They want to know that there is today president obama saw for himself some of the flooding damage in louisiana. The floods left tens of thousands of homes damaged or destroyed. The number of people killed. At least 13. Im reporter president obama walked through a devastated neighborhood in louisiana urging victims to apply for federal aid. While acknowledging a full recovery will require more. Federal assistance alone is not going to be enough to make peoples lives whole again. Im asking every american to do what you can to help get families and local businesses back on their feet. Reporter the president s visit came as he face someday criticism over his own response. Donald trump toured the disaster area and blasted president obama for not cutting short his new england vacation to do the same. I guarantee you, nobody on this block, none of those First Responders, nobody gives a hoot whether youre a democrat or republican. What they care about is making sure theyre getting the drywall out and the carpet out and theres not any mold building. Reporter the number of registrations for Emergency Assistance continues to rise. Now at more than including that of amy is that samuel cave in nearby denim springs. We have a newborn on the way. Thanksgiving day. We dont know where were going to bring him. Reporter volunteers helping them sort through few things they might be able to save. It is heart warming seeing everybody come, of course know but your whole world is gone. All the baby things, everything is gone. Reporter nearly every single home in this subdivision the of flood damage. Fema has already approved 127 million in immediate aid. The president said he may urge congress to pass long term this help. Terrorism is being investigated as a possible motive in a weekend knife attack in virginia. Federal agents want to find out whether the suspect might have been inspired by isis. The blue ridge mountains, people in Roanoke County say they never expected an isis inspired attack here. The fbi is now investigating a gruesome stabbing at this apartment complex. They have charged this person in the attack on a man and woman this weekend. I looked down and saw blood all over the railing. Steps, under those steps, was a knife. A butcher knife. About eight or ten inches on the blade, covered in blood. Reporter the roanoke chief said the person jumped the couple. Went up all three flights of stairs and into the victims apartment. Reporter and shouting . However many times that happened. Reporter it means god is the greatest and often perpetrators during islamist inspired attacks. They say wasil faruqi may have attempted to cross into syria to isis. For some reason he was unsuccessful and returned to the u. S. The male stabbing victim has been released from the hospital. They hope the female will be released later this week. He is being held without bond. In afghanistan, a u. S. Soldier was killed. Another wounded by a roadside bomb in helmand province. The americans were helping afghan troops trying to retake the area from the taliban. This is the second u. S. Combat death in afghanistan this year. Once again the sentence in a Sexual Assault case is being criticized as too light. The accused, a former High School Athlete in western massachusetts, will any time behind bars. Michelle miller is following the case. Reporter according to documents in the case, 18yearold david becker assaulted two unconscious females at a friends house party in i am a. The victims said all three were drinking and fell asleep in an upstairs bedroom. Later that morning, victim number one said she awoke to find her pants and underwear down to her thighs. She told police at no time did that becker assaulted her, too, that night. The next day, victim number one says becker texted her, just wanted you to know that i am really sorry. She applied to him, dont even worry about it. Its all good. She told authorities that she did not know what else to say. Becker was charged with two counts of rape and faced the possibility of two years in prison. The judge sentenced him to two years probation. No jail time. Beckers attorney defended the sentence sayi mistakes when we were 17, 18, 19 years old and we shouldnt be branded for life for a felony offense and branded a sex offender. But the judges decision has been widely criticized for being too lenient. Laurie levinson is a la professor. I think there is a strong outcry. Theres a perception among the public that were not taking these cases seriously enough. Were not protecting the women. Carla martin was classmates other people, other victims of Sexual Assault, if they Say Something no, justice is going to happen. Reporter a spokesman for the d. A. s office said one of the accusers said in her victim impact statement that she didnt believe jail time was necessary. Court watchers say neither of the accusers were flenl court may have been a factor in the judges decision. Coming defending the skyrocketing price of a life saving allergy treatment. And later, a First Responders remarkable recovery from a face transplant. This pimples gonna last forever. Aw comon. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. Someones hacked all our technology. Technology. Say, have you seen all the Amazing Technology in geicos mobile app . Mobile app . Look. Electronic id cards, emergency roadside service, i can even submit a claim. Wow. Yep, geicos mobile app works like a charm. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. . Music . New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Ky intense. I asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual. He said sure. But dont get just any one. Rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. And oralb delivers a clinically proven superior clean versus sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels super clean oralb. Know youre getting a superior clean. Im never going back to a manual brush. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. Members of congress are asking to know why the prices are skyrocketing. As weve reported, the price has gone up by nearly 500 . She was going into anaphylactic shock. Their daughter ellie almost the price of the injectors soared over seven years ago from about 100 for a two pack to over 600 today. All of it for a drug that delivers just one or 2 of the life saving hormone. It became a virtual monopoly after mylan took a similar product off the market. Theyre the good guy. They have one product where theyre starting to make money and every one is going crazy over it. Indictment for securities fraud. He was heavily criticized for his 5,000 like of the malaria and hiv drug. Today, he defended mylan. These are life saving drugs. People dont have a choice whether they buy them. It is 300. My iphone is 700. But you dont need an iphone to exist. That doesnt matter. Insured. In a statement they said they are quote, committed to working with customers and payers to find solutions to meet the needs of the patience and families they serve. Today companys stock fell 5 . Thank you. Still ahead, one year after a double hand transplant. Zion harvey has big plans for the future. What are you doing right now . Making a cake ayla reminds me of like a master chef and emiana reminds me of like a monster chef. Uh oh. I dont see cake, i just see mess. Its like awful. It feels like i am not actually cleaning it up whats that make mommy do . doorbell whats that . Swiffer wetjet. Woah. Wow. Now i feel more like making a mess is part of growing up. Stop cleaning. Start swiffering. . Your heart loves omega3s. But theres a difference between the omega3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Which makes your heart, well, megahappy. Happier still, megared is proven to increase omega3 levels in 30 days. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. Its the Little Things in life that make me smile. Spending the day with my niece. I dont use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Even well fitting dentures let in food particles. Just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles not about keeping my dentures in, its about keeping the food particles out. Try super poligrip free. Washingtons governor declared an emergency in 20 counties in the eastern part of the state because of wildfires that have been burning since the weekend. Many acres and homes have been destroyed near spokane. More than 30es throughout the west. One of the most familiar faces in television died today. Steven hill. For ten years he played the curmudgeonly District Attorney on law and order. And heres a bit of tv trif. I cant he was the original leader of the Mission Impossible team, replaced after season one, by peter graves. Steven hill was 94. Well, this looked like a scene out of a disaster movie. Thousands of people running capital, seemingly in a panic. Were told these were pokemon go players trying on catch one of the rarest characters, snore lax. And if none of this makes sense to you, we suggest contacting the nearest kid or millennial to explain it. Speaking of kids, 9yearold zion harvey showed off the progress hes made since undergoing a double hand transplant one year ago. He lost his hands and feet to infection when he was 2. Three weeks ago he threw out the ceremonial first pitch at an orioles game. Whats next for him . Convince mom to let me play football. Not sure if mom is on board that but you wouldnt want to bet against little guy. Coming up next, well check in on the recipient of another we end with a new beginning for an american hero. Mississippi firefighter pat was 27 in 2001 when the roof of a Burning House collapsed on him. There was no recognition. Jimmy neil remembers seeing his friend right after the accident. I have never seen anyone burned that bad that was alive. Reporter he battled pain, stares from strangers and a loss of hope. But one year ago, doctors at nyu Medical Center replaced his face with that of a 26yearold cycling accident victim named david. Im just an average guy walking down the they can tell something has happened but they would never think that ive had a face transplant. Have you ever been so happy to be ignored . No. It is almost unbelievable to me that we can do this. The head of Plastic Surgery dr. Rodriguez told him he had a 50 50 chance of surviving the surgery which took 26 hours. Although we add chin bone, the cheekbones and the nasal bones, the remaining portions of his facial skeleton are what build his face. His children. His underlying bone structure is like a scaffolding . Correct. His oldest daughter allison wondered why do it at all. Until she said goodbye to her dad just before the operation. He said, i wont have to wear a ball cam and i wont have to wear my sunglasses. Ill look normal when i get to walk you down the aisle. That right then pretty much sealed the deal for me. Normal has it wasnt. Normal was something i never thought i would see again. And normal never felt so special. Cbs news, new york. And thats the overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new this is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. The zika continues to spread through florida. Governor rick scott announced five new cases of the virus have been confirmed and all have come from mosquito bites. In the miami neighborhood of winwood at the center of the outbreak. But one other case was 265 miles away near tampa bay. Meanwhile, the governor is coming under fire from miamis mayor for the way he is handling the crisis. With the zika threat, you have pregnant women in florida considering relocating. Going somewhere else. Some have decided to do so. You have businesses like those in south beach who are worried with what the threat will do to pitch far the biggest headline has been the sizzling political feud between the mayor of miami beach and floridas governor. What the governor did, he not only blind sided me. For the third day in a row, the mayor took aim at Florida Governor rick scott. For failing to tell city leaders about zika cases on miami beach before he notified the public. I think it would be more useful in the public to let the elected administration know whats going on so we can take necessary steps. Governor scott fired back. I reached out to mayor levine and he didnt return my phone call. Two tourist areas in miamidade county. The winwood neighborhood and south beach are home to at least 37 locally transmitted zika cases. Katrina bernards third child is due in december. This isnt a cold. It is life or death. Outside the zika zones, she is scared to leave her home. What has instilled that fear . Seeing all these poor babies with micro krefly and seeing women have to make the choice to either not continue their pregnancy or to just be dealt a really hard hand. There are 69 pregnant we will in the state of florida who have been infected with zika. The disease has been linked to babies born with micro cephaly and can impact the size of a childrens head, causing seizures, developmental delays and additional mental and physical problems. You cant keep mosquito in addition box. She is also from the miami area. But earlier this month she relocated to chicago and she mans to stay there for the remainder of her pregnancy. You just inconvenience yourself so your baby is safe. Should we get a storm here, standing water after the storm transmitting the zika virus. Here in south beach, they will fine you for standing water. Even a little bit. Because mosquitos can breed in Something Like this, a bottle cap. More trouble on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton. An investigation by the Associated Press shows that while clinton was secretary of state, more than half the people outside of government who met with her ended up donating money to the Clinton Foundation. Nearly two dozen donated more than a Million Dollars each. Thoughot give impression that donating to the Clinton Foundation was the price of admission for access to the secretary of state. Meanwhile, the start has been ordered to release another 15,000 emails from clintons personal server. They were turned up during an fbi investigation. Clinton aides say they dont know what is in these 15,000 emails and documents recovered from her servers by the fbi. Or how the lawyers missed them when they said they turned over 2014. On late night tv, she tried to make light of what has become a serious liability. Weve already released, i dont know, 30,000 plus. So whats a few more . Clinton tried to use humor. Have you considered using face time instead of email . Actually, actually, i think thats really good trump and his supporters didnt find it that funny. Now we learned about another 15,000 moise she failed to turn over and theyve just been discovered. On jimmy kimmel live, clinton tackled a trump attack. Take my pulse while im talking to you. Make sure im alive. Trump and his allies have repeatedly insinuated she is unwell. Physical stamina. Clintons doctors say she is in excellent health. It is part of the wacky strategy. Say all these crazy things and maybe you can get some people to believe you. Trump used the same approach to go after clintons charity on monday. The Clinton Foundation constitutes a clear example of racketeering, influence, corrupt organization enterprise. He insisted got faefrs from the Clinton State Department and he called for a special prosecutor. Criminality. Everybody knows it. The state department said, it is not true. We have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the Clinton Foundation that werent completely above board. The form he president bill clinton did announce yesterday that he will stop raising money for the foundation, and step down from the board if his wife resisted some calls for them to shut down all together if she wins. They say that would deprive millions of people around the world of life saving medical treatments. Donald trump has canceled several Campaign Appearance this is week where he was expected to outline his new immigration policy. Donald trump denies what appears to be a clear move away from mass deportations. The best clue . Trump doesnt talk about it anymore and neither does anyone paid to speak on his behalf. What presidency would mean to an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u. S. Were going to build a wall, folks. Donald trump clung to that applause line like a rhetorical life raft in akron, ohio, amid muddy this calls to deport all undocumented u. S. Residents. He now talks of deporting only hardened criminals and and when i win, well get rid of all the bad ones. As far as everybody else, well go through the process. Trump would not say what that process was or how would it work but no longer insists it includes raids, arrests and lengthy deportation proceedings. You dont have to put them in a detention center. Im not going to do that. An Advisory Council informed trump of the logistics tied to deportations. Now he is dialing things back while simultaneously wooing minority voters. It is a disaster the way africanamericans are living in many cases, and in many cases, the way hispanics are living. I say it with such a deep felt feeling. What do you have to lose . Trump described a world of squalor and hopelessness offering himself as a potential savior. Countries that were fighting, and it is safer than living in some of our inner cities. These days. You are buying finish these days. I got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. Really . You should try it. Unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. Its unique powerball takes on anything. I used to blame the weather for my frizz. Turns out my curls needed to be stronger to fight back. Pantenes prov formula makes my curls so strong they can dry practically frizz free. Because strong is beautiful. Ugh, this pimples gonna last forever. Oh come on. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom wont walk in on you forever. Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen see what im sayin acne wont last. But for now, lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. This back to school, limited time offer the Smithsonians National museum of africanamerican culture opens next month. And they were intent on finding a slave ship to put on display. The trouble is that none exists except at the bottom of the sea. Mozambique island defies the erosion of time. The portuguese colonist whos claimed it 500 years ago would still find the cut of the cloth that borrows the wind as familiar as the cut of the stone that framed their city. He came to this capital of the slave trade because he was new National Museum on the remains of a ship. I thought it wouldnt be hard. I called museums around the world and said, look, you must have some things. You must know where i can get some materials. Everybody said no. Almost every slave ship was at the end of its life so it is probably on the ocean floor. Then i got scared i thought i wont be able to find this. Mozambique island rises off the ocean south of the equator. It was one oe was called the triangular trade. Goods from europe to africa. Cotton, gold and tobacco back to the old. In the 1400s, the portuguese are the first europeans to trade in slaves and they became the largest. Followed by the english, french, spanish and dutch. On Mozambique Island, the portuguese built a fortress that they called st. Sebastian for captured, chained and martyred it was the only they know the portuguese trailed to grasp. When you look at the enormous effort that went into building this fort, they were protecting something that was hugely valuable to them. They recognized that the key to their future as nations was economic prosperity. They oversaw the of more than 400,000 slaves. He was certain there had to be evidence of a ship and he soon discovered, he was not the only one looking. He found a group of researchers calling themselves the slave reps project and they were following a lead. What do we final here . A very interesting thing. He is a mozambiquan archaeologist helping to locate used to put slaves inside, to put them out of the island as well. Reporter under the old portuguese town, tunnels connected holding pins. They preferred to keep slaves in transit out of sight. How were these slaves captured . Some individuals specialize in the capturing slaves. So they would raid villages far from here. And they walked them in chains from there to here a on the way. So these were africans capturing jampbs. Yes. It was not only a business for the portuguese. Also for some of the local chiefs as well. Those local chiefs came to this auction house to sell captives to european clients. A male in the late 18th century, early 19th century, would go anywhere from 600 to 1,500. 9,000 to 15,000 today. This was incredibly lucrative. In the years before the civil war, the. A money invested in slaves was more than the amount invest in the rail roads, banks and businesses combined. This was the economic engine of europe and the united states. By the time you got here the slaves marched from the auction ramp, down the ship. You had almost an assembly line. You bring people, you sell people, you would move them on to the boats and off to the new world. What does black america need to hear in your estimation from the echoes off these steps . I think all americans need recognize that as tragic and horrible as slavery was, as big an economic shadow as it casts, the one thing it didnt do was i wish that all of us were as strong as the people who walked down those steps and got on those boats. Were wading out into the tidal flats. If lonnie was to find his slave ship, he would need steve, the cofounder of the slave project. He is an an throw apologist from George Washington university who believes that slavery is the greatest story in maritime archaeology. Think about the way in which computers n our lives. It is not just, it doesnt affect just the computing industry. Everything is interlinked and depends on this. And the slave trade in its time was truly the equivalent. It reached into and influenced and created the modern world. Even so, it is not likely much has survived centuries under the sea. Were not talking about a hull that youll find down there we dont find intact ships. We find parts of ships. You have to go underneath the water, at some difficulty, find pieces, try to put them back together and put together story that you can. The story he was searching for wasnt discovered underneath the water. His ship was lost in the dry official records of cape town, south africa, which reach back to the 1600 the slave x project had been diving into these binders for months when they discovered the st. Joseph known in portuguese. It arrived in Mozambique Island in 1794. The cargo manifest records 1,500 iron bars for ballast and more than 400 slaves bound for brazil. This is a cargo sketch from a paul was an historian of slavery and curator of the smithsonian museum. Bodies and souls laid side by side with no room to move no, sanitation. Many people on these voyages died. How long was that journey . A journey like the one it took could take up to four or more months. This is slavery on industrial scale. From about 1500 through the 19th century, through the late 1800s, were talking about at least 12 million people. Off cape town, south africa, the captain of the ship was caught between a Violent Storm and a nautical chart spiked with warnings. Whittle rocks, bellows rock. The ship crashed. 212 slaves were killed. There was an investigation. They wanted to have independent verification. Interviews with survivors have survived. This is the crews account. Right here we have the captains account. And he signed his name here 220 years ago. Incredible. He said he decided to save the slaves and the people. The people are the crew. The slaves are just cargo. The investigation pinpointeded the site. In 2010, divers responding to a metal detector discovered bars of iron. One of those divers is an archaeologist with south africas museum, and his partner in founding the slave x project. He says these the iron bars we mentioned a moment ago on this ships manifest. Sand on the sea bottom of this was under the sand. So you were in how much water . About five meters of water. 15 to 20 feet of water. Thats correct. And these are two feet tunneled sand below that. Yes. It turns out, Shallow Water makes it harder. Surf tosses the divers and sand vacuumed away settles back within hours. But after more than 300 dives, this is what theyve recovered so far. These are nails that pin sheets of copper over the hull for protection. What looks like a lump of concrete is marine growth on a wooden pulley block. Similar to this one used to hoist sails and cargo. This xray shows the two white spaces where rope was threaded around the wheel. The divers discovered wood that a lab would later trace back to revealing artifact of all. Masked by two centuries under the sea, xrays show a shackle. Similar to this used to bind slaves. You can see the full report on our website. Cbs news. Com. The overnight news will be right back. I absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. Good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. With great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. Hey. Lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. Have a good one. Ah, these small new york apartments. Protect your belongings. Let geico help you . Music . New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Walks between the and u. S. Russia on ways to end the civil war in syria but an agreement cant come soon enough for the children of the besieged city of aleppo. Reporter the childs cry for her mother remains unanswered. Her only hero, a brave worker. But there is no one to save the children from the day reality of the Syrian Government backed by russia bombing its own with near impunity. Children like this whose bloodied face has become a symbol of syrias civil war. After this image was broadcast around the world. He does not scream for his mother. But sits numb with shock in an ambulance. The medic who rescued him said he has never seen a child like him. Usually when a child gets out of an air strike, theyre crying. This child didnt say a thing, he says. School. Often they cant even to go hospitals because they are also targets. Like the one shown here on the Security Camera video. The hospital that was struck in aleppo last month. And if children do make it to a medical facility, treatment is limited. Children cant overcome these serious injuries, the doctor says, because their bodies are too weak. And they are possible task of making children who have only ever known war feel safe. At least the mother and father survived the air strike. And he got away with minor cuts and bruises. But his 10yearold brother was not so lucky. He died of his injuries last night. The children of aleppo not only have to survive air strikes, no Running Water for nearly a month now. The United Nations is trying to californias blue cut fire is now contained but not before it destroyed more than 100 homes. Reporter inside a laboratory tucked away in ms. Oola, montana. Researchers are deliberately setting a wildfire. This is somethingou been able to observe with this type of experiment . Exactly. Reporter cameras capture flames from every angle to help scientists understand better how fires spread. There is an expression everyone uses in the u. S. I spreads like wildfire. But we dont even know how wildfire spreads. Reporter researchers with the u. S. Forest go Service Measure how fast plants and trees burn. It doesnt even require a flame just hot air. Reporter and they study how kit propel itself even without wind. It forms peaks and troughs. So those dips are where the fire is advancing . Thats right. And it is pushing the names down. Reporter but his Research Shows more needs to be done outside the lab to cut down on the number of large wildfires. He says the current approach of putting out every fire is not working. If we truly want to mane fire, rather than have it manage us, we need to get out there well before those fires and conditions. Reporter the Forest Service spent an unprecedented 1. 7 million that burn a record 10. 1 million acres last year. Are we making it worse . We are. By fighting these fires, we enter whats called the fire paradox. The harder you try suppress them, the worse they get. Reporter under normal out, more unburned brush is left for the next fire. He says firefighters should be intentionally setting more socalled prescribed fires to burn off excess vegetation, or simply let some natural fires burn. In a statement to cbs news, the Forest Service says it agrees managed and prescribed fires are important tools. But our today that a pass at this to complete this work is restricted by the budget which is allocated by congress. The agency says liability issues with state and local governments, as more developers push to build homes closer to fire prone areas. Fire is inevitable. If we could not convenience ourselves it is not, we have a repeat every year of the same situation. Reporter for now, scientists hope by setting these controlled fires in the lab, theyll better understand how to manage them in the forest. Carter evans, missoula, montana. Thats the overnight news for this wednesday. Continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news. From the Broadcast Center in new york city. You have to leave the country, yes or no . Also tonight, florida tries to determine if theres a new zika zone outside miami number of zika infections grows. Martin became the poster boy for drug price gouging. Now he is defending the soaring costs of life saving epi pens. And we first met pat shortly after his amazing face transplant surgery. Wait until you see him now. This is the cbs overnight donald trump is retooling his controversial immigration policy which included a vow to deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. So whats the new plan . Everyone is waiting to hear. Major garrett talked yesterday with trumps running mate, governor mike pence of indiana, about that and more. When it comes to deportations, can you explain to me Donald Trumps immigration policy . I think hes been very clear. Donald trump is going to restore strong borders, enforce our laws. He will build a wall. We are going to build a wall . First. Were going to enforce the laws on the books today. And the mechanism for how we do that. He has been very clear that well do it in a humane way. To make sure people understand that we treat people, it will be tough but fair when donald trump is president of the united states. And fair means when it comes to deportation . I think those are issues that will continue to be worked out in the days ahead. After landing in philadelphia, we asked for more detail. People who people who have run afoul of the law have to leave immediately. Got to leave immediately. The details and how we do that. Well work it out with the congress. We inquired about trumps tax returns. Pence said his were coming. Donald trump and i have both come lied about the federal brools financial disclosure. A different standard running for president and you know that, governor. They have released the returns for decades now. And i would tell you, ill be releasing my tax returns in the days ahead. How soon . And donald trump will be releasing his tax returns once the audit is over. Before the election . That i think is yet to be seen. We discussed his boast he in 2020. I think donald trump is one of the most optimistic people ive ever met in my life. That would redefine republican optimism. I dont know. Abraham lincoln was the first republican president of the united states. 95 . The truth is that the liberal policy thats Hillary Clinton has advanced, barack obama has advanced, the Democratic Party has advanced for two generations have disserved people in our major cities. One after another. And trumps latest appeal to minority voters. He said what the hell do you have to lose . Does that sound like Ronald Reagan to you . No. It sounds like donald trump. Thats what people love about him. Pence also told us he expects trump to participate in all three president ial debates and waived off his ongoing negotiations with the Debate Commission as mere formalities. He said he expects trump to win those debates and in the process, turn this election outside philadelphia tonight. And the first debate is just under five weeks away. One line of attack for trump could be the Clinton Foundation. Today Associated Press reported that more than half the nonu. S. Government people who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money to the foundation. Nobody has ever seen anything like this before. Gop Officials Join trump today in c prosecutor to look into what they say was a pay to play scheme in clintons state department. Its criminality. Everybody knows it. His accusation is based on emails, to and from top clinton aide huma abedin. They were released by judicial watch. It showed that Foundation Donors from the crown prince of bahrain to slim fast founder Danny Abraham were requested and often granted last minute meetings donors got anything beyond that. In one, abedin said she is nervous to get involved when a donor asks for help obtaining a visa to the u. S. With a british Soccer Player with a criminal charge in his background. We have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the Clinton Foundation that werent completely above board. Clintons running mate, tim kaine argued trump is the one being thrown into foreign interests. Before you go about attacking a charity, why dont you come clean about your own business dealings and tell the american peel who you are in debt to . Even without any evidence of a quid pro quo, it is the number of donors that clinton met with that is causing her some heartburn tonight. Today florida reported five more zika infections spread by mosquitos, bringing the total to 42. One of the new cases is in Pinellas County on the far north. So officials are trying on determine now whether there is a third zone with active local transmission. Reporter in miami beach, city sanitation crews spent hours looking for and vacuuming standing water. It is a breeding ground for zikacarrying mosquitos. We followed code compliance inspectors their rounds, searching for standing water. They found in it an alley at a construction site. We noticed a cement truck dripping water. The officers took action. Were going on issue a violation for creating a Health Hazard nuisance which is a thousand dollar violation. Quickly someone grabbed a broom and started sweeping. Out, let me show you this. We noticed an air conditioner unit where water is dripping. It is just a drip but look at the puddle at the bottom. Something where mosquitos would breed. The problem they have, what do you tell people . Turn off the air conditioner . It is 91 degrees on miami beach in the middle of august. He gave him a code violation and he had five days to fix leak. Erica thomas is waiting for this type of violation. Outside her high rise apartment is standing water in a construction site. Pictures to city officials, she didnt like what she was told. Tweeting my situation in winwood will be handled in 24 to 72 hours. What a joke. Do you know anything about mosquitos . Thats a long time for a lot to happen. An official in miamidade said they know about that. Theyve treated it before. And theyre going to target it again this weekend. That new case in Pinellas County, crews are going door to they want to know that there is a new cluster of cases. Today president obama saw for himself some of the flooding damage in louisiana. The floods left tens of thousands of homes damaged or destroyed. The number of people killed. At least 13. Im so sorry. Reporter president obama walked through a devastated neighborhood in louisiana urging victims to apply for federal aid. While acknowledging a full recovery will require more. Federal assistance alone is not going to be enough to make what you can to help get families and local businesses back on their feet. Reporter the president s visit came as he face someday criticism over his own response. Last friday, republican nominee donald trump toured the disaster area and blasted president obama for not cutting short his new england vacation to do the same. I guarantee you, nobody on this block, none of those First Responders, nobody gives a hoot whether youre a democrat or republican. What they care about is making sure theyre getting the drywall out and the carpet out and theres not any mold building. Reporter the number of registrations for Emergency Assistance continues to rise. Now at more than 115,000. Including that of amy is that samuel cave in nearby denim springs. We have a newborn on the way. Thanksgiving day. We dont know where were going to bring him. Reporter volunteers helping them sort through few things everybody come, of course, but your whole world is gone. All the baby things, everything is gone. Reporter nearly every single home in this subdivision the president visited has some type of flood damage. Fema has already approved 127 million in immediate aid. The president said he may urge congress to pass long term this package. Terrorism is being investigated as a possible motive in a weekend knife attack in virginia. Federal agents want to find out whether the suspect might have been inspired by isis. Reporter in the shadows of the blue ridge mountains, people expected an isis inspired attack here. The fbi is now investigating a gruesome stabbing at this apartment complex. As a possible act of terror and have charge 20yearold Wasil Farooqui in an attack on a man and woman this weekend. Angela saw it happen. I looked down and saw blood all over the railing. And then at the bottom of the a butcher knife. About eight or ten inches on the blade, covered in blood. Reporter the roanoke chief said farooqui jumped the couple at the base of this staircase. Went up all three flights of stairs and into the victims apartment. Reporter and voughting allahu akbar. However many times that happened. Reporter it means god is the greatest and often shouted by perpetrators during islamist inspired u. S. Officials say Wasil Farooqui traveled in what may have been an attempt to cross into syria to isis. For some reason he was unsuccessful and returned to the u. S. The male stabbing victim has been released from the hospital. They hope the female will be released later this week. As for farooqui, he said he was in afghanistan, a u. S. Soldier was killed. Another wounded by a roadside bomb in helmand province. The americans were helping afghan troops trying to retake the area from the taliban. This is the second u. S. Combat death in afghanistan this year. Once again the sentence in a Sexual Assault case is being criticized as too light. The accused, a former High School Athlete in western massachusetts, will not spend any time behind bars. Michelle mille case. Reporter according to documents in the case, 18yearold david becker assaulted two unconscious females at a friends house party in april. The victims said all three were drinking and fell asleep in an upstairs bedroom. Later that morning, victim number one said she awoke to find her pants and underwear down to her thighs. She told police at no time did she consent to david touching her. That becker assaulted her, too, that night. The next day, victim number one says becker texted her, just wanted you to know that i am really sorry. She applied to him, dont even worry about it. Its all good. She told authorities that she did not know what else to say. Becker was charged with two counts of rape and faced the possibility of two years in prison. The judge sentenced him to two years probation. No jail time. Beckers attorney defended the sentence sg, mistakes when we were 17, 18, 19 years old and we shouldnt be branded for life for a felony offense and branded a sex offender. But the judges decision has been widely criticized for being too lenient. Laurie levinson is a law professor. I think there is a strong outcry. Theres a perception among the public that were not taking these cases seriously enough. Were not protecting the women. Carla martin was classmates with becker. Other people, other victims of Sexual Assault, if they Say Something no, justice is going to happen. Reporter a spokesman for the d. A. s office said one of the accusers said in her victim impact statement that she didnt believe jail time was necessary. Court watchers say neither of the accusers were present in court may have been a factor in the judges decision. Michelle miller in palmer, massachusetts. Coming up next, look who is defending the skyrocketing price of a life saving allergy treatment. And later, a First Responders remarkable recovery from a face this pimples gonna last forever. Aw comon. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom wont walk in on you. Forever. Lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. Members of congress are asking to know why the prices of epi pens are skyrocketing. As weve reported, the price has gone up by nearly 500 . She was going into anaphylactic shock. Her lips turned blue. She was not able to breathe. Their daughter ellie almost died from Food Allergies twice. Soared over seven years ago from about 100 for a two pack to over 600 today. All of it for a drug that delivers just 1 or 2 of the life saving hormone. It became a virtual monopoly after mylan took a similar product off the market. Mylan is the good guy. They have one product where theyre starting to make money and every one is going crazy over it. The former head is under indictment for securities fraud. He was heavily criticized for his 5,000 like of the malaria and hiv drug. Today, he defended mylan. These are life saving drugs. People dont have a choice whether they buy them. It is 300. My iphone is 700. But you dont need an iphone it is 300 and 90 of americans insured. In a statement they said they are quote, committed to working with customers and payers to find solutions to meet the needs of the patience and families they serve. Today companys stock fell 5 . Thank you. Still ahead, one year after a double hand transplant. Zion harvey has big plans for the future. Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Ky intense. I used to blame the turns out my curls needed to be stronger to fight back. Pantenes prov formula makes my curls so strong they can dry practically frizz free. Because strong is beautiful. Get Even Stronger results with pantene expert, our most washingtons governor declared an emergency in 20 counties in the eastern part of the state because of wildfires that have been burning since the weekend. Many acres and homes have been destroyed near spokane. More than 30 fires are burning throughout the west. One of the most familiar faces in television died today. Steven hill. For ten years he played the curmudgeonly District Attorney on law and order. Heres other a bit of tv trivia. He was the original leader of the Mission Impossible team, replaced after season one by peter graves. Steven hill was 94. Well, this looked like a scene out of a disaster movie. Capital, seemingly in a panic. Were told these were pokemon go players trying on catch one of the rarest characters, snore lax. And if none of this makes sense to you, we suggest contacting the nearest kid or millennial to explain it. Speaking of kids, 9yearold zion harvey showed off the progress hes made since undergoing a double hand transplant one year ago. He lost his hands and feet to infection when he was 2. Zion is from baltimore. Three weeks ago he threw out the ceremonial first pitch at an orioles game. Whats next for him . Convince mom to let me play football. Not sure if mom is on board that but you wouldnt want to bet against little guy. Coming up next, well check in on the recipient of another we end with a new beginning for an american hero. Thanks to surgery that is nothing short of amazing. Mississippi firefighter pat was 27 in 2001 when the roof of a Burning House collapsed on him. There was no recognition. The fellow First Responder friend right after the accident. I have never seen anyone burned that bad that was alive. Reporter he battled pain, stares from strangers and a loss of hope. But one year ago, doctors at nyu Medical Center replaced his face with that of a 26yearold cycling accident victim named david. Im just an average guy walking down the street. They can tell something has happened but they would never think that ive had a transplant. Have you ever been so happy to be ignored . No. It is almost unbelievable to me that we can do this. The head of Plastic Surgery dr. Rodriguez told him he had a 50 50 chance of surviving the surgery which took 26 hours. Although we added chin bone, the cheekbones and the nasal bones, the remaining portions of his facial skeleton are what thats why he looks so similar to his children. His underlying bone structure is like a scaffolding . Correct. His oldest daughter allison wondered why do it at all. Until she said goodbye to her dad just before the operation. He said, i wont have to wear a ball cap and i wont have to wear my sunglasses. Ill look normal when i get to walk you down the aisle. That right then pretty much sealed the deal for me. Normal has become a reality. Normal was something i never thought i would see again. And normal never felt so special. Cbs news, new york. And thats the overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. This is the cbs overnight news. Welcome to the overnight news. The zika virus continues to spread through florida. Governor rick scott announced five new cases of the virus have been confirmed all four of the new infections are in the miami neighborhood of winwood at the center of the outbreak. But one other case was 265 miles away near tampa bay. Meanwhile, the governor is coming under fire from miamis mayor for the way he is handling the crisis. With the zika threat, you have pregnant women in florida considering relocating. Going somewhere else. Some have decided to do so. You have businesses like those in south beach who are worried with what the threat will do to them. This is one of the biggest but by far the biggest headline has been the sizzling political feud between the mayor of miami beach and floridas governor. What the governor did, he not only blind sided me. He blind sided our administration. For the third day in a row, the mayor took aim at Florida Governor rick scott. For failing to tell city leaders about zika cases on miami beach before he notified the public. I think it would be more useful in the public to let the elected leaders, let the administration know whats going on so we can take necessary step Governor Scott fired back. I reached out to mayor levine and he didnt return my phone call. Two tourist areas in miamidade county. The wynwood neighborhood and south beach are home to at least 37 locally transmitted zika cases. Katrina bernards third child is due in december. This isnt a cold. It is life or death. Although bernard lives scared to leave her home. What has instilled that fear . Seeing all these poor babies with microcephaly and seeing women have to make the choice to either not continue their pregnancy or to just be dealt a really hard hand. There are 69 pregnant women in the state of florida who have been infected with zika. The disease has been linked to babies born with micro cephaly and can impact the size of a childrens head, causing seizures, developmental delays and adti physical problems. You cant keep mosquito in a box. She is also from the miami area. But earlier this month she relocated to chicago and she mans to stay there for the remainder of her pregnancy. You just inconvenience yourself so your baby is safe. Reporter we are reaching the peak of hurricane season. Should we get a storm here, standing water after the storm will pose a real problem when it transmitting the zika virus. Here in south beach, they will fine you for standing water. Even a little bit. Because mosquitos can breed in Something Like this, a bottle cap. More trouble on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton. An investigation by the Associated Press shows that while clinton was secretary of state, more than half the people outside of government who met with her ended up donating money to the Clinton Foundation. Nearly two dozen donated more than a Million Dollars each. Give impression that donating to the Clinton Foundation was the price of admission for access to the secretary of state. Meanwhile the state department has been ordered to release another 15,000 emails from clintons personal server. They were turned up during an fbi investigation. Clinton aides say they dont know what is in these 15,000 emails and documents recovered from her servers by the fbi. Or how the lawyers missed them when they said they turned over all her workrelated email in on late night tv, she tried to make light of what has become a serious liability. Weve already released, i dont know, 30,000 plus. So whats a few more . Clinton tried to use humor. Have you considered using face time instead of email . Actually, actually, i think thats really good advice. Trump and his supporters didnt find it that funny. Now we learned about another 15,000 emails she failed to turn over and theyve just been discovered. On jimmy kimmel live, clinton tackled a trump attack. Take my pulse while im talking to you. Make sure im alive. Trump and his allies have repeatedly insinuated she is unwell. She also lacks the mental and clintons doctors say she is in excellent health. It is part of the wacky strategy. Say all these crazy things and maybe you can get some people to believe you. Trump used the same approach to go after clintons charity on monday. The Clinton Foundation constitutes a clear example of racketeering, influence, corrupt organization enterprise. He insisted foundation owners got favors from the Clinton State Department and he called for a special prosecutor. Criminality. Everybody knows it. The state department said, it is not true. We have seen no evidence of any behavior, any relations with the Clinton Foundation that werent completely above board. The former president bill clinton did announce yesterday that he will stop raising money for the foundation, and step down from the board if his wife is elected president. Resisted some calls for them to shut down all together if she wins. They say that would deprive millions of people around the world of life saving medical treatments. Donald trump has canceled several Campaign Appearance this is week where he was expected to outline his new immigration policy. Donald trump denies what appears to be a clear move away from mass deportations. The best clue . Trump doesnt talk about it anymore and neither does anyone paid to speak on his behalf. What is unclear is w presidency would mean to an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u. S. Were going to build a wall, folks. Donald trump clung to that applause line like a rhetorical life raft in akron, ohio, amid muddy explanations to deport all undocumented residents. Felons. The first thing well do if and when i win, well get rid of all the bad ones. As far as everybody else, well go through the process. Trump would not say what that process was or how would it work but no longer insists it includes raids, arrests and lengthy deportation proceedings. You dont have to put them in a detention center. Im not going to do that. An Advisory Council informed trump of the logistics tied to mass deportations. While simultaneously wooing minority voters. It is a disaster the way africanamericans are living in many cases, and in many cases, the way hispanics are living. I say it with such a deep felt feeling. What do you have to lose . Trump described a world of offering himself as a potential savior. You can to go war zones, in countries that were fighting, and it is safer than living in some of our inner cities. And those in megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Which makes your heart, well, megahappy. Happier still, megared is proven to increase omega3 levels in 30 days. The difference is easy to absorb. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness lysol. Start healthing. . Yeah, click . Lets feed him to the sharks squuuuack, lets feed him to the sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, its what you do. The Smithsonians National museum of africanamerican history and culture opens next month. And they were intent on finding a slave ship to put on display. The trouble is that none exists except at the bottom of the sea. Erosion of time. The portuguese colonists who claimed it 500 years ago would still find the cut of the cloth that borrows the wind as familiar as the cut of the stone that framed their city. He came to this capital of the slave trade because he was determined to launch americas new National Museum on the i thought it wouldnt be hard. I called museums around the world and said, look, you must have some things. You must know where i can get some materials. Everybody said no. Almost every slave ship was at the end of its life so it is probably on the ocean floor. Then i got scared. I thought i wont be able to find this. Mozambique island rises off the ocean south of the equator. It was one of the points in what was called t goods from europe to africa. Slaves to the new world. Cotton, gold and tobacco back to the old. In the 1400s, the portuguese are the first europeans to trade in slaves and they became the largest. Followed by the english, french, spanish and dutch. On Mozambique Island, the portuguese built a fortress that they called st. Sebastian for captured, chained and murdered in rome in 208. It was the only they know the portuguese trailed to grasp. When you look at the enormous effort that went into building this fort, they were protecting something that was hugely valuable to them. They recognized that the key to their future as nations was economic prosperity. They oversaw the trafficking of more than 400,000 slaves. He was certain there had to be evidence of a ship and he soon discovered, he was not the only one looking. He found a group of researchers calling themselves the slave x project and they were following a lead. What do we final here . He is a mozambiquan archaeologist helping to locate the beginning of the story. This is a tunnel that was used to put slaves inside, to put them out of the island as well. Reporter under the old portuguese town, tunnels connected holding pins. The devout portuguese preferred to keep slaves in transit out of sight. How were these slaves captured . Some individuals specialize in the capturing slaves. So they would raid villages far from here. And they walked them in chains from there to here and lots died on the way. So these were africans capturing africans. Yes. It was not only a business for the portuguese. Also for some of the local chiefs as well. Those local chiefs came to this auction house to sell captives to european clients. A male in the late 18th century, early 19th century, would go anywhere from 600 to 1,500. 9,000 to 15,000 today. This was incredibly lucrative. In the years before the civil war, the amount of money invested in slaves was more than the amount invest in the rail roads, banks and businesses combined. This was the economic engine of europe and the united states. By the time you got here the slaves marched from the auction ramp, down here and to the ship. Almost an assembly line. You bring people, you sell people, you would move them on to the boats and off to the new world. What does black america need to hear in your estimation from the echoes off these steps . I think all americans need recognize that as tragic and horrible as slavery was, as big an economic shadow as it casts, strip people of their humanity. I wish that all of us were as strong as the people who walked down those steps and got on those boats. Were wading out into the tidal flats. If lonnie was to find his slave ship, he would need steve, the cofounder of the slave project. He is an an throw apologist from George Washington university who believes that slavery is the greatest story in maritime archaeology. Think about the way in which computers nowadays affect all of our lives. It is not just, it doesnt affect just the computing industry. Everything is interlinked and depends on this. And the slave trade in its time was truly the equivalent. It reached into and influenced and created the modern world. Even so, it is not likely much has survived centuries hull that youll find down there and masts and all of that that you would imagine. We dont find intact ships. We find parts of ships. You have to go underneath the water, at some difficulty, find pieces, try to put them back together and put together story that you can. The story he was searching for wasnt discovered underneath the water. His ship was lost in the dry official records of cape town, south africa, which reach back to the 1600s. The slave x project had been diving into these binders for months when they discovered the st. Joseph known in portuguese. It arrived in Mozambique Island in 1794. The cargo manifest records 1,500 iron bars for ballast and more than 400 slaves bound for this is a cargo sketch from a different but typical ship. Paul was an historian of slavery and curator of the smithsonian museum. Bodies and souls laid side by side with no room to move, no sanitation. Many people on these voyages died. How long was that journey . A journey like the one it took could take up to four or more months. This is slavery on a global, industrial scale. From about 1500 through the 19th century, through the late 1800s, were talking about at least 12 million people. Off cape town, south africa, the captain of the ship was caught between a Violent Storm warnings. Whittle rocks, bellows rock. The ship crashed. 212 slaves were killed. And because money had been lost, there was an investigation. They wanted to have independent verification. Interviews with survivors have survived. This is the crews account. Right here we have the captains account. And he signed his name here 220 years ago. Incredible. He said he decided to save the slaves and the people. The people are the crew. The slaves are just cargo. The 200yearold investigation pinpointedhe site. In 2010, divers responding to a metal detector discovered bars of iron. One of those divers is an archaeologist with south africas museum, and his partner in founding the slave x project. He says these the iron bars we mentioned a moment ago on this ships manifest. So you were excavating the sand on the sea bottom of this was under the sand. So you were in how much water . About five meters of water. 15 to 20 feet of water. Thats correct. And these are two feet tunneled sand below that. Yes. It turns out, Shallow Water makes it harder. Surf tosses the divers and sand vacuumed away settles back within hours. But after more than 300 dives, this is what theyve recovered so far. T sheets of copper over the hull for protection. What looks like a lump of concrete is marine growth on a wooden pulley block. Similar to this one used to hoist sails and cargo. This xray shows the two white spaces where rope was threaded the divers discovered wood that a lab would later trace back to mozambique. And this may be the most revealing artifact of all. Masked by two centuries under the sea, xrays show a shackle. Similar to this used to bind slaves. You can see the full report on our website. Cbs news. Com. The overnight news will be right back. Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. A stimulating gel that takes her pleasure to new heights. Ky intense. We certainly are lucky because our inlaws moved in with us. So great. Those are moms. Yes, they are. And our Adult Children are being savvy with rent, so theyre here too. Mom, were out of peanut butter. So we switched to tide now, we get three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. Has anybody seen my pants . I found em ellen put those on, dad lasts up to two times longer tide, number one rated. Ugh, this pimples gonna last forever. Oh come on. Clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. And acne wont last forever. Just like your mom wont walk in on you forever. Stephen Stephen Stephen see what im sayin acne wont last. But for now, lets be clear. Clearasil works fast. This back to school, get clearer skin for free. Limited time offer in stores now. These days. You are buying finish these days. I got a new dishwasher and they recommend finish. Really . You should try it. Unlike cascade gel, finish has active cleaning enzymes. Its unique powerball takes on anything. Choose finish. Russia on ways to end the civil war in syria but an agreement cant come soon enough for the children of the besieged city of aleppo. Reporter the childs cry for her mother remains unanswered. Her only hero, a brave worker. But there is no one to save the children from the daily reality of the Syrian Government backed by russia bombing its own people with near impunity bloodied face has become a symbol of syrias civil war. After this image was broadcast around the world. He does not scream for his mother. But sits numb with shock in an ambulance. The medic who rescued him said he has never seen a child like him. Usually when a child gets out of an air strike, theyre crying. These children cannot go to school. Often they cant even to go hospitals because they are also targets. Like the one shown here on the Security Camera video. The hospital that was struck in aleppo last month. And if children do make it to a medical facility, treatment is children cant overcome these serious injuries, the doctor says, because their bodies are too weak. And parents are faced with the Impossible Task of making children who have only ever known war, feel safe. At least the mother and father survived the air strike. And he got away with minor cuts and bruises. But his 10yearold brother was not so lucky. He died of his injuries last night. The children of aleppo not only have to survive air strikes, no food access and no access to Running Water for nearly a month now. Negotiate a 48hour truce so californias blue cut fire is now contained but not before it destroyed more than 100 homes. A new technique to battle the flames. Reporter inside a laboratory tucked away in missoula, montana, researc a deliberately setting a wildfire. This is something youve only been able to observe with this type of experiment . Exactly. Reporter cameras capture flames from every angle to help scientists understand better how fires spread. There is an expression everyone uses in the u. S. It spreads like wildfire. But we dont even know how wildfire spreads. Reporter researchers with the u. S. Forest Service Measure how fast plants and trees burn. It doesnt even require a flame to ignite. No. Just hot air. Reporter and they study how wind. Show motion video shows how it forms peaks and troughs. So those dips are where the fire is advancing . Thats right. And it is pushing the names down. Reporter but his Research Shows more needs to be done outside the lab to cut down on the number of large wildfires. He says the current approach of putting out every fire is not working. If we truly want to manage fire, rather than have it us, we need to get out there well before those fires and conditions. Reporter the Forest Service spent an unprecedented 1. 7 billion that burn a record 10. 1 million acres last year. Are we making it worse . We are. By fighting these fires, we enter whats called the fire paradox. The harder you try to suppress them, the worse they get. Reporter under normal conditions, fires thin out for us. But by constantly putting them he says firefighters should be intentionally setting more socalled prescribed fires to burn off excess vegetation, or simply let some natural fires burn. In a statement to cbs news, the Forest Service says it agrees managed and prescribed fires are important tools. But our capacity to complete this work is restricted by the congress. The agency says there are liability issues with state and local governments, as more developers push to build homes closer to fire prone areas. Fire is inevitable. If we convince ourselves it is not, then we have a are pete every year of the same situation. Reporter for now, scientists hope by setting these controlled fires in the lab, theyll better understand how to manage them in the forest. Carter evans, missoula, montana. Thats the overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others, check back with us a from the Broadcast Center in new york city. Its wednesday, august 24th, 2016. Its wednesday, august 24th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Breaking overnight. The death toll is climbing in italy after a massive earthquake rocked several cities in the Early Morning hours. To the race for the white house. A new support puts clinton donors in facetoface meetings with the former secretary of state, fueling pay for play allegations. And Donald Trumps claims Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve. And trump keps hinting at a shift in his immigration policy but he has not announced

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