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Eventually well have that and right along the northeast still with a few showers over miami beach area now were starting to see light showers making their way inland and developing near opa locka and northern Miamidade County. Jennifer few more expected later on today. High pressure in control. Also were expectingartly to mostly cloudy skies. Ill have more on the rest of our forecast nay few minutes. Neki. Neki thanks a lot jen niencht safety alert after a young girl is nearly abducted in Pompano Beach. She just managed to get way. The entire or o deal caught on surveillance camera. Todd that teenage strij said she was walking home when the man decided to grab her off the street. Nek local 10 News Reporter layron livington is live with the latest. Good morning layron. Reporter good morning neki and todd this. Ung girl was walking home from Pompano Beach high school and deputies say the guy stopped his car. Opened the door and got out and end nup a struggle with this woman and grabbed her by the waist and forced her inside that video. It captured this 13yearold girl with the backpack on rung way as fast as she could down northeast 6th street and pom poom beach. Deputies say swhe took off, so did the allege trkd. Following her in what is described as tan suv sheemplet what who they rk looking for. The jench described as a thin guy. Reddish brown hair in his 40s or 50s and he was nay red shsht sleeve shirt, jeans and black sneakers. Thats creepy and thats really scary. Walk with other people. And have something with you at least. Reporter probabably a good idea for teens to take extra precaution ooze any one with information is urged to contact Broward County Crime Stoppers. For the now reporting live local 10 nuys. Todd and a correctctnal accused exf torgt inmates for to feed her gambling habit. Neki she was supposed to be help thehe but instead she ripped them off for sthowfsz dollars. Todd Michael Seiden has more on this from miami. Reporter thellegations are stung this. Woman accused of stealing more than 20,000 from inmates inside this jail. Shes the veteran correctional officer accused of shaking down cadets for cash. More than 20,000. Investigators believe kristi las ter used the stolen money to support mer her gambling habits. Out there working hard and trying earn a living for their self before they get out of boot camp. Reporter instead authorities league Kenneth Smiths son kendall was one of many that went through the miamidade Boot Camp Program to get out on work release and be black mailed by las ter. And this video shows he is extorting money. She is work in the system to try and help the kids but she is reporter and it wantz just kens son. Nearly two dozen men were victims of lasster. Where did the money g state nairs office says she gamble it all y. More than 40 to you dollars. Again sherks is wharnlgd with bribe require and extortion. Live in miami. Im Michael Seiden. Local ten news. Todd well, time now for vote 2016, another important day on the campaign trail where as many as five states weigh in on the feestled candidates. Neki thats right. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in michigan yesterday. Sanders in need o a rebound after not so good performances in South Carolina and on supertuesday clinton aims forward and the secretary of state landed an endorsement from hip hop mogul randall sim bhons blasted san cers for his tatment african americans. Prom missing and in sensitive to the plight of brake people. I would get into it if we had time but i think senator clinton has been sensitive, supportive of a a geb da and she is rea lick tis tickn what she can get done. Todd meanwhile ted cruz agreeing sanders when it comes to corruption in washington. Nd donald trump touched on the bizarre hands issue that has dominated this weeks debate. I want to show the size of my hands. How i could grab him. How i could grab him. I could grab that guy like nothing. Boom. Hold him up. And cant want him to get hurt hitting his head when he went down diswrie today is the kansas caucus for both president ial par teams the Kentucky Republican caucus is also today. Louisiana primary for both maine Republican Caucus and Nebraska Democratic caucus. Todd meanwhile here at home in spvment they the attorney general dismissed the claim to for rubio and cruz to run for president. He sued saying neither wasel able to be run under the constitution. He said rubio who was born to foreigners and cruz born to n canada makes them not natural born. One born to foreign parents or one born in a foreign country as natural born citizens to be prident. Todd in the end judge john bow plan ruled he had no standing and it was the wrong diswrur is disiks. Neki caught on cram an unholy act at a hialeah church. The man is seen trying to break inside. Happened yesterday at the lazaro church. Police say he snatched two car windows o Church Property and at the glass door. Police say de this several times this is a look at the m close up. He also smashed windows at the s. Century Bank Building next door but didnt do much damage to the church and never made it inside. Todd a man is behind bars after allegedly targeting the en elderly nay pick pocketing scheevment surveillance joyed shows 32yearold derek hope committing the crimes. Hope w arrested on sech receipt charge eesms confessed to the pick pocketing including wunt of the 94yearold veteran in pinecrest. He took my credit cards right moist pocket like it was an easy thing for him to do. But it was very tough on me. Every time goi up there shopping there, i think about it and its, it was very tough. Todd police say hope racked up more than 6000 with that veterans credit card being held on 43,000 bon neki the search is on for at in a machine at the bk. And he withdrew 300 do thrampletz is the piclure of the car driven by the theme of the theft. If you recognize him or the car, call broward Crime Stoppers at 954493tips. Todd now to the historic change in the u. S. And cuban relations following reports that secretary state john kerrycanceled his trip a. Officials sa now say the trip was just postponed. No reason kerry should on his own while president obama will be there two weeks later. Kerry will join the pres president on his historic visit. And a report ner havana put this saying some of the containers of the equipment riefg a the show. The historic show on march 25th. And stay with local 10 for the storic visit of the president to havana. Calvin hughes will be joining us neki and three decades in the morning. Near 36 years after Joyce Mcclain was found dead police, have a suspect in custody and claim she was killed in 1980. The case was cold for decades until police reopened the investigation in 2008. Not until this week they say they felt confidence enough to make an arrest. Todd turning now to a story. Breaker over night. Police in turkey conducted the trade at the largest news. Hours after the court rool ruling flaisd under control. No brn rn give bin the move is assumed to be in reaction to the criticism. Government. They called tt end of democracy there diswrie coming ape milestone find under the sea. Todd on the bottom of the ocean. Neki thats right. It all happened by accident fl well though shoa what you a team of researchers stumbled upon. Todd and the police in 11 count tomg together to engineer a perfect day for a special boy. Jennifer and good morning s. Watch for the animals this morning. Join our animal sad vo cet jacey birch out there and join our little ones with their pets as well. However, there could still be a shower too. Dont worry. Not a complete washout as the east briez breeze kicks in later on in the morning. Be prepared for and that take your water with u. Youre watching local 10 news with todd tongen and neki mohan. donkey sound elephant sound theres a big difference between making noise, tapping sound d making sense. elephant sound donkey sound when it comes to Social Security, our nextxtresident needs a real plan to keep Social Security strong. elephant noise hey candidates. Enough talk. Give us a plan. One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcyc, todd welcome back. Five men on a deep sea fish in hawaii made an incredib find and it was by accident. They found a brand new species of octopus or pa fie more than 4000 feet below the sur vissmentn the purpose of the dive was to collect rocks but finding a knew spree seefs ta pie count as a successful exhibition. Neki science. Todd good stuff. Calamari. And this is a rare species so we should leave him ane. Jennifer yes. Leave him alone. Is it it going to be a good day on the water jen. Jennifer yes. No advisories out there. Seas two to 4 feet. As far as rainfall and being dry the wres of today. Not completely dry. You cant rule out a pesky shower that rolled onshore. Ill get to the drar nay second but lets talk about the temperatures current late. Dropping of 66 to 65 from both miami and Fort Lauderdale. You head a little more west in Pembroke Pines at 63 degrees ass well as in kendall. 66 in key west. Key west dropped one degree in the past few minutes. Winds have been out of north throughout this morning but they will turn out of the east later on. And they will also pick up wind speeds expected to be anywhere between ten to 15 Miles Per Hour by the middle nafaft afternoon. Right now you can see theind speeds are light especially for broward and miamidade with current wind observation of 3 Miles Per Hour. So thats pretty light. Also were waking up to mostly cloudy skies out there with a few showers ive been talking northeastern miamidade. These are very light. And theres one near Fisher Island as you can see and over downtown miami i little more north these are light. Not a huge impact. However, notice t clouds over the gulf of mexico. That will keep us mostly cloudy for miamidade and the keys today. Heres a look nationwide. Theres actually a weak cold front cutting through the Central Plains and you see the snow. Is associated with that low pressure system. At the same time this high over the southeast is helping to pump up that warm air over the south and the Southern Plains but also the jet stream a love is lifting farther north. That helps this temperature to surge and were talking 15 to 25 degrees above average this. Is the forecasted high for dallas. 79. This time of year the normal is. So that is clearly above the average. If youre heading out to the use the sun screen. No advisories for boaters. As a mentioned a few seconds d d ago the bays way moderate chop. A 30 chance for a few showers. Todd and neki. Neki thanks jen. Todd a young boy fing a tough illness getting a sur price of his life. Neki that little boy loves law eorcement. They made him an honorary shsriff for the day. He suffered from ald which say terminal disease. He got to be top cop for the day riding around in a Police Cruiser and being with his heros. If he can feel what its like to be a Police Officer or sheriff bre passes. It means a rot that he has the opportunity to have that experience. Neki the Police Department also gave him a ton of gifts to top it off caleb got a chance to meet the countys top judge and tried to on his robe and go to to bang the gaf development. All the stops for him eefnltd liked working the police radio in the squad car. Neki i hope he had a blast. Todd me too. Coming up after the break if you need a snog do we have gowt covered. Neki well lellet you know all the things to do around south florida. Todd and in our healt cast Kristi Kreuger haze special program that is also saving lives. Neki but first leers heres a look at the winning lottery numbers. Good luck. A always watching. Always track. Meteorologist jennifer correa. News. music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake publix. Neki happening today a yong you one with young tall and he big dreams of were here for you at the african her tan Cultural Center iniberty city. To par tis you mits live in Miamidade County. En tweent aifnlings eight and 17. And grant prize winner. A free trip and passes for two to seat American Idol finale life and five mun bucks to take look. Auditions today from noon to 6 00 to. Preregister visit the actors play house dpt o. And shine found taition host sunshine at park for wearness and sus prevefntle fitness classes. Bounce houses. Obstacle courses and music and it runs from ten to 3 00 at markum park. 20 bucks for adults to register. Visit sunshine at the park. Com. One or walk for a great cawd. Alexander park in Fort Lauderdale. The event raises funds for childrens hospital. Cost 30 to register. Todd more than 100,000 americans are in need of a kidney trans plan. Every day people die waiting for this life s sing organ. In todays health cast kristi crew imers looks at living through donation thatssan save alive. In early 2015, jeff sold his kid nay for failing. His docr put him on a transplant lit list but said if it doesnt come soon enough, we have to go on dialys. No way i can do my job and be ondialysis. For me it was the end of my professional life and would have a dplaict impact on my personal life. That was diverted from heather sherman. She drove from her home in jacksonville to weston to donate her kid next a a part of kidney foundation. Its hard to believe with one person you can make such an impact. Its unbelievable to me to think how could little me have saved alive. Its in conceive aifnlt not one life but several lives because her donation set up a multi state Chain Reaction that resulted in four people getting kidneys including jeff west. Its the ultimate pay it forward. Dr. Diego rain no says the Program Fills a major void when family members rin come pat able donors. What ens up having is although the f fily member is income pat able and cant donate toto a family member, they can donate to another pair who iss also income pat able and essentially do a swap. And what ens up happening i is in these programs, a chain can be formed. Both transplant heather and jeff are feeling great. I still have a lot of life in me toly. Whand this has done for me is given me that life back. I feel vuk luk can i and bless oovmentd the all true is tick donation takes them off the waist list and others patients can receive deceased kidneys. And 317 chains start bid altruistic donations whihi is facilitated get this over 140000 transplants to day. With your health news, and that is good new im kristi krueger. Local 10 news. Neki i like the good news. Todd yes we do jier and coming up carnival on the mierl,. Todd the street fes dicks off today and you dont want to miss it. Jennifer and south florida, get ready for dance and for the arts f youre heading out to carnival on the mile. Take the rum brel as with you just in case. Even if we dont get rain over miracle white. Peel have mostly cloudy skies with an east breeze. Also it t ll be warm. Highs in the upper 70s today water and keep yourself hydrated. Ill have the rest of the weekend forecast when we come back. Remember local 10 news is always on. Youre smart. Local 10 news starts right now. Todd just about 7 30 and crowds on the horizon. And rainfall in the disisnce. Jennifer correa here with a look 64 degrees out there right now. Jennifer good morning todd and nicki where the rain has been, its been miami beach. Heres a look out of hollywood beach. Dark clouds rolling near the beach and that could possibly wring light drizzle and alive look out of Fort Lauderdale tower cam. No rain here but you can see waking up to mostly cloudy skies. On radar northeastoid mied. Weve been trk a few showers. Actually trking inlands well but not really holding on. Now surfside North Bay Village in miami beach and downtown miami. Still the best chance for showers continuing on in the next hour or so. Also High Pressure is building in across the southeast. But even with that high. We still have enough moisture to producuc the coastal showers throughout the morning. Neki. Thanks a lot jen. Neki turning to a safe tai lert in Pompano Beach way young girl is almost grabbed right reet. You can see in the surveillance video. She is rung while this van is that criminal still on the run this morning as weontinue to learn more about the terrifying ordeal. Todd local 10 News Reporter Layron Livingston joins us now live out of Fort Lauderdale with details. Reporter todd and neki. Heres another look at the guy authorities are looking for. They say he is a t thin man with reddish brown hair possibly in his 40s and 50s and he was wearing a red short leave shirt green jeens and black sneakers. Thorgt say Authorities Say he stopped his car and got out and tried to to force the lady inside but thankfully she was able to break free. Backpack on and book taismght nearby daycare surveillance camera catches that 13yearold running for her life. That is creepy and thats really scary. Reporter police now looking for the driver tailing her. They think this is the guy that tried to to abduct thattirl minutes earlier. Other students we talked to taking era care on the walk home from school. Walk with other peodle. And have something with you what business does very with a child poik up a random child. On a busy proad during a busy time of day no less. The 13yearold was leaving high school when the creepy guyuyn the tan s vurks reached out to her when she i ignored him, Authorities Say he made his move. Th leadged victim said he grabbed her by the waist and tried to forcing her into the suv. Seam she streamed and took off and now police need your help putting a name with this police sketch. Reporter and deputies say this 13yearold teenager did everything right otherwise this could of ended much differently. They are asking any one with information to contact Crime Stoppers. Rererting live, layron living stofnlt local 10 news. Todd new this morning the mother of Lonzie Barton will spend the next 26 years in prison. Lonna barton plead guilty in her attorney argued since she was cooperative she should only serve the year a in jail but judge disagreed oo he sentenced her to the maximum sentence. And you cant say jusce was serd. Justice could be lonzie live and in the hands ave loving family. And 32yearold eab ebron lead investigators to the body and he pled dale if i ni exchange for 20 year prison sentence. Cone fenced lonzie drawn in the bathtub a while he and lonna were having sex. Neki and a fulfilled weekend of l lin culture attracks thousands of viz visitors each year. Todd and ts year will be no different. Neki from soccer tournaments and cook can contest. Actually a lot of new stuff. Sanela sabovic is live out there as they are setting up this momoing. Sanela, anything on the grill yet. Has to kick up music out there. Neki thats right. Reporter not quite but miracle mile here. Im told organizers here have been here since midnight getting everything ready for the 18th 18th annual carnival on the mile. Im told the artist just arrived on the scene within the past half hour glirgt beautiful art work set nup these tents over here. We also have three stage wheres 30 performers will be graition the stage here for the groundo dance and get there groove on. We also have food thaw mentioned neki and todd. Thats not up and rung just yet but were told right before it begins around 10 00 a. M. Tarks that will be happen. Now this event is a success year after year. Lets give you a preview of what youll be seeing here. This is video from last year a. 10 degrees werer able to deet eat good feed food and take in good music with dozens of performers. Not only is the festival a more than a hundred artist lined the miracle mile last year as they will this year. The event present bid the qua want news club and so much for the families to enjoy. Kids enjoy face paintings and game not to mention meet owrg lolol 10 talent. Well i have booth set up from noon to 2 30 today. Meet christina vasquez. Terrell forney. Carlos war sweses and shyann malone. And max mail field and betty davie and will manso will join the party at that time. From 2 30 on wards. Jef calvin hiewvmentz jeff jefff weinsier and michael sideel and hatzel vela will be there. And if today doesnt workout four the event going on tomorrow. So from noon to 2 30, neki and todd will be here along with clay ferraro and Kristi Kreuger and eric yutzy and rs meet laurie jennings, jennifermillberg and Liane Morejon so guaranteed to be a great time now, this carnival on the mile say prerersor so the calle ocho festivities that will happen next week and our local 10 talent will also be there as well. This kicks off today at 10 00 a. M. 12 hours of great food, festive ti and fun. It wraps up at 10 00 p. M. Tonight and again well start all over again tomorrow. Ill be here with, getting ready here with all these preparationon behind me. Pgh well see you again at 9 00 with more. Reporting live from coral gables. Sa nel sa do bo vick. Local 10 news. Sanela sabovic. Neki sthawrchg nel a. Todd and animals for the walk of florida. This event raises thousand dofs loors for the Human Society of Broward County. Neki every one has their own reason to support the animal shell ser arm. And our own local 10 animal advocate jacey bih is out a there and will mc as awvmentz the weather looks better. Reporter thank goodness for that neki. Trent aric was with me last year. And doesnt it seem like i always adopt a new pet around the walk. Meetetadar. This is the newest member of our family and we just adopted him yesterday. So say hello world. He is such a cute sweet heart and we want to show you everything thats going on today because were trying to help at least 8000 animals that get rescued every year with the Humane Society of Broward County. 10,000 spay and neuters. Were doing a lot of work here at huizenga plavmentz lets show whawz going on behind me. Pgh dozens o o booths so. Many sponsors coming out to raise money for the animals her at the annual walk for the animals benefiting hiewtain so site of Broward County. So far they trying raise 600,000. Hey, theres my husband. Trent aric. Thank you for the weather. Theres the rest of my family. Zim ba and jag ger. I have to say were expecting 5000 people out here. They are doing all kinds of great thlngs. There will be agility courses and pictures and things. Are you a little nervous sna well get a started here. Radar is 14 weeks old. Thats okay youre part of family. Any one out here today you can come out and say hi and ill be in the pace car as you start the walk. And bring your dogs. Thats part of event. Neki and todd. So much better than all that rain last year. Plenty of time to walk in til 10 00 a. M. And one more thing if you forget. If youre feeling fine to dmievment my walk page is linked on local 10. Com. So far were waying lots of money for the homeless dogs. And how many dogs are you going to adopt . Couple you louse. Precitation. Trent picked owpt the name for he is a weather guy. Todd yeah you and Miamidade County limits me at four soy cant adopt more than four if im gng to follow the low law todd, okay. Neki thank you jacey. Todd well see you late jier and a high profile investigation after a knife was found on oj simpson former is eats state. He was quaitd in the 1995 brutal stabbing death of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend ron gold man. Police say someone who found this knife gave it to an officer 18 years ago. That officer never turned it in til now. It certainly is very dorng concerning to us that a Police Officer whether retired or active that would not submit or turn in evidence or what is believed to be evidence. Neki the cois cover ri in the case thanks toy a mini television series. The knife is now being ce tectd for evidence. Andndim jong un released a new ground of threats. The north correa leader ordered his country to be ready to use its Nuclear Weaponst any time and order the military to be in quote preemptive attack moavmentd north coa rhea has made similar threats in the pak past but experts say the threats does not mean that the country has Nuclear Weapons ready to launch. Todd new developments this morning sur riengd crisis. They say greece is being over whemed by migrants and an overwhelming response needed. 2000 migrants are registering in grease every day but more than 10,000 still strand on the northern boarder with meth mesa done yeah. And European Countries have r rm posed boarder control. Neki and we now know t identity of that lucky somebody who won t he lot to. Taught man who is 200 million richer this morning. And they say a we knew the winning dick cet was wawt in the fla keys. Now we know who won the 300 million florida jackpot. His names is james stock las. Here he is with his brother who also won a jackpot, a smaller one though. He won seven bucks. And mr. Stock las from pennsylvania took the one time payment of 191 million l. A. Stock las bought the Winning Ticket from this tom thumb in marathon on the last day of his month long fishing vacation. Stock las and his group stopped in their rv to get ice and lottery tickets no. Word on how many fish they caught but who caimpletz looks like he made out pretty well. Is buy age new boat. And a new rv too. Neki he will go on a lot more fishing trips. Todd and time 7 44. A look at the rain we have out there this morning with jennifer correa. Jennifer good morning neki and todd. We hey few showers. Not a completee washout. Please dont expect a wet rainy day. Ju a few showers rolling on shore. But before we get to the radar. Yes we are already in march. First weekend of march. March 5th today and a few dates to look forward too. March 13 is when we spring forward. We get less sleep t tt day. Im not looking forward to dhai but then after march 13th on march 20th. Astronomic spring begins. The spring ee qua knot knox and then hours during the daytime and nighttime and Easter Sunday is march 27th. Jot those days down on your a quen da sow dont forget. Low to mid 60s croofs s. Winds remain out of north thismorning. Three to 7 Miles Per Hour. And with a few clouds out thrmplet now, the cloud cover will actually stick around for much of today. Meanwhile we got to talk about those showers that are still rolling over near miami beach. Currently we have a light drizzle over surfside. North bay village and then also near Fisher Island and virginia key. These showers are track towards key biscayne. Youre about to get rain as well. Light to moderate rainfall. Notice all this cloud cover gulf of mexico. At is tracking over towards the east. All this clouds are going to wrap over our skies so itill remain mostly cloudy for much of today with still a chance of a few showers. Notice by 3 00. Better chance for of showers will be farther inland and then over night quan with coastal showers into sunday morning theafnltd a front pushes moisture to the south of us by sunday afternoon. Sund well see a lot more sunshine by that time. Today slight rip current risk in effect. Also usehat sunscreen despite the cloud cover no. Advisories for the boaters. The bays with a moderate chop. The bays with a light chop this morning. Winds out of north and northeast throughout the day. Tief five to ten knots. Could increase up too 15 and heading out to carnival on the mile. Grab the umbrellas in case. Otherwise enjoy the mostly cloudy i skies out there and that eaststerly breeze with a hive 79 sth afternoon jie. Todd now to the latest on the zika out break. A team of researchers say they are close to proving that it is accused of killing brain creevmentz discovery strengthens the claim that zika cause brain deformities in babies. Meanwhile government researchers say a zika vaccine should be ready for testing some time in september. Neki coming up sports p todd and neki style. Todd and the heat look to updates you dont wan to miss. Take local 10 with you wherever your headed. Us on twitter or for the is that coffee . Yea, its nespresso. I want in. Youre ready. Get ready to experience a cup above. Is that coffee . Nespresso. What else . Time now for srts time todd and neki style. The 76ers. This one all about d wade. Miami off to a fast start. That was white, wade way lob to hassan white side. The heat in had auge lead. What happened. They come back tiect lead in the third. Jeremy with that slam and fowlt but its wade to the rescue. Fin anies with one hand on the break and later wade again and the foul he leads theeat with 21 points for the night. Miami eeks out that win 112 to 102. After the game wade says hey, maibts time for a new naim nickname. Yeah, im thrying to find. Ways talalng to justin on the bench and trying find out what is facing miami. Im kind of like moist prime but not out of father time. So whatever is in between. I need every one to give me a word out there of what that is. Youre in optimist prime. Optimimt prime. Mind. You dont have to love. It embrace too. Im work on. That well leave tupto twitter. Todd to the links we gosm second round at dor ravment a rollercoaster day mant they call lefty. That is phil miblg son. Ten this. Looks like he overshot. It pulls the strifnlgt. Neki what happened. Todd back tup. It just misses the hole. Five under for the tournament. And adam scom scott grairkts attempt on this eagle pufnlt we birdie and its ten under par. No doubt about. It no querks a gem from chris to ber fer. Drops it in the hole for ber de. Nice brovment couldnto that again if he tried to a hundred time m. That is the highlight of day. He finishes 11 over par. Neki and spring trainingnow. The marlins and defending champions the mets in st. Lieu cyst. Second inning. The team and says see yeah later alligator. Deep left and gone. And hits this one deep to left field. Tommy cant reach it. Todd its a loss. Neki and he scores oaltd fashion way. The signed park home run. This one ends in a four to four tie. Exciting though. Todd heres another nominee for play of the day. Player in south florida state. Looks like that sowft here. Not so fast. Julie weber leaps and gets the home run. Thats grand theft softball. Usf would lose eight to two. Get it. Neki still an exciting play. Todd thats sports dmaingd neki thats right. phone ringing you cant deal with something, by ignoring it. But thats how some esidential candidates seem to be dealing with Social Security. Americans work hard, and pay into it. So our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. elephant noise donkey noise a big day for president ial hope fuvmentz voters in five different caits states will cast their votes for their candidates a. And more the debate coming up. And the knife that was found at oj simpsons former home. And Police Search pog for accomplices in a gold hies heist. One of the thieves in custody and one of the stolen bars found here in south florida ierks. Jennifer good morning south florida. Heres a look at the miami tower cam. We have the clouds out there. The clouds haveeen producing precipitation across miamidade and miami bea and surfside and miami village and miadade dealing with a few showers out there. Key biscayne about to get rain do to the showers and moderate rainfall push nsmght temperatures right now in the upper 60s. Were warming up quickly and if youre heading out to carnival on the mile, temperatures will be g wting even warmer. Take the umbrellas with you just in case. We still want cnt rule out showers rolling on shore. Todd all right. Thank you for joining nowrntion. Well be back in 30 minutes with a local news update. Neki for our now our coverage continues with good morning america. For news traffic and weather any time of day log on to local 10. Com. Well see you back here in a bit. Todd 25. Realtime closed captioning provided by u. S. Captioning company. music playing i feel pretty west side story not every cake can be handcrafted in sre by skilled decorators layered wiwi fresh berries and frosted to perfection like our publix bakery chantilly cake itll be remembered for all the right reasons. Publix. Good morning, america. Happening right now, the saturday showdown. Theyre voting in five states today. Will it be another trump triumph . Did you get him out . Overnight his rally turned ugly. The biggest conservative gathering. Was going to be here. And Hillary Clinton tries to extend her lead over Bernie Sanders. Is this his doordie moment . Shocking find. Rhe new twist in the infamous o. J. Simpson murder case. That knife allegedly found buried in o. J. s old estate. The facts of the case remains an open case and that is the case here. How it suddenly turned up and the new crucial details. What were just learning about it now. Hightech heist. How Armed Robbers stole 5 million in gold. Their daring highway truck robbery. Theres a couple of guys that look like they just got their hands zip tied behind their back. The Remote Control device disabling the drivers in a p pt straight out of a movie. And the verdict rich. The judge on vacation who reeled in a giant Lottery Jackpot chartering a jet to claim his winnings. What he did the minute he found

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