Slander and libel was thrown at me by the clinton machine and the New York Times, as part of a coordinated and vicious attack. Donald trump plays defense. No woman deserves to be treated this way. None of us deserves this kind of treatment. Claim the mantle of the party of family values. And this is the guy you nominate . We do our job, then donald trump will stop being on the news every single day. Our Independence Day is at hand and it arrives, finally, on november 8th. The man accused of planting bombs in new york and new jersey made his first court appearance. Pleading not guilty in connection with the shootout with new Jersey Police officers when he was arrested. The ntsb released their first report on the deadly new Jersey Transit collision. The brakes were working at the time of the crash. Nicole tore aacross bermuda the United States airlines suffered a systemwide flight delay issue. A spokesperson for the airline says the issue is now resolved. [ screaming ] i could watch this forever. All that. Its henry with the touchdown and the chargers have held on for a muchneeded victory the Los Angeles Dodgers are headed to chicago. A little bit of rush there. And all that matters. If you love prince, make some noise go crazy fans of prince poured their hearts out last night for a tribute concert. . Purple rain purple rain . On cbs this morning. Bob dylan was awarded the nobel prize in literature today. Give it up for bob dylan. They said, dylan, he said this is the greatest honor ive ever gravy on her possible steen. Its impossible to tell. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places . Welcome to cbs this morning. Gayle king is off to josh elliott of our streaming network cbsn is with us. The election is 25 days away. Donald trump is defending himself against Sexual Assault allegations by launching a new attack against the accusers and the media. Th L Hillary Clinton leading trump by seven points, 4538 when thirdparty candidates are included. The poll also find nearly half of republicans would like someone else as their partys nominee. We watched donald trump, yesterday, tell supporters that reports of him groping or kissing women against their will are pure fiction and outright lies. Major garrett is in cincinnati where trump fired up thousands of loyal supporters. Reporter good morning. In the heat of ballotttle and lacking any real evidence of Sexual Misconduct, donald trump, yesterday, in florida, blamed the entire controversy and the ensuing media fire storm on the Clinton Campaign and clinton sympathizers and corrupt and compliant media and trump didnt have any evidence for that either. By the time he got to cincinnati last night, trump said all of this should be focused on Hillary Clinton and he attacked her relentlessly. Wow reporter in front of a rowdy crowd in front of 15,000 donald trump said what supporters have anklely chanted for months. She should be locked up. She should. Facts mean nothing. Thirdrate journalism. Reporter earlier in florida, trump tried to smother numerous accusations of making you wanted sexual advances and abusing his celebrity power. These attacks are orchestrated by the clintons the only thing Hillary Clinton has going for herself is the press. Reporter trump denied the claim against Natasha Stoynoff saying the following, quote. Why didnt they make it part of the story . I was one of the biggest stars on Television Stars with apprentice. And would have been one of the biggest stories of the year. Trump implied the writer wasnt his type and the core of many allegations against him. Take a look. You take a look. Look at her. Look at her word. You tell me what you think. I dont think so. I dont think so. Reporter melanias trump attorney demanded an attraction and vaguely threatened a libel suit. Despite days of criticism and supporters said they couldnt care less. We are not electing somebodys husband. We are electing a president. Save this country more than anything else. Reporter Trumps Campaign is moving field staff from virginia to north carolina, but denying its pulling out of virginia, a state hope to win. Josh, the official explanation early voting in north dont recall but instead of its pulling out of virginia but admitting Campaign Malpractice and not having the people in right place at the right time. Michelle obama is drawing a huge response this morning for a speech where she condemned donald trump for his comments about women. I cant believe that im saying that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women. The first ladys hard hitting speech in New Hampshire was just attack on donald trump yesterday. President obama and Vice President joe biden also spoke out in appearances across the country. Nancy cordes is in San Francisco where clinton held a fundraiser yesterday. Nancy, good morning to you. Reporter good morning. Michelle obamas speech is already being declared one of the powerful if not the most powerful speeches of this election cycle with added impact because no one really saw it coming. She was praised heavily by hi and part of it is that she, like her husband, has no future plans to run for office. You claim the mantle of the party of family values and this is the guy you nominate . Reporter in ohio last night, president obama said the choice has never been so stark. A case his wife made earlier in the day in deeply personal terms. It has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. Reporter the first lady mounting accusations against trump. The shameful comments about our bodies. The disrespect of our ambitions and intellect. The belief that you can do anything you want to a woman . It is cruel. Its frightening. Reporter word of her speech spread quickly online and on the trail. I hope you will see Michelle Obamas speech today in New Hampshire. Reporter by the time Vice President biden spoke in l vegas, a couple of hours later, supporters were chanting the first ladys favorite catch phrase. In San Francisco, clinton urged supporters not to get discouraged by how crude this campaign has become. If we do our jobs, in 26 days, donald trump will stop being on the News Reporter what is in the news wikileaks with another 1,800 hacked emails on thursday and one exchange about two years ago, Campaign Manager mook outlied the gop primary and involved moving the illinois primary out of mid march where they are currently a life line to a moderate republican and he writes time is tight and they need the help of democrats in both chambers of the state legislature but the clintons wont forget what their friends have done for them. In the off the ground and the illinois primary stayed where it was in march but mook didnt have to worry about that moderate rubbed candidate to win because the two top finishers in illinois were ted cruz and, in first place, donald trump. Republican Vice President ial nominee and indiana governor mike pence joins us now. Good morning, governor. Good morning. Listening to that, do you understand that if these accusations are true and based bus is very, very offensive to women . Well, let me say, first, as a father of two daughters and as a public person, we take these kind of allegations very seriously, but donald trump made it very clear yesterday, he is categorically denied these allegations and these kind of unsubstantiated claims being given so much focus in the media at the time we have hard evidence flowing out oe years. We had evidence this week, in fact, that while she was secretary of state, Hillary Clinton and her aides actually gave preferential treatment. We would like. Treatment we would like to ask all of those questions. In haiti. We would like to ask all of those questions but the unsubstantiated claims are dominating the news. We have Donald Trumps running mate here this morning. Second question. Have you tried to find out from him in conversation whether any of this is true . Have you talked to him directly about this . Absolutely. And he he told me you believe him . Do you believe him . Donald trump has asserted that all of these recent unsubstantiated allegations are categorically falls and i believe him. You believe him that the women are liars . The donald trump has i come to know and my family has come to know and spent considerable amount of time is someone who has a long record of not only, kn lifting his family up, but employing and promoting women in positions of authority in this company and i spoke this tome all the time and people who know him know this to be true. When i joined this race, charlie, honestly, you know, i left a job that i love, the state that i love to be able to step up as a candidate for Vice President because i think this country is in a lot of trouble. You also brought to this america is facing new and unknown threats at home and abroad and a struggling economy. Quite honestly, in washington yesterday the 19,000 people in pennsylvania where i campaigned, last night they are focused on the issues at their kitchen table, safety, security, law and order and as well they should but also character is an important issue. Is there a point in which you say my values, there is a red line and we have passes and i cannot stay on this ticket . Is there a red line for you . Charlie, were in this campaign and were in it to win this for the American People. I mean but you speak about the issue of character. It really is extraordinary that in the wake of revolutions and last weekend donald trump made it clear, he apologized for what he said 11 years ago. He showed humility, he showed heart. He focused that National President ial debate back on the issues that really affect the American People at home and abroad. Yet, to be honest with you all due respect the avalanche of Hillary Clinton advocating open borders when she was giving a speech in brazil, advocating socialized medicine when she gave a speech in canada. The haitian issue to me is the biggest one. 10 billion in aid contracts and we see despite her despite her statements to the contrary, that while she was secretary of state, the friends of the clintons were given preference shal treatment for contracts for the reconstruction of haiti after an earthquake. That is kind of governor, i want to let my colles i i want my colleagues to have a chance. These are important issues and we would like to raise them with her and her running mate but we have you here this morning. Let me ask you this. Do you still believe the language that donald trump used in that tape that was released was locker room talk . Do you still believe thats true . Well, with i expressed myself on that. On that video this last weekend and i urged donald trump to apologize, which he did. Let me not only on friday night but sunday night he went before the said he was embarrassed of what he said 11 years ago. He tped to continued to say just locker room talk. He made it clear it was just talk and the latest allegations came forward he has categorically denied them. Let me get you to respond to the first lady. She said this wasnt locker room banter but a powerful individual speaking openly and freely about sexually predatory behavior. At the very least, does that make you uncomfortable . Look. First lady and the job she has done for the American People over the last seven and a half years. But i dont understand the basis of her claim. Donald trump you dont believe his language was sexually predatory . Well, no. I already spoke about my concerns about the language he used in that 11yearold video. But what he has made it clear is that was talk, regrettable talk on his part. But that there were no actions unsubstantiated allegations. Frankly i think before the day is out the allegations will be questioned. The same reporters who wrote a similar story six months ago for the New York Times have wrote this story and that story was completely discredited. What evidence is coming out . Well, just stay tuned. I know that there is more information that is going to be coming out that will back his claim that this is all categorically false. Will he be suing the reporters . Well, i think Melania Trump has already made it clear that she has put People Magazine on notice that the claims from 12 years ago on potentially actionable in a court of law so ill leave that to all of them. But the thing is this campaign, what donald trump said yesterday, what i said in pennsylvania yesterday, and ill say it again in florida today, we are simply not going to allow from the clinton political machine and being propagated in the media to distract attention from the real issues affecting the American People which are the rise of radical islamic terrorism in the world, literally the wider middle east spinning apart in the wake of Hillary Clintons failed Foreign Policy as secretary of state, and an economy in pennsylvania where i was yesterday that is truly struggling. Families are hurting and alL Hillary Clinton is offering is the same governor, we have limited time and i know you want to talk about the issues. So let me ask you about russia in particular. Right. Do you believe that they are trying to influence this election through statesponsored Cyber Attacks . There is more and more evidence of that. Will you condemn russia for doing that . Ive already condemned russia for any potential involvement or compromise of the Cyber Security of this country, whatever their mof mofgs moefgss are candidly it should be troubling to the fact that the Clinton Foundation accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state ought to be being talked about in this campaign. Governor, also in pennsylvania where donald trump, once again, invoked the notion that this election may be rigged, said that the election may be stolen from us. He asked people to watch other communities. Right. And said that you know Everybody Knows what im talking about. What exactly, when he invokes a very dangerous claim is he talking about . Well, i think i think the one person, one vote principle is at the very core of our american democracy and we talked about here about this a lot on the campaign trail. I think what he said is what ive said many times, is that and that voter fraud has been a problem in jurisdictions around the country. We are currently involved in a pretty vigorous investigation in the state of indiana over voter fraud. It is in the interest of spectrum to defend the one vote one principle. The way elections are managed at the state level is to become involved as a poll watcher and poll volunteer and we consistently encourage people to do that. I would say to the viewers republican or democrat, if you want to protect and ensure the integrity of the vote get involved in your precinct at a local level and provide that kind of accountability. Thank you for coming. Thank you for being here. Thank you all. Cbs News Coverage of the th a wednesday at 9 00 eastern, 8 00 central on cbs. A computer meltdown caused worldwide flight delays. Passengers reported long lines overnight and evidence there you see at airports across the country. Somewhere were forced to wait for hours as hundreds of flights were grounded. United said it identified the source of the problem and it has been resolved. The cause, though, is not clear. The Pacific Northwest is getting slammed by the first in waves crashed aboard this fishing boat off oregons coast and seattle area had 6 inches of rain last night and lashed by 80mileanhour winds. The next round of Severe Weather is expected to hit the region starting tomorrow. In california, sierra nevada, wind gusts could reach 125 miles an hour. Drones are helping to save lives in remote parts of africa. Ahead we take you to rwanda to samantha happy friday to you. It is game day, and by the time the tribe take the field tonight at 8 00, we will be in the 50s. So it is jacket weather tonight, and this morning, well, its coat weather. A lot of you wake up in the 30s. I think by 9 00 well be at about 46. Highs today in the low 60s with lots of sunshine. A gorgeous day ahead, and the weekend features a major warmup. We could have a little rain announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by listerine. Bring out on the bold. Michelle obama says donald trump believes you can do anything you want to women. Her speech yesterday is shaking up the campaign. A new report on how her personal and emotional arguments came together. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by j. C. Penney. Getting your moneys worth. . 3, 2, 1 [whispered rocket] heres a little healthy advice. Right down to your skin. Aveeno . Daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Aveeno . Naturally beautiful results . I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. 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Tribe fans are gearing up for an exciting night. The indians take on the Toronto Blue Jays at Progressive Field for game one of the alcs. The winner of the sevengame series will play in the world series. Heres sam roberts with a look at your chilly forecast. Oh, boy, sam. Samantha it is old this morning. A lot of you waking up in the 30s. In cleveland its the first time weve down in the 30s at hopkins since way back in may. We have a nice warmup coming. 57 midday and 62 at 4 00 and thats the high for the day. Weekend forecast features a nice warming trend. 75 by sunday, but i have a weather alert to tell you about. I expect lateday thunderstorms to arrive on sunday. Until then, were dry. Tomorrow is going to be . We are at the pentagon and im going to spend the day with secretary of defense ash carter. This is a direct line to president obama. No way. Yeah. Want to prank him . President barack obama, this is vladimir putin. We are secretary ash carter and will n youll never hold me he is getting away please dont let him jump on my horse oh, no this is very bad up here, my portrait. Did you pose for that one . Sure. Can i try to guess the nuclear code . Sure. 123, 4, 5 . We need to change the nuclear yeah, by both. Very funny. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . This half hour, more on Michelle Obamas stinging condemnation of donald trump. The first lady said she has been shaken to her core by his behavior. Julianna goldman shows us the story behind the dramatic and personal attack. Plus, an african nation is joining forces with Silicon Valley for life saving technology. Drones are delivering blood to a remote area. Can save a life. Time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. The star ledger reports the man accused of planting bombs in new york and new jersey is pleading not guilty. Mr. Rahami, sir, can you hear me . Yes. Ahmad rahami is charged with five counts of attempt murder against new Jersey Police officers. He entered his plea by video it was the first time he was seen publicly since his shootout with police in september. Usa today found that children die in gun accidents more often. The government knows. A thousand shooting incident in two and a half period ending last june. 320 minors were killed. The federal government missed onethird of those cases says the paper. The Washington Post reports on the widespread risk heart surgery patients and linked to a device during their operations. More than 500,000 patients who had surgery since 2012 could be at risk but only around 28 cases were detected in the past year. Patients, in fact, may not develop symptoms for months. Wall street journal finds out what airlines plan to do about the growing risk of mobile devices that overheat. Planes are being stocked with fire containment bags. There have been nearly two dozen cases of smoke, fire, or an airliner was evacuated earlier this month when a flyers Samsung Phone started billowing smoke. Michelle obamas attack on donald trump could be a defining campaign moment. The first lady told Hillary Clinton supporters that trumps comments about women are so demeaning, she cannot stop thinking about them. This was not just a lewd conversation. This wasnt just locker room banter. This was a powerful individual sexually predatory behavior. It reminds us of stores we heard from our mothers and grandmothers about how, back in their day, the boss could say and do whatever he pleased to the women in the office. We thought all of that was ancient history, didnt we . And so many have worked for so many years to end this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect, but here we are in exact same things every day on the campaign trail. We are drowning in it. And all of us are doing what women have always done. We are trying to keep our heads above water, just trying to get through it, trying to pretend like this doesnt really bother us. No woman deserves to be treated this way. None of us deserves this kind of treatment. And and i know its a campaign, but buildithis isnt politics. Its about basic human decentsy and about right and wrong and we simply cannot endure this or expose our children to this not any longer. Not another minute and, let alone four years. Lets be very clear. Strong men, strong men, men who are truly role models dont need to put down women to make Julianna Goldman at the white house has new information on why the first lady gave this speech. Julianna, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, this is quickly becoming not just one of the most notable speeches of the 2016 election but also Michelle Obamas time as first lady. Now we have learned that she nixed her standard stump speech she has been delivering to spend the first half talking in emotional and personal terms about Donald Trumps language. You can hear h quivering. She minced no words about what its like for a woman to hear that tape. Now the speech really was the first ladys idea and Michelle Obama played a bigger role in crafting the remarks than usual and aides say as of a couple of weeks she wanted to focus more on womens issue but the more personal speech really took shape after that tape surfaced last friday. It, obviously, had more resonance coming the same day as reports from women alleged that would have delivered that speech regardless of the latest reporting. Aides said she felt the need to special to passionately after that tape came out because Michelle Obama has spent her life trying to empower women and girls and Donald Trumps remarks on that tape crystallized what she believes is now at stake in this election. Now as for donald trump, we know that he is wanting to counterpunch and yet to respond to the first ladys speech. But the white house has i this morning, a spokesperson said i cant think of a bolder way for donald trump to lose even more standing than by engaging the first lady of the United States. Certainly quite a moment. Julianna, thank you for that. Revolutionary approach to health care is launched in the african country of rwanda. Drones developed by silicone valley engineers are used to drop urgently needed medical supplies to isolated areas. That dramatically reduces the remote west of the country. Debora patta is just outside of the rwandan capital. Good morning. Dubbed the country of a thousand hills, we are in a remote rural part of rwanda. The road here are extremely poor and become impassible during the rainy season and makes access to health care really difficult and that is where this remarkable Drone Technology comes in. 321 reporter the sight of a drone hurdling across the rwandan skies usually is fear on the african continent but its regarded as an instrument of death. But instead of destroying lives, this drone is here to save them. What this represents is an opportunity, a, to leapfrog over the absence of roads and prov provide, you know, first world Level Medical care to every Single Person in the country, regardless of where they live. Reporter he is the cofounder of zip line a californiabased tech company that uses engineers with experience in nasa and boeing. To build better drones capable of accessing remote areas, dropping blood instead of bombs. Half of the 65,000 units of blood currently delivered by road each year, are used in life saving transfusions for women who lose too much blood during h rural hospital, it can take hours for the blood to arrive. The forward thinking Rwandan Government wants to change this and the first african nation to sign up with Silicon Valley to Bring Cutting Edge Technology to a country thats infrastructure is far more third world in places. From this distribution center, we can serve thousands of help workers and doctors and for those individuals, the experience of the system is product you need to save a patients life. Reporter each package is attached in a Cardboard Box and secured and on its way to the Life Saving Mission using gps coordinates. This took 30 minutes to deliver blood to a clinic 33 miles from the blood bank. The launch of the drones today puts rwanda on the cusp of a turn around their Health Care Services and see similar projects launched across the continent. Debora patta in rwanda, thank you. Amazing to think that can save so many lives and use technology in that way. Incredible to see that and good for everybody involved. Coming up, superstars align to celebrate prince. Ahead, the concert that brought music legends together on one stage to help fans pay tribute. Take us on the go with you. Podcast. Get the news of the day and extended interviews and podcast originals and find them on itunes and apples podcast app. We will be right back. From leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto . Is selective targeting one critical factor of your bodys natural clotting function. 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Lineup of artists shared the stage to honor one of the musics greatest performers. Michelle miller was there and at princes paisley michelle, good morning. Good morning. That fivehour concert was certainly a celebration of princes life and also brought some closure after his sudden death. Prince, of course, died here at paisley park six months ago from an accidental Drug Overdose but still a lot of questions about the future of this estate and included in that, an entire . Reporter Stevie Wonder and chaka khan partied like it was 1999 on thursday. Nearly six months after princes death, some of musics biggest names shared the stage to help give his fans and themselves a bit of closure. The concerts 17,000 tickets sold out quickly last month. The concert means a lot for the people of the twin cities because they can finally together and both mourn and celebrate. . Purple rain purple rain . Reporter prince was a master entertainer. A concert in his honor attempted to live up to his genius. . Reporter fans are also honoring princes legacy at his paisley park home, now converted to a museum. Zoning issues have kept it from officially opening to the public, but the museum got a temporary permit to open the next two weekend. Records. Reporter et Kevin Frazier was one of the first to tour the archive last week. Prince left no known will so unfortunate how his 300 million fortune will be divided and billboard is shopping those to record labels for as much as 35 million. His sister and five half siblings could share the estate. We are going to get it out. Reporter but for the artist and his fans who loved him, princes purple rain will go on forever. . Purple rain purple rain . Reporter now a few hiccups. John mayer and christine ya aguilera and net and baker were billed to perform last night but they did not. It was those who collaborated career, mint condition, morris day and the time and so many more, they brought the house down but truly the finale purple rain was the show stopper. Prince in his own voice. Michelle is excited about that one. We were all singing along here, michelle. Rightful ff ffully so. Shark proof cages are not always shark proof. That is aw ahead, a scuba diver gets a far closer look than he might have wanted at a great white shark. Fi s samantha happy friday to you. It is game day, and by the time the tribe take the field tonight at 8 00, we will be in the 50s. So it is jacket weather tonight, and this morning, well, its coat weather. A lot of you wake up in the 30s. I think by 9 00 well be at about 46. Highs today in the low 60s with lots of sunshine. Warmup. We could have a little rain around by late in the day on sunday. Have a great day. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places . . You dont own me . . 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Op eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. . Here we go. Whoa terrifying moment caught on video as a shark breaks into a it happened on an island in the pacific off mexicos baja pa nens la. The 13long great white was trying to eat fish when it snapped the bars. The crew opened the trap door so the shark could get out but a few moments, no one knew what had happened to the diver. After the shark jumped out, he emerged shaken, but unscathed. Amazing lucky. Ahead, general Michael Hayden on National Security issues facing the country. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, d nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Why am i so devastatingly handsome, im in a fragrance. Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. What she washed this like a month ago hows a guy supposed to move on scent of gain flings. Now that karens taking osteo biflex, shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. Shes single. And high levels of humiliation in her daughter. In just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kids discomfort. Brian guide morning. Im brian duffy. You may remember this Surveillance Video of a man they say abducted a cleveland girl from her home in may and he tried to take a 10yearold from her elyria bedroom in the middle of the night. Now investigators are refocusing in rural Lorain County hoping someone there will recognize him. Theres a 20,000 reward for information that leads t arrest. Heres our meteorologist sam roberts. Really cold this morning, but its getting better, sam. Samantha a lot of 30s out the door, but later today were in the low 60s. We have a high of 62 in cleveland. Mostly sunny skies and the game tonight looks great as well if you go to Progressive Field. Expect 50s for most of the tribe game. So definitely jacketworthy. The weekend did bring a big warmup. 73 tomorrow and 75 on sunday with rain late in the day. By tuesday of next week some of . It is friday, october 14th, 2016. Welcome back to cbs this morning. . More real nus ahead news ahead including the candidates views on National Security and russia and cia director Michael Hayden is here in our series issues that matter. First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. Donald trump blamed the entire controversy upon the Clinton Campaign. Clinton sympathizers and corrupt and compliant need. Obamas speech is declared one of the most powerful of this election cycle and no one saw it coming. Talk to him directly . Absolutely. You believe him . I do you believe him . Donald trump has has recent unsubstantiated allegations are categorically false and i do believe him. She says this is not locker room banter. Does that make you uncomfortable . I have a lot of respect for the first lady and the job she has done the last seven and a half years but i dont understand the basis of her claim. She spent the first half talking in an emotional and personal terms about Donald Trumps language. That fivehour concert was certainly a celebration princes life and also brought some closure after his sudden death. President obama, today, released a list of his favorite scifi movies and tv shows. Its good to see him digging into the big issues before he leaves the white house. Said obama, i just cant wait to get home from kenya. I believe its october already . Gotcha. Im charlie rose with Norah Odonnell and josh elliott of gayle is off today. Donald trump is emphatically and repeatedly denying allegations of Sexual Misconduct made by multiple women. Trump said in ohio he was falsely accused and offered no evidence he and he blamed Hillary Clinton. Gop lareaders wait until nowo disavow trump. Finally the last minute the guy they nominated and they endorsed and supported is caught on tape saying things that no decent person would even think, much less say, much less brag about, much less laugh about or joke about, much less act on. You cant wait until that finally happens and then say, oh, thats too much the president said he is less forgiving to, quote, the people who know better and stood convenience. One of the most critical talking points for the president ial nominees is National Security. In our continuing series issues that matter we are taking a look at the threats to the United States, the next president will have to confront. When it comes to keeping america safe, i believe in three very important words peace through strength. This is a time for america to lead, not coward and we will lead. Then there is isis. Have a simple message for them. Their days are numbered. I wont tell them where and i wont tell them how. We should keep the pressure on ramping up the air campaign, accelerating support for our friend fighting to take and hold ground, and pushing our partners in the region to do even more. People are coming into our country like we have no idea who they are, where they are from, what their feelings about our country is. I will not let anyone into our country that i think poses a are risk to us. But there are a lot of refuges. There are children suffering in this catastrophic war, largely, i believe because of russian aggression, and we need to do our part. Muslim. Im saying youre going to ha profile. We need to start profiling. We need to cooperate are the muslim community. They are on the front lines. On the critical attacks of our country, the United States has to possess and has to the unquestioned capacity to launch crippling cyber counterattacks i will make it clear that the u. S. Will treat Cyber Attacks like any other attacks. We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses. Retired air force commander Michael Hayden, then led the Central Intelligence agency until 2009. He was one of 50 former National Security officials who signed a letter saying donald trump, quote, likes the character, values and lacks the character, values and experience to be president. He is now a president of the chertoff group. General, good morning. Thank you for being here as we try to focus on some of the issues that perhaps have not gotten as much attention in this campaign. Lets start with the issue of National Security. And these Cyber Attacks. How do you see russia as trying to influence our election . Actually, i think the russians are trying to erode confidence in our processeses. Im convinced the russians are doing this. Winner. I dont think that is true. I think even putin understands that is a multiple carom shot by what the russians are doing and creating talking points for both campaigns if you get what i mean. What is the goal of that then . It is to erode confidence in our political processes and to mess with our head. Its to do to us what he think we do to him and his political processes. Its a way of his pushing back against what he views to be american pressure. But is there a between russia and wiki leaks . What is it . I do. So here is the sequence, all right . I think the actual theft is being done by russian criminal gangs on behalf of the russian state at the direction of the russian state. Its a little bit of a cutout plausible deniability. I do think the russians are pushing these in the direction of wikileaks and let them push them into the public dough may. International es s espionage. If i got the major thinking party if all of that is true and you just heard Hillary Clinton cyberattacks is the same way we respond to other attacks with military, economic and other power. Sure. What has been the United States governments response . So here is a way i would suggest we think about right . Dont put this in the cyber problem box. Put it in the russia problem box. Put it in that box with all of these other indicators, actual russian behavior to which we should respond. In my view, respond more robustly. What does that mean . What is a proportionate response which the president said they were going to do . Yeah. Charlie, i dont know that im in love with the word proportionate, all right . We got a whole bunch of russian behavior and i do think we need just spitbawling here with ideas. What about the criticism of this administration the failure to push back on this issue the failure to get involved in syria is inviteding these attacks . I agree totally and my point. We have been too light in our response. Can we be more robust in other areas . For example, more robust in ukraine . And in syria the space we give the russians to operate. One more is getting narrow box. Why dont we make it american policy to wean the europeans off of russian gas . Why wouldnt doent we simply say we got it, we are going to exploit it and ship it and create a at any time tonic shift in a russian pressure point. Hurt their economy . Yes. What is the greatest threat to americas National Security and where do you place north korea . Charlie, i get asked this question. I create this little graph here. How bad is it . How much time do you have . Cyber. Out here, three to five years, more serious. A bunch of states i call ambitious, fragile and nuclear. North kopakistan, iran, en when i run the time line out here about ten years, i got this bubble way up here that is really important. And that is the sign of american relationship. Not saying china is an enemy but if we dont get that right over the long term that is pass fail. Back to syria for a we heard both candidates speak to the need for save zones in syria. Right. There has been discussion about how they can best establish them but how realistic is it and what would you do . I would do it. Josh, its much harder to do now than one, two, three years ago. The russians being there complicates this. I would actually tuck up relative thin zones along the Turkish Border with our on border with our jordanian friends. You say this is serious. This is a safe zone. We have responsibilities and we cant let one way or another operate out of there and conduct attacks. That is our policing function, not yours and you should not go there. Should we make aleppo a nofly zone . I agree with the man you had here who wants to be the Vice President with his campaign. I thought far more robust but fortunately disowned by his own i think on a raw humanitarian basis, we have got to do more. Right. That was the moment where mike pence said we should use military power to enforce a nofly zone and donald trump said in the debate, i havent talked to him about it and we disagree on the issue. He seemed to dis his Vice President natural candidate. Has russia backed into the United States . In my view, it has. Putin is doing this with a we card and knows it. The fact we have given him space and allows him to keep betting with a fairly we cant. General, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for discussing the issues. Appreciate it. Paul mccartney had a secret for a new hundred fans. Ahead how they got to hear sir paul up close at a road house in the california desert. First, its samantha thanks, a beautiful morning but a cold morning. Its 38 in the city of cleveland. This is the coldest morning in cleveland since midmay. A lot has happened since then, right . We won an nba championships and mma and hockey. They play again tonight, by the way. Hockey starts and perfect day for it as it its going to be so did an adulterous husband make his wife kill him . Im in san antonio and standing on the spot where either a tragic accident occurred, or an act of murder. That story is coming up on cbs this morning. I have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back treatment with breo. Oncedaily breo prevents asthma symptoms. Breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Breo wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for you brush your teeth diligently. Two times a day, right . But 80 of your mouths bacteria arentt even on teeth. Eughty purschunt . colgate totals different. It fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. Protecting 100 of your mouths surfaces. Colgate total for whole mouth health. Im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Ne rated. Its got to be tide fact. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. Better yet, come into Steak N Shake for handdipped milkshakes at half price during halfprice happier hour, weekdays, now two to five at Steak N Shake. New at Steak N Shake 24 meals under four dollars. With handcrafted steakburgers, allbeef footlongs and fresh guacamole made from scratch. Get 24 meals for under four dollars. New at Steak N Shake . Sudden passion is the legal term for a profoundly human experience, feeling so entrenched in the heat of the moment that you cant think clearly. Well, that could have happened to francis hall. She was a texas wife, mother, and grandmother, unhinged by her husbands infidelity. Peter van sant reports. Reporter i think that a lot of women see successful men, attractive men they think i want a piece of that and it doesnt matter if they are married or not. Reporter Texas Defense lawyer lee cutter knows a thing or two about jealous women. Having just defended francis hall, a wife charged with murdering her unfaithful husband, trucking executive and millionaire bill hall jr. Bill hall loved francis and but bills fatal flaw is that he also liked the attention of younger women. Reporter in 32 years of marriage to francis, bill cheated plenty. As he confided to his cousin hank hall. What is more, francis knew about bills affairs but always forgave him. Bill loved francis so much that it was unbelievable, but when he cheated in the past and she stuck with you, right . Kind of makes it seem like its okay, right . Reporter and francis might but this time, bills mistress, bonnie contreras, wasnt letting go. During their threeyear affair, bill had paid her rent and even bought her two cars, a bmw and a mercedes. Bonnie contreras would take compromising photos, kind of gather all of these nuggets that if things ever went south, she had all of the proof she needed to force you to do what she wanted. My mother was on the verge of a nervous breakdown because bonnie constantly. She is texting and calling francis. Bonnie would call her every explicit name in the book. Reporter it was a toxic love triangle destined to explode and it did. Francis hall was stopped at a light on this road outside of san antonio when she saw her husband bill atop his Harley Davidson and followed closely by bonnie driving the hall family car. I get a phone call from my mom. She said i just saw your dad and im going to confront her. Francis was revved up and driving her own cadillac es escala escalade. She hit the gas and began pursuing bonnies car. Her husband and mistress they are driving toward us on this highway . Exactly. They are coming this way. They are still going 85, 90 miles an hour. Francis was out for blood. Reporter prosecutor stephanie paulissen. I dont body and someone in handcuffs. Peter van sant is with us now. What questions do we have now . This is a case unresolved to exactly what happened on the highway. The two women tell different stories. Its clear that the wife francis when she took her suv or escalade that weighs 6,000 pounds and took up to 90 miles an hour she initiated this confrontation that turned into death. She claims her husband went off his motorcycle, but the mistress who was also at the heart of this claims that she ran over her husband and knocked him off the road. What sort of extenuating circumstance is passion in texas . A long history in texas. Back in the day if you caught your spouse with a significant other you could kill them and it would be a justifiable homicide and that was in the 1960s. Sudden passion you just lose it and do something not to 20 years for a crime like that. In this case, thats what happened here. Peter, thank you so much. You can watch the full report driven to extremes in a new episode of 48 hours tomorrow tomorrow night and part of a double feature that starts at 8 00 9 00 central on cbs. Two women discover unexpected bonds going back 70 years. Ahead we show you their emotional reunion after a surprise reveals a powerful connection. Youre watching cbs this morning. From leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. Thatd be devastating. I took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about oncedaily xarelto. A latest generation blood thinner. Then i made the switch. Xarelto . Significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. It has similar effectiveness to warfarin. Warfarin interferes with vitamin k and at least six blood clotting factors. Xarelto . Is selective targeting one critical factor for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. To help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. Theres more to know. . To make it better . Hey jude. A surprise concert last night by Paul Mccartney at a biker bar called happy and harrierrirriet of los angeles. 300 fans quickly snatched up the 50 dollar tickets to be there ever. Absolutely. Samantha good to see you again on this friday morning. We warmed up 1 degree in cleveland. Its now 38, so not quite as bad as it was when it was 37, right . Everybody in the 30s this morning for the most part. The air mass has changed. We were just in the 70s a few days ago, but thats gone. We have a light southwest the low 60s. Lots of sunshine today and no rain in your forecast. I hope that you can enjoy it, because it will really be a Beautiful Day despite the seasonably Cool Temperatures that were dealing with. If youre not loving the cooler weather, well, ive got good news for you, too. We have a big warmup on the way this weekend. I go 73 tomorrow, 75 on up sunday, and look at this sevenday. We are near 80 by tuesday and some could hit 80. Forecast until late in the day sunday. . Sing your song . Lets go to the mall, everybody go . I was a teenage pop star in canada. Pro singing to comedy actors, Cobie Smulders is in our toyota green room. Hi how she prepared physically and mentally for her new role in time to show you some of the mornings headlines from around the globe. Londons zoo locked down yesterday when a gorilla got loose. The 7foot tall ape was caught on video hitting a screen in his enclosure before his escape. Officials say he did not reach any public areas before captured. They are investigating how he got out. Chris rock will earn 40 million for his return to the small screen. Netflix has signed the emmy winning comic for a pair of standup specials and taping the paychecks believed to be the biggest area for a comedian. He hasnt been on tv for eight years but didnt he host the oscars . I suppose that counts. Actress Cobie Smulders stars at major susan turner in jack reacher dont go back. A police unit framed for these men are here to transfer you. Who are they . Reacher . What are you doing . Reacher, do you know who i am . Relieve the command, maam. No time. Without cause. It is your right to i thought it was under my command. We dont have time for this i left explicit orders for you to stay away. Orders . Orders . Yes. I knew you wouldo like this. Dont make me regret it cobie, welcome. Good morning. Thank you for having me. So major susan turner, again, in charge of the elite unit, the jack reacher was once part of. Who is she and why has jack reacher chosen to go back even though he was never supposed to . Good call. Well, i think he goes back. These two characters strike up a relationship over the phone and flirtatious. And he actually comes back to ask her out on a date and when he arrives at his old office, her current office, he find that she has been arrested and thrown in jail. And so he goes and he breaks into jail, breaks in and out of jail and for the rest of the film, they are on the reason together. A lot of stunts in this movie, right . There is a lot. Did you have a stunt double . I had a stunt double but i never used her. You did all of your own stunts . I did. I determined to do that. It took a lot of training. Is that like you showing up to the set every day, look, she is here . Got it. Shes ready to go. I had this girl lucy. We actually did a lot of our training together whenever we were doing all of the stunt choreography, we worked together and fought each other and i mirrored her because she knows what she is doing. Yes. She was always at the ready and i think we used her for a couple of shots just so the stunt guy but i did all of it myself. Any comedy in this . Yeah. There is there is, actually the film, although its a crime thriller, there is a lot of comedic moments because like life, even in dire situations, you have to laugh at your circumstances. Tom cruise, i mean, he produced it and stars in that. Yes. In the film as well. How was it working with tom cruise . It was amazing. Quite frankqu required for all of the training, i mean, he helped prepare me at the he has an amazing team of stunt people he works with constantly. He is an expert and it was such a joy to learn from him in that respect and also it was just fun to be around him and he is an amazing man. Go ahead. One of the producers said she is the perfect combination of brilliance, physical ability, and humor and quintessential American Girl next door. Or a canadian girl next door . Yeah. That is a huge compliment. I dont know. I just i just was excited to jump on to this role and to play a woman within the military because i think it takes a very strong determined type of person to not only enlist but to have that type of career. This movie sort of breaks down the stereo typical woman who gets rescued. I like to think when he comes to break me out of jail i would get out of there myself. The clip we played certainly i was almost really angry to see him when he came to bust me out of there, yes. Lee child, writer, visited the set, has a cameo in it. Yes. What is it, do you think, then about this character and this story that he has created that resonates. Well, i think, you know, he has successfully written 21 books within this series. This is book number 18 and when i jumped on to this project, i had planned to read all of them 18. But so i didnt. You didnt have a calendar . I have a life. And i want to keep that life. But hes an amazing writer. And i think the character of jack reacher is really interesting. Hes a lone wolf. He likes to go through life alone and he is not used to being paired with anybody or having to worry about anybody and that is what is interesting about this film. He forced into this family dynamic by being coupled up with me and we teenager, a young girl played play danika ross. Its so good to see you again. So excited about this movie. Thank you. Jack reacher never go back opens in theaters october 21st. Ahead, an emotional reunion for a pair of women in chicago. Listen to this. They met again after discovering an unexpected bond nearly 70 samantha thanks so much, norah. Still sitting in the 30s in cleveland. Its the chilliest morning since midmay. Thats been a while, right . This may take getting used to. We have blue skies across the entire area. You dont have much in the way of cloud cover today or tomorrow until the afternoon. The next two days look very nice. Were cool. Come into Steak N Shake for handdipped milkshakes. Better yet, come into Steak N Shake for handdipped milkshakes at half price during halfprice happier hour, weekdays, now two to five at Steak N Shake. New at Steak N Shake 24 meals under four dollars. With handcrafted steakburgers, allbeef footlongs and fresh guacamole made from scratch. Get 24 meals for under four dollars. Two women who escaped from nazi germany in the Second World War have discovered a new connection. Their separate Family History and pictures and documents and they come from a time when torn apart. The women first knew each others neighbors in chicago but nearly 70 years later, they put missing pieces of their stories back together. Chip reid shows us their remarkable reunion. Chip, good morning. Good morning. Growing up in chicago, they had lived on the same street, attended the same high school, even went to the same university. Now all of these decades later, they are finally discovering their true connection. I cant believe this ive searched for y then here she is. There we were all the time. We were all the time. Six degrees of separation. Like, what, two blocks away . Reporter not even two blocks. In the late 1940s, the two lived a few houses apart in chicago. What do you remember about her . I remember she was always smiling and had curly hair and she short. Reporter they knew each realizing they were connected in a way that would bring them together nearly a lifetime later. Beatrice and renee were born in the same year 43. I was born in 34 the same year that hitler came to power and my parents were managing my grandfathers butcher shop. It was closed within a few months. They couldnt work any more. Reporter targeted for being jewishth her terrified parents moved the family to bulgaria and eventually to america. We came on the queen mary and my father took me to new york and put me on his shoulder. Reporter you remember that . That is is my first memory. And i remember flames. And i remember running out moo wmy father. I knew my life as it existed was over. Reporter beatrices family fled to belgium. They tried, but failed to find my father took me on a train with my cousin. I thought i was going to summer camp. Reporter desperate to keep her safe, beatrices parents hid her in in a catholic building with a couple of sisters. I had no idea i would never see my parents again. Reporter just 9 years old and feeling abandon, she wrote her parents a dear mommy and daddy. Your little girl loves you with all her heart and wishes that someday we might be together again. Reporter did you ever see your parents again after that . No. Reporter what she didnt know then was that her parents had tried to escape the nazis. Her father was shot and killed. Her mother was sent to auschwitz and was never heard from again. After the war, beatrice made it and uncle. This summer, nearly 70 years later, through ancestry. Com, she discovered a branch of relative she never knew existed. Pow are you related . Our grandmothers are cousins. Reporter which makes them second what is it like to find out after all of these years . The best thing is finding renata. Its sad we spent a life so connected and we would have loved each other. I can tell that. Reporter now reunited and surrounded by their families, they hope their families will remain close for generations to come. Do you feel a bond . Very much so. The fact that trixy is a live person who knew as a kid and admiring of you and who you are today. I think we all sort of do what we have to do, seriously. And we take the real good things when we can get them and this is a real good thing this is a very good thing today, right. Reporter Beatrice Muchman the one on the right in the last shot wrote this book about her experience. Never to be forgotten. A young girls holocaust memoir in which she says her parents almost escaped to america but her fathers name was misspelled request was denied. In essence her parents last chance to escape the nationalys did not happen because of a typographical error. What are the extended family reyoons l reunions like . This was the first one. There wasnt a dry eye in the house. Powerful story. They want this to go on for her father died in a concentration camp . Her father was shot trying to escape and one the only escapes and the mother was sent to auschwitz and never heard from again. Thank you, chip. That is terrific. Next up, a look at all that mattered this week. . Another amazing, can you believe it, week. I know, right. Thank you for joining us. Tune into the cbs evening news with scott pelley tonight as we leave you, lets take a look back at all that mattered this week. Have a great weekend. . He was like an octopus and like he had six arms. Slander and libel was thrown the New York Times. Array of charges depict an egotistical man. A steady stream of embarrassment for the Clinton Campaign. Its good that donald trump is not in charge of our kin. Because you would be in jail. Wasnt much president ial about some of the discussion. This was wrestle mania. Whatever you want. I can do anything. Whatever i want. We all heard what he thinks of women. Locker room talk. The front page losing the senate. I may be limping across that finish line. The nearby lumber river overflowed its banks. I lost everything. I thought she was dead. People were lucky enough to survive and live through Hurricane Matthew are now facing real catastrophe. Galaxy note 7 altogether. You dont want something on fire in your pants. Americans troops thought they left iraq for good in 2011. You wepont be fighting on the front line . No. Tom brady is back after serving fourgame suspension. Big papi came out after the game for a final salute. It hit me hard. I wont lie to you. How much do wish you could debate donald trump . . You want to go back to them or do you want to stay with donald trump . Trump. Kenneth bone, the undecided voter, has become decidedly popular online. Did you know your fans are now calling themselves bone heads . Thats fantastic. I have been calling my family that for years. Okay, good. This guy is so naturally him. She is going to show up at the third debate in a red sweater and a fake mustache. You clearly dont know who youre talking to on so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, schuyler. I am the danger. Were you a bad boy . I was not so bad boy. You werent . We like bad boys. Were you a bad boy . Your title in that picture is what . Women in ecstasy. Thats me. One fan pushes the other off the ledge and quickly as the fight began, the pandas were pals again. . Kung fu fighting . But, first, a check of your local weather. All that. You could do this job. And all that matters. What does it pay . On cbs this morning. Not as much as you make. Oh, please samantha time is 8 55 on this beautiful start to your friday morning. Its 44 in cleveland, and were warming up quickly. We have a lot of sunshine and we have a southwest wind. So both of these things will help us warm up nicely today. Its going to be gorgeous and seasonably cool. No more of these 70s at least for today. Were only around 62 this afternoon, and lots of sunshine all day long, and then a mostly clear sky for tonight. Game time tonight at Progressive Field is 8 00. Were in the 50s for most of the game. By the end of the game, though, we could drop into the 40s so take that jacket along tonight. The weekend brings a nice warmup. I dont think youll need the jacket this weekend with the exception of tomorrow morning when it will be chilly. The rest of the forecast through tuesday features a really good warmup here. Discuss for the weekend, and [ cheers and applause ] . . Announcer today on rachael ray, boil boil billie joe armstrong. He looks good, i know. Announcer steve young, nfl hall of famer. And 4 ways to maximize your mac n cheese. And a surprise that will brighten your day. All of my heart and hugs to you. We announcer and now, are you ready for. Rachael . [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] rachael all righty, everybody. Welcome so, todays show we have a world class rock star, a sports superhero. And we will start out with probably everybodys superfood for this time of year. Mac n cheese. We have two members of our Culinary Team joining us in the kitchen, grant and jeanette

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