He is 57 years old and police say he is behind a day of terror in an idyllic american city. Heres what we know. The siege lasted more than five hours. 115 officers rushed to the scene and in the end, 9 people were injured d 3 people were killed including a Police Officer who the New York Times reports this morningng was alsthe copastor of his church. Abcs Clayton Sandell was right there as the siege ended and he joins us from the s scene this morning. Clayton, good morning to you. Reporter good morning, dan. You can see police and investigators have been on the scene overnight. The office is just up the street and they say it could take them days to process the massive crime scene here and perhaps even longer to understand why it happened. Cspd has an active shooter. 3480 centennial boulevard. Reporter police get the first 911 calls at 11 38 a. M. Holy cow. Oh, my god. Reporter an active shooter Building Armed with a rifle. Outside ozy licano just dropped off friends when the gunman aimed at him. He looked directly at my face and he was aiming for my head. I could see it in his eyes. Reporter he was cut by flying glass but the bullets missed. Ere taking fire. Got two hit. Reporter Police Officers coming to help were shot. One, 44yearold garrett swasey, a married father of two, did not survive. This morning a processssion escorting the fallen officer from the scene. The suspect has fired upon our officers inside the building. Reporter around 115 officers joined by federal agents from the atf and fbi swararm in. The scene erupting into a gun battle. Nearby shoppers and businesses under lockdown. For all i knew, someone was coming our way. So that was really scary while i was fumbling. That was the most terrifying moment of my life. Reporter starting at 2 00 p. M. , officers begin using armoredehicles to smash trped insi. Our officers acted with unto valor to make sure that individuals were safely taken out of the planned parenthood building. Reporter finally at 4 52 p. M. , the suspect, w who sourc say is 57yearold robert dear, tells police he is ready to give up. The officers were able to shout to the suspect and make communication with him, and at that point they were able to get him to surrender. Reporter more than five hours after it began the perpetrator is in custody. Reporter three people are dead. We mourn the loss of the two civilian victims. We mourn the loss of a very brave Police Officer. Reporter nine other people, four civilians and five more Police Officers, were wounded all now in good condition. Overnight planned parenthood sayingng they arprofoundly grateful for their heroism. This was a terrible, terrible agedy. But for the actions of the First Responders particularly the police offers. Reporter the gunman told him he acted alone but he didnt say why or if he particularly targeted the planned parenthood offices. He has his First Court Appearance monday, paula. And the motive of the shooter does remain a mystery, thank you. We want to turn to ketanya craion. She was in an exam room whenhe shooting started and ketanya, thanks for joining us. When you knew there was an active gunman. What did you do . Well, when they had mentioned they didn mention it. All i heard was screaming and people saying to get down. When i looked out the window is when i had actually scene the gunman just shooting randomly. From there they told me to get in the back and find cover. I ran back, tried to open a few doors. Some of them were locked, and i was able to get in where there was actually two other victims that didnt know that there was a gunman. One was actually a nurse, and she was about to release the other girl to go back to the lobby because she was done with her with the services there that they were doing, and she had let her she was going to let her go out into the lobby, and when i came in, they werent aware of anything until they heard the gun shots and me identify that there was an actual gunman on the site. So you go into an exam room and d you barrade yourself in for the next five, six hours. Yes, we on our particular door we didnt have a lock, so what we did was we ended up pushing the exam, you know, bed, pushed it up against the door and we all three sat in front of the door for about at least five hours. You said you saw the gunman through a window. Can you describe his demeanor to us . I did. Have any feelings. He was there was no remorse on what he was doing. When saw him shooting the gun, it looked like he was talking to himself as he was shooting. As i mentioned earlier, it looked like he was playing it calm like this is something that he does on a regular i dont know if he goes hunting but i mean he was comfortable with the gun, but you could tell that he was stable when he was just randomly s shooting. I personally dont know if he was shooting directly at people, but i did see him shoot about you said that he seemed unstable. Was heaking any demands . With h at that point . You know, from where i saw him, because i was like right before the or right after the from what i could see was him walking in front of the actual premises of planned parenthood and from there wasnt like he was directing his gunshots at planned parenthood. But it looks like maybe there was someone outside that he was trying to aim at before he actually entered in the planned parenthood. Im sure once the ordeal was over just an immense amount of relief on your part, correct . Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I mean, once the whole ordeal was over, i mean, it felt so surreal. At one point we were all in the room barricaded, and thats when the armored truck had came through. I want to say it was either before or after the armored trukc had came through. We actually heard gunshots going off in the actual planned parenthood, and from there you could see the gunsmoke, a bullet did go through our wall with the gunsmoke, so, definitely. You survived such a harrowing ordeal. Isure you feel an immense amount of gratitude for being one of the lucky few to survive and, ketanya, we do want to say thank you for joins us this morning. Thank you for having me. Thank you for having me, paula. Thank you. A lovely you woman, and i cant imagine going through Something Like that for five hours. Absolutely. Bullet coming through the wall. Well give you another window into this crisis now. During that more than fivehour siege during which s. W. A. T. Team members repeatedly exchanged fire with the gunman played out on riveting radio transmissions captured by broadcastify. Com. Take a listen now. We just took fire through the window and forward. We can see the suspect on camera. Looks like hes almost waiting so just use caution. Hes coming out. Hes got the ak. Hes lking around and hes got the g in the low ready position. Which way is he walking . Hes coming back towards our view towards the desk long trench coat, real stocky build, gun down by his waist in a ready position. Were sure hes in the hallway. Were going to shoot through the door. Is he alone . Hit high. Just was told its clear. Suspect is coming out. Coming out with his hands up. Hes standing up. Hes standing up. Can you advise he has his hands clear . Now hes walking towards the hallway. We have eyes on him and he is coming towards the front of the business. We have one suspect detained right now. Okay, so lets bring in abc news consultant brad garrett, a former special agent with the fbi. Brad, good morning. Ive got to ask you how rare is it for a suspect in an active shooter situation like this to voluntarily surrender . Its quite unusual, dan. As we experienced in paris and other places where islamic extremists have taken over and have a hostage barricade situation, theyre going to die at the scene one way or another. The small window you have with maybe this type of shooter is either remorse, or he just finished what he started, and it was time to end it, and he chose not to die. After Colorado Springs and after, of course, what happened in paris two weeks ago, a t of people cant help but wonder situation . Is it as simple as just calling 911 and waiting for the police to show up . No, you have to take care of yourself. Ifou can run, run. If you cant do that, as this person you just had on described, hide. Crete yourself someplace, shut the lights off, shut your phones off or put them on silent and wait. But make sure you continue to listen because you may have to change your location. The last thing is you have to fight, which means anything that you have, a pen, a pocketknife, anything you can go at this person because you now this is the last resort. There is re nothing else to do. Hes going to shoot you so you go at him. If you can get other people to go with you, that is extremely important, in fact, thats one of the teaching tools today in schools is everyone at mass start throwing stuff at the shooter and go at him. Great advice. Hopefully none of us has to use it. Brad garrett, we appreciate your guidance on a saturday morning, thank you. And, you know, planned parenthood has been the subject of so much controversy. If the clinic was intentionally targeted by the gunman, it would be the latest in a string of attacks on its facilities that goes back decades. Abcs devin dwyer is at the white house with more on the history of violence against the health care provider. Hi, devin. Reporter good morning, paula. We dont know whether planned parenthood or its employees were direct targets in this shooting rampage, but the group and Law Enforcement have been on heightened alert for acts of violence as planned parenthood remains front and center in the political spotlight. From the debate stage ongoing criminal ebbitt price. Reporter to the campaign trail the barbaric practices of planned parenthood. Reporter planned parenthoods a highprofile political target. After the shooting at its clinic in Colorado Springs, new fears about security during what the group calls a poisonous environment that feeds domestic terrorism. This planned parenthood clinic in indiana was trashed by an intruder with an ax while last month in california, another was victim of arson. In a statement overnight the security measures in place, works closely with Law Enforcement agencies and has a very strong safety record. Authorities have been on heightened alert after controversial undercover videos by antiabortion activists appear to show planned parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue. Planned parenthood denies the House Republicans launched an investigation. Why do you need federal dollars . Youre making a ton of dough. Reporter and some republican president ial candidates Want Congress to end all planned parenthoods taxpayer funding. After the incident in colorado, democrats Hillary Clinton and bernie sanrs tweeted, we stand with planned parenthood. The Group Insists no taxpayer money goes to abortitions and st of itsts work suorts basic services for womens healt what doctors and clinicians face to actually provide health care to women in this country is already pretty incredible. The safetynd the health of our patients and the women that we provide care to is essssential. Reporter so far, little comment from the 2016 republican contenders on that shooting in colorado after several days off the campaign trail. Many of the candidates back on the road today and could have a chance to weigh in. Dan and paula. All right, devin. Thank you. There is other news on this saturday morning and for that we get it over to cecilia vega who is in for ron this morning. Youre leading with some black friday protests. Good morning. Very busy morning. Thats right, dan. We begin with hundreds of protesters taking to the streets during the height of black friday shopping in demonstrations against police violence. In seattle four people arrested and an officer injured durina black lives mamatter prost. Hundreds of demonstrators also packed a mall in portland and chicago. And in chicago protesters marching through the citys main shopping district demanding an independent and federal investigation following the release of that police video showing an officer shooting teenager laquan mcdonald. And what is becoming an all too common frightening moment in the skies, a Virgin America flight headed to new yorks jfk airport was disrupted by yet another green laser incident. Pilots aboard Virgin America flight 24 from San Francisco reported the laser during their approach to jfk friday night. The flight did land safely. The faa and nypd are now investigating. And in chicago, an arrest in the brutal killing o of 9yearld tyshawn lee who was lured into an alley and shot execution style. 27yearold cory morgan has been charged with first degree murder. Investigators say the boy was lured from a park earlier this month then killed as part of gang retaliation aimed at tyshawns father. Chicago police vowing to, quote, destroy both gangs i involved. They are now following several ps to find another suspect who remains at large. And more proof of just how dangerous it can be to pull over on the side of a highway. Take a look at this. Wow, one car coming just mere inches from crashing into two peopople whoho g out otheir r car after a crash. Theyre just there standing on the side of the road. You can see that speeding car also careening into a Police Cruiser before finally coming to a stop. That driver of the car was arrested. Luckily no one was seriously injured. And some good news. Its beginning to look a lot li yeah, you know what it looks like. The Holiday Season is kicking off. First Lady Michelle obama with help of first dogs there, sonny and bo, welcoming this years Christmas Tree to the white house brought in by a horseawn carriage. It stands more than 18 feet tall and a fraser fir grown in pennsylvania and will grace the blue room during the holidays. And speaking of the holidays so we all worry about big credit card bills this time of year, i do. I know that. But takeke a look this womans bank statement. Angela quong from honolulu says had her glasses on because she could not believe what she was seeing. Trillion, that is two separate charges of 710 billion and some change but who is counting when its that big. She wast alone. Take a look at this. George white logged on and saw a 710 billion balance too. That i is billion with a b, he sd, quote, my wife is going to kill me. The First Hawaiian bank said it was a glitch. Customers were only affected for a short time. Thankfully it wasnt reported to the credit bureau. Can you imagine, paula . That looks like your shoe bill, right . No, you know me, im very frugal when it comes to my shoes. We talk aboutut this. What would you even buy with that amount of money . Oh, like you dont know. Can you imagine . Honey, our credit card bill is in this month, 710 billion. Difficult conversation, yes, thats when you run. Thats why you need good shoes for said running. We turn now to a major weather ststory thisorning as americans head home for the liday,illions of them will be dealing with some dicey conditions as you can see right here. Theres a major storm causing part of the country including ice, heavy rain and flash flooding and abcs ryan owens is in dallas with more. Good morning to you. Reporter dan, good morning to you. Surprise, surprise, it is raining yet again in dallas. I want to show you something. I know it looks like we ve a nice, Beautiful Lake here in downtown dallas. That, in fact, is supposed to be the Trinity River running adjacent to downtown. A lot of problems here and not just in texas. Deadly mix of ice, snow and rising waters this morning spanning from texas into the southern plains. Floodwaters killing at least four across north texas. All motorists trapped in n their cars. Among them, 29yearold benjamin floyd. His vehicle seen here swept off the road by raging floodwaters while he drorove to wo. He told 911 that water was coming in the vehicle and then they lost contact with him. Reporter at this texas farm, rescuers managed to save several goats and horses. Deep in water. Reporter in the texas panhandle, its not water but ice causing travel trouble. The frozen highways of wichita, kansas, unmanageable for many drivers. This truck waiting to be towed after veering off the road but not before taking out a lamppost. More than 25,000 pow outages reported in Oklahoma City alone. As icy temperatures bear down on the midwest. As icy temperatures bear down on the midwest. And you dont have to just believe me about all of this rain, it actually official. As of yesterday, dallas broke the alltime record for the most rain in a single year and, paula and dan, it is not even december yet here. Wel at least its rain and not snow, right . I dont know if the people in dallas are going to resonate with that cold comfort, but, thank you, we appreciate it. Thats true. Were dealing with salt and shovels and youre tracking the storm, arent you, rob . I am, almost five feet of rain has fallen into the dallas area. Thats a lot of rain. So shoving that in the form of snow would be a nightmare. No doubt about that but just north you saw those pictures out of wichita. In some spots 0. 3 to 0. 4 inches of ice. Lightening up there. This wave along this front is on the moveve and wilspread the rainfall across a wide area of the u. S. Getting eventually into the midatlantic but the ice is going to be a problem here i think for the next several hours. Ice storm warnings still in effect for northern texas through oklahoma and in some spots could see another quarter to a half inch anright now weve got 25,000 people without power in the oklahoma citity area. Mostly west of there is where well s see the ice accumulate and tonight and really tomorrow, well see temperatures finally get above the freezing park and that will help things. The rainfall will continue, 2 to 3 inches from shreveport, louisiana, through memphis and nashville. Could see some spots will get over 3 inches of rainfall and for the most part cloudy and on and, of course, it is rivalry weekend for college fofootball. A lot of big games that will have se playoff implicationsns. Well talk about the weather you think . Yeah. Just a couple. The game for your michigan. I know. Get them into a ohio state. Im nervous actually. The rest of us are like, okay, so anyway cecilia, sara and i have nothing to add on this. R right the. Coming up here on ggma, are the black friday mobs a thing of how our shifting Shopping Habits are impacting the Holiday Retail season. Also ahead, something unforgettable happens at Walt Disney World. A military family surprise thks to the neighbors who helped them on this holiday weekend. D. A fabulous story from rob coming up. Actress Anne Hathaway is preparg for the role of a lifetime. Well tell you what it is in pop news. Also a role youre preparing for. Possibly. Good morning america is brought to you by wayfair. Com. But that hasnt stopped me from modeling. My doctor told me about stelara. It helps keep my skin clearer. With only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses stelara helps me be i in season stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting stela your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if y you delop any nenew skin gwths. Do not take stelara if yo are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. 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Before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if youre pregnant, nursing, have Serious Health conditions, or take other medicines. If you develop an allergic reaction, a severeash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. Children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion, or abnormal behavior. The most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. Antiflu . Go antiviral with tamiflu. Hey, you forgot the milk thats lactaid. Right. 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So you can drink all you want. With no discomfort . Exactly. Here, try some. Mmm, it is real milk. See . Delicious. Hoof bump oh. Right here girl, boom lactaid. 100 real milk. No discomfort and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid ice cream coming up on gma, are black friday scenes like this a thing of the past . Were going to show awe head and the neighbors who helped the family next door and their spectacular disney surprise. Keep it right here for the big reveal. Family next door and their reveal. Okay, no cheating. Hometown trivia time. And this is my first one, so be nice. Offered to pay 10. Thats not cheating. This is for your friends from kuve from austin. Heres the first question. You already saw. This Academy Award winner not only owns sandra bullock. Is it right . She owns a home in austin but she also owns two local businesses what are the bursrsts . Sandra bullock . I dont even know the answer but just trying to make it harder. Another one. Name the american supermarket change that specializes in organic foods and whole foods. Gosh. All right. Thats it. Thatall you got . Okay, got one more. This is easy. I already knew this one. Name the famous film and art festival south by southwest and onlyly rmula 1 race to be held at the circuit of america in austin rob, welcome back to gma on this saturday morning. Right now the gunman who allegey attacked a planned parenthood in Colorado Springs is in custody this morning. Three people including an officer were killed. Nine others wounded in that attack. Also right now, suspicions swirling around a an armored van h heist outside a casino in detroit. A suspect who was allegedly dressed up as a sesecurity grd simply drove up alongside the van and made off with 500,000. Nobody got hurt. There were no weapons and no threats made during th heist. And right now, this floaoating piece of debris is at the center of a mystery after washing up in the uk on friday. Its believed to be a part of a spacex booster rocket. Spacex, however, has not confirmed that it belongs to the company. Is that part of the millennium falcon thats missingaybe . Bringinit right back to star wars. Full circle. Because i know that gets your greek meter up, right . Geek meter. Not a hard thing to do just for the record. Youre very 3r50e ductable. Also coming up on the show this morning, we love this story, 7500 miles away defending our country but unable to help his own daughter, how nextdoor neighborstepped in to help an air force Lieutenant Colonel and their amazing surprise. You got to believe this is something unforgettable that happens at walt disney rld and rob was r right the for it. Dr. Marciano with the story. Coming up. Break out the kleenex. All right. Weve got them ready. That kind of morning but first here could we be witnessing the beginning of the end of a holiday tradition . Were used to seeing scenes like this, t Holiday Shopping frenzy kicking into high gear the day after thanksgiving. But, you know, more and d more savvy shoppers are apparently ditching the crowds and letting their fingers do the shopping or just, you know, pickcking different days to do it rather. Abcs nick watt is in porterer nch, california. Hi, nick. Reporter one way to beat the crcrowds iso come to walmart crazy, crazy early like me, but, listen, black friday is going to regain its crown probably. Regain its crown as the busiest shopping day of the year, but this year it has felt just a little less crazy. Yep,p, theyreighting over tvs in texas. Were not saying black friday crazy is over. Its just getting, well i think its actually a little more mellow. Reporter more mellow partly because stores like macys are opening earlier thanksgiving day evening. Thats called black friday creep. This guy in oregon didnt get the mell memo jumping over produce to get to the video games. Did you get in any fights . No. Reporter why not . Why . Youre not supposed to get into fights. Reporter also more mellow because were buying a lot more online, spending 822 million in just the first 11 hours for midnight thursday. You still have online growing fast. Its estimated to grow anywhere from 6 to 8 this year. Lets not forget there is a little black friday backlash led by Outdoor Sporting Goods store rei closing its stores on black friday. Wed rather be in the mountains than in the e aisles. Reporter and were spreading out our gluttonous consumption shopping over the entire weekend. More discounts avaluable earlier most certainly. Reporter today is Small Business saturday encouragin consumers to shop local giving major retailers a run for their still around 135 million of us will shop this long weekend. Weve done it one time where we camped out and stuff. It was fun, but i dont really want to do it again. Reporter truth is you dont really need to do it because this year for the first time a lot of retailers are matching their instore deals online so no need to stand in lineo try and beat those crowds and dont forget cyber monday actually doesnt start on monday. At walmart it now starts 6 00 p. M. Sunday night. Paula and dan, plenty of time to buy gifts for those little kids. You know, basically we should start this in august. The direction were heading in. By the way, nick, dan admitted hes not buying anything for his child this year so theres that quite. Thats into the quite what i said. You said hes not 1 yet. Something will be bought. I probably won have much to do with it. Thats basically what i was driving at i didnt hear that part. Yet again. Sective hearing. Thanyou, appreciate it and rob marcia, one of your most important roles on this show is to save me when i get into trouble so, sir. Lets talk snow and get you in the spirit for the holidays and certainly to get out and do shopping. This is the central and southern sierras. Weve got some snow accumulated in there. Off to a great start this year, keep it coming. We definitely need that snow and doing very well so far. Here comes the cold air all the way down into socal. Temperatures feeling like theyre in the 20s in some spots. Freeze watches outside of san diego. Look at these numbers certainly cold enough to make snow or hold on to at is there right now. So, a chili start chilly start and most all the ski resorts out west are open for this holiday weekend. One,e, this isind of the back half of the current storm thats going to swing through the plains and once we clear the firsstorm, this will bring some snow, i think, through the dakotas in through parts of michigan or minnesota, i should say and the pink will get up into parts of wisconsin for an icy mix. Icy right now in Oklahoma City and in stillwater, the big game tonight, and this one, not many times that rival weekend has playoff implications. This game does. Ou at the cowboys. Well see what happens there. Light rain but temperatures that is a quick check. This Weather Report brought to you by carmax. For the sports report, we have michigan ohio state. The mississippi games and notre dame at stanford all going to be great ones. Big sports day. I know what ill be doing all day, absolutely. Yep, me too. Watching the sports. Sit there and watch those sports. Probably not. Coming up on gma, the family that stepped up to help their nextdoor neigighbors in their hour of need and rob was right there as they got the surprise of ththeir livewith a little help from the most magical place on earth. Meanwhile, sara,a, whats pping on periscope . Well, we always tell the scenes or just behind the scenes action, period, if yoclick into our periscopes and today well ambush cecilia a little bit. Oh. The new girl but not really the new girl and ive always ambushed dan harris. Its hazing. It is hazing. I told her everyone has to dance. Write a passage. All right, well be back with more gma and cecilia is dancing. Yeah. Yeah. To the car that just survived hours of reconditioning. Sorry, we know that was a bit. Invasive. But, if we didnt hoist you up in the air and poke around a little, we wouldnt be carmax. We expect a lot from our cars and we need to m make sure that youll make the grade. You have to admit, youre looking awfully nice. Oh just relax. Its gonna be a long time pain from your day can haunt you at night, dont let it. Advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal ayou rest. Advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Theres still time to enjoy great black friday deals now at lowes. So hurry in to your Neighborhood Store today for even more big savings for your home. Now get up to 40 off big disney world surprise this morning for a family who helped their neighbors in an hour of need. Weve been talking about this story all morning long. Rob joins us with this wonderful touching, heartwarming story. Where are our kleenex . Theyre gone. I cry at all disney movies so this one was no different. Grted. Well, this next Story Highlights somebody who does not. Its a military family, and they went into all sorts of crisis appreciation when they rectly shared an unforgettable and truly magical mont at Walt Disney World. Lieutenant colonel jack spencer is a judge advocate general or lawyer for the air force, and in 2011he Lieutenant Colonel volunteered to go to afghanistan. That meant leaving his wife mindy and their two daughters behind in oklahoma when jack shped overseas. You do prepare yourself that you could get a call. You dont prepare for something happening at home that you need your Service Member back for. Reporter but that is exactly what happened. The spencers older daughter emily, 9 at the time, had been in an accident in texas when an allterrain vehicle she was riding in flipped over crushing her foot. As details start comingn, we find out that emily is in pretty serious trouble. Reporter jack was 7500 miles away. She showed up at our front door in a panic. Reporter amy and Jeff Campbell were more than just nextdoor neighbor, they had become cse friends, and in a desperate time of need, they so, as we get to the hospital jeff picks up emily and carries her in and they took care of everything without question. It was just, weve got this. You take care of whats important to you. Reporter jack made it home and was able to see emily in the the hospital, jack went home for a change of clothes, and thats when he saw his neighbor jeff for the first time. We pull in the driveway. And hes mowing the yard. Jeff, you dont need to be doing this. And hes like, you got plenty of things to worry about. Dont worry about this. Any time they left we had a key to just go take care of things. Just make sure it was right. Theres nothing i could ever do toepay them. Theres no way i could ever thank them. Reporter the spencers moved away to georgia but with the help of Walt Disney World, they sent a special thank you from across the country to their former neighbors and guardian angels. Hello, campbell family, and greetings from the Walt Disney World resort in florida. Mickey and i are inviting you and your family to Walt Disney World. We have some unforgettable moments planned for you. Wow. Thats sweet. That actually is a shock. Reporter at disney world the campbells attended a shoof the festival of the lion king and greet with the guests. Youre not having an incredible vacation at Walt Disney World . Oh, yes. Thats one of the reasons youre here, but really this is why youre here. And then an incredible surprise. Oh the circle the circle of Life Reporter two families reunited. Are you a little surprised . We are. I was crying this morning because i wanted them to be here so bad. Reporter after their emotional reunion, the families retreated to the conservation station where a thanksgiving feast was waiting, but first a message. As if the spencers hasnt endured enough, jack was in a serious car accident and hey, jeff and amy, anks again. Sorry i couldnt be there to celebrate but i sent some special folks to celebrate with you. I hope you have a great time and look forward to seeing you soon. Reporter would he cry if he was here tonight . No. Reporter friendship and kindnessss reunitefor good times and so incredibly thankful for what that friendship meant in a time of need. To good friends that are there when you need them. Happy thanksgiving, everybody. Salut. You guys are blessed. Two incredibly warm, lovi couples. I was honored to be there. There was not a dry eye in the houswhen those two families embraced. You know, i cry at that songg as it i let alone having had that experience going on. Youre not a cavern of emotions. We leave the newscasts with attacks and shooters and destruction, but lets let this be a reminder theres more good than evil. There are really great people and so much good in humanity. Happy thanksgiving, everybody. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Anyway, next up, gma youre going to see Adam Sandlers all new hanukkah song. This is going to be good, isnt it, sara . Yes, it is. Dan may sing it. Lets all give a love for hanukkah vice. Eat well, live well, and take of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin with Aveeno Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion with the goodness of active naturals oat and 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Healthy skin equals beautiful skin. And for shower softness, add the body wash, too aveeno naturally beautiful results cyber monday is arriving at target. Com with 15 savings sitewide. Expect a 100 chance of me doing no work on monday. Shouldnt have said that on air. Get 15 off target. Com, ow so you think santa will like these. Red and green m ms . I dont know i never met the guy whaaaaa he does exist they do exist uhm. Santa . Cyber sales are storming ultra hd huh . Ill look good enough to eat. [ gasps ] oh no. Time for pop news. Sara haines, what you got . Rob, you should have told cecilia to welcome in pop news oh, there she is. I know what the song is. Cutt drummer weve had ever. Oscacar winnernne hathaway is currently preparing for her most exciting role ever, being a mom. E news is reporting her first t child. Hathaway is said to be in her second trimester and very excited to embrace parenthood with her husband Adam Schulman so a big congratulations from all of us here at Good Morning America to the expectant parents. Sleep now because your life will be e over. I hate when people warn me of that. I cant make time wait and cant get enough naps in before it happens. Its all good. Turkey day might be over but something im personally giving thanks for is a little known music video of tom hanks and dan aykroyd rapping. This song is called cit of crime and the stars apparently recorded it in the 80s to help promote their film dragnet. It costs big money if you ever have to hire a lawyer i need to inform you and my pleasure to warn you well provide one for you i think he should go back to rapping. I would watch his video emerged from the vault this week when hanks appeared on a uk talk show. Heres a fun fact. It was choreographed by paula abdul and tom hanks admitted he still knows all the lyrics. I feel l like that a party trick you can pull off, tom, go with it. And adeles made her fair share of headlines with her new recordbreaking album but now the sultry singer has been upstaged just a tad at l least for a little while by her bodyguard. Hes getting a lot of attention lately and even earning his own fans. His name is ater vanderveen and hes no strang to rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, once lady gagas bodyguard. Blowing g up with mments like you guys need to remake the bodyguard with adele. Lots of other things like hello hello. Is it me youre looking for . Sorry. That was lionel richie. We ar looking for you, sara. Have you seen his bodyguard . Hello. You mit still be eating turkey leftovers but time to put on your yarmulke because here comes hanukkah. Celebrations begin at sundown next sunday and adam sand ler is getting everyone in the mood as he always does with an updated version of his legendary Joseph Gordonlevitt enjoys eating kugel so does stan lee, Jake Gyllenhaal and the two guys who founded google sand ler performs this new addition of his famous snl so in san diego and has since shared it on yououtube where its going viral. Got to love adam sandler. Absolutely. Classic. C. Ice update. Very nice update. All right, sara, very, very nice pop news. Well be right back with more gma. Keep it here. A nice update. Nice update. Created with passion. By the lindt master chocolatiers. A hard outer shell with a smooth center. Luscious. Flowing. Welcome. To the best time of your day. Unwrap. Unwind. Experience the melt. Only the lindor truffle. If you could see your cough, its just a cough. Youd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. New robitussin 12 hour delivers fast, powerful cough relief that lasts up to twelve hours. New robitussin 12 hour cough relief. Because its never just a cough. Feel a cold coming on . New zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45 . Shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. In a world full of dictates and conventions, la vie est belle. La vie est belle, the eau de parfum, lanc me. Now at macys, tttt2watz bt qv . X tt2watz 4 a qf3< tt2watz 4 bm qm80 tt4watz 4 dztq g[< tt4watz 4 entq 7 \ tt4watz 4 gzt. X tt4watz 4 hnt vh tt4watz 4 iztq t . 0 tt4watz 4 jntq fop tt4watz 4 lzt , Good Morning America is brought to you by smithfield. Flavor hails from smithfield. Thank you for watching this morning. Always great to have you, always great to have cecilia vega filling in for ron claiborne. Are you back tomorrow . I am. You can learn your drum solo for ppop. Cant wait. See you tomorrow. Hey, good morning, america. Jay harris, kenny mayne, lots of friday sports action from the nba. We got the good and the bad. You want to start with the good . All right. Ill go first. Golden state and the suns, warriors had not lost. Steph curry,ood d at baskeall. Look at that. He practices all the time. Thats for you kid, want to be good as steph curry, practice as much as he does, hes just always shooting the ball. Hes going to shoot that one. Hes going to make it. He had 41 points, then he gave away shoes to a child who can wear them in five years. And the bad okafor starting for the sixers as they take on the rockets. Rockets down. Rockets down, james harden pulling for three and the fans are going crazy. Because hes about to get beat by the 76ers who havent won a game all season. Harden, dribbles, dribbles it, eyes it, another three. Rockets win, 116114, harden 50 points, 9 rebounds, 8 assists. And the sixers are still winless. An nba milestone, Jamal Crawford has moved to 100th in career scoring. Did that in the clippers win at good for him. Him. Jack hannas wild countdown is sponsored by nationwide insurance. Hello, everybody, im jack hanna, coming to you from my base camp here at the columbus zoo, and welcome to wild

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