonight, the call has gone out. Be on the lookout for this man, and if you have to walk somewhere, dont go alone. It just seems that the attacks have been random. That is very scary. Reporter one of the shootings happened right here, a nice, quiet neighborhood, not the kind of place youd expect trouble. In fact, police say there is only one pattern. And that is that all of the victims were alone at the time they were attacked. David . Neal karlinsky from texas. Name thank you. Now, to tough talk from one of the nations biggest airlines, meant to get their own pilots attention. A stern warning from united to their pilots telling them to listen to one another, after some very close calls. Abcs david kerley covers aviation for us. Reporter a United Airlines crew got so close to ground unintention amly, they thaerdheard Something Like this terrain. Terrain. Pull up reporter and made an emergency pull up to avoid disaster. That as well as a crew landing with fuel below minimum reserves two of four major safety events and near misses recently that prompted an unusually blunt, brutally honest safety alert to all united pilots early last month. It should go direct to the source of the worry, which is, guys, lets Pay Attention to basics. Reporter and this u. P. S. Jet crash in birmingham, alabama is highlighted, noting that crew thought everything was normal until just before impact. It was a lack of crew communication. No one should be god and everybody follows, you have to have communication in the cockpit and no one should ever be worried to speak up to a captain. Reporter united acknowledges to its pilots, who have been merged with pilots from continental, that some are flying in aircraft that are new to them. Add to that retimes and new hires, introduces a, quote, significant risk into the system. And thats really an aviationwide issue, which united says it is trying to address. David . David kerley with us tonight. David, thank you. And after those super bug headlines, now to a new warning tonight about the most common infection in american hospitals, its called cdiff. 500,000 americans have it in their bodies. 15,000 die from it every year. Tonight, the cdc warning its not just hospitals anymore. Lets get right to dr. Richard besser. Where else can you get this . Reporter they are doing studies to see can you it in a Doctors Office . What you can do to be safe wash your hands with soap and water. Thats what you need to do the hand sanitizers dont take care of cdiff. Rich besser, thank you. We move on now to a big move this evening by the fcc, voting to implement new Net Neutrality rules, as theyre called. A move that will make Internet Service providers subject to regulation. The decision drawing sharp criticism from republicans, including house speak earl john boehner, who warned it could hurt the u. S. Economy. Tonight, that battle far from over. Now, to one of the nbas biggest superstars on the defensive. Lebron james telling College Recruiters to stay away from his 10yearold son. The fourth grade earl showing off some of his fathers skills on the court. James trying to protect him. And hes not the only parent facing the problem. How far is too far and how young is too zbloung heres paula faris. Reporter lebron james biggest opponent these days . The colleges who are actively recruiting his 10yearold son to play basketball. He says lebron james jr. , whos only a fourth grader, has already received several offers. And hes now asking them to back off. My son is going to be a kid as long as he can be. Thats all he needs to worry about. Reporter but some may say that lebron is promoting his son by posting highlight reels like this to his 19 million twitter followers. There are some parents and kids however who seek out the attention at an early age. Like sixth grader daron bryden, dubbed one of the best youth quarterbacks in the country. Daron has his own youtube channel, twitter account. And on his Facebook Page dedicated to recruitment, he says he started quarterback training at age 6. And when he was 8, he was featured on espn for this trick shot. So, where do you draw the line . In the kings case, hes putting the ball back in his court. He loves to play video games and he loves to do his homework. Let him be a kid. Let him be a kid. Plan the birthday parties. Thats what we should be doing at this age. Arent there barriers . Can colleges really reach out to kids this young . Reporter well there are exceptions, but colleges arent allowed to extend these scholarships until the kids are entering ninth grade and the most they should really be doing is observing him and letting a kid be a kid. From the mom herself. Reporter thats right. Paula, thank you. And now to the suspended football star hoping to get in the game. A federal judge clearing the way for Adrian Petersons return to the nfl. The judge overturning his indefinite suspension. The nfl is now appealing todays ruling. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. The new citizen army as it could be called. Policing the police. Officers caught on camera dragging a woman bill her feet. The videos that are now triggering police investigations. Also tonight, the massive black hole discovered in space. Could it change what we know about the universe . And then yes, the chase that stopped america in its tracks this afternoon. The lamlamas on the loose. Well we have never seen a chase quite like this. [announcer] if your dog can dream it purina pro plan can help him achieve it. Driving rock metal music stops music resumes music stops music resumes [announcer] purina pro plans bioavailable formulas deliver optimal nutrient absorption. [whistle] purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. Meet the worlds newest Energy Superpower. Surprised . In fact, america is now the worlds number one natural gas producer. And we could soon become number one in oil. Because Hydraulic Fracturing Technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. Supporting millions of new jobs. Billions in tax revenue. And a new century of American Energy security. The new Energy Superpower . Its red, white and blue. Log on to learn more. Next tonight here to the age of the smartphone. Eyewitnesses armed with their cameras, leading the police to investigate their peers. Tonight, abcs tom llamas on the images out of florida of a man being tasered, not under investigation. Just an old man. Reporter tonight, because of this video ahh reporter a florida Highway Patrol trooper is under investigation for tasering a 59yearold man who had his hands up. And also in florida stop reporter a sheriffs deputy now on restricted duty when this cell phone video went viral. Showing him dragging an inmate deemed mentally incompetent through a courthouse hallway. The incident still being investigated. This was so shocking i figured that, hopefully, by pulling out the camera this would stop which, of course it didnt. Reporter a growing number of citizens are using their cell phones to capture Police Officers on the job, using questionable tactics. And their videos sometimes leading to internal investigations. In south florida alone, in less than moontnth, three cases caught on camera, including this one. Whoa reporter a ft. Lauderdale officer slapping a homeless man before arresting him. The man was charged with trespassing, but did the cop go too far . Prosecutors will decide. Theyre now looking at the case and at the video. Tom llamas abc news, new york. Tom, thank you. And when we come back the new poll tonight. The most popular dog in america. Is your dog the one . And the giant discovery in space. The massive black hole. Could it change we know about the universe . And the oscar mystery tonight. The 150,000 gown made of pearls. The famous actress who says it was stolen from her room. Well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Doctor symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. 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The dark horse, should we say dog, the bulldog this year at number four. And rounding out the top five the beagle. And Lupita Nyongo in that 150,000 gown from calvin klein, tonight, the dress reportedly stolen from her Hollywood Hotel room. An vest game now under way. When we come back so many of you tweeting me today. The llamas on the loose. We did you not. So many stopped in their tracks. So, watch this. Your eyes really are unique. In fact, they depend on a unique set of nutrients. Thats why theres ocuvite to help protect your eye health. As you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. Ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite is a vitamin made just for your eyes from the eye care experts at bausch lomb. Ocuvite has a unique formula thats just not found in any leading multivitamin. Your eyes are unique so help protect your eye health with ocuvite. Working on my feet all day made my lower back really hurt. I had to work through my knee pain. 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[ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. Great taste. [ mm. ] [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. And finally tonight here weve seen countless high speed chases play out with cameras overhead, but hardly a chase like this one. Smarter than the average criminal we think. And faster, too. Heres abcs clayton sandell. Eastbound about two miles an hour in pursuit of these two. Reporter for a few exhilarating minutes today, we were a nation united by llamas on the run. Specifically a mother and baby part of a group of therapy llamas visiting residents at a phoenix elderly care home. Apparently, the llamas got spooked and made a break for it. Weaving through the streets, stopping traffic. This guy tries playing it cool. But barely misses the grab. Thats when the calls start from people offering all kinds of advice. They said to feed the llamas pump kuns and they will stop. Reporter faster even the llamas an explosion of 220,000 llamas and photoshop matchups. Finally, with some expertly thrown lassos llamas numbers one and two were back in custody. High fives all around. How long was the chase . 2 1 2 hours, three hours . Clayton sandell, abc news denver. And now youve seen it all. We hope to see you right back here to finish out the week tomorrow. Until then, good night. This is jeopardy here are todays contestants a Communications Specialist from washington, d. C. A future law student from manchester, new hampshire. And our returning champion an internal medicine physician originally from brooklyn new york

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