Transcripts For WOIO Cleveland 19 News At 6PM 20161010

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>> did he show that replica or that weapon? >> we don't know. this is all going to be handled the mechanics will be handled by bci. >> reporter: the captain said they were made aware of a serial drugstore robber and they are looking to see if this suspect is behind three our similar robberies. getting answers in westlake today, jen picciano, cleveland 19. >> anchor: we did some digging intohe he does have a north olmsted address. he was arrested in april and indicted in july on burglary and theft charges. he was out on a $5,000 bond but the court docket shows he didn't show up for a pre-trial on september 13. there was a warrant issued for his arrest. >> mark: a community came together for a young victim dubbing her mashland's little the 9-year-old girl was abducted and sexually assaulted walking home from the library. dennis menafy is locked up but the pain he is accused of causing had people want to do something. the mother of the little girl says thank you for the support in part saying, quote, we never expected that a day like this would come. when it did, our community has helped restore our faith in humanity when such inhumanity and inapartment took the innocence of our daughter. our daughter is doing appointments and counseling in the next few months. she is still one unbelievably strong little girl. we could not be prouder parents. >> anchor: jeff is talking about a little frost on the pumpkin and the mums. >> jeff: yeah. it is just a portion of our area actually in the advisory, but, you know, even if you are outside of the advisory counties want to cover them up just to be on the safe side there especially if you live away from the lake shore. frost advisory overnight here we go. it is that time of year. medina county through wayne county, akron-canton care, geauga county inland, ashtabula county. temperatures expected in the 30s here overnight. feeling like the season. it is going to be warming up tomorrow, wednesday, before the next front on thursday and especially in the morning. we will see showers with it, windy conditions a drop in temperature. we are down to 56 already in ashtabula. sun glare is a big problem right now. 61 in cleveland and i expect a clear evening, 7:00, 58. 57 at 8:00 and 9:00 down to 53 degrees. so we've got some temperature swings to discuss on the seven day. more on that in a little bit here. mark and denise, back to you. >> mark: thank you. we are minutes away from game boston kept tribe fans waiting for game three. mark schwab is at fenway for what is hopefully the clincher. we want a sweep. >> i tell you, guys, one guy to keep an eye on tonight's game david ortiz. going to watch him in the entire series but 1 for 89 in the alds. the indians would like to keep him hitting .250 he crushed them batting .458 against the type. his final onhe old. didn't stop him from hitting .318, 30 homers and 127 rbis. his fair for the dramatics and in the building tonight, it was asked if he would consider walking david ortiz if it came down to it. >> i don't know you can manage a game before it starts. like you said, i'm aware of what he can done, also aware of what i think what they have done so well is, you know, david has had a phenomenal year. i don't care how old he is. they have surrounded him with such potent bats that if you just determine that you're going to walk somebody, they're going to score. if there is a time during the game when i feel like a walk can maybe set up a double play, yeah, we might do it. but i think you fall back on times you got to get g hitters out. >> we are minutes away from first pitch in boston. game three of the alds. the indians hope this is the last one. >> anchor: thanks, mark. cleveland indians tickets for potentially alds home games go on sale tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. we need to finish off boston to face toronto. we have a link to buy tickets on our app and fees from any unplayed games are not given back. >> mark: it is back on the campaign trail after last night's presidential debate. donald trump's cries cries continues to build within the g.o.p. since releasing a recording. you hear trump making lewd comments about women. >> kissing them like a magnet. >> mark: trump's remarks prompted dozens of to withdraw their support. house speaker paul ryan says he will not defend trump nor campaign with him. >> donald trump spent his time attacking when he should have been apologizing. apologizing. >> mark: mike pence says trump apologized and ready to move on following the controversy. >> anchor: it has been a little more than a year since a teenage girl was hit and killed on carnegie. the suspect has never been birthday. harry boomer spoke with her family about how they are remembering their loved one. >> instead of us celebrating it at home with us, this is where we have to come. >> reporter: clearly a heartbroken mother finding it hard to say good-bye to her daughter. she and family members at a grave chelsea was killed which a hit skip driver in may of 2015 as she crossed the street at 40th and carnegie. >> i miss her a lot. a whole lot. her. i think about her every day. chelsea was a fun-loving person. she was fun to be around. she was just a happy person. >> reporter: sadly for chelsea no one was with her in the early morning hours to hold her hand and say hang in there, baby. help is coming. no one to say, i love you. chelsea hill should be celebrating a happy birthday today but instead her family is here on her birthday, 16th birthday mourning her loss. the person who hit and killed her is out there. maybe a body shop repaired the car. somebody knows what happened. we want you to turn them in. it is the decent thing to do. >> it will never bring her back but it will help us -- our hearts to ease a little bit, you know, the pain would be a little less. >> only 15 years that's not enough time. i just want justice for and whoever done this, i hope they see this and they realize how much pain they got me and my family going through, what we're going through every day. >> reporter: today instead of singing happy birthday they prayed and released balloons. >> just celebrate her birthday this way. it is not supposed to be this way. >> reporter: harry boomer, cleveland 19. >> anchor: no, it is not. now surveillance video points to a well-maintained 2000 or newer model dark-colored car with noticeable damage to the right front end, specifically the headlight and fog light assembly. police need your help to get justice for chelsea. >> mark: someone shot an at&t worker while he was on the job. this happened this afternoon at east 30th and central. police say they are looking for two suspects who tried to rob the victim. akron police charged this man after he got they say daniel givens knocked on his neighbor's door on sullivan avenue and when he answered investigators say givens punched the 66-year-old homeowner and went inside. that's when the victim pulled the trigger hitting givens in the ankle. >> anchor: help wanted signs are out at jack cleveland casino and thistle down racino. they are looking to fulfill 150 positions. no prior experience is necessary there will be a job fair wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. just go into tower city center to the second floor of the chase building. >> mark: up next, we are getting answers about a new illness and children are at risk. we have the health alert for you. >> anchor: dramatic new video released today. something went terribly wrong during a motorcycle stunt show. >> jeff: it will be chilly tonight as i mentioned before but ove temperature will be up in the next couple of days before the next front. hi guys! got the birthday girl a drum set. drum set? oh you guys must have time warner cable. this is gonna be some party. yeah, their free home wifi lets us connect all our devices at the same time. and there's no data cap, so... the kids must love that, huh?! hey, there's the birthday girl! let's get this party started! get more with time warner cable internet. like unlimited data and speeds up to 50 megs. uploading! honey, i'm goin viral! call now. get 15 megs for $39.99 a month. call now. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing clinton and i approve this message. . >> mark: we have a health alert on a new illness that is current on the rise. >> anchor: the cdc confirmed at least 50 cases. >> it is a terrible disease but it is not necessarily something >> reporter: dr. frank espers a pediatric infectious disease specialist at rainbow babies hospital said he has seen this before in his patients. mystery polio-like illness can be found in adults but mainly children are affected by it. >> every child gets a viral illness, sometimes many times throughout the year. in certain circumstances a child will actually become very weak or paralyzed after having this >> according to the cdc the number of cases up substantially from last year. 50 people have had afm from january to august of this year. some of those cases are being seen right here in northeast ohio. >> we see cases here every year. not necessarily always identified to a particular virus. more times than not we are never able to figure out what virus it is. >> reporter: the good news for many patients the paralysis that comes along with the illness is temporary. prompts over the first several months. whether or not they go completely back to normal or see a 90% improvement but the last 10% take as lot longer for it to resolve. it is case-by-case. >> reporter: the way to protect yourself is simple. wash your hands. you should call your doctor immediately if your child has trouble standing or walking or sudden weakness in their arms or in their legs. the most severe cases some patients have had to be put on a veat there is still so much they don't know about the illness. >> mark: on the nationwide level there is a rise. any spikes locally? >> reporter: the doctor we spoke to today said this is not really a spike right now. we are just at the beginning of the virus season and back in 2014 there was, like, 120 cases reported across the u.s. some -- many of them children and some never recovered. >> mark: thank you. video today of a weekend accident during a motorcycle stunt show. it happened in berea. the man told police he lost control when his clutch got stuck. he hit some movable metal barriers and they pushed into a crowd of people. three spectators were hurt but no one seriously. >> mark: the death toll from hurricane matthew in haiti is now more than 1,000 and the numbers may continue to climb as officials reach more remote parts of that country. haiti is the western h hemisphere. the storm killed at least 23 people and three others missing in the east coast. residents to lumberton, north carolina moving to higher ground two days after the rain stopped. extreme flooding in nichols, north carolina, forced 150 people to seek shelter this afternoon. check this out. local crews helping in florida. pictures there. how about that? they sent 390 employees to lake city to help restore the power there. >> anchor: that's fantastic. before we get to our weather we want to let you know that detroit and crocker that intersection is back open tonight following that incident out there. traffic is moving again. >> mark: very good. now a great-looking day out there, jeff, but on the chilly side for some. >> jeff: well, 65 today the afternoon. really that's where we should be the average high is 64. the overall trend the next couple of days will be up but we got one more chilly night. boy, it was pretty chilly out there this morning with that clear sky and tonight is going to be similar if not even a little cooler. some of this high cloud cover that you see to the west here, that's going to make its way in tomorrow. so we're not going to see as much of the bright sun. it will be more of a filtered sun out there. we have temperatures in the 70s out to the west. here you see in advance of the next system we're going to be on the rise. i have wednesday as the warmest day this week before the next front. as far as future view temperatures go tonight and 8:00, already down to 49 in jefferson. on a night like this you are warmer along the lake shore with warmer water and in the city limits. but outside of the city limits away from the lake shore, east of cleveland. 2:00 in the morning we have already some 30s. 38 warren right around 40 in wooster, low 40s in the akron-canton area and early tomorrow morning is where we could see some of that patchy frost. 30s to start things off. not as cool west of cleveland. thursday morning is the next alert day. the next front. showers and windy weather and the low but warmer downtown. akron-canton you are down to 38. tomorrow some high clouds and mostly cloudy sky. we're up to 68 for the high if we can get enough sun. enough of that hazy sun. 7:00 a.m, 40. 63 at lunchtime. 5:00, 65 and even warmer on wednesday, 74. front comes through early thursday. some rain with it. it will be windy, 54 and temperatures falling on thursday weekend isolated afternoon showers on saturday. better opportunity on sunday. but we warm up again as the weekend wears on. in fact, saturday night low 61 and sunday 74. but the threat of showers in there. another alert day on sunday. >> anchor: good to know. thanks, jeff. coming up tonight on cbs 19, at 8:00 the big bang theory followed by kevin can wait. 10:00 scorpion and join us for cleveland 19 news at 11:00. tony? >> shakespeare wrote there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. why are we breaking out the bard. hamlet is in the house. crews dropping 400 yards in three-and-a-half quarters our guys got crush. hugh jackson may play the quarterback shuffle. there is a decent chance can. kessler can go against the titans on sunday or maybe mccowan on charlie whitehurst who has been injured. >> going through what we have gone true to be on the practice is as exciting for me and see where it goes. i'm looking forward to helping in any way i can. >> this is why belichick said i feel for you with the quarterback situation. despite the losses my grades aren't as bad as you think. this wasn't a tragedy because hamlet was in the house. to thine own self be true con or hamlet when you are bumped from the practice squad and score your first at 31-yard game. i gave the tight ends a solid "b." the problem was their tide ends. gronk ran over and around us early and bennett hit us in the end zone three times. it helps to have a hall of fame quarterback slinging it but their tide ends dropped 176 yards on our defense and a "d" which brings me to the next quote, qb or not qb. that's the question for the browns. through quarterbacks like the browns which is a shame. kessler looked good in the touchdown drive. next position he coughed it up for a safety and took a beating to the ribs. kessler is also taking home a "c." overall there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so as the bard wrote. if only that were true. hugh jackson is right. the browns have a long way to go to equal that team across the field but they have the right guy leading the w because he is simply playing the hand he has been dealt. he will make them better. in the meantime oh, happy dagger. i know, different play but same slow death. >> you can send your grade on facebook tony zarrella 19. >> anchor: some have a way with words and some don't. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? 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if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana? it's time to turn things around. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?. ask your doctor about it by name. >> jeff: chilly night, 68 the high tomorrow, wednesday 74 and rain in the morning on thursday and the drop in temperature, so 54. you are starting to see that up and down trend now as we go through october. us at 6:00. cbs evening news is next. captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: a party divided. the top elected republican says he will not defend or campaign for donald trump. and the sunday debate exposes a rift with trump's running mate. >> he and i haven't spoken, and i disagree. >> pelley: also tonight, after by floodwaters in north carolina. >> you slept on the roof? >> pelley: and samsung puts production of cell phones on hold after the replacements overheat. >> look over and my phone's on fire. this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: the storm is gone, but the disaster is growing.

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