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Paula is off today. Happy to have cecilia vega here. Fresh off the campaign trail. Here at the desk on this morning after Super Saturday. We saw record turnout saturday in five states. We now may be looking at a brandnew dynamic in the wild republican race for president. Wild, indeed. Check out the results. Donald trump wins kentucky and louisiana. But ted cruz prevails in kansas and maine. A tough night it was for marco rubio. Neither he nor john kasich able to eke out a win. Overnight, both trump and cruz calling for the others to drop out to make it a true, twoman race. Hillary clinton was hoping to put sanders away overnight. She did not succeed. Sanders took home nebraska and kansas. Clinton did rack up a lopsided victory in louisiana. Do these rulgts alter the fundamental dynamic of the race . We have team coverage. Well talk to george but we want to start with abcs mary bruce in the battleground state of florida where the front good morning. Reporter good morning to you. What a night. It appears we have ourselves a twoman race on the republican side. Ted cruz is the prerreded thank you so very much. Kansas. Reporter this morning, its trump versus cruz. Today h been a very good day. [ cheers and applause ] reporter a Record Number of Republican Voters turning out this Super Saturday. Handing cruz decisive victories in kansas and maine. Cruz now gaining on his chief rival, donald trump. For those who came today in kansas, voted in maine, who had been supporting others, thank you for joining our team. Reporter trump, meanwhile, taking louisiana and kentucky by a smaller margin. The billionaire subdued. His luxury resort. I want to thank the people of louisiana. The people of kentucky. s been just an amazing relationship. Reporter meanwhile, marco rubio had a devastating night. Coming in with a string of third place finishes. This morning, trump calling on him to quit. He should do well in maine, because its very close to canada. Lets face it. Reporter overnrnht, saturday night live taking aim at Trump Supporters with this blistering fake ad. So when people ask why you support donald trump, you just tell them hes going to take our economy from here to here. I like that. Reporter it was another rough night for marco rubio. Coming in with a string of t trd place finishes. This morning, trump is calling for him to call it quits. I think marco, marco rubio had a very, very bad night. And, personally, i would call for him to drop out of the race. Repororr saying hes ready to take on cruz head to head. I want ted one on one, okay . Eporter but cruz is ours is the only campaign that has repeatedly beaten donald trump. And, indeed, were the only campaign that can and will beat donald trump in this race. Reporr if the other candidates stay in until the bitter end, as some in the gop establishment are calling for, trump tells us hes ready for a fight. Looking ahead, are you preparing for the possibility of a brokered convention . Youre said that you no, im not. I think well win before the convention. Reporter no response yet from the rubio camp for those calls for him to drop out. Hes been looking ahead, hoping to win big here in his home state of physical. Dan, a crucial race for him. Mary bruce, on the trail in florida. Now on to the democrats. Both Hillary Clinton a a bernie sanderer scoring big wins overnight. They prepare to face off in a big debate tonight. David wright is outside clintons Head Quarters in david, good morning. Reporter good morning, dan. Inside that building, theyll probably be talking debate strategy. After being trumped by Bernie Sanders in 2 out of 3 contests yesterday. Thank you, all. Reporter Bernie Sanders is ridi high. If you followed me around the country, seeing huge turntouts. I cant use the word huge anymore. I know, i know, i know. Reporte those crowds turned out to caucus for him out west, favoring him by double digits in nebraska and 2 to 1 in kansas. Today, as i understand it, kansas had the largest voter turnout in the history of their caucus process. Reporter but in louisiana, Hillary Clinton turned the tables. Thanks to overwhelming sport from black voters, she beat him there nearly 3 to 1. Im grateful to everyone that michigan. Reporter an awkward moment, clinton was still working the rope line. When sanders came out to speak. [ speaking inging spanish ] reporter this weekend, sanders unveiled a new fiveminute ad on immigration. Clinton touted jobs in her new ad. Jobs with a future. Hillary clinton. Reporter tonights democratic debate in flint, michigan, likely to be downright highminded, compared to wrestlemania over on the republican side. Its a good thing were going to put a lot of money into mental health, because some of these guys need it. Reporter on that, the two i mean, really, you just want to pull your hair out when you see that insultfest that goes on among the republicans. Reporter make no mistake, michigan is critical, especially for sanders. He has some ground to catch up on the delegate cot. He has to beat expectations. There are more delegates at stake in michigan than in all the weekends contests combined. Crunch time for Bernie Sanders. Backo the republicans. All of the campaigns are really closely watchg the delegate numbers. As we head toward what many think could be a contested or brock brokered convention. This is the big number. 1237. The number of delegates a candidate needs to clinch. Dodold trump with 378. You can see cruz, roub yeo trailing behind. Lets look at the big map. These are states up for grabs. Ten days or the next ten days, nine states, including ohio, 66 delegates in that state. Michigan, florida, i cruz and rubio want to win this, they have to start winning big. And Hillary Clinton, on the democratic icic side working hard. She has a commanding l ld for too, dan. Thank you. Lets get more from george. Hey, dan. Do you think were looking at a twoman race . Heres what we know. A split decision with donald trump for cruz. Their only home is being spoil nrs their home states to take this to a brokered convention. Ted cruz has a slight chance to get to the 1237. Donald trump, me what better. As long as kasich and rubio stay in, it will be awhile before we get to the twoman race. What do you think the results last night tell us about what suess, if any, the mitt romney and stop Trump Movement is having at this popoint. A couple of things. If you look at all the states last night, donaldrump underperformed his polls. Going into thi weekend. Most of them taken before the debate, before mitt romney came he overperformed on the early vote. Those votes cast before the debate andefore mitt romneys attack on thursday. So there are some signs that theres been some impact over this weeee the other point you have to look at, when you look at the states yesterday. Kansasas maine, those were closed primaryies primaries. Only republicans were allowed to vote. Not independents. A lot of Donald Trumps strengths has been with independents. Its interesting you say this, because the conventional wisdom, at least in somo quarters, has been, mitt romney, john mccain, coming out againststrump, will only make Trump Supporters support him more. It could lock in the 30 to 35 that have been supporting him all the way. The question is, has the momentum he had been stalled . I think there are at least some signs of that from yesterdays voting. George stephanopoulos. Fascinating as always. We love having you on. George will go one on one with both john kasich and Bernie Sanders. Week. Right here on abc. Looking fororrd to that. We want to turn now to the nasty supersoaker blasting northern california. The intense weekend storm causing downpours and fears of flooding and landslides. Its only going to get worse with more storms on the way. Aditi roy is in pacifica. Near san francisco. Aditi, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, cecilia. Nasty is the word. Take a look at these waves behind me. Clobbering the coast. Eating away at the already eroded shore. This extreme weather making conditions downright dangerous. This morning, powerful waves slamming into the coast and digging into the shoreline in northern california. Stay up on the sea wall. Dont get down on the beach. You people have died down here. You have to be very careful. Reporter the region battered by el ninopowered storms over the weekend. More than six inches of rain in more than 55mileanhour wind gusts. Snapping trees and bringing down powerlines. A tree fell over the fence here from somebody elses property. It just goes to show you, you dont know what youre going to run into. Reporter in pacifica, the weather gnaws away at this crumbling cliff. Construction crews have demolished a redtagged Apartment Building sitting on the cliff. Its just its hanging on by a thread. Reporter a 48yearold woman died when she drove her car into rising floodwaters. The coast guard rescued three surfers on the oregon coast saturd. Urging residents to avoid the dangerous conditionsn at the moment here, its dry. That wont last long. The next round of storms expected to hit later tonight. The weekend washout, cecilia . Thank you. Lets get more on the threatening storms from indra petersons. Good morning. Good morning. Thats correct. Youre seeing a little bit of a make its way into the west coast. Remember, that is not the big story. We have to take a look at the setup that will be occurring for the middle of the week. Winds go clockwise around a low. Counterclockwise excuse me, clockwise around the high. Now you have two pinwheels in here, pulling all this moisture right out of the gulf. You have a bulls eye sitting right here. All the moisture right in the middle of the country. Were talking about five, even ten inches of rain in areas that are already flooded. Cecilia . Dan . Well pick it up pr here. Serious concerns in the Weather Department this week. Also serious concerns this morning about the zika virus. An alarming new study shows that it can cause a variety of problemsor developing babies at any stage of pregnancy. Not just the beginning. Thats right. There are at least 192 reported cases in 32 states and washington. And abc news chief Womens Health correspondent dr. Jen ashton joins us now. The study changes the way werr thinking about this. Worried . Thats what a lot of people want to know. I think e eryone is concerned. Pregnant women and obstetricians and health officials. At this time, absolutely still more questions than answers. I want to be clear. This was a study appearing in the new england journal of medicine. Followed 88 pregnant women in brazil. Most of them had symptoms and went on to test positive. The findings were concerning. Two suffered first trimester miscarriages. Two suffered third trimester fetal death. And 29 of those women who had ultrasounds had abnormalities on the ultrasound that showed the fetal brain was being affected. This study indicated zika can affect women in all stages of pregnancy. It suggested there is a compromised function of the placenta, which then affects the fetus. We need to emphasize, this is association, observation. We havent proven cause and effect. But this was a big study. Families. Doctors, right now, the advice is as i understand it, if youre worried you have been exposed, you should have ultrasounds. What would a doctor like y y be looking for . Deeper dive on those. When we do ultrasounds in pregnancy, were not looking at one point in time. Were doing that, making observations. Were following that fetet over time to compare changes. Were looking at the size of the baby with reect to the dates that the mom is in her pregnancy and were seeing if the baby stays along the growth curve. Were measuring the circumference of the fetal head. Were doing doppler studies that look at the umbilical blood flow and the flow in the babys brain. Were looking for an indication is that fetus okay. Were lucky to have your guidance on a story affectina lot of people. Thank you. For the other headlines, to ron. Hey, good morning to you, dan and cecilia. Good morning, everyone. North carolina, a speeding group of people walking along a railroad bridge. Four adults and a child were on the bridge. In winston salem. Two adults and a child able to get off the bridge just before the train reached them. One woman struck and killed. And man injured. The trains crew apparently saw thgroup and pulled the emergency brake. The train could not stop in time. To texas, a refinery explosion that rocked a suburban neighborhood outside of f uston. Injureing three people, one of them severely. The blaze caused when a generator exploded. No word on what sparked that explosion. And, new details about t florida man who landed his gyrocopter outside the u. S. Capital last spring. Prosecutors now saying Douglas Hughes was seconds away from colliding with a delta airplane that had just taken off from Reagan National airport, potentially kikiing hundreds of people. He agreed to a plea deal in november. Dunham, the star of the hit tv show girls. She was rushed to aospital overnight. Her spokesman saying shell undergo surgery for a ruptured cyst. Shes been outspoken about suffering with endometriosis. A pairful reproductive disease. A scary afternoon for a florida teenager. Surveillance cameras show her running away from that tan suv. After she narrowly escaped being kidnapped. A man in an suv tried to call her over. She ignored him. The driver got out of the car d grabbed her around the waist. She screamed and was able to get away. Police are looking for the driver. The bulldogs, not the university of georgia, but yale is headed the ncaa tournament for the first time in over 50 years. Half a century. Makai mason leading the team to a 7155 victory over columbia. The teams first ncaa bid since 1962. The big win coming just a month abruptly left the yale Bulldogs Basketball Team and the school. Let me guess why you put that in the show. Does it have anything to do oith the fact that you went to yale . No, its an accident. Yeah. Totally accidental. We got one more story for you. Finally, customers at a gas station in minnesota, youll love this one, dan, a parked truck start to move through a parking lot, across the street, smash into a trer. The bigger surprise was when they caught a glimpse of who the driver was. Thats the driver. No way thats a yellow labrador. Unlicensed. He put the truck in gear and ok off. The actual human driver left the truck running. When he stepped out for a minute. Lesson there. Try explaining that one to your insurance. My dog did it. My dog did it. The thought bubble over that dogs head is, anybody got a snack . I want to point out dan is wearing his dark blue tie. This month is march. Colon Cancer Awareness month. Dark blue is the color for this and important to note, 6 out of 10 Colorectal Cancer deaths cocod be avoided if people get screened starting at the age of 50. Thats the lesson here. Get screened for colon cancer. Ron, good on you for raising attention to this. You told me to wear tie. And i did. Got some more things on the list. I might have to revise that policy. Indra he with more weather. Were looking at dangerous weather. Severe weather setup this week. By tomorrow. Were looking at places like dallas, san antonio, right in the bulls eye for a threat for tornadoes. As we go towards tuesday, that wi shift farther to the east. Now affecting places like shreveport. The threat for flooding. Good morning, south florida. Happy sunday. A lot more sunshine for today. And we are clearly seeing that. Here is a look at Mallory Square cam. Absolutely gorgeous. But the winds arpicking up out of the north, and today wind speedsdsill be anywhere between 15 and 20 miles per so boaters, keep that in mind. That will stir up the seas. The smallcraft advisory will be in effect. Also gorgeous, clear skies over ft. Lauderdale. And come and join us at carnivale on the mile on miracle mile. Be warm out there. Highs reaching 8 weve been talking about the st coast. All the storms. You may think its not for you. Every one of these systems that exits out of the west will affect the middle of the country this week. Heading there today. Not my fault. Now to a daring smash and grab caught on camera. Thieves ramming their car into a gun ore and then raiding the place. This comes hot on the heels of a similar heist. Lauren lyster is in the Los Angeles Bureau with more on that. Laurp, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. This makes two in one week. Thieves caught on camera again. In the latest breakin, here in california, they got away with 18 handguns. According to the a. P. , they rifle. One. This morning, an allout manhunt for multiple suspects in this a petaluma gun store, the target. Front of the store. Minutes later, a light green 1990s hondaccord crashes into the glass door, toppling the gate behind it and disabling the security alarm. Four men rushed in stealing then, slipped back out witn seconds. Earlier this week, a similar crime took place at a gun shop in texas. Watch, as at least ten suspects tie a chain to the back of this pickup truck, yank off the front doors, and escape with more than 50 guns. As of now, three suspects in connection with the houston burglary have been arrested. Some of the guns were recovered. In both breakins, several suspects and an undisclosed number of weapons still remain at large. Dan and cecilia . Coming up here on gma, saved by a parachute. A father and daughter in a small plane. The engine died suddenly. What they did to survive. Nanny arrested. A babysitter hired through a popular website accused of child abuse. What her lawyer is saying this morning. To the couple who set ase the whole day to sell their old car and buy a new one. Oops. Nanas got the kids til 9. But its only 2. Guess youll just have too see a movie. Then get some dinner. What a pity. Lowes presents how to plan for the future. Happy valentines day. Happy birthday. Sorry i forgot our anniversary. Now get pint annuals, 5 for 5, at lowes. Vo across america, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my bloooosugar. But it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said dictoza works differently than pills. And comes in a pen. Victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. Its taken once a day, any time. Victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. Victoza works with your bodto lower blood sugar in 3 ways in the stomach, the liver, a the pancreas. Vo victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromemeype 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaion may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza , including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis . Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right a7ay if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severeain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your r ck, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need ask your doctor about, its covered by most health plans. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of w y. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. Coming up on gma, a father and daughters lucky landing. How the planes parachute may have saved their lives. And the nanny arrested on child abuse charges. Plus, how to protect your own kids. Much more coming up after test text1 plain make every adventure every moment every day truly epic with a universal orlando annual pass grab a coke and get up to 3 months free so you can enjoy two amazing theme parks and great events like this springs mardi gras its all kinds of amazing all year long good morning. The coast guard stepping in to try to find a man who rportedly fell off a cruise ship. This shows where the passenger went overboard. Officials say 46yearold was on the tenth deck when he fell. Still unclear why this happened. Happy sunday. Plenty of sunshine for us today. Live view out of miami tower cam nice blue skies there, upper 60s. Winds are picking up, out of the nrth 15 to 20 Miles Per Hour. Highs, 81. And high rip current risk is innocently. In effect. We are back here at 9 00. Hey, welcome back to gma on a sunday morning. Happening right now. The votes are in. Donald trump and ted cruz winning to states apiece on Super Saturday. Marco rubio coming out empty handed. Some big wins on the democratic side as well. Clinton handily capturing louisiana. And a manhunt is under way right now for a dangerous murder suspect who escaped from a mississippi jail. Rafael mccloud is accused of kidnapping and killing a 69yearold woman last june. Police say he used a makeshift weapon to overcome a prison guard. Also, the coast guard serging for man who fell 100 feet overboard on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship off the coast of florida. Hes believed to be from texas. A passenger aboard the navigator of the seas ship reported seeing someone fall overboard just before 11 00 p. M. On friday. Thats disturbing. Good morning, everybody. Paula is off this morning. Happy to have cecilia vega by our side. Sara is off this morning. Rachel smith filling in because sara just had a baby. This she is along with her husband, max. And their brandnew little baby boy. Alec richard shifrin. Named after their dads. Born at 1 52 yesterday. Were all getting to i think were still in shock. Hes pretty damn cute. A quote. Hes adorable. We love you, sara and max and alec. Congratulations. Hope youre not watching this morning. The only person allowed not to she was periscoping from the hospital. She may very well be watching. If you are, congratulations. We cant wait to see you and at little boy. We turn to an amazing survivor story. This one involves a father and daughter. Lucky and grateful to be alive this morning after a plane crash. They made it out after the engine failed thanks to an emergency parachute. Marci gonzalez joining us from long island, new york, with more. Good morning. Reporter good morning, cecilia and dan. It came down here narrowly missing this building. The plane in tact because of the pilots quick, calm reaction and that crucial safety feature. We got very lucky. Very lucky. reporter a close call crash on long island. Walk from the wreckage thanks to this parachute. The engine died. And i pulled thehearachute. We landed. Reporter louis oberg, left with onla scratch. His teenage daughter rachel with a relieved smile, after her college tour turned into a brush with catastrophe. We were coming from the university of rhododisland. Looked at colleges. We had a problem on the way home. Reporter problems with the cirrus sr22s engine forcede dad to attempt an Emergency Landing eight miles f fm their final destination at a small airport. They didnt make it that far. 5 alpha romeo, say your question . Alpha romeo lost the engine. Reporter when the engine lost power entirely, he popped that parachute and came down in an industrial park, just feet from this building. He landed somewhere in the vicinity of the midfield, right downwind. Reporter authorities saying a bit t luck helped that plane once the parachute is deployed, you do lose some sort of control where the plane will come down. Thats why the exact landing of this plane is very fortunate. Reporter last november, another small plane in arkansas using its parachute to land. This time in t t middle of a busy road. Hitting this truck. Were very fortunune that no one was hurt any worse than they were. Reporter back on long island, rescuers rushing in, finding the father daughter duo without serious injuries. Never expected to have a problem like this. Reporter the pilot shaken. Uncertain if hell fly again. Well see. Well see. Its a scary day. Reporter understandable. Thwreckage out here this morning while the faa and ntsb investigate. Cecili boy, lucky indeed. They are very lucky this morning. Marci, thank you. We want to turn to indra for more weather. I have good news. Its been so cold for so long on the east coast. That is finally shifting. Watch that cold air kick right out of here. Temperatures going up about ten degrees a day. Yes, bring on the 70s. It doesnt stop there. The good news, it even gets better and better. Look at the extended pattern. Next week and ththweek after. Well talk about the heat staying for the eastern half of the country. The west coast, cooling down. But theyve been waqting for that. Good sunday morning, south florida. It will be a lot warmer today because we are getting a lot of sunshine. 81 degrees today. High pressure remains in control. This will allow for a nice and quiet weather pattern as we kick that weather is brought to you by wayfair. Yes, it gets better, better, better, every day. Not just for one week. Next week looks good, too. Very excited about that that. Dancing, kind of whatever this is. Thank you. Coming up on good morning america, how a nanny cam led to this womans arrest. What police say she did to the toddler in her care and how you can protect your own children. A huge game in the nba this you can watch take on kobe and his lakers. Right here on abc. Coverage begins at 3 00 eastern. Atat 00 eastern. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wonteplace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type o omedicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroro. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for toilet flush if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go. Except you. Opioidinduced constipation, oic, is a different type of constipation, which may need a different approach. Longing for a change . Have the conversation with your doctor about oic, a wakeup call for parents this morning. It involves this freshfaced nanny facing child abuse charges. Police saying Mariah Gonzalez was caught on camera smothering a baby because he wouldnt stop crying. Heres abcs Gloria Riviera with more. Reporter 20yearold mararh gonzalez, a nanny previously listed on care. Com, pleaeang not guilty to felony child abuse in a california courtroom on friday. Her conduct is characterized as criminal and i disagree. Reporter in an affidavit, police say gonzalez allegedly attempting to calm a 13monthold boy was seen hutting her hands closer to his face. When the sounds went from clear and audible to a muffled cry and the child began to squirm and kick. The alleged incident discovered on home surveillance video. The parents hired her after seeing her listing on care. Com. A spokesperson for care. Com telling abc news were deeply community is of paramount importance to us. This is not the first time a case has shown poor light on care. Com. People can be dishonest on their profiles. They can provide information that is not linking to them. Reporter last month, sara gum sentenced to 23 years in prison in the killing of a 3monthold girl. In january, susan lally pleaded not guilty after allegedly being too intoxicated to care for a child. And in 2014, dana cash, the nanny caught on camera abusing twins, convicted of Child Cruelty charges. All three women previously listed on care. Com. Care. Com says it makes background checks available. But theyre only preliminary checks and do not catch everything. Encouraging parents to take additional precautions on their n. It means they have no criminal record. But are they a safe caregiver . That cannot be answered in a background check. Are some very simple tips, precautionary measures, to make sure you hire the right care for your child. One, have a trial run. Be there yourself to assess the care giver. Two, be honest and upfront about your childs behavior. No sugarcoating. And three, install those cameras why not in your home. Tell the sittersrsbout them. You know, you guys, a lot of people have found great caregivers through Services Like these. Myself included. The onus is on parents to do the homework before they bring someone into the home. Good advice. Thank you. Appreciate it. Coming up on good morning america, the best ways to keep your pets safe at home. Keep it here. Dan, i have one word for you. Kittens. Two words, puppies. I cannot waititor that. And pop news. Keep it here. That. And pop news. Keep it here. I was a doer. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor and i agreed moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerveve lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. With less pain, i feel better and can be more active. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry visisi. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Fibromyalgia may have changed things but with less pain, im still a doer. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Lyrica, move forward with less fibromyalgia pain. Do you love your wireless keyboard more than certain family members . Is your success due to a filing system only you understand . Does pnting from your tablet to your wireless printer give you a jolt of confidence . If so, you may be gearcentriri someone who knows that the right office gear helps you do great things. And theres one place that has it all. Office depot officemax. Gear up for great. The exact moment you know you love a home, someones hacked all our technology. Technology. Say, have you seen all the Amazing Technology in geicos mobile app . Mobile app . Look. Electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. Wow. Yep, geicos mobile app works like a charm. Geico. Its always a good morning when i get to hold a kitten. Hes up for adoption at the aspca. Im Holding Copper because, ile we all know about childproofing your home, how about keeping it safe for pets . Here to talk more about it this morning is dr. Camille good morning. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. I guess one of the main dangers is leaving out overthecounter drugs. What are the most dangerous for animals to eat . There are lots of different types of poisonous tngs that they can get into. Really, any medicicion you take. Over the counter or prescription. You should be cautious about those. This year, 2015, the most calls medicaons like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. What about foods . Chocolate is a big one. Especially for dogs. Chocolate . Theyll eat so much of it. They can have a racing heart. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure. Onions and garlic for cats are dangerous. Onions and garlic . Okay. I have three around the house. Thats good to know. I guess the other question is, if youre in a suation where you suspect that your animal has ingested something dangerous. Sorry, copper. Youre not enjoying this. Are you . If youre in a situation where your animal has ingested something dangerous or yoyothink they may have ingested something dangerous, what do you do . Theres no set way to deal with a poisoning, because theyre all different dependinin on what they got into. I would suggest calling your veterinarian. Another good resource is the aspca animal poison control center. Were open 24 7 to help you with situations like that. And we have a mole app that people can download. Great. Copper and youdog is this is logan. Theyre both available for adoption. Aspca around the country. Animals dogs, cats, bunnies, other ananals available for adoption all the time. Save a life for free. Improve your own in the process. Coming up, madonna breaking down on stage. Well tell you why in pop news. vo my names nick and i make dog chow in denver, colorado. One of my fondest memories of khloe ishe day we got her. I knew right t tre she was gonna be a great dog. Khloes a big influence on the family. She loved lincoln from the start. Shes his litttt protector. I trust dog chow to keep khloe healthy because i see the high Quality Ingredients that go into it. The standards that we follow are top notch. I trust dog chow enough to feed it to my dog every single day. Lowes presents how to p an for the future. Happy valentines day. Happy birtrtay. Happy mothers day. Now get pint annuals, 5 for 5, at lowee frustrated with your Overactive Bladder medicine not working . Cant handle the side effects . Botox treats symptoms of leaking, going too often, and the strong sudden need to go. Ask your urologist if botox can help calm your bladder` and reduce your daily leakage episodes. The effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away as difficult swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, loss of bladder control or muscle weakness can be a sign of a lifethreatening condition. Dont take botox if you cant empty your bladder on your own or have a urinary tract infection, or uti. Side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, fatigue, uti, painful urination and difficulty emptying your bladder. Tell your doctor your medical history. Muscle or nerve conditions, medications including botulinum toxins, antiplatelets and blood thinners, may increase the risk ask a urology specialist you can help preventlindness ininndernourished children all over the world. When you get your vitamins at walgreens, you help give lifechanging vitamins to kids across the globe. Get vitamins here. Change lives everywhere. All right. Its time for pop news. Rachel smith in because sara haines just had baby. S did. Congrats, sara. Again to you. Ttle alec and max. Cant wait to see you. We wanto serve up some dos and donts about meeting a newborn in this age of social media. Hear me out. Number one, do not post anything on sociaif the parents have not posted anything first. Because you dont want to steal their thunder, right . Dont reshare pictures of another familys baby without checking first, as well. Okay. Rule number two. Parents should plan ahead of time what to post. You dont want to be surprised about your partner livetweeting your labor, right . That would be unfortunate. Exactly. Sara came close. She came close. They practically did. I hope you and max talked about t at first, young lady. Three, consider texting your congrats initially. You dont want to bombard the arrives. In saras case, baby alec. Just a big deal of not weddings, too. No spoiler alerts. Major nono. I may have done that. Moving on from big beginnings to poignant endings. Finale is airing tonight. Fans arerelready grabbing their tissues for the expected emotional ending. Producers s e promising to tie up many loose ends. But leave other story lines up in the air. Its been a sixyear run for the show. Theyve broken ratings records for pbs, earned numerous awards. And earned fans worldwide. Therebeen talk of a movie. Not certain yet. Any fans of Downton Abbey here . Ive stayed with the show all really . Ive never seen it. Tonight, on your mustsee list . Im a few episodes behind. I probably wont see tonight in real time. I want to watch. I have to catch walking dead. Got a lot of bingewatching to do. So much to do. I love the walking dead. I love Downton Abbey the two dont mix. They dont. Well versed in television. And it was an emotional night for madonna. She broke down on stage in new zealand before dedicating a song to her son. There is no love stronger than a mother for her son. Rose. Rocco, her son, has been living with his dad, guy ritchie, in bryn during their nasty custody battle. Theres been reports she conceded the fight with her exhusband, ritchie. Brighter news. Hol lie wood is buzzing this morning about a crossover of blockbusters heading to the big screen. Men in black and 23 jump street. What . Genius combination. Sony is looking to start production this summer. Jonah hill and Channing Tatum will reprise their roles. Will smith and Tommy Lee Jones wont be joining them. Those two roles will be highly sought after in hollywood. I cant wait to see who lands those roles. I dont understand how this happens. Oh, its so going to work. You know what, dan . Strims you cannot question things. You just have to let them be. Maybe there will be Downton Abbey and walking dead. You never know. And house of cards. There is a movie now called pride and prejudice and zombies. Really . I would watch that. Youre a little late to the game, ron. Thats a all for now. I still am mystified by the pitch meeting. W that goes. I know were going to do 23 jump street. I think we can throw in throw in will smith. Even if hes not going to be in it. Done. Its a blockbuster. True. It carries the cache. Stick around for geoeoe later this week. Morning. Every moment every day truly epic with a universal orlando annual ps grab a coke and get up to 3 months free so you can enjoy two amazing theme parks and great events like this springs mardi gras its all kinds of amazing all year long universal Orlando Resort burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a stag pool partyty party music splashing destruction splashing destruction burke and we covered it, october twentyseventh, 2014. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. Company. Vote 2016, the competition stiff ens following Super Saturday with rivals giving the leading candidates a run for their money. Bring bob home ierks demands r a former fgbi agent taken in iran to be returned to family. Why they say the government isnt doing enough to make that happen jie and the one and only exclusive. Correctional officer now behind bars shares how he was black mailed. Live, the one and onlnl local 10 news starts right now ierks good morning. Sunday, march 6th. Im todd tongen jie im neki mohan. Jennifer correa is our weather meteorologist. Soup you are sunday indeed. Good morning south florida. Lots of sunshine on this sunday and winter starting to pick up a little bit. By the way you want to make it out to the beach today. Of course take the sun seen. Its a beach day but note that the rip current risk is gng up to a high level once the winds start picking up more. But they have been for Fort Lauderdale already. Wind at 14 Miles Per Hour. Meanwhile 15 Miles Per Hour winds for key west. Thats a breezy one right there. 68 degrees currently. High rip current risk. I just mentioned that will be in effect throughout today. Eventually the winds will be out of north at 15 to 20iles per hour. Also out on theater. Small craft advisory in effect starting at noon as seas are two to 4 feet this morning but increasing five to seven with winds out of the north northeast 15 to 20 knots. Temperatures also rising and rising fast eventually hitting the upper 70s by later on this morning into the noon hour. 80 degrees b1 00 p. M. Ill have more on the seven day forecast coming up. Todd. Now to vote 2016 and the Super Saturday russments while Hillary Clinton and donald trump rpt front runners. The main rivals have had added to the win column ierks lets take a look at numbers. Ted cruz walk wade with half the vote in can cuss. A similar story in main uz takes the caucus winning last vote there too. In kentucky trump won by a narrow margin. 36 to trum cruz 34. And trump walk wade with a narrow win in louisiana today

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