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That moment. Well, good tuesday morning. We begin with the battle for votes in nevada as donald trump looks to score victory number three. Yeah, trump is heading into todays caucuses way ahead of his republican rivals. Marco rubio is picking up support from the gop establishment, and ted cruz is hoping to bounce back after a tumultuous day that called his integrity into question and left him without a chief spokesman. Now, many are wondering if trump is unstoppable. Its your voice, your votote. We get the latest from abcs kenneth moton. Kennh, good morning. Reporter good morning, reena and kendis. Yes, donald trump in vegas overnight, and no need for Campaign Signage there because the real estate moguls name is in bright lights on the strip. Now, his odds of winning nevada are good, but the big gop endorsements are pouring in for his rival marco rurubio. Its caucus time in america. Were going to make America Great again, and were going to keep winning, winning, winning. Reporter overnight gogop frontnner crowd yet in las vegas. The billionaires banking on a hot streak that will carry him through super tuesday into the gop nomination as he continued attacking his riva. This guy cruz lies more than any huhuman beinive ever dealt with. Reporter the fight getting nasty. Ted cruz fired his Communications Director for spreading a false rumor that marco rubio had disparaged the bible. We will conduct this campaign with the very highest standards of integrity. Reporter but rubio is focused on trump who is leading in nevada by 26 points. His apparent unstoppable rise has the republican establishment rallying around rubio. Donald has a base of support t but the majority of r party doesnt want him as our nominee. Reporter the democratic contenders were on opposite sides of the country in front of more than 8,000 people at the university of massachusetts amheherst. Bernieie sandersgain hit Hillary Clinton on her wall street connection. We dont represent corporate america. We dont want their money. Carolinas primary this weekend clinton has a big lead against bernie sanders. Shes heavily favored with africanamericans. So as the two work t to court e black vote in the state, actor Morgan Freemans voice is being used in a Clinton Television ad. Sanders answered with an endorsement from Filmmaker Spike Lee who will be featured in radio spots that wl start airing today in the palmetto state. Reena and kendis. Okay, kenneth moton, thank you so much. Well, clintons also picking up celebrity support as she got a financial boost in southern california. Clinton stopped by the set of abcs hit scandal and hung out with the cast. Kerry washington posting a picture with the imwithher and clinton also host eded several fundrsers in l. A. She to supporters that donald trump and the white house would be a risk to the nations security. Vice President Biden is downplaying remarks he made nearly 25 ars ago about Supreme Court vacancies. Any nominee president obama picks to replace Supreme Court justice antonin scalia. But as a senator back in 1992, biden said, if a seat on the high court becomes vacant, president bush should not fill it until after the election. Well, the Vice President now says the excerpt is not an accurate description of his views. Well, police say they still dont know why a man shot eight people in kalamazoo this weekend killing six of them. Investigats say jason dalton admits that he took peoples lives, but during his arraignment yesterday, the uber driver said he would prefer to remain silent. Police say the uber driver apparently chose his victims at random. None had any known connection to him. One of the two people wounded was a 14yearold girl who is clinging to life support. My daughter is not dead. She is alive, and she is fighting for her life. I want everybody to understand that. Abigail is song, and s was a vibrant, beautiful young lady and did not deserve this. The girls father said he feels for Jason Daltons family and holds no grudge against the family of the 45yearold married father of two has issued a statement saying this type of violence has no place in our society. Well, uber admits that they got complaints saturday night about dalton while the attacks were taking place, but those were the first complaints about him. Uber says no background check would have flagged dalton because he had no criminal history, and some say uber should have a panic button in its u. S. Apps as it does in india. But the ride service says in thisis country911 is the panic button, and it doesnt want to interfere. Americans are choosing sides in the apple fbi security showdown. There will be rallies today in support of the tech giant at its stores in more than 40 cities and at fbi headquarters in washington, d. C. Apple says helping the fbi would open the door to abuses by other Law Enforcement agencies. Well, not everyone agrees with ples refusal to hack into the iphone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. Are siding with the fbi. And thats prettily evenly split between republicans and democrats and in difrent age groups and education levels. Only 38 think apple is in the right. A new developmenent in the fiveyearlong civil war in syria. The u. S. And russia have agreed to a ceasefire set to begin saturday. The agreement does not cover terror groups like isis, which claimed responsibility for two deadly attacks over the weekend. 250,000 have died in the civil war. E white house is downplaying expectations saying there are bound to be obstacles and setbacks. A major effort under way day in brazil in the battle against the zika virus. Jot teams of u. S. And Brazilian Health workers are fanning out across the country in search of mothers and infants. Theyre trying to confirm that zika causes babies to be born with small heads, and in this country, president Obama Asking Congress for nearly 2 billion to stop the spread of that virus. Switching gears into the weather right now, it looks pretty good for most of the u. S. A storm stem is bringing the threat of tornadoes and severe storms back to the region. By this afternoooon the grtest threat will be along the gulf coast from louisiana to the florida nhandle. Well, coming up, the breed named americaas top dofor a quarter century. But first new warnings from the Government Regarding a Popular Flooring company doubling the cancer risk of those exposed. And a terrififying sce overnight, a giant crane collapse. Tt2w`t3n`1 bt qw d tt2w`t3n`1 a qg tt2w`t3n`1 bm ql, tt4w`t3n`1 dztq 6 tt4w`t3n`1 entq fd tt4w`t3n`1 gzt < tt4w`t3n`1 hnt o p tt4w`t3n`1 iztq b tt4w`t3n`1 jntq 72h tt4w`t3n`1 lzt 4 well, this is a wild scene caught by the trucks dash cam. Wait for it. Watch it. It was hit by a car running a stop sign sending it off the raleigh, north carolina. No one was at home at the time. The truck driver was injured but should be okay. The house not so lucky. Itll be condemned likely. Well, there are 11 million auto accidents a year in the u. S. , and twothirds of them were caused by distractions. Researchers put video cameras in 3,500 cars to see what the driverwere doing right before accidents. Using a mobile device increased the risk of a crash by more than 3 1 2 times, but Emotional Distress like being angry or crying was even worse increang the risk tenfold. Bill cosbys wife camille has testified for the first time about sex assault allegations facing her husband. Cosby was deposed for more than two hours unr heavy scrutiny at a hotel in springfield, massachusetts. The session was tense. The judge called twice for rulings. Another deposition set for next month. Shares of Lumber Liquidators could be under pressure again today afteter new waings abo some of its flooring. The cdc says the cancecer risk from certain types of laminate flooring is actually three times greater than original estimates. The cdc is oveverstatingotential health risks. Lumber liquidators stock dropped nearly 20 yesterday. Well, sea levels are now rising fastethan they have in nearly 3,000 years, and Scientists Say manmade Global Warming is to blame. Before the worlds industrialized nations, sea levels rose no more than an inch and a half a century, but in just the past two decades, that rate has soared to a foot per century. The study found oceans will jump more than 4 feet over the next 100 years. That number could be drastically reduced countries limit Greenhouse Gas pollution. Coming up, veterans fight continuing here at home. The effort to get them Proper Health care and theyre showing ththeir frusating experiences. Plus, an airplane crash how everyone miraculously walked it takes a lot of work. To run this business. But i really love it. Ion the move all day long. So i drink boost to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of proteinto help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Look for savings on boost in your sunday paper. Firefighters battled an intense blaze south of los angeles late last night. The warehouse was engulfed in flames, but no injururies were reported. Eyewitnesses heard several small explosions from inside the building. The cause of that fire unknown. Expect flooded roads this morning throughout thsouth all the way from coast. Roads will be wet for most of the northeast too. Commuters this morning may see some wintry mix near the twin cities and there will be snow in the rockies. Say youre flying, airports likeliest in houston, new york, boston and denver. Well, this morning t there is a viral effort aimed at getting veterans the health care that they need. It all started with this video seen here, an afghanistan teraran battling a never ending voice mail loop while trying to get an appointment at a v. A. Clinic in massachusetts. He works in the office of congressman seth moulton who served with the marines in iraq. To try to fix the program mouth moulton wrote a bill to try to fix it. We deserve the best. Thats what we should get after putting our lives on the line for the country. The v. A. Says the problem has been corrected. Congressman moultons bill would require the v. A. To run a pilot progm letting veterans use an app on t their phone to schedule or cancel v. A. Appointments themselves. There is a dramatic increase in the number of women opting for mastectomies although Breast Cancer rates remain the same. Mastectomies increased 36 from 2005 to 2013 and the rate of double mastectomies more than tripled. One Health Official said the numbers show a new willingness to treat mastectomyies as preventive to decrease chances of cancer later on. Suort is pouring in this morning after senator Claire Mccaskill revealed that she is battling breast cancncer. The missouri democrat says that the tumor was found through a routine mammogram. Mccaskill says that her prognosis is good, and she is expects to make a full recover. Coaches at the university of tennessee are expected to address allegations in a new federal lawsuit today that suit includes a mention of Peyton Manning and claims the school has created a hostile environment for women. A 20yearold Sexual Assault acaccusationgainst manning is rereportedlyited in the suiuit. Espn reports mannings accuser called a Sexual Assault Crisis Center and that the incident wasas manning was never the subject of a criminal investigation in that case, and hes denied asulting the former School Trainer who made the allegation. Two people have been seriously hurt in a tourur bus crash east of kansas city. Investigators say the bus had pulled to the side of interstate 70 with a flat tire when it was sideswiped by a tractor trailer. The driver of that truck claimed he was choking on a piece of gum when he swerved out of his lane and into the bus. And amazingly no one was hurt when this Small Plane Crash landed at an intersection near a small airport in los angeles. Witnesses said they heard the planes engine failing just befofore it ca down. Five cars were damaged, however, the pilot, who was the only person on board, is being given credit for dodging homes d train tracks. Investigators are looking into what went wrong. There were no injuries in a construction accident in australia this morning. A fire at the base of a crane collapsed caused it to collapse more than 12 stories officials think the fire started in electrical wiring that construction workers had cleared out as soon as that fire broke out and the road you see below was also closed. Timing was everything in the rescue of a Northern California girl. 10yearold Samantha White suddenly fell into a tenfoot hole you see right here while snowshoeing with her family in the sierra. A marin county search and rescue team happened d to be hing dn the same trail after spending a day traiaining. The team used ropes to hoist the wet, freezing and terrified girl out before hypothermia could set in. Thankfully shes going to be just fine. Lets come on back inside to the safety and warmth of this mornings sports highlight. And we get those from our guys at espn. Good morning. Its our sportscenter studio. Im stan verretttt and heneil everett. T. Goen sta lose in portland and bounce back aennnd beat the clippers in l. A. Saturday and its on to atlanta. Where they won. Now we have video to prove it. Steph curry, this is right kicks it then just throws it up. Oh. The dude had 19 in the f first half. The team was up 19. They had a horrible Third Quarter like they had in portland. Atlanta was actually down one after three. Took a lead early in the fourth quarter. A 286 run, but then the fellows got it together. And by the fellows, i mean steph curry and the fellows. Shoulder shake right there. You see that. When you do what he does, you can do that. He had. Warriors win again. Lebron jam and the cavaliers, an impressive win over the thunder on sunday. Tyronn lues club. At home hosting the pistons so they got to win this one, right, well, not if theyre tired and they certainly looked tired. Lebron james, one for seven. Lue says hell think about resting lebron james once they lock up the eastern conference. James, you dont see this. Stripped by kentavious caldwellpope. 19 points for him, 23 for reggie james just 12 points on 5 for 18 shooting. 0 for 4 from threepoint range. Pistons, 9688. The raptors beat the nicks. Kyle lowry had a tripledouble. Also a triple double as the bucks beat the lakers. Thats all we t. Thank you, gentlemen. Well, coming up floating to victory, the basketball player defying odds and gravity with this viral image. And ceainly a space oddity. A gorilla at the International Space station, or is it . The pulse is next. Friends coming over . Yeah, so . It stinks in here. Yououve t to wash this whole room are you kidding . Wash it . Lets wash it with febreze. For all the things you cant wash, use. Febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. Webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze. To contuously eliminate odors for. Up to 45 days of freshness pluggablfebreze and fabric refresher. [inhale exhale mnemonic]. Staying in rhythm. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. 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Right now, get 25 back in rewards on hp ink, toner, and paper office depot officemax. Gear up for great. Allergies distracting you . When your symptoms start. Doctors recommend taking. Nondrowsy claritin every day of your allergy season. Claritin provides powerful, nondrowsy 24 hour relief. For fewer interruptions from the Amazing Things you do every day. Live claritin clear. Well, ecking the pulse this morning with the nations top dogs. The American Kennel Club releasing its list of the most popular dog breeds, and coming and intelligent blondies, the golden retriever. Runnerup, the athletic and loyal German Shepherd and number one, e versatile and lovable labrador retriever. This allamerican canine takes the top spot for the 25th year in a row apparently. They are ce. They are adorable. I would love one but we also have tmention mutts, mutts too deserve just as much love and there are many labrador mixes available for adoption. Rescue dog. Thats plug for the count. Next an image thats really goinviral and so explanation behind it. Well, his name, you see him right there, thats Walker Stillman but hes more like walker jumpman after this image of the High School Junior from illinois playing basketball was picked up online. Hes being called everything from float boy to jesus for his levitating style leap. Nice attempt there, walker we nownow what he was doing. Stillman explains saying here, quote, i had jumped for a rebound, saw that it wasnt coming my way and kind of stopped what i was doing. He also confirmed that he is not a jedi. This was not also a mind trick of any sort. Mind meld. Yeah, something along those lines. Yeah. Might be a jedi. He just ate his wheaties. Thats all it is. After nely a year on board the International Space station no one can be blamed for going a little bananas, right, and maybe thats what led astronaut scott kelly to behave like this. Okay, so thats kelly dressed in a rather lifelike gorilla suit at the iss. It was recently sent up to him as part of a care package from his family and, excuse the pun, but you could say that he really went ape with it. I g to say it looks very, very real, doesnt it. Almost looks like someone from the zoo escaped on the apparently kelly was floating around up there chasing one of his space station colleagues. He will be up part of the crew for another week before coming home i think on march 1st. Yeah, after spending a year more news after this. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. Eliquiuis reducethe risk of stroke better than waarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warrin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to hear. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in ra cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer thananusual r any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. But im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor. If itching. To eliquis is right for you. Shoulders dont just carry pads. They carry your fans passions, hopes, and dreams and maybe, a chance at greatness. S. Checking our top stories, donald trump is hoping to continue his winning streak as gop voters caucus in nevada today. Trump is holding a commanding lead over his rivals, but he ripped into ted cruz last night calling him si. Demonstrations outside Many Apple Stores today will be in support of the company, which is fighting a court order to hack an iphone for the fbi. The phone was used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists. The kalamazoo, michigan, Community Held a second candlelight vigil last night after this weekends deadly shooting spree. The alleged gunman, an uber driver, is not saying what sparked the rampage. Looking at todays weather, sere weather returns to the uth from eastern texas and across the gulf coast. Rain will stretch down into florida and up into the northeast. Well, the countdown to the oscars has officially begun. We are less than a week away hollywood the preparations are under way, as well. Constructing the red carpet, of course, thats a big deal, and theyre making se the stars will be able to strut their stuff. A and the other star of the evening, oscar, of course, getting a fresh coat of paint. Abcs brandi hitt is covering it all including this years crop of leading m men. Reporter they are hollywoods leading men competing for oscar gold. Its such an extraordinary ride reporter this years best actor nominees include Bryan Cranston, matt damon, leo dicaprio, Michael Fassbender and eddie redmayne, fresh off his win last year. I am a lucky man. Reporter damon starring in the martian is also an oscar winner taking home 1998s best original screenplay alongside friend ben affleck. All our friends and family and everybody back in boston watching us. 18 years later i think this is gre and im going to smell the roses. Reporter this is fassbenders second nomination playing the role of steve jobs. Reporter and trumbos Bryan Cranston is up for his first oscar ever. Im delirious about it. Im real happy about it. Reporter but this years favorite is dicaprio in the brutal drama the revenant. Its us immersed in this world. Its very rewarding. Leo is one of those stars who seems to be nominated every single year and shockingly has never won. Reporter look, thats dicaprio in 1984 nominated for whats eating gilbert grape, then the aviator, blood diamond and the wolf of wall street, but no win. Thats going to end. Its his year this year. Reporter in fact, hes won countless awards for the revenant including a Screen Actors Guild and golden globe. Find out if he takes home his first oscar sunday. Brandi hitt, abc news, hollywood. Look forward to sunday night. Uhhuh. Thats whats making news in america this morning. Have a great tuesday. Moring iowa in hd. We are iowas most accurate weather team. Good morning iowa starts now elias good morning iowa im elias johnson. Sabrina and im sabrina ahmed. Its x 00 am on tuesday february 23rd elias good to have everyone with us and its great to have central iowas most accurate forecast with meterologist sam schreier hey sam sam sam adlibs sam sam adlibs sam weather adlib average temperatures for this time in february are supposed to be in the upper 30s, but today we are headed into the mid to upper 40s even with mostly cloudy skies and a gentle wind, we should still get a nice warm up this afternoon to around 48 degrees here in the metro. Overnight the

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