With a look at todays eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. They even want to try to rig the election at the polling booths. People who have died ten years ago are still voting. Illegal immigrants are voting. Trump brings up claims of a rigged election. Every friday something comes out bashing him. Because they want to influence American People how to vote. How a top official tried to flu the fbi during the email investigation. This is big stuff. Watergate. As it continues in nthern iraq, tens of thousands of troops are fighting to take back the city of mosul. This is street by street. Russian Syrian Forces say they have halted air strikes on aleppo. A scheduled eighthour humanitarian pause. The wildfire in southern contained. I keep praying the wind will die down. An arizona man forgot his keys in the house so he decided to enter through the chimney but got stuck. The Police Officer looking on in horror while her patrol car is smashed. All that the Cleveland Indians are a win away from the world series. They are in lakewood, ohio. Arizona has completely dominated the jets. The and all that mattered. The media is trying to rig the election against me. Media is not rigging the election. Theyre just recording what you say and playing it back. How do you plan to get their attention . Well, i tell them straight up that this is the most important election of their lifetimes. That they have the opportunity to make history. And the results in november could change their lives forever. And vote. [ applause ] did you know that theres a snap chat filter that gives you a flower crown. Of course i know that, stevenen. Announcer this mornings eye opener is presented by toyota. Toyota. Lets go places. Captioning funded by cbs welcome to cbs this morning. Election day is just three weeks away. The latest cbs news pollho Hillary Clinton building her lead over donald trump. Clinten is nine points ahead, 37 to 48 when you include third party candidates. That is a fivepoint increase from two weeks ago. Clinton is getting a big boost from women voters. She leads that group by 19 points. Our poll found 82 of registered voters believes this campaign has been more negative than past claims. Major garrett is with the trump from his wife melania. Good morning. Heres an inconvenience fact from donald trump accusations that he accosted women are more credible than his election soon or will be marred by voter fraud. Nonetheless, trumpization the issue of Sexual Assault is pure fiction and voter fraud a very real deal. But in both instances, evidence to back trump is very hard to find. Oh, what a waste. What a wast they all say it wont be a waste. Youll number the history books. Let me tell you something, folks, i want to win. Reporter amid problematic poll numbers donald trump continued to wail about voter fraud. People who have died ten years ago are still voting. Ill leap immigrants are still voting. Reporter dredging up research from 2012, trump said its possible that 24 million voters are registered improperly if your politicians dont tell you about this. Reporter the negotiator trump said he might take those potentially invalid votes. Well, if theyre going to vote for me, well think about it, right . But i have a feeling theyre not going to vote for me. Reporter trump has almost all but refuted the Sexual Assault statements. Hillary clinton is the most the presidency of the United States. Hello, how are you . Reporter still, this now famous 2005 access Hollywood Video has had a toxic effect. 40 of registered voters now think worse of trump. A majority now believe the video reflects his current attitude about women. Hes very passionate about American People. Reporter trumps wife melania had this to say. He would never do that. And put together to hurt him. To hurt his candidacy. Reporter while trump said he has nothing to apologize for. You cant apologize for an event that never took place. These events never took place. Trump tweeted yesterday that largescale voter fraud is going on now. When pressed on this, he said, oh, he meant previous elections. Three republican secretaries of state have said trumps claim about voters fraud are and, gayle, voters we talked to in battleground states around the country yesterday say they are not concerned the selection will be tainted by fraud. 21 days and counting. Melania trump could have a hard time shifting opinions about her husband. Our cbs news poll also asked voters if they think donald trump respects women. 51 of freedom mail voters said not much or not at all. And looking at how the fight off charges of Sexual Assault. They do not believe, and it was a melania media blitz. One interview, sat down with cnn and another with fox news. She said the claims of women coming former of alleged Sexual Assault have no evidence that her husband did anything wrong. I said to my husband that the language is inappropriate. Its not acceptable. And i was because that is not the man that i know. Reporter Melania Trump insists the man bragging on that 2005 tape months after the couple got married is not her donald trump. And when youre a star, they let you do it. They let you do anything. Grab them by the [ bleep ] do anything. Reporter she said trump was provoked that day. Kind of a boy talk. Egged on, from the host, to say dirty and bad stuff. You feel the host billy bush was sort of egging him on . Yes. Yes. Is that what it is to you . Just locker room talk . Yeah, kind of like two teenage boys, actually they should behave, better . Correct. Sometimes, i say i have two boys at home, i hav i have my husband. Reporter the comments for trump since the Republican National convention parts of her speech were lifted from the 2008 speech. Saying the media never gave her a share shake. Is it fair for the media to bring up bill clintons past or donald trump to bring up bill clintons past . Well, if they bring my past, theyre asking for it. They started they started from the beginning of the campaign. Now, ms. Trump was not asked about the rnc speech either. She said on cnn if she became a first lady she would focus on fighting online negativity and bullying on social media. When asked about her husband on twitter, she called it his decision and said he knows the consequences. Norah. Thank you so much. Donald trump is using fbi documents to launch a the bureau released interview notes and summaries from its investigation of clintons private email servers. The file shows a Top State Department official asked the fbi to declassify a single message that was left unchanged. Nancy cordes as gone through these. The Clinton Campaign is trying to distance itself from the controversy. Aides say they werent aware of Department Secretary and an official. But it will be harder for clinton to release herself from some of the other details. Reporter as part of the investigation of clintons email servers fbi agents interviewed a former Diplomatic Security agent who served briefly on clintons detail. This one described a stark difference between clintnd and her predecessor condoleezza rice. Saying clinton blataly disregarded protocol. Saying clinton often chose to ride in an unarmored limousine with her top aide huma abedin. With complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol. The agents added that clintons detail were so pretentious that many sought reassignment. It was difficult find senior this is worse than watergate. Reporter trump focused on another fbi interview from an employ who said he felt pressured to change the classified email to unclassified as part of a quid pro quo between an fbi official and patrick kennedy. In change for marking the email unclassified, he would recipro indicate by allowing the fbi to put more agents in country w this is one of the great miscarriages of justice in the history of this country. Reporter both the fbi and the state department insists there was no quid pro quo. One spokesman called it a misunderstanding. Any really assertion that this was somehow tit for tat or quid pro quo exchange in that manner, really, frankly is insulting. The good news for clinton investigation notes in four batches and this was the last batch. The bad news is Congressional Republicans say they think this supposed quid pro quo between the state department and fbi is a violation of the law. And theyre vowing to hold more hearings. Susan page is the Washington Bureau chief. Welcome. Thank you. No quid quo probut discussion of a deal sort of raises questions . It official to be pressuring the fbi to change the classification of an email for what is essentially a political purpose. But still it raises questions that would be very serious, if we werent focused on other things in this president ial election. And theres also the question of intent . Yes. And whether there is a coverup. Whether theres collusion, in trying to handle and minimize the political damage from this Hillary Clinton all year. Usa today front page of your paper, susan, raising a very interesting story about the intersection of the Clinton Foundation donors, the state department lobbyists and fundraisers for the Clinton Campaign. What are you all finding out . Well, were finding out things that are not illegal but may alarm americans which is a kind of coziness among different coziness is never good in politics. Yeah, not a good thing. Heres an example. A big gives 1 million to 5 mr. To the Clinton Foundation. They lobby to hire the state department on the tpp deal in the works. One of their lobbyists becomes a fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign. None of that is illegal. But some are saying who is looking out for me. People with money have special privileges . Not surprising. Not illegal. But maybe disturbing. Campaign, we learned from Hillary Clintons campaign yesterday, they are going to expand the map. Specifically, the traditional red state of arizona. Michelle obama who has probably given the two most important political speeches this season at the convention, just last week. Going to arizona. Could they schactually expand t map will it work or political jujitsu. Well, they could expands the map. The state elections arizona, missouri. Those arent the senate races that would give democrats control but they would pad the democratic majority. So you see Hillary Clinton feeling confidence enough about winning the election she is looking to other democrats. Millennials will be the largest voting bloc in this election. You wrote a piece today. Are they going to turn out . And who are they going to vote for . You know, weve been looking tone of this campaign is going to increase turnout or will is be box its negative and contentious . In the latest usa today poll we find that millennials are getting turned. Enthusiasm is declining a bit from the last poll. Declining since it peaked in march. That was the time when Bernie Sanders was getting a lot of support by millennials. You have a 20 something voter who said its like your brother and sister dirtier . Yeah. That has left people feeling, but millennials feeling not voting for but voting against. Thank you. The final president ial debate there be tomorrow. The cover begins right here on cbs. Secret service is joining into the investigation of a fire bombing of a local republican headquarters in north carolina. Campaign volunteers returned to county office yesterday. This attack early sunday destroyed Campaign Materials and thousands of sample ballots. The states republican governor visited the scene yesterday. He wants to know why police waited hours to inform the public. And why they originally called vandalism. Iraqi and kurdish troops nears mosul are clearing villages recaptured from isis. American warplanes pounded isis. Extremists lost territory and fighters in the massive offensive. Holly villages liberated from isis. Good morning. Reporter good morning, this is tarjala, one of the handful of villages recaptured by isis yesterday with the help of u. S. Coalition air strikes but flattened, as you can see here. The battle for mosul started east of the city where kurdish fighters went house to house yesterday hunting down the handful of isis fighters holding tunnels isis built to defense itself. And the aftermath of four u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes that destroyed them. The colonel to tell us the extremists fought to the death. Do you think that isis has dug tunnels underneath mosul as well . For sure, he told us, suicide car bombs and tunnels. Thats how isis fights. These used to be farming communities. But the years ago and now its an apocalyptic land scape. In the days before the coalition began the u. S. Coalition softened the ground inside of mosul. These are strikes according to the coalition. They are thought to be within 5,000 isis fighters left in mosul, but also around 1 million civilians. Isis is preventing them from leaving, using them as human and coming to overcrowded camps like this one. This man is an english teach here fled the town of qayyara west of mosul. The fear, you cannot guess when they will take from you your bed and kill you. Reporter the kurdish fighters say they killed 80 isis eradicating isis in a city of 1 million will be much more difficult. Many people here in iraq expect it to take months. Norah. Holly williams in iraq. Thank you so much. Russian and syrian warplanes have reportedly halted air strikes in aleppo it comes after a ceasefire to led them to leave the besieged city. Russian strikes pounded aleppo. The top military officers faces prison time for leaking classified information. Former vice chairman of the joint chiefs James Cartwright pleaded guilty yesterday. He lied about information. Under the plea deal the government is recommending a sentence from zero to six months. Law Enforcement Forces believe russia may be using a new kind of warfare against the united ss. Ahead, how a russians generals c samantha good Tuesday Morning to you. The big story today, the heat. Were in the 70s in many locations this morning, and well hit about 86 this afternoon. That would be a record for today. The old record set back in 1950 is 84 degrees. Expect increasing clouds throughout the day, very windy today as well but cooler air is on the way. Were going to have some rain tonight, and notice how we announcer this National Weather report sponsored by aarp. Real possibilities. Big Rig Companies are recruiting more older drivers. Are they up to the job . As long as you are healthy and can do it, they dont care ahead, cbs news goes undercover to find the growing risk on the road. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by voya financial. Changing the way you think of retirement. Putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could. Kana . Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. A pill taken just once in the morning, invokana . Is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. In fact, its been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. Invokana . 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When you have something you love, you want to protect it. At legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. With an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Tia good morning. Im tia ewing. After today we may finally know what caused a jet to crash in an akron neighborhood last november board. A preliminary report released in april showed the copilot was flying at the time of that crash. As soon as we find out what investigators say happened, of course, we will send out a push alert through our cleveland 19 mobl news app. For a look at the forecast, here meteorologist sam roberts with the warm temperatures. Sam. Samantha yeah, very warm. In fact, we may break a record today. The record high is 84. Im forecasting 86 with increasing clouds and windy conditions. Hang onto your ha out there as you step out the door, and even into the afternoon. Winds will back off throughout the night, but rain is possible as soon as 4 00 this afternoon. We could see a few scattered showers developing, and well have that chance in the forecast through midnight tonight. More rain on the way. . Were here to find out what youre going to do for a living. Lets try that. 55, tough time to start over for a man. Okay. I dont see any promotions for the last eight years. Thats not always good. You can explain that . [ laughter ] honestly, there wasnt a lot of room for last job. The only one with a more powerful position was my wife. Okay. It doesnt say here, where were you born . [ laughter ] in three words or less whats a common criticism you have for others in the workplace . I cannot stand it when people reduce complex ideas for some simplistic catchphrase. We cant accept that answer . Stephen colbert playing Human Resources helping the president prepare for a job. Charlie, what did they say . They said youre welcome. I was talking with folks at the white house yesterday, thats one of president obamas tank in task in the turn out millennials. I was surprised theyre the largest voting bloc. I was pulling for baby boomers. Coming up in this half hour, is the russian government trying to undermine democracy . Law enforcement officials point to more evidence that moscow is seeking to influence the president ial election. Ahead, how russia may be following the playbook it has used before. Plus, older commercial truck and bus drivers pose a bigger the number of drivers at least 70 years old driving. Cbs news goes undercover to see why Companies Want to hire older drivers. Some headlines. The Los Angeles Times said the police group apologized. Terence cunningham spoke at a meeting of thousands yesterday in san diego. He said the past has led to mistrust today. And it is clear, they must change the future. Bloomberg reportsme work more than europeans. A new study finds americans work 25 more hours. Now, thats about 258 additional hours ever year. Americans use less Vacation Days and they retire a little bit later. The extra effort could pay off in the form of promotions. The Cleveland Plain Dealer said a canadian judge rejected an attempt for the cleveland and theyll have two world champions. Charlie pointed that out. I went, thats good. Cleveland is a good place to be. Britains telegraph said Julian Assange cannot get online. On saturday, after a site clinton. Assange fled to the Ecuador Embassy in 2012. Were learning new details about cyberhacking threats against the president ial election. Intelligence officials are concerned russia is trying to influence the results. The russian government could be following a plan by influential generals. Jeff pegues in washington with the scale of the threat. Jeff, good morning. Intelligence blamed the russian government for directing hacks on emails of the Democratic National committee. Law enforcement sources and Computer Security experts believe the russians are following a playbook they have used before to try to influence elections. Recent electrelated hacks may be part of a military strategy developed by top russian general he called for a new kind of warfare that would cause a perfectly thriving state to sink into a web of chaos. Imagine on Election Night if all of the reports come out that cause people to think that the results of the election are questionable. Reporter adam meyers, the held of intelligence at crowd strike said thats what russian hacker, trying to do, cause confusion or cast doubt on u. S. Election results. Come back from one district and one state. And could trigger enough of a reaction that we might call for a complete recounts. Reporter u. S. Officials believe it would be extremely difficult for the russian government to alter ballot counts or Election Results because Voting Machines are not connected to the internet. What does this general seek to do . What does he think the new form of warfare is . They want to influence the events that occur, without having to move tro o reporter while the russians have dismissed the u. S. Allegations as nonsense, u. S. Officials say president obama is weighing his options. During an interview with npr, Vice President joe biden wouldnt say exactly how the u. S. Plans to hit back. We are in the process of making that decision. What that measure of retail yags but is warrants retailation. Reporter nancy pelosi with charlie rose on monday. Do you think it has chance for retribution because thats what hacking is about . Well, their goal is to undermine democracy wherever it exists. And they just dont do it here in the u. S. But you know, i think our democracy were withstand russian hacking. U. S. Officials say similar russian tactics have been seen in ukraine over the last couple of years in that country, alleged that russian governmentlinked hackers have attacked election computers, compromised and deleted files and leaked embarrassing or sensitive documents related to candidates that the kremlin viewed as unfriendly. Norah. I was reading in the paper yesterday that donald trump did a radio interview yesterday said if i win, i can see myself meeting with putin prior to the start of the administration. A capsule loaded with supplies is on the way to the International Space station. The private station orbital atk ws launch the cargo ship is carrying more than 5,000 pounds of food, clothing and science gear. The launch comes nearly two years after a dramatic failure in 2014. Orbitals rocket exploded seconds into its flight. Its undercover at a Trucking School thats recruiting retirees. Ahead, kris van cleave looks into whether more screening is required for the big rig and bus drivers to prevent accidents. Did you know this you can take us with you on the go. We invite you. Now is the time to subscribe to our cbs news podcast. You can get the institution of the day and how about podcast originals, itunes and podcasts. But theres so much more to it. Heres how benefiber . Works. Inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. The prebiotic fiber in benefiber . Nourishes them. And what helps them, helps you. Clear, tastefree, benefiber . And what helps them, helps you. Im hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. But that doesnt stop my afib thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. . Americas Trucking Industry shortage. One estimate says about 48,000 drivers are needed to move 70s of the nations goods. Companies are aggressively recruiting retirees. Drivers more than 55 years old make up about 10 of commercial vehicle operators in this country. A fivemonth investigation by cbs news looked how the increase in older drivers translates to potential dangers on the nations highways. Kris van cleave is at a truck stop isnt the story. Good morning. Reporter good morning, with drivers having to balance age with safety but as the population ages as the truck industry grows, the rules of the road may need to change as well. Theyre going to come here, theyre going to fire me. Theyre going to see me do Something Real positive in life. Reporter it was supposed to be a celebration for the hooks city to st. Louis in summer of 2009 to see ronny become an elder at his church. But on i44 near the state line traffic slowed to a crawl. I was on the phone when it happened that day and the phone just went dead. Reporter the semi driven by 76yearold donald creed did not. Is it rolled on top of three car killing ten, including hooks parents and two brothers. Just this summer in newa, jersey, a bus was tboned by a bus driven by a 70, they died. And then driven by a 7484yearold, a bus slammed into a construction zone. Ten were hurt. A 19 increase in accidents involving commercial truck and bus drivers in their 70s, 80s, from 2013 to 2015 there were more than 6500 accidents involving older drives in 12 states alone. Oklahoma Highway Patrol investigated the accident that tore apart the hooks family. Do you think age played into that at all . I do. Reporter hes noticed an increasing number of crashes involving older drivers. Industry is looking for truck drivers. Theres a shortage in truck drivers. Theyre not going to is on the federal level. Reporter Rose Mcmurray was a Senior Executive at nhtsa in the 90s. Thats when reaction time being compromise with age considered skill tests for older commercial drivers. It clearly can result in a lot of political backlash. So state governments have grappled with this. Federal government has grappled with this because the age Discrimination Laws really shelved. Because of the labor shortage and lack of age restrictions Trucking Schools are now actively recruiting seniors promising good benefits and money to supplement retirements. Now is there an age limit or anything on this . There is not. Reporter we hired a retired 70yearold trooper. To a school sent in to recruit retirees. Trucking is just a its a different kind of industry and environments. They allow women, men of any age, as long as youre physically able to get behind that wheel and drive that truck. We have two ladies, theyre probably in their 80s. Reporter the company defended its policy. The director of the pennsylvania school, he says fmcsa the agency regulating driving does not theres no age on it. They pass it and everything, they want to drive. Reporter fmac dispute administrators stephenny johnson is now administering the agency. Her agency is now looking at the trend. Were now looking at rules for drivers over 65. Reporter but washingtons considerations come too late f we all had to learn how to deal with it. And deal with it with the recurring memories and the pain, of not having them. Reporter the truck driver involved in the hooks family crash pleaded guilty to numerous counts of negligent homicide. All misdemeanors. Now, the Aviation Industry also is facing a shortage. A shortage of pilots. But that industry has a mandatory retirement age of 65 for all pilots. Cbs news there is an increase in the number of drivers over 70s. But adds the greater majority of truck related crashes are not caused by truckers but are instead caused by other drivers. Norah. Kris, thank you so much. Its not the age so much that bothers me. I do think you have to Pay Attention to the reaction time and stamina. Its amazing when you get older your philosophy has changed. I used to think 55, now i think no, whats wrong, ason those can do the job. But reaction and stamina. Contestants beat 1 in 8,000 odds on the price is right the big wheel dishes out a thr samantha good Tuesday Morning to you. The big story today, the heat. Were in the 70s in many locations this morning, and well hit about 86 this afternoon. That would be a record for is 84 degrees. Expect increasing clouds throughout the day, very windy today as well but cooler air is on the way. 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The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Nichole good mortgage. Im nichole . Windians is a trends hashtag on social media this morning because cleveland beat the blue jays on their home tufr in game three. Game four is this afternoon. By the time you go to sleep tonight, the indians could be on their way to the world series. Be sure to follow cleveland 19s conch from toronto all day on air, online and on our breing the heat. Meteorologist sam roberts is forecasting record high temperatures for oblth. Samantha yes. Our record high today is 84, but i think 86 sounds better, right . Maybe not better for you. Thats okay. Cooler air is coming. Just not for today. Get ready for the heat, increasing clouds. It is going to be very windy as well. No rain out there until this afternoon, though. About 4 00 onward we could see some showers, which will hang in our forecast, so if you have . Its tuesday, october 18th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. More real news ahead, including las vegas getting political. Why tomorrow nights president ial debate puts a industry. But first, heres todays eye opener at 8 00. Trump says the issue of Sexual Assault is pure fiction. Voter fraud a real deal but evidence is very hard to find. It was sort of a melania media blitz. The Clinton Campaign is trying to distance itself from this controversy. Aides say they werent aware of this conversation. It looks inappropriate, intent . Yes. Whether theres a coverup, whether theres collusion. This is one of a handful of villages recaptured from isis yesterday after air strikes. Oh, charlie. What are they saying . Theyre saying youre most certainly welcome. Hillary clinton meets in secret with International Banks to plot the destruction of u. S. Sovereignty. So, let me get this straight, hillarys beenni years just so that when she finally gets power she can hand it over to the banks . Clearly, you havent met hillary. [ laughter ] hillary has been thirsty for the white house so much ever time she eats a turkey sandwich, she pauses it first. Im charlie rose with gayle king and nora oconnell. Towards Hillary Clinton. They now prefer clinton over donald trump 38 to 36 . Clintons support rose 6 in the last month. Only 30 Hillary Clinton believes. And donald trump used a 2012 study to bolster his claim. So many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is very, very the following information comes straight from pew research. Quote, approximately 24 million people, one of every age, Voter Registration to the United States are no longer valid or significantly inaccurate. Evidence of voter fraud was found. Major garrett spoke to john husinstead. We do not have any systemic problems im not aware of any systemic problems in any state in the country. The idea of building a National Campaign where youre suggesting that the elections process itself is rigged is an irresponsible comment. Ts secretary of state. Now he said trumps comments undermine peoples confidence in the system. And make it more likely that they wont come out to vote. Newly released documents allege that Hillary Clinton did not always follow security regulations during trips as secretary of state. It comes as the release of emails from the private server. A Diplomatic Security agent saying in indonesia wanted to see an area, quote, reportedly for a photo opportunity for one of her initiatives. The Security Team recommended against the visit for safety reasons but they were told it was going to happen because she wanted. The agent believed that clinton disregarded protocol in order to gain favorable press. Yesterday, mark toner referring to a previous batch of fbi files said this is just one opinion. In the last of Diplomatic Security described her as very responsive to Security Issues so, just another opinion. Toner said he did not know of any formal complaints against Hillary Clinton. Tomorrow night, las vegas will host its first ever president ial debate. It has moved away from its image election. John blackstone is on the vegas strip. John, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, here in the las vegas strip, everything is big and bold. Theres really no such thing as a low profile, except when it comes to president ial politics. For most of the history of las vegas, casino operators have kept their political references to themselves. That has changed. At the Bellagio Hotel the reaction in the casino i nonstop, but p manps is jim myuran. Look, these are my views im not representing the company. Reporter hes chairman and ceo of mg. [ international whiches more than a dozen hotels and casinos in las vegas. A life long republican he has now declared his support for Hillary Clinton. Weve gotten some folks saying theyre either a donald trump supporter, or they say, you have no right to press your point of view. The casino business long avoided expressing their views on national politics. In my now 30odd years ive seen an industry playing defense to an industry thats proud of its heritage. And proud of its role in the economy here. Part of that heritage, frankly, was not so great at one time . Thats true. Thats absolutely true. . Reporter in the 1950s when congress investigated the role of organized crime in casinos, fbi director j. Went to war against gambling. Organized gambling is a vicious evil. This is a place that was founded by the bad guys. Reporter bo barnhart, executive director of the International Gaming institutes at the university of nevada las vegas. Said mobsters never would have made the zrstrip what it is tod. Day is got clean was the best day for the city. And it opened the get involved . It certainly did. Made it more powerful for the masses reporter perhaps nothing more exhibits the mainstream of gambling than casino owner donald trump. I made a tremendous amount of money. You can just make out the word trump where it used to be written in flashy lights. Reporter trump has also been including sheldon adelson. And tropicanas chairman of the board carl icahn. We need a president that can move congress. And i think donald trump can do it. Reporter the strip is much like the rest of america now with vocal supporters on both sides. I really feel that in the greatest country in the world, the greatest democracy in the have different political views and respect one another. While leaders of the gaming industry are on opposite sides of the president ial election. Jim myuran said they will continue to Work Together in las vegas, to make this a place people want to visit no matter what their politics. Norah. Thats probably a good thing to talk about, john. Thank you. Heres a look inside the debate hall at unlv. Were going to bring you live coverage of the final debate. Thats tomorrow night. All starts at 9 0 8 00 central right here on cbs. The question is to save or to spend . Samantha thanks to much, gayle. Im meteorologist Samantha Roberts with your forecast for today. Once again, its all about the heat. 86 this afternoon. That would be a record, so well see if its going to be hot, might as well break a record, right . It will be windy as well, so a skirt alert in place for today. 4 00, 5 00. And that rain chance continues through tonight. So if youll be out and about watching that tribe game, take singersongwriter mike posner has regained his cool. Ahead, he shows gayle how he learned to play the guitar to find a new sound. Youre watching cbs this morning. . And ive been to a lot of . I took carolina . . . You dont own me . . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Dont tell me what to do . . Just let me be myself . . Thats all i ask of you . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . Tomorrows the day well play something besides video games. Every day is a gift especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto . A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto . Was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. E pregnant must not take entresto . It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto . With an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto . The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your heart doctor about entresto . And help make the gift . In this mornings eye on money more americans would rather hold on to their money than spend them. Years ago. Jill schlesinger is here with ways to add to your savings. Good morning. Good morning. Thats really good news. Whats the best way to save money . You know, when we look at this, its about the same thing as diet and exercise. We need to form a habit. Its really hard. What do we want to do . We want to do something that makes us feel good. Behavorial economists say any way to auto mate this to make it habitual is the way to go. Easier than diet and exercise because we can automate it. Do americans have a bunch of debt . Well, americans have a bunch ever debt. Most of it is housing debt, some of it student debt. But the reality is weve done a good job of whittling down our debt over time. Weve done a much better job paying down the debt moving on getting our heads around savings. Savings accounts pay about 1 . Retirement accounts are the way to go, right . Well its a little bit of yes and yes. We want people to get 4 or 5 to get you started. But i cant stress enough for your savings, that Emergency Reserve Fund that we talk about, six to 12 months of expenses it has to be in a boring horrible savings, checking or money cd. Two places you might wto find better rates. Depositaccounts. Com and bankrate. Com. And Credit Unions and online which offers slightly better rates. Whats the advantage of paying down debt and savings . We get this question all the time. It depends what kind of debt youre carrying. Lets say ive got a 19 credit card debt. You know what, id pay that down. You got to pay that down. Think of it this way, and a lot of people say i cannot figure out a way to earn you 19 return without risk. If you can, youd have a great business going. Exactly. 30year fixed Rate Mortgage or 3 Student Loan Debt im not sure id accelerate that to make my payments. Id say a little bit of everything works quite well in that scenario. The celebrity chef in orange crocs theres only one of helping the white house roll out the red carpets. Inside the final preparations for the final state dinner of president obamas administration. Youre watching cbs this morning. Well be right back. Announcer this mornings eye on money sponsored by voya financial. Changes the way you think of retirement. Vern from voya . Yep, vern from voya. Why are you orange . Thats a little weird. A little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. See . Ah, ok. So, why are you orange . Funny. See how voya can help you get organized at voya. Com. [ on the road again, by agai[ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] . Just cant wait to get on the road again . [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] . On the road again . . Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway . [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. T in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, knock it out, fast. . The white house this morning is getting ready for the final state dinner of the obama administration. Minister matteo renzi. The president and First Lady Michelle Obama have hosted 12 previous state dinners. A special celebrity chef will be in the kitchen tonight. Chip reid is at the white house with all of the delicious details. Chip. Good morning. Well, good morning. Famous chef mario batali known for his italian cooking was chosen by the first lady to oversee the final state dinner of the obama administration. We got a preview of what batali staff are whipping up for the 400 guests who will crowd into a giant tents on the White House South Lawn tonight. Weve got a lot of work to do. Reporter wearing his signature orange crocs chef mario batali along with the white house executive chef served up a taste of what will be on the menu for the last state dinner of obama. A sweet poe stattato squawk salad and ending with a dessert. Oh, my god that is unbelievable. Where does this rank in all of the extraordinary things youve ever done as a chef . This is the top. Reporter this is it . Yes. But batali is no stranger to the white house. He joined Michelle Obama last year to the milan expo for lady . Who is the foodie . You know, you generally dont worry that much about the americans when youre cooking pasta. You worry about the italians. Prime minister renzi is the guy im probably going to watch their plates a little more closely. Reporter those plates will have dishes made from ingredients of the final harvest of the first ladys Kitchen Garden and will sit on elaborately decorated tables like this one. The fall harvest theme even stretches to the susan morris is the pastry chef to work with batali to create the desserts. How many of these have you done . This is my 21st year. I would say, you know, it always takes so much thought and consideration. Reporter the obamas have hosted a dozen other state dinners. [ applause ] reporter the first in 2009, picking the Prime Minister of reporter was embroiled in controversy after a couple slipped through raising questions about security and prompting a congressional inquiry. But the others have been remembered not only for the World Leaders they hosted but for the lighter moments too. Like what dress the fashionable first lady is wearing. And when sasha obama met movie star and canadian Ryan Reynolds during canadas state dinner last year. This photo captured older sister malia in the background giving her little sis two big up. It really is an even of camaraderie. An even of diplomacy. Reporter dessarae rogers is the social security. For batali, the focus is on the food. Are you shaking in your orange crocs . You know, not yet. Orange crocs tomorrow about a half hour before service. Chef batali said he will be wearing those orange crocs winning up something extraordinary in the white house today. By the way, the event will be capped by a performance by mega star gwen stefani. I think its great that mario batali will be looking at Prime Minister renzis plate. His food is always good. I dont think he has to worry too much. Well have an update tomorrow, too. Bob dylan is keeping mum about winning the nobel prize for literature. Ahead, why the Swedish Academy has given up trying to contacts him about the award. He is not rcvping. Really . No. Oh, my gosh. Your local news is next. . . Glad forceflex. Samantha its good to see you again on this Tuesday Morning. Is it not gorgeous outside . First of all, its almost 70, and its like 8 00 in the morning in midoctober. So thats crazy. And its sunny, and its just beautiful. A lot of times in the fall, you know, we start to get those late clouds coming in and the cool air moving over the lake. Its anything but cool out there right south wind 13 Miles Per Hour sustained. That wind is going to be with us all day from the south, and that means were in store for a warmup. Plus, we have a lot of sunshine early in the day, and thats only going to help to get things going. Heres what we look like hourbyhour. 9 00 about 73. Thats not good enough. Lets keep it going. 80 midday and 86 at 3 00. It will be very windy today, but its a warm southwesterly breeze. So should feel pretty good. A few showers possible 4 00 p. M. . Thats mike posner. Welcome back to cbs this morning. Coming up in this half hour the evolution of singersongwriter between one of the summers biggest song i took a bill in ibiza. Ahead hes recovering from what he calls his cold period. And phil simms in studio 57. The longstanding rival between the bears and packers will pick up again on thursday night football showing the potential victory for both teams. Amy schumers respond after trump criticisms. Wood when she mocked trump. 200 of the nearly 9,000 people walked out. I like hillary because i performed at her i know you he youre here to laugh but you choose your life you choice the way you want to live its just too important. Schumer thanked fans who stayed saying, quote, we have all depended on comedians to make us laugh. And plan to continue that tradition. People that go to concerts they dont want to hear that. I was at Barbra Streisand and she started talking about politics, and someone yelled shut up and sing. She was talking about politics. Britains telegraph said the Nobel Prize Committee has given up trying to reach bob dylan. Cant find him . The singer has not returned the committees messages. Dylan was awarded the nobel prize last week. He has given two concerts since then but has not acknowledged the award. It is unknown if bob dylan will attend a ceremony in december. Officials arept show up. You know youve made it when you dont have to return a phone call. And theres 900,000 in prize money. What do you want us to do with the check . Well see. The rock n roll nominees first here. Congratulations go to pearl jam . Year on the ballot. They will join 18 other nominees including depeche mode, chaka khan, journey, tupac shakur, stephen wolf and joan baez. Nominees are chosen based on their impact on the industry. They must have released a single or album no earlier than 25 years ago. Its been seven years since mike posner went from student to in demand musician. In that time, his life took many dramatic turns you might expect from sudden fame but before releasing his second album called all night alone he returned to approach music in a new way. . Reporter to hear mike posner on piano, you might think he was a child prodigy. He only recently learned how to . If i could write you a song to make you fall in love . Youre a junior at duke in your dorm room and you write cooler than me. Ive never been the best with getting girls. I wrote that song and it was about risk. Being cooler than me. I just sort of put it out on the internet. And i guess people liked it and it started to spread. You than people liked it. That song blew up, as you know. Yeah. Yeah, it did. . Baby please dont go go go go . I felt very much so that i was living a dream. That i was so scared of messing the dream up. That i think i took a lot of the fun out of it. What was the dream you were afraid of messing up . Just, i was the guy on the i. Record deal. I had the chain around my neck. Like it was me, you know . That was the dream. . Every day in a way . But while living the dream, the hits stopped coming. Suddenly the adjectives that i liked to describe myself no longer applied to me. Like what . Like popular. Like cool. Like the man. I was slowly going just guy. . . Got all my credit cards . I had the car and the house in the hollywood hills. And i wanted to see if i could be happy without my crap. Were you . And i had a lot of it. It started to weigh me down. And so, i bought this kind of creepy dodge conversion van. Fit me. Put in my guitar and little keyboard and i just drove away. What it was like, it was some of the best times of my life, you know. Posner never stopped working during what he calls his ice cold period. In fact, his songs were still making it on to the charts though they were written for other people. . If i was your boyfriend lever let you go . Look at the people youve written fo justin bieber. I didnt know you did moon sugar. I love that song. Was it hard for you . Yeah. Heres a guy that always preferenced this, the level is fame. I can walk down the street and no one is probably going to know who i am right now. But enough people know who i am. In the six years between the release of his first and second album, posner returned to his home state of michigan and took a different approach to making music. . Rather than rely on a laptop, he learned how to play traditional instruments. In addition to those piano lessons, he picked up the guitar. People are very much concerned with making the best tasting candy bar, i like to say. Theres nothing wrong with making a candy bar. Im pretty good at making candy bars. I hear a but coming. Yeah, there is a but. You get full from a candy bar. I thought, im just going to make a big piece of meat with this album and throw it on the . I took a pill in ibiza . Ten years ordinary something to do. Next rift was written on guitar. Lets talk about it for a minute, 1 billion streams. Billion with a b. Thats crazy. One critic calls his new album at night alone truth in advertising and composure to artists like bob dylan. You liked rap music at the age of 10. What is it about rap music that spoke to you, a 10yearold kid in the suburbs of detroit. Thats what my friends listed to. Like dmx. I cant tell you why i liked this stuff exactly. Something that you cant how how do you explain movement of the heart . You know, i liked the stuff. . . Life gets better when you open your heart . I think the video of be as you are is a very powerful video. You have People Holding up words that relate to them. Then they all go in the water naked. And you, too. And the word youre holding up is afraid. Why did you pick the afraid . Because i want to be less afraid to put it much bluntly. . I could write you a song to make you fall in love . Mike posner may not be afraid of fleeting fame anymore. But he admits success hasnt made meeting women any easier. Ill often see a woman that im awe struck by her. I dont know what to say to her yeah. Hi is a really good start. Yeah, i know. . Probably because you think youre cooler than me . Nice. Whose cooler than you mike posner . Gayle king. Nobody he rarely does interviews, right . He rare by does interviews. Hes actually very shy. Hes still awkward around girls. He went to duke, charlie. He graduatesed from duke. I know. And learned how to play the pi years. He was blowing up to his mother and sister that he still stay in school. Hes still tight with this mom and i said how can you be awkward with girls. How does that work . He said im still working through it. But i think hes great. Superstardom. I was listening to him way back in the day. Im happy to see hes back. You can hear more of my a special cbs news podcast. He talked about the embarrassing event that caused him to stop drinking. Find it on itunes and podcasts app. Were six weeks into the nfl season. Fill simms is in the toyota green room. Samantha thanks, norah. Another quick weather update for you. Still gorgeous outside and will look like this for a il winds gust today upwards of 30 Miles Per Hour. Most of the day will be spectacular, but its going to be hot. Mid80s this afternoon. That could be a record high. Well keep an eye on it. 4 00 to midnight, a few showers are possible. Take your umbrella if youre going out to a restaurant to watch the tribe game. Handdipped, with real milk is the only way to make a milkshake. You cant trust machines. Now, how come . Once i got a machinemade shake from some other place, and it clanked and clunked and spit out a glop into my glass. And do you know what it was made of . Artificial turf . What . No powder what . Powder chowder. Get halfprice fall milkshakes between 2 00 and 5 00 during happy hour. Its not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. And so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. Im a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. My son max cant live in trump world. So im crossing party lines and voting for hillary. I dont always agree with her, but shes reasonable. And shes smart. She can work with people to solve problems. Pressure, pass is picked off and who is it . T. J. Raji for the touchdown. That interception in 2011 had green bay punch a ticket to super bowl xlv for chicago. The bears and packers have played 192 times since 1921. Their games have pit some of the greatest coaches and players in football history againsth other. They also feature moments fans will never forget. The bears and packers will continue this rivalry thursday night at Lambeau Field in green bay. Nfl on cbs lead analyst phil simms will be there with the call. Here he is for the preview. And the teams to watch for the rest of the season. Welcome. Welcome. Preview. Let me give you a quick preview when you walk through the parking lot at green bay, its the greatest smell in the world. Its five minutes before kickoff. Theres like 5,000 people in the stands. Where is everybody else . In green bay, they show up to watch their team warm up. How are they warming up . Its really cool. Theres like 60, 65,000 people out there watching them warm up. Its a very unique experience. Whats going to happen tonight tomorrow night what is today . Tuesday . Thursday night. Yeah. Whats your name . Dont ask me questions i cant answer. You know, first off, norah, it was good seeing you today. I do my research, too. She comes in and she says, hey, when are the patriots playing the jets in giants stadium. I want to go. You know why she wants to go . Shes a tom brady fan. Yes, she is. I got the numbers right here. Six touchdowns, 391 yards passing. And 39 years old. Hes kind of recreated himself. He takes care of himself. Hes doing everything to keep himself to being one of the best quarterbacks in the nfl. I watched both of his games entirely so far this hes doing. Who is next to brady . Aaron rodgers is very talented. Not playing the that level that tom brady is or has. Thats the big question, well talk about that thursday nice. Aaron rodgers, whats wrong with aaron rodgers. You know, its not clicking right now. A lot of times theres many reasons why star players dont play very well especially its coaching, its team base and its you all and above. And hes got great teammates. Hes got a great supporting cast. I dont know how to explain it. Its just a constant onslaught when you talk about the patriots and offense. Lets say every team has 50 plays on offense. They have more. Patriots come out with 200 plays and they can run them all because of the way they practice. Its pretty special. Should tony romo be worried about his job . This guy, dak prescott i like that name, dak. Yeah, dak. You need to be a star with a name like dak. Dak can do it. Do you like dak . I think hes playing great. I like him a lot. Its changed their Football Team in many ways. The way he handles himself. The plays they run. The way they call plays. Listen, everybody keeps talking back. Tony romo has had two serious back injuries in the last two years. You just dont come back and say two weeks hell be ready. Its a long process. Good to see you. Always well prepared. Im a tom brady fan. Shes a tom brady fan. Shes a tom brady fan in a different way. Gayle and i love the skill and gridiron. You there go. Yeah. We love watching him. You can w Green Bay Packers on cbs. And simulcast and on thursday night football. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I hate this belt. Man oh man. Mom, we have a situation. Well, that does it for us. Tonight. Samantha good Tuesday Morning to you. Im meteorologist Samantha Roberts with another weather update. It is about 8 55, so were approaching 9 00. Things are warming up nicely. You really dont expect us to be in the 70s at 9 00 in the morning in midoctober, right . Sometimes this time of the year were seeing snowflakes, but a completely different weather scenario for today. Were looking at temperatures notice that wind speed out of the south, about 14 Miles Per Hour sustained in cleveland. Weve had some pretty gusty winds this morning, and it is going to be quite breezier. You might call it windy for today. Temperatures already at 8 00 by midday today. Were going to go 86 for an afternoon high, and that will happen at about 3 00 or 4 00. Most of the day fuf plans, you want to get outside and enjoy this incredible midoctober after 4 00 a few showers are twenty four meals under four dollars just like in 1934 four dollars was a lot in those days. That cant be right. No, i was there back then, you not only got to choose from 24 meals under four dollars, you also got a shave, a shoeshine and a new suit. Used to be called Steak N Shake n shave n shoeshine n suit. They even put it on the sign til it broke. Is that a Steak N Shake suit . Walter, does this look like a Steak N Shake suit . Rs. Today on rachael ray. The multitalented kelly clarkson. I can do this weird tongue thing. What is that . Is not playing games with rache. You have to dance with an audience member. Plus, hear the miraculous story and save room for its delicious. And now, are you ready for rachael . Hello, and welcome. I am extremely excited about my first gaye guest, the first time she ever came to our show, we were like so here on everything we decided we were going to be besties forevs. She is the original american

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