A mirror and a kiss . What you want is hard to find its hard to miss . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision come on . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision come on . Seventysix, high noon oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh . Revving up your lead balloon oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh . Cruisin on ventura fumes when you need more than a smile . Traffics rough, oh s. O. S. In your orbit of desire . . . . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision come on . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision come on . Whirling whirling whirling whirling . Eye eye eye eye eye eye eye whirling whirling . Whirling whirling eye eye eye eye eye eye eye . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision come on . Get the vision get the vision . Get the vision cheers and applause . . . . First theres sharp blades. Then shielding lubrication. And cooling. Brrr. With lubrication before and after the blades. Shields and cools while you shave. . . . . . James thanks for watching. Next week matt leblanc isla fisher, Ewan Mcgregor niall horan Andrew Garfield January Jones ll cool j norah jones here and Carpool Karaoke with lady gaga captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org . . . . . . . Coming up on todays telecast this just burns the devil up let me just throw it hallelujah thank you jesus what happened to you sister . I dont know, but ill tell you, im not hurting right now. Thank you so much whoo new health, new strength oh hal ill tell you, she got shocked god has used reverend peter popoff throughout his entire life and ministry to bring miraculous deliverance to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Stay tuned as reverend popoff ministers, prays, and reveals the power of a living god able to change your life and bring you into great joy, peace, health, now get ready for god to touch you with his miracle working power. God is touching hurting people around the world. And now he wants to touch you with his miracle working power. Im peter popoff, this is my precious wife, liz. And its always such a privilege and a joy to share the reality of gods power with you. Is that the truth liz . Thats right. I love reading the testimonies. I love to see what god is doing in every life. Oh, and its so magnificent. So glorious to see people saved, and healed, and delivered and set free and blessed thats right. Whoo abundantly. And we have a lot of testimonies to share with you. Im going to tell you more about the revelation stone that i brought back from capernaum with me. The city where jesus walked the streets. His power, his presence is so real in these and he gave me divine directions to share with you, to see breakthroughs in your life. Youll be filled with joy when you hear what i have to share with you, so stay tuned and weve got a lot of good testimonies. A lot of them. They just keep coming in, liz. Theyre coming in right and left. Amen. Its glorious. Were going to go into a service already in progress. Youre going to see what god is doing in the lives of people today. I dont know. While i was Walking Around here i saw our brother walking on this cane. Can i just make the devil mad tonight . Watch out glory to god whoo hallelujah just take off. Were going to walk together. Jesus is walking with us amen jesus is walking with us. Yes i did what happened to the pain . Its gone. Its gone how many of you know it went back to the pits of hell where it belongs . Amen you had back surgery . Was it you . And youre still in pain . Havent you been suffering long enough . Yes yes here it comes oh jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus ill tell you, if youd been suffering month after month, and god touched you, youd shout too amen i can bed thank you jesus whoo just lift up your hands with me and begin to thank the lord. Yes sir. I rebuke all of the affliction and infirmity. Hallelujah now get up in the name of jesus in the name of jesus. Whoo lets just walk. There she goes hallelujah whoo what happened to you sister . I dont know, but ill tell you, im not hurting right now. Thank you so much she says, i dont even know what happened but im not hurting you said that she had some unexpected money coming, a large lump sum and you didnt know where it was coming from . I didnt know where it was coming from. Unexpected money from unexpected sources 18,000 whoo in 2012, i got 9,000. When i got ready to get it, i didnt even know i had it but god put it there. I know he did, because the money just came from out of nowhere. Unexpected money how many of you know that was a divine transfer . Reverend peter popoff wrote me letter in 2013. He was telling me all the trouble and stuff i went through, but he said, god is going to pay you double for your trouble. So 2014, july the 5th, he made me a millionaire. And then now just a minute. Can we give god a praise offering for that . Whoo but pete, it wasnt one million. It was 5 million 5 peter popoff wants to give you the revelation stone from capernaum. This powerful amazing point of contact that has released multi Million Dollar miracles the world. I got over a Million Dollars 2,274,000 it wasnt one million it was 5 million not only do i want to give you the revelation stone that i brought back with me, but i want to share the powerful instructions with you that will let you experience the power and the presence of jesus in your own life in your own finances. You will experience his miracle touch as you follow the instructions i give you. Dont miss this miracle opportunity. Call right now the holy spirit directed peter popoff to send you the powerful revelation stone taken from the ancient streets of capernaum. This anointed revelation stone will energize your body and supernaturally reveal where you can discover your divine windfall. And its absolutely free call the number on your screen plus peter will include his brand new book miracle money from unexpected sources. Miracle money, divine health, family salvation and debt cancellation are ll part of gods plan for your life. The revelation stone is your key to unlocking an explosion of miracles and continual financial blessing for you and your family. So call right now. I was walking down the streets of capernaum in israel, power and the presence of jesus like i sensed him as i walked down those streets. I could feel his power and his presence. It was awesome. And while i was there, the holy spirit just directed me to pick up some of these stones off the street where jesus walked. He didnt just walk there once, again. This is where jesus in the city of capernaum sent peter to the sea to catch the fish that had the gold, the money in his mouth. This is where jesus ministered in the synagogue and i was led by the holy spirit to bring back this revelation stone and i want to give it to you. Its absolutely free i want to tell you how to use it to see quick miracles. Instant miracles. Financial miracles that will im going to tell you more about it but right now i want my wife to just share some of the awesome testimonies that have come to us. This one is from sister richardson from bay city, texas. I went into the hospital and when i came home i found a text message from you saying that my medical bills will be covered. As soon as i read it, my cousin called and told me that she was going to pay for all my medical expenses and to pay for m to go to the doctor. Thank you jesus. Praise god. Instantly thats right. Immediately her bills were paid. And you know, when the lord led me to send her this text people say, oh he just tells people those things. Ill tell you, when the holy spirit is speaking through me and im speaking under the unction of the holy ghost, you better watch out because things are going to start happening fast can i read you this . This is from freeport, new york ic please go ahead liz. You asked for seed. I did not have any money so i sent you what i had, 50 cents. You wrote me back and told me because of my obedience, god is going to bless me. The same day, i opened the mail and that evening i received a 2,000 check. Hallelujah the same day the same day and i want to tell you god wants to bring you a miracle so fast thats why i brought this revelation stone back with me. You see, god is going to give you direction. God is going to lead you by his spirit into your wealthy place so that you and your children will increase more and more the devil wants to diminish you but god wants you to increase and thats why he gave me this revelation stone along with divine instructions. N instruction of the man of god, you are going to see miraculous miracles on every side and theyre going to happen fast. In fact, as i was praying, i was waiting on the lord. Liz, god gave me this scripture. Ive never read it before. I opened my bible and there it was. And i want you to just read it for me. Alright. This is what god gave me for you. Its amos 9 verse 13 through 15. It wont be long now, gods decree. It wont be long now, gods decree. Listen to what god said. Things are going to happen so fast your head will spin. Those are not my words, those are gods words. Things will happen so fast, your head is going to spin one thing fast on the heels of the other. One thing fast on the heels of the other. You wont be able to keep up. You wont be able to keep up. Everything will be happening everything will be happening at once. And everywhere you look, blessings. And everywhere you look, blessings. This is the word god gave me for you. Thats why youve got to have the revelation stone you cant miss out on this blessing is that the end of it liz . No. Oh theres more oh praise god. Just a minute. Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. Ill make everything right again for my people. Ill make everything right i just see for my people. For my people. Everything has been going wrong. God says, ill make it all right if you will just follow my divine leading and direction. Youve got to have this revelation stone from capernaum. Youll feel the power and the presence of the living jesus christ. Youre going to see. Hell start making things happen so fast whoo your head is going to spin. Thats what he says. Swim. Swim. Amen. Ill tell you, i love that scripture. Well liz is going to read lots of testimonies today but were going back into the powerful miracle service. God is moving by his spirit in such a mighty mighty way. I dont know if youve watched our telecast, but lately, weve seen so many people miraculously delivered. One woman called and said, does the miracle spring water heal cancer . I said, no, its not the miracle spring water. When jesus spit into the mud and rubbed it in the blind mans eyes it wasnt the mud that healed the blind man. But it was his act of obedience and faith and ill tell you,god brought you here tonight because hes not finished with you. God is going to burn every one of those cancer cells out of your body supernaturally. Now here it goes. Here it goes. Whoo thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus whoo new health, new strength oh hal ill tell you, she got shocked whoo stand up on your feet sister. I know that youve gone through a real battle these last few months. Lord i rebuke every unclean spirit that has tormented our sister. I come against you satan in the name of jesus and i come against all of the pain the torment the affliction let our sister be made evert whoo. Oh glory thank you jesus just stand back up on your feet now sister come on out here. Lets walk a little ways. Walk about 12 steps there toward the front. Oh glory to god. She doesnt want to stop how many of you know it went back to the pits of hell . Its gone its gone i couldnt do this. Its gone he put my brother in law in prayer. My brother in law had stomach cancer and we just learned he is now in remission. You told me that i was going to receive a brand new car. And right now, something thousand dollar Mercedes Benz whoo hoo my business has flourished. Money coming from everywhere. A week ago you sent me a letter and the next day i got unexpected money, 1,000. You told me i was going to pay off my truck, you told me i was going to get a brand new cadillac and i did. You got a brand new cadillac . Yes sir. Peter popoff wants to give you the revelation stone from capernaum. This powerful amazing point of contact that has released multi Million Dollar miracles in the lives of so many around the world. I got over a Million Dollars 2,274,000 it wasnt one million it was 5 million not only do i want to give you the revelation stone that i brought back with me, but i want to share the powerful instructions experience the power and the presence of jesus in your own life in your own finances. You will experience his miracle touch as you follow the instructions i give you. Dont miss this miracle opportunity. Call right now the holy spirit directed peter popoff to send you the powerful revelation stone taken from the ancient streets of capernaum. This anointed revelation stone supernaturally reveal where you can discover your divine windfall. And its absolutely free call the number on your screen and youll also receive the miracle spring water, plus peter will include his brand new book miracle money from unexpected sources. Miracle money, divine health, family salvation and debt cancellation are ll part of gods plan for your life. The revelation stone is your key to unlocking an explosion of micl continual financial blessing for you and your family. So call right now. Oh liz, things are happening so fast, my head is testimonies are coming from everywhere. Im rejoicing youre next. Call the number on your screen. Get the miracle spring water. Get the revelation stone all these items are free youre going to rejoice. Liz is going to read your testimony in the days just ahead. Minnesota. Amen. You told me that i would get a job. God blessed me with a good paying job. You also told me god would get rid of my problem in paying my Student Loans and god erased them, over 19,000 praise god supernatural debt cancellation. Supernatural miracle money. Thats why i wrote this book, miracle money from unexpected sources because god has money coming to you from unexpec sources miracle money money into your bank account. Supernatural debt cancellations. Divine transfers into your life that will make your head, according to the word of god, swim amen. Its going to be glorious. Youve got to use the point of contact, the faith tool that god gave me if you want this fast miracle, this quick turn around, dont miss this miracle moment call the number on your screen and get the revelation stone. Ill rush it to you by return mail. Liz, read one more of those glorious testimonies. Alright, this one is from greenwood, indiana. Its a little long so i just cut it down a little bit. He said, ive never received a raise this big. She and i are now the highest paid officer managers his wife and he are both in the same office. The highest paid Office Managers and maintenance in the corporation praise god. God said, ill make you the head and not the tail. Theyre the highest paid managers in her corporation praise god. Youre next. Let me send you the revelation stone. Follow the divine leading and direction. Youll be surprised how god elevates you, how fast all of this is going were going back into the you know this just burns the devil up let me just throw it hallelujah whoo hallelujah is it you that has heart problems . Ill tell you, youre going to feel the warmth of the holy spirit just flow through you. Give me your hand please. Stand up on your feet. Oh lord, whole oh look, shes going to run a little bit oh hallelujah oh she got shocked did you feel that . Yes, i felt it yes. That was the heat of the holy spirit you feel better . I feel better well how many of you know jesus did that . Im healed did you have problems with your knee brother . You want god to set you free . Yes sir. Alright, here it goes. How many of you believe gods anointing will drive the pain out of his body right now . Father in heaven, right now stand up on your feet. Whoo. Oh there he goes come on run around a little bit just to make the devil mad whoo hallelujah jesus thank you jesus what happened to the pain . I dont feel nothing, i dont feel no pain. Did you have pain in your knee also sister . You with the purple dress . You know when god touched our sister over there, when he touched our he also touched you you can get up now and you can dance whoo there she goes hallelujah there she goes i ordered your spring water and you said i would receive a check. We received a check for 4,000. You told us we were going to receive a lump sum of money. You also told me i was going to get a car. God blessed me with a car. And he blessed me with 8,000. 8,000. Everything you said in your letters is true. Two days ago, she got a letter from you saying what did the letter say . Said im going to receive instant miracle. And what happened today . And today, i got approved for a building that im going to start a business with and a piece of land. Glory to god sister, i see a major big transfer for you. 80,000. Exactly what the transfer was, exactly when you told me reverend that it was going to happen. Exact time you told me it was going to happen. And thats when it happened. I told her exactly when it was going to happen. Thats the holy ghost liz, so many testimonies have come to us from the four corners of the earth. Its just amazing. Isnt it though . Every one is a miracle. Yes, do you want me to read some more . Absolutely. Just share a few. These have just come in. Yes, this one is from houston, texas. I have been healed from an embarrassing cyst on my neck. No doctors, no medicine. Healed by the stripes of jesus. Hallelujah. And heres one from garner, north carolina. I went back to my surgeon last trace of cancer. I thank you for all your prayers. Your prayer tools, time and energy in my behalf. Cancer disappears. And heres one from manchester, england. It says, i have seen results immediately after touching my foot with the miracle spring water. Thank you so much peter popoff. Have seen results immediately. Immediate as you use the revelation stone, youre going to see results that will make your head swim. Its going to happen so fast, you wont be able to keep up with the miracles, one right after another. Blessings coming your way at an unbelievable speed. Some of you have been in such a dry place. God wants to bring you into his Green Pastures now. Dont miss this miracle moment. Call the number on yoru screen. Get the revelation stone. Let me stand in agreement with let elizabeth and i agree together on your behalf. Oh god will give me words of divine wisdom, direction, prophecy that will lead you out of your bondage, out of your wilderness, into the Green Pastures. Ill send you the miracle spring water, im going to send you my brand new book, miracle money from unexpected sources. All these items are free and postage paid. Let me hear from you. Liz, one more before we leave the air. Alright. I havent had a migraine in over three months since i used the miracle spring water. No more headaches. No more migraines. God wants to get rid of all your headaches, aches, pains. Lets pray liz. We come against every single tormenting spirit, pain, affliction, infirmity, financial lack. Oh lord, let us see miracle manifestation in the lives of your people. Absolutely astonish them. Lord, i thank you for the faith tools that youve given me. And as your people use these faith tools, oh god, i know that were going to see mighty miracles of deliverance, salvation, healing, prosperity that will literally make the world stand in awe. I thank you for it lord jesus. I thank you for your answer. I thank you for your miracle power. And i know that its done in jesus name. Amen. Liz, i just feel that were going to see so many testimonies. Amen. Were going to see quick miracles turn around. Amen. Thats why im so excited youre going to get these items to the people as they request them. Quickly amen. It wont take a long time screen. Or you can write to us. Our address is on the screen. Let us hear from you, until we do, until we hear from you, go on with god. Move on with jesus christ. And be his true soldier. This is our prayer for each of you. God grant it. Amen and amen. Peter popoff wants to give you the revelation stone from capernaum. This powerful amazing point of contact that has released multi Million Dollar miracles in the lives of so many around the world. I got over a Million Dollars 2,274,000 it wasnt one million it was 5 million call the number on your screen and youll also receive the miracle spring water, plus peter will include his brand new book miracle money from unexpected sources. Miracle money, divine health, family salvation and debt cancellation are ll part of gods plan for your life. To unlocking an explosion of miracles and continual financial blessing for you and your family. That i have or tournament anonymity that was lost. If you look back, the only regret i have in life is not spending another year at stanford. Thats the only regret . Thats the only regret i wish i had. Of all the things that happened to you . All the things ive learned. Thats been all the things ive been through are tough, yes. But theyve been great for me. But i wish i would have gone one more year at stanford. Thats the overnight news for continues. For others check back with us a bit later for the morning news at cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new york city, im demarco moore. . This is the cbs overnight news. Just 24 hours after their final debate Hillary Clinton and donald trump came face to face again last night on a different stage. This time they brought jokes. The candidates mixed politics e. Smith Charity Dinner in new york city. The event is known as a political roast, and heres some of what they had to say. We have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. In fact, just before taking the dais hillary accidentally bumped into me, and she very civilly [ cheers and applause ] and i very politely replied, let me talk to you about that after i get into office. Oh, this ones going to get me in trouble. Not with hillary. You know, the id to stop whining. But i really have to say, the media is even more biased this year than ever before. Ever. You want the proof . Michelle obama gives a speech and everyone loves it. Its fantastic. They think shes absolutely great. Same speech, and people get on her case. [ cheers and applause ] and i dont get it. I dont know why. And it wasnt her fault. Stand up, melania. Come on. She took a lot of abuse. [ cheers and applause ] oh, im in trouble when i go she didnt know about that one. Am i okay . Is it okay . Cardinal, please speak to her. Id like to address an important religious matter. The issue of going to confession. Or as hillary calls it, the fourth of july weekend with fbi now, im told hillary went to confession before tonights event. But the priest was having a hard time when he asked her about her sins and she said she couldnt remember 39 times. I know, your eminence, you were criticized for inviting both donald and me here tonight. And you responded by saying, if i only sat down with those who were saints id be taking all my meals alone. Now, just to be clear, i think the cardinal is saying im not eligible for sainthood. But getting through these three debates with donald has to count as a miracle. [ cheers and applause ] so i guess im up against the ceiling. But your eminence, you do deserve great credit. For bringing together two people whove been at each others throats. Mortal enemies. Bitter foes. Ive got to ask, how did you get the governor and mayor here together tonight . [ cheers and applause ] now, ive got to say, there are a lot of Friendly Faces here in this room. People that ive been privileged to know and to work with. I just want to put you all in a basket of adorables. And youd look so good in your tuxes, or as i refer to them, formal pantsuits. And you know, because this is a friendly dinner for such a great you dont like what im saying feel free to stand up and shout wrong while im talking. You know, come to think of it, its amazing im up here after donald. I didnt think hed be okay with a peaceful transition of power. [ cheers and applause ] but it was no laughing matter at wednesdays debate when trump refused to say that he would accept the results of the election if he lost. The republican nominee insists the vote could be rigged. And Major Garrett is covering the Trump Campaign. I want to make a major announcement today. Reporter Donald Trumps gaspinducing refusal last night to accept the results of this years election ill keep you in suspense. Reporter was still just fun and games on the campaign trail today. I will totally accept the historic president ial election if i win. Reporter it was no laughing matter to john mccain, the 2008 gop nominee who lost to president obama. In every previous election the loser congratulates the winner and calls them my president , mccain said in a statement. In ohio trump said he was merely reserving judgment until the results were in. Of course i would accept a clear election result, but i would al r contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result. Reporter trumps running mate, mike pence, told us only the extraordinary would provoke a legal challenge. He has every right. He has he has the prerogative to wait and see how the election comes out. Sometimes extraordinary circumstances develop, major. Reporter john kerry conceded to bush in 2004, despite early exit polls suggesting he would machines in ohio. We are required now to Work Together for the good of our country. Reporter in an upcoming interview for cbss sunday morning kerry said he had few regrets. It was a hard decision, but i think that contesting it would have left the United States with its second election in a row being questioned internationally, and i dont think that would have been good. Reporter today another woman accused trump of sexual misconduct. New york city trump first leered at her, then touched her breast during a brief encounter at the u. S. Open tennis tournament. Scott, the Trump Campaign called virginia a publicity seeker peddling fiction. Major garrett still in las vegas for us tonight. Major, thank you. The cbs overnight news nearly 72 million americans watched the debate last night. That was more than the second debate but fewer than the first. Ben tracy is listening to women voters in los angeles. But we have some bad hombres here and were going to get them out. Oh, my god. Reporter we watchee three support clinton. Three support trump. And one undecided. Was there anything that you heard that really surprised you . That graphic description of abortion from donald trump. Oh, my god. He hasnt earned the right to talk about such issues. Donald trump has no respect for woman. Zero. The way he talks to hillary, her, and he points his finger. Such a nasty woman. Treated a man the same way on stage. I think donald trump is donald trump. And he would have given a man of the opposite party the same amount of respect or disrespect. Reporter what do you think was Donald Trumps strongest moment . He just acted more president ial this time. His policies about strong borders, about national security, about cutting taxes, about creating jobs is what im looking for. Youre not up to doing the job. Im terrified of him being president. She ow i dont trust any politician, but i trust her as the commander in chief over donald trump any day. Deep down i want to believe hes going to do the right thing. I would trust him more than i would trust hillary. The fbi conducted a yearlong investigation into my emails. They concluded there was no case. Do you have concerns about her issues of honesty and transparency . I do. Have concerns id be lying. I will tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Reporter when you heard donald trump say that he may or may not support the result, what did you think . Well, his answer seemed like a classic donald trump answer. Yeah. But on the other hand reporter in what way . You know, the donald trump way, where he just does it his way, not the way that the establishment does it. Hes not ud president ial demeanor when he does not answer questions. Ill keep you in suspense . That is not what leaders do. Reporter did the debates change anybodys mind . No. Reporter nobody changed their mind. No. Reporter but our undecided voter did make up hers. I am going to vote for donald trump. I just cant bring myself to trust hillary. Reporter is there anything that could happen that would change your minds at this point . Not even jesus endorses trump. Im still going with hillary. And i love jesus. Reporter at the end of our conversation i asked how many of them would fear for the future of the country if their chosen candidate is not elected president. Scott, all seven of them raised their hands, showing just how passionately they feel about this choice. Ben tracy in los angeles for us tonight. Thanks, ben. Today an american was killed by a bomb in Northern Iraq. He was among the u. S. Forces advising ira a liberate the city of mosul from isis. We want to ask two of our most experienced war correspondents about the president ial candidates ideas. Elizabeth palmer is just back from syria, and Holly Williams is in Northern Iraq tonight. Lets begin with what trump said about the white house announcing its mosul plan in advance. Whatever happened to the element of surprise . Okay . We announce were going after after mosul now for about how long is it, hillary, three months . These people have all left. Theyve all left. So holly, is trump right . Well, scott, i think that secrecy would have been very, very difficult. This is a multinational effort, not just the u. S. , and most of the thousands of fighters on the front lines here are from iraq, from different factions, ethnic and religious groups. Remember also that making it public that the offensive was about to begin gave the residents of mosul, who are being used as human shields, a chance totry to escape or perhaps to prepare to rise up against isis. Holly, trump also said advance warning gave the leaders of isis a chance to escape mosul. What of that . Well, scott, we were on the front line today, and isis was definitely firing back. They are laying roadside bombs. Theyre sending out suicide now, its true that the u. S. Military told us that some isis leaders may have fled the city, but on the other hand, the extremists are still putting out their slickly produced propaganda videos from mosul. Now lets go over to syria, where the dictatorship and its russian ally are bombing rebels and civilians. Clinton wants a u. S. Enforced nofly zone, and she was asked whether she would shoot down a russian plane. I think a nofly zone could save lives aou end of the conflict. I am well aware of the really legitimate concerns that you have expressed from both the president and the general. This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation, and it would also take making it clear to the russians and the syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground. So liz, what would the u. S. Have to do to enforce a nofly zone . Well, the first thing it would probably do is look for in a very controversial operation. And it may also look for backing from the u. N. That could take months. And by then the syrian war could look very different. And those civilians who need protection from the bombing, by then may be ringed by syrian troops and unable to move into the protection of a nofly zone. Secondly, the risk of escalation is huge. Not only would the u. S. Have to face the possibility of shooting down a russian warplane, but it would have to destroy russias which is now installing in syria. So basically, bluntly, this would pit two nucleararmed nations against one another on a battlefield. The insights of Elizabeth Palmer and Holly Williams. Thank you very much. Coming up next, whats in your wallet could burn a hole in your bank account. And a hailstorm for ridesharing today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Start healthing. . Yeah, click . Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, this is an important message. So please, write dohe on your screen. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. Its a rate lock for your Life Insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. Many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the Colonial Penn program. Call this number to learn more. This plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable thats simple to get. Coverage options for just 9. 95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. Act now and your rate will be locked in for life. It will never increase. Your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. You cannot be turned down because of your health. Call for your information kit and gift. Both are free, with no obligation. Dont wait, call this mb the price of plastic is at record highs. A new survey shows that some Department Store credit cards are charging twice as much interest as bank cards. Heres anna werner. Reporter Vanessa Walker of brooklyn counts five Retail Credit cards in her wallet. One of the benefits i liked about the store credit cards is that you get an initial discount and that you can use that, but i also like when you get discounts creditcards. Com survey found storebranded credit cards can cost you. Interest rates average nearly 24 , much higher than the National Average for all credit cards of just over 15 . The highest cards from big lots and zales, close to 30 , and staples at over 28 . That means for a 1,000 balance at the average store card rate paying the minimum it would cost a consumer nearly 900 over 74 months to pay it off, compared to 379 over 55 monthsth lower National Average. This is one of the riskiest forms of credit out there. And youre much better off using an ordinary credit card. Reporter joe ridout with consumer action says the biggest trap with store cards is the frequently offered Deferred Interest deals. For example, offers of 0 as long as you dont make a late payment or miss a payment. If you have an 18month 0 loan and you default on month 17 or 18, that 30 Interest Rate balances and the entire amount of the goods that you purchased going back to the beginning of the loan. That can raise the price by almost 50 , and consumers simply arent aware of this. Reporter experts say those rates are higher in part because the borrowers are often firsttime or riskier card holders. We reached out to several companies. Zales told us the qualifications for borrowers are set by the bank. Staples told us, scott, that it offers three cards with varying percentage rates. Important to know what youre getting in much. When we come back, a fan favorite is about to take her final bow. Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Ky intense. war drums beating fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Ahh. Still sick, huh . Ill take it from here. Im good. I just took new mucinex clear and cool. Ah whats this sudden cooooling thing happening . Its got a menthol burst. You can feel it right away. Wow, that sort of blindsided me. And it clears my terrible cold symptoms. Ahh this is awkward. New Mucinex Fastmax clear cool. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. Lets end this. Infections from sexually transmitted diseases are at an alltime high. The cdc says there were more than 1. 5 million cases of chlamydia last year, up nearly 6 , and nearly 400,000 cases of gonorrhea, up about 13 . The cdc blames cuts in prevention programs. Online Ridesharing Companies are now bigger than taxis and rental cars combined. A study finds 52 of business travelers choose uber and lyft over taxis. Well soon have to say byebye to bao bao. The panda born in 2013 at the national zoo in washington will be sent to china next year. Atlantas twin pandas, mei lun and mei huan, are heading there next month. In an Exchange Agreement all pandas born here are sent to elections are lessons in civics. But whats needed this year is a refresher course in civility. And were getting it, from a letter that has been rediscovered and has now gone viral on social media. Bill clinton found it in the oval office the day he became president. Defeated in a hardfought election, george h. W. Bush. It reads in part, dear bill. You will be our president when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well. Your success now is our countrys success. Im rooting for you. Good luck. Signed, george. And thats the overnight news for this friday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back with us a little bit later for the morning and be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new . Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Hi, everyone. And welcome to the overnight news. Im demarco morgan. With just 18 days to go before election day, Hillary Clinton and donald trump returned to the campaign trail for the last leg of the president ial race. The candidates faced off wednesday night in their third and final debate. Now, some of the claims made on both sides were not entirely accurate. Nancy cordes has been doing some fact checking. Reporter well, for the third debate in a row donald trump expressed doubt that russians are behind the recent hackings of democratic groups. That put him at odds not just with clinton but with the entire u. S. Intelligence community. She has no idea whether its russia, china or anybody else. I am not you have no idea. 17 intelligence do you doubt 17 military and our country has no idea. I doubt it. I doubt it. Reporter in this case clinton had it right. Two weeks ago the u. S. Intelligence community announced it is confident that the russian government directed the recent compromises of emails. On the issue of immigration Hillary Clinton wanted the wall. Hillary clinton fought for the wall. In 2006. Reporter trump said clinton agreed with his signature proposal. I voted for border security. And there are the wall. Reporter we rate trumps as senator clinton did vote for a bill to build 700 miles of fencing along parts of the 2,000mile southern border. But not a massive wall as trump has proposed. Trump accused clinton last night of hiring people to disrupt his rallies. Shes the one and obama that caused the violence. Reporter the truth on that score is unclear. Democratic contractors were caught on video appearing to plan to provoke trump supporters, but theres no paid for it or even knew about it. As in previous debates trump denied making some controversial comments that are immortalized on video. He said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for i did not say that. Them to be assaulted. I did not say that. Believe me, she would not be my first choice. That i can tell you. He also went after a disabled reporter. Mocked and mimicked him on wrong. National television. I dont remember. Hes going, i dont remember. Reporter clinton argued last night that her proposals on infrastructure education wouldnt add a penny to the national debt, but an independent Analysis Finds that thats false, that she would actually add about 200 billion to the debt over ten years. Gayle, they say thats still far less than trump, who would add 5. 3 trillion to the debt over that same time period. Clinton and trump also discussed the battle against isis, specifically the recently largest city. Holly williams is with troops near the front lines. Reporter im about 12 miles north of mosul, where these Kurdish Forces have launched a new attack against isis this morning. Theyre trying to recapture 27 villages and then get within five miles of mosul. There are two villages just over here that are controlled by the extremists, and this morning weve seen the Kurdish Forces pummel them with artillery. Weve also seen two isis drones in the air this morning. Very small. We dont know whether they were armed. But certainly the kurdish troops shot them down very quickly. Earlier this month two kurdish fighters were killed by an isis drone that was loaded with explosives. Weve also seen iraqs elite special forces move into they are trying to recapture several christian towns and villages along the main road into mosul. Battalion commander with the special forces. Reporter we spoke with one of their officers yesterday, who bragged that they would be inside mosul within a matter of hours. The reality, though, is that it is very slow going clearing these towns and villages. Even though most of their residents fled a long time ago. Imagine how much more difficult its going to be to retake mosul, ase with around a million residents. Holly williams, north of mosul. A phone scam is fooling College Students and their parents into handing over thousands of dollars. Thieves posing as irs officials demand payment for federal student taxes that do not exist. Michelle miler takes a closer look. Reporter casey davis is a good student, a senior about to finish up at Quinnipiac University in connecticut. Unrecognized calls, but on the second ring they got her, threatening her with arrest, even the possibility of losing her College Degree if she didnt pay up. They really had me wrapped around their finger believing every single word that they were saying. Reporter casey davis thought she knew better. But the quinnipiac journalism major joined the growing list of students scammed by irs impostors. I knew like deep down this was really weird, but they kept like giving me evidence. The number that they were calling from was the hamden police. They tme information, my address here and at home. So they had done some digging on you. Yeah. Of course. Like way beyond digging. Reporter calling from a fake number that showed up as a local Police Station and armed with her personal information, the scammers threatened arrest if she did not pay 2,900 for a federal student tax, a tax that doesnt exist. They basically told me resolve this or your lifes over in a way. How did they get you i dont know. Money her banks fraud alert system was not. Never thought it would happen to us. Reporter tipping off her father, billy davis, who manages her account. Thats when he frantically started texting her. I just felt that something was definitely wrong. Reporter he couldnt reach casey because her scammers kept her on the phone for four hours. She drove some 30 miles to various stores, paying in this unusual way. 2,000 on one card and 500 on each additional card. Reporter the scammers tacked on additional fees they claimed she owed. In gift cards from target and itunes. During the ordeal her father could only helplessly watch as the fraud alerts rolled in. As a dad, a parent, not to be able to help your child it hurt. They are very persuasive. Theyre also very aggressive. So they tend to intimidate people into staying on the spokeswoman for the irs. She says the only way to thwart attackers is to educate the public. Its most important for you to protect yourself from becoming a victim is knowing the signs. Reporter for example, the irs does not call to demand money in a specific form by phone. They dont threaten immediate arrest. And will never ask for credit cards or personal information over the phone. Casey davis says shes embarrassed but wants others to learn from her mistake. If i could spare someone the mental strain and the financial burden that i went through, i would be completely like honored to do so. The cbs overnight news you know your heart loves megared omega3s. But did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too . Introducing megared advanced 4in1. Just one softgel delivers the omega3 power of two regular fish oil pills. So give your body mega support today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness lysol. Start healthing. . Yeah, click . Ugh, its only lunchtime and my cold medicines wearing off. Im dragging. Yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. Or, take mucinex. One pill fights congestion for 12 hours. No thank you very much, shes gonna stick with the shortterm stuff. 12 hours . Guess i wont be seeing you for a while. Is that a bisque . I just lost my appetite. Why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours . Ditch the misery. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and one of the most visible side effects of Breast Cancer treatment is hair loss. A new therapy in the u. S. Is helping women keep most of their hair. Barry petersen shows us the Science Behind cold caps. Reporter women say one of the most difficult things about chemotherapy for Breast Cancer is losing their hair. When the treatment kills cancer cells, it kills healthy hair cells right along with it. But for many women it doesnt have to happen. Theres a technique called cold caps. Used for decades in europe but almost unknown here. These brave women took us along their journey to save their hair and with it, they say, their identity. This one takes an hour. Reporter theres nothing unusual about the chemotherapy drugs marinel wolfe is getting you want to do your chin strap . Reporter whats unusual is on her head. A cold cap chilled with dry ice to 30 below. As it warms, a new one is strapped on tightly every 20 to 30 minutes. This goes on for eight hours. Its not really pain. It is an overall feeling of i just want this off my head. Reporter in the most recent study roughly 66 of women kept more than half of their hair. Doctors have different ideas about why it works. One theory is that it constricts blood flow, keeping the chemo from reaching the scalp. Another is that it freezes many of the hair follicles and the chemo is simply shut out. Is it working . It is working. I have the majority of my hair. The oncologist told me this morning that i would have been completely bald had i not used the cold cap. Reporter she gets moral yes, thats me. We are together on this journey. Why is maintaining your hair important to a woman . I think it gives you a sense of control. It gives you a piece of dignity. Reporter it doesnt work for all chemo drugs or for cancers carried through the blood like leukemia. There are concerns that blocking the chemotherapy could let cancer spread to the scalp. The women who choose to do the cold cap are really reporter dr. Tessa seigler is an oncologist at new yorks weil cornel Breast Cancer center. Our opinion is that the risks are very, very small if any. Reporter seigler sees two good effects. One for patients. I think some of it is a look good feel good. Reporter the other effect for doctors and how they respond to women who still have their hair. Weve been surprised at how our interactions are a little bit different. In what sense . For sure. Reporter using these caps can cost a patient several thousand dollars out of pocket because they are rented by the month. This version circulates coolant through one cap. It is far less available since it must be leased by hospitals. Users then pay by the treatment. Called dignicap, it received approval by the food and Drug Administration last december. But neither is reimbursed by insurance. San francisco helped to found hair to stay, for women who cant afford the cold caps. Their organization has offset the cost for more than 170 women. I think that insurance needs to step in here and to level the playing field. How does that feel . Nice and snug . It feels good, yes. Reporter in new jersey susan melchian demonstrated the dignicaps for us. She decided it was worth the no price on beating cancer. I can go out and just be who i am and not have the Breast Cancer define me. What does that mean, not have the Breast Cancer define me . Not live the cancer but live going through the struggle or the treatment of it. And coming out the other end and being fine. Extraordinary women. All the women we spoke to for this story, doctors and patients, stressed the importance of awareness. There canbe hefty outofpocket costs. But women cant even make the choice if they dont know about it. This treatment option and most doctors are not talking about. Im happy to report that my wife marinel had her last chemo four months ago. Look at her hair. It looked that good through the the cbs overnight news will be right back. Im here in bristol, virginia. And now. Im in bristol, tennessee. On this side of the road is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. No matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. Im in tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. And now im in virginessee. See how much you could save on Car Insurance. I had frequent heartburn, but. My doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. Just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours and zero heartburn, its been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 . Music . Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Ky intense. Bryan cranston is one of the most highly acclaimed actors in hollywood. But his big break came later in his career. Cranston landed his first leading role at age 50, playing walter white on breaking bad. He followed that tough act with even more success. A story for 60 minutes. [ crowd chapting bryan ] reporter Bryan Cranston was born and raised in los angeles and had been a familiar face here for decades but never a star. That officially changed three years ago when the Hollywood Chamber of commerce embedded his name in the sidewalk. I have often walked down this street before. . But the pavement never held my star before . . All at once im three stories where it lives . Reporter since then its only gotten better. At age 60 he is on hollywoods alist and a red carpet regular. And no one was more surprised than cranston. I didnt feel entitled to become a star. I didnt expect it. Did you want it . Not really. The things you want professionally are opportunities. And through my good fortune thats whats happened. Reporter and when it came late in his career, cranston knocked it out of the park. Maybe you and i could partner up. You want to cook crystal meth . Thats right. When we first started, we were just telling a story and trying to do our best. And it just started to steamroll and became this juggernaut. Did you see it coming . No. Not at all. Chemistry is reporter i story now. A meek and depressed High School Chemistry teacher with terminal cancer cooks up a scheme to make and market a superior grade of methamphetamine to provide a nest egg for his family after hes gone. But over the course of five seasons walter white goes from milquetoast to murderous in order to survive. I was just infused with ideas, and i would dream about it and wake up and go oh, i have another idea about walter white. You clearly dont know who youre talking to. I am the danger. Reporter it was cranstons first real opportunity to show what he could do as an actor. Run. Reporter the result was new respect and a closet full of emmys. When the show finally ended, he saw it as a new beginning and an opportunity to try something completely different. It had been years since cranston had performed on stage, yet he decided to sign on with a Theater Company in boston that was doing a new play called all the way, about lyndon johnson, a very complicated character. It had to be an amazing challenge. I mean, why did you do it . It was shakespearean in size, and i thought, whoo, boy, thats a big bite to take and it scares me a little bit, so lets do it. Reporter and there were reasons to be scared. I realized, oh, my god, this is an enormous play and its almost all me. And i started to panic. It is all or nothing. Reporter but in boston and later on broadway and after that a film version for hbo, his performance was so on the mark let us begin. Reporter you had to remind yourself it was cranston and not johnson. Now, i love you more than my own daddy. But if you get in my way ill crush you. Look at that. Look at the size of those ears. Reporter after winning a tony award, broadways highest honor, he topped it off with an oscarnominated performance in the film trumbo. Well, well. Thats quite a run. Surprising. For an old journeyman actor. Got a few clips to show you oh, yes . Okay. Roll it. What the hell is wrong with you . Reporter cranston has been a working actor since his mid 20s. Oh, yeah. Very sweet. Reporter beginning with a part on the soap opera loving. That attraction is our business. All right . Reporter and after theres been everything from the sublime to the ridiculous. Good guys, bad guys. Hes dead im sorry, we did everything we could. Reporter and sometimes parts so small even cranstons forgotten them. Wis women on the moon. Five minutes for the widow. You ended up on the cutting room floor. Thats why youve never seen it. Amazon women on the moon. Who could forget . Who wants to remember is a better question actually. But i promised myself reporter in all there have been nearly 150 roles, not counting the early commercials that helped pay the bills. Now you can relieve inflamed hemorrhoidal tissue with the oxygen action of preparation h. Oxygen action. Do you think youve grown as an actor since then . No, but my hemorrhoid has grown. Reporter there were guest spots on just about every show on television. Seinfeld. Jerry. Hey, tim. Reporter as jerrys smarmy dentist dr. Tim wadley. Cheryl, would you ready the nitrous oxide, please . It was like going to comedy boot camp for me being on that show. Reporter and comedy proved to be something that Bryan Cranston was very good at. . I just want to celebrate . . Another day of living . It led to his breakout role in the widely acclaimed series malcolm in the middle. As hal, the hapless father dysfunctional family. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Theres something we have to talk about. He was insecure, you know, not in charge. Hello. He took brain vacations often. . Reporter malcolm earned cranston a modicum of fame, three emmy nominations and a reputation as an actor who was willing to do anything. Those are real bees . Yeah, those are real bees. Animal. Control. Reporter and yes, he got stung. Where were you stung . In the lower region. In one of he boys down below. Sensitive spot. Very sensitive. The beekeeper went, sorry. Ill help you anywhere else but that. Sorry. You are going to get up and reporter he did seven seasons on malcolm and hated to see it go. But the shows cancelln moment. Had malcolm in the middle been picked up i would not have been available for the pilot of breaking bad. Right now someone else would be sitting in this chair talking to you. Not me. To watch the full report go to cbsnews. Com and click on 60 minutes. Golfing great tiger woods is speaking out about returning to the sport in a rare interview. Woods has been struggling to come back after a series of injuries. He spoke to charlie rose on his pbs program. When do you think youre going to come back . Im hoping to come back in december. You are . You believe you can do that . Youll be ready . So withdrawing from safeway and competing there. More hard work. More hard work. There it is. A win for the ages. Here is whats interesting about you more than any golfer any athlete i know. Its not just you. Its us. We cant let you go. I mean, theres a sense that we never aw, you care . Yes. But there is a sense that we never understood how it was to be so brilliant on a golf course. We didnt get how one could be we didnt understand how you could lose that either. Youve thought about that. Of course, charlie. I miss being out there. I miss competing. I miss mixing it up with the boys and coming down the stretch you like being tiger woods. I like beating those guys. And thats what i thats why i practiced all those hours, is to be ready to take on those guys down the stretch. Do i miss it . Absolutely. 100 . And b years old, im the first one to admit i cant do the things i used to be able to do. But most people cant at my age versus when they were younger. I have to find different ways to go about it. You have to find other ways to win . Yes, i do. But im naturally a tactician. Even when i was hitting the ball long and blowing over the top of bunkers that was the strategy. And so i used my mind and then eventually the method i used allowed me to master my craft. But thats why the mind is so important. You used your mind. Father, i assume. Correct. You learned mental toughness. You learned how to win. You still have that. Oh, yeah. That part hasnt left me. I know how to get it done. I just need to get into position to get it done. God, tiger some have said to be tiger woods was both a gift and a burden. How was it a burden . Its a burden in the sense anonymity that was lost. If you look back, the only regret i have in life is not spending another year at stanford. I wish i would have had thats the only regret . Thats the only regret i wish i had. Of all the things thats happened to you . All the things ive learned. Thats been all the things ive been through are tough, yes. But theyve been great for me. Captioning funded by cbs it is friday, october 21st, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Hillary is she got kicked off the watergate commission. Its amazing im up here after donald. I didnt think he would be okay with a peaceful transition of power. Hillary clinton and donald trump trade jabs at a Catholic Charity event and unlike the debate, they shook hands afterwards. And stealing government

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