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Mansfield and starting in western counties and move east and an alert by the way. Rain. In fact, many spots looking at over an inch of rain for a total here. Pretty much going to be a wash out tomorrow. Ponding is an issue. Issues. Here is the light rain mark was talking about. At worse sprinkles and a lot more where that came from. By, 10 00 it will approach the cleveland area. 50 degrees and warm tonight downtown cleveland and 57 early in the morning and 58 at 9 00. Not a big rise in temperature tomorrow because of all this rain, look at where we are now. 64 sandusky, 70 akron, 68 cleveland and you broke record highs today. Akroncanton, mansfield and youngstown. Cleveland came one degree shy and we hit 72 in cleveland today a drier and cooler friday for one day. And we warm up again and in fact, talking rain and even storms on sunday. Forecast details coming up at about 6 17. Mark . Jeff, here we go. Doesnt look like Johnny Manziel is that worried about losing his job. New video of him hitting hollywood night clubs. Tmz sports got video of him leaving early this morning. There you go. This is the latest sightings all while a criminal investigation in dallas concerning his exgirlfriend. Does he give up on browns and on johnny. Tony zarrella joins us. As early as the decision comes today. The window opened two hours ago and wild first day of free agency. A lot of big deals for former browns. We have confirmed browns will not make a move with Johnny Manziel tonight and we have talked about the possible reasons for that and browns suspended saving guaranteed money they owe. To me, moving forward and away from the constant negative noise more than 1 million. Three big deals for alex mack. And Atlanta Falcons and Mitchell Schwartz and Travis Benjamin to the san diego chargers, 24 million. Thats 6 million a year for travis, a raise from the 600 grand he made last season. We shared the plan going in. All. They have to want to stay. It goes both ways. Thats just the way it is in the National Football league, you know, contracts are in that way and we would love to have them all back and at the same time they have a right to do whats best for them and their families and to me, if that happens i dont want to sit and say we will give the season away. What we have to do is find players to fit in those particular positions. Who are those players going we blew up the offensive line. Alex mack didnt want to say. Mitchell schwartz are claiming browns pulled the offer off the table and arent happy with how they did business today. Start over again. A complete overhaul. The one thing i will say this is not a surprise praying out with a surprise. Hue jackson said we need to build from the draft is and be sustainable and not like browns are close and over the top and texans giving 72 million. He could be a franchise quarterback and are close. Can you bank on that. Thank you. Take it to the bank. A lot of people are talking about this. You can read and leave your comments through cleveland19. Com, our app or facebook and twitter feeds and use the 19browns. Romona before this story i omalley is running against tim mcginty for Cuyahoga County prosecutor. That being said, today a cleveland 19 Investigation Called for michael omophoria special audit and they said tim mcginty never looked into the financial background of his chief Financial Officer Martin Davies iii even though he handed over a 31 million budget to him. Now davies has resigned and Michael Omalley is asking for a criminal investigation. Davies had numerous personal money issues in the past. After our story aired mcginty revealed davies as an employee to charge a 400 grill on an Office Credit card. We uncovered davies had 172,000 worth of lawsuits filed against him. Over the last selfthings we have seen many news media reports regarding the financial handling of the Cuyahoga County we have seen stories from scott taylor highlighting Martin Davies in his troubled financial history and seen channel 3 and tom meyer do a great story on expenditures of the office. What viewers can come to a conclusion after watching it, theres obviously, viewers can come to a conclusion after watching it theres obviously a lack of Financial Management, appropriate Financial Management in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutors Office. Romona davies wrote a check to reimburse the Prosecutors Office for the grill. Moments after the call for an internal probe. Tim mcginty agreed and asked for the sheriff and the state auditor to conduct their own investigation. Scott taylor is talking to mcginty right now. His report coming up at 9 00 and 11 00. Mark donald trump appears well on his way for the republican nomination after winning three of four states yesterday. Hillary clinton moving ahead as frontrunner on the democratic the two will face off in another debate in florida. It will be the republicans turn tomorrow. Controversy brewing over next tuesdays president ial primary in ohio. Can 17yearolds who will be 18 by the november election be barred from voting on the primary ballot. The secretary of state says yes. As Paul Orlousky learned today the a. C. L. U. Is crying foul. Reporter primary voting for president is a ritual, all citizens of members of a Political Party discovery 18 exercise every four years. This year theres a complaint by the a. C. L. U. Citizens over 17, 18 by the november election are denied to vote in the president ial portion of the primary and thus denied a voice in who the party is. And the secretary of state made a distinction between the ability of a 17yearold versus nominating someone. They can elect but cant nominate and electing reasons 17yearolds can vote for other races as president. They are nominating candidates if they are allowed to elect delegates for president they will illegally vote at 17. The a. C. L. U. Sent a letter to the secretary of state complaining about it saying the election manual clearly allows a 17yearold vote and preventing the 17yearold vote. This is a population we want to empower to participate in our democracy. And unfortunately, we are disencouraging them. We are pulling the rug out from underneath them. The a. C. L. U. Calls it a murky situation where some boards of election are allowing some not. They want to issue a directive allowing 17yearolds to cast their ballot including the president ial race. Paul orlousky, cleveland 19. Mark we reached out to the secretary of States Office to issue a clarification letter. Does respond. You hear this every night. Every night. And it is scary. On the east side, the cleveland grandmother has had enough with all the violence. She is taking a stand. Ruby bell talked to sia nyorkor today about whats happening in her neighborhood. Sia . Ruby bell is no stranger to violence. Less than two years ago five people were murdered next door. This time bullets hit too close to home. Miss ruby bell says she doesnt feel safe in her own home. Immediately i hit the floor. Monday night somebody drove by her house on east 92nd street and fired shots. Five children were in the home. Thankfully, no one was hurt. They are here sleeping. After 10 00 at night. Yes. All of a sudden. Pow, pow, pow. It was around 10 rounds i want it was very close. She lived in this house almost two decades and says this is too close for comfort. When you are in your own house thats a problem. You know. This has been going on regularly, a lot of Gang Violence and it needs to stop. Police are investigating and dont have any suspects. Less than two years ago five people were brutally murdered next door. Police arrested 19yearold james spark henderson for the murders and currently held on 7. 5 million bond. Miss ruby says it is not something you forget. It is extremely hard, extremely hard. And it does something to me. It brings back bad memories. She says people often ask her why she doesnt move. She says it would give into the violence. I am a longtime resident and i dont plan on going nowhere. I am fighting back. Her councilman in ward 7 and also wants to start a stop the Violence Group and advocate for young people and James Henderson accused of murdering five people next door his trial is set for may. Romona and mark . We will find the money to do this all over again, you know. Once we saved it, we saved it. And we gave him everything. But up next it looks like live from cleveland. Driven by Don Joseph Toyota in kent this is cleveland 19 news. Basically start over from square one. No money to replace the money he took. Romona we introduced you to kayla and josh last year. The stow couple ripped off for nearly 6,000 before their wedding. Today the man responsible pleaded guilty in court to grand theft. Cory friedman is owner of simply elegant weddings in richfield. All together there are 23 money back. Friedman will be on probation two years and must pay over 26,000 in restitution immediately. He must also return all video and pictures taken. Today Cleveland Police officer mr. Jackson pleaded not guilty. He faces Assault Charges and more accused of attacking a woman last october. He is free on 10,000 bond and remains on unpaid leave. We have a health alert for you about the flu. We are seeing a spike in cases as it is widespread throughout ohio. Last week there were 203 new cases confirmed and people hospitalled with the flu. Thats up from 93 the week before. This brings the total to 653 since flu season began last october. Last year at this time there were almost 8,000. Thats when the flu vaccine was not wellmatched for circulating flu viruses. All right. I did. It was so beautiful. You are confused. It really is. It doesnt feel like march. I am confused. It threw me off. I am not confused. This unseasonably warm pattern hanging out for the most part. We have sprinkles in mansfield and ashland area and this is the beginning stages of the rain, cloud cover overspread the area. And eventually the rain will overspread the area this evening. I think the heaviest rain with this front will come tomorrow afternoon and it will generally be light toed month rhett rain at this time. We have colder air by the end of the week. 45 in green bay. We are at 68 degrees. Here is a look at futureview. This is 10 00 tonight. We have the first wave mainly light rain. Things pick up a little bit in expect wet roads for the morning drive. I dont see this rain too heavy and showers around tonight. 56 will be the low. Still very warm for this time of year. And 56 as well in the akroncanton area showers in the forecast for you. 10 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. Okay. It is mainly light rain. Here you see by 1 00 in the afternoon wow. Things start to pick up. And at 4 00 i think the afternoon commute will be worse than the morning drive here. A steady soaking rain. Tomorrow will pretty much be a wash out. As far as what we are thinking as far as the rainfall, this is by 4 00 now over half inch in a lot of spots norwalk with. 9 of an . A of rain when all is said and done with the system through the afternoon and tomorrow evening we are looking at over an inch in some cases. 59 the high. Temperature here because of the rain around. But then tomorrow night with light rain in the evening it will drop down to 41. 49 friday and one day where we get a cooldown and thats above normal and dry on friday. Look at saturday back up to 65. Sunday, it is showers and storms developing in the afternoon. Clocks ahead this weekend. Time. And afternoon rain monday. An alert there, 72 the high. Tony and mark. Yes, tan. I brought a friend breaking down the early stages of day 1 of nfl free agency. They dont have any players. Chevrolet sports report on cleveland 19 news. Tony Travis Benjamin coming off a career year with 1,000 yards receiving and he will get paid on the west coast agreeing to the deal 24 million with san diego chargers, mark schwab with me. Johnny isnt going anywhere today. Browns will make the move. Inquiring minds want to know what sashi mark whats taking so long. We will not be huge players in free agency. And sashi and paul depodesta. And nothing on ta sean gibson. They can try to keep guys and throw their money out for players. If the players have been here three coaches and gms and president s and some cases owners, why would they stay. Listen, alex mack, i get it, i really do. Do you give of Travis Benjamin, number one playmaker. You cant trust gordon and Mitchell Schwartz and pull it off the table for Mitchell Schwartz and angering his agent and quickly they land in kansas city. That hurts to me. Benjamin and schwartz and because of the age. He is 31 this season. And schwartz is younger and benjamin coming in the same draft. If you are in the nfl and rebuild and quicker than a baseball team. They will still be playing and need guys to catch passes. And going back. I didnt expect them to be players and not close to being a contender. Bengals back up. Mccarran. Depending what he wants for them. The second pick in the draft. Maybe they have looked at the two guys. And maybe they dont like them. Buckeye. All right. Rain developing tonight through tomorrow. A wash out and cooler friday, 49 and we go back up on saturday. Mark very good. Thank you so much for joining us at 6 00. Next. 11 00. Have a good evening. Now this is a cleveland 19 news editorial. On tuesday march 15th ohio voters will get to cast their ballots in our first winner take all president ial primary. Last year, the legislature voted to move the primary back a week and give all delegates to the winner instead of parsing them out proportionally and that probably did not go unnoticed by governor and president ial contender john kasich and what they should have done for the good of the country and governor is maybe let ohio vote first. Our primary system is broken and an excellent opinion piece in the New York Times Political Writer emma ruler says iowa and New Hampshire are 80 white and ohio closely matches the demographics of the nation racially diverse and big towns and smaller rural areas and we have a swing state with a perfect balance of democrats and republicans and doesnt cost much to campaign. Media costs are reasonable giving underfunded candidates a fair shot. It probably wont happen. The parties put penalties in place for states that move primaries up. Cutting delegates and our own secretary of state is on the record against it. Still it would have been nice to have the chance to vote for a wider range of candidates if we wanted to. Instead we will have to take whats left after 30 other states have had their say. And ohio first primary would be reporter im dominic mancuso. And thats how we see it. We encourage your response to this editorial. Pelley deep trouble in the south. Floodwaters swallowing everything in their path. Its a disaster. I feel sorry for these people. Pelley also tonight theres only one person did well tonight, donald trump. Pelley two, actually. Bernie sanders pulled off michigan impossible. A decorated veteran accused of attempting to murder a pastor has been arrested at the white house. And the man behind the mania, remembering the fifth beatle. Those guys, i fell in love with them, really. Captioning sponsored by cbs this is the cbs evening news with scott pelley

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